#puppet verse
blindmagdalena · 2 years
Hi! I’ve recently fallen into a homelander rabbit hole and your blog has quickly become one of my favorites so if you’re asking for prompts, I’ll deliver! What about ❛ you’ve got an awfully kissable mouth. ❜ or ❛ his dark eyes took me in, and i wondered what they would look like if he fell in love. ❜
Keep up the awesome writing!!
For months, you're proud to say that you've been a particularly prickly thorn in Homelander's side. With the rise of what Vought has patent-pending branded as "super villains," you prefer to think of yourself as a "medium villain." When you escaped from Sage Grove Center, you didn't have any spectacular plans for world domination. In fact, you couldn't give less of a fuck about this world. You've been experimented on, tortured, ridiculed, and now... You're free, and you have power. Unfortunately, you're also a loose end that Vought, and by extension, the Homelander, needs tied off.
AO3 Link.
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literarycinematics · 1 year
"i'm so normal about this piece of media" i say, fresh from consuming it for the 5th time this month
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unbloodiedmartyr · 1 month
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JEFF: You're asking our candidate to put their head in a noose. It's a PR disaster waiting to happen-
SHRUE: No. No, I like it.
I am not going to be able to voice this in a manner that is at all comprehensible, but this moment in s2 where Shrue volunteers to put their head in a noose is just so narratively rich. Firstly, we get such a good idea of where their head is at at the beginning of their arc. We know they have moral values and want to do what's right but they're only willing to take symbolic action, something that they don't truly believe can put them in harms way. Through the symbol of the noose, we also see how they are willing to strangle themselves, masking their true beliefs, in order to appeal to the majority. However, this moment also really encapsulates their naivety and blind faith in the system. They think they are protected and genuinely believe that they can make a change. They are willing to put their head in the noose because they trust that it will not be tightened and, of course, they pay the ultimate price for this loyalty!! Shrue backs themselves into a corner again and again, making so many concessions in the hope that the small reforms they do get through will be able to shift the narrative. They delude themselves into thinking that they are being taken seriously, that the summit will be productive, that what they have been doing actually matters. Of course, all this is doing is setting them up as a scapegoat for when things go awry. They have quite literally stuck their neck in the noose and don't even realise it!! Ultimately, by the time they work up the courage to pull to wool from their eyes, it is too late. They are fated to be strung up as a scapegoat, the worst of all of us, anathema to everything that their people (the people they loved and had such faith in) stand for.
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orangetintedglasses · 3 months
@forgivenpunishment // one taser might not do it, but what about...?
Holding off a wave of people was no small effort.
Keeping an army off the back of another person while throwing yourself in harm's way, regardless of your strength, was something noble. Something that deserved praise, recognition; the undertaker's efforts would not go unnoticed.
... unfortunately for him, though, it wasn't Vash that they wanted. It wasn't Vash that would be swarmed by fully-amped stun batons and tasers and more bodies trickling in, crowding the hall to prevent escape, or even basic movement that might've allowed him to get the upper hand as some old, croaking voice shrieked don't kill him! We need him alive, he's useless to us dead...!
That had been nearly an hour ago, now, though. Trivial. Shouts and crackles of electricity had been replaced by the din of machines; the hum of glaringly bright surgical lights; the slow, steady blip of a heart monitor keeping track of vitals as six men bustled around the surgical table that they'd strapped him to. They'd cut him out of his clothes to save time, as well; naked save for the various nodes and monitors they'd fastened to him, and a clean, white sheet over his hips that went down to mid-thigh.
Was that sparing his dignity, or theirs? It didn't really matter, did it. No, no, what mattered now was how the subject was feeling whenever he came to again--
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Max Caulfield being called an "angel" as a result of using her ultimately apocalyptic time powers to save a life versus Rachel Amber being called an "angel" as a side effect of the pedestal she's on that can't prevent her from being murdered versus Daniel Diaz being called an "angel" as a tool of exploitation and abuse. is this anything.
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pronouncingitwang · 3 months
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catching up in time for the finale thank you podcasts
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elcucurucho · 6 months
obviously you can do whatever you want but there’s nothing that immediately turns me off a piece of fan content faster than a complete refusal to engage with the source material
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404-mind-not-found · 8 months
Draw your comfort characters like this
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(source: Camp Camp) I'll start! Here's mine.
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toomanywatchers · 9 months
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kiigan · 3 months
@akasunaa ~ continued from [here]
ㅤSeconds trickle by, but the silence is not uncomfortable. It could have been, what with technically speaking to a doll with some remnants of human nature in it, yet Itachi has always found it fascinating more than anything else. Not in the sense of longing for that sort of immortality, the gods know he's been ready to die himself for almost a decade now, but the essence of it all. Ever captivated by matters that he doesn't truly understand yet, compelled to learn more about it.
