#pure camphor oil
truveda · 5 months
Discover the Therapeutic Properties of Pure Camphor Oil
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Discover the purity of Truveda's camphor oil. Elevate your well-being with our premium, 100% pure camphor oil. Experience the therapeutic power and rejuvenating aroma. Shop now for the finest quality camphor oil!
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rootandrock · 1 year
Much Belated Hagging Out
Wormwood is a powerful vermifuge. At least, that’s what they say. Some say that it is a poison that kills the parasites and others suggest that it’s more about cramping so hard you do the expelling manually.
It ejects, it scours, it cleanses. Not so “scorched and salted earth” as some herbs, but it uproots violently and throws [whatever] out in its face. Green Lady isn’t strictly a “wormwood”, though her Southernwood family is known for keeping out pests through their pungent lemon-camphor scent. Magically, however, she shares in that empire of purgation.
I should have expected that doing this Work would have side-effects. 
I did not. Because I’m kinda dumb.
I have told Green Lady’s story before. Over, and over, and over. There’s not much new to say. Our paths are probably too entangled to untangle. When I felt a call to do a specific Work I knew it would be with her. There is no other candidate for this intimate exploration except her. This is like trying a new sex act, or traveling to an unknown country: You do it with someone you trust implicitly, explicitly, and completely.
I’m not going to spell out what The Work is - it’s not quite ready to describe, if it ever is - but it begins with an infusion of plenty of Southernwood into pure grain alcohol. 
I trimmed a ton of her bitter, feathery, bits in the appropriate day and hour (she’s damned near doubled in size since then), and I lovingly air-dried them on the top of my altar, turning daily until they were crispy enough to crumble with my fingertips. And infuse I did. 
What I expected was a slow batch that took days or weeks to darken. What I got was an instantaneous flush of green so intense that it looked like ink. I didn’t realize it was possible for chlorophyll to just… do that. I’ve paid for watercolor paints less intense.
(She won’t let me take a photo, but I want you to imagine a small sample of Moldavite-green liquid in a large vintage glass canning jar.)
In a previous “infusing” Hagging Out, the one where I re-batched my altar oil, I explained how she holds an untarnished moment for me. She’s got a little piece of the parts of me from Before. She kept it for me, the way I kept a bit of her.
It was then that I started this Work without even realizing it. I hadn’t quite kicked the hornet’s nest yet, but I was certainly lining up the punt. I began to kick up the Weird just to see if-… see what-… 
Okay, let’s be brutally honest: To see if I was still me. If the woo was still there. If the connections I’d worked so hard to establish were still alive. I’d been in a fallow period with my practice since my mother died.  I kicked things up to see what was left in the smoking crater. And if the crater was as bad as I thought and, well…
It wasn’t bad at all, really. The crater was me, not around me. The destruction was upstairs, not out there. They had all been patiently waiting for me to perk up. 
But then (because I am me) I went “You know what’d be a great idea? If I didn’t ease back into things at all, and instead walked directly up to the most monumental Work possible, and started a hockey brawl with it.” And then I intentionally, willfully, wantonly, attempted to throw hands with the Numinous. Within a day the synchronicities started to happen. The weird ones. The ones where you can’t be shocked or skeptical you just sort of go “Well, that’s… a thing that happened.” And it kept happening. People I hadn’t thought of or spoken to in literally 20+ years started sliding across my Tumblr dashboard or showing up as moderators on facebook groups being suggested to me. But did I stop? God no, why would I do that?
Buy the ticket and take the ride. And the ride has been intense. Better I avoid toeing up to that topic, honestly.
Since this has been two years in a row of revisiting this particular relationship in this particular way, I’ve decided to enshrine it. Whatever moon is full earliest in June is Green Lady’s Moon. The new moon begins the process of reconnection with the plant world, strengthening of ties, etc. The full moon will be for re-establishing connection with myself and my personal ties in Ritual. And the waning moon… Purgation. Heaving whatever isn't working, and is just "taking" out the door, kicking it in the ass for good measure. 
This entry is heavily redacted. If the tone seems weird that’s because it’s been edited, edited, and edited again.
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enchanted-moura · 1 year
2. It refreshes the mind and body.
Pure botanical fragrances, especially essential oils, can give us a wide range of emotional, physical, and emotional benefits. The most refreshing of the oils are the citruses, such as lemon and grapefruit, and the conifer oils such as spruce, pine, and fir.
Refreshment can also come from relaxation and deep rest, assisted by lavender, clary sage, jatamansi, and geranium.
