#[everything is an art: rouge the bat]
pixiefeatherkw3 · 6 months
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zosonils-art · 2 days
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i’m always going on about needing to post my sketches and scribbles here perfectionism be damned so here’s me rediscovering how much fun rouge is to draw
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complete-clownery · 2 years
your Honour,
the children:
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vani11adeath · 5 months
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bl00doodle · 1 year
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Sorry no art lately ive been star railing insanely for weeks now
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lunapegasus · 1 year
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IDOLS!!!!!! ✨✨✨
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yokaishinari · 1 year
Who took it..?
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spinsun · 1 year
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ok. class doodle time :)
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old-inactive-bit · 7 months
here’s some doodles from the past few days! they are not in order lmao!
im just gonna dump all the ones I like here, some I took the text out of, and I edited these all to try and make them more clear, but yeah!! ill also add context to some of these after putting them in here
also ⚠️ one of these has some blood/kiiind of gore in it but its really not that bad because its a pencil doodle
random varied doodles ✨
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‘je suis so fucking addicted to alcohol’ is a reference to a thing one of my friends sent my friends once & I kinda want to digitize it and run it through picmix to make it sparkly lol
also I am so sorry about how I drew tails I was very tired lmao
me trying to figure out how to draw these characters ✨
(under the cut because this post is getting so long omg)
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I think the last image is pretty funny because it also has the doodle related to amy going through war so my weird sketches figuring out how to draw characters look like they traumatized her lmao
other doodles ✨
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the first image here was because there was a school assembly & I did not care so I started drawing hedgehog yaoi 👍 those were also my first doodles after sonic prime got me back into this lol i accidentally made amy look homophobic the first time i drew her this time im so sorry 😭
me obsessing over teeth for a bit ✨
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i randomly get the urge to draw teeth. dunno why. teeth r just really cool lol
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fakesoniicfan · 2 years
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She’s so girlypop
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prof-ramses · 1 month
Finally talking about Batman Caped Crusader (and villains I want in it)
So, up until now, I haven't shown my love of batman, bat-rogues and dc villains in general on this blog, but having finished and marinated on the first season of the phenomenal Caped Crusader series, I've decided to change that.
The show is basically everything I wanted it to be, and though the way its plots are carefully threaded together and amazing, it's the characters, especially the villains, that stand out.
And since arguably the biggest thing about this series is the ways it's reinventing the villains it uses, I thought the best way to start talking about it was to run through some ideas I've had on how it might portray various rouges going forward.
Starting with Scarecrow, as he's been referenced twice in the series. A blink and you'll miss it easter egg in episode 5 shows a self help book written by Dr. Jonathan Crane, which makes me wonder if this take on Scarecrow will lean more towards something like the guru working for Scarecrow in the TNBA episode Never Fear, or possibly a more diluted character who genuinely believes he's helping people overcome their fears.
Moving on to speculative characters, after some thought I've come up with a take on Riddler that would slot neatly into BCC is a traveling magician/escapologist who draws in crowds by offering a cash prize to anyone who can explain his seemingly impossible escapes. He also plans his tours so he can find and pick off other big time magicians by putting them in death trap to see how good their escape skills really are.
And rounding out the dorks, the biggest idea I've had for Mad Hatter is a scientist with a method of inducing intense suggestibility (either the chipped cards or some form of drug) but can't find funding. Because of this, he makes his living as a taxidermist, which would allow both for some creepy visuals and (assuming they go down this route) a jabberwocky patched together out of various animals as a screwed up art piece
I've seen some people suggest Bane for season 2, but I think it would be more interesting to use one of the lesser used bruisers Batman has gone up against like Blockbuster (specifically the version from Nightwing comics), Amygdala or even Solomon Grundy, what with the supernatural aspects we've already seen.
If they do adapt Mr. Freeze, I know this will upset some people, but I want a less sympathetic version of Victor, purely because I'm sick of everything wanting to be Heart of Ice. Maybe he had his accident while trying to freeze Nora against her will, or maybe he causes out of exhaustion because he was neglecting to sleep.
And lastly, this show has the opportunity to be the first animated series to embrace the supernatural implications with The Ventriloquist. Scarface wouldn't even have to be fully alive, just a cursed dummy that amplifies negative emotions and might even be addictive in a way. You could have Batman and Wesker racing to find the dummy as it's being passed from person to person around Gotham.
