#zoe x mc
Fic or HCs (whatever is easiest!) where Zoe is busy playing video games and MC keeps trying to… distract her (in NSFW ways) please🤤
Written by: Squirrel
MC hadn’t intended for things to start this way. She had innocently taken a shower to clean up after a particularly frustrating painting session. She had paint from head to toe. 
Nothing about this heist has gone to plan. All of the Poppy has declared a break for a few days before tensions run any higher. 
Back in Zoe’s bedroom MC goes to the bed and flops down. Zoe is at her desk gaming and shuts off her mic.
“How was your shower?”
“I took a bath.”
“Oh good.”
MC props herself up on her elbows. Something tells her that while Zoe is so sweetly checking on her, her attention is still very much divided. At the moment, she’d like to be the primary recipient of her girlfriend’s attention.
“I found a dinosaur at the bottom of the bath. We made an alliance and decided to conquer France.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
If she needed any proof Zoe wasn’t fully listening, she got it. MC smirks to herself. Setting the towel aside she saunters over to the door. 
“I’m going to make a snack, do you want anything?”
“Just you.”
MC rolls her eyes at the irony. Instead she leans back against the door as dramatically as possible, raising one arm up over her head. This could very easily be perceived as pinup sexy or horror movie laughable. 
Or, neither.
Feeling challenged now she stalks over to the desk slowly. MC runs her hands into her hair and swings her hips, cocking her head to look at Zoe in a way that, if the hacker was paying attention, would make her blush.
When she’s close enough to reach out and touch Zoe smirks, “I have peripheral vision you know.”
“So what am I doing then?” MC slowly brings her hands down, sweeping them over her waist and hips before sliding her palms along the inside of her thighs and parting her legs. If she had been born a little taller she would’ve pursued a career in dance, she’s got the rhythm for it.
Zoe smirks but there’s a gleam in her eyes that betrays her intense interest, “Being as distracting as humanly possible.”
“Is that all?”
Instantly Zoe knows she’s sealed her fate. 
MC sits in her lap, reclining across and wrapping her arms around Zoe’s neck. This leaves Zoe scrambling to disable her mic as MC leans in to nuzzle her ear.
“You’re not helping.”
“Of course I’m not. I’m being as distracting as humanly possible.”
As she moves MC is careful not to block the screens. She’s giving Zoe a choice to watch either them, or her. Swinging her legs over so she’s touching the floor again, she begins shifting her hips ghosting her movement across Zoe’s lap. The game is rapidly losing its allure. And who can blame them when MC is giving a naked lap dance using all the charm she possesses.
“Oh hell-” Zoe mutters under her breath. Her puppy brown eyes keep darting from the screen to MC’s shapely behind. 
“Babe this is a competitive match. As soon as I’m finished you will have my full attention.”
Internally Zoe knows that finish might not have been the best choice of words. She finds a corner of the map where she won’t be shot. By the time she looks down MC is settled between her legs under the desk laying with her arms folded in her lap. While MC looks as calm and comfortable as ever, Zoe knows better. Her girlfriend is naked, kneeling on the floor between her legs. 
A sudden influx of messages drags Zoe back to her game. She growls and turns the mic back on.
“Yeah yeah I’m here. I leave for ten seconds and you go to pieces. Tell me I’m not carrying.”
Now that her attention is divided MC looks up. Zoe’s face is a mix of determination and apprehension.
“You’re so pretty,” MC murmurs, running her fingers down Zoe’s exposed, chiseled midriff. She follows the definition of her muscles down the middle of the hacker’s body and snaps the hem of her sweatpants. Zoe’s hips buck and she bites her tongue to keep from gasping.
“Cut that out,” Zoe breathes.
Of course that only feeds the flames as MC rises up on her knees and begins kissing Zoe’s chest and moving down the middle of her body. She experimentally licks and nibbles, causing Zoe to squirm and try with all her might not to moan. That is, until MC presses her palms to Zoe’s knees and pushes them apart.
The deepest blush MC has seen in ages spreads across Zoe’s face. But her eyes continue to dart between MC and the screens. At this point MC is tempted to begin unplugging things but that would be the coward’s way out.
MC reaches up to squeeze Zoe’s breast, trailing her fingers so gently over the fabric of her bra. Zoe tries to suppress a groan and shifts to sit straighter in her chair. Instead MC pushes her fingers under the fabric, but doesn’t move any further than that much less to where Zoe wants her.
At this point every touch is like lightning. Zoe never really knew sexual frustration before meeting MC. Now, she’s very well acquainted in short bursts like this one.
“MC,” Zoe murmurs, “No not you guys-” Rather than explain she shuts off the mic again. 
“Zoe,” MC purrs, “Wouldn’t you rather be playing with me?”
“You can do so much better than that.”
“You think so?” MC climbs up to straddle Zoe’s lap. She cups Zoe’s face and leans down to kiss her temple, “Wouldn’t you rather turn off the screen and turn me on instead? Is it more fun grinding in your game than having me grind in your lap?”
“MC-” There’s no turning back now. Zoe is at least thankful that MC knows the difference between PC and console. That would have been a turnoff. Instead it’s sweet. It reminds Zoe that MC has begun learning just enough gaming and hacking terms to talk shop with her.
MC rocks her hips against Zoe’s. She grins as one of Zoe’s hands grips her thigh. That’s half the battle won.
“I am sure that your fingers could press my buttons better. Would you rather overwork the tower until it whines, or me?” 
As corny as it is, Zoe has a soft spot for good jokes. But mostly MC is painting a vivid picture of what the night could be like that leaves her wondering why they’re still sitting at her desk.
“You’re the only one who makes me ult so hard I crash and I’m down the whole next day for maintenance.”
Zoe chuckles.
While comfort and goofiness is something they’ve been getting into during sex, that is not the goal now. It means Zoe is more amused than she is aroused. 
Thus far MC has been playing nice. Now it’s no holds barred, no rules, anything goes.
It seems MC has given up. She sits with her back against Zoe’s chest in her lap. She’ll shift or sigh every once in a while but that’s it. Zoe figures she’s being fidgety and possibly a little pouty. Just as guilt is about to set in MC gasps and she throws her head back.
Suddenly the whole room is stiflingly hot. 
“Zoe,” MC groans and Zoe now notices where MC’s other hand is. The one not gripping her forearm.
“Thirty seconds,” Zoe groans, “Then the match is over and I’m all yours.”
MC gasps. Her body trembles intermittently and Zoe stifles a groan herself.
“I’m going to be done sooner than thirty seconds.”
The soft wet sound of MC’s fingers is deafening in the quiet. Even Zoe’s masterful gaming falls away as she listens intently. Her own core practically aches and once again she bites her tongue. wedging her character into a corner she leaves on hand on the keyboard in case she’s shot at. The other goes straight between MC’s thighs.
“Move your hand.”
“I am-”
Zoe grabs MC’s wrist, stopping her fingers from pumping in and out and the artist whimpers. That sound alone nearly unravels the hacker who kisses MC’s neck up behind her ear, nuzzling there like a cat marking territory.
“Zoe,” MC whines, reaching behind her shoulder to angle Zoe’s face so their eyes meet.
“Not in my chair.”
Completely abandoning the game Zoe moves to her feet. MC’s legs are shaky and she yelps in surprise as Zoe carries her to the bed where she’s playfully dropped onto the soft mattress. MC squeals as Zoe takes her hips and drags her to the edge of the bed.
“You wanted my attention. You’ve got it.”
“Zoe oh god oh god OH-”
Zoe’s lips and tongue work around MC’s sensitive bud. Thanks to the artist’s earlier attention she’s already sensitive and dripping wet. She doesn’t possess the mean spirit or the patience to make MC wait. Instead she redoubles her efforts.
MC is very vocal, moaning and holding Zoe’s head between her thighs. In a matter of moments her voice pitches and her back arches. 
“Mm,” Zoe moans, drinking in all MC has to offer. Her taste, how she sounds, and the scent of her bath oils on her skin.
Lying on the bed together Zoe draws MC into her arms, running her fingertips up and down her girlfriend’s back. MC purrs and arches like a cat. The quiet is comfortable as they bask in the closeness and intimacy.
“You’re not usually this cuddly.”
“Well you made it clear I wasn’t paying enough attention. So you’ve got it.”
“You’re so sweet,” MC peppers Zoe’s neck and collarbones in light kisses.
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jerzwriter · 5 months
The Morning
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I promised myself I'd expand on my Eli x Zoe headcanon as we do the Wake the Dead reread; before too much time slips away, I decided to finally get started. This is an expansion/reimagination of the chat Eli and Zoe had by the fireplace on their first night in the lodge. Some of this dialogue is directly from the story. I hope you enjoy it.
Book: Wake the Dead Pairing: Eli Sipes x Zoe Rivera (F!MC) Words: 1,600 Rating: Teen Warnings: Mentions of death, loss Summary: When Zoe can't fall asleep on their first night in the lodge, she joins Eli at the fireplace and realizes he has more than one reason for being awake as well. A/N: @choicesjanuary2024 Day 31 - Beginnings, starting over. Double dipping in @choicesfebruary2024 - Eli & Zoe are at the very early stages of Philia/Friendship love, and they're on their way to Ludus/Flirtatious love, though Zoe will make that journey much quicker than Eli! Pragma (practical love) and Philautia self-love) fit in a little, too, but not as much. :)
Wake the Dead Masterlist | Full Masterlist
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She’d blame the wind. The wind whipping against the rickety eaves overhead would be assigned fault if anyone asked why she was awake. But as she gazed blankly at the unfamiliar ceiling above, Zoe knew the wind would be falsely accused. Sitting up from the cold, wood floor, she stretched her arms over her head with a soft groan. She’d never thought much of her lumpy mattress back at The Tower, but compared to this, it may as well have been a cloud. She looked around the darkened room, subconsciously counting the bodies sleeping in their makeshift beds one by one, and the pit in her stomach grew when she was done. It wasn’t a nightmare; Ana, the one constant in her life, the person she loved above all else, was really gone. She watched over the others, not with anger, but envy. How did they do it? How could they just fall asleep when nothing in her world would ever be the same again.
A loud pop from a log crackling in the fireplace pulled her gaze in its direction. That’s when she saw Eli staring blankly into the fire, a forlorn look that matched the sentiment in her heart washed over his countenance. He said he’d watch over them as they slept, but it didn’t take much for Zoe to realize that wasn’t the only reason he was awake. Sliding out from under the dusty old quilt she had found, she quietly made her way over and sat across from the relative stranger.
“Hey,” she said with the slightest trace of a grin.
“Hey,” he replied, his eyes never retracting from the dancing flames. “You should be asleep.”
“So should you,” she countered.
The unspoken dare commanded his attention, taking him out of the trance he was in. His eyes lifted toward her, but in a moment, they were back on the ochre flames.
“Someone’s gotta keep watch,” he droned, voice devoid of emotion.
“True, but I’m awake now. So why don’t you get some sleep?”
A tiny smile crept across her face when Eli didn’t budge.  
“Yeah, I thought so,” she replied smugly. “I appreciate you keeping watch, but that’s not the only reason you’re awake. Is it?”
“It’s just...” he sighed wearily. “It’s been a long day.”
Sensing the sadness in his voice, Zoe felt compelled to look away. Gazing down at her hands, she picked at a torn cuticle as the minutes ticked away.
“It sure has,” she whispered. “I’m sorry about your cabin.”
“It had to be done,” he said with a shrug, but the pain in his eyes told another story. “It wasn’t safe there anymore.”