It can come from the spices frequently used in incense-making, such as cloves, cinnamon and camphor. Sweet fragrances are particularly important for refreshment, as the Charaka Samhita of Ayurveda tells us, sweet smells maintain youth, vigor, and give a long life. A rejuvenator, they also increase sensual enjoyment.
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subir-astrologer · 6 months
According to vedic astrology one goes thru rough situations due to the activation of the malefic planets in their horoscope. The activation results of a malefic planet are more effective during is mahadasha ruling period as its is the maximum period that a planet has for its ruling.
In order to pacify the negative impact of the malefic planet, in vedic astrology there are many remedies prescribed by the Great sages of past.
In vedic astrology there are many remedies to pacify a malefic planet and one among them is donations.
Donating items / things as per the planet’s significance will pacify that planet and donation should be done with pure and honest heart. It should not be done with an intension of doing it for remedy ( all though it is done for remedy ).
sun related donations are wheat, jaggery, copper, gold etc to a government servant hence donation should be done on Sunday afternoon
Moon related donations are water, cooked food, couch, milk, rice, silver, pearls to a motherly figure especially from the business community on Monday evening period
Mars is a soldier hence the donation to security force related to people who are celebrate even watchmen is good on Tuesday afternoon, donation related to mars are rewadi, patasa, red dal & cloth, copper, coral , tandoori roti etc.
Mercury is a child hence donation to young student of green cloth &vegetables, book, pens, moong dal etc on Wednesday evening.
Jupiter related donations are kesar, chana dal, haldi, yellow flower, banana etc to senior teachers , priests or respected person of your locality on Thursday morning.
Shukra related donations are silk cloth, ghee, makhan, white sandalwood, cow, camphor, sugar & cloths etc to young women on Friday evening
Saturn related to iron, leather, til, sarso, blue sapphire, edible oil, coal etc to working class poor old man on Saturday any time.
Rahu is related to shadow so umbrella black urad & til plastic sheet, fake coins, gomed, coconut, seesa (lead) on amavas evening.
Ketu is related to multi coloured cloth, blankets , multi or mixed grain food, cats eyes, digging equipment, mustard oil etc to roaming sadhu whenever you spot them or when moon is transiting in ketu nakshatra.
Donation should be done for functional malefic or natural malefic afflicting one’s horoscope and specially in their mahadasha ruling period.
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parfumieren · 1 year
Esprit du Tigre (Heeley)
Years ago I worked in a New Age shop owned by a socialite with alimony to burn. She ran the shop as if it were the entrepreneurial equivalent of vanity license plates-- her name on the business cards; otherwise, as little involvement as possible. She didn't seem to expect much effort from me, either. Every day I came to work, lounged around, read metaphysical books, played Loreena McKennitt CDs, and sampled the perfume oils that filled the countertop tester racks.
Most were predictable New Age fare-- patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla, musk. But there was one tester that excited me from the moment I unscrewed the cap: basil essential oil. Expecting the scent of the fresh green leaf (or possibly even a murky pesto accord), I was startled to discover instead the distinct cinnamon-wintergreen scent of old-fashioned ribbon candy. I promptly purchased my own bottle, which I still own today.
Have you ever eaten ribbon candy? It's bulky, sharp-edged, painful to chew, and attracts a diabolical amount of dust if left to sit in an open candy dish. On the other hand, it comes in dozens of gorgeous jewel-tone colors, looks fantastic piled high in a glass jar (with lid, of course), and smells divine. It may be hard to justify a candy that exists only for appearance and aroma, rather than for eating. Yet ribbon candy seems so eager to please that it's difficult to hold a grudge against it-- and so it's one of my favorite things. Even today, the sight and smell of it seem to me like emissaries from my childhood.
Aside from the candy dish -- and that surprise encounter in the New Age boutique -- I never expected to stumble across that reminder anywhere else. Imagine my surprise, then, when almost two decades later, I opened a sample vial of "serious" perfume and found my childhood inside!
I'd been given to understand that James Heeley's Esprit du Tigre drew its inspiration directly from Tiger Balm, the Chinese traditional remedy famous for its quaintly attractive packaging. I happily use Tiger Balm liniment myself, so despite warnings about EdT's medicinal qualities, I went looking for its magic.
Did I find it? Without a doubt. Tiger Balm? Maybe just a touch. Ribbon candy?
Scads of it.
Remembering my last encounter with this beloved scent, the only thing to do was to fetch my bottle of pure basil oil and conduct a two-arm simultaneous scent test. The verdict: a stunning counterfeit of nature.
