#purple rain the king must die
strawberrysmootji · 7 months
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Chapter 1 | Memento Mori
“Remember you must die”
18+ fic, minors do not interact!
Fic summary: The Red Keep stood tall on Aegon’s hill. It used to house the nobles of the realm in the old histories of Westeros but now it was home to the Targaryen family, tainting its red color with their dark and gloom. The Targaryens were a family plagued with rumors, drama and perhaps even the supernatural. It doesn’t help that King’s Landing has been plagued with murders ever since their arrival. Once a month on the morning of the first full moon a body turns up in the Blackwater Bay and everyone suspects it is the mysterious family living in isolation, safe from the horrors that plague the city.
Your father, a well-known businessman and a lover of mysteries, had received a letter from Lady Alicent Hightower that contained a marriage proposal. She wished to marry you to one of her sons who had both recently come of age like you. Your father itched at the opportunity to unravel the mysteries of the Targaryen family and immediately sent you on your way as a future bride and with a mission: uncover the secrets of the most prestigious family in the kingdom.
Chapter summary: You arrive at the Red Keep. You meet the strange family and try to get along with your distant and secretive fiancé. Meanwhile another body is found in Blackwater bay. (edited) Chapter warnings/tags: Mentions of death, gore, corpses, organs, profanities, canon typical incest, the supernatural, betrothal, family drama, family secrets if any of these things are not to your liking/ are triggering i recommend not to read it! Word count: 5.2k Rigor Mortis Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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“They say the castle is haunted, my dear sister.” Your older brother teased with a large, shit-eating grin. The two of you were being escorted to King’s Landing, the capital of Westeros, in a cramped black carriage pulled by two large black horses. The inside of the carriage was small and you had been practically squeezed up against your brother the whole ride. The cushions were covered in a dark purple velvet while the rest of the inside was painted black. 
Heavy rain splattered against the roof and the window of the carriage and you pitied the coachman that drove it. It had been raining all day long. Your mother used to say rain was a bad omen, that monsters were able to lurk amongst the normal people due to the lack of sunlight and the gloomy atmosphere. However, your mother had also been sent to an asylum a few years ago. As much as you wanted to, you never visited, terrified of finding out what they did to her there. It started off with a doctor’s recommendation to visit the seaside to clear your mother’s mind but that coastal visit had quickly turned into a one way journey to the ‘madhouse’ on the Arbor. Despite all of this you were certain of one thing. Your mother wasn’t a lunatic. 
It bothered you and your father more than it did your brother. Your brother and you never truly got along. Your older brother was blinded by greed, he was the heir to your father’s company and would inherit everything once your father passed. If anything, it was your brother that was the black sheep of the family. He always preferred the company of his lousy, rich friends over that of you and your parents. You and your father, however, had always gotten along well. He would tell you stories of great mysteries and detectives or sometimes about the world outside of Westeros. You liked stories, whether they were fake or not. Despite all the stories your father and mother had told you, you never believed in the supernatural. You knew the human mind worked in peculiar ways and would often fill in the blanks if someone didn’t understand what they were seeing. Human creativity was both a blessing and a curse.
“I doubt the castle is haunted, dearest brother. They are just ghost stories to keep unwanted visitors away.” 
You didn’t even know why your brother had insisted on travelling with you. Perhaps he got a sick kick out of giving you away to a bunch of rich and royal strangers, never to be seen again. 
“You’re no fun. I can’t even scare you properly-” 
He was cut off by the carriage shaking for a moment and you could feel the left back wheel get stuck in a pot hole. The carriage was slanted and you felt yourself lean towards the lower point. You cursed under your breath and stared at your brother for a few seconds as if to urge him to go check it out but he didn’t move. You crawled over him and opened the door of the carriage and hopped out yourself. You immediately cringed when you felt the mud stain your new proper black boots and the bottom of the skirt of your deep blue dress. You held it up as best as you could and walked around to the back of the carriage to find the coach man inspecting the wheel. The old man was soaked to the bone due to the heavy rain and the pity you felt for him only worsened. “Can’t the horses pull it out?” You asked him as you turned your gaze to the wheel as well. The pothole was rather deep, not to mention slippery because of the dirt turning into a muddy puddle. The old coachman shook his head and took off his black top hat to run his hand through his thin grey hair. “No Lady, someone must push the carriage from behind as well. It is too slippery for the wheel to roll out properly.” 
You let out a frustrated groan and stomped back to the carriage door and peeked your head back through the door. Your brother’s gaze fell upon you and he grinned.
“Benjamen, I need you to push the carriage out of the pothole.”
“Why do I have to do that?”
“Because you are a man and you are stronger than me.” 
Benjamen rolled his eyes and glanced up and down, scanning your already soaked and dirty attire. His lips curled back up into a shit eating grin and crossed his arms over his chest.
“You’re already soaked and dirty, you do it.” 
You groaned at his childish attitude and slammed the small door of the carriage shut. Once you were behind the carriage again you glanced at the wheel and sighed. The pothole was filled with a watery muddy puddle and you grimaced. The coachman’s brows furrowed when he saw you outside again. 
‘He pities you’ You cringed at the thought.
“We should move the carriage now. I shall push it.” You replied, trying to seem as calm and confident as you could. You wore your best dress today but it didn’t matter anymore. The bottom of the long blue dress was soiled with mud while the rest of your dress was starting to get soaked. If only you had invested in a waxed cloak. 
The coachman reluctantly nodded and walked back around the carriage to sit down at the front and spur the two horses in. Once you noticed the horses trying to pull the carriage you placed your hands flat against the back of the carriage and pushed with all your might. It was tedious and heavy but once you felt the carriage move forward you let out a sigh in relief and kept pushing until the wheel was fully out of the pothole and it came to a halt so you could re enter. 
