update-newts · 2 years
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Newt-able game releases for today!
Developer Pulsmo releases their game StrayCatDoors and Publisher @Kairosoft
#gaming #GamingNews
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I redid the Reference because I wanted this little guy to be more cartoony- I removed the sewed on wings and made the three line whisker mark take the place of the splotch instead. Felt it it cluttered the design a bit. Sticker's form changes when he leaves his AU, SCDverse. He becomes a bit more "realistic", gaining eye definition and hands. I guess he can kind of revert to the simplified form if I wanted to use it for an emotion or comedic purposes SCDverse has changed a bit since the Old Reference But basically-
SCDverse is a crossover AU of Stray Cat Doors by パルスモ株式会社 | PULSMO,INC. A puzzle game with cats. Please play it if you like the sound of that, There's 3 games out at the time of writing this.
This self indulgent crossover AU of mine has evolved into so much more- It's basically kind of loosely connected to Stray Cat Doors now like how UTMV is to Undertale, you know?
But Moving on- Sticker is an Ink variant and SCDverse is like a kids show where everyone knows they are in one and Sticker is the Protagonist [Because I love Ink]. Though Everyone knows they are in a kids show it's more like the knowledge of having The Audience there with you and they just live with that knowledge. Sticker is the only one who's trying to help the Audience directly.
Since SCDverse is so safe and Perfect- The Cast can't even comprehend of why would anyone hurt someone, the most you can get is slapping or tripping someone, really. You can't die here and so the Cast doesn't know what death is.
In short, SCDverse is aggressively family friendly.
And also- I am open to questions about Sticker and SCDverse, please ask away!
If you ever want to make Fanart of Sticker and SCDverse, please do! I'll be very flattered and please @ me too.
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yuni-bells · 5 years
Stray Cat Doors Walkthrough/Guide (Complete)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
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Stages 1-3 Stages 4-6
yuni-bells: I’ll add pictures/illustrations, as well as edits to this! I just wanted to post this for now! Hope it’ll help!
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illusivegore · 5 years
Gore Reviews Stray Cat Doors
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Release Date: January 31, 2019 Platforms: Switch (reviewed), Android, iOS
The Nintendo Switch eShop is packed with games and dozens of new ones release on a weekly basis. This makes it rather hard to not only keep up with all the new content, but also weed out the good from the bad. Every once in a while though, a game will stick out and catch my attention. Stray Cat Doors is one such game. Initially drawn in by its cutesy graphics and low price point, I decided to give it a chance and was lucky enough to find a rather delightful experience.
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Stray Cat Doors is an escape room game. This means in order to finish each level you’ll be tasked with solving puzzles to open a door. The reason your solving these puzzles in Stray Cat Doors is rather vague as the game is light on story, but from what I gathered you’re a little girl trying to open these doors in order to find her missing cats. It’s pretty simple stuff, but this type of game doesn’t need a well thought out story to be effective.
The gameplay will be what draws most people to Stray Cat Doors, and while it’s similar to other escape room games, it’s also unique in plenty of ways. Most games in this genre are all about tense, pressure-filled situations, with most having a time limit where your ineptitude at puzzle solving will ultimately lead to your demise. Stray Cat Doors is a much more Zen experience. There are no time limits, no rankings or level grades, and no pressure. It’s all about chilling out and solving each puzzle at your leisure. To drive this point home, each level has its own serene environment (from the beach to a picturesque Christmas scene) and laid-back music track. This is the type of game that is perfect for decompression after sessions with more intense games.
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The puzzles you’ll be solving are pretty standard for the genre. You’ll have to search for items in the environment that will allow you to interact with other items, find hidden patterns and codes, and unlock a variety of locked objects. Doing these things will usually find you a piece of a cat puzzle, and once you’ve found all the pieces (usually four), you can open the door and exit the level. The puzzles skew more towards the easy side but will still take some thinking to solve most. This makes it perfect for newcomers to this style of game or anyone just looking for a more casual experience. There are no obtuse, off-the-wall solutions that seem to pop up in other games like this, which was a huge positive for me. There’s even a hint system if you do happen to get stuck, so progression will never be an issue.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much progression to be had in Stray Cat Doors as the game only consists of six levels. Each level is unique and fun to work through while it lasts, but at most you’re only looking at a couple hours to see everything. There is a bonus mode that unlocks for each stage once you finish all six, but those only take a matter of seconds to complete, so there aren’t a lot of reasons to revisit stages. I would have loved a few more levels to play through, but at its price point (around $3) and with the quality of the levels that are offered up, I can’t fault it too much for the short length.
