#putin is a war criminal
destielmemenews · 5 months
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"Russia’s highest court found in favour of a motion filed by the Ministry of Justice which claimed the LGBTQ community risked “inciting social and religious discord”, in violation of Russia’s Law on Countering Extremism, according to a statement from the UN condemning the decision."
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kaoszkutato · 10 months
június 27
"Vlagyimir Putyin nem háborús bűnös" - jelentette ki Orbán Viktor a június 27-én a német Bildben megjelent interjújában.
Legyen itt egy történet aznapról.
Ő itt Victoria Amelina, ukrán író, az ukrán PEN tagja, a New York nevű kis ukrán település táblája előtt, ahol megalapította a New York-i Irodalmi Fesztivált.
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A háború miatt az ő élete is felfordult. Az ukrán költők képeivel díszített táskájával a vállán itt éppen nem egy irodalmi rendezvényre indult, hanem megnézni és megörökíteni az oroszok által bombázott Harkivot. Belefogott egy könyvbe, melyben az oroszok háborús bűneit dokumentálta.
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Ennek a munkának a során fedezte fel az oroszok által elhurcolt és meggyilkolt Volodymyr Vakulenko naplóját. Vakulenko költő, gyerekkönyvíró volt, egy 14 éves fia maradt árván. Június 22-én részt vett naplóból készült könyv bemutatóján, melynek ő írta az előszavát.
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Június 24-én egy kijevi művészeti esten olvasott fel költeményeket.
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Június 27-én kolumbiai írók és újságírók csoportjával felkeresték a felszabadított Kapytolivkét, ahonnan Vakulenkót elhurcolták. A képen a kis falu könyvtárosát éppen a kolumbiai író, Héctor Abad Faciolince köszönti. Ahogy a képet készítő Victoria a bejegyzésében írta: "It feels like a solidarity hug from America Latina for Ukraine 💛💙".
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Aznap este beültek egy étterembe. Kramatorszkban. Pizzázni. Igen, abba az étterembe, amit az oroszok rakétával támadtak meg.
Tegnap este jelentették be, hogy hiába küzdöttek Victoria életéért, meghalt.
Egy 12 éves kisfiú maradt árván utána, akivel ősszel terveztek Párizsba költözni a Columbia University ösztöndíjával.
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Julia és Anna Akszencsenkó, a mindössze 14 éves ikerpár is az áldozatok között volt. „Egy orosz rakéta megállította két angyal szívének dobbanását" - írta róluk megemlékezésében a város önkormányzata.
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Ezek pedig honfitársaink kommentjei egy magyar nyelvű orosz propaganda-oldalon a rakétatámadásról szóló bejegyzés alatt.
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Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Orbán Viktor a pokol tüzén fog elégni, és remélem, hogy oda is ugyanúgy tömegek fogják követni, ahogyan a nagygyűléseire is.
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tomorrowusa · 10 days
🦉 🌎 🌍 Happy Earth Day 2024! 🌏 🌻 🐝
Earth Day originated in 1970 when pollution was the biggest environmental concern. Air and waterways are undoubtedly cleaner 50+ years later. It demonstrates that progress can be made when there's a concerted effort.
A current problem which gets overlooked is the amount of environmental damage which the Russian invasion has caused in Ukraine. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has called Putin's environmental destruction "ecocide".
Greta Thunberg denounces 'ecocide' in Ukraine
Just about every aspect of the environment has been worsened by Putin's illegal military action.
After Two Years of War, Ukraine Sees Deepening Environmental Wound
A consortium of agencies called EcoDozor has put together a map graphic showing the environmental consequences of the invasion.
I feel strongly that Russian state assets should be impounded to pay for the damage. Contact your representative at your national parliament and insist that Russian assets be seized to be used to repair environmental damage done in Ukraine by Putin's Russia.
On a historical note, here's a cartoon done by American-Australian underground artist Ron Cobb. It gave rise to the use of the Greek letter Theta 𝚹 to symbolize environmental protection.
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In turn, high school students in Springfield, Illinois were inspired to turn that into into a flag for the first Earth Day.
This Homemade Flag From the ‘70s Signals the Beginning of the Environmental Movement
Being mindful of the power of semiotics, it might be useful to revive Theta as a symbol of environmental action. It already exists as an emoji and most of us have devices which can access a Greek font. And at Tumblr we can make stuff green. 𝚹 Θ
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psycohousecat · 24 days
Guarding North American shores from communist infiltration since forever .. 🥰🇺🇲🇨🇦❤️
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 3 months
He was obviously killed by Putin, like thousands of others who were tortured, tortured because of this one creature. Putin doesn't care who dies, as long as he retains his position.
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy responding to the murder of Alexei Navalny today.
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dakichh · 2 months
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hero of our time.
ребят, мы вместе! а герои, как и свобода, бессмертны.
все пять часов была на трансляции похорон, все пять часов плакала ужасно. но мы не сдадимся, будем рыдать в три ручья, ругаться матом, беситься, бить кулаками и ногами в стену, но сдаваться никак нельзя. спите спокойно, алексей анатольевич(4.6.1976 - 16.2.2024).