“Still, if you hadn’t helped us, then....”
Eli silenced her with a wave of his hand.
“What’s done is done.”  He closed his eyes, and memories ushered him back in time. Zoe swore she saw a hint of a smile on his lips, but it was gone the moment his eyes opened. “Someone I used to know always said, ‘Don’t’ sit in a pile of should.’ We did what we had to do... all of us. There’s no use lamenting it.”
He reached into his pocket and removed the papers Zoe saved. Unfolding them with care, his face visibly softening as he read.  
“If you don’t mind me asking... what are they?”
“They’re schedules. Lists of chores and when to do them. My parents put them together for me and my brother,” he held a page in her direction. “This is my parent’s handwriting... and those scribbles? That’s where my kid brother tried to cross his chores out, hoping no one would notice.”
“Did it work?” Zoe smiled.
“With my parents? Not a chance! They never missed a thing.” He was silent for a long while. “Seeing their handwriting always brings me back.”
Zoe earnestly studied Eli. “Life must have been so much different for you. Growing up in The Tower, everything was so cold and regimented. I can’t imagine growing up in a home with a family...” Now, it was her words that slipped away.
“Everything has its advantages... and disadvantages, I suppose.”
“Yeah, but I bet your chores were more fun than sifting through moldy garbage searching for scrap metal.”
“Fun’s not the word I’d use. But it kept us alive... kept food on the table.”
“So tell me what it was like,” she asked, unaware of the genuine smile that had come to her face. “What was the first thing you did when you woke up in the morning.”
“Perimeter check. Make sure no drones had broken in during the night.” He chuckled to himself, remembering Zoe’s reaction when he pointed out she didn't know how to clear a room earlier that day. He wasn't making that mistake again. “I suppose I can show you how to do that in the morning.”
“Ha ha,” she replied, shooting him a sarcastic yet warm look. “And after that... what did you do next?”
Eli rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t know. Probably checked the traps to see if we caught anything over night. If we did, it was a good day. Spared us the trouble of hunting.”
“Hunting? Eww,” she flinched. “I’m starting to understand the appeal of ration bars. Less brutality, less work.”
“Yeah,” he said with... was that a smile, “but not nearly as tasty.”
He turned his eyes back to the papers, his calloused fingers tracing the words. As he drifted into another world, Zoe inched closer.
“I’m surprised that’s what you wanted saved. Of all the things in the cabin, that was most important to you.”
“Everything in that cabin was important to me, and there were undoubtedly things that could have been more useful to us. But this... this is a part of them...”
“Is...” she hesitated. “Is your family... gone?”
Her words didn’t register at first, but when they did, he folded the papers and tucked them away in his pocket. Shooting a stern gaze her way.
“You shouldn’t have gone back for this. You put yourself at risk. The place was crawling with zombies; you could have been killed.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t,” Zoe smirked. “And I don’t think we should sit in a pile of “could” any more than we should sit in a pile of “should.”
Eli’s eyes crinkled as he laughed. He laughed, and Zoe couldn’t understand why, but it filled her with warmth. She wasn’t sure of many things at this uncertain time, but she was sure that she wanted to make him laugh again.
“It doesn’t work as well that way,” he sighed. “See, sitting in a pile of should is a play on words... like sitting in a pile of sh.... you know. Never mind. I appreciate you doing this for me. It was very brave and very stupid.”
“And very worth it,” she said, their eyes meeting for a split second. “Now you have something to remember them by. I’d give anything to have something of Ana’s...” her voice cracked.
Eli looked over at Dirk, fast asleep on the couch, Ana’s knapsack serving as a pillow. “There has to be something in there?”
“Yeah,” Zoe whispered sadly. “He doesn't know it, but I’m stealing that fucker back from him.”
“Let me know when,” Eli smiled. “I’ll be happy to help. I really am very sorry about your sister... I... I know how that feels."
“Thanks,” Zoe looked away. “I suppose all our days are numbered, but when I woke yesterday... it was my birthday! It was my first day as a scout; I hadn't been that excited in so long... who knew I'd be running from The Tower that night... who knew I'd lose Ana,” she swallowed hard, doing all in her power to fight back tears. “I don’t know how I will survive without her.”
“Look, I know we just met, but I can tell you’re strong. I can see your resilience. You’ll get through it. It won’t be easy, and the pain will never fully go away. But the days will pass, and little by little, you’ll see...  you’ll survive.”
“Survive,” she scoffed. “Sure, I’ll survive. But I had hoped that someday, I might actually live.”
“Well, that part’s up to you.”  
“Have you lived?” She asked. “Since you lost your family...
“You should probably try to get some sleep, Zoe.”
“Ooorrr... you could just tell me you don’t want to talk about it.”
“Two things can be true at the same time,” he smirked.
“Fine,” she grumbled, heading back to her spot on the floor. She turned around, surprised to find him watching her. “Just one more question.”
Eli looked up with a raised brow.
“Why did you decide to join us?”
“What choice did I have?”
“Oh, you had a choice. You said you’ve been alone for a while; you could have continued and found a place on your own. Something tells me you would have been just fine on your own, Eli Sipes. So why come along with this ragtag bunch?”  
“I figured it would be easier to survive in a group.”
“Survive,” she replied with sarcasm. “How about living, Eli?”
“I haven’t lived in a long, long time.”
“Hmm,” Zoe shrugged. “That could change. I guess that part’s up to you.”
Who was this woman throwing his words back at him... and why did he find it endearing instead of infuriating. A puff of air escaped him as he shook his head. “You know I don’t completely dislike you – why don’t you go to sleep before that changes.”
“Oh, you like me,” she teased. “You may be too stubborn to admit it yet, but you do. And I don’t blame you... I’m adorable!”
“Good night, Zoe.”
“Good night, Eli. I’ll see you in the morning.”
@choicesficwriterscreations @wakethedead-group-re-read
Tagging others separately
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cadybear420 · 2 years
Evie: You can’t make everyone like you. You’re not Aiden
Zoe: Not everyone likes Aiden
Evie: Who doesn’t like him?
Zoe: Well-
Evie: Names.
Evie: Give me their names now.
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laraschoices · 2 years
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shesalewa · 3 months
She says "what does your heart say Jiwoo???" Ksbdjrvsj FB eirhbrbfj ugUGHHHHHHHHH SPARE ME THE EMBARRASSMENT.
LIKE DAWG. The only reason why jiwoo is drawn to Jiyoung is because he's thankful that she was there to help him and protect him. And because she's strong.
Jiyoung actually has no reason to like Jiwoo. "slow burn?" NO. IN THE EARLY EPISODES. Jiyoung blushed at Jiwoo because she was growing fond of him. JUST LIKE HOW INHYUK BLUSHED AT JIWOO'S CUTENESS BECAUSE INHYUK SEE'S JIWOO AS SOMEONE HE WANTS TO PROTECT.
I do not approve of this relationship. It's ugly. It's disgusting. It's forced. I hate it.
BUT FKN DAMNIT THE ART MAKES IT WORSE. "But wdym makes it worse???" THE ART MAKES IT LOOK LIKE IT'LL BE A GOOD SHIP WHEN GOSH DAMN IT DOES NOT. (no hate to the artist. I just hate how it's drawn as if they're drawn to each other when they clearly have absolutely no chemistry.)
Okay let me explain.
In action. Romance is a thing that shouldn't be written in. (Unless you're the dude that wrote down White blood/unholy blood then yes. Because you're a professional.)
Designated bully.
VIRAL HIT. (How to fight)
Damn 😭
DO I???
The gays are the most active. When it's Action, Sports, Action-fantasy(ORV, trash of the count family etc.), idc. Idk. There's probably more. BUT. AS LONG AS IT INVOLVES FIGHTING. GAYS ARE MOST ACTIVE.(Yes this involves debating. Like ace attorney. Cause gosh damn. Miles and phoenix have so much chemistry)
Take True education/ Get schooled.
It has absolutely 0 romance. And the romance that did exist. Is gone bc our Mc Warren, lost his fiancee. And this was the best action story that spoke of romance without getting it involved.
If writers wanna write down Romance-action they should learn from White blood . ESPECIALLY IF THEY WANT IT TO BE STRAIGHT.
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obsessedasusual · 7 months
Lonely No More - Eight
Bishop Losa x OC Series
Summary: There was never a dull moment, being the only Reyes sister. But between overbearing brothers, being the family peacekeeper, and countless disaster dates, Amalia finds herself wishing she had someone to unwind with after a hectic day. Funnily enough, Bishop Losa wishes for the same thing.
Warnings: swearing, feels, everything MC related really
Note: -2k hellloooooo!!!! When I tell you I have had the first half of this written since my last bloody upload I’m not kidding🫣🫣 I won’t try to defend myself, I’ll just leave this for you to chew on byeeeeee
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It had been four days since the incident, as Amalia was now calling it.
Four days and she hadn’t heard from Bishop. She hadn’t been running past his house as usual, she had however heard a Harley ride past each morning and night. It seemed Bishop wasn’t swaying from his usual route to the club, just deciding to not stop in.
No texting, no calling, no notes.
Radio silence.
She had also been avoiding her brothers, which wasn’t hard. Angel had tried to call her once which she had ignored, instead flicking a text his way saying, sorry busy with work, will call you back, she hadn’t, and he hadn’t tried again.
She even turned the other way when she almost ran into Gilly at the grocery store the day prior. Instead pushing her cart down the aisle of baby bottles and nappies. She was sure she’d successfully dodged him and he hadn’t seen her. He had, but figured she wasn’t in the mood to talk and let her be.
Her mind was stuck on that night, replaying it over and over. It was obviously a mistake. Had to have been. There was no way he had meant to kiss her.
Her friend Zoe had been let in on the secret when she came knocking, worried about her best friend’s sudden dazed mood. Well… Zoe had been let in on how she had made out with a guy and it was great, amazing, fantastic but it was bad, terrible, never should have happened. The fact that the ‘guy’ was a slightly older President of a fucking outlaw club was conveniently left out.
“You can’t be this torn up over a kiss and not give me any details!” Zoe had pouted over a cup of coffee.
Amalia paced the length of her dining table, hands on her forehead in frustration, “it’s not the kiss that’s the issue! Well, okay it’s kind of the kiss but it’s more to do with who the kiss was with!”
“Which was who?”
“I… I can’t say,” Amalia sighed, “it was just with someone it really shouldn’t have been with and now he won’t talk to me and I don’t know what this means or what happens from here. Do I just ignore it too? What if I see him around? I mean, I’m definitely gonna see him around this town is only so big-“
“So he’s a local?”
“And if my brothers ever found out Jesus Christ they would have my head on a platter. They’d kill me! They would actually kill me. They’d never speak to me again-“
“I’m sure they’d be okay with it-“
“Ha! Okay with it? You don’t know my brothers, they’d hit the roof. Angel especially, oh shit Angel-“
“Okay! A! You need to stop and take a breather, seriously. Just talk to me. We can talk it out and work out what to do.” Zoe stood from her seat, gently touching Amalia’s arm and steering her toward a chair.
“Take a breath. Okay, why is this freaking you out so much?”
Amalia looked from her friend to the ground, “I shouldn’t be involved with him.”
“Could you tell me why? If you like him and he likes you-“
“He doesn’t like me, Zo,” she interrupted, mumbling slightly, “It was just a caught in the moment sort of thing. And, even if he did. We couldn’t be involved.”
Zoe sighed, “You’ve said that, but why?”
“It’s… complicated.” The Reyes sister was right. It was complicated.
