#pythagoras created a list of opposites
hondacivicbrain · 3 months
One thing I've been thinking a lot about amid the argument over the Barbie movie's lack of nominations is the aggressive level of hate it gets.
FYI, this is not about whether I think the Barbie movie deserved more nominations or not because it doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter if it was a good movie or not. It doesn't matter that it was about feminism either. What matters — and what is at the core of all the hate — is that it's a movie for women. For girls.
Anything whose target audience is young women and teenage girls is inevitably slammed with hate.
It will be called overrated. It will be called basic. It will be shit on. The comments and reviews will be FULL of people saying how stupid or terrible it is, how they've always hated it, and how anyone who watches or listens or consumes it is too.
Again, it does not matter whether x product or y performer is overrated, or not talented, or a thousand other insults people (mostly men, but anyone seeking to set themselves, even subtly, apart from people who like popular, feminine things). What matters is the alarming level to which we've normalized the hate that gets thrown at young women — and especially at teenage girls — for daring to like something popular.
Since when has popular become a bad word? Products that are marketed towards women are hugely profitable, and yet critically shamed. Remember pumpkin spice lattes? I've never seen one girl fawn over them as much as I've seen 100 grownass men spew nonsense about how silly and childish and girly a flavor is. A flavor.
It doesn't matter what Taylor Swift's most adoring fans are like, even the ones who are over the top, because no one attacks men who get too enthusiastic about their favorite sports teams or fantasy football the way people attack her fans for being excited to see her in concerts. It's because her fanbase is predominantly young girls, and anything young women are into must be shamed.
The relative anonymity — or at least, the safety — of the internet has enabled people to be harsher than they might in real life, but bullying young women and girls for their interests is not a new phenomenon.
Romance has occupied the lowest rung of the genre ladder for arguably hundreds of years. Wholly romantic movies (meaning movies in which romance is the primary drama, rather than a subplot within another genre) must be *exemplary* to get critical praise. More male-centric genres like dramas or any movie seen as "intellectual" often only have to be *good* to get the same kind of attention. This is not a dig at Oppenheimer or any of the other movies nominated (nor am I saying Barbie is a romance). The point is that romance is held to a significantly higher critical standard because it is largely not for a male audience.
(As a side note, plenty of romance is genderless the way many other genres' audiences are, but as a society we've boxed it into a 'feminine' box and decided feminine=bad. I could write a whole essay as to why.)
I am absolutely not saying Barbie deserved or didn't deserve this or that, or that Taylor Swift should never be criticized, or that romance is a perfect genre. I am not saying these examples are the most important of their kind.
What I am saying is that anything that is both popular and centered around women is always, inevitably, and extremely harshly attacked by people who do not like it, and this has the potential to be incredibly damaging to teenage girls, especially in an age where social media use starts younger and younger.
What happened to, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? Or, let people like what they like? You don't have to like something, but you don't always have to voice your hate for it either.
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blog20041994punam · 3 years
Numerology - Discover Your Purpose
Numerology has been used for thousands of years to determine specific things about an individual. The Pythagoras were the first to discover that numbers have a vibration to them, and each number has a specific vibrational field around them. They believed that we create our life by giving our parents our name that we want to be born with and specific date of birth that we choose to come forth in. So they have discovered meanings of the numbers and their influence on our lives. Numerology is also to believed to be used by our spirit guides to help us along in life by pointing out specific number patterns to us while we go through our daily lives. Remember Mathematics has been considered the Universal language for some time now. That can't just be a coincidence.
Furthermore, according to Underwood Dudley, author of "Numerology: Or What Pythagoras Wrought", the Pythagoreans became interested in number mysticism after discovering a particularly fascinating fact about numbers. If you add up a series of odd numbers beginning with the number one, the result is always a square number.
Discoveries like this led the Pythagoreans to the conclusion that "all is number." According to one interpretation, this means that people can measure everything in the world and describe it in terms of numbers and proportions. This is a reasonable idea, and it has had a big influence on science and mathematics. But according to another interpretation, "all is number" means that everything in the world is made of numbers and can be reduced to a numerical value.