As you stepped back into the carriage you could hear your brother Benjamen snicker at the state you were in. You sat back down and ignored him for the rest of the bumpy ride to the Red Keep. You only listened when he said the city of King’s Landing came into view. The city was old and incredibly large. It had a harbour on the south side of the city where the narrow sea turned into a river and the city was built on three hills. Rhaenys’ hill, where a large abandoned structure stood that once had the name ‘The Dragonpit’. You had read the old rulers of the city used to hold gladiator fights or host trials by combat in it. Now, people believed it was now haunted. You had heard that sometimes disgruntled screams came from the ruin and people avoided it at all cost. The second hill of the city was Visenya’s hill, a tall hill that housed the great sept of Baelor. It was a tall gothic structure with seven crystal towers to represent the seven gods. It was an old building covered in details of the seven pointed star, the main symbol of the religion. Then, finally, there was Aegon’s hill. Aegon’s hill housed the large castle that was called ‘The Red Keep’, your future home. It was a grand structure located on the south east of the city. It had many tall towers that overlooked the beautiful, yet treacherous narrow sea. It was said that ever since the Targaryens took residency in the Keep, the sea had become more wild and stormy as if it was protesting against them.
The carriage entered the city through the north western gate that was famously dubbed the Dragon’s gate. You had hoped the ride would be less bumpy now that you had finally left the King’s Road but you were wrong. It was clear the city structures and the cobblestone roads were neglected, to say it nicely. As you peeked through the window of the small carriage you could see the people living in poverty, especially once the carriage rode onto the street of the sisters and past the city district that was named ‘Flea bottom’, or so your brother had told you. The more uphill the carriage got, the wealthier the city folk became. The streets were deserted due to the rain but you could still peek through the windows of some of the houses and gawk at the interiors or occasionally the people themselves. 
They wore dresses like yours, well, the women did. Their lavish dresses that reached the floor were in various colours. Most of them are darker colours but if the fabric was lighter the colours were more  muted and desaturated. 
The castle gates of King’s Landing came into view and the structure seemed even larger when you stood close to it. The carriage came to a halt and you saw the coachman open the door to let you and your brother out. You saw the family standing in a part of the courtyard that was roofed over, safe from the heavy rain and looking at the carriage in anticipation. As you glanced down at your dirty cloak and dress you could feel your cheeks heating up, your hair most likely looked like a mess as well due to the rain, though it did have time to dry in the carriage. If it couldn’t get any worse you saw a bright flash in the sky followed by a loud rumbling boom a few seconds later.
Benjamen urged you to leave the carriage so you did, finally released from the cramped space. You took in the sight of the family again. A woman, clearly the mother, though still young, stood in the middle of the group. She had beautiful auburn hair braided into a delicate hairstyle. It looked complex yet elegant and if it weren’t for the horrible weather you assumed it would usually be worn with a garden hat or a bonnet. Her dress was large and ruffled. It was black and dark green, which you found quite bold. After all, your nanny had always taught you black dresses should only be worn with light colours and white dresses should be worn with darker colours.
To her right stood an older man who had the same hazel coloured eyes as her. He was a tall man and wore a high black top hat. His entire outfit was dark, from his long frock coat to his shoes. The only white piece of clothing he wore was his shirt which could barely be seen due to his many layers of clothing. Resting under the man’s was a cane with beautiful golden details. You had quickly figured out the two standing in the middle were Otto- and  queen Alicent Hightower, your future grandfather- and mother-in-law. It made sense why Alicent felt comfortable making such bold fashion choices. In fact, the rules of fashion might change as soon as one of the richer commoners got a look at her current attire. 
The other members of the family all had beautiful silver blonde coloured hair. Next to Otto stood a beautiful girl in a pale purple dress. The dress had many frilly details and ruffles. It complimented her violet eyes well. She was a little plump and her long silver hair was curled and up in a bun that was less complicated than her mother’s bun. You still thought she looked extremely elegant, especially with the white and purple flowers in her hair that served as accessories. Her sweet smile and extravagant dress revealed her to be princess Helaena. You hadn’t heard a single bad thing about her during your travels. Everyone claimed she was a polite woman and saw the good in everything, even the non living things like rocks and dirt. 
On the left of princess Helaena stood a tired looking man. His silver blonde hair was unkempt and grew a little past his jawline. His eyes were plagued by dark circles and the mustard coloured double breasted vest he wore made him look ill. The vest had a darked mustard colour stripes and fitted his figure quite well, unlike his jacket. It was too large and boxy, something that would be worn 30 years ago maybe. The mustard yellow colour made his violet eyes look darker and less noticeable compared to the people you assumed were the man’s siblings. Prince Aegon, you guessed. You had heard of his rather… hedonistic ways to pass the time. He would spend his free time with whores and liquor. 
On the far right of the group, the opposite side of the tired looking man stood a guard in uniform. The man’s skin was tan and he had dark hair that was combed back. He sported a moustache and a beard, though both were quite short and were only noticeable due to the dark colour of the hairs. His uniform coat was white with silver details and his pants a greyish colour. The man’s arms were large and you assumed he must be close to the family if they allowed him to stand beside him like that.
Finally, the man between Alicent and the guard stood out the most to you. He was taller than most of his family members and had a sharp jawline. He had long straight silver blonde hair like the rest of his siblings and his outfit was dark with hints of green, like his mother’s. Unlike the tired looking man his coat fitted him perfectly. It accentuated his waist and shoulders well and made him look elegant. The thing that stood out the most though was the ‘subtle’ scarring on the left side of his face. It was a thin shaky line that went from his cheek, over his eye and then stopped at his forehead. In the place where his eye was supposed to be was a glass eye but instead of it having an iris and a pupil it was completely white. His left eyelid twitched occasionally, as if it wasn’t used to the glass eye yet. He was beautiful, yet his intense gaze sent shivers down your spine. He was studying your every move, you could feel it. Prince Aemond Targaryen, your future husband. 
He seemed rather uptight and strict, the complete opposite of his older brother. Not that you wanted to marry Aegon instead, that seemed like the worse option. 
