#qot spoilers
safestorms · 3 months
soft yongduri mornings - Queen of Tears - Baekhong - G
[Set after Hyunwoo gets discharged from hospital. This fic snippet takes place in the same verse as ‘to have and to hold (& be held)’ which diverges from canon in that Haein regained all her memories as a result of the night she gets kidnapped by Eunseong.]
Haein pulls on the pair of boots her mother in law has lent her to collect the eggs from the chicken coop. Just as she’s about to head there, Hyunwoo appears by her side.
“What are you doing, Haein ah?” Hyunwoo asks, peering into the basket she’s holding in her hand.
“None of your business,” she says, playfully. “Collecting eggs for your breakfast, if you must know.”
Hyunwoo’s eyes light up at this. “Have you met our chickens?”
Haein eyes the chickens suspiciously when they get to the chicken enclosure. “They look bigger than I thought they would. Do they…attack humans?”
Hyunwoo bursts out laughing. A small smile tugs at her lips. She hasnt seen him this carefree, hasnt seen him laugh like this in so long. “Theyre not wild animals, Haein ah. Come on, theyre not scary. Chickens arent normally aggressive to people.”
“Im not scared of them!” She protests even though a tiny part of her maybe is but shes not about to let her fear get the better of her. She has her pride to maintain after all. Holding her head up high she follows Hyunwoo into the chicken coop.
One of the hens immediately fixes her with what looks like a death glare before she has even crossed the threshold. Haein hasnt noticed what beady eyes they have before. And their beaks are so pointy. Haein glares at it right back. She can give as good as she gets and as CEO of Queens in the harsh chaebol world of Seoul, she knows a thing or two about intimidating her competition. “I’m watching you,” she warns it.
“Haein ah,” Hyunwoo calls to her, “see this is uri Bingsu.” Haein watches wide eyed as one of the chickens comes running to him, rubbing against his leg and making soft greeting sounds. Hyunwoo picks the chicken up in his arms, cooing at it and petting it. The chicken snuggles into his arms. The sight of him cuddling the chicken is so cute that her heart instantly melts, scary birds be damned. He looks so soft like this, in his familiar worn house clothes with his boyish bangs flopping over his forehead against the pinkening dawn sky. It makes her love him more, if that’s even possible.
“Bingsu ah,” hes singsonging to the chicken like its a baby that can understand Korean. “Theres someone very special I want you to meet. My wife, Hong Haein.”
He holds the chicken out to her but Haein shakes her head at him, refusing to take it in her arms. But fine, she thinks grudgingly, she is curious why Hyunwoo likes the chicken and what exactly is so great about it that has her husband’s eyes lighting up like that? Somehow he looks lighter, less weighed down by the suffering he’s endured these past few months from car crashes and bullet wounds, false imprisonments to a wife who treated him like a criminal because she forgot him. She reaches out tentatively to touch a feather on its back with one finger while Hyunwoo holds it.
“See?” Hyunwoo whispers in his soft voice that he only uses just for her, looking at her tenderly. “She looks fierce but she’s just soft on the inside like you Haein ah.”
Haein can feel herself flushing at this though shes pleased. “Yah, Baek Hyunwoo, dont go around giving away my secret. Should I be jealous of you and these hens?”
“Yah!” Theyre interrupted by the sound of Miseons loud voice. “Hyunwoo yah, youre meant to be collecting the eggs for your breakfast not playing with the chickens!”
“I am getting the eggs, Noona” Hyunwoo yells back. “I just need to ask the chickens permission first.” Haein smiles. Its adorable how he’s the maknae of his family.
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newtmastime · 5 months
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veriken · 1 month
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togaki-kun · 6 months
Queen of Tears Ep 9 Spoilers
Okay, so I had been really looking forward to seeing what it would be like for the Hongs to live (even temporarily) alongside the Baeks, and I just adored this episode. The mother is unused to living in anything other than luxury and hates this, the son is an immature, insensitive, and ignorant idiot, the aunt feels guilty because she thinks all of this is her fault, Hae-in is actually really adorable bonding with her (former) mother-in-law.
But what kind of broke me most was the scene with Hae-in’s dad and Hyun-woo’s dad, where Hae-in’s dad says he doesn’t want to go back to the Baek home where everybody else is, because he’s supposed to be the head of the family, the one who’s supposed to reassure them that everything will be okay, but he can’t do that, and it tears him up inside. I really wasn’t sure what to expect from him this episode, but that part gutted me.
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ja-lin · 8 months
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Some WIP on my fanfic visual novel...
Was having an artist's block and out of ideas for which scene I wanted to use as EP2 main CG, so I went back to study some Lovestruck character CG compositions.
For CGs, I really liked the one from QoT of Remy and the MC in an argument. Looked up reference photos and sketched something similar that matched my writing. It might be spoilers, might not be spoilers...I don't really know since it's out of context.
Uh, for writing...I've finished half of EP4!!! The beginning of EP4 is pretty dark, but I like how it flows from EP3. There are two new characters appearing in EP4, so I'll have to start working on their character sprites.
