ryuuna · 4 months
i love the way you draw mother night so much its a blessing every time. thank you for extending my life span
Ty! she’s one of my fav comfort characters to draw so I’m very glad you enjoy my art of her :)
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angry night wip as a treat (mostly for me)
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messmers · 4 months
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itznarcotic · 1 year
why so jeff? -the killer
why so slender? -the man
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pythice · 2 years
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mask131 · 6 months
The myth of Apollo (2)
This is a loose translation of Alain Moreau's article "The Antique Apollo: Shadow and Light".
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II/ The ambiguous god
The mystery that shrouds Apollo’s origins, this enigma that disconcerts the scholars, had the advantage to allow the artists a freedom of imagination: since the shape of the primitive character of the god is drowned and blurred, he can be depicted as either a god of light, or a god of shadow and death; However, even within the most clear-cut portraits, his complexity remains. Apollo is never a god entirely just and good ; but he is never fully aligned with malevolent powers.
According to the beginning of the Iliad, Homer chose to depict the dreaded aspect of the go. Apollo, angered against Agamemnon’s army, hits them with a terrible disaster, (nousos, loimos), the plague: “A terrible sound came out of the silver bow. He first attacked the horses, like fast dogs. Then, it is men that are hit by his sharp arrow, and the funeral pyres burn hundreds ceaselessly.” Fervent enemy of the Greeks, it is Apollo that throws against the Achaean wall all the rivers of the Mount Ida ; it is also him that hits Patroclus in the back and offers him unarmed to the spear of Hector. And yet, this terrible god is also the one that brings a painless death, and then the cruel arrows become the “soft arrows”. He is hostile to the Achaeans, but he brings a tireless protection to the Trojans. Aeneas, Glaucos, Hector are all helped by him. He constantly assists them, recomforts them, stimulates them, saves them. If his shot brings death, it can also repel evil. Apollo is “the one that preserves” (hekaergos). Throughout the centuries, many epiclesis will attest this trait: alexikakos, apotropaios, epikourios…
In a reverse way, the “Homeric Hymn”, which is all about the glory of this conquering god who is eternally young and beautiful, oes not hide his “boundless pride”, and he is shown easily tricked. Young Apollo does not have the same temperance and moderation that will become the fundamentals of the Delphi wisdom, engraved on his very temple (“Know thyself”, “Never too much”) ; and young Apollo also lacks the omniscience of his father Zeus.
But with Pindar, at the beginning of the Classical age (5th century), he gains omniscience: in the “Pythics” he is described as “knowing the fatal term of all things and all the paths they take”, as “being able to count the leaves the earth grows during spring, and the grains of sand that roll under the waves of the sea or the river, and the flows of the wind” ; and as “you who sees clearly the future and its origin”…  As a generous god, he also offers to humanity benevolent gifts, and maintains peace: “It is him that gives to men and to women the remedies that heal cruel diseases ; he gave us the cithara ; the Muse inspires those that please him ; he places in the hearts the love for concord and the horror of civil war. He rules the prophetic sanctuary.” As a son of Zeus, he himself becomes the embodiment of the divine, of the unnamed, of the celebrated “theos”. But Pindar didn’t go as far as to erase the other Apollo, the cruel god of destruction. Apollo takes his revenge over an unfaithful Coronis by sending Artemis, a merciless and blind executioner, to kill her with a brutal death – and so will perish numerous innocents whose sole crime was to live near the culprit.
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Aeschylus’ Apollo, contemporary to the one of Pindar, brings a halt to the evolution of the god – and even a regression. In his tragedies, we have a bloodthirsty god that massacres with his arrows all of Niobe’s sons: his wrath is unflinching. Laios disobeyed the oracle: at the seventh door, the god will cause the fratricide of his grandsons Eteocle and Polynice (The Seven Against Thebes). Cassandra did not keep her promise: she will be mocked, captured and murdered. But the god, just like the perjury girl, does not hold his promises: after predicting to Thetis that all the gods will protect her bloodline with all of their love, he kills her son Achilles (The Judgement of Weapons). He is a god that scares people: “Phoibos” is close to “phobos”, fear and scare (The Persians). “Apollon” is close to “apollôn”, “he who destroys” (Agamemnon). The justice Apollo offers is an archaic justice, a vendetta logic: kill the one that killed. When he fights the Erynies within the play “The Eumenids”, he is not above them in any way: they have the same violence, the same bad faith, the same contradictions. And yet… this god is invoked by the messenger of Argos as the savior and the healer (Agamemnon). This imperfect god is the ambassador of Zeus, as it is highlighted many times during “The Eumenids”. This conquering god settles with pacifism on the ancient throne of Delphi: within “The Eumenids”, no murder of any dragon is mentioned. The god of darkness keeps some traits from the god of light.