The Switch version of Stray Cat Doors is a port of a mobile game, so you’ll be able to play it in a couple different ways. You can either use the touchscreen or joy-cons to control the game. I found that touchscreen is the best way to go as it makes for a much quicker and more enjoyable experience. You can also switch between horizontal and vertical views, depending on your preference. It should also be noted that the pro controller is not supported.
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Stray Cat Doors probably isn’t going to blow you away by any means, but it’s still a delightful little game. It’s not very long and the puzzles aren’t the hardest, but it’s adorable and weirdly therapeutic at times. If you’re looking for a laid-back, casual puzzle game I’d highly recommend giving this one a shot as it’s one of the best I’ve played in a while.
Score: 4 out of 5
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kdeblog · 8 years
Sticky Window Snapping, mejorando el comportamiento de las ventanas en Plasma 5 #KDE
Cuando crees que el control de los elementos de Plasma no puede ser más completa, la Comunidad KDE te sorprende. Hoy os quiero presentar Sticky Window Snapping, un script de Kwin que mejora ostensiblemente el comportamiento de las ventanas en Plasma 5 y que funciona a la perfección.
Sticky Window Snapping, mejorando el comportamiento de las ventanas en Plasma 5
De la mano de Flupp nos llega un script para Kwin que dota de nuevas funcionalidades a las ventanas de Plasma 5. Se trata de Sticky Windows Snapping con el que las ventanas adquieren propiedades pegajosas entre ellas, con lo que su manejo mejora considerablemente.
Su funcionamiento básico es el siguiente: al acercar los bordes de dos ventanas éstas quedan imantadas, de forma que una vez unidas pueden redimensionar una respecto a la otra. Además, estos efectos se pueden activar o desactivar utilizando atajos de teclado.
  Por cierto, si os ha gustado y lo utilizáis no estaría de más agradecer el trabajo a Kuser con comentarios, votos positivos y compartiéndolo, ya que como comenté en una entrada en el blog: Un simple gracias también ayuda.
Más información: KDE Store – KWin Scripts
Cómo instalar Sticky Widows Snapping
La instalación de este Script es muy sencilla ya que se realiza directamente desde las Preferencias del Sistema. Los pasos exactos son los siguientes:
Iniciamos el Lanzador de aplicaciones o Kickoff
Clicamos en la Preferencias del sistema.
Ahora pinchamos en Gestión de Ventanas.
Nos dirigimos a la sección de Guiones de KWin.
Ahora pinchamos en Obtener nuevos guiones.
Buscamos Sticky Windows Snapping y pinchamos en Instalar.
Ahora activamos el guión y pulsmos en Aplicar.
Sencillo y, a partir de ahora, imprescindible en todos mis escritorios Plasma de mis ordenadores.
    from Sticky Window Snapping, mejorando el comportamiento de las ventanas en Plasma 5
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[I made a New Reference, this post is the Old Reference for Sticker.] HEHEHEHEHEEHHEHEHE SCDverse is a crossover AU of Stray Cat Doors by パルスモ株式会社 | PULSMO,INC. A puzzle game with cats. Please play it if you like the sound of that, There's 3 games out.
This self indulgent crossover AU of mine has evolved into so much more- It's basically kind of loosely connected to Stray Cat Doors now like how UTMV is to Undertale, you know?
But Moving on- Sticker is an Ink variant and SCDverse is like a kids show where everyone knows they are in one and Sticker is the Protagonist [Because I love Ink]. Though Everyone knows they are in a kids show it's more like the knowledge of having The Audience there with you and they just live with that knowledge. Sticker is the only one who's trying to help the Audience directly.
Since SCDverse is so safe and Perfect- The Cast can't even comprehend of why would anyone hurt someone, the most you can get is slapping or tripping someone, really. You can't die here and so the Cast doesn't know what death is.
In short, SCDverse is aggressively family friendly.
And also- I am open to questions about Sticker and SCDverse, please ask away!
If you ever want to make Fanart of Sticker and SCDverse, please do! I'll be very flattered and please @ me too.