“Is he a friend of Angel’s?” If she wasn’t going to give straight answers, Zoe was going to start guessing.
Instead of answering, Amalia hesitated before nodding slowly. A friend… kind of. His boss. His President.
“You said he wouldn’t talk to you, have you tried calling him?” Zoe suggested causing Amalia to look down and shake her head.
Zoe continued, “Maybe you should? A simple phone call and this could all be fixed.”
Amalia rested her forehead against her clasped hands and sighed heavily, barely listening to her friend.
“It’ll get sorted out, A. It’ll be okay.”
Four days on, and it still had yet to be “sorted out”.
Had she tried to call him?
Had he tried to call her?
Also no.
That shouldn’t have been cause for concern. Afterall, they’d had many days go by without a phone call before. But that was before. Before everything turned to shit in Amalia’s mind.
Her mind decided to torture her each night when she attempted to get a full night’s rest, teasing her with made up images of Bishop with another woman on his lap at a club party. Quite happily lapping up the attention.
She was sure that wasn’t the case, and even if it was, so what? He could do as he wanted. He was a single man. He could hook up with whoever he wanted. So why did the thought fill the brunette with so much dread?
Another sleepless night eventually led to morning and Amalia dragged herself out of bed, begrudgingly threw on an office appropriate outfit, washed her face and took a deep breath to ready herself for another day of seemingly meaningless work.
The day passed slowly. Send an email, answer a call, read an email, stare blankly at a report that was due tomorrow, wonder why James from sales insisted on hitting ‘reply all’ on an all company email for his reply of:
Her mind numbing train of thought was gratefully interrupted by the short vibration of her phone, the contact on screen reading, Angel
Heads up if you see pop, he’s in a pissy mood.
Relevant enough to not be suspicious, but Amalia knew her brother well enough to know this was an attempt to break the wall of silence she had put between them.
Same with Ez.
Came a second text. Amalia typed out her reply.
Any particular reason?
Dunno. Come to the club later.
Amalia internally groaned. The freaking club. Why couldn’t he suggest his place like a normal brother?
Not in much of a party mood.
Chill. I meant to talk to your little brother.
Oh. Well, stopping by EZ’s trailer was out of the way of the club.. kind of. She could probably be in and out without raising the attention of the President. And if her brother needed her, that had to take priority, right?
Fine. Be there after work.
Amalia’s stomach was in knots as she drew closer to the club.
‘Sneak in, sneak out, you’ll be fine.’ She kept reminding herself.
If she saw Bishop she had a plan; hold her head high and carry on like the mature adult she was.
Putting her car in park, she gripped her steering wheel and drew a deep breath.
Get out of the car, she thought to herself, get out and beeline for the trailer.
She did just that.
Walking as light on her feet as she could without looking like she was guilty of something to draw as little attention as possible, she kept her head down and made her play straight for the trailer.
Chucky spotted her from the office window and waved out excitedly, she waved back, but apart from the likeable oddball, it seemed there was no one else around.
It was quiet around EZ’s trailer, as it usually is. Amalia hoped it meant he was tucked up inside minding his own business and not with the guys in the clubhouse.
“EZ!” She called as she approached the door, tapping twice, “You in here?”
She could hear a rustling coming from inside along with a muffled, “Just a sec!”
More rustling followed before finally the small door swung open to reveal the smiling younger brother.
“Hey, A. What’s up?” EZ leaned out the door but didn’t make any move to actually remove himself from his trailer, resulting in him towering over his sister - more than usual.
She gave him a little smile and shrugged, “Just hadn’t seen you around for a bit. Thought I’d check in.”
If EZ wanted to call bullshit he didn’t, instead playfully rolling his eyes, “I’m good, A. Nothing new to report here.”
Amalia knew her brother well enough to know he was lying. But she also knew she couldn’t push him too much, he was like Angel in that way.
She nodded, “Okay well… do you wanna go grab a coffee or something? I could do with a little outing.”
That wasn’t a lie, she could really do with the distraction.
She registered footsteps approaching from behind as EZ replied, “Uh, nah I’m good. Sorry just…” he shrugged, “kinda caught up with something at the moment.”
His smile was forced this time, eyes shooting between her and Angel who had just graced them with his presence. She didn’t acknowledge the oldest brother, attention still on EZ.
“You sure you’re good, EZ?”
Angel piped up, “I heard coffee. I’m down. Be good for some… sibling bonding or some shit.”
Clearly beginning to feel like he was being interrogated, the youngest Reyes pursed his lips and looked between his two siblings.
“What is this?” He started, glaring between them, “Some kind of intervention? You two gossiping about me now?”
While Amalia prepared to defend herself, Angel just shrugged and spoke first, “You’ve been acting weird lately. Pissed all the time. Same with pop. We’re just wondering what’s going on.”
“There’s nothing going on,” EZ stressed, “God you two need your own lives. Honestly, I’m good. Now if you don’t mind…” he gestured to the trailer, “I’m kinda busy right now.”
“Wait, EZ-“ Amalia was cut off by the door swinging closed, taking her younger brother with it. She turned to Angel, “What was that?”
Angel shrugged and looked at the trailer, “He’s been like that for a few days. Doesn’t say much to me.”
Since their mother’s passing, Amalia had tried really hard not to step into the ‘overbearing mother figure’ role. It wasn’t her job. And her brothers were both adults, she couldn’t expect them to tell her every detail about their lives. But in situations like this, when she could clearly see something wasn’t right, the urge to dig grew stronger.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Angel nudged her and they began walking back to her car, Amalia noted they were absentmindedly taking the long way, close to the clubhouse.
“Do you think it’s club shit?” She questioned, clocking Angel shaking his head in her peripheral.
“Nah. Things are decent at the moment. I think it’s gotta be something to do with him and Pop.”
Amalia sighed, “And like always, we’re the last to hear about it.”
While they continued their slow walk toward her car, Amalia could feel eyes on her from afar. Turning her head slightly she found her gaze locked with that of the Mayan President. Gee what a surprise.
She quickly reverted her gaze and let it drop to the ground in front of her. Angel came to a stop and leant against an old fence, Amalia following suit.
“What about you?” Angel questioned. She look at her brother confused before he continued, “Are you okay? Didn’t hear from you for a while. Not like you.”
Amalia took a deep breath and looked around the yard, catching Bishop’s eye again. Neither moved their gaze this time, locked in a staring battle that the Reyes sister was sure to lose, “I’m okay, Angel. Just had some work shit going on. Forgot what a work/life balance was for a second.”
She broke her stare with the President and turned to give her brother a small smile, “I am good, Angel. Promise.”
Angel nodded, accepting her answer, “Good. I can’t deal with two fucked up siblings.”
She let out a snort, “Welcome to my life, ‘mano.”
He pushed her and began to walk away, calling over his shoulder, “I’m coming for food this week.”
“Only if you use your manners!” She retorted, laughing when he raised his middle finger in farewell.
Her eyes darted the yard once more, again locking with Bishop’s from the porch. Man had a real staring problem apparently.
So he can openly stare at me but can’t send a girl a text?
Again being the first to break eye contact she quickly turned and headed for her car, readying herself to once again hide away and overthink what Bishop’s staring could mean.
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burning-academia-if · 27 days
In a universe where MC does not exist, which ROs could end up with each other? (I'm totally not fishing for any enemies to lovers content between B and R, no siree)
You could ship any of the ROs with each other if you're brave enough lmaO
In the confines of sticking as close to the characters as possible, Rook and Beck could still happen, although its very one side enemies on Rook's side sksks he also wouldn't hate Beck nearly as much in a universe without MC. I also think............Beck and ??? could potentially happen. They would bond over death ajskd without MC I actually don't think Rook x ??? would happen since MC is sort of the central piece of that relationship that makes it work
I could also see Rhea having a one sided crush on Beck for a second there. Also enemies to lovers vibe would be Rhea and Lars too
For goofy ships I find funny, I'd like to offer Lars x ??? and Rook x Zoe to the table. Like could you imagine-
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CFWC F/AotW - Feb 18 - 24, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA |🔹Submitted by creator
Aerin Valleros x M!Human!MC 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Crossroads ✒️🏳️‍🌈 🔹| Aerin Valleros, NB!Elf!MC - @storyofmychoices
Daenarya 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| f!human!mc - @storyofmychoices
Kilian Clawthorne 🎨🔹 by @inlocusmads
Marya Moonglory 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| f!elf!mc - @storyofmychoices for @gaiuskamilah
Woven Threads & Winding Roads Parts 3 & 4 ✒️🔹| Tyril Starfury x f!human!mc - @aria-ashryver for @thosehallowedhalls
Bloodbound Portraits 🎨| Multiple Characters by @thepanky
I don't think a million times is enough ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Moja Ruza ✒️🔹| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @peonierose
Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies (Series) ✒️🔹| Sebastyan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls Chapter 3
Starting Somewhere If Nowhere Tangible ✒️🔹| Mafalda Ginovese, Nora Rose (F!MC) - @inlocusmads
Distant Shores: An Alternate Path - Part 2 ✒️🔹| Charlie Smith x M!MC - @korgbelmont
Beckett Harrington x F!MC Fanart 🎨by @bri1234
Shreya Mistry Fanart 🎨by @artbyalz
Estela Montoya x F!MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @marmolady
Somehow, I Never Got the Rose Tinted Glasses ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| TFS MC - @choicesmc
Zig Ortega Fanart🎨🏳️‍🌈by @/ohhhheyitsjulia (IG) (C: @choiceswithmika)
Am I Dreaming? 🎨| Cas Harlow x F!MC - @nukritus
Cas Harlow & Gabe Adalhard Fanart 🎨by @fiyahhball
Immortal Desires Fanart 🎨| Cas Harlow x F!MC x Gabe Adalhard - @artbyalz
Immortal Desires Fanart - Cas Harlow 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Cas Harlow x MC - @your-art-is-gay
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| Cas Harlow x F!MC - @korgbelmont
Please Don't Think (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔥| Cas Harlow x F!MC x Gabe Adalhard - @princesstutu Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
But I'm tired 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Martin Vanderweil x NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Playchoices MCs 🎨by @cassiopeiacorvus 
Six Fanarts 🎨 by @gaiuskamilah
The Haunted House ✒️🔹| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Open Heart Full F/AotW Lise - Week ending Feb 24, 2024
Thomas x Alex Hunt Fanart 🎨by @liiyaan (C: @storyofmychoices)
Wild Ride: A Bad Romance Prequel One-Shot ✒️Ⓜ️🔥🔹| Liam Rys x MC - @angelasscribbles
Ash Archer (F!MC) Fanart 🎨by @roseythorne
Three of Hearts ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Eli Sipes x Zoe Rivera (F!MC) x Troy Hassan - @jerzwriter
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qbdatabase · 11 months
Hello, I saw that you had awesome recs for bi4bi books! I rarely have found bi4bi books in genres other than contemporary so I was hoping you could help me with that? Could you please recommend bi4bi (sapphic) books in fantasy, horror, mystery and basically any genre other than contemporary
heads up, these lists will include poly pairings with at least two female characters, pansexual / queer / unlabled multi-gender-attracted identities, and F/NB pairings
bi4bi WLW Fantasy
The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson: Cuban-American bisexual female x white bisexual female
Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper: bisexual female x Russian-American bisexual female
The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl: bisexual female x bisexual female
The Goddess of Nothing At All by Cat Rector: Norse bisexual female x pansexual genderfluid LI
Thornfruit by Felicia Davin: starts with lesbian female x bisexual female, but ends with an FFNB poly triad with a bisexual genderfluid MC
A Lake of Feathers and Moonbeams by Dax Murray: polyamorous bisexual female x queer non-binary MC x Asian bisexual female
Vicious Devotion by Aveda Vice: queer female x queer female x queer male x queer male in a polyamorous quartet
The Sea Witch by Katee Robert: half-Vietnamese polyamorous bisexual sub female x older fat black mga Domme female LI x (sub?) male LI in a polyamorous triad
bi4bi WLW Historical
The Companion by E. E. Ottoman: polyamorous bisexual transgender female x bisexual transgender female x transgender male
Her Countess to Cherish by Jane Walsh: pregnant bisexual female x mga bigender LI
Mademoiselle Revolution by Zoe Sivak: biracial Haitian bisexual female x French bisexual female (possible) LI; French male (possible) LI
Windfall by Shawna Barnett: bisexual female MC x bisexual female MC x asexual male LI x male LI (love square, but the bi!F MCs do also romance each other)
Scandalous Passions by Nicola Davidson: Domme bisexual female x sub questioning bisexual female x sub straight male with a stutter in a polyamorous triad
bi4bi WLW Horror
Wilder Girls by Rory Power: mga female x queer female
A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson: polyamorous bisexual female x bisexual female with mood swings and depression x bisexual male
bi4bi WLW Mystery
Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist: bisexual female x bisexual female
All the Things We Do in the Dark by Saundra Mitchell: white pansexual female with PTSD x Korean-American queer mga female
The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe: bisexual female x mga female
Bury the Lede by Gaby Dunn: bisexual female x bisexual female, black lesbian female
The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell: mga female x straight male (possible) LI; bisexual female (possible) LI
The Drowning Summer by Christine Lynn Herman: bisexual female x bisexual female
bi4bi WLW Sci-Fi
Curved Horizon by Taylor Brooke: bisexual female x demisexual panromantic female
City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn: chronically ill bisexual female x Japanese/ Portugese bisexual female
Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders: white pansexual female x black Brazilian bisexual trans-nonbinary femme
Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine: black bisexual female x Brazilian bisexual female x bisexual male in a polyamorous triad
full notes on representation and publishing info at qbdatabase.com
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Masterlist 2: O - W Open Heart - Wake the Dead Open Heart
Anti-Valentine - TEXT FIC - Open Heart F!MC, M!OC - @liaromancewriter Anti Val-Day/Love Stinks!