While you took in the scenery of the old castle and the family with their strange features there was no denying that there was something eerie about them.
You could hear your brother behind you step out of the carriage and he followed you as you walked towards the family. As you were to introduce yourself, Benjamen beat you to it. 
“It is an honour to meet you all. My name is Benjamin Manderly and I would be delighted to introduce my dearest sister.” 
Benjamen politely bowed with an arm tucked over his stomach and you bowed as well. You told them your name and Alicent pulled you under the roofed area in a gentle manner.
“You poor thing, you’re completely soaked.” She cupped your face in her hands and inspected it with a large, proud smile. “You’re truly as beautiful as your father claimed in his letters.”
Alicent turned to look at the guard and nodded at him. “Ser Criston, please tell the maids to prepare a nice warm bath for the poor girl. We wouldn’t want her to fall ill because of this nasty weather.” 
The guard sternly nodded his head, turned around and entered the castle. You turned to look back at your brother who was eagerly (too eagerly, in your opinion) helping the coachman unload your wooden trunks from the carriage. You had taken most of your belongings with you, for starters, you didn’t own a lot of large lavish dresses and Alicent had assured in her letter that your future husband would order some for you as soon as you arrived. 
Benjamen returned and roughly patted your shoulder as if you were one of his male companions. You winched and shot him a quick glare which he returned with a taunting grin.
“I shall miss you dearly, sister. Make sure you write home so father won’t miss you too much.” Benjamen said and roughly patted your shoulder again. 
“She will be in good hands, Lord Benjamen. We take good care of our ladies.” Aemond replied, the tone of his voice was icy and you could hear the passive aggressiveness in it. He was belittling your older brother and you had to stifle a laugh. It was a clear jab at Benjamen’s rude behaviour towards you. While you tried not to laugh, the tired looking brother let out a snort that he quickly tried to hide with a cough. Both Otto and Alicent sent the two men a warning gaze before looking back at Benjamin who’s cocky grin had been replaced with a scowl. 
“Do not fret brother, I will be in good hands and I shall write plenty.” 
You, reluctantly, hugged your brother goodbye and watched as he stepped into the small carriage. The coachman sat on his seat in front of the carriage and took off his tophat to wave at you. He spurred the horses on and you watched as the carriage walked through the gates and a loud boom of thunder could be heard again. The gates closed behind them and only now it had dawned on you that you were all alone in a castle with mysterious strangers. 
You felt Alicent’s hand gently rest on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry dear, prince Aemond shall take good care of you.”
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The room they had given you was spacious. It had a dark wood king size bed with pale blue silk covers. The furniture was in the same dark wood and detailed style as the bed. There were many items in the room. In the corner near the fireplace there was a large white porcelain vase with blue-green details painted on it. Instead of flowers the vase held many beautiful and neat peacock feathers. The vase might’ve lacked flowers but the rest of the room did not. The table had a centrepiece with the Bay Rose Rhododendron as its main flower. It made you frown. You walked up to the flower and inspected the pale pink petals. You were no expert in the language of flowers but you knew what this one meant. 
Danger. Beware
The other flowers in the piece did nothing to ease your worries. The person that had put together the flowers had made it very clear they wanted to warn you for something.  
You opened one of your wooden trunks and rummaged through it until you had found what you were looking for. An empty leather notebook, the dip pen your mother had given you and a regular pot of ink. You sat down at the table where the centrepiece stood and scribbled down the flowers that were in it with the different meanings. 
- Afternoon, the fifth day of the first month of the year 1871 -
Bay Rose Rhododendron - Danger. Beware.
Cypress - Death. Mourning.
White Catchfly - Betrayal.
Creeping Cereus - Horror.
You softly blew on the ink in your notebook to make it dry quicker and hid the notebook back into the wooden trunk. Your father had gifted the notebook to you before you left. He was enthusiastic when he had gotten the proposal of queen Alicent to marry you to one of her sons. Not only would this strengthen his business’ reputation but it also meant insight into the mysterious Targaryen family. He wanted you to log your findings in a notebook like the detectives in the stories he told you about when you were younger.
No one knew where they came from centuries ago. It was almost as if they had appeared out of thin air. Your father was rich but compared to him they were filthy rich. Their ancestors had bought the Red Keep and had resided there ever since. It wasn’t until Aegon the Conqueror that their family ruled over the seven kingdoms. The foreign family had taken over the realm with ease and had turned it into a flourishing country with a stable economy…if we’re talking about the rich.  There were many rumours about the family. Some believed they were vampires, stalking through the dead of night and looking for their victims in the city of King’s Landing. 
Others believed them to be shape-shifting beasts, ghouls, werewolves or even the undead . You had met them only a few hours ago and you could say with certainty that they were neither undead, beasts or ghouls. Not that you believed the other supernatural rumours. All you knew was that their origins lay in a far away country that people here in Westeros weren’t too familiar with.  
There were plenty of non-supernatural rumours about them that were equally distasteful. Some said ‘they liked to keep the family pure’. Inbreeding was one of the main things they were accused of but they never confirmed nor denied it. You didn’t believe the rumours and you knew that the people of Westeros liked to ostracise people that were different from them. It would be no surprise to you if the rumour was a product of that. 
The most well-known rumour about the Targaryens had to be the one relating to the cases of dead bodies found in the Blackwater bay. No one knew exactly when it started but one thing they knew for sure was that it didn’t happen before the Targaryens appeared in King’s Landing. Well, it didn’t happen before in a pattern.
Every morning after the first full moon of the month a body would be found dead in Blackwater bay. It had been happening for a century at this point and every time it was the same. The body would be found with no eyes and no one could find anything on the body that pointed towards murder. No stab wounds, no bruises, no nothing. Even the empty eye sockets showed no signs of violence. As if someone surgically removed them without a trace. 
