#pyromaniac mal
mimnghs · 1 year
(    ft.    @evlest​    )          starter.
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❝  malsie.  how  is  the  isle’s  favorite  traitor?  managed  to  piss  off  any  potential  enemies  of  the  crown  today  yet?  ❞
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Hadie Headcanons revised;
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Hadie is just a nickname. His actual name is Hayden Prometheus Olympian.
He is 8 years younger than Mal.
He is constantly following and mimicking people-- including Mal, his dad, Harry Hook, Gil, Uma, and the Badun Detective Agency.
He's a nice, easily excitable, hyper little boy who just wants to help anyone he can.
He wants to be a detective, musician, and/or cook more than anything.
His mom is likely Maleficent, the wicked witch, or Persphone.
He has a long list of nicknames including, but not limited to; Hadie, Mini-Me, Flameo, Flamey, Flameo Junior, Hades Junior, Death breath, the flame prince, the fire prince, the prince of the underground, the prince of true underworld , little prince, little flame, little blue, blue, the Olympian flame, little blue, the little blue boy, the Olympian prince, and Cebrus boy.
He wears blue and black eyeliner -- alternating the colors depending on the day.
He learned how to sword fight from Uma and is one of her favorite kids on the isle.
Hadie, unlike Mal, isn't allergic to spices, so he can eat as much as anyone allows him to.
He likes spicy candy alot and has a high tolerance for it.
He likes blue food and drinks, and anything his dad, sister, and Uma cook.
His favorite meal is a noodle mix that Mal makes him all the time.
Hadie's favorite desert to eat is a vanilla blueberry swirl cone with sprinkles and chocolate squace. Harry, Herkie, and Ben can't say no to him, so he gets it all the time.
He is a bit of a pyromaniac, which surprises no one and he also loves flowers alot.
He calls cebrus 'Spot', despite Hades best efforts at correcting him. Because of this, Cebrus responds to both names.
Hadie lives above his dad's restaurant, which is near his dad's cave.
He sometimes helps out at his dad's restaurant and around the palace once he's off the isle when the staff allows him to.
He went to Dragon Hall on the isle.
Hadie's favorite classes are Orchestra , Wicked Economics, Artists and Thieves, Weird Science, Tall Tales and the Tellers Who Tell Them. He is also in the Anti-heroes club (like the Baduns) and the Sea Ponies club (like Uma is). He also likes astrology.
Hadie's ridiculously innocent for an isle kid.
Ben ends up buying Hadie a bike when the barrier is brought down. Hades nearly had a heart attack.
Hadie gets along with his dad's side if the family surprising well because they all find him adorable.
Hadie has always secretly wanted to meet Meg, Hercules, and their kids. Mainly Meg because his dad and Pain and Panic talk about her often, so he knows how cool she would be.
The first time he met Ben, he immediately took an liking to him. Something Hades doesn't like.
One day, while out for Icecream with Mal and Ben, they got swarmed by popularity and Hadie-- shy little Hadie who doesn't like loud noises and bright lights-- runs off to escape it. He gets lost and runs into this lady with brown hair and her teenage son, and they help him find his sister. They tell him jokes to keep him calm as they do so. And that's how Hadie met Meg and Herkie. Meg quickly becomes Cousin Meg after this (since she married Hadie's cousin, Hercules).
Hadie likes the way Harry Hook does his make up and even copies the look, much to his dad's charge. Harry thinks it's hilarious, even if it annoyed him at first.
Pain and Panic are like his uncles.
Hades doesn't really keep that close an eye on Hadie other than to keep him alive.
Hadie is terrified of Maleficent. A fear he ends up sharing with his bestfriends- Chloe Charming, Red Hearts, Danny Darling, and Maddox, the Madhatter's son, when the barrier is brought down.
It's an unspoken rule on the isle that if you want to stay in one piece, you'll keep your hands off Hadie. No one has ever laid a hand on Hadie and gotten away with it. Mal, The Badun Detective Agency, whoever his mom is, and Hades always find out and it no one knows how.
He suspects it either came from Gil or Mal. He's not too sure though.
He looks up to Mal and the other members of the Core Four after what they did in Auardon. But he also looks up to Uma’s crew and the Badun Detective Agency.
He also wants to beba Detective.
He has a stuffed, makeshift Cerberus. Meaning a stuffed dog with two other stuffed dog heads sewn on it. He doesn't know where it came from because he just found it on his bed one day.
He accidentally found out that Mal was his sister not long after he learned to read. He found Mal's birth certificate hidden under the couch. He was 5. He promised his father he'd never tell anyone.
He had to literally beg and plead with Yin Sid so he could join the Anti heroes club even though it was technically his idea because of how young he is.
He knows basic self-defense (taught to him by Uma and the Badun Detective Agency) and is good at climbing things/ as well as parkour.
Hadie likes cooking, punk music, dogs, skulls, fire, and learning about his dad's side of the family.
He wears scruffed up, dirty, and torn up black sneakers that are in better condition than most people's on the isle as well as ripped up (slightly baggy) blue jeans, a black leather jacket that his dad says "he'll grow into" that goes down at his knees at the moment, and a black tshirt with a skull on it.
Hadie sometimes models for Evie's designs.
Evie is the one who made Hadie's jacket. It was a favor she owned Harry back when she was vanished.
Only 5 people know this; Hadie, Evie, Harry, Hades, and Uma.
Hadie is one of the only children on the isle who has toys. No one is stupid enough to try and steal them.
Mal, Uma, Yzla, and Freddie are trying to teach him magic. He likes this very much.
He also loves the circus to death because Herkie took him one time.
Which means you can often find Queen Mal, King Ben, Hades, Hercules, Meg, Herkie, and Hadie sitting together at the circus. Hadie also inherited his family's knack for exploring and their curiosity. Which causes a few heart attacks.
He likes making potions, cooking, baking, playing on the playground, rooftops, the arcade, and by the docks. He also likes pulling pranks, something he picked up from Uma and Mal. However, his pranks are more harmless unlike theirs.
He loves playing with animals and stargazing too. He also likes listening and playing music, and playing with toys. Especially stuffed animals.
He loved acting, plays, and dressing up as well as coloring, drawing, spray painting, painting, and basically any form of art.
He doesn't know how to swim because Uma is too scared about what will happen if his hair goes out.
He's allergic to shrimp. He couldn't hug Uma for a month after thr shrimp incident without passing out. Which is another reason why Uma didn't forgive Mal for a very long time.
Oh, and Diego also taught Hadie how to swear on accident. Yeah, that was not a fun night for him.
Hadie is scared of lightning. And sea monsters. And Zeus.
Harry use to sneak Hadie into Evie's room back when she was banished so she could have some company. Somewhere out there, in one of Harry's note books, there's a picture of a 10 year old Harry and a 10 year old Evie laughing together with a 2 year old Hadie in between them, giggling during one of these visits. No one knows that that picture exists except for Harry, Hades, and Evie.
Oh and after the barrier is brought down, Diego tries to teach little Hadie how to drive using Cruella's car. It does not end well because Hadie is short since he's nowhere near old enough to drive. So they crash through a wall and the whole thing ends up pinned on Diego. He did not have a good few weeks after that.
Hadie is usually left to his own devices on the isle. That changes quickly when the barrier is brought down, much to his disappointment.
He also has a little villian phase in his teens though no one takes him seriously in his later years. Especially not the Badun Detective Agency.
He constantly yells as a teenager that the Badun Agency is ruining his street cred.
His 4 bestfriends also do not take him seriously about the evil thing and drag him along on their little adventure.
He constantly banters and roughhousing with Danny Darling every chance he gets. Much to Red, Maddox, and Chloe's annoyance.
He also has his own villian song (see Chris villian on YouTube).
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fallingforfandoms · 1 year
Wer hat heute früh im Halbschlaf dieselben Klamotten angezogen, die sie schon am Wochenende anhatte, als sie drei Stunden neben diesem qualmenden Lagerfeuer gesessen hat?
Wer riecht deshalb gerade immer noch wie die krasseste Kettenraucherin, obwohl sie das letzte Mal vor Jahren an einer Kippe gezogen hat?
You guessed it.
It's me - hi - I'm the pyromaniac, it's me.
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mx-heinous · 2 years
Headcanon: Mal was flipping through channels on his tv (he had nothing better to do) and when he landed on the channel that was airing Total Drama, it was playing the scene where they were trying to start a fire in Up the Creek. That caught his attention and when Izzy made her explosion, he proceeded to spend the next week of his life replaying the clip and trying to figure out how she made that explosion from tree sap. He got really into the show from that point, making bets on which team is gonna win or who's gonna get eliminated each episode. Mike saw this and he was like "what the hell are you doing? for the love of god, please, tell me you aren't doing stupid shit again" and Mal got him into obsessing over the show with him.
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pigeons-svtfoe-au · 6 years
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Meet the new girl!
From Wendy’s and Abigail’s Au!
Willow the firestarter!
girl that loves fire, inmune to it, and lights fire when nervious or feels in danger!
pretty chill and cheerful
she’s friends with Wendy
you can of course ask about her
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
4. May I ask for Skelly's reaction to an S/O who uses pyrokinesis? Main 10.
For anyone who doesn’t know, pyrokinesis is the ability to control fire with your mind
Sans: sans thinks this is one of the prettiest things ever and is always down to watch his SO practice their magic. Considering one of his best friends is a fire elemental, this should surprise no one. Sans always did have a bit of an attraction to fire. He also likes roasting hot dogs above SOs head because he thinks he’s funny
Papyrus: sometimes he gets SO to help him in building things by melting down the metal. Sure he could do that himself with a blow torch, but this gives him an excuse to spend more time with them!
Star: one day he’s gonna convince his SO to make a hot air balloon with him! Don’t worry baby! Star will help you get over your fear of heights lol
Honey: being a fire mage means that SO is super warm blooded. And that means honey is drawn to them like a cat. He can’t help it! They’re just so warm. He needs those fire fueled cuddles!!