Esprit du Tigre contains no basil oil (and neither, incidentally, does Tiger Balm). The accord I interpret as basil is a hologram artfully constructed of everything but the real deal. Yet James Heeley has taken that girly-pink, confectionary accord far beyond its natural, linear limit. Esprit du Tigre tempers basil's piercing sweetness with hot, earthy spices, adds a touch of camphor to keep it sparkly, then grounds it with the earthy salt-musk tang of vetiver-- in essence, lifting it out of the candy dish and recreating it as a grownup pleasure.
Such differences may be subtle, but they are also significant. I welcome the chance to discover what new memories, connections, and illusions Esprit du Tigre will unlock for me.
Scent Elements: Camphor, peppermint, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, vetiver
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aadhunikayurveda · 1 year
Best Manufacturer of Aromatherapy products in India
Aromatherapy is an alternate plant based treatment one can opt for and improve health of the body, mind and spirit. Any goods like diffusers, inhalers, body oils, massage oils, hot and cold compresses, etc. are appropriate since aromatherapy primarily relies on the sense of smell hence are quite popular and preferred.
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Aadhunik Ayurveda vitals is the best manufacturer of aromatherapy products because all the aromas like lavender, chamomile, sweet lime, orange, lemongrass, juniper, camphor, eucalyptus, peppermint, spearmint, rosemary, curry leaf, basil etc. are made at Aadhunik Ayurveda's own distillery using the conventional steam distillation method. These smells are more than just the aroma; they are also the plant's potent volatile chemicals, which can stimulate the body to heal itself.
Best Essential oil Manufacturer in India - We produce the top notch quality as was produced in ancient India. You can select to obtain essential oils that are completely pure and natural and that have been painstakingly extracted in a sophisticated distillation facility in Himalayan foothills, India.  We use steam distillation to prepare the variety we provide using freshly gathered flowers. This is due to the numerous advantages and applications of the essential oil created by Aadhunik Ayurveda, including -
Essential oils were first utilized as antibiotics by allopath's
.Because it is edible, it can be used as a natural and healthy aromatic and flavoring agent in foods and beverages such cakes, kheer, salads, soups, and curries.
Since it is made from plants and doesn't include any chemicals, it has excellent medicinal effects when inhaled.
Topical application, or application to the skin's surface, aids in skin hydration and healing.
This essential oil has only been steam distilled hence it is highly therapeutic.
The greatest quality essential oil is produced through a time- and labor-intensive procedure that involves obtaining raw materials, such as fresh or semi-dried herbs, directly from farmers and transporting them to Aadhunik Ayurveda's internal distillery. The best recognized method of steam distillation is used by Aadhunik Ayurveda to manufacture more than 40 different types of essential oils.
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We are aware that the medicinal value and safety of essential oils depend on their quality. Nonetheless, we use tried-and-true techniques, procedures, and activities to create premium essential oils. All of our items undergo a rigorous quality check before being handed to customers.
A team of quality assurance specialists carefully examines the elements, such as plant species, processing, packaging, and storage, that may have an impact on the quality of essential oils. Highly recommended for use in aromatherapy and medicine as these are ISO-certified goods. 
Custom formulation Aromatherapy products - We can distill any herb of your choice using our world-class facility and on-site distillery to provide you a distinct competitive edge in the market. Working with us is quite easy; from comprehending the requirements to moving on to prototype creation, doing compatibility and performance tests, to working on packing, designing, and labelling.
The leading manufacturer of skin care, health, and wellness products is Aadhunik Ayurveda Vitals, which has a sophisticated network for obtaining top-notch agricultural input from farmers to produce top-notch products. At Aadhunik Ayurveda, everything is done to ensure that the items you receive are of the highest quality and are free from adulteration. Get in touch with us through our email [email protected]
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svanatural · 1 year
Camphor Essential Oil
Camphor essential oil is powerful and versatile oil used for aromatherapy and skincare. With its strong, pungent aroma, camphor helps to reduce inflammation and calm the senses. Use it in your diffuser or create your own.
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joyceblok · 2 years
Winter wellness to nourish mind, body and skin
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While we love winter dearly, its extremes can be pretty harsh. So to help you thrive through what’s left of the chilly season we sat down at the JB HQ and curated some of the teams favourite seasonal tips to nourish mind, body and skin. 
Elevate your shower Tie a bundle of eucalyptus and rosemary leaves around your shower head. Not only does it look ‘spa-like’ but the steam and heat from the shower helps release the aromatherapy power of the plant to aid relaxation and an uplifted spirit.
Skincare Our Alpha-Beta Radiance Cleanser and Tonic Lotion are the perfect duo to bring light to the winter months. As a bonus, they work together to improve the moisture balance and smoothness of the skin. 