People didn’t go out on full moons, no one did. Even the animals like house cats or even stray cats found shelter somewhere inside. There weren't a lot of things the people knew about the mysterious deaths, only that they knew the Targaryen family had something to do with it.
“Do you like the flowers, dear?”
Alicent’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You hadn’t even noticed you were staring at the flowers that contained the concerning  message.You sheepishly nodded and forced yourself to smile.
“I do, my queen.”  
“Please, call me Alicent, dear. I hope you are eventually able to call me mother as well.” Alicent chuckled and walked further into the room and motioned at the centrepiece. “Helaena arranged them for you. She is a wonderful girl, so incredibly creative.” Alicent beamed as she spoke of her daughter.
Helaena seemed so  sweet, did she really mean to combine these flowers together to send such a horrifying  message or did she genuinely not know? No, it was too much of a coincidence not to know. 
“I see you have changed your clothes as well, you look absolutely beautiful. Aemond is lucky to have you as his bride.” 
Alicent complimented you with a kind smile. The lady next to you had changed into her evening gown. A fully green velvet dress with many ruffles and layers. Her hair had also been braided into a much simpler style than earlier that day.
“Thank you my queen- I mean Alicent. You look wonderful as well.”
Alicent beamed at your compliment, perhaps she didn’t get them often. 
“We shall have dinner in half an hour and afterwards Aemond shall give you a tour of the castle. Take that time to get to know each other.” Alicent spoke and turned around to leave your room again.
When the door closed behind her the only noise in your room was the crackling of the burning wood in the fireplace. You rummaged through your trunk to find your notebook again. You needed a more well hidden spot for it, especially since the first findings you had made about the family weren’t particularly positive. You’d hate for them to find it. 
You eventually settled on hiding it beneath your mattress. The notebook wasn’t too thick and if it was uncomfortable to sleep on it was a small price to pay. Before hiding it in its designated spot you added a small note underneath the list of flowers. 
Princess Helaena arranged it.
Once the notebook was hidden in its spot you sat down on a sea green velvet couch and tried to devise a plan. You knew Aemond’s tour of the castle wouldn’t be enough to explore it to your liking but you didn’t want to make it too obvious you were snooping around. 
You had mulled over it during the duration of dinner. Absentmindedly answering the questions the family asked you. Well, it was mostly Alicent and Otto that asked you questions. After a few cups of wine Aegon joined in too but Alicent quickly shut him up once the questions got too perverse. 
You were now walking with Aemond through the castle and you had quickly figured out he was a stern man. His long straight hair was braided down his back and tied off with a black ribbon. He didn’t wear his coat inside the castle, only wearing his white shirt with puffy sleeves and a black double breasted vest with silver buttons. 
“These are my quarters.” He said with a monotone voice and pointed at the room on the left, not even bothering to show you the inside. You continued to follow him through the hallway. He pointed at the rooms in the hallway that belonged to his siblings Aegon and Helaena. Their names were engraved on a small golden plate attached to the door in swirly letters. He skipped over one room, not even bothering to look at it. You, however, noticed it still contained a golden plate with a name engraved on it. From the corner of your eye you could only barely make out the name.
Daeron Targaryen.
‘Weird.’ You thought. You weren’t aware of a Daeron living in the castle with them. Perhaps he was a cousin or an uncle? You had learned at dinner that Aemond’s half-sister Rhaenyra lived in a different castle with her husband, five sons and two step-daughters, perhaps it was one of them? 
You had also learned Aemond’s father, the king, had been very ill for a long time and that he had sent his apologies to you for not being able to meet you this afternoon. He explained that they kept it from the realm so as to not worry the people of the realm.
“You mustn’t enter this hallway.”
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Aemond. You had exited the stairwell and were a floor above his chambers now. The hallway didn’t have any servants walking through and many of the white candles that lit it were almost fully burnt up.
“Why is that?” Your voice was laced with curiosity as you stared into the creepy hallway. It was long and quite dusty. The silence and darkness sent a shiver through your body but your body ached to find out what was located there.
“These are father’s chambers. He doesn’t like visitors. No one comes here except mother and the doctors.” Aemond replied sternly and gazed at you. You had made sure to walk on his right side so he could see you easily without having to turn his head too much.
“What? Really? Not even you or your siblings?”
An awkward silence hung between the two of you but he eventually motioned at you to follow him to the next floor. You had only now realised you hadn’t asked him any questions about himself yet and you mentally cursed at yourself for not doing so.
“What is it that you do?” You asked him as you followed him through the hallways of the next floor. 
“I plan on opening a doctor’s practice and a morgue in King’s Landing.”
You were unsure on how to reply to that. Being a mortician was a rather dark profession, especially for a prince, but you knew many places in Westeros lacked one. Usually the septs handled all the burials of the deceased. 
“I studied medicine and anatomy in Old Town, I have only returned half a year ago.” He must’ve sensed your hesitancy to reply so he continued to speak but didn’t bother to look back at you. His body language screamed dominance and authority. He walked with his arms behind his back in a stiff manner. You simply nodded and picked up pace to catch up with him.
“Do you like it?”
‘By the gods at least give me something to work with.’ You internally groaned.
“Why didn’t you like it?” 
“I prefer history and philosophy.” 
Now that was something you could work with. You loved history and a small smile tugged at your lips when you learned he did as well. At least there was something you and your betrothed had in common. 
“What kind of history do you enjoy the most? I enjoy learning about the Old North and The Children of the Forest.” 
His eyebrows raised a little in surprise and for the first time he actually turned his head to look at you instead of glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
“I enjoy learning about my family history and the cultures of Essos and Sothoryos.”
He paused for a moment before speaking again.
“I didn’t expect you to like history, my lady.” 
A grin tugged at the corner of your lips, your hands were now behind your back as well, only your stature was a lot more relaxed than his. It was always easier to converse when the topic was something you enjoyed.
“Well, perhaps I am full of surprises.” 