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fujunfuren · 5 months
Just finished watching ep3 of Atypical Family! My mind goes "route recalculating..." in each episode's finale. Any ideas/theories so far?
Girl... Jang Ki Young smiled at the baby and I lost it. When the bar is low, a smile made a huge effect. I watched Chun Won Hee in Delightfully Deceitful, so it feels kinda familiar yet different.
Giiiirl, you are busy! I thought my kdrama watch would come to an end for a while, after finishing QOT. Then Lovely Runner unexpectedly impressed me very but it's the risky times now, I hope it won't end up disappointing me like the last one did. I'm curious about the Midnight Romance! (because of the actors) Oh also I'm thinking about checking To the Wonder. Have you seen that one, or any comment you heard about it?
"route recalculating..."<<exactlyy!! that is the exact expressionn!! so on point.
<ep 4 spoiler> I thought he really could have saved her previously in the fire, but im torned between her actually experiencing it vs her using it as her signature scam with her previous scam marriages. because i remember in ep 1/2 she did mention about being saved before in front on him and we know this point she wasnt actually using it to scam him yet.
im still very very confused how their fates are intertwined, the vivid colors only they can see and the fact she never realise it's another timeline cos she prob didnt see the grey surrounding.
when he smiled at that baby and the baby smiled back?! THAT WAS SOO PRECIOUS I MELTEDD. he looked genuinely happy and the fact that his recent interviews is mostly about family and having a family, my man is ready hahahah.
girlll im busyyy escaping and being deluluu from life sagdgsahdklsla. may seems to be a mth with quite a number of kdrama that piqued my interest so we'll see!
I havent heard of To the Wonder before, but did a MDL check, oooh interesting plot and it's only 8 eps!!! and the poster, wow the sceneries are soo nice. might actually dl all eps and watch during my upcoming trip haha
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queersoftime · 1 year
Check out the latest Queers of Time episode!
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Matt is one of the QoT co-hosts, and we love him. As of this episode being released, he's now a published author with several published short stories and we thought, what better way to honor him than to ask him to flex those author/writer/word skills a little bit? He's known for taking a somewhat farcical view of the books sometimes, so we thought we would ask him to summarize each book in The Wheel of Time series in his own, unique way.
Note: this episode contains spoilers for all the Wheel of Time books, with major spoilers up to book 4 and lighter spoilers for the remaining books.
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calmmay · 5 months
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Happy ending ❓️
Sad ending ❓️
Open ending ❓️
Dari series ini, w menemukan klasifikasi baru.
Wise ending🙏
Tbh, ini pertama kalinya aku nonton on-going. Niat awalnya emang pingin nonton gara2 ada mbak ji won tp kepikirannya masuk list watch later aja dulu buat ditonton marathon kapan2.
Turns out, gara2 chemistry mbak ji won dan lawan main yg tak perlu ku ragukan lagi, w jd setia ngikutin konten2 dramanya. Mana visual mereka as main lead tuh serasi gt. Jd makin gemes🥹🤏
Nah, trs ada bgt lagi org yg posting ending scene. Yaampun, sotoy n ngasal bgt😮‍💨
Selama masa2 on going ini w sebenernya udh kena spoiler tipis2 jg, gara2 trs nontonin konten2 mereka yg gemess. Tp sebenernya, aku ga suka spoiler.
Jd gara2 ada postingan ending yg ngasal bgt itu, akhirnya w terpancing untuk nonton on going drpd tar pas ending ke-spoiler beneran🥹
Sbg yg pertama kali nonton on going, w baru tau, ternyata bener2 makin mood bgt ngeliatin reaksi n komen2 netijen😂
Salah satu komen yg ku inget, "sabtu-minggu tuh jadwal QOT versi depresot, yg rabu kamis baru versi romcom" wkwk
Mana sampe ending ep 15 tuh bener2 dibuat istighfaar aja sm jalan ceritanya😵 sampe bikin bertanya2, "mereka ini ga berhak untuk bahagia, kah?" "Hidupnya mba hae in ni kompleks bgt🥺 rumit rumitt🤕"
Trs taunya, opening scene nya ep 16 aja udh jd "nahhh" moment buatku.
Sepakat bgt sama Mas Hyun Woo. Tentang pernikahan itu bs diibaratkan kita sedang berada pada perahu yang sama. Kalau kapalnya sedang goyang, ga seimbang, mau tenggelam, ya, gmn kita yg ada di dalamnya bs tetep sama2, ada untuk satu sama lain.
Kata Mas Hyun Woo lagi, "Kalau kamu knp2, km bs lean on me" kalau salah satu rapuh, bs bersandar, pegangan dan mengandalkan pasangannya🫰
Trs, org2 tuh ada jg yg komen, ceritanya tu kemana2, ga fokus ke pernikahannya mereka berdua.