Any Other Day - FIC/ART - Open Heart F!MC x F!OC - Fic: @jerzwriter art @callmebeem Eros/Philia
Bacon & Bribery - FIC - Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick - @jerzwriter Philia/Philautia
Beach Cleanup Date - TEXT FIC - Open Heart Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter
A Dinomite Find - TEXT FIC - Bryce Lahela x F!OC - @storyofmychoices
Falling in Love - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x f!mc - @liaromancewriter Eros
Galentine's Day - TEXT FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter Philia
Green-Eyed Girl - TEXT FIC - Open Heart F!MC, M!OC - @liaromancewriter Storge
Happy 40th Tobias! - Part 1 - INSTA EDITS - Ethan Ramsey, Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter Philia/Storge/Eros/Ludus
Happy 40th Tobias! - Part 2 - INSTA EDITS - Tobias Carrick x F!MC, OH Gang - @jerzwriter Eros/Philia/Ludus/Storge/Pragma
Just Pretend - TEXT FIC - Sienna Trinh x M!OC - @liaromancewriter Ludus
Love in the Afternoon - ART/FIC - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - art: @liiyaan fic: @storyofmychoices Eros/Philia/Pragma
No Barriers - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @liaromancewriter Eros
Not So Fast - FIC - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @jerzwriter Eros/Phila/Storge/Pragma
Positive Reaction - FIC - F!MC x F!OC - @jerzwriter Eros
A Romcom Ending - FIC - Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter Eros
Sweet Stuff - FIC - MC, F!MC, F!OC - @jerzwriter Philia
Tobias x Casey Carrick Fanart - ART - Tobias Carrick x F!MC - @lilyoffandoms Eros
Valentine's Hearts - FIC - Bryce Lahela x F!MC - @storyofmychoices Eros
when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love - FIC - Bryce Lahela x M!MC - @mydemonsdrivealimo Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma/Philautia
Without Warning (Series) - FIC - Tobias Carrick x f!mc First Shot: Jackie & Bryce Philia/Ludus Part Two: Ethan Ramsey Philia
Red Carpet Diaries
Thomas Hunt x F!OC Fanart by @liiyaan (C: @storyofmychoices) Eros
Wake the Dead
Eli x Zoe x Troy Fanart - ART- @bayleedraws-sometimesx (C: @jerzwriter) Eros/Philia/Pragma
The Morning... - FIC - Eli Sipes x f!mc - @jerzwriter Philia/Ludus
Three of Hearts - FIC - Eli Sipes x F!MC x Troy Hassan - @jerzwriter Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma
Masterlist - Part 1
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kaiyuh13 · 4 months
Ava Du Mortain x MC - When Everything is Over
Prompt #1 - What if the detective and Ava never got together in the end?
In the heart of Wayhaven, Haley's Bakery stood as a timeless refuge, its quaint exterior adorned with hanging flower baskets—a colorful welcome to those seeking solace within its walls. Inside, the air was alive with the tantalizing scent of freshly baked pastries, each delicacy a testament to the passion and dedication of its owner, Haley.
On this particular afternoon, the bakery was bathed in a soft golden light, casting long shadows across the polished wooden floors. For Ava, the decision to return to this cherished establishment was both a nostalgic journey and a calculated risk. She stood outside the bakery, her heart fluttering with anticipation, her gaze fixed on the familiar sight before her.
It had been years since Ava last stepped foot inside Haley's Bakery, yet the memories of laughter and shared moments lingered like ghosts in the air. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Ava pushed open the door, the gentle chime announcing her arrival. She stepped inside, the warmth of the bakery enveloping her like a comforting embrace, washing away the lingering traces of uncertainty that had plagued her since she made the decision to return.
The interior of the bakery was bathed in a soft, golden light, the scent of freshly baked pastries mingling with the murmur of conversation. Ava's eyes swept over the cozy space, the memories flooding back with each familiar sight and sound.
Her gaze came to rest on a figure seated at a corner table, their back turned to her. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of them, the familiar silhouette stirring emotions she had long tried to suppress.
It was the detective, her detective, the one she had loved so fiercely yet had never dared to claim as her own.
Ava swallowed hard, her palms growing clammy as she approached, each step echoing loudly in the stillness of the bakery.
Taking the last few steps, the detective turned as she drew near, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange that spoke volumes of the unspoken tension between them. This meeting had been planned, a carefully orchestrated proposition by Ava to the detective as soon as she received word that the detective was retiring.
As Ava approached the table, each step felt like a journey through time, carrying her back to a place she had both longed for and dreaded. With each inhale, memories flooded her mind, memories of stolen glances and whispered confessions shared in this very bakery.
"Detective," Ava finally spoke, her voice a delicate echo in the hushed ambiance of the bakery, her heart pounding a staccato rhythm against her chest.
"Ava," the detective's voice washed over her like a warm tide, soothing yet electrifying, stirring emotions she had spent years trying to suppress. Their eyes locked, a silent exchange of longing and regret passing between them like a silent symphony of unspoken words.
“Please,” the detective’s hand gestured towards the empty seat opposite them, an invitation laced with unspoken hope and trepidation.
Ava hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on the detective's face, the lines etched with the passage of time, a testament to the years they had spent apart. But despite the physical changes, the spark in their eyes remained unchanged, a flicker of recognition and longing that threatened to consume them both.
With a silent nod, Ava finally took her seat, the distance between them narrowing with each passing moment. It was as if the years melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled connection that had always bound them together.
As an unfamiliar figure approached their table, Ava and the detective were jolted out of their shared reverie, brought back to the present moment by the intrusion of the outside world.
"Hi, my name’s Zoe, and welcome to Haley’s Bakery. What can I get for you today?” The cheerful greeting sliced through the cocoon of nostalgia, pulling them back to reality with a gentle insistence.
For Ava, the sudden interruption was a stark reminder of the passage of time, a jarring contrast to the timeless sanctuary of the bakery. She couldn't help but feel a pang of surprise at the absence of Haley's familiar presence, her mind instinctively expecting the comforting embrace of familiarity.
Despite the subtle shift in dynamics, Ava found a strange sense of relief in the realization that Haley no longer worked here. It meant that their reunion would be shielded from prying eyes, that they could share this moment without the weight of scrutiny or judgment.
“I’ll get the black coffee,” the detective's voice cut through the silence, their eyes briefly flickering towards Ava's before returning to meet Zoe's gaze.
Ava, her thoughts still lingering in the past, offered a faint smile as she made her order. “I’ll just have tea, earl grey if you have any,” she said, her voice a gentle murmur against the backdrop of bustling activity.
Zoe scribbled down their orders with practiced efficiency, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to the quiet intensity that hung between Ava and the detective.
With Zoe out of earshot, the detective's amused chuckle broke through the lingering silence, drawing Ava's attention back to their shared reality. "Do you think that level of joy is a requirement for employees here?" they mused, their eyes still fixed on the retreating figure of the waitress.
Ava's lips formed a thoughtful purse as she considered the question, her mind working through the possibilities with the precision of a well-oiled machine. "I suppose it’s possible that it’s part of Haley’s training regimen," she replied, her tone tinged with a hint of wry amusement. "After all, it seems to have worked wonders for all these years."
Their brief exchange hung in the air like a delicate dance, a momentary respite from the weight of their shared history.
As they awaited their drinks, Ava and the detective found themselves cocooned in a silence thick with the weight of unspoken words. It was as if time itself had slowed to a crawl, allowing them to linger in the space between past and present, longing and hesitation.
For Ava, every heartbeat felt like an eternity as she locked eyes with the detective, the intensity of their gaze conveying emotions too profound for words. In that suspended moment, the air crackled with anticipation, the silence filled with the promise of what could have been and what still might be.
“It's good to see you,” the detective finally broke the silence, their voice a gentle echo in the quiet intimacy of the bakery.
Ava offered a tentative smile, her heart fluttering with a mixture of relief and apprehension. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" she replied, her voice a fragile whisper against the backdrop of their shared history.
The detective nodded, their expression a mosaic of emotions as they regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Yes, it has. I wasn't sure you'd come," they confessed, their vulnerability laid bare in the soft timbre of their voice.
Ava felt a pang of guilt tug at her heartstrings, the weight of their unspoken fears casting a shadow over their fragile reunion. "I almost didn't," she admitted softly, her gaze drifting downward as she struggled to contain the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her.
The weight of years of separation hung heavy between them, a suffocating silence thick with the echoes of what could have been. Despite the passage of time and the divergent paths their lives had taken, the ache of longing remained a palpable presence, a silent testament to the love they had both chosen to deny.
Ava's mind raced, scrambling for a topic to break through the oppressive silence, her thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of uncertainty and longing. But before she could muster the courage to speak, Zoe arrived with their orders, a welcome interruption to the tense atmosphere enveloping them.
“Here is your order, one black coffee and one earl grey,” Zoe happily said, earning soft thank you’s from both Ava and the detective.
“If you need anything else, I’ll be one call away from the counter. Enjoy your drinks!” She said and walked away.
Taking small sips of their drinks, Ava and the detective exchanged glances, the tension between them easing slightly with each passing moment. It was as if the simple act of savoring their drinks served as a silent acknowledgment of the fragile truce they had forged.