Thermal Balm Keep a thermal balm handy to warm the body and soothe the mind. We love Rosemary & Clove Thermal Balm - an ultra soothing botanical blend of menthol and camphor balm with pure essential oils, to reduce stress in tired muscles and accelerate the body’s own repair.
Schedule selfcare If selfcare doesn’t come naturally, a good way to get into the habit is to schedule it as you would anything else too important not to miss. Choose a soothing colour in your online calendar or physical diary and block it out. Try a larger block once a week as well as shorter daily occurrences. Once a month include an exciting selfcare event like a sound bath or spa visit to one of our JB Experts.
Sleep aid There’s nothing more nourishing for mind, body and beauty than a good night’s sleep. Mothermade’s PM blend help you reach a deeper sleep and replenish you while you do. It includes relaxing adaptogens to help wind down, powerful antioxidant action to help your skin glow, and prebiotic fibre for a happy, healthy gut. 
We hope these tips make winter all the more delicious. x
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dalywilkins98 · 2 years
Typically the Fine Art involving Japanese Incense
History The fine skill of Japanese Incense "Kodo, " will be one the almost all important facets of the Japanese culture. According to records Kanjin, Chinese language scholar and monk, brought the culture of incense to Japan while visiting to propagate Yoga during the Tang Dynasty. As the result of the constraints of typically the Japanese living requirements and the atmosphere, using incense had been restricted to typically the worshipping of Juggernaut while in the temple, plus occasionally scenting bedrooms and clothes. Nevertheless, the incense culture hadn't yet lengthened into everyday living. Alternatively, in the Japanese culture the background of Kodo began using the inflow associated with agarwood. It is usually believed a part of agarwood sailed ashore and the particular natives of Awjishima Island mistook it for regular fire wood. They were amazed at the scent that it produced although it was burning; this brought on them to existing it to typically the courtyard. Agarwood rapidly became well-known underneath the adoption plus promotion of students plus nobles. Customary Japanese Incense uses many types of rare bark and root base, for instance agarwood, cypress, peony, sandalwood, camphor, and magnolia since ingredients. The existence of incense relaxes the body refreshes your brain, and clears and harmonizes energy. Japanese Incense also has an incomparable popularity for purity in addition to quality. The ingredients within the incense are simple yet pure. The ability of creating incense needs a considerable amount associated with skill. The conventional blend of ingredients is prepared to ensure proper quality in addition to balance. These undisclosed formulations and skills are actually handed straight down through oral custom for centuries. リロケーション 東京 realestate relocation Tokyo Virtual assistant Japanese (Byakudan) Sandalwood is derived from an evergreen shrub that is developed in Indonesia, Of india, and Malaysia. Sandalwood's persistent forested, spicy scent makes that extensively applied to several religious ceremonies. Traditional Chinese medicines, real wood carvings, and incense also use Sandalwood. Its incense is created by hand rolling the paste involving sapwood onto bamboo bedding skewers. Sandalwood essential oil / sandalwood incense scent is explained to clarify typically the mind, awaken intellect, and aid yoga. The scent also soothes nervous stress, stress, calms the mind, and uplifts one's mood. It will be even said to be able to invigorate purpose, bravery, happiness, and strength.
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vrtherbal005 · 1 month
Olive Oil
"Experience the essence of healthy indulgence with every drizzle of olive oil."
"Discover the pure essence of health and taste with our premium olive oil. Elevate your dishes with the golden touch of our carefully crafted olive oil, perfect for cooking, dressing, and dipping.
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moanaessentials · 2 months
Discover the Best Rosemary Essential Oil: Top Picks and Benefits
Rosemary essential oil is a versatile and popular choice in aromatherapy and natural wellness practices. Known for its refreshing aroma and potential health benefits, finding the right rosemary essential oil can enhance your well-being and elevate your self-care routine. However, with so many options available, choosing the best rosemary essential oil can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know to make an informed decision.
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Understanding Rosemary Essential Oil:
Origin and History: Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean region. Its use dates back to ancient civilizations, where it was prized for its medicinal properties.
Extraction Process: Rosemary essential oil is typically extracted through steam distillation of the plant's leaves and flowers, resulting in a concentrated liquid with the herb's distinct aroma and beneficial compounds.
Aroma and Benefits: The aroma of rosemary essential oil is herbaceous, woody, and slightly camphoraceous. It is valued for its potential to promote mental clarity, improve memory, alleviate stress, and support respiratory health.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Rosemary Essential Oil:
Purity: Look for 100% pure rosemary essential oil without any additives or synthetic ingredients. Opting for organic or wildcrafted varieties can ensure the highest quality.
