#qot jett
megatraven · 3 months
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 2 months
RIP Jett Slater you would’ve loved blasting JOYRIDE by Kesha with the sole intent of bugging Leon (and Nikolai too tbh)
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incorrectlovestruck · 8 months
Jett: Hey, wanna help me commit arson? QOT MC: What the hell!? Jett: Oh, sorry, my bad. Jett, whispering: Wanna help me commit arson? QOT MC, whispering: Of course. What do you need?
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arthoure · 1 year
Random QoT moment I just remembered I wanted to write but never found a spot for it --
In the earlier years, before Jett learns that Nikolai is Russian and still believes he’s some stuffy Oxford snob, Nikolai and Jett get into an argument, as usual. Nikolai invites Jett to tea to make up. Jett is happy to have a proper British tea because nobody else in the Poppy UNDERSTANDS. Everything is going great until it’s time to serve the actual tea and Nikolai makes deliberate eye contact before putting strawberry jam in both of their cups and Jett loses his mind. When Jett eventually finds out the truth about Nikolai’s past, Niko scolds him for being surprised. “I foreshadowed this for you VERY CLEARLY.” “NO YOU WERE JUST BEING A TROLL” “BE THAT AS IT MAY”
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voltage-is-life · 3 years
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Goodbye to my favourites ❤️, you'll be missed
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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Farewell Poppy, you will be missed...
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charged-wanderlust · 3 years
a beautiful hurricane, pt.1 | jett slater x mc x remy chevalier
part 1/3 of a longer jett x mc x remy fic commissioned by the lovely @mcira - i hit 2k words way quicker than i thought i would, LOL. oh well, just means the next chapter's gonna be a lot more fun~ anyway this is an au where both heists from jett and remy's first seasons are going on consecutively.
You never knew a hurricane could be so beautiful.
Ever since you touched down in Paris with the pinnacle of notoriety itself, the Gilded Poppy, you’d been swept off your feet in so many ways, you don’t know your right foot from left anymore. But who needs that when you have the heist of a lifetime in front of you, the most fascinating people you’ve ever met around you, and an entire city now in the palm of your hand?
You didn’t know what to expect at first, but it certainly wasn’t working until you passed out on the common room couch each night; it’s not that you didn’t have a room. Well, okay, you didn’t - but Remy was kind enough to offer up his as he disappeared into the night. Turns out, researching art history and solving clues to finding the Hellfire Club’s missing diamonds and conning multi-million dollar asshole Parker Vos for the first ever recorded kiss on film at the same time is just… a tiny bit draining.
Maybe that’s the understatement of the year, but you’re no stranger to hard work and a few overnighters staring at paintings. The real cherry on top isn’t even the brunt of the work, but the distractions from it; such pretty, pretty distractions, and they know it.
Remy Chevalier and Jett fucking Slater.
They’d been flirting with you since day one. It was great, honestly, does wonders for the ego (and the imagination…) and even better for good company. It’s just that you can’t tell if you’re their plaything, someone they’re competing over, just the kind of people who screw their coworkers - and maybe you’re making out with Jett during break-in missions and pretending to be Remy’s wife on dates with Parker.
I knew I was going to be changing a lot and trying a lot of new things going into this, you think to yourself, eyes fixated on the newest clue painting but mind in a whole different dimension, but it’s happening so fast I have no time to even process how I feel about it all-
“You don’t look here nor there, love.”
Your vicious focus on overthinking was shattered at the sound of Jett’s voice; the alluring, velvety song pulling you right out of your head. He’s always good at being a distraction. Too good. You could never resist the melody.
“I’m not,” you sigh, slumping back against the leg of the couch in defeat. It’d been hours, and every time you try to focus on the puzzle right in front of you, your mind would simply drift back to the man in front of you and his charming companion. “I got no more brain juice left. It’s completely fried.”
“Nothing like some good ol’ fried brain juice,” Jett chuckles, carefully tip-toeing over the paintings on the floor to sit next to you and give them a good look himself. “Talk me through what you’re thinking, maybe it’ll help make sense of it.”
Ahaha, I’m in danger. How am I meant to tell him I haven’t been thinking about the puzzle at all-
“Um. Sorry, mind blanked. I have no idea where I was.”
Remy has been making a pretty good liar out of you, apparently. But you see the way Jett’s looking at you, and you know it’s not good enough.
“I’m no Remy, love, but even I can tell you’re still thinking about whatever it is that’s on your mind. You know you can tell me about it, right?”
He gives you a smile filled with such comforting warmth that you relent immediately. Goddamn that handsome mug of his.