By the way, if any artists see this and take to one or more of these ideas, feel free to draw your own take on them, just remember to tag me so I can see it :)
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jinxedshapeshifter · 16 days
I'm bored, so here's traits Sonic characters have that they share with their real life counterparts
Hedgehogs - In the IDW comics, both he and Shadow are known to burrow if it benefits them (Amy also mentions this to Rouge; "If you're looking for a hedgehog, you gotta go to the ground"). In Sonic Prime, both Shadow, Sonic, and Amy (+Amy's Shatterspace counterparts) use their ears to express themselves. In Sonic 06, Silver's forehead quills flare if he's upset (for example, when he first meets Sonic), and in Sonic Rivals 2 Sonic's quills flare in his surprised sprite.
Knuckles - Knuckles is also known to burrow a lot, and burrows more than Sonic. This can be seen in this Sonic Channel art and the associated story, Sonic Boom, and the games; in Sonic Adventure 2, his dig animation is more animalistic than Rouge's, and in Sonic Generations, Modern Sonic's Knuckles challenge act involves calling him to dig up medals. In the Archie comics, Knuckles was also hatched from an egg, and his status as the last of his species could be a reference to certain echidna species being endangered.
Tails - In Sonic Boom, Tails will wrap his tails around him when he's sleeping, and he'll occasionally growl if he's upset enough (and it very much sounds like they used a canine growl sound effect for it). In The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Prime, Tails (and his Shatterspace counterparts) occasionally use their ears to express emotion, and Mangey tends to behave more like a real fox by virtue of him being a feral version of Tails.
Rouge - In Sonic X, Rouge struggles with certain noises due to her hearing, and in Sonic Rivals 2 she notices Espio because of her hearing. In Sonic Prime, she and her Shatterspace counterparts tend to sleep upside down like a real bat, and in Sonic X and Sonic Adventure 2 she hangs upside down occasionally.
Espio - Espio's chameleon traits are pretty obvious in my opinion. He can change his coloration to camouflage himself almost perfectly and can walk up walls. Espio can also use his tongue as a projectile and his tail is prehensile.
Vector - There's not as much with Vector as there is with other characters but in Sonic Heroes, Vector has an attack where he holds Espio and Charmy in his mouth and throws them at enemies. This is reminiscent of a behavior observed in real crocodilians, where female crocodiles will carry their young to water in their mouths.
Charmy - In Sonic X, Charmy seems to have a preference for sleeping in the top part of the lockers in Team Chaotix's office. My friend and I theorized that this is because it feels like a honeycomb cell to him, and in real life bees sleep in honeycomb cells. As for things that are confirmed, Charmy likes honey and nectar, and, according to the Sonic cookbook, puts honey in everything to get away with eating something sweet with his meals. Bees use honey in real life to stay warm in the winter, because they're cold-blooded and don't hibernate. It functions as insulation and additional food when nectar isn't available.
There's more so I might make a part two at some point but take this lol
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incongruence-osaf · 3 months
Hello!! It is time for me to officially post the first two chapters of my first ever multi-chapter fanfiction story, The Incongruence of Stars and Flowers!!!
So far the word count has reached over 8,000 words, roughly 21 pages at 1.15 spacing (including the current WIP of Chapter Three). This was a huge challenge for me that I am so glad to have started. I'd been keeping this (mostly) a secret for many months during a collaborative creative process.
It started when I saw an application for Sonic Big Bang 2024 zine on Tumblr. Around 300 participants of fellow writers, artists and readers were sorted into secret groups of 2-4ish for developing writing and artwork surrounding story submissions! I had the pleasure of being paired with wonderful artists who made beautiful sketches, concept art, and illustrations based on my writing, linked here: @major-wren (ART) (ART) and @pastelspindash (ART)
Go check out their awesome art (and writing) as well as all the other amazing creatives featured in the zine on the official blog page @sthbigbang! My awesome and very helpful beta readers were/are @starredfishing (Tumblr) and @zaffretension (Instagram) who gave me excellent advice about dialogue, pacing, and plot. THANK YOU!!!