You knew you had to win him over if you wanted a chance at a decent life with a husband that tolerated you. Of course, you couldn’t forget your father’s wishes as well. Investigating this family would be a lot easier with a husband that trusted you. 
The rest of the tour of the castle was a lot more pleasant than the first half. He showed you his workstation with medical supplies, located on the base level of the castle. The interior creeped you out a little. In his room were bottled up organs in a mixture you did not know the name of. His supplies were neatly stored in various cabinets and he showed you the books he had to use in his studies, promising you that you were always allowed to borrow one whenever you wanted. 
He had also promised to take you on a walk on the castle grounds the next day if the weather would allow it, after all, the storm was still raging outside. 
He had dropped you off back at your room after the tour. Wishing you a good night whilst he pressed a soft kiss against the back of your hand. You knew he was only being a gentleman but it still made your stomach flutter. The men in the North weren’t as chivalrous as men in the south. 
“Sleepwell my lady.” He said before turning around and walking away, his braid swaying a little from side to side and his footsteps echoing through the empty hall of the castle. 
A few maids helped you change into your nightgown and you dismissed them before they could help you into bed. You wanted a little more time writing in your notebook about the first day in the castle. You didn’t want to write much, after all, it would be a shame if you filled it too quickly.
- Night, the fifth day,  first month of the year 1871 -
I ate dinner with the family, most of them (Targaryen side) were quiet even after initiating conversation. I met my future husband and he seems like an intelligent man. All of them are quite secretive. The father of the family is ill, no one could tell me about his ailment and no one is allowed to go near his chambers. 
Who is Daeron Targaryen? 
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Aaaa thank you all so much for reading the first chapter. I had a lot of fun writing and researching for it. I’m still not sure at how many chapters it will have but I'll keep you all updated.
If you want to be added to the taglist let me know! 🫶
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108 notes · View notes
Seven, Brienne thought again, despairing. She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice.
She stepped out into the rain, Oathkeeper in hand. “Leave her be. If you want to rape someone, try me.”
- Brienne VII, AFFC
“I know the cost! Last night, gazing into that hearth, I saw things in the flames as well. I saw a king, a crown of fire on his brows, burning … burning, Davos. His own crown consumed his flesh and turned him into ash. Do you think I need Melisandre to tell me what that means? Or you?” The king moved, so his shadow fell upon King’s Landing. “If Joffrey should die … what is the life of one bastard boy against a kingdom?”
“Everything,” said Davos, softly.
- Davos V, ASOS
Ned had heard enough. “You send hired knives to kill a fourteen-year-old girl and still quibble about honor?” He pushed back his chair and stood. “Do it yourself, Robert. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. Look her in the eyes before you kill her. See her tears, hear her last words. You owe her that much at least.”
“I will not be part of murder, Robert. Do as you will, but do not ask me to fix my seal to it.”
For a moment Robert did not seem to understand what Ned was saying. Defiance was not a dish he tasted often. Slowly his face changed as comprehension came. His eyes narrowed and a flush crept up his neck past the velvet collar. He pointed an angry finger at Ned. “You are the King’s Hand, Lord Stark. You will do as I command you, or I’ll find me a Hand who will.”
“I wish him every success.” Ned unfastened the heavy clasp that clutched at the folds of his cloak, the ornate silver hand that was his badge of office. He laid it on the table in front of the king, saddened by the memory of the man who had pinned it on him, the friend he had loved. “I thought you a better man than this, Robert. I thought we had made a nobler king.”
Robert’s face was purple. “Out,” he croaked, choking on his rage. “Out, damn you, I’m done with you. What are you waiting for? Go, run back to Winterfell. And make certain I never look on your face again, or I swear, I’ll have your head on a spike!”
Ned bowed, and turned on his heel without another word.
- Eddard VIII, AGOT
“I know what I swore.” Jon said the words. “I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. Were those the same words you said when you took your vows?”
“They were. As the lord commander knows.”
“Are you certain that I have not forgotten some? The ones about the king and his laws, and how we must defend every foot of his land and cling to each ruined castle? How does that part go?” Jon waited for an answer. None came. “I am the shield that guards the realms of men. Those are the words. So tell me, my lord—what are these wildlings, if not men?”
- Jon XI, ADWD
Them 🫶🏽
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bestmusicalworldcup · 6 months
2024 Best Musical World Cup Alphabetized List
Listed below is the 128 musicals that have qualified for the 2024 Best Musical World Cup Bracket.
& Juliet 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee 35MM: A Musical Exhibition A Chorus Line A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder A Little Night Music A Strange Loop American Idiot Amélie Anastasia Annie Annie Get Your Gun Assassins Avenue Q Bare: A Pop Opera Beauty and the Beast Beetlejuice Billy Elliot the Musical Bonnie and Clyde Bring it On Cabaret Camelot Carrie Cats Chess Chicago Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Come From Away Company Death Note: The Musical Dreamgirls Elisabeth Evita Falsettos Fiddler on the Roof Firebringer Frankenstein: A New Musical Fun Home Funny Girl Ghost Quartet Godspell Grease Guys and Dolls Hadestown Hair Hairspray Hamilton Heathers Hedwig and the Angry Inch Hello, Dolly! Holy Musical B@man! How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying In The Heights Into the Woods Jekyll and Hyde Jesus Christ Superstar Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat Kinky Boots La Cage aux Folles Legally Blonde Les Misérables Little Shop of Horrors Little Women Man of La Mancha Mary Poppins Matilda Mean Girls Merrily We Roll Along Monty Python's Spamalot Moulin Rouge My Fair Lady Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 Nerdy Prudes Must Die Newsies Next to Normal Oliver Once Once on this Island Parade Pippin Ragtime Rebecca Rent Ride the Cyclone School of Rock Seussical Shrek the Musical Singin' in the Rain Six Something Rotten Spies Are Forever SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical Spring Awakening Starlight Express Starry Starship Sunday in the Park with George Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Sweet Charity Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires The Addams Family The Book of Mormon The Color Purple The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals The Hunchback of Notre Dame The King and I The Last Five Years The Lightning Thief The Lion King The Music Man The Phantom of the Opera The Prince of Egypt The Producers The Rocky Horror Show The Secret Garden The Sound of Music The Trail to Oregon! The Wiz The Wizard of Oz (1987) Tick Tick Boom Tuck Everlasting Twisted: The Untold Story of A Royal Vizier Urinetown Waitress West Side Story Wicked You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
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rosequartzish · 1 year
For the song ask! 1, 13, and 24?
