#pursue his dreams is so filipino. LIKE!!!
kyonshi-8610 · 2 months
doni filipino agenda
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do you get me. his full name is jhon marcus donatello jesus m. de los reyes and he plays basketball has 3 siblings and works at his family's sari-sari store . he is also my friend and we play tumbang preso together
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andoymayann · 1 year
The significance of having a companion in attaining success.
- This blog was created in honor of two friends who attended at the University of Science and Technology of the Southern Philippines and shared a desire to become mechanical engineers. They are one of the 44 students from the top-performing school that passed the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exam with an overall rating of 100%.
Throughout the years, many of us have acquired friends. There are those friendships we establish as kids with whom we later lose touch as we get older. We meet other friends as adults, we keep in contact with them for as long as we are nearby and it is convenient to do so. Nevertheless, as time goes on, one of our friends may move away or our schedules may get too hectic, and we begin to lose touch. 
Becoming friends with someone is pretty usual for us, especially in college. You can have random conversations with students at the cafeteria. And then you get smile at them when you cross paths while waiting for each of your classes. The next time you’ll know, you have become friends. 
However, picture having a buddy since the first grade. A buddy you can always count on, a buddy who was there for you during difficult times and who never failed to see the best in you. Every time you were down, they would always lift you up. When you felt alone, they stood by you with patience and understanding, Imagine having this “someone” during the initial years of entering school up until college. 
Engr. Jeff Hentzen Simene, and Engr. Jay-ar Lomonsod have been friends since the moment they entered the world of learning, and like other first graders, they used to play traditional Filipino games. as per Engineer Simene, from the moment they entered 1st grade they knew they will become future engineers. since they find enjoyment in dismantling and reassembling their toys. Out of that basic delight, they nurture and manifest the ambition of becoming an engineer. 
As their friendship grew and built a deeper bond, they experienced separation when Engineer Lomonsod changed their domicile and transferred to another school in the middle year of elementary school. They believed that was the end of their friendship. 
Destiny played its part in reconnecting them. As they began their senior high school years, they went at the same university, which is USTP. we all know that when we begin our senior high school years, we must pick what course we would pursue after completing these two years of senior high school. Mechanical engineering has always been their primary choice, but they have no clue which school they would go to support them accomplish their aspirations. The dream of being an engineer remained with them throughout their lives. Mechanical Engineering was popular at the time since the University of Science and Technology of the Southern Philippines ranked among the top two performing schools in the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Exam. As an outcome, they chose USTP as their partner in achieving their goals. 
As they started college, they experienced a variety of problems. Some of their topics are difficult for them and they almost fail, but they always encourage each other when one of them is struggling academically. They conduct after-class reviews on the areas that they find challenging and exchange thoughts and suggestions to help them identify where and what aspect of that subject they are struggling with. There are moments when one of them becomes physically and emotionally drained and considers giving up, but they are fortunate to have each other. when engineer Simene is going through this phase of his life, engineer Lomonsod is there to boost him up and motivate him, and vice versa. They had each other's back in every way.
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“We shared same goal, and we collaborated to accomplish it. Without you, my buddy, that dream will remain a dream. thank you very much pal!”
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these photo was taken when they were studying for their licensure examination. “These are the days of struggle and conflicted feelings. “The licensure examinations are fast approaching” feeling.
They have the "no one left behind mindset" in their friendship. They developed this mindset from the start of their friendship. From having the same desire in elementary school to assisting each other with papers in high school, having after-class recaps in college, and studying together while living their ambition of becoming engineers while prepping for their licensing board test.
The seed of their togetherness in achieving their objectives develops and bears fruit of accomplishment. They completed their bachelor's degree in Mechanical engineering last 2022 together. The hardship they faced and the helpful hand they exchanged throughout the board exams bore fruit of success. 
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The graduates of Mechanical engineering last 2022. 
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They passed their Mechanical engineering licensure exam as a pair.
Their childhood ambitions had already been attained. According to them, they cannot reach their goals without the assistance of one another, and when difficult times arise, we need someone to lean on. We don't really need a “romantic partner” to call our own, but we do need a companion to lean on from time to time.
The significance of having a companion when chasing your ambition is that we cannot escape experiencing difficulties when seeking to reach our objectives. there are issues that we cannot deal with alone, and when you have problems it may be a hindrance for you to achieve your ambition, that's why it is necessary to have a companion whilst pursuing your dream so that you have that someone you can seek aid from, it might be an explanation for studying or a piece of advise related to your personal or love life problem. 
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
what kind of pet would riddler have? (Batman unburied, Arkham, and Gotham.) what would they name it? Would it be and inside or outside pet? Would they have activly sought out the pet, or did it come home with them from the streets? Etc etc
Riddler's Pet headcanons
Ooooh, that's an interesting question! I love this omg 💝
💚 Gotham
... Does Oswald count as a pet that he picked up in the woods and nursed back to health? No? Okay.
So I'm thinking that one day, during work, he was called in a scene wherein a mugging took place. An elderly man was killed while he was walking his dog, and Edward caught a glimpse of the dog getting taken to custody because it showed signs of attacking the mugger, perhaps they can gather clues from the dog. The aforementioned dog, a five month old Aspin, golden in brown in colour.
Once they gathered the DNA to pursue the mugger, Edward asked what will happen to the dog and since the little one's remaining family is killed, it will be given to the dog shelter... Edward then decided to take the dog impulsively, to fulfill unfulfilled childhood dreams. He's always wanted a dog since he was a kid, but his father didn't allow them because of loud they are. So he filed the needed documents to adopt the dog, researched about caring for a dog, and now he's set.
The dog had a name, Adobo. Upon researching the previous owner, he happened to be Filipino and the origin of the name comes from a dish, called Adobo... Something Edward found a little grim.
Anyways, Edward's inner child was delighted and he couldn't be more happier about his split-second decision to have a dog. Catch this motherfucker talking to Adobo at 3 AM about riddles, stroking its head in content.
💚 Arkhamverse
In his Origin days, his apartment had a balcony. His apartment really didn't allow pets, but he couldn't care less because he really doesn't have any of those roaming little things. But then one day, he happens to be just hanging out in his balcony, when a crow landed and decided, "Fuck yeah, I'm now your responsibility."
Edward being bored, entertained the thing by giving it some grain of rice. Then after that he didn't think any of it when it flew away after eating the rice... But then it returned the next day so he gave it rice again out of boredom... But then weeks later, he realised he now owns a bird. Sometimes the crow flies ahead and follows him to work, Edward once attempted to make them perch on his finger but failed... But don't worry, there's still time to train the bird. Instead of giving it rice, he actually began to purchase proper bird seeds.
He affectionately calls the bird Rotten bird, because that's so creative. So you know how crows can also imitate human speech? Yeah, Rotten bird can say its name back to Edward and boy, he was wide eyed the first time it spoke. Not only that, the bird makes a weird kinda like 'meow' sound, so Edward hypothesised that it must've had a nest next to cats.
One day, Rotten nested in his drawer and laid a fat ass egg when he was working and he is panicked. But yeah, eat your heart out, Scarecrow.
