kngboo · 2 years
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hi  peach .   your  frame  looks  lonely  and  empty .
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@pvach continued from here
Somehow a piranha plant came to life and was about to eat a princess! Like a hero, Puss in Boots knew he had to protect her.
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"Watch out!" Puss warned Peach as he rushed to the scene. He drew his sword, ready for action. But before he could strike, he heard the princess warn him about the plant and saw her hand reach out to him.
"Fear not, princess! I know what I am doing!" he assured her. Whenever the piranha plant tried to chomp Puss, he dodged. Then he flipped behind the plant and with a single swing of his sword, he decapitated it. The cat put his sword away and turned to the princess. "I have vanquished the monster. You are safe." he said proudly as he took his hat off and bowed to her.
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monmuses · 2 years
00. The fool and 02. The high priestess/ for Scout and Sniper
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a collection of muse headcanon questions inspired by the major arcana of the tarot /  send the corresponding number(s) for headcanons surrounding the given prompts !
00.  the fool  :  what are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings ? does it frighten them or  excite them ?
02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
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> With Scout, he is ALWAYS anticipating for something new to change. He’s easy to adapt to new situations for himself, especially with harsh changes. That’s what most of his childhood consisted of, so he has an idea of what to expect with new beginnings. However, he’s generally pretty excited for what’s to come.
> It’s very mixed, and it mostly depends on his mood and energy. He normally makes impulsive decisions, combined with gut instinct and how he feels. But when he KNOWS he’s in the right, he has the logic and emotions set in play. Everything is mapped out in his head when he clicks everything together.
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> He is not excited about new beginnings. He very much likes being in his camper by himself and not changing how his lifestyle is like. He isn’t exactly afraid or happy, he just doesn’t really enjoy change that much.
> Sniper is a very logical mercenary who doesn’t often follow what his emotions desire. With him, he thinks it through BEFORE making his choice. He’s way more up there in his head than most mercenaries (for example: Scout), and he takes pride in thinking through certain choices.
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newgroundz · 3 years
deimos stalks through the shadows of nexus city as if he belongs in them — as if despite being naught more than an interloper, the universality of these dark, cramped spaces between the concrete walls provides him more than adequate accommodation. when he’s with sanford, they’re tactless, he’s tactless; he’s too caught up on the thought of impressing his teammate and making funny quips, and his ability to strategize suffers for it. it gets him hurt. it could get him killed. but he enjoys it, and he’s used to it, and if he’s being completely honest, he simply wouldn’t have it any other way. dei is the dumbest smart person you will ever meet.
despite this lack of desire for change, he’s been assigned to this mission alone ... and he’s a little bit excited for it. he hasn’t had his life completely in his own hands in a while. it’s stressful, but it’s also familiar, and he finds a sort of comfort in it that he wouldn’t be able to describe if you asked him to. deimos isn’t as strong or as brutal as certain teammates of his are. he’s smaller and scrawnier, and relies more on his training and expertise ... which means, when he’s on his own, he naturally relies more on being stealthy. he feels out of practice, but just as the shadows had felt like home and the loneliness had felt like a long estranged friend, there’s a sickeningly sweet sense of familiarity which swallows him up as he quietly wrenches open a window and chokes out the unfortunate grunt who happened to be in the room he broke into, just as alone as he is. there’s a satisfying element to doing something by yourself, especially when you don’t have time to analyze your proclivity for violence. he takes a moment to brandish a pack of cigarettes, lights himself a smoke to keep his nerves calm and keeps the cancer stick hanging expertly from his mouth as he readies a gun ( silencer equipped, of course ) and makes his way into the hall. everything is gray.
he wants to paint it red.