And also a big THANK YOU to the moderators of this expansive event for keeping it running so smoothly, for organizing everything, and for encouraging all of us in one of the most supportive and energizing creative environments I've ever been apart of!!! I have talked to many cool and talented people and I love the community that we have all been growing as a massive group.
I am excited to continue the adventure of learning, reading, and writing to see where this adventure goes with familiar characters. If you are too, I hope you enjoy <3
Without further ado, below is the summary for The Incongruence of Stars and Flowers.
This alternate universe combines the vibrant world and history of Sonic the Hedgehog with our very own, resulting in a version of Planet Mobius that’s both familiar and distant. Yet, this altered reality is neither idealized nor greater than the sum of its parts. 
Anthropomorphic beings, humans, and animals of Mobius are struggling to rebuild their cityscapes, ecosystems, communities, and personal lives in the wake of the cumulative devastation of the Perfect Chaos Flood and the Black Arms Invasion. Shadow the Hedgehog takes a leave of absence from G.U.N. to temporarily settle down in Station Square, laying low after the world-shattering encounter with his alien DNA donor Black Doom. While the cityfolk around him undergo the growing pains of instability, nonconformity, sociological upheaval, and corruption, so too does the alien hybrid. With the support of unyielding friendship in aloof activist Sonic the Hedgehog and cultured confidante Rouge the Bat, Shadow coasts in this new life chapter while feeling profound pulls to unravel memories surrounding his loving creator, Professor Gerald Robotnik and solve mysteries within his environment, mind, and body.
Past and present perspectives interweave to show slices of unordinary lives, drawing from early-to-mid 2000s culture shifts/natural disasters/political tensions, U.S. and European history, and various fields of science as inspiration for this multi-chapter science-fiction drama mystery.
Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Professor Gerald Robotnik, Maria Robotnik, Black Doom(?), Commander Abraham Tower, Helen (from Sonic X)?, and new original character(s)
Body dysmorphia and dysphoria, racism/speciesism, internalized xenophobia, mentions and possible depictions of police violence, generational trauma, trauma and imagery from medicalized settings, processing grief
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thankskenpenders · 2 years
The first proper trailer for Sonic Prime came out yesterday, as I'm sure you've all heard. I've gotten several messages asking me my thoughts, so... here's some thoughts! Thoughts on how the show's looking, and a certain bat whose presence is somehow the biggest news to me.
First off? This looks phenomenal, visually speaking. I'm kind of in awe of how good the visuals in CGI cartoons are getting. The scenery looks great. The characters move so fluidly. Everything's beautifully lit. I could go on and on. I wish the in-engine game cutscenes had animation half this good.
I continue to be pleased with how slavishly faithful to the games the main universe is - to the point that they're saying this is, in fact, just set in the game universe. Yeah, we're all getting tired of Green Hill Zone, but we've never had a cartoon that was this faithful. The closest we got was Sonic X, which I like, but it's hard to look at any random episode about Sonic having to save the extensive human cast from another generic robot and say it really has the feel of the games. Seeing Sonic and co. fight some classic Badniks in a cartoon with (mostly) their normal designs feels special after all these years of never quite getting that.
That slavish faithfulness to the classic iconography also makes the differences with the multiverse stuff hit harder, and thank GOD they're finally showing some of that. This teaser is pitching it as a show about Sonic meeting alternate timeline versions of his friends who form an underground resistance against the Eggman Empire (funny how the franchise keeps finding itself back in Freedom Fighter territory), which is fun and all. Tall cyborg Amy! A version of Tails who can walk like a spider on a set of robotic kitsune tails! Hell yeah! But if the synopsis blurbs about a "multiverse" and "new worlds" and that pile of leaked concept art from a year and a half ago are anything to go off of, this is presumably only the first of multiple alternate worlds that we'll be seeing. I'm very excited to see more of them!
We also hear a little more from the new voice cast. Brian Drummond is kinda doing his own thing with Eggman. I like it. It sounds compatible with the usual Mike Pollock take without aping it 1:1. He seems maybe a little more sinister here, which fits what we've seen so far from this take on Eggman. And Deven Mack still sounds great as Sonic, although I kind of wonder if he's being instructed to sound like Roger since the delivery in what we've heard so far is pretty similar. I get that desire for consistency, but I hope he's able to inject a bit more of his own spin on Sonic in the full show, even if it's supposed to technically be the same Sonic as Roger's.
