bytchysylvy · 8 months
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Just look up to the stars And believe who you are 'Cause it's quite alright And so long, goodbye
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bytchysylvy-art · 2 years
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alright lightning round lightning round lets goooo
you know this is sf because mokubat is lovingly making a meal big enough for everyone and like, two people are eating
you know this isnt canon because if udysna saw kayanit’s tits she would immediately 180 on the radical pacifism and become a warmonger so hawkish she could hold office in the united states.
lumiverys is trying to figure out how to hit on liz, not a joke just a clarification
oasis stealing bread, rydara having bread he was going for snatched. Thats leaked sou and sf content.
hydrel thought casarin was choking and began Heimlich appropriately only to find he was mistaken, ah, its all good, simple heterosexual mistakes : )
mazhonik didnt make it because 1 where the fuck would panatyl fit? 2 they are here just in spirit (top left glydenoras bottom left kudelsa top right panatyl bottom right buvikiro) 3 where would buvikiro’s tits fit?
there’s a lot of actual worldbuilding touches I could point out. I wont. what are you going to do about it
i woke up at 6 walked 5.5 miles with no breakfast in full demin and leather boots with no socks just to come home and draw every Team Protagonist oc i have. Like comment subscribe click that bell for more manic depressive antics! 
something something soup reboot, leaked soup content, ect ect
i wish i was azrem
i wish i was latikam
norket 🙌
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
(they werent meant to be spoilers but i forgot to mention it before so now its going to feel like a punch i guess, brace or dodge bitch)
rydara has a lot of mixed emotions because on one hand, he is soft and buff just as the vazuvyn ideals predicted, but on the other he is highly influenced by mortal media which looks at his build and the general largeness of vazuvyr with disgust. Dont even get him started about being a trans man while being the last child of udysna in a matriarchal society we dont have time for it. He is deeply insecure about his body and the binge eating problem isn't helping.
dathevar likes to think himself as the worlds fattest fuck and hopes to get fatter actually. his weight grounds his telekinesis and makes him literally, measurably more powerful than you could ever know. Hopes you bully him for it too because thats his kink. We are dealing with a sick fuck pervert here and we are all trapped on this planet with him.
vokutlvek has what theyre calling "post occupation syndrome" which is a self explanatory catch all diagnosis. For him it looks like his heart randomly giving out and fainting, chronic fatigue, the inability to get the strength he once had back, and erectile dysfunction. Only the other syrodsik and a few doctors know about it, he's too insecure about what's going on with him to be open about it. The fact he isn't as lean as he used to be gets to him despite the fact that most vazuvyr who lived through the occupation are now chubbier than they were before it, and its seen as a good thing, because to him its a reminder of whats going on. His body takes up more space now and he has nothing to show for it. Fears one day all his strength will be gone and he will be a useless drain on his kin.
azrem is a typical anorexic. Granted it comes less from a place of appearance and more that he is hypersensitive and gaining five pounds will feel like carrying a small child on him. And he already feels weak tired and exhausted for reasons no one could possible know so he cant afford to carry around more weight. While his appearance is very much not the vazuvyn ideal for a man he knows there is a subset of those who like his body type (such as his husband) and he tries his best to stay all dolled up to maintain that boytoy look.
qamkii is a perfectly plump little juicy pear of a man. he knows what he has. no notes.
medinyolv suffers from the dysphoria of wanting to turn themself into a dragon or perhaps a griffin. Outside this, they do not think much of their body except for how annoying it is to be so, so tiny among these giants. Its hard to let beauty standards get to you when you literally do not have a body like everyone around you.
udysna much enjoys being big and soft. its not that deep, she likes to roll down hills and likes having all the cushion she can have. she doesn't think, let alone about what mortal's think of her body.