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The number of flowers on Navalny's grave formed a mountain of flowers can you imagine this at putin's grave? this is a big fuck you to putin
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Russia relies heavily on electronic jamming in a failing effort to make up for their inferior technology.
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sheimauama · 7 months
Preparing myself mentally to start seeing putin apologists everywhere again. 🌚😪
So many arabs are supporting ruzzia that sometimes I wish I could stop understanding Arabic 👎🏻
And they do it under the pretext of helping Muslims against *western imperialism* while russia basically committed genocide against our Crimean Tatars , deporting them and forcing them twice to leave their home , wiped Mariupol that had a 30% muslim population from the earth , bombed the hell of Syria and killed over two million of people there , killed 500 000 Chechens in the Chechen war , is occupying about 4 or 5 Muslim republics and is a bestie of China who does you know what to Uighurs.
Shortly , get a brain you screwers.
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the-rat-eatery · 1 month
You know shit is bad when your best attempt at optimism is just: well they have to die eventually.
Yes this is about Putin being elected for a fifth term
Yes this is about Trump vs Biden round 2
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defiantart · 18 days
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torillatavataan · 7 months
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Home video shows apprehensive Putin in sweatpants – Yle publishes images from secret trip to Finland
Dressed in a sleeveless t-shirt, blue Adidas sweatpants, and sporting unkempt hair, he looks drab and non-descript. After playing ping pong in casual attire, Putin doesn’t look any more impressive when he sits down for a festive dinner – a far cry from the macho, dictatorial image that Putin has since hewn for himself.
In the video, the usually reserved Putin's self-control sometimes falters. In the heat of a ping pong match, Putin even emits a rare laugh.
Putin, who is famously paranoid about his privacy, only releases videos that bolster his own authority. However, in the clips from the early 1990s, Putin was not able to control what was filmed or how he is portrayed. The video also reveals how small Putin is.
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According to an eyewitness, it was important that the guests would catch fish, even though Putin had not yet begun to burnish his image by posing with impressive catches as he later would as president.
”They were really into fishing. They tried with a rod and reel but we had nets out to be sure to catch some fish. They didn't get anything with a fishing rod or a reel.”
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Putin, seen playing ping-pong in Raseborg with untidy hair and loose sweatpants, has since sought to improve his image through the unlimited resources at his disposal. The end result is a grotesque reversal of the aims.
Now, at nearly 71, Putin has reportedly tried to rejuvenate himself with cosmetic surgery and Botox injections to smooth facial wrinkles, resulting in a swollen, rounded face.
Read full article by Yle, reblog to embarrass Putin
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ridenwithbiden · 3 months
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tomorrowusa · 8 months
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If that list of the Putin Caucus members is too small to see, here's a link to the official vote tally by the Clerk of the US House.
The AYE votes for the Gaetz Amendment are mostly from Republicans in deep red districts. But there are a few exceptions like Lauren "Beetlejuice" Boebert who won by less than 550 votes last year and may be vulnerable in 2024.
Ukrainians have values similar to those of Americans. By attempting to sabotage Ukraine, the House Putin Caucus is demonstrating how anti-American it is.
ON A SIDE NOTE: To give you some idea of the sort of people the House Putin Caucus is supporting, check out this video. It's from YouTube user @RFU who posts daily reports on the war. This is for Day 571 (Sunday).
In the east of Ukraine, Russian troops attempted to surrender to Ukraine. But Russian forces further back opened fire on the surrendering Russians rather than on the Ukrainian troops. It was not an accident. Essentially, Russians are committing war crimes against their own soldiers.
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filmcentury · 3 months
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Alexei Navalny (4 June, 1976 – 16 February, 2024)
Another good person murdered by war criminal Putin.
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myguiltyartpleasure · 2 months
Feels like I should tell you all how Navalny's funeral went. The thing is russian government tried to make it as silent as possible. That's what happend instead.
There was long line of people before coffin arrived to the church. Some independent media stated it was about 750 meters long. It was about -15℃ (or 5 ℉) outside. People started gathering in about 1-2 hours before official start.
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(image above shows line of people on the map)
People brought flowers. A LOT of flowers. They kept coming days after the funeral and kept bringing flowers.
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(first image shows flowers on his grave on funeral day. second one is taken 3 days after and shows about a human height mount of flowers
People were chanting following phrases (translated to english):
"Thanks, Alexey!"
"Let us say goodbye!"
"Russia will be free!"
"Putin is a murderer!"
"Stop the war!"
"Love is stronger than fear!"
"Julia!" (Julia is Alexey's wife that declared she will continue what he was doing)
There weren't a lot of arrests in Moscow that day, BUT they happened in other cities. And after the funeral there were multiple reports of people being arrested in Moscow also, because they were recognized by cameras that day.
And one more cool thing: Alexey loved "Terminator 2" so his coffin was lowered while it's main theme was playing. Epic and totally deserved
In the end I just wanted to say: DO NOT BELIEVE RUSSIAN PROPOGANDA! Putin doesn't have that much support among russian citizens. There are a lot of reasons why you might not see it, but PEOPLE DON'T WANT THE WAR. PEOPLE DONT WANT MORE PUTIN
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