"We should catch up," the detective's voice cut through the lingering silence, their words a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty. "How have you been, Ava? How's life in the Chamber treating you?"
Grateful for the distraction, Ava seized upon the opportunity to divert the conversation towards safer waters, launching into a discussion about her work with a sense of purpose and determination.
"It's as expected," Ava began, her tone laced with a hint of self-deprecation. "Politics, intrigue, the occasional uprising of those wannabe-rogue groups."
The detective's laughter danced through the air, a melody of warmth and amusement that echoed against the cozy walls of the bakery. Their eyes sparkled with a playful glint as they leaned forward, fully engaged in the conversation unfolding between them.
"Sounds like you've had your hands full, to say the least. I can't imagine navigating the intricacies of vampire politics," they remarked, a smile tugging at the corners of their lips.
Ava returned the detective's smile with a wry twist of her own, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges she faced in her role within the Chamber. "Oh, those are just the tip of the iceberg, detective," she quipped, her voice laced with a hint of dry humor. "If I were to regale you with every twist and turn of my adventures, we'd be here until next week."
The detective raised their hands in mock surrender, their expression one of playful defeat. "Just trying to empathize, that’s all," they chuckled, their laughter a soothing balm against the backdrop of their shared history.
Ava released a soft sigh, a ghost of a chuckle escaping her lips as she leaned back in her seat. "It's certainly been... interesting, to say the least," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and resignation. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I've learned a lot in my time with the Chamber, about the world, about myself..."
The detective smirked and said, "All those difficult things to handle and yet, you still somehow always forget that I'm no longer a detective."
Ava closed her eyes, cringing at the many times she had called her previous teammate that title. Heck, she's been calling them that throughout this whole meeting.
"My apologies, agent?" Ava asked, uncertain about the current title of the person in front of her.
They let out a laugh at Ava's expression, a wonderous sound that Ava would like to hear over and over again whenever she needed to.
"Eh, detective's fine."
Their conversation flowed effortlessly from there, Ava painting vivid pictures with her words as she regaled the detective with tales of her diplomatic missions and the delicate dance of negotiation she navigated on a daily basis. With each anecdote, she peeled back the layers of her experiences, offering glimpses into the complexities of her world and the challenges she faced with unwavering determination.
But even as she spoke, Ava's thoughts lingered on the detective, curiosity burning bright in her eyes as she turned the conversation back to them. "And what about you?" she inquired, her voice soft with genuine interest. "How have you been doing? Especially with retirement looming on the horizon.”
The word retirement seems to hang heavy between them.
The detective's shoulders lifted in a casual shrug, but a faint smile danced at the corners of their lips, betraying the mix of emotions swirling beneath the surface.
"It's going to be an adjustment, that's for sure," they admitted, their voice carrying a note of uncertainty. "But I'm looking forward to the chance to slow down and take stock of things."
Ava offered a soft hum of acknowledgment, her gaze drifting to the steaming cup of tea cradled between her hands. The detective's next words drew a chuckle from her lips, warm and genuine.
"I’ll probably do boring things like gardening, reading, maybe trying my hand at cooking—though I'm still a bit hopeless in the kitchen," they confessed with a self-deprecating grin.
"Well, at least you'll be keeping busy," Ava remarked with a teasing smirk, the playful banter a welcome reprieve from the weight of their conversation. "I can't imagine you ever being the type to sit still for long."
The detective's shoulders lifted in another shrug, a hint of nostalgia creeping into their expression. "Old habits die hard, I guess," they mused.
“And yours never seem to go away,” Ava added with a teasing smirk, earning a laugh from the detective.
As the moment went away, the detective’s face settled into a smile that some would consider bittersweet.
"I haven’t had much time to properly grieve for my mother," they confessed with a heavy sigh, their words carrying the weight of unspoken sorrow.
Ava's heart sank at the mention of Unit Bravo's handler, her thoughts drifting to the indomitable woman who had been a pillar of strength for the detective and their team. Her passing had cast a shadow over the agency, leaving a void that seemed impossible to fill.
The detective's mother had been more than just a maternal figure; she had been a guiding light in their darkest moments, a source of unwavering support and wisdom. Her absence was keenly felt by all who had the privilege of knowing her, a testament to the profound impact she had on those around her.
Yet, despite the depth of their grief, the members of Unit Bravo had been unable to attend the funeral. The members were already station all over the world, not to mention, their identities are too well-known in the tight-knit community of Wayhaven. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that they could not pay their respects to the woman who had meant so much to them.
And to not be there for the detective let a horrible taste in everyone’s mouth.
But even in death, the detective's mother remained a beacon of strength and resilience, her memory a guiding force that would continue to shape the lives of those she left behind. And though they may have been unable to say their final goodbyes, her legacy would live on in the hearts of all who had been touched by her kindness and grace.
Maybe we’ll all be able to go to the cemetery soon, all five of us, Ava thought.
Ava was jolted out of her reverie by the detective's words, pulling her back into the present moment with a gentle tug. "So, I’ll be doing a lot of that, and enjoying the rest of my life with lots of food and much-needed sleep," they remarked with a mischievous twinkle in their eye, their trademark troublemaker smile tugging at the corners of their lips.
Ava couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in the detective's demeanor, a veil of lightheartedness masking the underlying sadness that lingered beneath the surface. It was a familiar defense mechanism, one she had seen countless times before, and yet she chose to let it pass without comment, unwilling to disrupt the fragile equilibrium they had established.
As their conversation flowed, the tension between them began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of familiarity and warmth that washed over them like a gentle tide. They were no longer two estranged lovers tiptoeing around their unresolved feelings, but old friends rediscovering the comfort of each other's presence after years apart.
But as the night wore on and the bakery grew quiet, Ava couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. The weight of their unspoken past hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their fragile reunion and reminding her of the gulf that still existed between them.
She knew that they couldn't avoid the elephant in the room forever, that eventually they would have to confront the feelings that still lingered between them. And yet, the thought of dredging up the past filled her with a sense of apprehension, unsure of what lay on the other side of that conversation.
"I missed you," Ava confessed, her voice a mere whisper amidst the gentle hum of conversation that surrounded them.
Though slightly taken aback, the detective's eyes softened, a flicker of warmth thawing the last bits of icy barrier between.
"I missed you too, Ava." The detective’s hand reached out tentatively to hold Ava’s hand, which she accepted without hesitation.
The familiarity of the touch sent a jolt of electricity through between them. A small smile tugged at the corners of the detective's lips as they interlocked their fingers, a silent testament to the enduring bond that had weathered the test of time.
But beneath the surface, Ava could sense the lingering pain and longing that etched lines of sorrow across the detective's face.
“God, I missed you so much, Ava,” the detective confessed, their voice filled with a rawness that spoke volumes of the depth of their emotions.
Ava tightened her grip on the detective's hand, anchoring herself in the moment as if trying to imprint the memory into her very soul. She knew that this conversation could unfold in countless ways, each path leading to its own uncertain destination, but for now, she chose to linger in the warmth of their shared connection, savoring every fleeting moment as if it were their last.
In that fleeting touch, they found solace amidst the chaos of their lives—a silent recognition of the bond that had once woven them together. Despite the years that had slipped away and the chasm that had grown between them, their connection endured, steadfast and unyielding, a testament to the enduring power of love.
Yet, even as they shared this intimate moment, Ava couldn't shake the gnawing sense of uncertainty that gripped her heart. They had just peeled back the layers of a wound that had long been sealed shut, exposing the raw ache that still lingered beneath the surface.
"I never knew heartbreak until I had to say goodbye to you," the detective confessed, their voice trembling with emotion as they struggled to conceal the tears that threatened to spill from their eyes.
Ava felt her own resolve waver at the raw honesty in their words, the pain of their separation echoing through the depths of her soul. "I know," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I've spent every day since then wondering what could have been."
The detective's laughter, mingled with tears, cut through the heavy atmosphere. “When did you become so honest and straight forward?”
Guilt washed over Ava like a tidal wave, a sharp pang of regret piercing her heart as she remembered the walls she had erected to shield herself from the vulnerability of their connection.
It was her fear, her inability to confront her own feelings, that had driven them apart, and now, faced with the consequences of her choices, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her actions pressing down on her.
As their gazes met, a silent understanding passed between them, unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. The detective's fingers brushed against Ava's tear-stained cheek, a wordless confession of the depth of their yearning.
"Do you ever think about what could have been if we'd just held on a little longer?" the detective asked, their voice barely above a whisper, filled with a vulnerability that mirrored Ava's own.
Ava's response was immediate, her voice barely above a breath as she nodded, tears threatening to spill over once more. Leaning into the touch, she sought solace in the warmth of their connection.
"Every single day, my love," she confessed, her words laced with a vulnerability that mirrored the detective's own.
At the tender endearment, the detective's heart skipped a beat, their chest tightening with the intensity of their emotions. In that fleeting moment, amidst the pain and longing that lingered between them, there was a glimmer of hope—a silent acknowledgment of the love that had endured despite the passage of time.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they both grappled with the ghosts of their past, the ache of longing threatening to consume them whole. Though Ava had chosen duty over desire and the detective had given up on Ava’s impenetrable heart, the love they shared remained unyielding.
They stood as two souls tethered by a love they could never fully grasp, destined to traverse divergent paths in the intricate dance of fate. There were no vows of eternal devotion, no pledges of undying affection—only a silent acknowledgment of the immutable truths that governed their lives.
When the time came to part ways, Ava and the detective lingered in the doorway, their eyes locking in a silent exchange that spoke volumes of the unspoken bond between them. There were no words left to say, no gestures to bridge the chasm that separated them—only the weight of unspoken regrets and unfulfilled dreams.
Stepping out into the cool embrace of the night air, Ava felt a bittersweet ache settle in her chest, mingling with the fading echoes of their shared history. She cast a final glance back at the detective, their silhouette illuminated by the warm glow of the bakery, and offered a wistful smile.
"I hope our paths cross again in another lifetime, detective," she whispered into the night, her words carried away by the gentle breeze as she turned and walked away, leaving behind the fragments of what might have been.
A/N: I hope this sets the tone for future writings on this account mwehehe
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missameliep · 5 months
Hii 🥰
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thanks for the ask, sweetie! ☺️
A top 5? This is incredibly hard for me, like it must be for a mother to pick a favorite child! I write what I love, and even if they are not perfect, every fic can be so very different and challenging and special and I love them all in different ways.
I'll be cheating because Desire & Decorum, which is my favorite book to write and of my favorite pairing Elizabeth and Hamid that has my heart, so I'm making a top 5 for all the fics and another one for D&D, which could be easily a Top 10 because I love so many chapters of TPoH and Second Chances ❤️
Top 5
1. Like Poetry (Blades of Light and Shadow)
2. Safe (Wake the Dead)
3. Heart in a Cage (Blades of Light and Shadow)
4. Rainy Days - Part 1
5. Bad Liar
Top 5 Desire & Decorum
1. Netflix and Cafuné (Modern AU)
2. Is this love?
3. The Pursuit of Happiness - Epilogue
4. Desire&Decorum&Zombies
5. Somewhere in time (AU of an AU - if you know it, you know it)
I'm tagging @princess-geek @lorirwritesfanfic @noesapphic @storyofmychoices @lilyoffandoms @jerzwriter @aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads (feel free to ignore)
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jerzwriter · 4 months
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Y'all have been asking for Eli x Zoe x Troy, I'm delivering Eli x Zoe x Troy. Though, this is just a little intro, not at all the beginning of an HC. Speaking of which, if you'd like to help me out in deciding how to move forward, take this poll!