The regression of Apollo within Aeschylus’ plays is explained by the turmoil of a world that was building: the Greek city was being born among a set of social and political tensions that impacted the way the thinkers saw the cosmos. Euripides’ own regression of Apollo can be explained by a world that is falling apart. The cities are fighting with each other, beliefs are weakening, the gods are falling from their pedestal and are lowered to the same level as mankind. It is the Dioscuri that absolve Orestes of the death of Clytemnestra. And the culprit of the crime is designated as Apollo, which gave “an unwise order” (Electra). A god full of grudges, he never forgives any offense. It is within his own sanctuary, in a treacherous way, by the arms of a thousand men, that he takes his revenge upon Pyrrhus, right as the latter was coming to make amends: “Here is how the Lord that gives oracles, the arbitrator of the law for all humankind, treats the son of Achilles as he was offering reparation! Just like a wicked man, he remembered old feuds. How could he then be wise?” (Andromache). Another proof of his lack of wisdom: he rapes Creusa. “Ah! Do not act in such a way ; if you have the power, practice the virtue! Because anyone who is wicked is punished by the gods. Then, how can we stand that yourselves, that make laws for the humans, be recognized of violating those laws? (Ion).
And yet, the Apollo of Euripides can also be as shining as the god of Pindar and of the Homeric Hymn: “How beautiful are the children of Leto, that she of Delos birthed in the fecund vales of the Isle – the golden-haired god, knowledgeable lyre-player, and the goddess proud in her talent at shooting with a bow!” (Iphigenia in Taurid). The bloodthirsty god can preach for peace: “Go you way, and may the most beautiful goddess, Peace, be in your home with honor.” (Orestes). And, while the poet is very critical of the god’s actions during “Ion”, he still sings the luminous and cosmic beauty of Delphi which, according to him, would have never been as great as it is if it wasn’t for the grace of its god: “Here is the brilliant four-horse chariot: Helios, already, sheds light upon the earth. And the stars flee the ether that is enflamed among the sacred night. The untouched peaks of the Parnassus, drowned in light, welcome for mankind the disc of the day.”
The ambiguity of the god, tied to his origins, is maintained as much within the works of those that criticized him, as in the texts of those that admired and respected him.
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dictatorsheep · 2 years
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I posted 21,398 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 133 characters
#escribiendo esta wea caché que cae día martes y los martes son de salir a jugar hora destacada de pokemón go no voy a poder salir xdd
My Top Posts in 2022:
6 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Holi. Busqué borifilico en Google y me salieron las ofertas del unimarc. Exijo una explicación. Saludos
me metí a buscar y sólo encontré que la Wikipedia usa una foto mía tomada con un celular alcatel para adornar sus páginas sobre el río Choapa haha están en todos los idiomas menos en español xd
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no encontré ofertas del unimark yo quería comprar pepsi u.u
haha saludines 🥰🥰
8 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
en el hospital de Illapel se están contagiando todos y ya hay una niña del turno de mi hermana positiva xd
desde ya me voy despidiendo de ustedes f por mi xd
si bien no siempre me cuido como debería (ahora mismo estoy durmiendo en pelota y eso que hace masomenos frío) trato de hacerlo bastante porque nací con los pulmones malos, me funcionan como al 60% y siempre cualquier resfriado es como una pulmonía segura pa mi así que estoy seguro que no voy a contar la neunonia que me va a dar con el coviz cuando me dé xd
8 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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13 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Bayern and  Dortmund fans today: "BOYCOTT QATAR 2022"
25 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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airpanic · 1 year
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Before the beginnig of the Pythic Games almost all the protagonists are gathered just in front of the Stoa of the Athenians in Delphi :Juno, Penelope, Odysseus, Achilleus, Mnemosyne, Atalanta, Atlas. But who's who ?
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heart-chuuu · 6 years
Ooooh you're in college at 16? Is it okay to message you to ask you more :o?
Yup! Go right ahead hahahaha ^^
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cyberendlessdragon · 3 years
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tkb + white snake
consider sending more ygo+animal requests?
