#q: thou art notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already
filmjunky-99 · 2 months
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry Q [encounter at farpoint, s1ep1] 'Thou are notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already. Thou art directed to return to thine own solar system immediately.' - q
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mlmdata · 2 years
tick, tock, q
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42635589
Word Count: 2.7k
Fandom(s): Star Trek: The Next Generation
Relationships: Jean-Luc Picard/Q
Characters: Jean-Luc Picard, Q, Data, Deanna Troi
Important  Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Timers, Episode: s01e01-02 Encounter at Farpoint, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flirting, Banter, References to Canon, First Meetings
“Thou are notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already,” declared the… man? Entity? Jean-Luc had no words for the strange person in an even stranger outfit that stood before him. “Thou art directed to—” And then the being’s eyes fell on him, and whatever he was going to say next was suddenly forgotten. “You!” he shouted, with an emotion in his voice that could only be described as pure unfiltered joy. “It’s really you! Oh, goodness, you have no idea how long I’ve waited—” There was another flash and the being vanished, before instantly reappearing in the vacant first officer’s seat, ridiculous outfit replaced with a red Starfleet uniform. “Ah, now, this is better, I hope. Much more comfortable for both of us,” he said, as he gazed up at Jean-Luc expectantly. There was a pause. Jean-Luc cleared his throat. “Er… excuse me,” Jean-Luc started awkwardly. “Would you mind explaining who you are, and who you think I am?”
Day 27 of Trektober, "Soulmates" + Qcard
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linscoresby · 5 years
fic fmk with Picard, Kirk, and Sisko, please! nerds always b comparing captains and this tradition must Continue
Fake date Picard, predominantly because I struggle to believe he has ever dated anybody for real, ever.  Picard is a ball of emotional constipation.  It could never work between us…
It was a toss up, but slow burn Kirk.  I mean, for all that everyone loves to paint him like a ladies’ man (cough AOS cough), he’s a sensitive guy who’s trying his best.  Plus, he is simultaneously a nerd and a jock.  Where else would you find that combination in the wild?  Kirk wakes up every morning and drinks respect women juice.
Enemies to lovers Sisko, obviously.  I mean, with the moral complexity and shades of grey that make up DS9, Sisko is really the perfect captain to go enemies to lovers with.  We’d start off on different sides of a conflict, until the Dominion emerged as a greater threat and so we’re forced to form a tentative alliance that becomes something more.  We could bond over my limited knowledge of baseball.
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phatburd · 2 years
Thirteen times Sisko would’ve handled things differently than Picard
(The Star Trek: Picard one has spoilers for Picard 2x02)
Measure of a Man
PHILLIPA: I have completed my research, based on the Acts of Cumberland passed in the early twenty first century. Data is the property of Starfleet. He cannot resign and he cannot refuse to cooperate with Commander Maddox.
SISKO: I see. Would you be so kind as to explain to me the historical context of Earth’s laws delineating people and property in the, oh, two centuries prior to the establishment of this law?
PHILLIPA: I’m…afraid I didn’t cover that as part of my research.
SISKO: Look again.
WORF: Captain Sisko, I understand you wanted to see me.
SISKO: Mr. Worf, you have a personal history with Duras.
WORF: Yes, sir. He murdered K’Ehleyr, my mate.
SISKO: And I understand that gives you the right to vengeance under Klingon law.
WORF: Yes, sir. Her honor demands it. As the father of her child, I would dishonor her memory and myself by failing to avenge her.
SISKO: Of course. However, I’m afraid that as a Starfleet officer, your duty supersedes your personal need for vengeance.
WORF: I…understand, sir.
SISKO: Not yet. You see, Mr. Worf, Duras has become…a problem.
WORF: I’m not sure I understand, sir.
SISKO: Effective immediately, you are relieved of all of your Starfleet duties for the next forty-eight hours. I trust you will find an appropriate venue to vent your frustration.
WORF: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
Cause and Effect
WORF: Perhaps we should reverse course.
SISKO: Agreed.
Encounter at Farpoint
Q appears in a flash
Q: Thou are notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already. Thou art-
SISKO: Punches Q in the face
DATA: Excellent form, sir.