Meanwhile, the roles for the rest of the main voice cast have been confirmed elsewhere, and they mostly match up with what I expected because these casting choices just make perfect sense. I already know Shannon Chan-Kent, known primarily for playing Misa in Death Note and Pinkie Pie's singing voice (and Smolder) in MLP, is perfect casting for Amy. Ashleigh Ball's one brief line as Tails sounds a lot like her Rainbow Dash voice, but like... hey, it fits! I'm excited to hear more from her. And Knuckles... well, I don't know his VA as well and also he has no lines in this trailer.
But by now y'all know which characters I stan the most, and you know what I'm gonna be excited about. The big surprise here is the fact that Rouge is on the main cast. The main cast.
The cast posters revealed that she was in the show, which was big enough news, but then the trailer drops and she's on the damn team. Every hero team in a kids' show needs three boys and two girls, and this time they rounded out the group with Rouge. AND she's being voiced by Kazumi Evans, yet another MLP alum on this show - this time Rarity's singing voice and the voice of Adagio Dazzle in Equestria Girls. I don't even need to hear any lines, I know that's another perfect fit.
I'm just shocked. Rouge hasn't been in a TV series in almost two decades since she was kept out of Boom, robbing us of the "Rouge somehow ropes Team Sonic into doing a goofy heist with her" episode the world deserved. Ian's even said that he pitched some ideas for Boom Rouge after being asked to pitch more Boom-ified game characters, but it went nowhere. While she's continued to show up in the comics and (to a lesser extent) the games due to her fan favorite status, it's kind of felt like she was being swept under the rug. Fewer major story appearances than in the '00s, not much merch, it took them until the fifth Mario & Sonic game to make her playable. And she's probably seen as less broadly marketable as a mascot character because of... well, two big reasons.
And so, understandably, Rouge is here with a new outfit that covers those two big reasons up more than usual.
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Yeah as a Rouge fan, a person who's talked at length about the fanservice in Archie Sonic, and a sapphic furry artist, I can't avoid talking about this stuff lol
I mostly like the new outfit and think it was a smart call. We can have lots of nuanced discussions about objectification and sexual liberation and the fact that seeing some cleavage isn't gonna kill you and how being the flirty femme fatale is a core part of Rouge's character and whether that's objectifying or empowering and all the other things that get brought up every time a new Bayonetta game comes out. But at the end of the day their main audience is 8-year-olds, and because of that I really can't blame them for dressing Rouge slightly more modestly. I've always loved Rouge as a character the way she already is, but people (particularly non-fans, and also just... Sonic fans who aren't also furries lol) often write her off as "that weird bat lady with the tits that people are really horny for." Hopefully the writing will show non-comic readers that she's a genuinely fun character when used well as a foil to the rest of the cast, and hopefully her new outfit(s) will allow people to focus on that.
I do think something's a little off with the new outfit, though, even if I think it looks solid overall. Is it just that the heart motif is more abstract and less of a central focus here? That might be part of it. Maybe the suit just looks slightly overdesigned next to Team Sonic. Unsurprisingly I've also already seen multiple pieces of fanart giving this outfit a boob window, with one arguing that showing more of her skin tone on her torso gives the design better color balance, and... yeah, on that level I do kinda agree lol. Although I think a similar balance could be achieved just by having her upper arms be exposed or something. (Which is a feature on her bad timeline counterpart's outfit!) But, yeah, overall I do think I like it.
I also don't think they actually made her boobs smaller compared to most of her modern appearances despite the many, many, MANY claims to the contrary but I am not getting into that debate lol. Also she's literally still wearing a skintight catsuit and doing cool flying kicks you are not allowed to say they made her less hot
The fact that they're putting Rouge front and center has me VERY curious about her future prospects in the movie universe, though, given the particular projects currently in the works. To me, this makes it seem WAY more likely than it previously did. But who knows?
Uhhh anyway yeah the show looks good. I like pretty much everything we've seen so far. I like basically all of the previous Sonic cartoons except Underground to some extent, but if they stick the landing with this one then it seems like it'll pretty easily be the best one. I guess it's kinda lame that they made Sonic say "gotta go fast" in the trailer, but idk, it's a modern Sonic project, they gotta pay the obligatory lame meme toll. I am mostly fixated on Rouge because she's one of my favorite characters and her being on the main team is somehow the biggest curveball this show's previews have thrown so far, like seriously what.