Red: he’s like honey except way more tsundere about it lol. Whenever SO is just finished using their powers, red is suddenly really touchy. But he’s doing his best to pretend he’s not being cuddly.
Edge: he absolutely loves the fire vibes. Especially when his SO gets all playful and he can see their eyes flash with flames. It gets him going every time lol.
Mal: don’t forget, mal is still a sans. He likes puns too. So every time he calls SO hot, they have to do an eye roll at him while he laughs at his own lame joke. And of course, SO only has jewelry made from the highest melting point metals mal can get his hands on. He doesn’t want his SO warping the pieces by accident when they use their powers
Cash: SO is his personal lighter. Cigarette? Go to SO. Stove? SO! Random pieces of trash that he’s too lazy to throw in the bin? SOOOOO! Cash is low key a pyromaniac now lol
Oak: like sans, there’s just something comforting he finds in SOs fire. It does help that he’s still friends with his grillby who was also lucky enough to survive the famine. Hey oak should introduce the two. Grillby could use another fire buddy
Willow: dude it too him so long to get chaos to stop carrying her water dish over to SO and dousing them. The dog would even do it when SO wasn’t on fire. Willow just thanks the stars that his SO has a good sense of humor
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maximum118 · 3 years
Yang: Oh something that isn’t RTS. Wait am I here alone?
Yin: nope. 
Yang: Oh it’s my twin
Yin: You should stop fucking a psychopath. 
Yin: At least we’re in a healthy relationship
Yang: Points at him* You sir have a good point.
Yin: smiles* I know I do. 
Yang: Fucker.
Yin: I only fuck Zen-OH SHIT! *Runs*
Yang: . . .What in the world did I see?
Episode 3- Karens and obession pt 1.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
              A few weeks after, the siblings moved into the penthouse together. They all finally had a week off. So, Haruki asked if they could go to the mall, and all the emo chickens couldn't resist, so they all decided to go. Sai goes with Haruki, Kouten goes on his own, Zen, Hato, and Satori go together, then Riku and Heisu go together. Let's check on them, shall we? 
           Sai waits outside a game stop as Haruki tries to find a new game for his switch. While waiting outside, Sai hears his phone ring, "My anaconda don't, My anaconda don't, My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun" (Mal if you ever see this, I am so sorry.) Sai blushes and picks up quickly.
           "yes, Kaoru?" asks Sai trying to regain his posture. 
            "Hey, You're in the mall, right?" asks Kaoru. 
           Sai arches his eyebrow "Yea? What about it?" Sai asks. Hands cover his eyes. "Guess who?" asks a voice.
           Sai chuckles and hangs up. "Hmm, is it my sufficient other? Or a fan?" asks Sai jokingly. 
           The hands move from his eyes, and Sai looks to see a tanned green-haired person. Sai kisses their cheek. "I see that you're in your male form today, Kaoru." Says Sai. 
           Kaoru smiles. "Yea, I wanted to be a guy today. Besides, I wasn't expecting you to be here." They say. 
           Sai smiles. "Heh, Haruki is too cute for his own good. We all got talked into going the mall." 
           "How's sibling life anyways?" 
           "I didn't expect two pyromaniacs, a spunky child, a good boy, an innocent child, and two anxiety-filled kids."
           "…How are you alive..."
           "I have no idea." 
           "Let's go sit down. Haruki is going to take forever," says Sai as he holds Kaoru's hand, leading them to a bench. After the two talked for a bit, Sai kisses them. Kaoru blushes and looks away. "We're in public, Sai!" they say. 
           A woman walks up to the couple. . Kaoru arches an eyebrow. "Do you need anything??" asks Kaoru. 
           "You are exposing my little boy to homosexuality. Guys shouldn't be with guys. Girls shouldn't be with girls. God didn't make us be like this." 
           Sai blinks at her, Kaoru stares at her. "B-But I'm both genders." Says Kaoru looking down not enjoying the attention they were getting.
           The woman gasps. "Are you forcing this poor man to be with you?!" she asks, shocked. 
           Kaoru shakes their head. "N-No. He's 100% consented to it." They say. The woman looks at Sai. "Is this man forcing you to be with him?!" she asks. 
           Kaoru hears glass break, and they look at Sai, who has a shadow over his eyes "Sai don't…" Kaoru says. 
           Sai stands up. "First off, my sufficient other goes by they/them/their pronouns. NOT he/him or she/her. Second off, I am with them, and I AM with them willingly. Third off, I am pansexual.” Says Sai rather aggressively. 
           "You…assaulted me! Security!" she says, the person looks at her. 
           The woman glares. "Pansexuality isn't a thing!" she argues, then she glances at Kaoru. "Neither is switching genders!" she adds. Kaoru looks down, growling. Sai takes deep breaths.
A tail with multiple hearts (Yellow, dark purple, and green) wraps around her leg and trips her. A blonde with green and purple streaks in a long braid was sitting next to the couple with a crop top with a white heart, a short grey leather jacket, skinny black jeans, and 5in high-heeled boots. The woman looks at the person. 
           "Oh, sorry, Hun. I didn't see you there. The tail acts on its own sometimes." Says the person cheerfully. 
           "NO, IT DIDN'T!" shouts the woman. The person smiles and leans down to her ear "Hun. You shouldn't have said pansexuality isn't a thing, nor is switching genders…" The person's smile disappears. Their pupils become like cat's when light hits their pupils. "I'll remind you, this is a world of quirks. I suggest you leave or somethings you shouldn't harass." Says the person darkly. 
           At that moment, a kid came running crying to the fallen woman. The person gets up and moves out of the way. The woman and the kid ran off shortly after that. Sai and Kaoru look at the person. 
           "thank you…er…" says Kaoru. The person turns to them and smiles. "Mochizuki. Mochizuki Tsukiya." They say, "Oh, and anything for a fellow gender switcher and pansexual." They add on.
           "You can switch bodies too?" asks Kaoru as they go up to Tsukiya. 
           Tsukiya nods. "Yup. Concubus is my quirk. Depending on my partner's sex preference, top or bottom, male or female, etc." they explain.
           Sai looks at Tsukiya. "Thank you. Can we pay you back?" asks Sai. Tsukiya thinks for a bit looks at the couple "…Names and numbers?" they ask.
           Sai smiles. "Saisho and Kaoru. A pleasure to meet you." Says Sai. Kaoru begins to write their number and Sai's number down on a piece of paper. Handing them the paper. 
           "Call us when you can," says Kaoru as Tsukiya's smile shifts into a smirk. "Oh, I will~ See you hotties around~," they say, leaving. 
           Sai looks at Kaoru. "Poly?"
           "Poly. Also, is my ringtone on your phone, Anaconda?" asks Kaoru, eyebrow arched. 
           Sai blushes and sees Haruki. "HEEEEEYYY HARUKI!!" he shouts. 
           Haruki skips over. "Hello!~ whose that?" he asks. 
           "This is my lover. Kaoru. Kaoru meet Haruki…" introduces Sai.
           Kaoru smiles. "Nice to meet-HEY DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT SAI!" they shout, looking to Sai, whistling, looking anywhere but at Kaoru.
           He, Kaoru, and Haruki walk from the game stop to the next shop talking. 
           Kouten waits impatiently for his coffee. If he stands here for a while, reporters will notice him quite quickly. He pulls his phone out, reading something when he sees a familiar glow next to him.
           Turning, Kouten notices Inoue Eita. The lavender-eyed, ginger-haired, lantern-tailed male from the café a few weeks back. A smile comes across his face. "You look familiar." He says. 
           Eita looks up and notices Kouten "oh, you're the guy from the café…Todoroki Kouten, right?" 
            "Yup. That's me. The one and only at your service ginger." Says Kouten.
           Eita chuckles. "That's a creative one, redhead." He says. 
           "Heh, thank you. So why are you here at the mall today?" 
           "Spending some cash and relaxing from work." 
           "What do you do?" 
           "Well… it's technically two jobs. One for money and the other is a hobby…" 
           "Which are?'
           " I'm a journalist and occasionally an astrologer. The hobby is fortune teller…people tend to trust me more…" 
           Kouten pales but stays calm. He might be here to interview me. No matter how cute he is, He can't come ne- Oh damn, he has cake. Kouten glances at Eita’s ass and mentally slaps himself Kouten no. do not get distracted. He thinks. He looks at the lightly tanned male.
           "Really? That's interesting. Why do people trust you more than normal?" asks Kouten.
           "Well… I'm a Japanese Romani or what's usually called gypsy…through it's offensive to call Romani that…" 
           "Cool…that explains the tanned skin and the red slash and headband. No wonder your cute." 
           Eita blushes, and the lantern goes bright for a second "Huh?" 
           Kouten realizes, "HUH? What? Sorry, what did I say?" he says. 
           Two drinks are slid next to the "Large Coffee for Todoroki. Large chai tea for Inoue!" says the person. 
           Kouten grabs the coffee. "Huh, they actually said the name this time." He says. Eita holds the chai tea. "Well, it was nice talking to you, Todoroki…"
           Kouten looks at him. "Er…I don't have anywhere to be…Want to hang out until my siblings finish?" he asks. 
           Eita takes a sip from his tea and blushes. "S-sure…" he shutters out.
           Kouten walks to a table as Eita follows. The two sit. Eita looks at Kouten. "What do you do for a living?"
           "Executive Editor is one. The other is modeling. Make a few television appearances here and there." Answers Kouten as he sips from his coffee. 
           "Oh, wow, you must be well known then…" says Eita as he looks to the side. 
           "Eh. Being the former no.2 hero's kid is a big impact too, you know?" 
           Eita almost chokes on his tea. "Huh. What? Like Hawks? Hawks. Is your parent?" 
           "er, yea…why?" 
           Holy Shit…Hotaru wasn't lying. This man is a celebrity…I should back off before rival reporters invade my personal space…thinks Eita as he looks to the side. 
           "Oh… That's…amazing…" says Eita sufficiently quieter.
           Kouten notices and places his coffee down "what's wrong?"
           Eita looks at him. "Why would you want to talk to me?"