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josiecmontilyet · 4 years
tagged by @dreamzanarkand- thank you once again serena <3
last song: phobia - nothing but thieves. i’m SO excited for their new album i can’t wait
last movie: coraline :) my favourite movie and very fitting for halloween month.
currently reading: memórias póstumas de brás cubas by machado de assis (sorry idk the name in english) but it’s a brazilian novel about a dead man telling his story and this book is like the memoir he wrote after death - it’s really good
currently watching: sadly nothing atm :( but I plan on watching the haunting of hill house soon tho
currently craving: sushi or like my entire weight in chocolate
currently working on: trying to find my motivation to do some things for uni lol
currently playing: genshin impact!!!!! i’m addicted. absolutely in love with lisa
tagging: @waterdeep, @justseashelleyed and @pythice + whoever wants to really ;D
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xshayarsha · 5 years
when chelsea wolfe sang “bloom and eclipse them, wake up and transform” over and over and over, like a pythic echo... she was so right. and i mean she offhandedly became a fucking epitome of personal enlightenment right there.
but when she sang “i guess i needed something/someone to break me, i guess i needed something/someone to shake me up”. she just went and reached a supernal level of emotional wisdom and my precise point is how dared she?
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itznarcotic · 7 months
hugging you
hugged <3
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rhianna · 5 years
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Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c.
Author:  Anonymous LoC No.18001775 Title:  Fishes, Flowers, & Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths & Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon, Rome, India, &c. LanguageEnglish LoC ClassBL:   Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Religion: General, Miscellaneous and Atheism SubjectPhallicism CategoryText EBook-No.37713 Release DateOct 11, 2011 Copyright Status    Public domain in the USA.
PAGE. Chapter I. (Fishes)1 Frequent occurrence of the Fish Symbol—Fish Heraldry—Earliest devices—Fish devices on Churches and other public buildings—The Catacombs—Ichthus—Fish devices at Glastonbury Abbey, &c.—The Book-fish—Glasgow Fish-arms—The Fish and the Ring Story of Scotland—Solomon and the Fish and Ring—The Hermit’s Fish Pond of St. Neot’s—The Sacred Perch—The Dolphin—Neptune. Chapter II. (Fishes)10 The Ancient Sacred Fish—Fish diet and its supposed effects—Fish and the Jews—The God Krodo—Oanes—Dagon—The Fish-god at Nimrod—Khorsabad—Fish Worship in Syria—Temple of Dagon at Azotus—The Dagon of the Bible—Adramelech—Abstinence from Fish-food—Ancient character of Fish Worship—“Paradise Lost”—The Irish demi-god Phin—The Fish as a Christian Symbol—Idea involved in Fish Worship—Holy Fish Ponds—Ancient Caledonian objections to Fish—Other anti-fish-eating nations—Ishtar. Chapter III. (Flowers)25 Universal Love of Flowers—Indifference to Flowers—Excessive Love of Flowers leading to adoration—Myths and Legends connected with Flowers—The Flos Adonis, Narcissus, Myrtle, Silene inflata, Clover—The Hundred-leaved Rose—Worship of Lily species—Signification of the Lotos—Hermaphroditic character of the Lotos—The Indian Mutiny of 1857, part played by the Lotus during its instigation. Chapter IV. (Flowers)33 Importance of the Lotos—Varieties of Lotos—Statements by Herodotus, Homer, Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Pliny, Athenæus and others—The arborescent Lotos—The Sacred Lotos of the Nile—The Indian Lotos—Nepaulese adoration of the Lotos—Shing-moo, the Chinese Holy Mother—Lakshmi—The Queens of Beauty—The Loves of Krishna and Radha. Chapter V. (Fire)43 Story of the Fire-god and his Secret—Growth of Fire Worship—Fire an essential in Hindoo Worship—The Chaldeans—The Persians—The Hebrews—Fire in Hindu Ceremonies—Duties of Hindu Life—The Serpent and Fire—Phallo-Pythic Solar Shrines—Fire and Phallic Worship—Leaping through fire—Fire-treading in Scotland—Fire-leaping in Russia—The Medes as Fire Worshippers—The Sabines—Fire and the Ancient Christians—The Roman Church and Fire—The Jews—Temple of Vesta—Fire Worship in Ireland—Phallo-fire-worship of the Greeks and Romans.