Huhu, aku ga setuju si sama pendapatnya org2. imo, nikah itu emang 2 org kan, tp ttp, nikah itu jg mempertemukan 2 keluarga. Tentang gmn kita diterima di keluarga pasangan dan keluarga kita menerima pasangan. Jd ya wajar kalo permasalahan yg ada di pernikahan itu bukan cuma masalah internal tp jg bs jd ada masalah2 yg beririsan dg dua keluarga besar.
Trs, org2 jg menanti2kan kpn ada (physical) intimate scene. Pdhl, menurut w, series ini tuh nge reminder lagi, kalo kasih sayang itu luaaas bgt🥹 Interaksi antar main lead dan cast2 lainnya tuh merupakan gambaran kasih sayang🤗
Last but not least, aku inget di salah satu intv tuh sung hoon bilang, series ini itu penuh plot twist. Setelah plot twist itu masih ada plot twist, disambung plot twist, disambung plot twist. Pokoknya plot twist mulu sampe penonton jg kzl dan capek 😫 wkwk
Huft, pdhl kalo dipikir2, realita hidup emang gt kan. Banyak plot twist nya. Hidup itu sendiri pun jg ga cuma 1 genre aja. Sbg manusia yg utuh, punya sejarah dan kenangan, mestinya punya banyak warna kisah dalam hidupnya.
Trs, kalo menurut intv mba jiwon, ceritanya QOT nih kyk roller coaster, nikmatin aja tangis, tawa, kzl nya. After the long ride, we'll glad that we survived. Legaa gitu.
Eh, taunya setelah bener2 beres nonton, analoginya Mbak jiwon ini emang pas banget🥹🫶
Overall, makasih bgt buat writer, PD-nim, all cast, all staf, n QOT nation yg sdh naik roller coaster dan merasakan keajaiban demi keajaiban bareng2!🥹
bonus pict yg imo bikin makin nyesss
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Sekali lagi, thank you QOT! 👑💧♥️
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I'm sorry but nothing is gonna be funnier than when vivienne and mc announced they were getting married, and their friends went into pure chaos to celebrate won bets about it, only for leon to shout out if it was real or fake, having confirmation that it was fake and then everyone reversing their actions.
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sin-with-moi · 4 years
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safestorms · 3 months
soft yongduri mornings pt ii
Theyd decided after Hyunwoo’s discharge from the hospital that he stay in Yongduri for the first week to recuperate. Theres something about his childhood home that makes him feel at peace. Coming back home has always felt like hes finally surfacing from being submerged underwater, taking in lungfuls of air. Watching the pink sunset over the mountains after eating his umma’s home cooked food has always made him feel at ease, a deep sense of calm settling within his bones. Centering him. Here at home in Yongduri, he feels more grounded, closer to the earth.
He’s sitting on the verandah looking out at the misty morning light spreading out over the mountains when he hears quiet footsteps behind him. They sound like Haeins. He turns and sees her. He loves seeing her in the early mornings like this, soft and sleep woken; rosy.
Haein tsks over his damp freshly washed hair. He’d just bathed but drying his hair was too daunting a task right now. Especially when theres a sunrise to look at. Yongduri sunrises make him feel like nothing else, close to the heart of the world.
“Baek Hyun Woo,” Haein frowns, running her hand through his damp hair. “Youre going to get sick from sitting around with wet hair.” Shes been extra attentive, fussing over him since he’d been shot.
“Haein ah,” he’d said to her at first. “You dont have to do this bscause you feel guilty.”
“Baek Hyun Woo,” she’d said back with steely resolve. “I’m doing this because I want to. Because youre my husband. And youre recovering.”
“I-“ he was about to protest but Haein had stuck the spoon of porridge in his mouth sternly.
“Eat your porridge.”
He cant say though that part of him doesnt bask in all the attention shes showering on him.
Back in the present, Hyunwoo turns wide eyes on her, feigning innocence. “I thought you said I looked like Timothee Chalamet or a young Leonardo Di Caprio with my hair damp.”
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pacmagician · 4 years
Rereading Remy’s route and I like it even more knowing that Remy was actually head over heels for MC from the beginning.
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noisycuckooclocks · 4 years
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Me during Remy’s proposal vs me during Nikolai’s proposal
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Now that we know KA is alive, it’ll be interesting to see how she lived. When James fires the shot you hear the thud of a falling body. And she was crying pretty badly. I don’t know how we would not hear her anymore even heavy breathing. Or she passed out from the shock lol
Oh I know, anon.  Especially just rewatching that ep I was like, oh this explanation is gonna be a big ol mess.  But honestly now that we have confirmation, I have reached a level of Kelly Anne Conspiracy Zen.  After months of speculation (see my *kaconspiracy tag lol) I’ve accepted probably nothing will make it make sense to me BUT I’m also okay with that b/c having Kelly Anne back (and seemingly on Teresa’s side once more) makes me happy. At this point I almost hope they hand-wave it with one line of dialogue and we can all agree to pretend it never happened in the first place. Logic, schmogic. Retcon of the century be damned.  Give me all the female friendships please!  
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jamesvaldez · 3 years
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I chose life.
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supagirl · 3 years
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I love you.
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