SISKO: I don’t know what came over me. Lt. Yar, take the intruder to the brig.
Q: Don’t bother. I’m going to find someone more sporting.
Q disappears in a flash
Chain of Command
JELLICO: How many duty watches does the crew stand?
RIKER: We've a standard four shift rotation.
JELLICO: …Oh. I'd also like to examine the duty roster and the crew evaluations as soon as possible. I want readiness reports from each department head by fourteen hundred hours, and a meeting of the senior staff at fifteen hundred.
RIKER: Sir, I already have the readiness reports right here and the senior staff is ready to meet with you as soon as you’ve finished going over them. Captain Sisko felt you’d like to move fast.
JELLICO: Uh, thank you. I’ll also want a bypass installed between the main phaser array and the secondary generators. I also want to run the main deflector pathway through the warp power grid and the auxiliary conduits through the lateral relays. You may have to reconfigure the transfer interface.
RIKER: Sir, Captain Sisko already had us make those modifications two weeks ago. He said something about them coming in handy on the Hood.
JELLICO: Yes…Commander, who wrote this report on Cardassian psychology?
RIKER: Captain Sisko, sir. He had the whole senior staff read it. I thought it was especially interesting how he compared them to timber wolves.
RIKER: Sir? Would you like to meet with the senior staff now?
JELLICO: What? Oh, no, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m going to need some time to go over these reports.
RIKER: Very good, sir. Captain Sisko said you’d already know where your quarters are, but would you like me to escort you to them?
JELLICO: No…no, that won’t be necessary…
RIKER: Yes, sir. In that case, I’d just say how much I and the rest of the crew are looking forward to working with you before I return to duty.
JELLICO: Yes…so am I…
Star Trek: First Contact
WORF: We have lost contact with deck sixteen. Communications, internal sensors, everything. I was about to send a security team to investigate.
SiSKO: No! Seal off deck sixteen. Mr. Worf, do we still have control of the transporters?
WORF: Yes, sir.
SISKO: Beam warp coolant directly into the ventilation system on deck sixteen.
DATA: Sir, warp coolant is highly corrosive to organic material. The order you have given is unlawful under the Geneva Protocol of 2155.
SISKO: 2155…and the current year is?
DATA: 2063, sir.
WORF: Transport now in progress. Internal sensors coming back online…detecting organic residue but no Borg lifesigns.
Star Trek: Generations
SORAN: Time is the fire in which we burn, Captain.
SISKO: You want to remind me of my wife’s death, fine. You’re not the first man who’s tried to rile me up. But listen to me closely, Dr. Soran, because I’ll only say this once. If you can’t take the heat, stay out of my kitchen.
Soran walks off
SISKO: Sisko to security. I want Dr. Soran’s research on the station investigated immediately and under no circumstances is he to be allowed to leave the ship.
WORF (O.S.): Understood, Captain.
Star Trek: Picard
Q: And all carried out by the same withering hand.
SISKO: And who might that be?
Q: Why, the greatest general the mighty Confederation of Earth has ever seen. The most bloodthirsty, merciless, ruthless human to ever set out to conquer the galaxy. You, of course.
SISKO: Are you telling me that in this reality I was responsible for countless war crimes? That I, the emissary of the Prophets, murdered Gul Dukat with my bare hands? That I’m expected to slaughter the last Borg Queen onstage like some kind of magic trick?
Q: That’s right! Horrifying, isn’t it?
SISKO: I think I can live with it.
Q: Wait, what?
SISKO JR: Can't you just turn on the kid's computer in schoolroom eight? We just want to play a few games.
RIKER: I don't know if they'll let me do that, Benjamin, but I will ask.
SISKO JR: Thank you, Number One.
*Suspicious look from Ferengi*
SISKO JR: He's my number one Dad.
Ferengi looks back and forth between Riker and Sisko, confused and suspicious
RIKER: He’s adopted.
The Survivors
KEVIN: No, no, no, no. You don't understand the scope of my crime. I didn't kill just one Husnock, or a hundred, or a thousand. I killed them all. All Husnock everywhere. Are eleven thousand people worth fifty billion? Is the love of a woman worth the destruction of an entire species? This is the sin I tried so hard to keep you from learning now. Why I wanted to chase you from Rana.