💚 Batman Unburied
A black, domestic short-haired cat that he calls "Meow meow", because he initially used it as a way to communicate with it, but instead imprinted it as its name.
As many cat owners out there can relate to, instances of cat getting in your living space and acts as though its theirs and announces themselves as your new family member, that is how Edward Nashton came to be a cat owner as well. He is the chosen one.
He's grown to be fond of it, at first he really tried to shoo it out but then a storm raged and he had no choice but to shelter the cat and promised himself that he'll shoo it out tomorrow.... Then he didn't.
His in and out in Arkham is something bad, he's aware so he's initially reluctant to keep the cat even if he thinks it's cute. So he tried to shoo them away... Only for it to return in his living space. But then he's soon to learn that the thing is self-sufficient, snagging birds from the air under the tree branches as sustenance... At the very first instance that happened, his jaw dropped watching Meow Meow eat the bird, before it plopped on his lap purring as if it wasn't being its primal predatory self.
He doesn't have an experience with pets, but he did his research. Got the kitty vaccinated, and if he's out of Arkham, tries to bathe and trim Meow Meow's claws, etc etc. So whenever he is incarcerated, he assigns Meow Meow to his close friends to watch over.
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jillthea101803 · 1 year
As I pace back and fourth trying to reminisce all the things that I’ve been through, I can say that it was one helluva but fun week for me. Life of a student is never easy. There will be days when you feel like everything is not aligning on your will. You will feel drained, tired, and sometimes you wanted to give up. Being a student gave me a broader perspective about life. Every day, I fight the battle to wake up early and accomplish my task for a daily basis. Going to school, sacrificing my sleep and my health seems to outweigh my justification of pursuing this dream I always had since I was left by both of my parents. But I was still grateful because i met a lot of kind people in my first days and weeks as a college student. Monday, we had our official first day of classes on the second semester. I was hesitant to go to school because I thought the enrollment was still on process but I fight the urge to absent so I went to school. From there I learned a lot of lessons from different subjects. It was hard to understand at first but on the latter part, the lessons that were being taught played a big impact in my life, as it taught me the value of time. The life and Works of Jose Rizal, his biography, his contribution to the Philippine history that mold the Filipinos of today.
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granilkhate · 1 month
Critical Analysis of the Clashing Political Dynasties in the Philippines: 
Why, How and Now What? 
Political dynasties have long been a part of Philippine democracy, with powerful families influencing politics for centuries. Ferdinand Marcos Jr., son of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Sr., and Sara Duterte, daughter of President Rodrigo Duterte, have joined forces for the national election. However, their alliance is facing challenges, with accusations, drug war controversies, and a clash of political ambitions causing discord between the two powerful families. The Duterte camp is even calling for President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to resign. This clash between the Marcos and Duterte families, both influential political dynasties, comes at a challenging time for the country. 
The roots of political dynasties in the Philippines trace back to Spanish colonization in the sixteenth century and have persisted to the present day. These families often form alliances for political convenience, but such relationships can turn sour when ambitions collide or promises are not kept. The Duterte-Marcos tandem faced challenges due to issues like the controversial drug war during Duterte's administration, leading to strained relations. President Duterte, concerned about potential International Criminal Court investigations into his anti-drug war, wanted his daughter to seek the presidency, causing tensions with Marcos. Duterte even warned that President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. could face a fate similar to his late dictator father if moves to amend the constitution were pursued. The political landscape in the Philippines, characterized by influential families and complex alliances, is currently marked by a power struggle and potential division within the nation. In addition, the tension over charter change in the Philippines, where they might alter the rules in the constitution, might add to the clash between powerful political families like Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Sara Duterte. These families, with different views on how the country should be run, are part of a bigger issue about making big changes in the way the country works. This tension comes from not just their personal ambitions but also from how they see the history of the country and what it means to be Filipino. The process of making these changes is crucial, and if it's not done openly and with everyone involved, it can make things worse. So, both the fight over charter change and the clash between political families show that we need careful thinking, talking openly, and including everyone to avoid causing big divisions in the country.
The ongoing conflict between the Marcos and Duterte political families in the Philippines, along with the issue of changing the rules in the constitution, shows that our country might end up divided. To stop this and bring everyone together, it's important to make decisions in a way that everyone can understand. Talking openly and listening to everyone's ideas can help us find common ground and make decisions that are good for everyone. We should be careful when we want to change the rules in our country, thinking about how it might affect who we are as a nation. It's also important to make sure that leaders are responsible, don't use politics for personal gain, and always think about what's best for everyone. By doing these things, we can work towards a Philippines where everyone's dreams and ideas are valued, making our nation stronger and more united.
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markanthonys-things · 2 months
Eme lang, anyways let's start this (profile background or bio)
Meet me behind the mall- Taylor swift eme, aba dapat matawa ka, pag tumawa ka akin kana, add me on Fb nalang po (kumindat)😉 , ihh corny ito na talaga guys...
Meet me as Mark Anthony S. Hernandez, affectionately known as Mak, the 18-year-old Filipino protagonist stumbling through the chaotic maze of Grade 12 life. With a passion for romance, comedy, and action genres, i'm more likely to trip over his own feet than smoothly navigate through my adventures. Through my blog, Mak hilariously invites readers to join my rollercoaster journey, promising a glimpse into my world where chaos reigns supreme. Mak cherishes his loving family like a prized possession, though they often find themselves rescuing me from my latest misadventures. My hobbies include fishing (usually catching more seaweed than fish), gardening (where plants mysteriously wilt upon his touch), and attempting to fix broken electric fans (which usually end up in more pieces than before). Despite my mishaps, Mak firmly believes in the power of love, especially when it comes to pursuing success, though his definition of success might involve fewer broken appliances. Dreams? Mak dreams big! He aspires to become a registered engineer, though my attempts at fixing things may require a bit more tinkering. And who knows, maybe one day i'll revolutionize the world of biomedical engineering, once i figures out how to put those broken electric fans back together. So buckle up and join to my life as ur patner eme, Mark nga pala 32 sa balota, or should we say, Ark, on my hilariously entertaining page, where every day is an adventure in chaos and laughter!
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onenettvchannel · 2 months
FLASH REPORT THIS AFTERNOON: DACCA Student and Negrosanon Youth Singer 'Kim Aninon Hewitt' won Grand Champion of 'Tawag ng Tanghalan Kids' finals [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
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(Written by Andrea Davenport & Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Regional Correspondent and Senior News Editor of Disney XD News & Freelance News Writer, Reporter and Presenter of OneNETnews)
VALENCIA, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- In a triumph that echoes the melody of dreams… Kim Aninon Hewitt, a 10 y/o Negrosanon youth singer from Valencia town in Negros Oriental, and a local elementary student at Dumaguete Agape Chinese Christian School (DACCA) has managed to win the hearts of many with his ongoing achievement as he is now became a Grand Champion, during the 2nd Season finale of 'Tawag ng Tanghalan Kids' grand finals, a prestigious national singing competition in the Philippines, hosted by the iconic noontime show "It's Showtime" from 'ABS-CBN Studio 10' in Quezon City, Manila on the Kapamilya Channel (known as ABS-CBN in Metro Manila on DWWX-TV Channel 2, along with one relay regional station in Dumaguete City via DYMA-TV Channel 12) last Saturday afternoon (April 20th, 2024 -- Valencia local time).