Book: Wake the Dead Characters: Eli x Zoe (F!MC) x Troy Words: 1,700 Rating: Teen Summary: Zoe's a little under the weather, but Eli & Troy are determined to make it a special day after all. A/N: @choicesfebruary2024 Eros/Philia/Storge/Pragma @choicesholidays
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The sun had finally set. Though, finally wasn’t a word that would typically be used. It seemed to set as quickly as it appeared in the sky this time of year, and that was one of Zoe's least favorite things about winter. But today, it worked to her advantage.
There were many upsides to winter at Olympus. Fewer zombies meant less anxiety and less work, too. It was the only time of year when the concept of “downtime” became a reality, and what better time for it to occur? Winter transformed Olympus into a veritable wonderland blanketed in a bed of sparkling white snow, shrouding the often dark and desolate world with a sense of frivolity and wonder most of the colony’s occupants had never known before.
Zoe simply loved it. She could often be found outside, sledding and making snow angels with the children. Long winter walks and snowball fights with her friends were the norm, and her snowman-making ability was unmatched. Yes, winter was full of wonder, as far as Zoe Rivera was concerned, but it had a downside, too.
“Ahh-ahh-ahhh-chooo!” she sneezed, gripping the wall beside her to maintain her balance. Her congested head felt like a ball of lead upon her shoulders, and keeping upright was proving to be a difficult challenge.
But the early sunset meant everyone was inside entertaining themselves in the great room, which made it easier for her to sneak off to bed. No one would have prevented it; most had encouraged her to return to bed all day. But Zoe wanted to sleep, not to be fussed over; sneaking off was her best choice.
The great room was bustling. Angel was sprawled out by the fire, playing games with some of the colony’s youngest residents, Eli played guitar in a corner, and Shanon led a small group in song. Troy was thoroughly occupied. Winter was the perfect time to retrieve the old Frogger game from the mall, and while there were some glitches in its functioning, he was determined to get it fixed. When the screen came to life with semi-vibrant colors and a joyful little tune started to play, he jumped to his feet.
“YES!” He hollered, smacking the side of the machine in triumph. “It’s working! I’ve got it working!”
The pronouncement got Angel to her feet, and she rushed over, demanding first play. But Eli looked up from his guitar with annoyance.
“If you smack it like that again, it might not work for long."
“Au contraire mon frere,” Troy beamed. “That’s precisely what got it working!” Troy looked around the room frantically. “Zoe! Where’s Zoe? She has to see this.”
The mention of Zoe’s name had Eli searching the room as well. “Yeah, where is she? I haven’t seen her in a while.”
“I think she went to bed,” May replied, never turning away from her coloring.
“Bed?” Troy asked. “It’s barely evening?”
“True,” Shannon nodded, “but she has a terrible cold. I’ve been telling her to rest all day.”
Eli and Troy's eyes met, and both men headed to the stairs.
“Guys,” Shanon called out, “The best thing she can do is sleep.”
“We’re not waking her up to take her for a sleigh ride,” Troy insisted. “But we can check to see that she's OK.”
May’s eyes lit up. “If she’s OK, I wouldn’t mind the sleigh ride!”
“Maybe tomorrow, May," Shanon smiled. "But for now, just color.”
When Shannon turned again, the men were gone, gingerly stepping into their bedroom, where Zoe lay, snoring just a bit. Eli smiled tenderly. He found their girlfriend’s snoring endearing, whereas Troy said it was the only time he fantasized about tossing her out in the snow. But right now, they were both relieved to find her at rest. Eli reached over to touch her forehead.
“No fever,” he whispered. “But she does feel a little cold.”
Troy wordlessly retrieved an extra blanket from the closet and tucked it around her. “Then Shannon’s right; we should just let her sleep.” He nudged his head toward the door, and the two men convened in the hall.
“It’s just a cold,” Eli stated. “With some sleep, she’ll be fine in no time.”
“Yeah,” Troy sighed. “But what about our plans?”
Eli shrugged. “Do you think she even remembers it’s Valentine’s Day?”
“With the way she loves celebrating old-world events? Probably. But even if she does, I don’t think she’s up for a special dinner and romance tonight.”
“Hmmp,” Eli said, the corner of his lip turning.
“Oh, I know that look...What are you thinking?”
“A special dinner and romance is what you make it, right?” He clapped Troy’s back with a smile. “Let’s go downstairs.”
An hour later, Zoe’s eyes began to flutter. She wasn’t certain if it was day or night, and it didn’t even matter. Alone in her room, she was glad no one was present to hear her soft groans as she shifted onto her side. If she was anything, it was self-aware. Self-aware enough to know that she made a lousy patient and it was in everyone’s best interests to leave her be. She loved Eli and Troy, and she loved her friends, and the last thing she needed was knowing she’d have to embark on an apology tour the moment she felt better again. They knew her, she smiled, pulling the blankets to her chin. They knew her well. She was about to doze off again when the creaking of her bedroom made her rethink her friend's judgment. Just barely making out a figure in the darkness, she called out.
“Nope, not Troy,” Eli smirked.
“Nope, not Eli,” Troy chuckled.
Her blankets rustled as she lifted herself on her elbows. “Guys... you know I’m grumpy when I’m sick. Why are you putting yourselves at risk?”
“Bravery,” Eli said at the very moment Troy replied, “Stupidity.”
“There’s a fine line between the two,” she half smiled, her voice weak.
“We might be willing to let you stay here alone on a normal day,” Troy began. “Nah, I’m full of shit, we’d check in on you even then.”
“He’s right,” Eli agreed, “but we certainly weren’t going to leave you up here alone today.”
Her brows knitted together with confusion. “Today? What’s today.”
“It’s Valentine’s Day. Ta-da!” Troy beamed, removing a napkin covering the heart-shaped cookies the men just baked with dramatic flair.
“It’s.. Valentine’s Day,” she lamented. “Shit! I forgot! I didn’t get to do anything for you two!”
Eli sat at her side, taking her hand in his. “Wow. How fortunate for you that... we don’t care.”
Troy nodded as he scooted to her other side. “You know how much I hate to say this, but Eli’s right.”
It hurt to breathe, and her head pounded. Still, Zoe couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You guys!”
Eli dragged a small table beside the bed and placed a bowl on top. “You need to eat something, so we brought you some soup.”
“Yeah. You just lay there; we’ll feed you. The plan was to feed you grapes...this won’t be as seductive,” Troy playfully wagged his eyebrows, “but you're the one that went and got sick."
Zoe laughed, but it quickly turned into a wicked cough, and Eli gently rubbed her back to assist.
“Good work, Hassan. I told you your jokes are lethal.”
“If my jokes were lethal, there would be no zombie apocalypse.”
“He has a point,” Zoe smiled. “Now, feed me that soup because sick or not... I want those Valentine's cookies, and I’m sure you won’t let me have them if I don’t have my soup first.”
“She knows us too well,” Troy winked.
“When did you guys decide to make cookies?”
“I came up with the idea this morning,” Troy declared to Eli’s chagrin.
“You! YOU came up with the idea? I told you I was preparing the dough when you came to the kitchen for breakfast!”
“True... but I’m the one who suggested the heart shape, and face it, Sipes, without that... there is no pizzaz, and according to everything I’ve learned about the old world, Valentine’s Day was all about pizzaz.”
Zoe shook her head as Eli grumbled under his breath, and then she reached out to hold their hands.
“I don’t know how they did it in the old world, but I know how we do it now. It’s not about pizzaz; it’s about love, and I’m so lucky because I’ve got plenty of that.”
“You sure do,” Troy smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
Eli leaned over to kiss her forehead. “You can say that again. Now, do you want to go back to sleep for a bit?”
“I do,” she smiled, patting both sides of the mattress next to her. “But I want company. Will you guys take a nap with me?”
“Holy shit!” Troy gasped, reaching to touch her forehead. “She wants us to stay with her when she’s sick? It’s got to be a fever! She can’t have much time left.”
“Hassan, stop being a wiseass and hop under the covers,” she instructed. “Otherwise, I’m sending you back downstairs.”
“He’d be fine with that,” Eli teased as he lay on Zoe’s other side. “He got that Frogger machine working after all.”
“You got FROGGER working! And you still came to stay with me?”
“Yeah,” Troy smiled, putting an arm around her. “I’ve got plenty of time to get that poor little guy splattered by trucks tomorrow.”
“Wow! You must really love me.”
“I do,” he said, bopping her nose with his index finger. “You’re my girl.”
“Your girl?” Eli challenged.
“Our girl,” Troy corrected with a smile.
“I’m a lucky girl,” she said, shutting her eyes.  “Only one thing could make me luckier.”
“Oh, what’s that?” Eli asked.
“Both of you being quiet so I can go back to sleep. Happy Valentine’s Day guys, we’ll celebrate proper when I feel better.”
“We can if you want,” Troy shrugged. “But this feels plenty proper to me.”
Eli closed his eyes and nodded in agreement as Zoe began to snore.
“Great,” Troy sighed. “Now we’ll never sleep.  Right, Eli? Eli?”
He turned to find Eli, head on Zoe's shoulder, snoring lightly, too, and he shook his head while adjusting his pillow.
“You’re both so lucky you're cute," he sighed. But despite the snoring, he joined the slumberfest as soon as his eyes were closed. In the end, Valentine's Day was just fine; they had all that they needed.
Thanks for checking out the inaugural E/Z/T! :)
Tagging others separately.
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litgwritersroom · 2 years
How would a threeshome with Talia, Jake and Mc would be?
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S1 | Talia x MC x Jake | 4300 words | @mrsbsmooth
This is, with zero exaggeration, a play by play of how a threesome with Jake Wilson would go. 🔥
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Zoe had just finished pouring the Cab Sav into the decanter when she heard the front door swing open. It was followed by the jingle of Talia’s keys, followed by the characteristic ‘Hiii!’ as she stepped through it. 
“Hi baby!” She called back.
“You’ll never guess what disgusting trash I found in the gutter outside.”
Zoe chuckled. “I don’t mind whatever it is. As long as you didn’t bring Jake Wilson over again. I fucking hate that guy. He’s so annoying. And he has a really ugly face. And his consommé is cloudy as fuck.”
She bit her lip, waiting for the response, and she heard some soft, muffled footsteps behind her. But she squealed as someone tickled her in the ribs with such force that she collapsed to the floor. 
“Say what you like about my face but I won’t have you disrespect my consommé!”
She screamed as he continued tickling her until she felt like she was going to pee herself. 
“Stop, stop” she giggled, and he joined her on the ground, wrapping his arms around her to greet her, hugging her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him in return, squeezing him tightly as they rolled around in a huge bear hug. 
“Get off the floor, you two!” Talia chuckled. 
“Why? If I know Zo, it’s cleaner than any other room in the house.”
Talia went to respond, but shrugged, smiling widely at Jake, shaking her head at how well he knew them. 
The wine was open and flowing, and they had three bottles poured and airing. These annual visits had become one of the highlights of her year. She and Talia absolutely adored Jake. There were no hard feelings between any of them as to how things had ended up, despite the fact that both Talia and Zoe had kissed and been coupled up with Jake in the villa before finally ending up with each other. 
“How are you holding up?” Talia asked. “Are we going to get the full story now?”
Jake’s face fell a little. “Urgh, I feel like I’ve told the story so many times.”
“Not to us, though!” Zoe fluttered her eyelashes at him.