SISKO: I understand precisely how you feel.
RIKER: And the Ambassador?
SAREK: I am myself again. It has been a long time.
Cut to crew quarters
O’BRIEN: NOOOOOO!!! It is wrong. It is wrong!
SISKO: Maybe I should have taken his place.
CRUSHER: With your temper? We’d need Worf and half of security just to keep you in your own quarters.
O’BRIEN: Bedlam! Bedlam!
The Wounded
SISKO: One more thing. Maxwell was right. Those ships weren’t carrying scientific equipment, were they? A research station within arm's reach of three Federation sectors? Cargo ships running with high energy subspace fields that jam sensors?
MACET: If you believed the transport ship was carrying weapons, Captain, why didn't you board it as Maxwell requested?
SISKO: Take this message to your leaders. We'll be watching…Gul Dukat.
The Drumhead
SATIE: I understand you’re the ship’s tailor, Mister…
GARAK: Garak will do fine.
SATIE: Captain Sisko was most insistent that I speak with you. I wonder why that might be?
GARAK: How odd. Why, he’s one of my best customers of course, but you certainly don’t seem to be the sort of person who would be interested in the services I provide.
SATIE: And what services might those be?
GARAK: Oh, I’ve been known to tie up a few loose ends every now and then.
SATIE: You’re a Cardassian. It’s quite unusual to find one of you on a Starfleet ship.
GARAK: Yes. I do hope that’s not a problem for you. We all have our prejudices, but, regrettably, some more than others.
SATIE: It’s not your species which concerns me, but your past. Your personnel file is almost completely devoid of any detail.
GARAK: Yes. Tragically lost in a computer accident, I’m afraid, and the Cardassian government isn’t exactly forthcoming on behalf of a nobody like myself. However, I can assure you it’s an almost entirely bland and unremarkable story compared to any of the storied officers on the ship.
SATIE: Really. Perhaps you’d like to enlighten me.
GARAK: Oh, I have a terrible memory, and it’s quite boring. I wouldn’t dream of wasting a Starfleet Admiral’s time with the story of my poor life choices.
SATIE: I must insist.
Two hours later
SATIE: He’s a spy! Damn you, he’s a spy and they’re all in on it! They’re all traitors to the Federation! Everything he says is a lie!
HENRY: Has she always been like this?
SISKO: It happened suddenly, I’m afraid.
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weepylucifer · 7 years
tell me about qcard soulmate AU?
okay, let’s envision an AU where the first words your soulmate says to you are written somewhere on your body. Picard has “thou art notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already” and he’s like "what the fuck?? who says something like that?? what does that mean??” and well, the whole galaxy thing is Not the reason he joined starfleet, and the Ye Olde Englishe on his arm is Not the reason he started reading a lot of shakespeare in his teens and never really stopped but maybe… hm, maybe it has a little something to do with it
and then Q on the other hand. Q? the Q don’t have soulmates. they have the continuum. that’s all they need. he creates a human body to his specifications, expecting it to be exactly what he had in mind, no more and no less, but when he actually puts it on for the first time he discovers that there’s writing on it that he didn’t put there. what is that?? who put that there?? why is it in federation standard?? why does it say “that’s quite a directive”, which makes no sense at all?? color him confused. and then when he goes to that federation starship and introduces himself, that one little human says those exact words back to him??? what is that?? hm interesting. better keep an eye on that human…
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funkylittlefruit · 4 years
Q for the ask game :D
Aksksk thank u
1: sexuality headcanon  Gay (and gender fluid)
2: otp Q/Picard
3: brotp Bold of you to assume he has friends
4: notp  Uhhh Q/Vash? That’s really the only other one there is
5: first headcanon that pops into my head  When he was a human Spot bit him so now he hates cats
6: favorite line from this character  Thou art notified that thy kind hath infiltrated the galaxy too far already. 
7: one way in which I relate to this character Uhh I don’t really relate to him I just think he’s neat 
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character When he showed up on the fucking bridge of the enterprise with no clothes on
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? My entire family hates him so I’m gonna go problematic gave
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