Along with describing numbers in terms of math and geometry, the Pythagoreans also described them in terms of non-numerical traits. These traits had more to do with intuition and mysticism than science or mathematics. For example, odd numbers were masculine, and even numbers were feminine. The number one was creative, since the addition of multiple ones can create any other number. Two represented duality and was female, while three was male. As the sum of two and three, five represented marriage, and since it fell exactly in the middle of the numbers one through nine, it also represented justice.
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Ten was a sacred number, largely because it is the sum of the first four digits. The holiness of the number 10 led to a list of 10 fundamental opposites:
Limited and unlimited
Odd and even
One and many
Right and left
Masculine and feminine
Rest and motion
Straight and crooked
Light and darkness
Good and evil
Square and oblong [Source: Dudley]
Systems also designate numbers with repeating digits as master numbers, which include all the attributes of two other numbers:
11: 1 and 2
22: 2 and 4
33: 3 and 6
44: 4 and 8
Numerology has been used to tell the future, guide human behavior, predict the outcome of relationships and otherwise divine the unknowable by figuring out a person's numbers. For example, if the number 5 has a particular vibration, a person whose number is 5 has the same vibration. That person can choose what to eat, where to go and how to live based on which choices have a vibration that is compatible with 5.
Numerologists will interpret the results and the meanings of each number to make recommendations or theorize about a person's future. Recommendations often include:
Lucky days or lucky numbers
Optimal career paths for a person's numerological temperament
Negative tendencies to avoid
Positive attributes to emphasize
What to look for in a romantic partner
Business Decisions
How is Spirit Guiding you
How to find your numerology number? Read on.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This chart is how to find the numbers from your name. It's universal and has been used for thousands of years in every language. Our name makes up our Expression/Destiny number and our Soul Urge/ Heart Desires Number. Use this chart to find yours. I set up an example of Angelina Jolie to help you out.
For example: Angelina Jolie Voight.
Calculating a Expression/Destiny Number:
Angelina=36, 3+6=9. So Angelina=9.
Jolie=24, 2+4=6. so Jolie=6.
Voight=36, 3+6=9. So Voight=9
36+24+36=96. 9+6=15. 1+5=6
9+9+6=24. 2+4=6
Angelina Jolie is a 6.
Calculating a Life Path Number:
Her birthday is June 4th, 1975
6+4=10.. 1+9+7+5=22.. 10+22=32. 3+2=5
Calculating a Soul Urge Number:
A,E,I,A. O,I,E. O,I.
Angelina = 16. 1+6=5. Jolie = 20. 2+0=2. Voight = 15. 1+5=6.
5+2+6= 13. 1+3=4.
Her Life Path Number is 5.
Her Expression/Destiny Number is 6.
Her Soul Urge/Hearts Desire Number is 4.
To get a better understanding here's a simple definition of the most basics that numerologists look for when they start adding from the letters in our name, the vowels in our name and our birthday.
Life Path Number: The Life Path is the sum of the birth date of a person. This number represents who you are at birth and the native traits that you will carry with you through life. The Life Path describes the nature of this journey through life.
Expression Number: A number derived from all of the letters in your full birth name make up what is called the Expression or Destiny number. This is the number that describes the talents and attitudes at your disposal in this lifetime, if you choose to develop and use them of course. This is sometimes referred to as your potential or destiny. Living up to attributes of this number may not be easy, but it is your goal. It is your life's purpose, spiritual mission, and your field of opportunity. Unlike the Life Path number which reads as you ARE, the Expression number more correctly reads as you MUST, to accomplish your mission in this lifetime.
Soul Urge Number :The Soul Urge or as it is sometimes called, the heart's desire, is an important influence in numerology .This means your inner craving, likes and dislikes. It's made up of the vowels in your name.
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Here is what the basic of numbers mean: The details are relatively similar from numerologists, this is just an example of each number.
Number 0 - Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.
Number 1 - Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.
Number 2 - Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.
Number 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.
Number 4 - Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.
Number 5 - Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.
Number 6 - Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.
Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.
Number 8 - Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifester.
Number 9 - Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending.