Jake smiled at her and launched into the story of how he and Rohan had broken up, and how awful it had been to watch him move all his stuff out. 
“But it’s been seven months now. I’m alright, Tals. Really, I am.”
“You don’t look it,” Zoe said. 
Jake chuckled. “Is that another joke about my face?”
Zoe beamed at him. “No. Despite what I said before, you’re as disgustingly handsome as ever. I just meant I can see you’re sad.
“Well,” Jake said, sipping his wine. “Good thing I can drown my sorrows here, then. And don’t think I didn’t notice that this is the Penfolds you said you were saving.”
Zoe stood, pouring the rest of the wine from the first decanter into his glass, and moving to fetch another. She kissed his head as she walked by, ruffling his hair. 
“Only the best for you, darling.”
The three of them got progressively drunker, and Talia started quizzing Jake on his sex life.
“So when was your last date?”
“About four months ago” He cringed as Talia gasped. 
“Did you fuck them?”
Jake furrowed his brow. “No! You know I don’t on the first date.”
“Urgh, that’s right, you’re a prude.”
“I don’t know." Zoe laughed "Not many prudes I know have been in a five-way”
Jake groaned. “I keep telling you, it was an accident.”
“Wish I had accidents like that”
“What, fucking four men at once?” Jake laughed.
“Mmmmmmm,” Zoe said. “No offence Tals.”
“Some taken. Unless I’m invited.”
“Oh, always, baby. You can come too, Jakey.”
Talia laughed. “We would have the single best-looking threesome ever.”
“Would also be the first time I’d been outnumbered” Jake chuckled heartily. 
Zoe watched the corner of Talia’s mouth twitch slightly. “You’ve never been in a threesome with two girls?”
Oh god. Zoe laughed to herself. Be careful Jake. You don’t know what you’re dealing with here. 
Zoe and Talia had… a thing. An arrangement. Some people might call it a kink. 
They absolutely loved being a guy’s first two-girl threesome. It was, without a doubt, the biggest ego-boost a girl could have. Every single time, the man would be so nervous that they’d do nothing but gush over how beautiful they both were. And usually come way, way, too quickly, leaving Talia and Zoe to get each other off while he watched, muttering about it being the best day of his life. Some people would think it was weird, but they loved it. It was a little narcissistic, sure. But hey, no kink shaming.
So if Jake hadn’t had one… god. Zoe almost chuckled to herself. How fun it would be to watch the overwhelmed look on his face. He would be in for it. Zoe almost couldn’t believe they’d never thought to ask him.
Jake shook his head, casually. “Whenever I’ve been with girls, it’s either been just the two of us, or I’m the other guy.”
Zoe’s eyes locked with Talia’s, and they read each other’s faces perfectly. 
Well, well, well. 
Zoe bit her lip, and she and Talia both looked at Jake at the same time. His face fell from his trademark dimpled smile into a look of slight hesitation. 
“I don���t know if I like the look you’re giving me right now.”
“You don’t?” Zoe whispered, pulling Talia into a passionate kiss. 
As they broke apart, Jake was raising an eyebrow at her. “Is that supposed to turn me on or something? I’ve seen you kiss before.”
Talia nodded at her, and Zoe stood. She faced Jake, and his eyes immediately locked to her. He watched her as she walked toward him slowly, his fingers slowly tightening on his wine glass. She reached him, bending down, and took it from him, taking a big sip from it. Her lipstick immediately stained the side of his glass, and he watched as she placed it on the table beside her, out of the way. 
Zoe placed her knees on either side of him, straddling him, and draped her arms around his neck. “You didn’t like the look I was giving you before.” Zoe whispered. 
He didn’t say anything, just looked at her, his eyes flicking downward briefly at the fabric covering her breasts. 
“Is it better up close?”
Jake, again, said nothing. But he nodded. 
Zoe growled her approval, and leaned in, pressing her wine-soaked lips to his. She reached for his hands, bringing them up to the sides of her thighs, and he inhaled sharply as she slid them up onto her ass. 
“Zo…” he whispered, his eyes darting to Talia as he broke the kiss. “Come on, this isn't fair”
She kissed him again, running her fingers through his hair. He groaned softly into her, and she returned the moan into his lips as he let his fingers brush over her ass. Zoe moved her lips away from his, letting her lips and tongue trace up his jawline, and down his neck. His breath caught as she hit a few sweet spots along the way, and she felt him pulling her hips slightly toward his.
She kissed him deeply again, and his arms wrapped fully around her, pulling her further and further onto him. She let her legs spread further, and groaned softly into his lips as she felt herself pressing against what was now a quite hard bulge in his jeans. 
Zoe broke the kiss, looking over at Talia, who was watching with casual interest, sipping her wine. “He’s enjoying this, baby”
She accentuated her meaning by rolling her hips against Jake’s, and he breathed a shy laugh. She’d already messed up his hair a little, strands of it falling down over his really stupidly handsome face. 
“So am I” Talia cooed. “You look hot when you’re flustered, Jake”
Jake swallowed hard, but didn’t even have a chance to respond. He hadn’t yet unwrapped his arms from around Zoe, and she turned his face with her finger, kissing him again. She could feel his fingers twitching at the waistband of her jumper, and she shuffled slightly, silently telling him to go ahead. He lifted it, pulling it over her head. As she leaned back, he reached up and took her hair out of its messy bun, as well, sending it tumbling down over her tshirt. It was chilly without her jumper, but she knew he’d be enjoying the show, as her nipples would be completely exposed through the thin fabric. She wasn’t wearing a bra if she could help it. And Jake clearly appreciated it.
He groaned as he spotted them, bringing his lips to them, gently rolling his lips around them through the flimsy material. Zoe gasped at how good it felt, and Jake’s eyes darted upwards, closing a little as he silently enjoyed the sound she’d made.
“Go on, Zo” Talia commanded. “Take his off.”
He pulled back, and Zoe let her hand trace down his chest, down the beautiful soft cashmere, slowing as it moved lower and lower. She didn’t break eye contact for even a second, and she watched his lip quiver slightly as she lifted the front of his jumper, untucked his shirt, and traced her fingers along the skin just above his waistband. She slipped one finger just underneath the fabric. Not enough to touch anything. Just enough to let him know she was going to soon. Making him think about which of the girls in front of him would have their hand wrapped around his cock first.
“Jesus Christ, Zo” he whispered. His voice was already soaked with need.
Zoe pulled his jumper over his head, and started on the buttons of his shirt. She knew what Jake looked like with his shirt off, but something about having the buttons underneath her fingers was exciting as all hell. As she undid them, she revealed more and more of his chest hair, and he could do nothing except watch her face as she did so. Eventually, she had them all undone, and she flung it open, leaning down and kissing the same line up his jaw, and down his neck, continuing her kisses down to his collarbone. 
“My turn” Talia said. Zoe could tell from the demanding tone of her voice that she was very keen to take a bite of Jake. 
Zoe stood, obediently, and moved over to Talia, kissing her passionately, pulling her jumper over her head as well, but not stopping there. She pulled Talia’s tank top off, revealing the black, lacy bra she had underneath it. Talia took Zoe’s place on Jake’s lap, cupping his face and kissing him deeply. Jake moaned, almost in surprise at Talia’s confidence. 
They always started off this way. Zoe’s subtle sensuality. The way she’d almost imperceptibly press herself against them. The soft fullness of her lips. She had them rock hard and half naked before they even realised it had progressed past kissing. And then Talia’s aggression. The way she’d bite their lip. Her fingernails digging into their skin. The contrast always drove them wild. And it set the stage for the rest of the night.
Zoe reached for her wine glass, sipping it gently, as she relaxed on the other couch, watching Jake’s hands make their way further up the sides of Talia’s leggings. And then, his arm shifted, and his hand traced over the top of her thigh, before coming to rest between her legs. Talia inhaled sharply as he pressed his fingers to her through the fabric. 
Zoe bit her lip as Talia swallowed, hard. Jake was watching her as he moved his fingers against her. He pulled back for a moment, lifting his hand, and angled it towards Talia’s flat stomach. He slipped it inside the waistband of her leggings, the stretchy fabric straining as he pulled it down, his hand disappearing between Talia’s legs. Zoe watched for the moment she knew only too well, and felt a pulse run through her as he connected with where Talia wanted him, as she moaned into the kiss. Zoe slipped her hand under her skirt, running it up the length of her stockings, slipping it into her underwear. 
As if he could sense her watching, Jake looked over. He pulled away from the kiss with Talia, and locked eyes with her. 
“Is this actually going to happen?” He asked.
Zoe nodded at him, biting her lip.
“Right then. Come here” he demanded.
Zoe looked at Talia. This wasn’t how this usually went?
“No, don’t look at her. Look at me”. 
A rush of heat went through Zoe’s legs. Oh, god damn.
She stood, walking over to him obediently. 
“Kneel on the couch”. 
She did as she was told, kneeling on the other side of Jake. He immediately brought his other hand to her, slipping his fingers inside her underwear, and pressing them to her clit. She inhaled sharply, and her lips parted at the sensation of him making gentle circles against her; a kind of expertise and familiarity she’d never felt from a man before. 
“Now. Which one of you ladies is going to tell me the ground rules?”
“Talia won’t suck your dick. And I don’t do butt stuff.” She blurted it out before she even knew what she was saying.
The corner of Jake’s mouth twitched in a smile, and he slipped his fingers lower, pressing two of them inside her. Her mouth fell open, and she found herself already rocking against his hand, urging him deeper.
“Good girl, Zoe. It’s your mouth I wanted anyway.” He whispered, approvingly. “Now Talia.” He looked up at her. “I’ve already got my fingers inside Zoe. Take your leggings off.”
Talia glanced at Zoe, who was still almost fully dressed, but complied. She stepped backward off Jake, and pulled off her leggings, Zoe’s eyes drinking in her delicious curves in the matching underwear to her bra. Jake motioned her back over. 
“Take Zoe’s shirt off.”
Talia walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around her waist, and pulled her tshirt over her head, exposing her to Jake.
“Good. Now come here”. 
He patted his lap again, and Talia wordlessly resumed her position, as Jake immediately dropped his hand back between her legs. Matching the aggression she’d shown him earlier, he pulled Talia’s underwear aside, and slipped his fingers inside her with zero hesitation. Talia honest to god whimpered at the sensation. 
Never in the three years they’d been together had she seen Talia let someone take control like this. 
What the fuck was going on?
Jake instructed them to go into the bedroom, and that he was going to his car to get condoms, and that by the time he got back, he expected them to both be naked, and standing beside the bed. They barely spoke a word to each other, walking upstairs, and stripping off immediately, standing beside the bed, as he’d said. When he came back up, Zoe had almost expected him to praise them, but he didn’t. He just looked at Talia. 
“Get on your back”. 
She climbed onto the bed, and lay down. He reached over, grabbing her hips, and pulled her to the side of the bed. 
“Zoe, on her face, please.”
Zoe was kneeling over Talia’s face, and Talia smiled up at her, pressing a kiss to her thigh. Zoe bit her lip, and smiled back, before Talia pulled at her thighs, bringing her down hard.
“Do not,” Jake said, sternly. “And I mean this, Zoe. Do not come.”
Zoe turned slightly to look at him, and he looked more serious than she’d ever seen him. She nodded. But it was going to be difficult, because Talia’s eyes narrowed as if she was planning on defying Jake, just to see what he would do. 