“It’s not the painting, Jett. It’s… it’s you. But it’s also Remy. Does he… does he know what we’ve been doing? I mean, it’s not like we’re actually married, but… sometimes it feels like it. I feel like I should be honest with him,” you begin, not able to meet his eyes. “Is that weird? I just-”
Jett silences you with a finger on your lips, barely touching. “MC. You’re an honest person, when it comes down to it. I like that about you. Remy does too, and I think you forget that it’s hard to keep anything a secret from his keen eye. Have we ever been subtle, really?”
Ignoring the way your heart speeds up at the surprisingly genuine compliment, you snort at that. He’s right, naturally, of course he’s right - but you never really thought about it that way. “True…”
“Remy may seem like the jealous type - actually scrap that. He is the jealous type. But things have always been… different, between the two of us. Remy and I used to be much like you and I are now,” he explains with a teasing quirk of his brow, no doubt all sorts of mental images flickering through his mind. “I guess we still are? Although now that we’re both working so closely with you, it’s changed up the dynamic a little. That’s not an issue, though, so really, you don’t need to get your knickers in a twist.”
“That… does help, actually. Thanks, Jett.” You accentuate it with a chaste kiss to his cheek, and only when his eyes widen ever-so-slightly do you realise that you only ever did such domestic displays of affection with Remy - mostly in public, but private as well, to make the touches more natural. (And maybe to indulge yourselves a little bit.)
“S-Sorry,” you blurt out, getting up and dusting yourself off while frantically trying to think of a place to be- but Jett just grabs your wrist and pulls you tumbling back into his lap, sealing his lips with yours.
It’s hard to think about anything else when you two collide; all of a sudden it’s hot and it’s delicious and it’s all-consuming, seeping under your skin and making you crave more. You’ve gotten good at this dance by now; you know Jett likes it when you tug on his hair and suck on his tongue and scrape your nails against his skin. He drives you equally crazy, always holding you firmly and flush against him, nipping your lower lip and kissing down your neck and collar, leaving a fiery trail of heat in his wake.
When you finally pull apart, you’re out of breath, but Jett has his signature lop-sided grin on his face and you can’t help but mirror it as he cheekily murmurs, “You missed.”
“Really? I’m right where I wanna be,” you tease, but you’re lying. You’ve gotten so good at it now you only realise it after the fact - you really did plan to leave, then, not rile him up. Jett’s actions only confirm your theory - he’s just in it for the fun, he expects making out and he expects sex, which is fine, because you’ve never made it clear that you wanted otherwise.
Do I want otherwise?
It’s not the first time such a thought crossed your mind - but it was all too easy to brush him off as a typical bad boy type who isn’t worth it in the long run. His newfound willingness to listen is starting to change that perception you have of him, though, and like everything else, you have no idea how to feel about it.
You need a distraction from your distraction, so naturally, you bounce to the next.
“Figured out the clues in the painting yet, cherie?” Remy asks, feeding you a flaky piece of pastry the melts on your tongue, just like he does. “You seemed pretty stressed over it yesterday.”
“No, nothing yet - there’s codes within codes and I know I’ve barely scratched the surface. I gave my notes to Nikolai for now so I can take a break and focus on us.”
The con. So I can focus on the con. You both know what you mean by us, but Parker is in your peripheral vision so you lean in and clasp your hands around his over the table, giving him that dreamy look you give him when he’s not looking, and he catches on quick.
“It’s as if you get even more charming the more time we spend together,” he muses, his breezy tone dripping with honey, and you hear him loud and clear. It’s praise. You’re getting better at this. And you can tell he means it, too, as the saccharine facade he wears on the job was getting easier and easier to see through when it’s just the two of you. Easier, but never easy.
Remy gives praise often, and at first you thought it was mostly fake, to butter people up, just really convincing. You later realised exactly why he’s so convincing is it’s never fake - there’s always a root of truth in there somewhere.
The best liars always tell the truth, ma cherie.
Isn’t that something a liar would say?
Only the best ones.
“Aren’t you a people pleaser,” you coo back at him, fluttering your eyelashes. “I must’ve learned from the best.”
It’s subtle, but the briefest flicker of vulnerability in his gaze is enough to tell you that you hit the nail on the head. What’s Remy if not a notorious people pleaser? A professional one, at that. When was the last time you heard him express his own opinions, hear something from his heart?
“Tell me, Remy,” you hum, wanting to prod further, “What does the name Remy Chevalier mean to you?”