... but he shouldn’t get too ahead of himself, least of all when he’s here on a mission. he’s supposed to find out where exactly she’s being kept, break her out, and bring her to his temporary hideout in the city while he waits for further instruction. it’s simple enough, and it seems to dei that the stakes are relatively low, so he’s no more stressed than usual ( especially with the additional assistance of nicotine ) as he kills his way to an answer. once deimos has a room number and a key, and he’s shot the dumb motherfucker who gave him both right between the eyes, he makes his way there, continuing on a stealthy path — mostly since he’d rather wait until he has her with him before he starts getting particularly reckless, not realizing that this is the exact same thing he does with sanford around and, wow, he really does just want to impress literally everyone does he ? once again, there’s no time to unpack that. because of the mission, or whatever. yeah.
he finds her room ( if you can call it that ) and the coast is clear, so he procures the key and takes just a moment to put out his cigarette. he likes to think of himself as a bit of a gentleman, even if this is probably a lie, and a gentleman wouldn’t come into a lady’s room with a smoke. he even knocks, though he doesn’t have time to wait for a response before he opens the door, just praying that she’s decent ... and once he does so, he quickly lets himself in, removing the key and locking her door behind him. just in case she needs to be convinced. ❛ princess ? ❜ he asks with a click of his tongue. he already wishes he hadn’t ditched his cigarette. oh, well. ❛ i’m here to help you out of ... er ... here. ❜ what a way with words ! he just hopes she obliges easy. ❛ not to rush you, but we’re on a bit of a time limit, so ... you may want to hurry. ❜
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@pvach​ — plotted.
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theaudit0r · 2 years
Was she going to visit her friend Audi? Yes. But her eyes took glance of the MAG and she just stoped In her tracks, blue eyes looking at the MAG and she just approaches him, so Big, so fuerce but at the same time looking so huggable. Was the princess looking at him With lovey fovey eyes? Yes. "So ... Precious..." Let he be in trance giving a soft sigh. "Why didn't Mr. Auditor Tell me that you existed, darling?" Hands over her chest as she just have another step forward a soft smile In her face.
Torture had been doing his rounds when he took notice of the rather colorful stranger. He’d heard that his boss had someone visiting often that was “out of place” but the MAG didn’t know to what extent exactly. She was a lot more bubbly than he realized.
“Hrm? Eh… dunno. Probably saves it for meetings and stuff. I am supposed to be his guard after all.” Torture huffed. “You ain’t scared or nothin?” He was certainly surprised and didn’t think he’d be called such baby names.
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feralgalaxy · 2 years
💝 👀👀
How He Feels
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"Too often is kindness overlooked." The warrior began. "It has always been thought that to be a good mage one must rely on the power of ones spells or the amount of mana you can hold within yourself. But to be kind in the face of adversity and through the pressures of ruling is a strength in its own right."
"To rescue and offer shelter to me when I had been injured is an act of mercy I shall not soon forget. You could say I owe her my life... If it hadn't been for her swift action and care, my wounds could have become infected. And from there, who knows what could have happened."
"And so while I recover I shall offer whatever I can in gratitude. I am not sure how she will make use of the magic I have to teach her, but I trust it will be put to good use. As of right now though, I sense Peach is a touch anxious about certain things- to be fair, I would be too if I was in a position of power over a whole kingdom. But I have confidence in her abilities, and I promise to impart whatever I can onto her until it is time for me to return to the GSA."
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galaxies-unknown-a · 2 years
🌹 What is their favorite childhood memory? For Meta Knight and Rouge
[Muse's childhood asks!]
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He was so young, so rambunctious- it was his first play ever, freshly debuted. Onstage, the actors for the scene were practically yelling their lines- a feud that roared to life with all their skill. Meta was backstage, fighting off noogies from his mother while he and the others played out the scene onstage, to a much more comedic degree. None of them could really 'speak' for fear of their equipment catching their words, but it was funny all the same- hushed laughter and muted claps.
It was a culmination of effort- a full year in the making to craft this story, and the audience would never know how much the actors were laughing and goofing off behind the scenes... Not until the curtains would be inevitably drawn, the lights inevitably shut off.
"SCOUNDREL!" He'd rushed out, fake sword flashing in the limelight. This was his moment- to play his part.