His every renditions note was as though it carried his audience for the Filipinos into realm of melodies and music. He won 1st place, part of Grand Champion's role because of these talented youth performances. It was through this gripping performance that he became one of the biggest stars in Philippine music scene especially after millions across the country and around the world watched him sing through 'Kapamilya Online LIVE' (KOL) on YouTube.
Not long ago, Hewitt set off on their 'Daily Rounds' adventure, striving to secure a place in the upcoming semi-finals on Tuesday (January 30th, 2024). With a previous outstanding performance, Mr. Hewitt achieved a resounding score of 97%, guaranteeing him the coveted 1st Place position. As the daily winner among the talented young contenders, he received a cash prize of PHP10,000 (which is almost U$D174 bucks). While Ms. Safhia Chanel Legaspi from Tagbilaran, Bohol scored 95% in 2nd Place, and Ms. Arien Kristine Manzano from Bacoor, Cavite also scored to 93%. Both losing kid contenders between Legaspi and Manzano will receive individual consolation prizes worth PHP5,000 (or almost U$D87).
Fortunately in the midst of the Weekly Finals, Mr. Hewitt faced elimination on Saturday (February 3rd, 2024) but displayed resilience and determination, earning his spot in the final 'Resbakbakan' on Friday (April 19th, 2024) before advancing to the highly anticipated Grand Finals, or so what is being called 'Ang Huling Tapatan'.
As previously reported on February 16th, 2024… Mr. 'Patrick James Chua', who is a Negrosanon amateur singer from the Bacong town in a said province, and the Dumaguete City National High School (DCNHS) student lose 3rd Place spot in the 3rd week of Daily Rounds at this abovementioned national singing competition. His personal statement released on their Facebook status post (owned by Meta Platforms Inc.): "I was sad after that moment because I truly wanted to bring in my home town to bring pride to Bisaya. But I realize it won't stop to pursue my dreams even if I failed many times. I will keep on singing until I got my dreams right. I hope you will stay with me for my next opportunity contests (in Negros Oriental). I also want to inspired other people specially the young ones like me that chasing your dreams may not be always as easy if you fail. Just keep pushing until you succeed to yourself", Mr. Chua said.
The Negrosanon youth singer 'Kim Aninon Hewitt' plans to make new strategies for singing in the private rehearsals to perfect, and executing final preparations of 'Tawag ng Tanghalan Kids' grand finals.
But, have you ever wondered about that Negrosanon kid behind the spotlight of Mr. Hewitt? A glimpse into his Facebook profile (owned by Meta Platforms Inc. or MPi) from our independent research team of OneNETnews reveals a young talent with a passion for music and a drive to excel in his craft. Hewitt's journey showcases from amateur singer into rising star. Videos were shared online to feature the local & national performances, and updates on his musical endeavors on social media. His dedication to his new song artist and relentless pursuit of excellence have undoubtedly paid off, leading him to its astounding victory.
The best part, a climactic moment arrived in the final showdown, Hewitt delivered powerful renditions of Queen's "Too Much Love Will Kill You" (advancing in the Top 3 to start it off) and Aerosmith's "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" (in the final Top 3 performance round), leaving a lasting impression on the judges and viewers alike. He was sounded like 'Jackson 5', before it became the next solo artist of the late-'Michael Joseph Jackson'.
But in the end before commenting to judges like Mr. Pure Energy named 'Gary Santiago Valenciano', before revealing the final Top 3 results, he was having issues to speak dialects of 'Tagalog' and 'Cebuano', and only speaks 'Philippine English'. Along the way, his soulful voice and stage presence set him apart from the competition, yet earning him a well-deserved Grand Champion title.
For now, all 5 kid contenders who were participated in the Grand Finals are now eliminated and going home for nothing, leaving only the final remaining Top 3 spot calls on stage. The final and official Top 3 results revealed exclusively to OneNETnews, with 'Kim Aninon Hewitt' from Valencia, Negros Oriental -- emerging as the Grand Champion winner of 'Tawag ng Tanghalan Kids' with a score of 96.7%. Alongside him, 'Dydrae Lavayne "Dylan" Genicera' followed closely from Pagbilao, Quezon; who is scored at 96.6%, and 'Aliyah Gonzalo Quijoy' from Kawit, Cavite also scored last at 96.5%, claiming both the 2nd and 3rd Placers respectively.
As the Grand Champion winner, Hewitt will receive a management contract from 'ABS-CBN Music Management Group', a learning and home showcase from Abenson (an online e-commerce Appliance Superstore) worth PHP300,000 (or nearly U$D5,211) and a grand prize of PHP500,000 (or nearly U$D8,685) for 1st Place. 2nd Place receives a learning and home showcase from the said online e-commerce appliance superstore worth PHP100,000 (roughly U$D1,737) and a consolation prize to PHP200,000 (roughly U$D3,474). While 3rd Placer ends to receive a learning and home showcase from also the said online e-commerce appliance superstore, and taking home for the last consolation prize to PHP100,000 each (equivalent both to PHP200,000).
Speaking of rich-like appliance consumers, Abenson in Dumaguete City is currently preparing to open a new branch at Real Street, just across from the intersection between Philippine National Bank (PNB) and the upper Silliman Avenue. This authentic branch will be ready to serve you soon within the next few to several years.
His celestial victory is not only by himself (like Mr. Hewitt) but also for the people of Valencia municipal town, the school of DACCA and a whole Negros Oriental province. His absolute triumph serves as a beacon of hope for young aspiring song artists around the world, showing them that with dedication, hard work and a great deal of talent, their dreams can come true and they can launch their own signing career.
The future looks bright for this talented Negrosanon youth singer, which may potentially soon producing local music in Cebuano dialect like 'Enchi' for example in most concerts and events in Central Visayas, and the world can't wait to see what he has in store next.
Congratulations to Mr. Kim Aninon Hewitt on this well-deserved victory! We are proud to serve a better Negrosanon community, per the representative of The City of Gentle People.