Source and Sustainability: Consider the sourcing practices of the brand. Sustainable harvesting methods and ethical sourcing contribute to environmental conservation and support local communities.
Extraction Method: Steam distillation is the preferred method for extracting rosemary essential oil, as it preserves the oil's integrity and therapeutic properties.
Quality Standards: Check if the oil meets industry standards and certifications for purity and quality, such as GC/MS testing results from third-party laboratories.
Different Varieties of Rosemary Essential Oil:
Chemotypes: Rosemary essential oil comes in different chemotypes, each with unique chemical compositions and therapeutic properties. Common chemotypes include cineole, camphor, and verbenone.
Scent Profile: While all rosemary essential oils share a characteristic herbal aroma, the scent may vary slightly depending on the chemotype and growing conditions.
How to Use Rosemary Essential Oil:
Aromatherapy: Diffuse rosemary essential oil in a diffuser to create an uplifting and energizing atmosphere. It can also be added to massage oils, bath blends, or homemade cleaning products.
Topical Application: Dilute rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba before applying it to the skin. It can be used in massage oils, hair care products, or as a spot treatment for blemishes.
Inhalation: Inhale rosemary essential oil directly from the bottle or add a few drops to a bowl of hot water for steam inhalation. This method can help clear congestion and improve respiratory function.
Safety Precautions and Considerations:
Dilution: Always dilute rosemary essential oil before applying it to the skin to avoid irritation or sensitization. The recommended dilution ratio is typically 1-3%.
Sensitivity: Some individuals may be sensitive to rosemary essential oil, especially those with sensitive skin or respiratory conditions. Perform a patch test and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.
Pregnancy and Medical Conditions: Consult a healthcare professional before using rosemary essential oil, especially during pregnancy or if you have underlying health concerns.
Popular Brands and Recommendations:
Research reputable brands that prioritize quality, transparency, and sustainability in their sourcing and production processes. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the effectiveness of the product.
Some well-known brands that offer high-quality rosemary essential oil include Plant Therapy, Aura Cacia, Now Foods, and Rocky Mountain Oils.
Choosing the best rosemary essential oil requires careful consideration of factors such as purity, source, quality standards, and intended use. By understanding these key aspects and following safety guidelines, you can confidently incorporate rosemary essential oil into your daily routine for its aromatic and therapeutic benefits. Whether you’re seeking mental clarity, respiratory support, or simply enjoy its invigorating scent, a high-quality rosemary essential oil can be a valuable addition to your natural wellness toolkit.
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chandigarhayurved · 2 months
How to Treat Fistula Naturally at home?
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In fistula painful pimples appear around the anus and burst. In this disease, the skin like vagina gets spread around the anus and vagina, which is called fistula. One face of this wound is inside the rectum and the other is outside. When fistula disease becomes more chronic, it creates a hole in the bone due to which pus keeps coming out from the bones and sometimes bleeding also occurs.
Causes of fistula
Most anal fistulas are caused by an infection that starts in an anal gland.
Previously drained anal abscess
Crohn’s disease or other inflammatory bowel disease
Trauma to the anal area
Infections of the anal area
Symptoms of fistula
Pus discharge through anus
Leakage of pus or blood around the buttocks or a hole around the buttocks
Swelling or severe pain in the area around the anus
Recurring formation of lumps or abscesses in the anus
Burning sensation while passing stools
Burning sensation in the anus area most of the time
How to treat fistula naturally at home
Clove is a great indian spice and you can easily find this in every household apart from being rich in flavors. It is also rich in anti-bacterial properties that prevent the growth of infection in your body which might be the primary cause of fistula.
You can add a pinch of clove powder in your tea to get similar benefits.
Tea tree oil
It is used for skin issues but also for numerous other health complications too. It has antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use tea tree oil for fistula as it kills the germs that cause infection. Mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and take a cotton pad and dip it in the oil mixture. Dab on the affected areas and leave it for 20-30 minutes. After that, wash it off.
Turmeric milk
It is a magical concoction that is known to boost health in multiple ways. It is rich in antibacterial properties which gives the required boost your immune system. It is indeed one of the best and most effective home remedy for fistula.
Make turmeric milk by boiling a pinch of turmeric powder in milk. You may add honey for sweetening the drink but do not add sugar.
Neem leaves are also used for the treatment of fistula. For this, take these leaves in the quantity of 5-5 gram of ghee and sesame seeds. Then grind it and mix 20 gram of barley flour in it and prepare its paste with the help of water. Now spread this paste on a piece of clean cloth and tie it in the fistula. There is a lot of benefit from this
Banana and camphor
A ripe banana and camphor are also very helpful for the treatment of fistula. Make a cut in the middle of ripe banana and put camphor equal to a gram in it and then eat it and do not eat or drink anything one hour before and one hour after eating it.