He'd fallen flat on his face.
Looking back on it, it was truly hilarious- even to this day. But in the moment, it had felt so embarrassing. He found himself chuckling softly.
.... Fonder days, fonder days...
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She had snuck out. The night air tickled her ears as she soared from the home that held her prisoner, the parents that held her captive. It was their own lessons that led to her rise- having picked the lock and snuck past their bedroom. Now here she was, free in the air, wings nearly glittering against a starry sky.
It didn't take long for her to find civilization, touching down just outside a local mall. Rouge spread her arms, stretching but for a moment before sashaying forward. She was done letting her parents rule her life-- and this night, this moment, marked her leaving their hold.
They could teach her all she wanted, try to force her to be the thief they desired- but like any good thief, she wasn't going to listen. No, no...
She was going to do things HER way.
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funbonded · 3 years
Ƒ Ƒ。 - ・:*:・゚★, ❝ Pink is a great color, isn’t it? ❞ The animatronic panda loomed over the princess, curiosity enraptured him. It was not very often he saw lost souls on this beaten path. His worn metal shrieked like a banshee as he pursued her through overbearing trees. 
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Suddenly two blue lights lit up the dark, revealing the untended animatronic. He was worn beyond repair, weathered by rain and snow. He emerged, lurching forward like death itself. ❝ My favorite color, even. ❞ He cooed. ❝ That’s a nice dress. It makes me wonder why someone of clear importance would be out here all by herself? Especially not with death in itself in his wake. ❞ He chuckled. This was a game of cat and mouse and he had the princess right where he wanted her. 
/ ❥ @pvach​
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betterdcyz · 3 years
@pvach​ sent in:  ❝ i do not snore! ❞ / For Jay! <3  ( accepting! ) 
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      “——oh yeah,  you snored big time.”  Jay casually said as he sneakily grabbed some bacon off Kai’s plate.  “like king kong level of snoring.”  and proceeded to eat said bacon in front of Peach.   “christ,  it was loud.  i thought Cole’s snoring was bad.” 
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evisconti · 3 years
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@pvach​ said  :   ♗ Only if you want to of course, dear!     /      Send me a  ♗ and I’ll use my icon style to make an icon of your muse  ( accepting !! )
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           pretty lady momence !!!
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cynicalcephalopod · 4 years
📝 @pvach​​ ordered:☠️ >:3C
☠️ - one of our muses has a near death experience while with the other
Send a symbol for a starter based off the first time…
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That lumbering Koopa-as they seemed to call themselves around here- had gone too far this time, Squidward’s heart sinks as the Princess was propelled into perilous danger. The castle was alight as burning embers filled the halls. The cephalopod would usually be more inclined to save himself had such an event occurred at his former employment but this was not his former employment this was his home and the owner his dearest friend.The pillars of the castle were already giving way to the carnage, rubble falling all around. Squidward finds himself hurrying to her majesty’s bedroom, all four of his legs carrying him as fast as they possibly could. 
The door of Peach’s quarters was barricaded by fallen debris and the sight makes him sick to his stomach. He hopes he is not too late. ❛ Princess?! ❜ He wails, begging to hear a reply.
Albeit he is far from strong himself he makes a valiant effort to move the barricade and get to the door. It takes much longer than he would like and time was running out for them, soon this whole place would go up and the two them with it. ❛ Just hang in there! I’m coming! ❜
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betterdcyz-a · 4 years
ANON'S WHO? I Just love you abd adore you, you are my best friend and I cherish you with my ehole heart. Never change and remember that you have me for everything! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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monmuses · 2 years
✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️ As far as I've Seen. YES!! I'm still a shy fart 👌👌
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Send ✏️ if you like my writing
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// *aaa thank u sO MUCH THO!!