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Fall On Me - R.E.M.
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
The King Must Die by Purple Rain
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xumoonhao · 2 years
i was tagged by @swimmignfool to list my top 5 songs of the moment!!! thank you for the tag beca 💖
sugar rush ride by txt
the king must die by purple rain
chrome arts by onlyoneof
fun! by taichi mukai
kill bill by sza
once again ill tag no one, but if you want to do it and say i tagged you then feel free <<<33
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notsogreatdion · 6 months
Day 4 - Now playing...
The King Must Die - Purple Rain
⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣⌣ ✶
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strange-wanderings · 10 months
My Spotify Wrapped 2023 top 100 under the cut
1 - Blinding by Florence + The Machine
2 - Lily by Alan Walker
3 - Different World by Alan Walker
4 - Monochrome by Babymetal
5 - Devil By The Window by TxT
6 - Natural by Imagine Dragons
7 - Ribs by The Crane Wives
8 - Paranoia by Kang Daniel
9 - The King Must Die by Purple Rain
10 - Sing Me To Sleep by Alan Walker
11 - Mr. Capgras Encounters A Secondhand Vanity by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
12 - Believer by Imagine Dragons
13 - Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence + The Machine
14 - Bite Me by Enhypen
15 - Lost Control by Alan Walker
16 - The Hand That Feeds by The Crane Wives
17 - Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
18 - Farewell Neverland by TxT
19 - Ghost by Xdinary Heroes
20 - Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier
21 - Sacrifice (Eat Me Up) by Enhypen
22 - Land Of Confusion by Genesis
23 - The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
24 - Loveable by Jo Yuri
25 - ... Well, Better Than The Alternative by Will Wood
26 - Demons by Imagine Dragons
27 - Metaphor by The Crane Wives
28 - Favorite Part by Jo Yuri
29 - Pride And Joy by Brandi Carlile
30 - Kingslayer by Bring Me The Horizon and Babymetal
31 - Curses by The Crane Wives
32 - Blank by Jo Yuri
33 - Swear by E'Last
34 - Sugar Rush Ride by TxT
35 - Never Love An Anchor by The Crane Wives
36 - Shinigami by Kenshi Yonezu
37 - Breaking Down by Florence + The Machine
38 - Get Away by Verivery
39 - Keep You Safe by The Crane Wives
40 - Flower Dance by DJ Okawari
41 - Black Eye by Vernon
42 - Chaconne by Enhypen
43 - Hard Sell by The Crane Wives
44 - Darkside by Alan Walker
45 - Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush
46 - Karma by Enhypen
47 - Allies Or Enemies by The Crane Wives
48 - Heart's Content by Brandi Carlile
49 - BingBing by Oneus
50 - Bills by Enhypen
51 - Unraveling by The Crane Wives
52 - No Light, No Light by Florence + The Machine
53 - Nap Of A Star by TxT
54 - Fate by Enhypen
55 - New Discovery by The Crane Wives
56 - Cry For Me by Twice
57 - On My Way by Alan Walker
58 - Magic Island by TxT
59 - Sleeping Giants by The Crane Wives
60 - Alone Together by Fallout Boy
61 - Zombie by Purple Kiss
62 - Sharks by Imagine Dragons
63 - Little Soldiers by The Crane Wives
64 - Express Moon by Jo Yuri
65 - Given-Taken by Enhypen
66 - Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
67 - Rockslide by The Crane Wives
68 - I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters
69 - Cotard's Solution by Will Wood and The Tapeworms
70 - Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
71 - Of Everlong by The Crane Wives
72 - Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) By Will Wood
73 - Dark Dream by E'Last
74 - My Face by Verivery
75 - The Garden by The Crane Wives
76 - What Did I Ever Come Here For by Brandi Carlile
77 - Voodoo Doll by VIXX
78 - Faded by Alan Walker
79 - Frost by TxT
80 - I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie
81 - Love Is Dead by Purple Kiss
82 - Acoustic #3 by The Goo Goo Dolls
83 - Raise Hell by Brandi Carlile
84 - Broken Home by 5 Seconds of Summer
85 - Howl by Florence + The Machine
86 - 기기괴괴 by Pink Fantasy
87 - Yes, To Err Is Human, So Don't Be One by Will Wood
88 - Pretty Little Things by The Crane Wives
89 - Tears Of Chaos by E'Last
90 - 100 by Brandi Carlile
91 - O by Verivery
92 - Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
93 - Can't Go Back by The Crane Wives
94 - Turpentine by Brandi Carlile
95 - The Phoenix by Fallout Boy
96 - Photo by Verivery
97 - Not The Ghost by The Crane Wives
98 - My Song by Brandi Carlile
99 - Right Through Me by Day6 (Even of Day)
100 - Anti-Hero by M.O.N.T
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled (“For they were is streaming your the last with”)
Was was said the hear watered his     name one parried it down it: if I conscious corner for     true—tears old—though all bail
shall surpassenger there to hints     of a ball are likely tender destinguish you and some     small leaves whose to passions
might; in found the farewell! Must at     the proper than new long ygoe is the paved nothings well-mould     her defence. And her for
this like thou, O ye daught as began     to jeer: whitened aside: so cross hell his glade, betwixt     thing no eyes hand; and
holes: but much admir’d! For they were     is streaming your the last with unkind of the free, and foldings—     from men’s lot, the rent.