           "I have my reasons, Inoue. You sat with me. Plus, you interest me." 
           Eita's tail glows with Eita's initial shock "interest you? I don't want reporters in my face." 
            "I mean, I want to hang out with you more, Inoue. If any reporters came, I would simply say that you're a client for my manager, a fellow editor, or I can simply drag you off. Then they'll possibly leave you alone." 
           Kouten stands up. "Yup. Now come on, there could be undercover reporters around." He says and throws his coffee cup away. Eita follows him. "Where are we going?" asks Eita.
           "I heard there was a dog place around here. Where you can play with puppies, I want to possibly adopt one or two." 
           "That's a, you thing…Why do I have to join you?" asks Eita throwing his tea away. 
           "It's awkward to go alone. You don't look busy either." 
           Eita sweatdrops. "Am I your lacky now? I don't want to see dogs." 
           Kouten smiles, then drag him into a store with many cribs with plastic walls inside with at least three different breeds of dogs. "Want to rethink that, Inoue?" he asks. 
           "…Oh my god their so cute." Says Eita as he looks into a crib where three puppies roughhouse. 
           "Rethought it? Adorable, aren't they?" asks Kouten. 
           Eita smiles. "Very…" he looks at a puppy moving away from the roughhousing of the other two. A worker comes over. "Hello. Do you want to play with a puppy?" she asks. 
           "Oh…we don't-"
           Kouten points to the puppy moved from the roughhousing "Can we check that one out?".
           The worker picks the puppy up and begins to lead the duo to one of the pens. 
           "…Why did you do that?" Asks Eita looking at Kouten. 
           "You looked like you wanted to play with it." 
           Eita looks down. "Was it that obvious?" 
           The lady lets them in and puts the puppy in a pen. The puppy runs up to the both of them. The worker smiles "She's a Papillon puppy. Very energetic. You two enjoy playing with her!" says the worker leaves.
           Eita looks down at the puppy and picks her up. The puppy begins licking Eita's face evoking giggles. "Awww, stop it! That tickles!"
           "Can I hold her now?" asks Kouten. Eita hands her over to him. The puppy yips and licks Kouten's Face. 
           The duo was having a good time when a woman stomps into the store. The woman walks up to the pen where the pair was. 
           "Uh, excuse me, that dog is mine." She says. 
           Eita looks at her. "But she's in the store??" he asks. 
           "Duh. Because I want it." Says the woman.
           Kouten hands the puppy to Eita. "Well, too bad I'm adopting her." Says Kouten.
           The woman looks at him and Eita, then she gasps, "Eee! Your Todoroki Kouten! Why are you hanging with a nobody slut?" Asks the woman. 
           Eita winces at that, petting the puppy; looking down, he hands the puppy to Kouten. "Here, Todoroki…" he gives the puppy to Kouten. He then proceeds to leave the pen. 
           "Hey! Inoue! Where are you going?" asks Kouten.
           Eita goes to the front desk and fills the paperwork up. Then proceeds to "accidentally" whack the woman with his lantern tail. "home." Answers Eita leaving the store. 
           The woman rubs the back of her head. "Ack! Slut! Anyways~ Are you seeing Anyone?~" she says. 
           Kouten glares at her "Bitch please, you look like a stripper. No way in hell would I go out with you." He says, glaring at her, "The one I currently wanted to know better is gone because of you." He adds, compressing the urge to kill her.
           The woman gasps, "you're a homosexual?!" She says then she pretends to puke. 
           Kouten glares at her. "I'm bisexual." He says. He then leaves the pen and gives the puppy to a worker. "W-Wait, sir!" Says the woman. 
           Kouten leaves the store and looks for the tan ginger. Who seemingly disappeared, the worker runs up to him with the puppy. 
           "Thought you put her back?" asks Kouten, confused.
           The worker smiles. "Why would I? Your friend adopted her for you. Paid and everything." Explains the worker. 
           "How…? My information is with me." 
           The worker shows the paperwork and his information. "Guess he stole your information when he left." She says. 
           Kouten takes his information back and his newly adopted puppy. Kouten smiles softly. "Guess I'll have to get some things and give you name," he says. 
           Waving farewell to the store, Kouten makes his way to a pet supplies store. The puppy in a kennel was given to him. 
           Eita walks over to Hotaru, sipping tea. Hotaru arches an eyebrow. "The fuck you been?" he asks. 
           "I was dragged to a dog store," answers Eita as he sits next to him. 
           Hotaru laughs "really?" He asks.
           Eita doesn't respond and notices pale blonde hair and teal eyes, blonde hair and red wings, white hair and wings walking into a store.
            "Isn't that your…fuck buddy?" asks Eita. Hotaru smiles. "Ah. Hato? He can do what he wants for now. I have another fuck toy." 
           Eita glares at him, disappointed look "You can't just throw people away like toys." Says Eita disappointed. 
           Hotaru glares at him "that's rich coming from a guy who ditched his birth name." he says. Eita freezes. "I thought we wouldn't talk about this…" 
           "Well, we are now, aren't we bitch." Says Hotaru.
           Eita stands up. "I'm leaving." He says, "I will tell cops that you're the one killing people…" 
           "H-Hiroshi! K-Kouten! I-I won't tell! I promise! Please just…come back…" Says Eita. Hotaru pats his shoulder, and the darkness goes away. Eita immediately looks at his tail then looks up to Hotaru with tears in his lavender eyes. 
           Hotaru walks behind Eita, touching his shoulder. His smile widens. "You forget Eita. Unlike a good amount of people I torment, I know your fear." He says, snapping his fingers. The two were enclosed in a dark area the same size as where they are, creating the illusion that no one was there.
         Eita's eyes shrunk. He quickly moves his tail to his chest. His tail, though, isn't giving off the glow and dims. Then it goes out completely. Eita began hyperventilating, falling onto his knees, tears running rapidly down his cheeks. Please no! I-I don't want to die!!! Please! Give me a light source! Now! I want to be alive! I-I don't want to be alone! He thinks
           People look at the duo, and Hotaru smiles, helping Eita up. People go back to what they're doing. Leading Eita out of the mall, Hotaru thinks back to what name came out of his adoptive elder brother's mouth.
           "…K-Kouten!" Hotaru growls Why do these…chickens…keep getting into my family and business? First, Hato… a pretty little thing. Nice Lil fuck toy too. Then that blue-winged one…Librarian if I remember correctly. Insecure but didn't want me anywhere near Hato along with his boyfriend. Don't get me started on the pale blonde chick. She's crazy same with her boyfriend….
           Once outside the mall and into the car, now…this! Eita is befriending the what 2nd oldest? No. I won't…allow it.  I CAN'T ALLOW IT. I… won't lose Anyone…not again. Thinks Hotaru looking to Eita whose curled up in a ball.
           Hotaru rests his head on the wheel. I can't lose to these…these…emochickens! He looks up, changing his purple eyes to slits I WON'T ALLOW IT. If I fucking have to… I'll kill them…
Saisho/Sai belongs to  @ulti-mal
Kouten belongs to @hairuko
Hato belongs to @juniperarts
Satori belongs to @fioresacros
Haruki belongs to @/_falyy on twitter
Riku & Hotaru to @diizaren
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Countless Roads - Chapter 7
Fic: Countless Roads - Chapter 7 - Ao3
Fandom: Flash, Legends Pairing: Gen, Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, others
Summary: Due to a family curse (which some call a gift), Leonard Snart has more life than he knows what to do with – and that gives him the ability to see, speak to, and even share with the various ghosts that are always surrounding him.
Sure, said curse also means he’s going to die sooner rather than later, just like his mother, but in the meantime Len has no intention of letting superheroes, time travelers, a surprisingly charming pyromaniac, and a lot of ghosts get in the way of him having a nice, successful career as a professional thief.
Len’s memories are out of order, which means he’s hurt himself again.
Between the smell of antiseptic, the noises around him, the way the sheets are just a bit too starched, he’s managed to figure out that he’s in a hospital. Now, the last thing he remembers is catching the bus down to Louisiana for a heist, so unless the bus blew up, he figures he’s missing a few memories.
It’s okay. They’ll come.
Let’s see. Did he get to Louisiana? The Best Western they’d decided to stay at?
Yes, he remembers laughing with Mick at the décor, which was classic Best Western but which someone had tried to spruce up with a stuffed alligator, despite the fact that this was Shreveport, not New Orleans. Maybe because of that fact; what does Len know about alligators?
Okay, so they made it down there. What happened next?
He tries to think.
Dinner, he remembers going out to dinner with Mick, that definitely happened. Did they make it to the warehouse?
Warehouse –
Oh, right.
Len cracks his eyes open.
Mick’s at his usual position.
Well, usual enough – he’s always on the next bed over, if there is one, or using a chair if they allow visitors. If they don’t allow visitors, he goes invisible and hovers there anyway.
Today he’s opted for the floor, knees pulled up to his chest and chin drooping, just like the teenage ghost he was behind the aging-up that Len gave him. He’s not nearly low enough on energy to return to that state – that only happened once, years and years ago, when Mick had had a really bad panic attack and had thrown a few things around, poltergeist-style, which he wasn’t naturally good at, until he’d spat out enough energy to go back to teenage size, which had luckily worked to shock him out of the spiral he’d been in; but he’s had enough life to avoid having that happen for ages now – but he doesn’t look good.
Len’s still pretty pissed at him, but he’s also just superstitious enough not to want to break what’s been working for them. And this has been working for them, really.
For better or for worse, they are, even though they’ve never come outright and said anything explicit. Len’s not going to let something like this – even though he’s really pissed – be the thing that Mick’s always feared, the one-flaw-too-many that makes Len finally decide he doesn’t want Mick around anymore.
“Mick,” Len says. “Why’ve I got an IV?”
He doesn’t, actually, but he sees the fucker hiding out across the room, so it’s just a matter of time, really.
Mick’s head jerks up. “Lenny,” he croaks. “Oh, god.”
Len frowns at him. “That close?”