Prepare a paste by mixing honey and rock salt together. Then place this wick in the fistula. If you do this regularly then you will get definite benefits from it.
Fistula management According to Chandigarh Ayurveda Centre
Panchasakar Churan –
Panchsakar churna is a herbo mineral and purely ayurvedic formulation. It mainly works on your Vata and pitta dosha of your body. It can cure Chronic Constipation and help relieve symptoms of Acidity, indigestion, Belching and colic pain. It acts as a mild Laxative and reduces Bloating. It works very efficiently on a disease named IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) which is very common nowadays that affects your day to day activities. CAC Panchsakar churna is 100% natural and pure.
Recommended Dosage: Take 1 teaspoonful at bedtime with lukewarm water.
Triphala Syrup –
Triphala has been used in Ayurveda for many years to treat many diseases. As it is used to detoxify the body and also supports the immune system. It is the best anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral properties. The syrup is made up of Bibhitaki, Haritaki, Amalaki. Each fruit is thought to positively impact’s the body’s three doshas.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 teaspoonfuls thrice daily.
Arsh Care Tablet –
Arsh care tablet are pure Ayurvedic formulation. These tablets contains pure extract of Reetha Chhilka (Sapindus mukorossi) purified in Cow’s milk. The herb used for formulation of these tablets show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, laxative properties. It makes your stool soft and help prevent constipation. It is effective against bleeding piles and reduce the pain, burning sensation,irritation while defaecation, treat Fissures, Fistula.
Recommended Dosage – Take 2 tablets twice daily.
Jatiyadi Ghrita Lepam –
It is the best ayurvedic herbal remedy that can be used externally to get relief from the swelling, redness, discomfort, itchiness of the piles. It is very effective in calming the imbalance pitta. This lepam is formed from Patola, Nimba patra, Tuttha, Jati patra, etc. It possesses excellent antimicrobial activity and is very effective in controlling piles and fistula.
Method of Application – Apply the lepam on the affected area.
Kaishore guggulu Tablet –
Kaishore guggulu Tablet is a herbo- mineral 650 MG tablet. CAC Kaishore Guggulu tablet helps in balancing Pitta dosha in our body. Kaishore guggulu is an ayurvedic guggul formulation used for raised uric acid, Blood purification, mild to severe attacks of Gouty arthritis, inflammatory diseases, Wounds, Indigestion, Constipation, Loss of appetite, Diabetic carbuncles etc. Kaishore guggulu contains pure herbal ingredients such as Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Amla (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Shuddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Shunthi (Zingiber Officinale), Kalimirch (Piper Nigrum), Pipali (Piper Longum), Vidanga (Embelia Ribes), Nisoth (Operculina Turpethum), Danti Mool (Baliospermum Montanum), Goghrita etc. These herbs helps in regulating metabolism, cleans out toxins from the body and boosts immunity.
Recommended Dosage – Take 1 tablet twice daily.
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daniela--anna · 2 months
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🌿Lavender essential oil for children and the elderly, and also for our furry friends.
Lavender essential oil is an excellent remedy for emergency situations both on the skin and for moments of fear.
In fact, this oil has disinfectant and calming properties with immediate effect.
🌿 Lavender essential oil is the oil to always have with you during daily walks or excursions, even more so in the summer when you are more exposed to insect bites.
🌿Main uses:
•On burning skin
•When redness occurs
•To disinfect wounds
•To improve healing
•In case of sinusitis
•In localized swelling
and to support other essential oils
🌿Behavior (following the action principles of Bach Flowers)
Lavender is suitable in characters:
Too shy
Get excited
For those who are too 'on' (possessive character)
The scent of lavender is sweet, herbaceous, floral, slightly camphorated.
🌿 Actions: analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, calming, cardiotonic, carminative, healing, emmenagogic, hypotensive, sedative, tonic.
🌿Safety and precautions:
Lavender oil is the only one that can be used pure undiluted.
Even on the delicate skin of children, the elderly or animals.
Generally considered non-toxic, non-irritating and sensitizing, it provides immediate well-being.
🌿Maximum dilution 5 drops in 5 ml/1 teaspoon of other carrier oil (such as almonds or argan).
🌿It can be used pure in emergency first aid, even a case of tension headache.
( 📚The Aromatic Dog - Nayana Morgan)
Elettra Herbalist's shop
Personalized Natural Remedies
Cornedo Vicentino Vi
🌿Olio essenziale di lavanda per bambini e anziani, e anche per i nostri amici pelosetti.