SOURCE: *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawag_ng_Tanghalan_Kids_season_2#Ang_Huling_Tapatan_Details *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKon9Ft4uZk [Referenced YT VIDEO via ABS-CBN Entertainment] *https://art.beetzee.com/kim_h/ *https://daccaofficial.wordpress.com/about/ *https://www.facebook.com/100081274117518 *https://www.facebook.com/100063571704322/posts/897796712349377 [Referenced Captioned FB PHOTO via Echomusic] *https://www.facebook.com/100069517464194/posts/738814995112409 [Referenced Captioned FB Poster PHOTO via Tawag ng Tanghalan for It’s Showtime] *https://www.facebook.com/100044015294664/posts/992167112260456 [Referenced Captioned FB Poster PHOTO via It's Showtime] *https://www.facebook.com/100089232925392/posts/377169651934129 [Referenced Captioned FB Status Post via Patrick James Chua] *https://www.skyscrapercity.com/threads/dumaguete-city-and-n%C3%A9gros-oriental-province.2391209/post-186311514 [Referenced Map Location via Skyscraper City Forum] *https://www.gmanetwork.com/regionaltv/features/101502/dumaguetes-kim-hewitt-wins-tnt-kids-season-2/story/ [Referenced News Article from GMA Regional TV: Balitang Bisdak] *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_Much_Love_Will_Kill_You *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Don%27t_Want_to_Miss_a_Thing and *https://www.abenson.com/about-us
-- OneNETnews Team
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Cast Reveal #2 - Sin Sazonar - New School
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First Season: The North Sea (October 2022)
Intro: Hi y'all I'm AJ and I like survivor. I enjoy making new friends, I beebop (travel) around sometimes, and that's pretty much it. I also enjoy writing and drawing. Can't wait to meet everyone!
Three Words to Describe You: Devoted, Logical, Competitive
Hobbies and Passions: Drawing, Reading, Writing, and Singing on Occasion
What You're Most Proud Of: The number of places I've been to and seen so far in my life
Why You'll Win: Because I have what it takes ;)
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First Season: The North Sea (October 2022)
Intro: Hi everyone!!!! SO HAPPY TO BE BACK! I played survivor with the stings last year and loved it (even though I lost bc of rocks 😒) right before the merge. I live in Texas, I’m a social worker, and I love to crochet and read. Can���t wait to get to get down to business 💪🏼
Three Words to Describe You: Loyal, easy going, chill
Hobbies and Passions: Crocheting, reading, listening to podcasts
What You're Most Proud Of: Finishing college! First person in my family to get a bachelor degree.
Why You'll Win: I am very motivated and excited to play this game!! Winning would be the cherry on top 🍒 if you fail to plan you plan to fail!
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First Season: Raccoon City (June 2022)
Intro: Good day! Clefford is the name of the person that you'll love and adore. I'm 21-year-old Filipino that watches a lot of films, tv series, and reality shows. I'm an Aries and ENFJ. Life is short and the world is wide is the motto.
Three Words to Describe You: Nature, Universe, Animals
Hobbies and Passions: Watching films, tv series, and reality shows.
What You're Most Proud Of: Choosing to be always kind.
Why You'll Win: I have what it takes.
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First Season: Patagonia (February 2022)
Intro: Helllooooo party people my names Adeline, or Del, i am a ginormous flop in these Skype games. I am more known in the scary terrible land of discord games, where I host EchoORG, and consistently get sniped at F6 in other ORGS! I front a punk band, love film photography, watch a lot of TV (reality and otherwise), and I write singer songwriter music! I'm really excited to give this platform another chance and prove that i can keep up with y'all :'))
Three Words to Describe You: Insane, delusional, fun
Hobbies and Passions: Writing music, taking names, being gay
What You're Most Proud Of: I am an AMAZING nanny, i work with an autistic two year old and we get each other on a level I've never felt, i am SO PROUD OF MYSELF so how much work I've put in to make his development a positive experience for him.
Why You'll Win: I think i have more experience now and hopefully enough determination
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First Season: The North Sea (October 2022)
Intro: Hey hey hey, it's your boy from Singapore (yeah the timezone from the not so distant future). A year older from when I last played, don't know if I'll be a year wiser. Hobbies include travelling, water sports, Zombie shows (well mostly love alot of things in general). A Leo for the curious cats out there. I also hope I don't get the birthday curse.
Three Words to Describe You: Adventurous, Easy-going and Eclectic
Hobbies and Passions: Binge watching shows/movies, travelling, diving, Pokemon
What You're Most Proud Of: Being the first in the family to get a diploma
Why You'll Win: I relentlessly pursue my dreams. I can make it to the end and am confident in my ability to advocate for myself at final tribal.
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johnreymalto · 11 months
John Rey Malto
John Rey Malto is a Filipino Social Media Personality and Talent Manager. He was born on October 22, 1991 in Manila Philippines. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, major in Political Science, and he also earned six units in Education from Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University. (2013-2017) at San Fernando City, La Union. and he likewise took up a vocational course in Photography at Lorma Colleges in 2018.
He also enrolled in a Masteral Degree in Master of Development Administration: major in Public Administration (undergraduate) from Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University - College of Graduate Studies in 2018 at San Fernando City, La Union.
In 2017, he started handling models and beauty queens. He uses this opportunity to share his knowledge and skills with his talents, and this opens him to the world of show business.
In 2018, John Rey Malto is one of the former directors of the International Modeling Competition in the Philippines and from there he continued to handle the models and talents.
In 2019, John Rey Malto receive a recognition for sharing his expertise during the Film lecture and workshop on basic theater acting, held at the conference hall of the Schools Divisions of Abra on May 19, 2019 by the Department of Education, Cordillera Administrative Region, Division of Abra - Bangued Abra. This recognition for John Rey Malto is because of such act of generosity is highly commendable hence this sincere attestation of gratitude was given to his by the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION
In 2020, during the Pandemic time, John Rey Malto continued to persevere in the Showbiz and Entertainment industry even though it was very difficult then, no matter how difficult it was, he was still consistent in his work for his talents, and at the same time, he worked in an Advertising Company's to support himself for his needs.
In 2021, John Rey Malto is one of the awardees at ATC INTERNATIONAL for GOLDEN STAR AWARD as an "Outstanding Contribution to the Entertainment Industry and Selfless Public Service", held on December 27, 2021 at Seascape Manila Philippines.
In 2022, John Rey Malto also received an awards at Alliance of Hospitality and Tourism Movers of the Philippines (AHTOMP) for the "Most Outstanding Talent Manager, and Inspiring Artist Management of the Year" held on October 08, 2022 at Manila Grand Opera Hotel & Casino.
He was also a former Consultant/Ambassador of a Prestigious Talent Agency. He is a member of the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP), a former Associate Producer of an Online TV Channel, and currently a freelance Researcher/Talent Coordinator in the showbiz and entertainment industry on the different TV networks, such as GMA NETWORK, ABS CBN, & TV5 and also affiliated as a Talent Coordinator in various Film Productions and Talent Agencies in the Philippines.
Despite of difficulties and challenges in life, the same was not a hindrance to fulfilling his dream's of completing and obtaining a college degree. John Rey Malto was then a working student, he worked in a various Fastfood chain like Jollibee | McDonald's | Chowking - as service crew, 7-Eleven Philippines - as cashier, Lee Jeans & RRJ (Rough Rider Jeans) - as fashion consultant and Real state as Administrator.
As he pursues his career, he encourages the younger generation to value education regardless of their social and economic status.
John Rey Malto is now a fulfilled talent manager dedicated to discovering those who have the talent or quality to become a star one day.
One of his goal is to help aspiring artist's to further improve and shape their talents and skills, so that they can fulfill their dreams of becoming an actor, singer, dancer, model or star in the future.