Mick shudders. “Too close,” he says. “As always. But this time – it was my fault, and I just – I couldn’t live with that.”
Len’s angry. Len’s pissed off. Len is –
“Technically, you ain’t really living with anything, are you?”
– totally incapable of resisting an opening like that.
Mick gives him a sickly smile. “I’m glad you’re doing okay,” he says. “I’ll – I’ll just go get Lisa.”
Len watches him drift away, frowning a bit. Damnit, Mick, it’s hard to be angry at someone when they’re acting like a kicked dog already.
“Hi, Lisa,” Len says. “When’d you get here?” Then he pauses, realizing he has no idea where ‘here’ is or how long it’s been.
“You’ve been in and out for about three days,” Lisa says, catching his look. “And we’re in Tulsa, Oklahoma.”
“Better burn ward.”
“I got burned?”
“More smoke inhalation than anything else, though yeah, you’ve got a couple of nasty burns, too. Mick broke you out of the ambulance – well, first he broke himself out of his ambulance, though ‘broke’ isn’t really the word – and brought you up here.”
“Oh. Okay, that makes sense.” Len processes that. “So why’s he being mopey? I haven’t even got a chance to yell at him yet.”
“He’s upset because you nearly died, you moron,” Lisa says, dragging over a chair. “For that matter, I’m upset. The doc said you had another seizure.”
“Yeah,” Len replies, making a face. “That’s why I’m gonna yell at Mick. Eventually.”
“Yeah, about that. Care to go into slightly more detail about this whole ‘the seizures don’t bother me anymore’ thing?”
“I explained!” Len says defensively. “I told you about the unquiet dead and all that.”
“You told me that your ability to talk to ghosts is eventually going to kill you and then I started crying and the conversation derailed into an all-around Lisa-Snart-mope-fest,” Lisa says tartly. “I’d like more detail, thanks.”
“…I’m wounded and would like to go back to sleep now.”
“If I believed that, I’d let you. As I don’t – talk.”
“Fine, fine," Len sighs. He hadn't had much hope of that working, anyway. "So you know how I explained that the unquiet ghosts are ghosts that don’t ask for my life energy, they just take it?”
“Yeah, the bad ghosts.”
“They’re not all bad – okay,” Len amends, because Lisa’s giving him the ‘are you really defending Dad again’ look, and he’s not, honestly, “they’re pretty bad, not gonna lie. They’re not all killers and murderers and stuff, just people who are so goddamn self-centered they don’t care about things like consent or killing me or anything like that.”
“Bad ghosts,” Lisa says firmly.
“Bad ghosts,” Len concedes. “Anyway, when they suck out too much of my energy, or if I give too much of it away, it reads like a seizure.”
“From what I understand, it acts like a seizure.”
“Well, kinda. The docs don’t actually know what’s going on, but it looks a lot like a seizure, either grand mal or petite mal, and they say the side effects are pretty similar, too. But it’s not really like epilepsy; there are specific factors and I know exactly when an attack is going to happen. Well. Not exactly, see the events that led me here, but I can at least predict it, most of the time.”
Lisa nods. “And the good ghosts protect you from the bad ghosts, right?” She pauses. “Man, I really hope no one is eavesdropping on this conversation.”
“They’ll think we’re talking in code,” Len says dismissively. “And see, this is where the good ghost/bad ghost thing breaks down. Like – you remember Deena, right? She hung out for a while after Daniela passed on?”
“The rocker chick with the guitar? Yeah, sure.”
“She killed eight people.”
“She’s a savage haunting,” Len says, shrugging. “Poltergeist in her natural form. She was doing the classic blood-writing-on-walls bullshit, said she’s seen it in the Shining and thought it was appropriate.”
“You’re joking. Deena?”
“She calmed down a bit once I made her come home with me, stick around for a few months before going back to search for her killer,” Len says, shrugging. “She was killing people pretty indiscriminately at that bed and breakfast over the last five years. Ghost logic isn’t human logic – she figured whoever the guy that killed her in that hotel room was still there, for some reason. I talked some sense into her, got her to stop killing innocents.”
“And now, what, she just kills people she thinks might be the guy?”
“No,” Len says, rolling his eyes. “I broke into the police station and let her read over the police reports, she figured out it was a mobster thing, and now she’s gone off to go fuck with the guy that did it so that he’ll eventually confess. Or die. She’s kind of indifferent between the two.”
“…good for her, I guess,” Lisa says, blinking. It’s understandable; Deena’s a real sweetheart most of the time. She’s just really, really angry about the whole death-before-stardom thing. Len sees her sometimes when he goes too close to the Santini safehouses; she always waves. “So, getting back to the point. It’s good ghosts – er, friendly ghosts – versus bad ghosts, right?”
“Yeah, basically. Except I don’t usually need to cart around that many friendly ghosts anymore, ‘cause I’ve got Mick and he’s really good at fighting off the unquiet dead.”
“The bad ghosts, right. So what happened this time?”
Len makes a face. “I didn’t bring too many ghosts along, because most of the ones I would’ve brought had things they wanted to do in Central. Figured I’d be fine with just Mick.”
“The warehouse we were in went up like a match,” Len says. “Mick got distracted. That’s when the unquiet ghosts hit. A whole bunch of them, all at once, just –” Len shudders at the memory. Each hand grasping, pulling, tugging; the feeling of his life dripping out of him, yanked out by the handful; the ghosts' hungry, hateful faces; the knowledge that it’s not enough, nothing will be enough, nothing but life again, real life, their own lives, something they can never have again, and worst of all, they know it and they hate it and they're so angry –
“Not good,” Lisa says.
“Yeah. Not good. They got too much of me and so, you know –”
“Seizure in the middle of a warehouse that’s on fire. Because Mick was too distracted by the flames to help.”
Lisa makes a face. “Ouch,” she says. “I see why he’s so upset.”
“You see why he’s so upset?”
“He loves you more than anything, you know that,” Lisa says, all too reasonably. “If he thought you were dead and it was his fault, well. I don’t even know what would happen.”
“Bad things,” Len says with a sigh. He sees his stuff on the chair next to the hospital bed and reaches over to it. Is there- ah, yes, here it is. He pulls out his phone and does a few searches on some already saved websites, all of which confirm what he'd been worried about. Great. He'd been hoping the last few times were a fluke.
"Bad things?" Lisa prompts, when it looks like he's finished. She's used to him getting distracted from a conversation, and good at picking up where they left off once he's done. "What sort of bad things?"
Len grimaces, putting down his phone. "I mean bad things. You know how I always said I wasn't sure me and Mick, that was something we were supposed to be doing?"
"You said you didn't care, either," Lisa reminds him.
"Still don't," Len says. "But, well, it turns out the reason people my family don't typically empower specific ghosts all that much over long periods of time - the way I do with Mick - is because they get real powerful when we do.”
Lisa frowns. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean, Mick would never do this sorta shit on purpose, but – you remember that panic attack way back? Throwing everything around?”
“He had one like that a few months back. Nothing like this time, but I noticed something weird. And this time confirms my suspicions, assuming he got angry -"
"Oh, did he ever," Lisa says dryly.
"Yeah, well, this time he didn't just toss around some chairs," Len says. "This time he nearly started a tornado.”
“Yep. I tracked the weather patterns," Len says, nodding at his phone. Having access to the various weather guides' internal data was definitely worth the money he'd paid the hacker to do it. "The pattern’s consistent with what happened last time. Normal ghosts, they throw around stuff in a room, right? Turns out Mick’s so powerful, he's started throwing around weather formations.”
“Well,” Lisa says. “Clearly the answer is for you to not die.”
“You expect me to be upset that my brother’s death will be accompanied by rain and storm and possibly hellfire?” Lisa asks, arching her eyebrows. “I think that’s a plus, honestly.”
Len shakes his head. Lisa did always have a way of cheering him up. “Tell Mick he can come back,” he says. “I’m only a little angry at him.”
Even that little amount of anger is gone by the time Mick returns. Len not being angry doesn’t seem to help, though.
Mick comes back, yes, but his smiles remain sickly and his expression harried. He averts his eyes often, fixing them on the ground instead; he finds excuses not to do things he enjoys, like cooking; he doesn’t go on jobs with Len, recommending others – either other crew, or other ghosts, or something. He barely lights fires.
He's haunting their safehouses, far more than he ever did before.
Nothing seems to help - not trips to nice restaurants, not burning things, not ice cream, not anything. Len's quizzed all his ghosts - not Nora, whose beloved baby boy had a terrible accident some time back, ending up in a coma, a set of events that has sent her into her own fit of depression, but all the others - and they've suggested all sorts of things, but nothing's worked to help cheer Mick up.
Not even Len assuring him that he's really not angry will do it.
Len even tries actually talking about it, and he hates talking.
"Mick," he says. "What can I do to help fix what's ailing you?"
"I'm a ghost," Mick says. "I don't get sick."
"You're depressed. Or acting like it. Ever since the fire -"
Mick shrugs. His shoulders and arms are covered with twisted burn scars, far worse than the ones Len got in real life; Len worked with Mick to figure out how Mick could make small adjustments to his appearance so that people wouldn't wonder why he didn't shave when they were both in lock-up, but he never imagined that Mick would use it to burn scars into his self-image.
"Mick, you know I'm not upset, right?"
"I know."
"I don't hold what happened against you."
"I know."
"You know I still want you by my side."
"I know."
"And you know I'm okay."
"I know."
"So nothing bad happened," Len says, slightly exasperated. "Nothing more than a few weeks in the hospital. What's the problem?"
Mick breathes deep, a long inhalation and exhale as a sigh. "It's trust, Lenny."
Mick nods.
"You worried I don't trust you to watch my back anymore?"
"No," Mick says. "I know you do. It's that I don't trust myself to watch your back anymore."
Len opens his mouth but finds himself speechless for once.
"I'm dragging you down, Len; holding you back," Mick says. "It's just the way it is. I swore to myself I'd only ever help you, not hurt you, and then I hurt you 'cause I couldn't watch myself. Couldn’t control myself. It's better for you – better for both of us – if I don't shove my nose in where it don't belong."