L'Olio essenziale di lavanda è un ottimo rimedio per situazioni di emergenza sia sulla pelle che per momenti di paura.
Quest'olio infatti, ha proprietà disinfettante e calmante ad effetto immediato.
🌿L' olio essenziale di lavanda è l'olio da avere sempre con sè durante le passeggiate giornaliere o le escursioni, tanto più nella bella stagione quando si è più esposti anche alle punture d'insetti.
🌿Usi principali:
•Sulla pelle che brucia
•Quando si presenta un rossore
•Per disinfettare ferite
•Per migliorare la cicatrizzazione
•In caso di sinusite
•Nei gonfiori localizzati
e per supportare altri oli essenziali
🌿Comportamento (sulle tracce dei principi d'azione dei Fiori di Bach)
La lavanda è adatta nei caratteri:
Troppo timidi
Per chi sta troppo 'addosso' (carattere possessivo)
Il profumo della lavanda è dolce, erbaceo, floreale, leggermente canforato.
🌿Azioni: analgesica, antibatterica, antimicotica, antinfiammatoria, antisettica, antispasmodica, calmante, cardiotonica, carminativa, cicatrizzante, emmenagogico, ipotensivo, sedativo, tonico.
🌿Sicurezza e precauzioni:
L'olio di lavanda è l'unico che si può usare puro non diluito. Anche sulle pelli delicate di bambini, anziani o degli animali.
Generalmente ritenuto non tossico, non irritante e sensibilizzante, dona benessere immediato.
🌿Diluizione massima 5 gocce in 5 ml/1 cucchiaino di altro olio vettore (tipo mandorle o argan).
🌿Può essere utilizzato puro nel pronto soccorso d'emergenza, anche un caso di mal di testa tensivo.
( 📚The Aromatic Dog - Nayana Morgan)
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nagchampaagarbatti · 3 months
Benefits of Sandalwood Incense Sticks and Their Selection
Sandalwood belongs to the Santalum tree family. It gets its name from ‘Chandana,’ the Sanskrit word which means scented wood. Hence, sandalwood is cultural incense fragrance that takes us back centuries. It is a top fragrance among incense sticks for ages with its extensive benefits. It is also a prominent part of Indian culture. The ancient civilizations used pure sandalwood incense sticks for their purifying and healing properties. They are also a prominent part of rituals and religious ceremonies.
Sandalwood fragrance
Fresh sandal agarbatti has an exceptional fragrance. Its scent offers hints of a woody, milky, gentle, and long-lasting fragrance. The enchanting aroma of sandalwood blends with multiple fragrances. By blending with other fragrances, sandalwood creates a long-lasting scent, making it a prime fragrance among incense products like pure sandalwood incense sticks.
What fragrances blend well with sandalwood incense sticks?
Sandalwood works as a perfect base to blend different incense fragrances. It works as a core element for different fragrance combinations. Following are the fragrances that go well with Chandan incense sticks:
How to identify authentic sandalwood incense sticks?
Only reputed incense stick manufacturers in India, like Satya Incense, use authentic sandalwood for their incense sticks. Sandalwood powder is often sourced from Indian sandalwood. Many manufacturers utilize low-quality sandalwood that is not from the Santalum family. Hence, it is always essential to opt for reputed agarbatti manufacturing companies for authentic sandalwood incense sticks.
Advantages of sandalwood incense sticks
Sandalwood finds applications in multiple products, especially incense sticks. The soothing qualities of sandalwood make it a top fragrance among incense sticks. These incense sticks also offer the following benefits:
Sandalwood agarbatti reduces stress and anxiety with its soothing properties of elements like alpha and beta santalols, ultimately reducing stress levels.
This incense stick fragrance lowers blood pressure by addressing issues like hypertension and anxiety. Once these issues are resolved, the blood pressure levels also go down.
These incense sticks help to reduce insomnia and aid one get better sleep.
They help to alleviate depression symptoms with the antidepressant effect, as sandalwood stimulates the pineal gland once you inhale the fragrance by releasing serotonin.
These incense sticks work perfectly as an insect repellent to keep away mosquitos. It has been used for ages as an insect repellent, especially during summer, and also lowers the chances of insects entering your home.
Sandalwood also offers multiple benefits for the skin. The essential oil in the pure sandalwood incense sticks aids the skin with its extensive properties.
Selection of sandal incense sticks
It is essential to look at the following things before selecting orginal Chandan agarbatti as follows:
The first and foremost thing to remember before selecting sandalwood incense sticks is to opt for a reputed incense stick manufacturer in India, like Satya Incense.