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yuni-bells · 5 years
Stray Cat Doors - Walkthrough/Guide (Stages 4-6)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
Stage 4 
Tap the binoculars on the chair, and tap on the cave in the distance. You’ll see arrows: up, left, right, right when the compass is facing north. Go to the left side of the boat, and tap on the compass. Because you’re facing east, the equivalent of the cave directions would be to swipe right, up, down, down. You’ll get the first puzzle piece.
Tap the table with food, and solve the sliding puzzle on the suitcase. Go to the left side of the boat to see how to move the mouse family. Go back to the food with table, and get 1 piece of chicken, two slices of apples, and a plate of cupcakes. Then, tap on the mouse family near the bottom of the screen. Give the chicken to the dad, the apples to the mom, and the cupcakes to the baby. The mouse family will leave, and you’ll collect the missing piece of the slider puzzle. Place it in the slider puzzle, and you’ll open the suitcase. You’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Observe the signboard and throw floater rings around the dolphins in that order. Go to the right side of the boat, and tap on the ocean/sea. Tap on the dark circles in the order you saw the sign said, and you’ll get a fish from the dolphin. Go to the left side of the boat, and tap on the yellow bird statue. Place the fish in its mouth. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Get the net, and fish out the corkscrew in the water. Read the book on the table, and you’ll see this: four birds on page 1, five dolphins on page 10, and two boats on page 100. When you multiply these and add these together, you’ll get 254. Enter this code into the blue box on the left side of the boat. Use the corkscrew to open the wine bottle, and you’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Tap on the door to enter the inside of the boat. You’ll get a fish on top of the shelf under the window of Stage 2.
Stage 5
Press the potted plant and get the pawn piece, and don’t forget the scissors. Get the broom by the door, and sweep the pile of leaves to get the king chess piece and a diagram. Then, go to the bookshelf in the top-left corner, and click on the thick red book. Open it to get the horse chess piece. Then, place the pawn, king, and horse on their designated places in front of the chessboard. Doing so will prompt you to place them on the actual chessboard. To know the right positions, click on the giant chessboard at the back, and mimic the positions of the chess pieces. You’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Go to the plants, and observe the plants. You’ll need to remember the positions of the aerial plants for the last puzzle piece, but focus on the lower plants for now, and tap them. Right now, the shadows are a mess, so rearrange them to find numbers. You should end up with numbers formed by the shadows: 1, 5, 2, 3, 5. Go to the birdcage with a golden horse piece, and type this code into padlock. Place the golden horse piece into the hole of the giant horse chess piece. You’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Remember the diagram? Well, get the painted pumpkin, and place it in the vase of water. The vase has a vine hanging on its edge. The pumpkin will reveal a pattern. Remember the pattern, and go press the small box to the right of the door. Copy the pattern there, and you’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Go back to the bookshelf and use the broom to knock down the box on top. Remember the aerial plants: Purple (highest), blue (third), red (second), yellow (lowest)? Mimic this on the slider of the fallen box. Now, use the flashlight to shine light under the couch and get a key. Use the key to open the drawer and get the last puzzle piece.
Tap on the door to enter. You’ll get a jack-o-lantern near the shelf.
Stage 6
Tap on the wooden logs and add one to the fireplace. Then you can see the red lightbulb amidst the spools of yarn. Find the green lightbulb beside the snowman plate with cookies. Place them in the lamp, and switch it on. You’ll see two times: 12:50 and 6:10. Go to the clock beside the snowglobe and input the time for 6:10. You’ll get the roman numeral I which looks like the capital letter I. Look at the doormat, and observe the dark spots. Now, go to the snowglobe, and make sure the blue mimics the positions of the dark spots. Once you’ve finished, tap all the buttons to get the key. Use the key to unlock the glass case surrounding the clock, below the TV. Change the time to 12:50, and you’ll get the roman numeral V which looks like the capital V. Place the I and the V on the picture frame with “Merry Christmas” but with missing letters. You’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Mix the creamer with the coffee to get a snowflake shape. Then, press all the snowflakes that match the picture you saw in the creamer. Use the remote to turn on the tv. Remember the music notes and their placement, especially the first three. Go to the picture with musical notes as its code, and copy the placement of the first three. You’ll get the second piece!
Check out the photo album on the table, and you’ll see numbers: 1, 1, 2, 4, 1. Now, go to the board game, and check out the letters. Count one space from start, and you’ll get D. Count another space, and you’ll get R. Count two spaces from R, and you’ll get E. Continue until you’re done! You’ll get the word DREAM. Go find the picture frame which has the picture of the beach. Type DREAM there. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Remember the markings on the window? The one with the arrows and the paw print? Use that to open the drawers behind the spools of yarn. Open it from the bottom, left drawer, middle right, top left, top right, middle left, bottom right. You’ll get a key which will unlock the picture frame with the picture of rain. You’ll get the fourth puzzle piece!