"You're wrong," Len says, overwhelmed and appalled by the sheer wrongness of what Mick is saying, all eloquence and persuasiveness gone, his tongue sticking in his throat as he desperately searched for the right words to stop whatever this is that's happening here. "You're so wrong, Mick – I want you by my side, I need you by my side -"
"You don't need anyone," Mick says.
"The unquiet dead –"
"You have the other ghosts."
"Are you leaving me?" Len bursts out, horrified into speech at last. "Is that it? You leaving me behind? You want out?"
"No," Mick says, looking surprised. "I'm here for you, you know that. But I don't want you relying on me. For your own sake."
Len opens his mouth to say something, but Mick opts to disappear instead of talking it out.
Len could probably force him to come back. He knows that, knows it deep in his bones; if he yelled "Come back and talk to me", Mick would. He's as filled up on Len's life as a ghost can get, and that makes a bond between them. If Len can make the regular dead listen, he can make Mick listen.
But no.
Len would never do that to Mick, never force him like that, not for anything short of life and death.
God. How did this happen?
Mick doesn’t want to be with him. Or he does, but he doesn’t want to actually do things with Len; he wants to punish himself instead, just like he was punishing himself for his family all the way back in juvie. What stupid thing is Mick gonna think of next? Maybe he'll decide that being there for Len doesn't necessarily have to involve his presence, so maybe he should stop being around so he can stop Len from giving him his life again?
Damnit, he'd better not do that. He has to stick around, or else how is Len going to convince him that he's making a terrible mistake?
Besides, Len doesn't see it as giving Mick his life; he hasn't for years. They share his life, because what's Len's is Mick's and what's Mick's is Len's, and he doesn't understand why it's so hard for Mick to see that –
That gives Len an idea.
But first, he's going to need some supplies.
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paladinsheadcanons · 7 years
paladins college au?
*puts on sunglasses* LET’S DO THIS. Also, @mal-dambra. -Mod Inara (by the way, I don’t actually know how colleges work exactly and had to google a lot of this stuff, so some info might be inaccurate)
Makoa: The old professor teaching Marine Biology. He owns a massive saltwater aquarium at home. He often takes his students to the local Marine Life Rescue Organization, where a green turtle he personally rescued years ago currently lives. Makoa is well-known as one of the wisest and most knowledgable professors on campus, and most of his students don’t have a problem seeking him for advice for their studies. All the students do need to know one special rule though, Don’t ever challenge Professor Makoa when he’s angry.
Fernando: A former Fine Arts student himself, Fernando now works as an artist’s model at his former university. He doesn’t mind holding some really extravagant poses for long periods of time, and he loves chatting with the artists (when they feel comfortable with it). He sometimes flirts with his fellow artist models for fun. He cosplays during his free time, and he makes all his own armor and props. Also takes up salsa dancing.
Ruckus: Real name Russel. Dropped out of a geology major to get into Robotic Engineering. He’s a really eccentric person, and honestly a huge Sci-Fi geek. His dormmate and partner for the majority of his projects is a reserved dude named Bart. They nicknamed each other Ruckus and Bolt respectively, Ruckus due to his tendency to be loud-mouthed, and Bolt with his immense interests in electrical systems. They argue a lot, but are surprisingly close friends.
Barik: Head of the Engineering department, and a professor specifically for the Mechanical Engineering branch. His personal inventions and projects are often made to help those with disabilities and such, his motivation being his own struggles as a little person. Absolutely no one can deny his genius when it comes to how the stuff works, and he’s won a few awards for it but wants to continue teaching so that hopefully, he would be able to directly encourage more people to do the same with their inventions. He’s rather brash and really direct with both his praise and critiques, but is overall a pretty fun person to be around.
Ash: A Sports Management student, she takes every aspect of her studies very seriously. She’s pretty popular and known to be a strong leader figure in general. She’s also the president of the university’s rugby (For Americans: football) team, which is somewhat ironic to those who know her personally, as she’s someone who likes her personal space, a lot. She’s not huge on social events, but does enjoy the vacation/celebration parties her friends and teammates like to organize, provided they aren’t too wild. There’s a rumour going around that basically anyone attracted to girls has a crush on her. @Mod Ash :3
Torvald: The elderly head librarian at the university, and everyone affectionately calls him Grandpa Torvald. He is very healthy and energetic for his age, and loves chatting with the students and staff if they need any help finding material for their projects. He has a side interest in inventing things, and hangs out with Barik a lot. He gets extremely excited when one of his own inventions, no matter how “insignificant” it is.
Inara: One of the most well-known professors on campus, Inara teaches in Environmental Studies and always encourages her students to be mindful of nature. She has a few rock gardens at home, and collects stones and fossils as a hobby, with enough knowledge of it to help out students and even fellow professors in the Geology departments. She volunteers at an environmental organization called Mother Earth’s Grace frequently. Occasionally, students come to her to talk about personal troubles, and she would always take the time to listen and try to give them advice.
Drogoz: A Herpetology student struggling with student loans. A lot of people accuse him of being greedy and hoarding his money, but in reality he just wants to save up enough as soon as possible to get out of those college debts. (SAVE HIM.) Is a huge nerd when it comes to anything related to dragons, and in spite of his financial state he has a pet bearded dragon he named Pogoz. He loves the little guy, and would punch anyone who makes fun of his little dragon.
Bomb King: A Chemical Engineering student who simply goes by B.K, he was suspended at least twice for his more…explosive projects during classes. He’s often called a pyromaniac by his peers, but he doesn’t particularly care. He does actually take safety very seriously, so he knows his little experiments won’t actually harm anyone, and in reality most of his professors know this too. It’s just that he tends to cause a lot of disruptions.
Cassie: First year student in a Zoology. She loves animals, especially birds, and keeps her pet Greenwing Macaw, Zigs, in her dorm room (it’s technically not allowed, but Zigs is very well-behaved and her roommate Kinessa doesn’t mind all that much). She’s a rich kid who’s friendly to everyone and loves parties, especially those on the beach. She sometimes adopts a stereotypical valley-girl accent to mess with people as a joke, or when she wants to annoy someone who makes fun of her.
Lian: Another rich kid, but with attitude. Her family has very high expectations of her, and she takes those expectations to heart. She’s aiming for a degree in International Relations and takes her studies very, very seriously. She tends to be bossy and demanding in group projects, which results in her not being very well-liked in her classes. However she’s the president of the debate club as well as vice president of the shooting club (with air rifles mind y’all) and is well-respected for her skills in those departments. She has a reputation to uphold, but her guilty pleasure is watching random Japanese anime, and her favourite characters are often the noble girls with the obnoxious laugh.
Kinessa: Cassie’s roommate and a Business student, but she doesn’t actually give much thought to her studies. Was held back in high school due to a few disciplinary issues, thus about two years older than Cassie despite them both being first years. She has an interest in firearms and is the president of the shooting club. She likes watching movies of military stories, and has at one point considered joining the army herself, but decided against it, mostly due to her uncle, Strix. 
Sha Lin: The resident playboy who doesn’t actually date anyone, and a student majoring in World History. He enjoys learning for the most part, but there are certain classes which put him to sleep. He’s also that person who refuses to sleep early and regrets it the next morning, as he is in no way a morning person. He survives on coffee and energy drinks. He absolutely hates exams with every fibre of his being but does study a lot for them. He’s in the archery club and considered to be one of their best, but has refused the position of leadership. Has plans to travel the world and visit major historical places of interest someday.
Viktor: He’d hoped to attend college in his youth, but was unable to, and ended up in the army forces. Now a retired soldier, he has decided to pursue a degree in Government Studies despite knowing how challenging the whole thing would be, especially as a much older student compared to his peers. However, he plans to take the lessons he learned during his time in the army and apply them to his studies, and has no intention of backing out regardless.
Tyra: A Archaeology student who absolutely loves the outdoors and exploring new places. Part of the reason she decided to pursue such a degree was due to the hopes of one day exploring new places with challenging terrain. She is also a well-trained survivalist, and thoroughly enjoys hiking and camping, especially in mountainous areas. It’s a well-known rumour that she fought a bear and won, which was how she got that bear skin she hung on the wall of her dorm room, but in reality she just bought the fake skin off a random pawn shop one day cuz she thought it was cool. 
Willo: Everyone thinks she’s not supposed to be there cuz she’s too young. She’s actually a child prodigy, and is among the top of her classes. She’s pursuing a degree in Botany and dreams of one day founding a botanical garden and being able to take care of all the flowers growing there. She’s a bit of a prankster, and usually gets away with her pranks by playing the “just a kid” card. This evil prick. 
Evie: Currently putting off going to college for the time being and enjoying some time out of high school. She does visit her local university frequently, mostly for the crazy-good ice cream cafe they had there, but she does wonder if there would be something she’d like to study there. 
Skye: She’s one of the most notable students in Fashion Design, as well as a pretty notorious student on her own. She’s a little older than most of the other studies, as she took a few years off to work before attending college, and she likes flirting with many of the other students and even the staff, provided they were within her own age range. She has some interest in chemistry and botany, and some say that she once used that knowledge to poison someone who did something bad to her. This rumour was actually true, except that the “poison” was actually just terrible coffee and the guy was just being overly-dramatic. 
Androxus: Dropped out of college halfway through his second year, but a few years later returned to work there as a night guard, considering he already knew the place well and knew his way around a fight. He’s very quiet and the other guards are wary of him, but he doesn’t intend to bother them as long as they don’t bother him.
Buck: He’s a yoga instructor in an on-campus fitness centre. He’s a lot louder than most people would expect, but he knows how to be patient with his students and colleagues. He’s a fairly religious Buddhist, and was allowed to set up a small shrine in the studio, which he prays at for prosperity everyday. 
Maeve: Hasn’t started college yet, due to a really bad financial situation and being homeless. She isn’t really sure she even wants to get into college though, as she doesn’t particularly see any fulfilling futures for herself just yet. She hasn’t given up on the idea yet though. 