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bloodmoon24 · 4 months
Meet the User
(Warning: Long ass list)
OC Name: Luz V. Storm
What I am:
• An digital artist
• Autistic
• Animal lover
• Dog person (with some love for cats as well)
• Taurus
• 19 years old
• Bisexual
• AroAce
• Genderfluid (Pronouns she/her/they)
My Fandoms:
• Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
• Ben 10
• Murder Drones
• Sonic the Hedgehog
• TinkerBell
• Lackadaisy
• Ever After High
• Trolls
• The Amazing Digital Circus
• Avatar
• Spider Man
• Wild Kratts
• TMNT 2012/ROT
• The Owl House
What I Draw:
• Ships
• Crossovers
• References
• Fashion ideas
What I Don’t/Can’t Draw:
• Proper backgrounds
• Requests that are too much, or have too many details
• NSFW (I’m somewhat complex with this one. No clue why)
What I Love:
• Drawing
• Music: Pop, techno, k-pop, Latino, movie songs, rock/rock-pop type of genres
• Strawberry/grape flavor sodas
• Astronomy, biology, zoology
• Animals
• Indie animations
• Chicken sandwiches/quesadillas/nuggets
• Reese’s cups/chocolate ice cream
• Kawaii
• Learning about history and culture
• Darker shades of red and grey
• Techno, robotic, fairy, nature aesthetics
• Spiritual/Fairy stuff
• Rainy days (bonus: with hot cocoa)
• Peppermint Frappuccino
• Fanfiction
• Fantasy/Cartoons
• Sitcoms
• Making friends
• Looking back at old and fun memories
• Magical things
What I Hate:
• Not being understood
• Nobody listening to me
• Death to me or the people I love
• Big changes
• People taking or touching my stuff
• People being rude to me/making fun of me
• People making jokes that sounds very hurtful
• Being annoyed/ignored
• Scary movies/shows/anime
• Creepy crawlers/Spiders (Even though I love Spider Man)
• Nobody understanding autism/autistic people
• TERFS, racism, sexism, homo/transphobic people
• Vomiting
• Loud sounds
• People who abuses literally everything and everyone at any age
• Nature being harmed and nobody not doing anything to help it
• People giving me too many things to do
• Other users rushing me on making an edit/asking me a complicated request for an edit
• Catfishing/Predators/Pedos (STAY OUT)
• Jokes that aren’t funny
• Talking to others (sometimes)
• Extremely gory things
• People not paying attention/ignoring my special interests and misread the plot of the franchise
• People dissing on my favorite fandoms
My OCs:
• Moonlight Storm (Very first one ever for MLP/EG)
• BloodMoon Storm (Hellaverse)
• Unnamed NightLight Fury (HTTYD)
• BeatDrop (Techno Troll)
• Rapidity (First alien, Kineceleran, for Ben 10)
• Thorax the Spider Woman (Spider Man)
• Storm Prime (Original robot OC (gonna redesign her)
• Moon the Bat, the Chaos Witch (Sonic the Hedgehog)
• Prototype L (Murder Drones)
• Unnamed Na’vi OCs (Avatar/Way of Water)
• Tick-Tick the Robot (The Amazing Digital Circus)
• Moon the Art Fairy (TinkerBell)
• Evelyn V. Carmen (Lackadaisy)
Ever After High OC coming soon
What I Allowed:
• Art requests
• Questions
Who I Ship:
• Alastor x Vox
• Charlie x Vaggie
• Zestial x Sir Pentious
• Adam x Lute
• Husk x Angel Dust
• Asmodeus x Fizzarolli
• Feedback x Big Chill
• XLR8 x HeatBlast
• Ben x Rook
• Looma x Attea
• N x Uzi
• V x Lizzy
• Sonic x Shadow
• Amy x Blaze
• Silver x Mephiles/Espio (I’m having trouble picking which one)
• Knuckles x Rouge
• Luz x Amity
• Twilight Sparkle x Sunset Shimmer
• Mordecai x Rocky
• Ivy x Freckle
• Wick x Zib
• Bezel x Trazuil (my partner’s OC)
• Apple White x Darling Charming
• Cerise Hood x either Kitty/Daring/Raven
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