His face hardens, and he stays silent for a long moment, looking you in the eye - trying to get a read on you, most likely.
“Remy Chevalier is a man who is free to be whoever he likes,” he speaks quietly, running his thumbs over your knuckles. “He wears many faces. But each and every one of them, is yours.”
He’s deflecting again. But he presses a kiss to the back of your palm with astonishing tenderness, so reverent you almost believe him. Your voice wavers.
“I think each one of them is beautiful.”
For the first time since you’ve met him, he’s at a loss for words. Remy, the charming conman with endless pretty words to talk you into a tizzy at the drop of a hat, speechless. You’re about to tease him, until you notice the mark approaching.
“If it isn’t the Chevaliers!” Parker announces, making his way over. “Why, if I knew you liked this place I would have invited you to join me here. The pastries are truly delightful, aren’t they?”
Remy plasters a brilliant grin on his face, shaking the man’s hand enthusiastically. “Absolutely divine, these sweets. Almost as sweet as my beautiful wife.”
You lean into his touch as he runs a hand through your hair - deliberately, but it was one of those mindless touches you’d practiced so much it came naturally regardless. It’s the only thing that soothes your frustration of having Parker come in at the most inconvenient moment; you swear you could see Remy clam up in seconds.
He winks at you, then gets out of his seat. “I hope you’ll excuse me, Parker, I just need to use the bathroom, I’ll be back with more treats to share.”
Oh great, now I have to deal with him alone, too? You sigh before you can think too hard about it, but you cover your tracks just as quickly. “Ah, Remy, he’s… agh, nevermind him.”
“What’s wrong, MC? Trouble in paradise?”
You can see the way his eyes just glitter at the implication, and you’ve never wanted to punch a diamond before but there’s a first time for everything, you guess.
“Oh, no trouble per say,” you quickly backpedal, making sure not to let him have it too easy, “Just… well, how do I put this? He’s so friendly and charming, and everyone likes him. It’s why I fell for him in the first place, but… oh it’s silly. I shouldn’t be upset at my husband for being friendly with everyone, he’s just a social butterfly.”
“No, no, it makes perfect sense!” It doesn’t, but you figured Parker would agree with you no matter what you said. “You’re his wife, the most special person to him - how could he possibly give others more attention than he gives you? You deserve better than that.”
He’s meant to be a conman too, but he’s really not slick. Nowhere near as slick as Remy…
“I’d rather you not talk lowly of my husband,” you say slowly, feeling a bit defensive over Remy despite fabricating Parker’s perception of him yourself, “I really shouldn’t have told you that. I’m sorry. You should go.”
“Wait.” He clasps your hand and you fight the urge to flinch, looking into his eyes with what you hope is a pleading look. “Meet me on my yacht, tonight. I’ll cheer you up a little.”
Retch. “We’ll… we’ll see, Parker.”
You already know Remy - hell, and even Jett, he’d never liked Parker anyway - weren’t going to like this, but you were on the job for a reason.
And I’ll be damned if I don’t do it well.
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Day 3 of my Queen of Thieves Appreciation Week 👑  It’s our dear hacker, Zoe! (Kudos again to all who guessed correctly!)
I really loved Zoe’s route as I found myself relating to her a lot- not the super amazing hacker side because I wish I knew how to do more with my computer than just send emails but more watching her go from keeping more to herself and being pretty guarded to learning to be comfortable opening up to her friends and the MC was one of my favorite parts of her route!
And so with that: What’s your favorite thing about Zoe (I’ve already said mine!)? And who do you think is next?
Hint: Lavender
I’ll be posting the whole Gilded Poppy, in clay style, all week here on tumblr!
If you want to find more of me, you can check out my Instagram @theschoolofwitchcrafting
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! To our dom Vivienne tang
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artunry · 4 years
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Lovestruck July theme.
If you are wondering what happened to Remy, Jett found a spade and Remy was asleep, so he buried him....
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megatraven · 1 year
THIS lifeweaver spray:
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but it's remy with qot mc and jett looking at him
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deep-dox · 3 years
The Poppy: Just trying to live their best lives
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QOT MC: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy. But if someone invites you to their cabin in the woods, you’re going to die.
Remy: My favourite is 'butt dial' versus 'booty call'.
Nikolai: That’s a connotation.
Jett: Also, 'Forgive me, father, I have sinned,' versus, 'Sorry, daddy, I’ve been naughty.'
Zoe: Good news, everyone! Language is cancelled.
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aspenroman · 5 years
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voltage-is-life · 4 years
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Never change, Jett. Never change. 🧨💥
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