Numerology has been used for business decisions, relationship advice, seeing the signs of the Universe and/or Spirit Guides, Karmic situations, subconscious dreaming, what to overcome in this specific life, why you are the way you are, Maturity level, Rational Thought. There is a literally a number for everything that makes up who we are on every level. It takes a lot of studying and work to find all this information on your own, (trust me I've looked), I find it easier to just get a reading. Enjoy finding out what really makes me you tick.
Peace to all Beings and may Love and Wisdom guide you through Life!!!
Learn more about it and get your personalized numerology report for free.
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psyphilenthusiast · 5 years
When in doubt, always stop (and think!)
Hey everyone!
As usual, I am here with something unusual! Something that is right there in front of us but something we forget to pay attention to.
"The oldest, shortest words - 'yes' and 'no' - are those that require the most thought."
~ Pythagoras
When others ask you for a favour or request to do something, even if it is something small? Do you respond immediately? Or do you take your sweet time to think about it and then respond?
There are times when you get the urge to respond immediately with a 'yes' or a 'no.' It may not happen always, but sometimes it does, doesn't it? And this urge makes us respond without actually thinking about our options and choices. This pressure to respond does the work for us and we may end up regreting saying anything, atleast sometimes.
I know some people who can never say no. I also know some who never say yes (at first). And a few who somehow know and maintain the balance of saying yes and no. We know that extreme of anything is bad. Saying yes or no all the time can be harmful too.
Do you know why there is a major confusion regarding what a yes or no actually means?
I'll tell you why.
A major reason I think is the habit of immediate responding. No, it isn't a bad thing (entirely!). However, we are evolved beings. We have the capability to think over things before doing it. This is what makes us cognitively superior. But do we? Do we actually stop to think, even if for a few seconds?
When we respond without thinking, we may not have considered what it is we actually wanted to do or say. This creates a discrepancy between what we said and what we actually wanted to say.
So, say, you said yes to a request when you actually wanted to say no because of the pressure and the habit of immediate responding. Either you will carry out the request because you value your words or you will do it half heartedly or you will act completely opposite or you will just not do anything and sit in denial and intentional forgetfulness.
Over time, such instances might pile up and start creating issues. Issues how, you ask?
1. Your words may loose value. And with words, comes credibility. And you really do not want to mess with your credibility!
2. Your 'yes' will be taken to mean everything other than a yes. (Or a 'no' will be taken to mean everything other than a no.)
3. It also creates inconsistency between your words and actions. Have you ever felt that pressing weight in your head when you have to do something you really do not want to do? Yes, that! That is because of this inconsistency. The more your words and actions match, the more harmonious you will feel.
4. At time when people call you out on your inconsistent behaviour, it may lead you to feel hurt, frustrated and irritated. This can, in turn, negatively effect your self concept. And when your confidence suffers, you may feel that initial pressure to respond more intensely and more frequently.
I do not want to overwhelm you, so I will stop here with the possible issues that can arise simply because we did not stop to think.
However, I do have a simple trick that you can use to deal with this invisible pressure to respond immediately (in extreme cases)😉
Instead of immediately saying 'yes' or 'no,' start getting into the habit of saying, 'Okay, let me think about it.' When you say this first, you move on from the zone of pressure and you also give your mind time to think out your options and choices. Saying this gives you some time even if it is a few minutes to stop and mull over it and then respond. In cases when you can or when decisions are difficult, discuss what's on your mind with the other person. In cases when you feel as if you have no choice, come to an understanding or middle point as to why you have to do or not do it.
When you get into this habit,
1. You can think without the pressure to respond
2. You will make more thought-out choices
3. You actions will match your words
4. Your words will have value and lend you credibility
5. You also indirectly communicate to others that you will not be rushed in making any important decision and that they need to respect it
6. You will be happier because of more consistency in your words and actions
7. It will positively affect your self concept
And this list is not exhautive. Like my maybes, I can go on with the benefits too 😛 These are just to get you to understand how important it is to stop and think and how beneficial it can be.
Can you think of more issues or benefits? If you do, let me know in the comments or pm me 😊 and when try this out, let me know if it works for you 🌺
I hope this helps!
To thoughtful decisions and happier you 🍸
Smile 📸📸
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✅ Songs & Arts & Home Entertainment Post Group.
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