This year 2023, John Rey Malto is very grateful because he is one of the recognized Talent Managers in the Showbiz industry today.
He added, if you love your passion, don't give up, just keep going, because if you have perseverance in what your dream of, you will achieve it at the right time.
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j0llibae · 1 year
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▸ What is your Jollibee?
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A pop of bright red and glaring white. A very familiar bee smiles at me from behind a sea of scuttling Singaporeans, and I have never been as surprised and comforted as I was in my 2017 trip to Singapore.
For a Filipino like me, there’s really something about seeing Filipino products, Filipino people, Filipino anything abroad. Taking in Jollibee’s atrociously bright color scheme and warm, salty air brought me consolation as I navigated through the foreign country, even though their menu was slightly different, the lack of rice meals scooping a hole into my chest.
J.P. Lawrence’s personal essay Back to Jollibee's details a similar experience. Using the fast food chain, Jollibee, a major Filipino icon as a gateway, Lawrence walks readers through his Filipino-American life by bringing them on a trip to the newly-opened Jollibee branch in Woodside, Queens.
The narration is personal as it is honest. It is personal in how Lawrence is descriptive of the narrative’s setting, allowing readers to take part in observing and in feeling every sensation and emotion attached to it. He also shares bits and pieces of his own biography as accompaniment to the story. This establishes a connection between author and reader, as he essentially shares parts of himself for the audience to work with, contributing to the overall mood gleaned upon reading the totality of the essay. “Fun facts” are incorporated into the narration as well, another distinctive touch of the author to give more insight into his Filipino side as a whole.
Meanwhile, the essay’s honesty stems from how Lawrence sometimes sounds unapologetically sarcastic while describing the whole occurrence. He begins his account by introducing Jollibee through the feeling of “nostalgia and pride in that chubby campy bee.” Much later, he recounts an instance where he mockingly asks if the white man he encountered should be congratulated for knowing a smidgen of Filipino culture. Upon further reading and analysis, this attitude may be a reflection of Lawrence’s underlying frustration upon realizing how little he knows about his own culture, which can be seen particularly in this excerpt: “"He's lost the language," she'll say. And each time I'll kick myself for forgetting, because even that old Navy veteran who spent four months in a Manila whorehouse knows more about my culture than I do — all I have are fragments, vain facts, small memories gleaned second-hand.”
If the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, the United States of America is the powerhouse of the world. With the largest economy in the world and being seemingly more progressive as compared to other countries, America has wooed many people to pursue the so-called “American Dream.” Contextualizing this, many Filipinos have chosen to work and eventually migrate to America. They will do anything to pursue the American Dream, even choosing to disregard the degree they graduated from in favor of jobs that do not match their capabilities nor provide them physical and mental gratification. J.P. Lawrence touches on this reality by using his mother as an example: an economics graduate who worked menial jobs with low wages and difficult working conditions, in exchange for a space on American soil. Another option would be to get married to an American, which Lawrence’s mother had also done. She married her pen pal, a native Minnesotan, who brought Lawrence and his mother back to America after the marriage.
Aside from the economic situation of immigrant Filipinos in America, Back to Jollibee’s also discusses the truth of growing up as a Filipino-American kid, particularly the disconnect from one’s Filipino roots. As he arrives at Jollibee, Lawrence narrates his discomfort at being surrounded by Filipino speakers. The language is familiar and foreign to him at the same time, only having heard it being spoken by his mother with her Filipino friends during potlucks, but he has never learned the language itself. While it triggers some regret on Lawrence's end for not knowing Filipino, he reasons that as a minority in school, learning it was practically unnecessary. The only thing that truly connects him to his Filipino roots is food. Seated in Jollibee with his order of palabok, bangus, and halo-halo is the closest he gets to (his other) home.
I’m no Filipino immigrant in the US, nor am I Filipino-American, but J.P. Lawrence’s Back to Jollibee’s hits close to home. I have cousins who have resided in America since they were children, and others who live elsewhere, but still overseas. Every time they come home, or get a chance to go on video calls with me, I can’t help noticing that they seem a little less Filipino each time. Most of them are able to understand Filipino at the very least, but speaking it is an entirely different matter. Those who can only know the basics, and similar to how Lawrence puts it, it’s because living abroad doesn’t require knowing beyond this level. Their knowledge of Filipino culture ranges from little to fairly enough, and though they get excited upon learning something new every time they’re with our family in the Philippines, they don’t actively seek more than what we give them.
The detachment from being Filipino remains a lived reality for many Filipino-American families and those who have relatives who have immigrated to America. While there are people who don’t really care about this, some feel a loss of a part of their identity. Hence, they constantly look for something to tether themself to their roots — in J.P. Lawrence’s case, it’s Jollibee.
Personally, I think that Back to Jollibee’s is a very candid and refreshing take on the reality of Filipino-American life, especially with how it is written. It is raw, real, and unromantic, yet somehow still able to grip the reader’s heart with the sentiment that it wishes to impart. It is definitely something that I’d let my cousins read, that it might make them reevaluate their “dual” lives and challenge them to reflect on what ties them — or if such a thing still exists for them — to being Filipino, essentially asking them: What is your “Jollibee”?
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edelaaa · 1 year
February 05, 2023
Now I’m back...
Hi Lord, I’m back. I’m sorry if I didn’t keep my journal here updated. I have alot of things exciting to tell you. When I came back home last January 2021, I took a rest at home and spend more time with my family, I realized how a lot of things has change. My parents are not getting younger anymore, our house doesn’t look new anymore, EJ and Thea are growing so fast ( I miss when they are so little), Baguio feels the same but it look different, and many people are everywhere. I was able to attend my Ate Wina and Kuya Kevin wedding, which I thought I cannot attend. I guess this is also the reason why you let me go home. There’s a lot of things I'm thankful for you Lord. 
The bond between me and Leo become stronger since we’re together everyday. I don’t know if he’s getting tired of seeing me. Lol. He’s very supportive on my decisions and always make sure that I’m happy. Though sometimes there are small quarrels which is normal for every relationship but we still manage it. I'm glad that both of our families are okay with us. 
Ate Glyn and I decided to do online live selling which is not as easy as it looks. It takes time, hardwork and effort to do it but we actually enjoyed it since we are really earning from it. I also tried to look for jobs everywhere and I got a job in University of the Philippines because my mama’s friend’s husband is a head in a department where I will be working. I’m assigned in Supply and Property Management Office as a Research Assistant. I know some of my workmates doesn’t like me, I still stayed because you know how patience I 'am at work. My every day life looks the same all the time. Papa will send us at work (BGH then UP) then Leo will pick me up and have dinner after work. I felt like a normal employee again having 8AM to 5PM shift, sometimes its busy and sometimes I don’t do anything. The work is actually fine, more on paperwork and dealing with different people. It’s really a great experience for me and learning something new. I glad I met new friends and people that helped me especially sir Rod who is very understanding and patience. 