ㅤNot that there's ever been much chance, because the Akatsuki isn't the social club down the street where members go to drink coffee and share gossip. Mostly, he meets Sasori in passing when they happen to be at a same hideout at the same time, or during short reunions such as when everyone gathers to extract a tailed beast. It's even rarer to be granted a glimpse at Sasori's actual body, rather than Hiruko, so can he truly be blamed for his curiosity? As much as Itachi can easily be described as an ancient eldritch entity inhabiting a young body never mind how said young body is falling apart with illness, at the same time he's also a child's soul always ready to inquire about literally everything in the world.
Which is, exactly, why he hasn't left yet. Should Sasori be displeased with his presence, he'll surely make it known.
ㅤ«Do you grieve for them? Your puppets, I mean. It's not unusual for you to treat them as still human, and I can't help but wonder if you form attachments.» Is this out of place? Too intrusive? Rude, even? Again, he's certain that the older man will let him know, if it is the case. So Itachi patiently awaits the potential response, interest shimmering in the crimson sea of his irises.
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silvertws · 5 months
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twoa-plus · 1 month
hello my gravity falls obsession from like 3rd grade is back for obvious reasons and i’m losing my mind. this is only the beginning expect more unhinged ramblings in the future
anyways. weird details about ford. i need to put this man in the washing machine and watch him spin around in there
so the first thing i want to establish here is that i am not a medical professional. i’m sure there’s other people that could give you way more details about this than i could, this is just based on my understanding. with that being said ford is Weird, not in the sense of “i mean yeah the dude’s kind of eccentric that’s his whole thing” but in the “hey that’s. that’s not how human beings work” way
the first thing is the polydactyly. again not a professional this is just from my understanding but his specific case is like. crazy. like the odds of someone with polydactyly having an extra digit on both hands, both feet, and all four of those extra digits being fully developed and functional are basically zero
the second thing is his mind. the dude defied the laws of physics for his high school science fair and then proceeded to get 12 phds by the time he went missing in his 30s. i don’t even have to say anything else that’s just insane on its own. there’s also the whole thing of fiddleford getting sucked into the portal for like 2 seconds and ending up Like That while ford was in there for 30 years and he’s just. fine. like i know there were some different circumstances around those incidents but ford has still undeniably Seen Some Shit and the fact that he’s pretty much the same level of crazy he was before that is WILD
i also have this screenshot from thisisnotawebsitedotcom
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again i don’t even have to say anything. just. damn alright i guess
anyways. in journal 3 he says “i am attracted to the strange, and the strange has always been attracted to me.” idk if he ever goes on to apply his “grand unified theory of weirdness” to himself (i think he does ?? i’ve heard people say that at least) i haven’t gone through the book in its entirety yet but if not i’m gonna do it for him. i am so 100% sure that this guy ended up in gravity falls because he, too, is paranormal
like, he’s still human, obviously. probably. he still has flaws and emotions and all that super fun stuff. but also this dude just straight up does not have the hardwired limits that other people do when it comes to The Horrors. like ford’s mental capacity goes beyond “hey man that’s a really cool math equation” and into “dude you’ve been having a casual conversation about the weather with a lovecraftian horror for like an hour how are you still sane” (i intend this as an exaggeration for the sake of making a point but honestly god knows what he saw during those 30 years dimension hopping lol). even outside of his encounters with the supernatural he still has so much raw intelligence that i feel like it should count towards his paranormal points
the extraordinary case of polydactyly is just a footnote at this point but i still thought it was worth mentioning lol. anyways. please give me more supernatural ford i need it
i like how it contrasts with stan too, like i don’t think stan has anything paranormal about him and that’s great imo. sure ford may or may not have a brain that goes beyond the biological limits of any other human being but stan has the raw unfiltered human Audacity. there is strength in intelligence and there is also strength in sheer willpower
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dcynight · 29 days
Shen looks up at Sun. the rodent tilting her head " Heeeey buddy.. It's time for your scheduled upkeep. " The rodent is dreading this. just hoping Sun won't freak out. - @murdxrxfcrxws
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The large jester sort of freezes in his spot. A pile of random toys in his arms that nearly fall out as he turned his attention towards her. His demeanor starts out calm-- But it's not hard to tell that he's quickly becoming nervous.
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"Oh...? A-Already??? I-- I thought that wasn't until NEXT month! M-Maybe you should check again!"
He's quickly speed-walking off to the other side of the room before she can speak. Fumbling with the toys in his arms before he puts them away in their rightful bin.
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deisbookofdemons · 8 months
(You know what this is for--)
Nova whimpered as Orion gently held his little sister, waiting for if their parents would be found. "It's... it's okay, you two," he said, murmuring to both of his sisters through Nova. "I'm sure they'll get mom and dad out of there."
They would eventually find Jovia and although she's weak and unconscious alive thankfully... but...
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boopicklejar · 1 year
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mrblank-0 · 2 months
Fused!Verse Fan-Art of Digital!Sans
Art made by @fancyking18
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Digital!Sans, The Fusion of Slash, Puppet/Sans, and Cursor!Sans
Slash!Sans by @itsxroxannex
Puppet!Sans by EpicNightmareSans
Cursor!Sans by NikkoNijime07 / Mandaryne
Original Design For Digital!Sans were made by
You can find more info about Fused!Verse at @theauthor0
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