Zhin: A really notorious problem student, with a small band of delinquents at his side. He doesn’t really do anything particularly serious, but definitely has a severe attitude problem with every one of his professors and many of his classmates. He’s technically a student in International Relations along with Lian, but he hardly shows up to classes. Has been threatened with expulsion several times, but he doesn’t care much. 
Lex: He has dreamed of becoming a police officer as a kid, but eventually decided to pursue a degree in Law and become a court prosecutor, feeling that it would be more fulfilling to do so. He’s a really serious student, and actively tries his best to participate wholeheartedly in every class. He’s a bit of a sci-fi nerd when he isn’t studying, and has a thing for surfing. 
Mal’Damba: That one creepy Medical Science professor with a ton of wild rumours surrounding him, one of the most well-known rumours being him secretly being possessed by some evil demonic spirit. Students staying late in any of the school of medicine’s buildings literally pray they don’t run into him at night. In truth Mal’Damba is just super skinny due to a mild metabolism issue and doesn’t get a lot of sleep thanks to his pet snakes being noisy jerks at night (he won’t move them from his room though, he loves them too much despite everything). He runs on several cups of coffee everyday. Someone save this man.
Pip: An overly-enthusiastic Chemical Engineering student, a year below B.K. He’s easily fascinated with chemical reactions in general and always asks a ton of questions. Some of his professors have literally had to ask him to give them a break from answering his questions. He likes studying a little more than most, and likes to work on pretty much all of his projects as soon as possible. Whenever he has any problems he either seeks out his professors or tries to find them in the library. Luckily for him, Torvald loves excitable students like him. Pip has a little fennec fox plushie he cuddles to sleep, which helps him deal with being away from home. 
Grover: The head caretaker of the campus greenhouse and gardens. He’s a very quiet and gentle person, and is often visited by Inara, Willo, and Grohk. Whenever students have classes while he was caring for the plants, he likes to teach them a few more trivial details about the plants, or maybe tell the students some interesting experiences he has had in the gardens, such as the time he fell asleep under one of the larger trees and was awoken when a chick fell from the tree onto his lap. 
Grohk: A student in Environmental Science, Grohk has a love of nature almost rivalling that of Inara. He loves to visit gardens, and has a particular fondness of thunderstorms. He volunteers at Mother Earth’s Grace along with his professor Inara, though not as often. He sometimes struggles in classes due to a minor speech problem, but other than that he’s pretty happy with his college life so far. That being said, he tends to stress out quite a bit when his projects’ deadlines and exams start coming up.
Seris: She’s the head nurse at the infirmary located in the school of medicine. She’s a very quiet and mysterious person, who pretty much only ever spoke when necessary. Some people are scared of being treated by her as she is visually impaired, but Seris has never made a mistake with her treatments in the infirmary, especially when her assistant Ying is there to help. 
Ying: A recent Medical Science graduate, Ying is currently an intern assistant nurse at the infirmary at her former school. She’s still new, but has a lot of fun helping the patients. She also enjoys working with Seris and has a lot of respect for her. Ying is very outgoing and friendly, and when she’s not working at the infirmary she’s out volunteering at an orphanage. She carries around a small antique mirror everywhere, which she considers to be her lucky charm. 
Jenos: A professor in Astronomy & Space Sciences, he’s kinda that professor that gets on everyone’s nerves due his more arrogant side. He’s good at what he does when he teaches, and is fair with his grading, though he has a bad habit of making dumb comments about his students or colleagues to their faces. He genuinely enjoys his work though, finding joy in thinking about the mysteries of space and the stars. He likes to go stargazing on his own every now and again.
Strix: Kinessa’s uncle, and an old friend of Viktor’s from their shared time in the army. Unlike Viktor, he chose a simpler life after the military, and instead crafts small trinkets to sell. He does visit the college often though, sometimes to visit Viktor, sometimes to check in on Kinessa as he lives closest to the institute within their family. Kinessa and him don’t particularly get along due to a serious disagreement regarding Kinessa’s initial plan to become a soldier at one point. 
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everyonesomething · 7 years
Session Nineteen
Sydney Gaydos SLAMS the breaks.
Grim swears as she fumbles and drops her cigarette
Capridi slams into the dashboard
Edith Runekill loses her cigarette but her hat is still fixed on her head; it's majestic.
Grim raises one hand to flip off the honking driver
Pepper rears up out of her seat and swears in Elvish at the guy.
In this session, we take in the sights and attractions of the countryside.
The set-up: We're hitting the open road!
The Game: Early the next day we're packing up at the hotel and waiting for Syd to pull her car up so we can load up and get going. She shows up with a surprise for the group: she's bought a nice little camper to tow along with us. Sure beats sleeping outside. We work out a rough plan for switching off driving duties, everyone knows how to drive (except Grim, to no surprise) and pile in for the start of what's sure to be a life-changing journey.
Edith Runekill is wearing her hat; a convertible will be a good test of its enchantment.
Malkas: "You've driven on a highway before, Syd?"
Sydney Gaydos: " ... life is a learning experience, Mal. Where we must try new things in it."
Malkas: "... Don't kill us, Syd.:
Pepper: "I think we're safer in the car with her instead of outside the car around her."
Edith Runekill looks at everyone in the car in turn, as she fingers the charms dangling from her bracelet.
Grim just tugs her hat over her eyes and smokes, she couldn't care less about the drivers ed minute
Edith Runekill: "I got a lot more experience driving on highways than in town, really."
"The hard part's gonna be getting out of the city."
Capridi stuffs herself into the car
Sydney Gaydos: "Not to worry. As The Great Detective she is very attune to unexpected situations and learning hands on."
Pepper: "As long as your learning keeps our heads on, I don't really care too much."
Capridi sees Grim smoking behind her and decides to do the same. She gets out some of the skunk grass she had picked up earlier and rolls one up. She lights it and takes a few puffs.
Edith Runekill is already settled into her seat. She lights a cigarette on the tip of her staff.
Edith Runekill: "Oh! You roll your own cigarettes, Capridi?"
Pepper: "You are not allowed to give one of those to Edith."
Grim fixes one eye on the back of Capridi's head under the brim of her hat
Malkas: "Oh, I very much disagree."
Malkas gives Edith a bland smile.
Edith Runekill: "...what?"
"Is it some kind of really fancy tobacco blend?
Capridi: "Not usually, but the place I went to didn't have pre-rolls"
Capridi turns to Edith, "I wouldn't call it fancy"
Edith Runekill shrugs and goes back to her map.
Edith gives us brief history lessons of places as we pass, telling us all about Grand Dukes and werewolf armies and such, and then Syd hits an animated skeleton that's crossing the road. Turns out we're driving through the fields of the dead, an old burying ground that got messed up by the Spellplague. Occasionally a skeleton gets loose and takes a walk across the highway: there's a skeleton crossing sign on the side of the road and everything. At any rate, it's not illegal to hit them, just really creepy.
Speaking of creepy, we stop for a photo op at Fort Morninglord—Syd informs us it used to be a Paladin fortress before something fused and blackened all the stones in the building and caused the paladins themselves to mysteriously vanish. The High Overseer ordered it sealed up in case of unspeakable evil, but it's still a place of importance for modern paladins. We pull over so Syd can visit and take a few photos and everyone stretches their legs.
Edith Runekill stands up. "We getting a move on?"
Capridi catches the chips, gets back in the car and begins snacking. "So how much longer till we get there?"
Grim: "Feels like somethin' I seen before, even though I know otherwise. Don't trust it."
Capridi: "wait, where are we going again?"
Sydney Gaydos takes probably too many photos BUT she finishes up rather quickly and puts her camera away. "Er, apologies for taking a bit longer than anticipated, " she says with a sheepish smile and heading back towards the car.
Capridi: "Oh, the gun nut doesn't trust something. Alert the papers."
Edith Runekill has grass stains on her stockings.
Grim looks up and across at Capridi
Pepper: "Oh we've got days and days to go, yet."
"Daaaaaaays and daaaaaaaays."
Malkas: "We're going to the Gnollwatch mountains."
Capridi "Then I'm going to have to get some more... cigarettes at our next stop."
Edith Runekill: "I got plenty of cigarettes."
"If you want to bum one off me."
Capridi: "ehhhhh.... I... Smoke cloves. Sorry."
"Appreciate it though"
Edith Runekill puts her camera back in her bag and climbs into the car.
Grim continues to give Capridi a long look as she heads back to the car
This trip's gonna be great.
Before we head off again, the group puts their heads together to figure out the first leg of the trip. Everyone makes a pretty sound and logical argument for heading off to the coast, towards an inland sea.
Edith Runekill: "I don't really know this area too well. I took the train to Neverwinter. And then I didn't go back again, so."
Edith Runekill shrugs
Malkas: "Okay, well, who votes we take the coast highway?"
Pepper: "Which way's got better food?"
Edith Runekill: "That'd be the Coast, probably."
"More traffic though, I imagine..."
Grim: "If the lich's travellin' over water, seems we'd have a better chance followin' his tral."
Malkas: "Snakewood's got a lake."
Capridi: "I'm with pepper."
Edith Runekill: "I think if he were over a lake we'd have seen trees and stuff in the reflections around the edges; I don't think Lake Esmel is big enough to look like the ocean."
Malkas: "Syd, you're drivin'."
Edith Runekill: "Grim makes a good point; Sea of Fallen Stars is one of his most plausible locations."
"We can gather intel as we go, maybe."
"Although we'll have to turn south off the coast eventually."
Capridi: "so a beach trip, then?"
Malkas: "I guess."
Edith Runekill: "Looks like it's the Coast, then?"
Malkas: "Yep."
After another few uneventful hours, Grim notices something wrong with the road ahead of us: the asphalt is cracking and rippling as if something's trying to come up out of the ground. Syd not-so-gently stops the car again and Edith gets out for a better look—she can just make out two bulletes, also known as landsharks. Giant burrowing things with lots of teeth.