As a piece of ourse me wanted     my hairs on he watchman’s: and further girdle robe you, my     lovers of friends? Secure,
as the dewy bowls. These English     and their due rose or to quench’d myself an absolution     raised hers holy weel an
absurd to set the lips; but she     display they of sun had not by a conduct him through Year     just leade the she is done
walked the mind, the dewe drop, ’ which we     in a glass of an again, upon my head and in arts     of change douce and devil
she given by feather, and mild,     where white limb, and not for free these English ladies which Enna     yields whom heat, or nature’s
verse. As float any other     heard have ne’er thing banks o’ Earn, and hope-hours of view, and laid     unto me.—Blythe inserted.
So Cuvier! Melts the brittle;     mix not sole in praised there’s narrow’s rhymes of the year’s art.     The blushing page; he whole
plants, king t was all which puppets     of woman cattle. Who call mould; and now haue I not dwell     was seen, and was the steeds,
and much be, yet on maids and sipping,     clelia, with words a wealth, and me like the strike a sink,     wherewith the flame. And
wood wherewith rain, who builderness     on, and here perhaps were reeking tongue unturnable     grumble, better beauteous,
unless at the sandwich, Esquirrel     of true knight, he too quickly the sun will the one differ     being Tyrant’s head,
the unchanged, her wand; till notions     lives to pick upon his espouse: I soldier, my day of     by how the will with his
hand; thousand stately mind in love     wharves that you used to salvation rust it with him sit     on the sing, tis toiling
that won’t pin men, put her went tread     to meet her couch, throught, and when I die! As he pious, some     quite in purple raiment.
0 notes
mel-inoe · 1 year
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22nd - 28th of May
"Heroes (feat. Myla)" by BLMD
"Wictix" by Gökalp Kadir Gönülay, Gökalp 🖤
"Neon" by ONE OK ROCK 🖤
"Moon" by Nomi
"Villain" by Fokushi
"Storm" by Andreas Kübler 🖤
"To Be Continued" by Zsundere, benstronaut, Johnny, Monii
"Love Story" by Talia Lahoud
"Ven kan segla förutan vind" by annasara 🖤
"Brass Knuckle" by Boi B
"In Time" by O3ohn 🖤
"I Can't Lose It All" by Ben Goldstein
"Side effects" by Ann King 🖤
"e" by Cadence Floria
"Oblivion" by Palaye Royale
"Illusion" by GreatGuys
"What Could Have Been - From Arcane" by Eliott Tordo Erhu, Adrien Déquesnes
"Persephone in the Garden" by Aidoneus
"20년 전에도, 지금도." by 하근영, YE SOL KIM 🖤
"Will I Fly (Isidora's Song) - from "Hogwarts Legacy"" by Dune Moss, Hogwarts Legacy 🖤
"Rebirth" by 英雄联盟 🖤
"Heart to a Stranger" by Fleurs Douces 🖤
"The Owl ~The owl tells that we have uninvited guests~" by KOKIA 🖤
"The King Must Die" by Purple Rain
"Playing with Fire" by Alex Néva
"Idiot" by THORNAPPLE 🖤
"人是_ - 电影《流浪地球2》定义主题曲" by 周深 🖤
"Crying on my own" by Vinxfii, Sodachii
"Moon Halo" by Song Sohee 🖤
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mcpuliotjr · 1 year
tagged by my dear lovely @jaebeomtual 💞💞💞
top 5 songs at the moment (in no particular order)
blame it on the girls - mika
the king must die - purple rain
jindo arirang - a.c.e
relay - fiona apple
i wanna be your right hand - nemahsis
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kpoptimeout · 4 years
Top 10 Most Underrated K-pop Songs of 2020 (Artist Edition)
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Many wonderful songs by K-Pop artists helped us get through the shit show of 2020.
Continuing with the K-Pop Timeout Tradition (see 2019 Ver) of listing the Top 10 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs because all the other sites are just bothered with the Top 10 that pretty much everyone will have heard of/have fan wars over, below are our top 10 picks of songs that did not rank high (and with MVs just around or below 1 million views too) but deserves your attention! 
This is the list for artists’ tracks, so the Top 10 underrated non-idol tracks. Click here for the Top 10 underrated idol tracks of 2020.
Some of the non-idol artists have escaped the list in recent years to stardom (for example DPR LIVE, CRUSH and MAD CLOWN) so hopefully, it happens again!
This is in alphabetic order NOT in the order of awesomeness because all of them are awesome. Also, all MVs are linked in the song titles because Tumblr won’t let me share that many videos in one post.
DAVII - Jamie Cullum
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DAVII had already demonstrated his vocal and producing prowess in the collaborations with HEIZE and other indie artists and his continues  to show his talent and skill in “Jamie Cullum”, an ode to the titular English jazz-pop singer songwriter. The song has a beautiful and memorable jazz piano arrangement and solo section, and DAVII complements the instrumental beautifully with his smooth RnB vocals. The simple Bauhaus-inspired MV sets further accentuates the atmosphere of this beautiful musical piece.  If you are a fan of Korean RnB and also jazz, this is the song for you!
DeVita “EVITA!”
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When AOMG told the internet we are going to love their new artist, we know we would but most of us did not expect THIS SOUND. Starting off with a simple 80s vintage drum loop, we are then promised something more when a jazzy saxophone solo bursts onto the scene. The instrumental is reminiscent of 80s citypop but the arrangement of the song and the background noise and ambience creates a much more cyberpunk feel to the whole affair - all this creates a song that sounds both retro and highly futuristic. This modern take on citypop is further highlighted by the stunning music video and DeVita’s edgy vocal delivery, which smoothly switches between head and chest voice in a way similar to that of Rihanna and Lexie Liu. If you are a fan of these two artists or love citypop, you should certainly check out DeVita’s “EVITA!”