Then Qr finally called me!!! Good thing I’m at home doing the work-from-home set up, I was able to pick up the phone. If only you could imagine my happiness during that time. A lot of us rejoiners received it and some went back to Doha very quick. But for us filipinas/filipinos we waited for few months. But I just trust the process that I will be back to flying very soon. I know there’s a good reason for the delay. From that time I know that I needed to spend more time with my love ones because I will be an OFW again. I know its very sad to go far away but I have to. I’m doing this for them. I saw them how happy they were when I told them the good news. 
May 24th 2022, I left my home again to pursue my dreams again. I know from the start that I will be back to flying. Thank you Lord for giving me more time to spend with family and letting me spread my wings again. Now, I enjoy what I’m doing. I can’t thank you enough for all the blessings Lord. You’re truly amazing! I love you! 
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alammomag · 1 year
Meet Rayson Esquejo
Meet Rayson Esquejo, a digital brand maker hailing from Los Angeles. He's a self-taught marketing guru who has made a name for himself in the industry by hacking his way to the top.
Growing up with AOL chatrooms, MySpace, and a love for downloading music, Rayson knew early on that there had to be something in the world of marketing for him. So, after working on a few internships and graduating from UCLA during an employment downturn, he took what he had learned and went door-to-door offering online marketing services. With the demand for online marketing being low at the time, Rayson had to pick up skills like website design and Adobe skills through random blogs and YouTube videos.
But, Rayson's persistence paid off when he was headhunted to run social at Open Road Films. There, he created industry-leading marketing campaigns for films like Spotlight, Chef, and even hacked Instagram to allow for the first-ever HD uploaded trailer. Realizing the growing opportunities in the field of social media, Rayson decided to take his experiences and contacts and travel the world as a freelancer.
When Rayson returned to LA, he decided to try his hand at something new: throwing a large-scale event. In 2017, Rayson and a friend put together LA's largest Filipino-food event, drawing over 25,000 people and opening doors for more freelance work within the Filipino-American community. He even started a non-profit organization, USAPAN, to amplify Filipino-American small businesses through events.
But, Rayson's journey hasn't been without its obstacles. Being a Filipino-American in an industry that doesn't have many, Rayson has faced microaggressions and discrimination. But, he never let it stop him from pursuing his dreams.
With the pandemic hitting in 2020, Rayson pivoted to smaller, more frequent drive-thru and pick-up events, called the Filled Market, which gained coverage from outlets like NBC and PBS. Alongside the growth of the market, one of the brands Rayson was marketing had a sudden burst of exponential growth and he was offered the opportunity to build a company and a team from the ground up at Harvey Industries International, Inc.
Currently, the Harvey Woodworking Saw brand is the fastest-growing brand in the segment supported by a 5-star rated team of 14 that Rayson personally hand-picked and hired. If you're into woodworking, Harvey's saws are the Lamborghini of woodworking tools.
Rayson's story is one of persistence and determination, proving that with hard work and a willingness to learn, anything is possible. He continues to pave the way for Filipino-Americans in the industry and give back to his community. Keep an eye out for Rayson and his future projects, because he's not done making a name for himself yet.
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mtchmbrc · 2 years
Get to know me!
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There are seven billion people in this World, and I am different, we are all different. I can say that, I am nothing without God and I am nothing without purpose in this world. Now, I am writing about myself, I'm here to introduce myself, share about my life and what I'm planning for my life. I'm from the family of Isidoro and Ambrocio. I'm Mich Daryl Ambrocio Isidoro but you can also call me Chi but not Daryl. I am pure Filipino and I am single. I'm single because I was too young to be in a relationship. I'm from Atulayan Sur and from Bagay too, but I'm currently staying at Atulayan Sur, Tuguegarao City Cagayan. I graduated at John Wesley College. I am sixteen years old and turning seventeen by January next year. I am studying at St. Paul University Philippines. I feel happy and thankful because my classmates are friendly and my teachers are kind. My motto is "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." I am an introvert person. When I was young I used to mingle with other people but now, I am a home person. My life is just school and home. I often mingle with people unless i need to. I have many weaknesses, but I'm trying my best to overcome it. I am trying my best to be a better person. My Father is a businessman. My mother is a office staff. They both love their work. I have two brothers and I am middle child. Being the only girl, I am the most responsible from my brothers. I wanted to guide and teach my younger brother to his studies and take care of them. My favorite foods and drinks are spicy seafoods and foods, takoyaki, ice cream, milktea, iced coffee, and fries and you have no idea how it makes me happy whenever I eat them. So let's talk about the things, I think I'm good at. I'm good at drawing, painting and capturing images of animals and the environment. I am good at painting and I'm proud about it. I love paintings because I can express my ideas and feelings there. I was always into arts and most of the time mobile games. Also, I love dancing and listening to music. I have two dogs, you can call them Ara and Luna. I am a creative person and I like learning new things which I always enjoy. My ambition in life is to be a successful woman. That's it. Nice to meet you all.
The way I see myself ten years ahead of now is not something I often think about. To tell you the truth, it scares me a little to know that in one short decade I will be twenty seven years old, and that my years of youth are coming to an end. Yes, my learning in SPUP is vital to where I am leading to, but one thing I'm certain of, is that if God gives me the opportunity to get to that age, I will make the most of my years and put all of my effort to become a successful, happy woman. A vision I've always had of myself years ahead of now is a wealthy veterinary woman, and is a world-wide well known Doctor of Pets. I'm sure that with perseverance and the help of the people I love, as well as God’s, I will have the chance to achieve this. Also the way I see myself ten years ahead of now is I already have a job and I thought about living in Canada with my loved one. In Canada, I will build a house, my dream house and continue to be a veterinarian there. I like in Canada because they say it's beautiful there and I can move well because no one cares about my life there (like chismosa).
Well, for me this is the best choice because before I choose this strand, I was so afraid and confused at first. I didn't know if it is right for me to be in this strand. But yeah, I chose STEM because I want to take veterinary courses in college. I chose this strand because there is a lot of opportunities here and maybe one day I'll change my mind and I have a lot to choose from.
The course I will take in college is Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM). Because I want to be a successful veterinary and this is my dream job. Well, this is probably a little obvious, also because I love animals.
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jc220x · 3 years
Thief!  Thief!  A lady shouted. This is the book’s first sentence that portrays the real life of slums in the Philippines written by Bob Ong. People may think what is happening? What does this robber look like? What did he steal? Bob Ong is a Filipino novelist. He has written many books and won many awards. One of the most popular books is MacArthur, its title is derived from a slang term for difficult to flush effects - a reference to Douglas MacArthur's famous promise, "I shall return". The story of MacArthur is everything between the four good friends, Noel, Cyrus, Voltron and Jim. They have different personalities and family situations. The only thing they have in common is that they are all destitute. The story takes place in the slums of Manila, talks about how they screw up their lives, regain hope, and reface life step by step, and finally are defeated by reality. Poverty shouldn’t be a reason to give up on people’s ambitions. It is all about making changes for himself and persevere in order to achieve one’s goal. Not poverty nor anything else will make a person better, choosing and taking the step in the right forward in the right direction should be done in order to succeed
The story shows the reality of slum life, how everyone is in poverty. Four friends from the squatters area got involved in drugs and crime and having problems with their family. Four of them supported each other through good times and hard times. Story started when they were in the house doing nothing, and Cyrus said, “Ba’t ka matatakot sa mga pulis? Mga kawatan din yan! Kung mahabol ka e di patay! Ano problema don?" Characters find different means to be able to satisfy themselves from their vices. If people work very hard, nothing is impossible. It does not mean when someone is born poor he will never reach his ambition. There will always be a way, so make an action. In the beginning of the novel, it shows what is really happening in our society especially  in the slum areas.