But Talia barely got a chance to fuck around and find out, because her eyes almost instantly rolled back in her head. Zoe turned, straining to see what he was doing to her, but all she could see was Jake’s face buried between Talia’s legs. Whatever he was doing must been something pretty fucking special, because Talia was gripping her thighs so tightly she knew she’d have bruises for a week. 
The feeling of Talia’s moans into her, as she writhed between her legs at whatever Jake was doing, was sending Zoe skyrocketing closer to coming. She could see on Talia’s face that she was close, and she whispered. 
“Jake, she’s about to come.”
He moaned into her, and Talia practically lurched off the bed underneath her as she came. Zoe had to pull back slightly, Talia’s tongue moving wildly against her in such a way that made her shudder. 
“Zoe, off the bed and on your knees.”
Zoe moved off Talia, and went to move off the bed, but she had to stop when her eye caught sight of it. 
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Zoe had fucked a lot of people over the years. Including a lot of men. Her numbers were higher than most guys. 
But never, in her 26 years… dear god.
She fell to her knees almost in shock, but before she could even say anything to Talia, Jake had his hands in her hair, his giant fucking cock halfway down her throat. Zoe was absolutely drooling, both literally and metaphorically at the size of it. He had a fistful of Zoe’s hair, moving her mouth on and off him. She tilted her head back slightly, and his entire length slid down her throat.
“That’s it, Zoe. Good girl.”
Sweet, quiet, gentlemanly Jake. The secret top with the giant cock.
How the fuck was this dude single?
She moaned around his cock as she watched him start to fuck Talia again with his fingers. Talia was still coming down from her last one, but he was so fucking good at what he was doing that he was already building her again. Zoe pulled back a little, enthusiastically working her mouth over Jake, as she watched Talia absolutely convulsing, nearing the edge again. 
She lifted her pace, swirling her tongue around the tip of Jake’s cock, and she felt a rush of excitement as it temporarily made him lose his focus, his eyes fluttering shut, and his lips parting with a heavy breath. His hand threaded back into her hair, and he pulled her off him, the sharp pain as he pulled her hair making her gasp. 
He looked down at her, a slight smirk on his face, holding her steady while he made Talia come again like it was the easiest thing he’d ever done.
And that was how it continued. Jake making Talia come over and over, while never once letting Zoe come. She was getting so frustrated. Her heart was racing, and her breath was heavy, as she watched Talia come again, this time around his cock. She was a complete and utter mess, her cheeks completely flushed, lips chapped, and her entire body shaking. Talia clearly couldn’t concentrate on going down on Zoe, which was probably just as well, because Zo was so badly aching for Jake to fuck her she could barely stand it. 
Talia was completely whimpering, as Jake reached his hand around her hips, fucking her again, building and building and building her. Talia pulled her mouth away from Zoe, looking like she had zero energy left in her body. 
“Jake, please” Talia whimpered “Jake, I can’t”
Almost as if they were the magic words, he pulled out of her, flipping her onto her back. He pulled Zoe toward him, and pressed the tip of his cock to her centre. 
Zoe was practically on the verge of coming just at the anticipation of him fucking her. He was so fucking huge, and he was going to feel so good.
“Touch yourself” he said. 
Zoe dropped her hand, and he grabbed her wrist. 
“Not you. Talia.”
Talia whimpered. “I can’t”
“You can, and you will. Zoe’s not coming until you come again”
He pressed ever-so-slightly into her, just far enough to have her entire body shaking, but just short of where she desperately needed him to be.
“Jake, I can’t”
Zoe dropped her head back, looking at Talia. “Talia, please. Please. Please. I need it.”
Talia’s mouth almost fell open, and she dropped her fingers lower, touching herself, and as a reward, Jake slid further into Zoe.
Zoe’s mouth fell open “Oh my god, yes, Talia please, yes, keep going.”
Talia’s eyes flickered to Jake briefly, but immediately dropped down to Zoe’s face, which she was sure had never looked so fucking desperate for Talia to come. 
Talia lifted her pace, faster and faster, as Jake slowly stretched Zoe further and further, holding her legs open as he filled her completely, but he was yet to even thrust into her. He was reading her body with meticulous precision, knowing how delicate of a precipice he was dangling her off. Had been dangling her off. He’d been building her, torturing her, making her wait. It was like a mental game. Jake was reading her body so expertly that she knew that he’d be making her come at precisely the same time as Talia, so the closer Talia built, the closer she knew she was to being finally, finally allowed to come. 
“I’m getting close” Talia whimpered
Even when she was fucking Talia herself, Zoe had never heard the words sound sweeter.
Zoe’s head whipped around to Jake, pure desperation on her face, and he looked down at her, absolute composure and control on his face. The smallest twitch of a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth, and he drew his hips back, and thrust. 
Zoe practically levitated at the sensation of him, her hands grasping at the sheets below her as she heard the telltale groaning of Talia about to come beside her. Jake’s thrusts built faster and faster, and Zoe’s hips were lifted completely off the bed, her legs spread as wide as they would go, begging for Jake to…
“I’m coming” Talia whispered.
Zoe wasn’t sure what Jake did, or how long he did it for, but he did something. Changed an angle, held her a certain way… but he did something. Because Zoe’s entire body collapsed under him. Her back arched so sharply it might've broken. The back of her head pressed so hard into the bed as she threw it back that she thought she’d fall through it. Her fingers pulled at the sheets beneath her with such force she might’ve ripped them. Her entire body was shaking. Convulsing. Every muscle from the arches of her feet to the base of her neck was completely electrified as she came so fucking hard she thought she would pass out. The noise that escaped her lips was animalistic, a groaning cry so loud it might’ve hurt her voice. But still, Jake kept fucking her. The deep thrusts kept coming and coming, sending her off the edge over and over and over again, her muscles cramping and begging for it to stop, but the rest of her begging for it not to, to never move, to let her keep coming over and over and over.
When she finally reached the downward spiral of her peak, Jake pulled out of her, dragging her off the bed and down to her knees again. He practically ripped the condom off him, and she opened her mouth in anticipation. She was still fucking pulsing from how hard she’d come, her body a withering mess of twitching muscles and shaking joints, and she was filled with an overwhelming desire to make him feel the same. He grabbed her hair, and she took all of him, her hands on the back of his thighs, pulling him toward her to feel him inside her throat. His breath was ragged, his chest dripping with sweat, as he fucked her mouth with just as much control and precision as he had the rest of her. The thought of him fucking her made her moan, and he gasped at the vibration of her throat around him, when his rhythm finally, finally started to falter. She dug her fingernails into the back of his legs, and looked up at him, looking directly into his eyes as his fluttered closed, his mouth open, watching as he finally lost his composure. Her mouth. Her mouth did that.
She’d never felt more alive. More beautiful. More desirable than she did while she watched him come down her throat. 
God he looked beautiful when he came. 
He bucked a few final thrusts into her mouth before her lips felt the telltale pulses of him coming deep down into her throat. She held her breath, letting him linger in her throat for a moment while she swallowed over and over, her throat massaging him, drawing him out, prolonging it as long as she could for him. 
He pulled out of her, and she took a deep, overdue breath, and he gently lifted her onto the bed beside a still whimpering Talia. He shuffled in between them, lying down on the bed, and wrapped one arm under each of them, pulling them closer into him. 
This had not at all gone to plan. 
They were supposed to be the ones leaving him a broken mess of cum and sweat.
With the last rumblings of energy she had in her spent body, Zoe looked up at him. 
He smiled at her, already completely recovered. 
How in the ever living fuck did he already look so fucking composed?
Talia was practically asleep on his shoulder, so he settled in looking at Zoe, stroking her hair with the kind of gentle softness she would have expected from him.
And the last thing Zoe felt was him pressing his lips softly to her forehead, as he sighed happily.
“Thanks girls, I always wondered what that would be like!”
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aequitas-if · 1 year
Some more Aequitas as Incorrect Quotes
Using the lovely incorrect quote generator
MC to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Sebastian: The best person I know is myself.
Vesper: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
MC: I think I'm falling for you. 
Rowan: Then get up.
Juni: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. 
MC: Why not? 
Juni: Because I don't know what they mean.
Leon: Hey Nora, do you have any hobbies? 
Nora: Swimming.. 
Leon: Really? That’s cool. I never expected you to- 
Nora: In a pool of self hatred and regret.
Sebastian: I need life advice. 
Vesper, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Juni: So, Nora, do you have a crush on anyone? 
Nora: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
MC: Jasper isn't talking to me. 
Rowan: Enjoy it while it lasts.
Jasper: We’re playing Scrabble. It’s a nightmare. 
Zoe: Scrabble? Scrabble’s great. 
Jasper: Not when you’re playing with Alex, it’s not. She puts words like “ephemeral” and I put “dog.”
Rowan: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something! 
Jasper: You left me, MC, and Zoe in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago. 
Rowan: I did that on purpose, try again.
Zoe: Why are MC and Jasper sitting with their backs to each other? 
Alex: They had a fight. 
Zoe: Then why are they holding hands? 
Alex: They get sad when they fight.
Leon: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. 
Vesper: We could attack them with hummus. 
Leon: I stand corrected.
Leon: You know what’s funny about Vesper? They’re my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt them is someone I’d murder, probably.
Sebastian: Juniper, we tried things your way. 
Juni: No, we didn't. 
Sebastian: I did it in my head and it didn't work.
Vesper: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable... ...and also assault with a deadly weapon.
Vesper: My gender is in a constant state of flux.
Alex: What do you call disobeying the law? 
The Team: A hobby. 
Alex: *crosses their arms* 
The Team: That we as heroes do not engage in.
Sebastian/Rowan: All of your existences are confusing. 
The Team: How so? 
Sebastian/Rowan: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
Juni, opening a Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Vesper: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Vesper: I am not a lunatic. I have the psychiatric report to prove it. A slender majority of the panel decided in my favour.
Juni: Well, needless to say. Uh-oh Spaghetti-os.
Vesper: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
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aprilchallenge · 1 year
Fics of the week
Tumblr media
Open Heart
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (1/?) 🌸 @liaromancewriter
Characters involved: Cassie Valentine (F!MC), Sienna Trinh
Day One (2/?) 🌺 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee) feat. Tobias Carrick
A Different Fate...Part 2 - Ethan's POV 💐 @jerzwriter
Characters involved: Open Heart // f!MC (Celia Moore), Sienna Trinh
Midnight Talks 🌼 @trappedinfanfiction
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine)
Beautiful Stranger 🌹 @liaromancewriter
Pairing: None. Kid!Liam with the head chefs of the palace, really (OCs, though Anais has been mentioned in canon)
B(re)aking Bread 🌼 @lizzybeth1986
Pairing: Queen Eleanor & Prince Leo + Liam (mother-sons/siblings), Leo x Damien (mentioned in RoE) (romantic), Liam & Jason (OC) (platonic).
Eleanor's Kitchen - Chapter 4: Garídes Saganáki 🪷 @lizzybeth1986
Main Pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Sophia (Sophie) 
Marabelle 🌻 @tessa-liam
-4- The Beaumont Bash 
- Mature -
Pairing: Liam x Savannah 
Estranged 🥀 @twinkleallnight
Artwork & Edits
Open Heart
Characters involved: Sienna Trinh and Victoria Clarke
In the woods 🌺 @potionsprefect
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey)
Bubble T 🌼 @jerzwriter
Artwork 🖼️ + fic
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC)
Flipping Love 🌹 @storyofmychoices
Wake the Dead
Artwork 🖼️
Pairing: Eli Sipes x F!MC (Zoe Rivera)
A Capy Ending, indeed 🌷 @jerzwriter
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