Remember the snowman in the snowglobe? Visit it again, and pay attention to its buttons: green, red, yellow, blue. Now, go to the number cookies on the table. You’ll find a green one, red seven, yellow nine, and blue four. Put these numbers in the remaining picture frame in this order. You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Tap on the door to enter. You’ll get a snowman on one of the shelves.
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yuni-bells · 5 years
Stray Cat Doors - Walkthrough/Guide (Stages 1-3)
A Cute Escape Game by PULSMO, INC., available on both iOS and Android
Stage 1
Tap the key; while it’s selected, unlock the gate
Press the door of house, then tap the boots. Get the bicycle bell, and go back to the wide view. Tap the bike, and, while the bell is selected, tap the bike again.
Remember the symbols under the frog. Go back to the wide view, and tap on the trash can with a lock. Copy the code accordingly to get the first puzzle piece for the cat.
Tap on the box behind the bush in the bike area, and tap it again to open it. You’ll get the second puzzle piece.
Memorize the numbers and colors of the boats (9-blue, 4-yellow, and 3-green).
While you’re in the area, tap on the bucket. Select it again when it is in your inventory, and it will be filled with water. Go back to the wide view. Tap on the umbrella and on the hole under it. Then, tap on the bucket filled with water and tap on the hole. You’ll get the third puzzle piece.
Back to the numbers and colors. Go back to the wide view, and tap on the red mailbox on the left. Input the numbers you saw according to color (3, 9, 4). You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get an umbrella beside the door in the menu!
Stage 2
Press the table, and get the candle and the matches. Press the area with the shelf with the nutcracker and the snowman. Place the candle beside the snowman, and light it with the matches. The snowman will melt, and you’ll get the first puzzle piece!
Turn on the lights of the Christmas tree, by pressing the light switch near the trunk, on the floor. Then, tap on the ladder area, and turn off the lights. Go back to the Christmas tree, and get the red ball with a black outline. Go back to the nutcracker, and press the nut in its mouth. Now, place the red ball in its mouth, and tap it to get the second puzzle piece!
Collect the fallen reindeer with a sleigh under the tree, and go back to the wide view. Tap the red box near the ladder, and tap the Santa doll on the shelf. Tap the red box again. Press the reindeer pulling the sleigh, and tap the red box. Place the Santa doll on the sled pulled by the reindeer. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Observe the red and green stars. Remember their order (green, red, red, green, red). Now, tap on the cuckoo clock with the hanging red and green stars. Press the stars in the order above. You’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get a Christmas tree decor on top of your shelf in the menu!
Stage 3
Tap the shovel and the watering can. Go to the area with the treats on the table, and click the withering plant. Water it with the watering can to get the first puzzle piece!
Use the shovel to dig up the small piles of dirt across the lawn. You’ll come across numbers (11, 28, and 69). Then, go to the addition, code-thing near the bird box. Add all the numbers you saw to get  108. Place the code there, and you’ll get the second puzzle piece!
Click on the stony path leading to the entrance of the house. Remember the footprints: two of a frog’s; three of a duck’s; four of a rabbit’s. Go back to the wide view, and click on the rabbit statue on the bottom right. Press the buttons according to the number of footprints. I pressed the stones this way: twice in the middle, thrice on the right, and four times on the left. You’ll get a key, so go back to the table with treats. Press on the chair, and use the key to unlock the diary. You’ll get the third puzzle piece!
Go back to the table with treats, and get the cat biscuit. Four symbols and colors will be revealed: red bunny, blue fish, yellow butterfly, pink flower. Then, look at the treats and pay attention to the plate colors. The topmost plate is red, and the symbol that is also red is a bunny. Tap on the bunny treat, and you’ll see a number. Do the same for the rest of the treats, and you should get: (red bunny, 4; pink flower,1; yellow butterfly, 3; blue fish, 2). Go to the birdbox, and type the code in order: pink, blue, yellow, red. Place the cat cookie from the inventory into the bird box, and you’ll get the last puzzle piece!
Go back to the wide view, and tap on the door to enter the house. You’ll get a bunny plushie near your feet in the menu!
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