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Jim who also lives in the squatter’s and has a wife named Olive. He sells many things for a living to him and his family. One day when Jim went home, he saw his wife in clothes for travelling. He asked her about it and that is when his wife vented out his thoughts to him, that she wanted to go back to her hometown in Bicol. She said angrily on how they needed legal water and electricity, how Jim needed a good job, how his son Jon-Jon needed a father, how Olive needed a husband and lastly how they needed to live. She confronted him if that was his ambition, to just be like this. Jim screamed that she needed to still wait, and his wife said that she was pregnant. Jim suddenly hugged his wife and said, “Wag kang matakot….wag kang matakot.” Trials can come to life no matter what the situation, and every one must always calm down and reflect on themselves. Try to seek help, firstly in God then to family and close relatives. Poverty might make one’s life harder but it doesn’t mean people should just give up and let it do as it pleases. It’s okay to think about it and cry sometimes but every individual should make it temporary and move on with the whole thing. Trials and misfortunes will come and go, being prepared mentally and coping with it will make everyone wiser and stronger after it. Studying while in poverty can be hard but with enough dedication and determination with patience, people will be able to push through and eventually succeed in graduating. Mang Justo encourages Noel to study so that Noel won’t have to worry about his future.
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Here, readers can see Noel and Mang Justo talking about Noel's dream and what his parents’ expectations of him are. How Mang Justo persuades him not to give up just because others don't support him, and tell him the importance of learning. Learning can make him a better person and make him gradually close to his dream. MangJusto also said that he would support his dream and hope to become a part of his dream. At last, MangJusto's words further inspired Noel's determination to realize his dream. It all started when Mang Justo and Noel sat near their home and chatted one night in November. He asked Noel what his dream was. Noel said he wanted to be a pilot, but his father wanted him to learn about business. His sister Lyla didn't want to be a nurse, but she compromised. He didn't want to compromise, but he didn't have a chance because he had dropped out now,and his father will obviously not let him go to school again, not to mention that he may not be able to go back home now. Mang Justo said, "You'll only be studying for two decades. If you don't work hard, son, five decades of struggle is to change. "If everyone of Noel's age knew this, no one would be reluctant to go to school.. There will inevitably be others saying something bad in the way of people pursuing dreams, but that doesn't mean for anyone else to give up. Then, in order to encourage Noel, he also said that when he was still alive, he would want to have the opportunity to fly Noel's plane. He wanted to see the clouds close up, so don't make him down. Everyone's dreams are different, and everyone is an independent individual. It's better for young people to strive for goals in life than to pursue the demands of their parents. If a person gives up because he has no money to continue his dream, he can only stay in his comfort zone forever. Poverty can never be the reason for a person not to reach their dreams, because people can be poor, but should not think poorly. If people give up learning because of poverty, then the road to wealth is not feasible for them.
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This book is about the attempts of Filipino youth to deal with today's challenges, such as drugs and vices, employment, education, social and economic status, and family expectations. The book is a mix of humour and grim truths, similar to how the late Bob Ong dealt with some issues in his writings. The novel, on the other hand, is notable for portraying life in a Philippine village in a brave and genuine manner. The story begins with a description of each character's existence, which reflects the hardship of certain Filipino families, particularly those from metropolitan areas. In both good and terrible times, the four have each other's backs. Each has their own individuality and character, yet they are all poor.
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tokycinn · 3 years
it’s me again :( this time i’m introducing jonah tanilon, ville city native & ((oblivious)) walking bad luck charm. once again, i have some necessary and some unnecessary links for him (bio, info, pinterest, playlist) and anything else worth knowing should be below the cut.
abt jonah
half filipino half white, born & raised in [redacted country]. full name is jonah tanilon but friends are free to call him jt even tho he officially left that nickname behind when he was like 16 (also nicknamed ‘jet plane’ or just ‘jet’ from that time he performed big jet plane by angus & julia stone at that high school talent show... no he didn’t win, let’s not talk about it)
raised by a good ol’ hippie-slash-rocker dad and a realist mom for the first fourteen years of his life, which were pretty decent! his parents were very clearly in love and while they didn’t have much in terms of money, they had plenty of #happiness
tw death unfortunately jonah’s dad passed away in 2010 and that really changed his entire dynamic with his mom... they were both grieving, but rather than comforting each other, they started drifting apart. each endured the pain alone while wondering why the other only seemed to care about themselves end tw
& such was the beginning of jonah’s bad luck. he used to be a big dreamer ((and he had potential in many of the paths that he pursued)) but life kept knocking him down. grades started falling which was first pinned on him going through the grieving process, but it... never... ended... and all of his early-decision college offers fell out from under his feet, business at mom’s salon started decreasing & bills became harder to pay ((again, initially pinned on only having one income as opposed to two, but...)), random bad shit started happening to him ((every pair of paints ripping in the same place (behind the left knee), spilling every cup he’s ever held in his LIFE, having ridiculous mishaps and breaking bones by doing the most mundane shit ever fr))
so... if you can’t tell....... he looks like a klutz but he’ll swear that his luck just SUCKS!!! if something bad can happen, it WILL happen to jonah tanilon!!! “hope for the best but expect the worst” mindset
that said... he’s not really a negative guy? in fact, he’s almost sickeningly optimistic because he’s kind of had to learn to find the silver lining when his life’s been so shitty for the past eleven years and counting.
not sure what his life’s purpose is - original dream was to be a rockstar & he pursued music ‘til he was around 21 but shit kept going wrong ((ordered a new guitar, it was destroyed in transit but since he didn’t have “proof” that he wasn’t the one to break it, the company wouldn’t replace it / the studio his band was recording their ep at literally burned down in the middle of the night / one of the band’s most important gigs ended up not happening because they were cut from the lineup at the last minute (the night of) and such)) so he gave up on that one...