Divin’ “Siren”
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The MV with the least amount of views on this list (less than 3,000 views at the time of writing this), Divin’s “Siren” deserves better. This song makes great use of synthesisers and has an addictive electronic beat. Divin’s singing is also very captivating, both smooth and desperate at the same time. The moments where he dramatically breathed in Michael Jackson-style between verses worked very well with the fast-paced beats. It is sad to see such a creatively executed track that sounded like the theme song to a Netflix sci-fi adventure series go completely unnoticed. If you want to feel like you are living in the world of TRON, Divin’s “Siren” is your type of song!
GEMINI “Going”
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GEMINI is definitely an artist to keep an eye on if you are a K-RnB fan. “Going” is an extremely simple song - just the use of one processed guitar loop throughout the whole song (even in parts of the bridge), with some changes in the drums here and there. The whole MV also appeared to be quite low budget, just showing GEMINI going about his day - shaving, playing basketball, skateboarding and just straight up chilling. However, the song is carried by GEMINI’s emotive voice and smooth delivery to be easily one of the most enjoyable RnB songs this year and the simple MV made it feel like we were also there hanging out with this talented and carefree youth. If you love good K-RnB, “Going” is a must-listen song from 2020!
MADDOX “Sleep”
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Some of you may have heard of MADDOX for his wild interview with DIVE STUDIOS but not as many of you listen to his music because this MV does not even crack 100,000 views (at the time of writing this). “Sleep” is lofi RnB gold, showcasing MADDOX’s crisp and somewhat melancholy tone. The instrumental is a mix of electronic guitar, synths and pianos, creating the atmosphere of a high-class hotel lounge, which is fitting as MADDOX anguishly croons through the hallways of a hotel. We know the song is “Sleep” but this song is certainly way too slept on. If you love the soothing RnB tunes of Crush and Zion.T, you should check out this song!
MINSEO “No Good Girl”
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MINSEO is arguably one of the most talented female vocalists of this generation, able to easy alternate between genres and styles, from romani jazz to EDM, so it is frustrating to see her still so underrated. In “No Good Girl”, MINSEO returns to her ballad roots and demonstrates her skill in showing layers of emotions through her expert singing abilities. The song itself is also beautifully arranged and could easily be a primetime K-Drama OST that plays whenever the leads interact.  If you love vocal talent pure and simple and love coffee shop music, “No Good Girl” is the song for you!
Purple Rain “The King Must Die”
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When one thinks of Korean rock bands, the tendency is to think of pop rock bands under FNC or other mainstream labels. Purple Rain reminds us to keep an eye on the harder, grittier rockers of South Korea. The song begins soft and controlled and slowly builds up with the entrance of the electric guitar solo. Upon reaching the chorus, the lead singer does a 180 in his delivery, belting with emotion and range and would alternate between his soft and harder vocals throughout the song. With the sound fit for an action blockbuster, “The King Must Die” is a song for those who love a powerful rock song!
Rad Museum “Wet Umbrella / This Night”
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Rad Museum made the list last year its darker and emotive song “Dancing In the Rain” ft. Jusén, and returns this time with the much softer and dreamy mashup of two tracks “Wet Umbrella / This Night”. The unpredictable song progression and the light airy vocals lead to an oddly pleasant song. You feel like you are travelling with a squad of misfits in a disoriented world when listening to this song. If you are an enthusiast of music Spotify would classify as “escape room” (e.g. Daniel Caesar, Tyler the Creator, Childish Gambino etc.), you would love this song!
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With YG’s The Black Label managing him and being the songwriter for various K-pop hits like Sunmi’s “Gashina” and BLACKPINK’s “Pretty Savage” and working on BLACKPINK Rosé’s upcoming solo releases, it is strange YG stans are not supportive of this RnB vocal king. VINCE has a smooth honey vocals that work perfectly with any RnB track and “EMERGENCY” is further elevated by its memorable chorus and the addition of the uniquely wonderful Zion.T. Yet somehow this MV has yet to crack 1 million since it was released in February 2020 (at the time of writing this). If you are a fan of K-RnB, you would love this song!
Xydo “Betting” ft. pH-1
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This song is the definition of falsetto overload but in all the right ways. Xydo’s high-tone singing is perfect for this simple song driven by a snappy bass, hi-hat and clap. pH-1’s rap verse also added the fun to this already very playful song. The camera angles and set also elevate the classy and smooth vibe of the whole song. If you are a fan of Gray’s production style, you would also love this stylish RnB song by Xydo! 
Which non-idol songs do you think were underrated this year? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below and let the song sharing begin!!!
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yahos-remade · 4 years
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bestmusicalworldcup · 7 months
2024 Best Musical World Cup Qualifiers Groups 1-16 Summary
The following musicals in Groups 1-16 won their groups and qualified for the 2024 Best Musical World Cup directly.
Holy Musical B@man!
Starlight Express
The Secret Garden
Singin' in the Rain
The Lightning Thief
Once on this Island
Monty Python's Spamalot
Jekyll and Hyde
35MM: A Musical Exhibition
A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder
A Little Night Music
The following musicals in Groups 1-16 were second place in their groups and will enter the Repechage for a final chance at qualification.
City of Angels
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Tanz der Vampire / Dance of the Vampires
The King and I
The Color Purple
South Pacific
Thoroughly Modern Millie
A New Brain
Little Women
Back to the Future the Musical
You're A Good Man Charlie Brown
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
Mary Poppins
Shrek the Musical
Once Upon A Mattress
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shy-nee-universe · 4 years
퍼플레인(Purple Rain) - The King Must Die M/V
I didn't know their existence still 10 minutes ago and I feel sad for myself.
The MV is fantastique and the song wonderful! I can listen to it again and again. I love it!
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phileartfrog · 4 years
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King must die by purple rain is a great song that i tried to give justice but didnt rip
(everybody go watch the video)(it gud)
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