Chapter VI. (Fire)60 Fire Worship in the States of the Mediterranean—Special sacredness of the Public City-fire of Greece and Rome—The Sacred Fire of Tlachtga—Ceylon Fire Worship—The Parsees—Persian Monuments—Impiety of Cambyses—Cingalese Terms, Sanscrit, Welsh, &c.—The Yule Log—Fire Worship in England—Fire of Beltane—Druidical Fires—May-day Fires—November Fires in Ireland—Between two Fires—Scotland—The Summer Solstice-fire Ceremonies—Worship of Baal in Ireland—St. John’s Day—Bonfires—Decree of Council of Constantinople. Chapter VII. (Fire)75 Paradise Lost and Moloch—The God of the Ammonites—The slaughter of Children by Fire, notices in the Scriptures—Fire Ceremonies and Moloch—Sacred Fire of the Phœnicians—The Carthaginians—Custom of Oziese—Sardinian Customs and Moloch—The Cuthites—Persian Fire Worship—House-fires of Greece and Rome—Sacred Books of the East—Laws of Manu—The Rig Veda and Hymns to Agni, the God of Fire—Vesta, Worship of—The Magi—Zoroaster.
The Project Gutenberg EBook of Fishes, Flowers, and Fire as Elements and Deities in the Phallic Faiths and Worship of the Ancient Religions of Greece, Babylon,, by Anonymous
 This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.  You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org
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trewa · 6 years
Tagged by @pythice
rules: answer 25 things abt yourself and then tag blogs you’d like to get to know better!
nickname: Pedro
pronouns: he/weon
zodiac: Cancer
height: 1,84 mt
age: 26
time: 12:08 am
fav artists: System of a Down, Chancho en piedra, Red hot chili pepers,queen 
song stuck in my head:  Deal with the Devil - Tia
last movie i saw: evil dead 2 again
last thing i googled: como hacer brownies
other blogs: nope
do i get asks: nope
why i chose my url: tregua in mapudungun means dog but when i created and ocount the first time i tried it was already used 
following: (what is this??)
what am i wearing: sport clothes
dream job: eat 
dream trip: get to know canada or japan
fav food: all the food
play any instruments: i used to know a little bass
fav song: its changes a lot depends of what i got stuck 
play(ed) any sports: nope
hair colour: Black
language/s u speak: spanish and a little bit of english but i dont talk it good
random fact: i play wargammes miniatures
describe urself with an aesthetic : weon/ñoño
i tag: many of the ones i follow are already tagged by  @pythice​ but @la-taldo, @valkenhayn , @riderofthelupushour , @arsenicko , @darktoshiro , @brad-kun , @androidenumero-17
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pelandocables · 6 years
Tagged by @pythice
rules: answer 25 things abt yourself and then tag blogs you’d like to get to know better!
nickname: Macanudo
pronouns: he (buh que fome)
zodiac: Piscis
height: 1,59 mt
age: 22
time: 08:44 PM
fav artists: Mushos mushos mushos!
song stuck in my head: Eventually - Tame Impala (ando en la caca maxima)
last movie i saw: Avengers infinity rwars (la ultima parte, pero en el cine ni me acuerdo)
last thing i googled: Cual es el relleno de One Piece
other blogs: si! uno porno, porque aqui la gente le da color
do i get asks: A veces si, a veces no
why i chose my url: Viene de pelar el cable, es decir, hablar estupideces (mayormente weas)
following: A Jesus como mi unico salvador de la tierra plana y el universo redondo (ni idea a que se refiere)
what am i wearing: Jeans y chaleco!
dream job: Conocer el mundo haciendo lo que estudio
dream trip: Islandia y la Antartida!
fav food: Pastas!!!!!!1111
play any instruments: Nothing (drums maybe)
fav song: Cambio constantemente ):
play(ed) any sports: Muy casual para todo deporte
hair colour: Negro (anteriormente azul, morado y verde)
language/s u speak: español y algo harto de ingles
random fact: Tengo un estante lleno hasta el tope de rocas que he recolectado durante mi carrera (algun dia sera museo!!!!)
describe urself with an aesthetic : Niño con barba hiperactivo y timido
i tag: @devilsproof @valelaalegria @myweirdlandscape @darktoshiro @electroma89 @basuraparallevar
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shitonionsays · 3 years
@HapSlappe @pythice @TheCommunewt @Chinchillazllla So alpha/sigma that they can't enjoy one of the most basic pleasures in life and will fail their ultimate, most prime objective in the game.
https://twitter.com/oniontaker/status/1419129096903090178 , in reply to https://twitter.com/HapSlappe/status/1419111249321865216
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