// *and thats ok!! i reblog a SHIT ton of memes and i got a meme tag u can always dig thru if u wanna send smth. they’re always open! ik sometimes ppl prefer open starters but im terrible writing ones that are generally flexible with some muses jdshj i do need to work on that tho
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newgroundz · 3 years
Oh, she had a horrible nightmare from that day, the bodies, the smell, how the body of her father crawled at her, and the worst part is that she couldn't move nor scream, since that day, those sleep paralysis attacks when she was really tired happened, and the traumatic experience she had to live was worsening up, so wen it finished, she covered her mouth to conceal her her sobs and screams and got up, directly going for Deimos' room that she lent him or better yet, gifted him. Not saying a word, she just looked at the smoker and got into his bed drying her tears and searching the comfort that she needed at the moment. Head on the shoulder, breaths loud and shaky, hands over her mouth to not make too much noise, but those memories were eating her soul. "Calm down, Peach. You are with deimos. You are safe, you are in a safe place" Said the princess to herself in an attempt to calm herself down. // For Deimos and have A N G S T
deimos isn’t a heavy sleeper by any means, nor does he manage to fall asleep very often in the first place. he’s a poor soul with boundless mental energy, for better or worse, and the very concept of lying down in bed until his body eventually wins the battle with his brain over getting some rest ... it makes him dread the nighttime. nine times out of ten, if you are to go into his room ( or wherever it is he’s supposed to be sleeping, ) he’ll be up, fucking around or messing with things or anything, productive or otherwise, besides getting his much-needed slumber.
... however.
it’s easier to sleep when he’s staying at the castle. he can’t rightly say why, tries to tell himself it’s because this bed is nicer than anything he’d ever even seen before but sort of knowing there’s more to it than that. despite this innate knowing, he can’t describe the feeling of belonging that makes it so much easier for him to rest, so ... he doesn’t really bother with trying. all he knows is, when he’s free from his job and he gets a little bit of time to visit the princess who he’s become so endeared to, he usually manages to get the best sleep of his life. and it’s best not to look a gift horse in the mouth, right ?
with all that being said — deimos is asleep when peach crawls into his bed beside him, as rare of an occurrence as that may be ... but he still wakes up, slowly and groggily, vision blurry as he opens his eyes in the dark and struggles to remember where he is. who’s up next to him ? is it sanford ? it doesn’t feel like sanford, but he’s also not being choked out in his sleep or anything, so ... he rolls over, cautious and curious but not exactly alarmed, to see that the princess is curled up against him, crying softly and with a gentle hand over her own mouth. that sight wakes him up more than a would-be assassin ever could, her emotional wellbeing apparently being so much more important to him than his own safety.
❛ hey, what happened ? ❜ is what he first coos, not because he doesn’t know — this has happened before, and even if it hadn’t ... it’s always been so obvious to him when she has a nightmare, or if anything else is upsetting her this much, exactly what went down — but because he wants to comfort her. it’s a bit of a struggle even when she’s startled him completely awake, but he still moves so that he’s holding her, protective nature overriding everything else as he keeps her against him and maintains the slowest, steadiest breathing pattern that he can muster. all he wants to do is calm her down, and nothing else in the whole world matters. ❛ i’m here, princess. you’re alright, i promise. ❜ for as rough and worn as years of smoking have made his voice, he still sounds so sweet at times like this one ... and it’s a good tangible representation of his whole personality with her, honestly.
unprompted — @pvach.
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theaudit0r · 3 years
Gives him a fresh baked 3 chocolates cake and a soft Kiss on his cheek. Did you think that she forgot about this day even tho she was away from her home? Ha! No. ❤️
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"Thank you, but you truly didn't need to-" The Employer's words were stopped dead in their tracks and he didn't know how to exactly react.
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"... Wh?"
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rascalgator · 3 years
@pvach​ stomped:
Lowers his head and right between his nosetrills a Kiss there. And yeah, he is marked With her Lipstick. Deal With It, gator
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Oh! He was caught off guard by that! A chuckle and a slightly shake of his head was all the alligator managed to do after a few seconds frozen in place. “O-Oh uh—- t-thanks princess.”
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