norket knows he is a creature of great beauty and should never hide
the feelings silence has toward his body are beyond words, neither in a positive or negative way just. weird to exist like this but completely natural to do so
debatable if unknown has a body but if they do then its perfect
raqa is the most insecure specimen known to science. she could blow away in the breeze at any moment and is constantly aware of this. thinness being favored by mortals doesn't make her feel any better, vazuvyn women don't look like that, they arent skinny, who wants skinny bitches. she doesn't. she was spotted in seattle in need of a fat bitch.
panatyl loves her body because she will use it to tear you apart. doesnt know who attractiveness is or what it is.
glydenoras is ok. She's at an age where she has her clique of people who are attracted and available to her. Doesn't need much else other than that. Gets a little annoyed that people will think she's pregnant and ask considering how much trauma she has around it with all but one of her children being dead.
kudelsa has the benefit of being an age-old beauty ideal. Full hourglass figure complete with a thick waist. Of course she has a good relationship with her body. Though she keeps her attire reserved because its something sacred for only a few worthy of it. Her body is a temple, she takes care of it like one.
buvikiro is in the same boat but also is a beauty ideal for mortals since he has that stupid tiny waist. Knows she's a sex symbol to both mortals and vazuvyr dresses to appeal to both groups. Her body is an amusement park, open to anyone who can pay the fee.
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bytchysylvy · 9 months
Oasis is weirdly early to bed early to rise, can sleep on any surface, wearing anything, and usually just ragdoll and dies.
casarin is either all or nothing. 12 hours or none at all. Wakes up late all the time. likes to sleep in just his panties but hasn't had a warm bedroom to do that in for years now. maybe one day.
alex usually just takes his shirt off. Sleeps in the nest with latikam's family as he isn't aware this is abnormal for mortals and alex never bothered to make a fuss about it. Has nightmares that keep him up sometimes but otherwise is normal.
hydrel likes to cling to his pillows and knead them as he drifts off. Curls up into a tight little ball on his huge bed. He has a nice pair of pjs however when it comes time to leave his home he forgets to pack them :(
latikam is a dual cycler, he sleeps for a short period, gets up for awhile, then goes back to bed. Sleeps curled up and clinging onto pillows (him and qamkii used to do this to each other, however none of his kids appreciate this position).
I dont know if meksignn sleeps.
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bytchysylvy · 1 year
🍒🍌🥦 - main SF cast please, I'm making you work
Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Casarin needs someone with a level head, someone who can raise him from his lows and pull him down from his highs. A rock steady enough for him to lean on but without sharp edges that could hurt him...
Hydrel needs someone who's brave enough to be out there, enough for the two of them. Someone who can break him out of his cages. At the same time someone who's home to him... warm, safe, soft...
I don't think Alex has a single perfect companion. He needs a wide range of people to support him and his problems. Someone with energy to pull his out on adventures. Another one to shelter him from his own thoughts. Another to physically shelter him and know when to let him stand his ground. It takes a village to care for the Alex.
Latikam's perfect companions are Vokutlvek and Qamkii. Vokutlvek's calmness and strength, Qamkii's softness and positive nature, both understanding of his traumas. Unrelated but before leaving home Latikam was nestmates with Qamkii most often. Snugglebuds.
Big Snake for Oasis. (self reported)
Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
Oasis has a lot of fog from the time after her parent's death. A lot of memories that she won't get back, friends lost from isolation and association with the homosexual, the normal life she could've had.
Casarin's memories of his dad. Wishes he could lose the memory of being [REDACTED] and lose the [REDACTED].
Alex has lost a lot though to time not exactly. Don't worry about his past. Something he wishes he could lose is that stupid tattoo on his back. Damn things won't fade. Don't worry about what its of or how it got there.
Hydrel can't lose anything to time because no one lets him forget his mistakes and he's stuck in this cell i mean house he's always lived in surrounded by everything he's ever known. For now anyway.
I'm gonna say [BIG REDACTED] on something of Latikam's that was lost to time and redirect and say his siblings, never knowing if they've perished or if they're still out there waiting to be found.
What do they hate about humanity/their species?
Oasis hates social order. The hierarchies within society and those that insist on upholding them. Tear that shit down.