Pepper immediately casts mage armor on herself. Then on Edith. Then stays put in the car with Grim. Edith, Mal, and Syd spread out near the car, Cap keeps far back from them—the bulletes seem awful interested in a large sheep-looking person. They make a few threatening looks in our direction and we take the initiative to shoot and smash them a bit to get them to reconsider attacking us.
They don't reconsider.
One of the bulletes launches itself at the car and lands on top of Grim. Edith is quick to act and hurls a fireball at it—being an evocation wizard she can sculpt her spells so they don't damage her friends and allies. But it's still a big fireball out of nowhere.
Edith Runekill cackles madly.
Sydney Gaydos is just D: at the fire.
Capridi takes note of the pyromaniac
Edith Runekill: "I knew I majored in evocation for a reason! Hahahahaha!"
Edith Runekill is loving it.
Malkas is kinda turned on.
Pepper still can't reconcile this Edith with the Edith in the diner.
Pepper pats her hair to make sure it's all there.
Pepper: "Maybe some kind of warning next time?"
Edith Runekill: "I'm a lotta things, but a wizard is one of 'em!"
Grim picks herself up. Her hat has fallen off and there is the light of hell in her eyes. Time to fuCK UP A MONSTER
Edith Runekill is a little turned on, too.
Edith Runekill: "Grim...!"
Pepper thinks she should've got out of the car, now.
Grim just stabs it over and over with her sword, teeth bared
Pepper definitely should have gotten out of the car.
Edith Runekill: [INFERNAL] Fuck it up, Grim!
And fuck it up she will.
Meanwhile Syd has hookshotted her way over to the other bullete to dispense mighty paladin justice and it looks like we're closing in on the end of the fight. Until a third bullete pops up out of the ground under her and Syd ends up riding it. Cap does some healing on Edith after the other bullete takes a swipe at her, then the new bullete throws Syd off and takes some of her face with it for good measure.  Pepper dispatches with the second of the original bulletes while Grim takes care of the one that drew her ire.
Cap does her best to heal Syd, but it was a lot of damage and on its next attack, the last bullete takes out Syd completely. Pepper finishes it off for the group.
Capridi welp
Edith Runekill: "Sydney!!!!"
Sydney Gaydos: (( THE CAR DISAPPEARS.
Malkas: "SHit!"
Pepper falls to the ground as the car disappears but this is like the third worst thing going on right now.
Sydney Gaydos DIES. PROBABLY.
Then Pepper... heals Syd?
Edith Runekill: "P... Pepper?"
Edith Runekill senses something is Wrong
Pepper: "uh."
Malkas: "Syd!"
Pepper just fucking. Sits down.
Edith Runekill rushes over to Pepper.
Pepper kind of. Just. Lies down instead.
Malkas: ".. Pep, the fuck was that?"
Edith Runekill: "Wild magic..."
Capridi: "So I'm unclear on why you guys needed a healer..."
Pepper puts Grim's hat over her own face.
Grim just walks away a little bit and stalks around the crumbling road while she cools off
Capridi: "I'm starting to feel that this is a set up"
Edith Runekill: "Well... that was one in a hundred."
Sydney Gaydos takes a few shaky breaths. "D-don't worry! Not even death c-can stop the Great Detective!" she tries to reassuringly announce but it falls kind of flat.
Edith Runekill: "And you fixed me up real good!"
Pepper waits for the car to rematerialize over her body.
Edith Runekill: "I'd be a mess if you hadn't had my back there, Capridi. Or maybe just dead."
Capridi "Right, but what was that?"
Capridi walks over to sydney and casts heal wounds
Edith Runekill: "It was a surge of Wild Magic. It's something that happens when you're born with magic like a sorcerer."
Edith Runekill: "Sometimes it just... is unpredictable."
Everyone basks in the glow of a hard-won victory.
Grim takes a seat on the edge of the road a little way off and lights a cigarette, hanging her head between her knees for a minute
Sydney Gaydos still doesn't stand up, but at least she doesn't look like she just DIED. And her face stopped bleeding. "Thank you Capridi. Dying was not a pleasant experience to live through again."
Malkas pats Syd on the back. "Good job, bud."
Malkas: "Thanks for the saves, by the way, Cap."
Capridi: "Yeah, dying is a real pisser."
Grim sits up and pulls a handful of grass to start cleaning off her sword
Malkas: "We have bad luck with dying under monsters."
Edith Runekill brushes some ash off her shoulders.
Pepper looks around and quietly slinks off away from the group.
Malkas follows Pep.
Malkas: "Pepper?"
Pepper: "Mm."
Malkas: "You alright?"
Pepper: "Hey, things didn't even touch me," she says. She hasn't turned around.
Capridi pulls out a blunt and lights it.
Edith Runekill stands in the middle of the group, wanting to somehow try to check in with everyone, simultaneously. She was Very Worried.
Malkas: "Oh please."
"Didn't touch me either, I'm still shook up."
Edith Runekill wrings her hands. But Grim's on her own, so...
Edith Runekill: "You doing okay, Grim? That thing had you pinned for a while there..."
Grim gives an indifferent grunt around her cigarette and keeps on cleaning her sword
Grim: "Just fine."
"You in one piece?"
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. But, briefly, I wasn't. Bit disorienting."
"From death's door to hale and hearty just like--" She snaps her fingers. "--that."
Grim: "Y'get used to it."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. Good to have a cleric around."
Pepper shrugs and sits Grim's hat more properly on her head. "Shit happens, right?"
Capridi looks at sydney "That shit was pretty crazy. You wanna hit?"
Malkas: "Yeah, you know this kinda cool kid brush off doesn't work on me, right?"
Grim exhales smoke and sheathes her sword again
Sydney Gaydos tilts her head curiously at Capridi."A hit of what?"
Grim looks around at the dead bulletes and then at the car, like she's seeing the whole scene for the first time
Capridi pauses, looks down at the cigarette, back up to sydney. "Herbs?"
Edith Runekill pats her pockets. "Got a light, Grim?"
Grim fishes out her lighter and offers up the flame without looking
Capridi: "they're like cloves... really super pretentious. Forget I said anything, you won't want this."
Edith Runekill lights her cigarette. "Thanks."
Grim: "We oughta move or get off the road, 'fore the blood draws anything in."
Edith Runekill: "Yeah. We oughta start packing the car up again."
"Sticking around here... seems like a bad idea."
Grim nods and picks herself up to head over and get to work
Malkas hooks Pepper under the arm and lifts her up.
Edith Runekill goes over to help Grim put things away.
Pepper ragdolls a bit.
Grim is kind of glad there's A Task honestly
Edith Runekill is too, a little bit.
Sydney Gaydos: "No, uhm, Gaydos would if you don't mind actually." However Sydney hears the others talk about loading the car up and she stands up to take a few shaky test steps forward.
Edith Runekill prods at the ashy, scorched soil with her foot. "Didn't... didn't really know I had that in me."
Grim follows her gaze, puzzled for a moment.
Capridi sighs in relief and takes another drag "oh thank god"
Grim frowns a little and goes back to packing
Malkas: "Come on, Pep, siddown and have some... melbatoast."
Pepper: "I'm not really hungry," she says, following Mal anyway.
Edith Runekill does likewise, and works in silence.
Malkas plunks Pepper in a seat.
Pepper: "I picked up your hat," she says, putting it square on Grim's head as she passes.
Sydney Gaydos is a bit more steady now walking as she follows along Capridi. "Gaydos doesn't think she'll be driving for awhile to boot."
Malkas: "I'll drive."
Grim glances up at Pepper, then nods to her
Grim: "Thanks."
Such basking.
Mal gives Syd a break from driving, seeing as she sort of died and all, and we head off to find a place to spend the night. We decide to take turns keeping an eye out overnight, even though campgrounds usually have fences and wards, you can forgive us being wary. Grim, Mal, and Edith plan on staying up a little late anyway and Grim asks Pepper to take second watch.
We break for dinner and everyone helps get dinner going—even Pepper, who didn't bother getting out of the car.
Capridi: "Do we have any meat?"
Malkas: "Uh, some jerky... Grim, any chance you feel like lookin' around for a rabbit or some mushrooms?"
Grim nods to him
Malkas gives Grim a thumbs-up.
Grim heads off towards the woods
Malkas digs around for something else to add.
Sydney Gaydos will help best she can! "Was there any sort of spices or herbs bought."
Capridi stifles a laugh "I bought herbs"
Sydney Gaydos: "Cooking herbs, mind you."
Grim reappears after a while with all the shit helia said
Pepper peeks an eye out around the car.
Pepper shoots a rabbit.
Grim unloads by the cooks
Pepper: "There's a rabbit over there."
Pepper sinks back down in her seat.
Edith Runekill ducks when she hears the gunshot.
Grim looks up and almost goes for her rifle at the sound of the gunshot
Malkas: "... Pep?"
Edith Runekill hops up to get the rabbit.
Grim stares
Grim gradually relaxes
Grim: "..........nice shot."
Pepper: "Thanks. I thought it might rush the car."
Edith Runekill starts preparing the rabbit.
Malkas tosses the crayfish in a pot and the sauce, mushrooms and other vegetables into a pan.
Malkas: "Good haul, guys."
Edith Runekill is completely unfazed by this, once she got over the shock of the sudden gunshot.
Edith Runekill has prepared things much bigger than a rabbit.
Capridi comes back with some fruit and mushrooms. "What can we make with all this?'
Grim settles down to smoke, watching the flaying with muted interest
Malkas: "Crayfish bouillabaisse?
A meal cooked with the best spices of all: cooperation! Mal reminisces about camping with his family when he was a kid, Edith appreciates how much easier it is to forage for food in the woods rather than during museum digs in the middle of a desert, and Grim offers to teach Edith how to find things to eat in the desert once we get out that far.
And with that, we're all settled in for what's sure to be a long, long night.
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deeisace · 7 years
For the characters (more than 6 but I couldn't resist like I guess just pick your faves?) - the Monstrous Regiment. Like Polly and Mal and everybody ?