Ensure the best-smelling incense sticks do not contain harmful, artificial, or low-quality ingredients.
Check how long the incense sticks burn.
Final thoughts
Sandalwood incense sticks offer an extensive range of benefits. However, you must purchase them from reputed incense stick exporters in India like Satya Incense. The second-generation incense manufacturer creates exceptional hand-rolled incense sticks. The fresh sandal agarbatti offers a perfect blend of sandalwood and other complementing elements to offer warmth and calmness. 
If you wish to explore an extensive range of fragrances along with sandalwood incense sticks, Satya Incense welcomes you to explore its premium incense sticks fragrances. We are a leading hand-rolled incense stick manufacturer and exporter. We offer sandalwood incense products like sandal dhoop batti, sandal dhoop cups, sandal dhoop sticks, and other incense products like dhoop cones, dhoop sticks, wax jar candles, and essential oils. For more information, visit our website today!
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Its antibacterial properties prevent infection from occurring within any open wound or cut. It has been utilized for first aid and wound therapy in many cultures. It kills microorganisms and speeds up the healing process. Its washing components relieve itchy and dry scalp, which promotes dandruff and irritation. It cleanses the scalp and keeps dandruff at bay. It also prevents dandruff-causing germs from colonizing the scalp. This is the most well-known effect of Pure Ravensara Essential Oil: its medicinal, camphor-like scent alleviates symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It provides a soothing impact on the neurological system, which helps the mind rest. It relieves discomfort and promotes relaxation throughout the body.
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haridarshanindia · 4 months
Harmony Haven: Scents for a Blissful Escape
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Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of peace and quiet can be difficult. However, for centuries, incense sticks has been used as a means of relaxation, meditation, and spiritual connection.
Hari Darshan is a unique brand committed to the environment and spiritual health, offering a collection of handcrafted incense  designed to transport you to a world of blissful escape.
Beyond Fragrance: The meaning and magic behind purposeful incense sticks
At Hari Darshan all incense sticks are carefully hand crafted in a pious manner. Each fragrance is carefully crafted from pure natural ingredients such as sustainably sourced wood, exotic resins, and fragrant flowers. The brand avoids synthetic fragrances and harmful chemicals, ensuring that its incense sticks are not only good for the senses, but also good for the environment.
A Journey to the Senses
Hari Darshan's incense collection features a diverse range of scents, each with its own  properties and benefits. From the calming scent of lavender to the invigorating scent of sandalwood, we have scents to suit every mood and purpose.
Natural Series: It’s a Premium Range of Incense Sticks. These incense sticks create an aromatic environment around you by making it more pleasant and peaceful. Immerse yourself in the soothing and long-lasting fragrance of these incense sticks which spreads to every corner.
Bamboo Less Dry Dhoop Sticks: It’s a popular alternative of popular traditional dhoop sticks, which are more eco-friendly and to burn cleaner. Its made from natural ingredients and its bamboo free available in variety of fragrances.
Sambrani Cups: Its very convenient  to add depth and ambiance to your religious ceremonies or simply create a relaxing atmosphere at your home. It’s a pre-filled cups containing a blend of resins, herbs, and other natural ingredients like loban, camphor, frankincense, guggal, sambrani and many more..
Crafting Aromatherapy – Essential oils with benefits which are used in our incense sticks 
Lavender: Lavender incense is known for its relaxing effects and is perfect for relaxing after a long day or for a restful sleep.
Sandalwood: This warm woody scent is said to promote feelings of peace, clarity, and focus, making it perfect for meditation and yoga practices.
Rose: The delicate scent of  Rose is associated with love, compassion and joy, creating a romantic and uplifting atmosphere.
Jasmine: This sweet floral scent is known for its uplifting and aphrodisiac properties, making it perfect for lifting your spirits for special occasions.
Nag Champa: Commonly used in religious rituals and meditation practices, this earthy, musky scent promotes a sense of grounding and spiritual connection.
Hari Darshan incense is more than just a fragrant experience. Each scent is carefully formulated to evoke a specific emotion or intention, creating a multisensory journey for the soul. We follow Sustainable Practices and good manufacturing practices.
Dive into Purposeful incense blends for spiritual and soulful moments.
Hari Darshan also support environmental initiatives and tree-planting programs to ensure our products have a positive impact on the planet.
Blissful Experience:  If you are looking for a way to create a more peaceful and mindful space in your life, Hari Darshan incense is the perfect choice. With  unique scents, natural ingredients, and a commitment to sustainability, Hari Darshan provides a smoking experience that's good for both you and  the planet.
Source: haridarshan.com
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