I think he can only articulate it as "stupid fucking people" but Casarin hates judgement and the cruelty justified by it. He's had to go his whole life at the receiving end of it. Just an ounce of understanding, even the attempt to be seen as an equal.
[REDACTED] for alex. (complicated because he believes it and doesn't at the same time. you'll understand one day)
Racism/House Culture. So many will just confess their opinions to Hydrel as if he's gonna agree with them. And if he doesn't tow the line with it he gets punished for it.
Hypocrisy. Vazuvyr have big talk about providing for each other unconditional but so often that door meant to always be open got shut in his face.
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
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“good enough for artfight for now” sheets
dev notes
everybody’s colors are more saturated because just like sf im making them more copic friendly. however the pinks are being a bitch to me.
simplification since TH 2019 art but thats more on the fact I havent made any proper updates since then. do you have any idea what my life irl has been like. leave me alone
SHORT TAIL RYDARA SHORT TAIL RYDARA I also let him wear his coat like this when not in the lab now.
dathevar and vokutlvek remain the same except i dont think ive ever properly shown vokutlveks updates. whore.
the only thing i changed with azrem is his sleeves but i think they’re very pretty and want to point that out. he’s such a pretty character. he has got to be in the top five designs.
i hate qamkii’s shoes. whatever. completely fucked up his look. his dress is so ugly, i love it. 
medinyolv’s color make me want to puke, idk why, ough, but I’d imagine once I come crawling back to sou i might give them an overhaul anyway. feels overdue for it. idk. idk what im doing here. get me off this ride i want to go back to sf im being held against my w-
udysna 🙌
i did all this within a day and a half im getting soup poisoning now. i had zero intention of doing this then went complete bonkers, manic monday meltdowns, i didnt drive to my childhood home, dont worry about it. Anyway 
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bytchysylvy-art · 5 years
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the boys
elder son of udysna
son-in-law of udysna
middle son of udysna
youngest son of udysna
grandson of udysna
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bytchysylvy-art · 5 years
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✧゚・: * ,(。◠‿◕。)♡ *:・゚✧
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bytchysylvy · 5 years
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original caption something liek “when he takes another cute girl commission and uses your poses” but this is better than any of the art ive ever been paid to do so idk the fuck he’s whining about
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bytchysylvy-art · 5 years
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young man trying to come to terms with the existential dread of being an immortal in a dying changing world and failing to be what society hoped he’d be while a toxic cyborg piss shark bastard hunts him down trying to put his eight hands all over him whenever he’s in the forest trying to touch frogs, his brothers take turns sharing emotions with each other and yeeting him into trees as a solution to all the weird things that have been happening, their mom is a mountain and they bring her neat rocks. somewhere there’s a lesson about self identity and having a voice i think
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bytchysylvy-art · 5 years
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entering uwu zone
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bytchysylvy · 2 years
"Hiya! owo Im Qamkii and you're watching the disney channel!! uwu" *cocks shotgun*
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bytchysylvy · 5 years
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designated Little Man to ride on your shoulder to make you look cooler
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bytchysylvy · 5 years
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just fucking around i crave death death but god is too much of a coward to let me die
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bytchysylvy · 6 years
hmm, i need make qamkii dumb thicc....
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bytchysylvy · 6 years
Superficial change for spice: QAMKII  MEDINYOLV  PANATYL 
I’d describe the rule change but its complicated, basically changed how consonants can cluster and trimmed which clusters are possible and where they’re allowed to be in a word.
Im taking Azhlos’s entire character uhuhuuwu somewhere dont worry about him for now. If his name changes I’ll let you know.
Old vazuvyn had a vowel length distinction that’s become allophonic over time, but I kinda want at least some words to have old spellings for spice. (Qamkii is significantly older than Zumi)
ny to replace ň and nh for /ɲ/, probably will end up being a mess because ny could also be /nɪ/ and /ɲɪ/ will have to be written as nyy but thankfully neither of these are common. 
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