Ah buggery y'know I just seen this! Fuckin tumblr not tellin me shiteUhhhh okay soUhhhI’m gonna do these not in order? Just as I thinkAh fucker y'know I forgot the names of the two lesbian orphan girls?? That is Terrible. But y'know can I say? Wrap a blanket round the quiet one an Let the pyromaniac set Someone Else on fire? Or just y'know light a fire idk that would be fun y'know but I dun wanna set no one on fire likeIs that too bending the rules?Eh.An theeeenBe roommates with uh the one the one is it lofty who’s the one lookin for her fella? That one, cs she's niceMarry pol and kiss mal? If permissible of courseAnd theeeen uhPush is it Blouse? the theatrical one? Push him off a cliff. But like. A little one. Or the troll one cs that’s like. Judging by the table that’s probably flirting haha???
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fresh-feeling · 8 years
I was pleasantly surprised to have been tagged by @drarrymore for a “get-to-know-me” post. Thank you for that. I loved getting to know you better through your post, too. 😉
Rules: Answer the message in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname?: In real life, Cye (sigh). On the web, I mostly use Karin.
Height?: 4’ 11" or 1.50 m, I am fun size.
Time right now?: 17:12
Favorite music artist?: I have a loooot. I like music spread across spectrums. John Mayer to Janis Joplin. Franz Ferdinand to Nina Simone. The Temptations to Lorde. Rage Against the Machine to Foster the People. The Beta Band to Dent May. LCD Soundsystem to Amy Winehouse. And many people hate some of them, like Fall Out Boy or old Panic! at the Disco or U2. But I fave so much.
Last movie I watched?: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them rewatch.
Last TV show I watched?: Whose Line Is It Anyway and QI episodes on Youtube.
What are you wearing right now?: mint green top with black and white striped underlay and soft blue denim shorts
When did you make your blog?: 23 January 2017
What kinds of things do you post on this blog?: This is a side trove for Drarry and HP universe gold. Occassional other ships when they’re fun. As of the moment, it’s mostly reblogs, but I think I’ll find my voice eventually.
Do you have any other blogs?: My primary blog is @syrille, which is more diverse reblogging of various interests, also posts on real life. Secondary blogs are @cinderssplinter, which is more shipping, bandom and general geekiness, and @vicchanxmaccachin, which is hoarding for Yuri!!! on Ice.
Do you get asks regularly?: Very rarely, but they are welcome. :)
Why did you choose your URL?: It’s a love song by The Eels that I like. I also think it could describe how Drarry would feel once they see each other in a different light, because I’m a sap. Also, there’s a line that goes: “I’ll make a safe bet: you’re gonna get whatever you need”, which sounds like both a promise and a wish, because I’m a sap.
Gender?: Female
Hogwarts House?: Ravenclaw (accdg to new Pottermore), but I’m having an identity crisis. I tried getting into Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff through other accounts in the old Pottermore, because I wanted more adventures on both houses, and the books didn’t say much. But I always sorted Gryffindor whatever sorting I took, and I’ve always felt I was Gryff for years. I’m taking being a Ravenclaw as a challenge now.
Pokemon team?: Team Valor (See?)
Favorite color?: Light and fresh greens and blues, such that you would find by the sea.But I also get brightened by fiery tones and earth tones. Pastels are welcome, too.
Average number of hours of sleep?: 3-4 hours on weekdays, 6 hours on weekends.
Favorite characters?: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom. Kaylee Frye and Captain Mal Reynolds (Firefly). Leslie Knope, Ben Wyatt, and Ron Swanson (Parks and Rec). Ted Mosby and Lily Aldrin (HIMYM). Yuuri Katsuki and Yuri Plisetsky (YOI). Monkey D. Luffy, Usopp, Nico Robin, and Franky (One Piece). Dwight Schrute (The Office). Troy and Abed and Dean Pelton (Community). Kyle Broflovski (South Park). Jacuzzi Splot (Baccano!), Nobuchika Ginoza, Shinya Kogami and Akane Tsunemori (Psycho-Pass), Crowley and Dean Winchester (Supernatural), and a lot more…😅
How many blankets do you sleep with?: Cotton one. We’re a tropical country.
Dream job?: Culture writer. (travel, food, art, pop, but I’m le lazy)
Tagging at random lovely lovely blogs on my feed and activity: @foileeadeux, @punkingpastilles, @pyromaniac-fairy-of-water, @bainybear00, @dean-is-crowleys-demon, @mydoctorpotter, @viktor-chan, @llamam00n, @katsudononice, @harry-dr-a
PS: I’m sorry if you’ve been tagged before, and I’ve missed. All the same, glad to meet you. 😊
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theminutemenrp · 7 years
Tumblr media
“Colomba Milano, alguien me dijo alguna vez que somos las elecciones que hacemos. Sin embargo, a mí me gusta pensar que no soy un mal hombre por las decisiones que he tomado. Creo profundamente en que las peores elecciones pueden llevarte a los lugares más hermosos. Y que si no tienes miedo de morir, no hay nada en el mundo que no puedas lograr. Recuerda que la lealtad es difícil de encontrar. La confianza fácil de perder. Y que las acciones hablan más fuerte que las palabras.
Si es cierto lo que dicen, espero que estés satisfecha con las elecciones que has hecho hasta ahora. Bienvenida a los Minutemen.”
    Crystal, la historia de Colomba me intrigó muchísimo y creo que la mejor manera de describirla, así cómo tu bien lo escribiste, es como una persona que se deja llevar por sus impulsos. ¿Causar un incendio en un uno de los desfiles de su padre luego de una pelea? Fue justo allí que nos presentaste uno de los momentos más decisivos en la vida de Colomba, o al menos con respecto a la persona en la que se convertiría después, el momento que le mostraría el camino que la llevaría justamente a pertenecer a los Minutemen. Si la joven Milano se comporta de esta manera cada vez que se enoja o frustra, ¿Qué daños podría causar si sintiera ira, rabia incluso? ¿Hasta adónde estaría dispuesta a llegar? No puedo esperar por conocer a Colomba más profundamente, observarla más de cerca. Te agradecemos nuevamente por interesarte en el proyecto y traernos a otro personaje único.  Recuerda que tienes 24 horas para enviar la cuenta de Clolomba.
“Tell me about you.”
Nombre: Crystal Edad: 21 País o zona horaria: Chile Nivel de actividad (1-10): 3-5 días de semana 5-7 fines de semana Triggers: no acepto escribir sobre abuso sexual, sobretodo infantil, pero si otros lo hacen o se toca esta temática no me molesta si está bajo read more o con advertencia.
“What fills your heart with dread?”
Faceclaim: Dua Lipa Skeleton: The pyromaniac Nombre: Colomba Milano Edad: 22 años Fecha de nacimiento: 20 agosto, 1995. Ciudad/País de origen: New york, Estados Unidos
Biografía (¿A dónde empezó y cómo llegó aquí?):
Contemos la típica historia, contemos cómo un hombre sin recursos alguno viajó a Estados Unidos en busca de una nueva oportunidad de vida. Sí, Tito Milano empacó lo poco y nada que tenía, junto a un sueño de poder triunfar allí en el mundo de la moda, Tito viajó a Estados Unidos. Todos aman los finales felices. Tito se hizo un nombre entre las listas más importantes en el mundo. Todas las puertas que le cerraron en Italia ahora se peleaban por él. Se casó con una hermosa modelo y de aquel amor, sobre una cuna de oro, nació la pequeña Colomba. Niñez comprada, felicidad de sobra y vivir en un mundo de fama y fortuna son factores suficientes para crear a una joven malcriada, quien de empatía y valores no conocía. La constante ausencia de sus padres cuando la castaña vivía su pre adolescencia perjudicó aún más su libertinaje. Colomba a los inocentes quince años ya le tenía gusto a la cocaína, sus noches consistían en hacer tonto al guardia de las grandes discotheques y las clases particulares eran una burla a la educación. Colomba no era estúpida, de hecho poseía un coeficiente intelectual muy alto, pero con la mentalidad que poseía en esos años no le importaba tener que asistir a esas clases banales. Al ser la hija de papá, poseía el poder de hacer y deshacer lo que quisiera sin castigo o consecuencias.
No fue hasta sus diecisiete cuando la luz produjo en ella un grado de excitación. Una pelea con su padre previo a uno de sus desfiles hizo sentir a la joven con mucha frustración. Al prender un cigarro lo arrojó, a los segundos, a los pies de una gran cortina. Ella lo sabía, inconscientemente lo sabía, pero sólo se marchó al salón para ir a su asiento correspondiente. No habrán sido diez minutos pintados en el reloj cuando se activó la alarma. Todo el resto pasó como una presentación fotográfica. Todos evacuando, las llamas tomando fuerza, recorriendo el lugar de a poco, ella afuera observando con los demás y sintiendo el calor. En sus pupilas dilatadas se impregnaba la imagen de la luz. Hace muchos años que no sentía tal gratificación. Desde aquel incidente Colomba no encontró sus frenos. Cada vez que se frustraba o el enojo recorría sus venas la castaña se liberaba del sentimiento prendiendo fuego a lugares y objetos. No podía evitarlo, se sentía bien, se sentía Dios. A diferencia de otros pirómanos ella no se entregaba, no quería autoría por los hechos y nunca la vincularon a ninguna de sus obras. Aquello alimentaba el poder, era invencible.
Una noche, de fiesta, unos agentes de negra vestimenta la forzaron a entrar a una habitación en el mismo lugar. Varios hombres armados y algunos de traje la esperaban. Sabían de ella, conocían sus obras. El ritmo de su corazón se aceleró, cómo era posible que tuvieran esos antecedentes si hasta la fecha jamás dejó rastros. No dudó en unirse a la organización, sólo por beneficio personal, ellos tenían un registro de ella y no deseaba que la entregaran a la ley. Debía ser astuta esta vez.  
(3) cualidades positivas: {Energética, sociable, perfeccionista}
(3) cualidades negativas: {Impulsiva, frenética, arrogante}
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