also tried out filmography, was briefly enrolled in college as a film & cinema studies major even but ummmm some shit happened and his camera got absolutely SHATTERED while he was halfway through filming his yearly project so <333 ditched that one too. dropped out on the spot because he was so frustrated
spent some time helping his mom as a beautician at her salon ((mainly doing nails, skin treatments but occasionally doing haircuts/colorings too)) and that was... alright, but he kinda can’t stand his mom so then he left the country for a while
and now he’s back <333 been living in center point for almost a year and his luck’s been looking up more and more ((re: he has add-on 4n, in which he’s siphoning luck off of everybody he comes into contact with)), from getting a letter and a check from a public library about how he won that short-film contest 7 years ago but they forgot to send him his cash reward to being on month 5 of never paying for fast food because the person ahead of him has already paid for him
other: mommy issues / skater boy who used to have a new broken bone every two months but he’s Good! now / unmedicated adhd ((very restless, Nice Guy but short-tempered, forgetful, always tired but always awake)) / currently fostering a pair of rescue mutts that bark like crazy every time they hear the doorknob turn but they’re pretty chill other than that / wears a huge grin that gets him compared to the cheshire cat and/or the joker on the daily / inspired by jonah simms (superstore), winston (new girl), that one coffee shop owner slash former singer from hometown cha cha cha, miyake from “landscape with flatiron” by haruki murakami & some other nameless murakami protagonists
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shespeaksinsongs · 3 years
May I have a ship 🍄 for HP of golden trio era? Preferably male, thank you 💞
I'm 19, Southeast Asian with Spanish descent, Libra, ENFJ-A/ENFJ-T, Neutral Good, Ravenclaw, and a Bi Pan Genderfluid girl using the pronouns She/Her or He/Him. A friend of mine told me that I (kinda) look like Marinette from 𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝗱𝘆𝗯𝘂𝗴, Musa from 𝗪𝗶𝗻𝘅 𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯, and Alexandra Trese from 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲 (a Netflix animated series), but the exception is I'm short (5'1.2") plus sized Southeast Asian woman with Spanish descent that has messy/wavy brunette medium hair, chocolate brown eyes, oriental skin and a small beauty mark on the forehead. My sense of fashion is in between emo and boyish plus korean glam.
Distant, quiet, and shy at first cause' I dunno how to initiate a conversation, but a total opposite if I open up---friendly, ambivert, witty, laughing loudly on a daily basis, talkative, eats a lot, awkward, daydreamer (I got embarrassed from knocking at the door even I'm inside the classroom 😂), EXTREMELY CLUMSY (mostly tends to get bruises from bumping and being careless to my belongings), secretly likes affection, easily overwhelmed, prone to melt over wholesomeness, flusters on compliments, lightly blushes on cheesy banters, eager to share what I know (especially about Catholic Church---my past teacher joked that I'll become a saint because of it 🤣), oftenly speaks full of sarcasm with a lowkey crackhead energy citing meme references, and talented girl who can be your no.1 supporter and unashamed to be true to myself. In terms of leadership, I only educate and guide than being a prefect (I might take the role seriously), will lift my group when there's lacking/incompleteness. About doing projects in school, I become too extra and prepared for efforts, but I'll forget the process in the end.
People thought I'm a demure self-effacing woman that looks "immaculate" or "one of a kind," (due to my protective parents, a reason why I've never been in a relationship) but the truth is, I'm eloquent, warm-hearted, willig to help, kind, intelligent, supportive, nice, creative, enthusiastic, laid-back, determined, tough, competitive, and feisty outside, but a real softie that can be childish and dramatic that cries so easily (but will enlightened real quick by smallest things that makes me smile) filled with doubts, frustrations, and insecurities with fear of failure that pushes off the limits to to please everyone because they might get dissappointed from expectations, yet I still managed to be stronger than ever, even it's a slow burn process. I can be intimidating, sassy, and a douchebag if I receive ends. Immature, headstrong, perfectionist, demanding, hesitant, jumpy, very indecisive, overthinker, quick-tempered, sensitive, and anxious (no joke, my nervousness makes me think worse scenario will arrive). Though can be procrastinator and arrogant, I raised as a religious 𝖺𝗇𝖽 diplomatic person, willing to fight what I believe (including my dreams and what's important to me) and what is right. In addition, I have a habit of staying up late and doing sign of the cross to ease nervousness.
Blunt but the loudest idiotic feeling-brokenhearted and bitter friend in the group who fangirl a lot, swears like sailor, will call out on people that we loathe, will crack up over your stupid antics before helping, vent out everything I despise (having a bad day, toxicity, poorly written soap operas, how am unlucky when it comes to love life) and bring gossips, but a hopeless romantic who tends to banter with sarcasms or pick up lines as an endearment (but gets grumpy if I received sappy or offensive one), Still generous and concerned person in a subtle way.
My hobbies are singing, drawing, roleplaying, listening to music, chatting/browsing on social media, conceptualizing, writing, and reading some stuffs. I'll include making corniest jokes/puns, sleeping, and dancing when nobody's around or walking like a model if I feel so bold (even I'm terrible at both xD). I also used to learn Italian language a bit. Lastly, my best assets are smile, eyes, personality, singing voice, artistic skills, writings, intelligence, and oratorical skills...so I can consider myself as a singer, artist, orator, and a top student who's a former campus ministry member (choir member, psalm singer, and reader) and in coming college freshman. Currently learning how to cook and have so many interests, to the point I don't know what I'm into because of my dreams to become a popular Filipino YouTuber, a novelist, and being part of a successful chorale...I also consider joining pageants too once the pandemic ends, but maybe.
okay. this was a tough one, but i finally settled on fred and george. i think you'd be best with fred weasley by a CLOSE SECOND to george.
you mentioned that you're into banter and pick-up lines as endearment - and i think that is so fred weasley. george strikes me as the softer, sweeter, twin, who is more likely to be dominated, but i think you and fred having an equally dominant personality would make for an interesting relationship! additionally, the secretly likes affection thing would go smoothly with fred. i think fred is a more "quality time" and "acts of service" kind of guy, but affection is never rejected for him, and he quite enjoys it! the hobbies you mentioned seem like things he might love to do, or encourage you to do! it even gave me a good idea for a fic, which i think i will be releasing tomorrow if i can. will tag you, of course. head-strong, sassy, and being quick-tempered would keep fred on his toes, and i think that's one of his favorite things about you. he'd love that he's always on the edge with you. he doesn't know where he's going, but he doesn't mind. i think fred really likes someone who's not afraid to let themselves get out there, and you pursuing your dreams so fearlessly, along with your passions, makes for a pretty good match to me. besides that, i think fred would definitely try to dig beneath the surface, or the "demure" demeanor you give off. based on your description of yourself, i think he would find somebody worth being with.
he would definitely see you in the hallways and pretend not to know you sometimes, hitting on you as if you weren't already together. i think he most definitely thinks it's both cute and scary when you're angry, seeing as your height and personality clash (in a good way, dw). teases you for being clumsy, but he thinks it's cute. aside from the normal nicknames, he probably calls you "my pretty witch", or "my smart baby ravenclaw". he likes head pats, and uses you as an elbow rest to annoy you sometimes. i think he would also think you're stunning. like he would almost worship you and your entire body. gives you kisses on the beauty mark on your forehead a lot, especially if you're cuddling. he almost can't resist. loves your style and tries to copy it, but decides that it's reserved for you in his mind, so he goes back to his normal style, admiring all your different outfits. stays up late with you on nights you can't sleep or don't want to. starts cursing a lot after he met you. he gets into the habit, and every conversation with you is a swearing mess. gives you kisses on the cheeks randomly to see how off-guard he can catch you and see how flustered you get. LOVES when you blush. it's his favorite thing about you.
<3 thank you so much for your submission.
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