#qq watches
qqchurch · 1 year
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kadextra · 8 months
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cheese-water · 10 months
When you think about it, Peptio’s sudden outburst makes a lot of sense. Pepito was pushed to a breaking point. And for Pepito, the only way for things to change, to get better even, is to refuse to play into Roier’s “game.” To give up on trying to make a broken system work. To discard any and all items that were supposed to make this hell tolerable. And, most importantly, to fuck off to who knows where, at least it’ll be better than here.
Actually, when you really think about it, this song and dance sounds quite familiar. If only Pepito had tossed all the items in lava instead of a chest… well let’s not dwell on it too much, the damage has already been done.
If the gas mask fits, you might as well wear it and all :-)
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arcadianico · 1 year
rotating this scene in my head
I just think it’s so fascinating the difference between elq’s dynamic with cucurucho here and the dynamic between qq and cucurucho the last time we saw them together.
like functionally both qs are doing a similar thing (asking questions and talking on when cucurucho doesn’t answer them) but the power dynamic is clearly different. cucurucho’s silence with qq felt like amusement, here it feels like shyness almost? and elq’s reaction when he sees that the others are coming to the station feels somewhere between a boss and your parent saying “i told you so”. idk it feels clear to me that elq is the one with the power between the two of them
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prince-liest · 1 year
self-indulgent 3zun ABO AU because I like putting JGY into ~situations~
Alpha NMJ, beta LXC, and omega JGY who has been masquerading as a beta in typical ABO trope fashion, except the dramatic omega reveal happens way back when he murders the Nie captain and gets kicked out of Qinghe.
(I really do wonder what an ABO universe would do to them, psychosocially-speaking, considering that their major flaws can be pretty neatly sorted into “stereotypical” ABO roles that can be used to malign them: Nie Mingjue’s saber-induced anger issues and prior jumping to conclusions, Lan Xichen’s tendency to peacekeep with his loved ones and mold himself into a mediator to a fault, and Jin Guangyao’s....... entire existence as, basically, a tiny venomous snake.)
Present day is post-war Jinlintai before anyone I like (read: JYL, JZX) dies, where 3zun are forced to figure (just enough of) their shit out earlier—WAY earlier—and have been in not just a sworn brotherhood but a mate bond for a while now because in a world with synaesthesic scent markers and mating bites, you don’t get to take things like that back...
... At the very beginning of which bond, NMJ, still incensed and affected by Baxia's resentment, basically accepts the relationship on the bad-faith condition that JGY doesn't "pull any of that manipulative omega shit.” Would he say something like that about Nie Huaisang? No, but he’s just reaching for what hurts. When asked to elaborate on what that actually means, he doesn’t actually have anything in mind and thus rifles around in his mental sack of negative omega stereotypes for all of three seconds before clarifying that he’s talking about all that nonsense with baiting people with heats and baby trapping and whatnot.
JGY, the bitter little gremlin that he is, takes this the worst way possible and has since been taking heat suppressant ✨️indefinitely✨️. We all know how that goes. Maybe he runs out, maybe his body gives out, but most likely Jin Guangshan decides that getting JGY knocked up and too busy to politically machinate against him in addition to all the political machinating he’s doing for him is to his benefit, and arranges the botching of the preparation of whatever tea JGY takes to make this happen. Ideally right in time for NMJ and LXC to be at Jinlintai.
Except this isn’t a sexy, “Oh no, I’m a secret omega and I went into heat! My love must now ravish me!” story. Despite his best efforts, everyone already knows JGY is an omega. Despite his best accidental counterefforts, he technically has two mates already. And still, three hours into NMJ and LXC’s visit, when he realizes what is happening, he fucking panics.
Heat brain isn’t fun brain. Heat brain on top of the writhing bag of neurotic rats that runs JGY’s brain is worse. He’s fucking dead, he thinks. NMJ definitely hates omegas other than his brother (has he met any others? JGY can’t remember, which is terrifying, because JGY remembers everything), and only tolerates JGY’s omega-ness because he’s on suppressants. Da-ge is going to be so mad. And er-ge is going to have to mediate again. Unacceptable! Mortifying! Possibly not an issue because he thinks he might be having a heart attack and dying!
He spends two hours wedged into an emergency bolt-hole he built into his quarters while LXC sits outside going “pspspsps” and NMJ guiltily retrieves increasingly unfeasible amounts of food from the kitchens. It does not end up a sexy heat. It ends up a “hold the hyperventilating omega while he repeatedly forgets how to breathe” heat, because the body is not going to do sexy times while experiencing the most dramatic fight or flight instinct JGY has ever felt. Thanks, chemically-induced hormone imbalance.
(Da-ge turns out to be a good weighted blanket. Compression is good for the anxiety. And guilt turns out good for forcing people to talk things over.)
(And nobody gets pregnant.)
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dynamitekansai · 6 months
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kqluckity · 1 year
Your last post god the way the fandom treat qq sometimes is so upsetting, they treat him like he’s a massive danger to the eggs and horrible when in reality he’s just a guy who wants love. He has done some stuff wrong but nothing catastrophic.
it's so fucking weird too because they treat him like he's the eggs' biggest danger and also mock him for being weak, but it can't be both. so which is he? and why is it impossible for people to realize that he's just a flawed character?
also it's a bit frustrating that he's asked forgiveness multiple times for thinking about killing two of the eggs (the one time he came closest was with tallulah's bed that one time), was forgiven (by her dad btw), has apologized about it to everyone else too and yet people still used to bring it up to make him feel bad tbh
also yeah, his whole thing is that he wanted to be loved and learn what love actually is and what it means to love, because after losing tilin he became almost completely numb because of his grief (do you think someone who used to spend his night crying over his kid's dead body actually hated them? bffr) and wanted to learn how to love again. is this too hard to understand?
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swordmaid · 2 years
trying something.........
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01432853 · 2 years
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Warm on a cold night (2023) - EP3
If I die I won't have anything. I haven't lived fully yet. You haven't begun the collaboration yet, and you already want to be a drag on? I .. Let me take a breath.
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calqlate · 6 months
i finished captivating the king two days ago and here's some comments i have (spoilers ahead):
the fl bouncing back and forth between wanting to k*ll the king and supporting the king made my head spin?? like there was one episode whereby heesoo was tryna tell the king why she planned the assassination attempt (episode 14 or smth? i forgot which one exactly but it's the episode after the one whereby chu dalha attempted to assassinate the king) and she was all like "it's bc i didn't get sick of you, that's why i tried to k*ll you"???? HUH?? BABE MAKE IT MAKE SENSE 😭😭😭
how did the king not know her name until the last 2min of the final ep. like did her dad not namedrop her when he asked the king to search for her???
stan captain joo for clear skin!!
also someone explain how the king and prince rui went from good buddies to enemies within 1 ep i'm genuinely confused
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qqchurch · 1 year
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Watch Symphogear
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Link Sidon is great and I’m biting and tearing 👍👍👍 Thank you enrichments enrichment
i didnt play totk and also havent finished botw but let me tell you that fish is gay. and that marriage is lavender.
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eldesperadont · 3 months
Queens Quest being dead is insane to me, generally if you’d have told 2021 me the current state of Stardom id have killed u
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arcadianico · 1 year
thinking about the fact that elq seems less confident in english than in spanish, and how most of his arguments in the debate sounded word for word like things qq has said before thinking about how his closing statement sounded much more calm and slow like elq and how it was the most convincing part of his performance in the debate thinking about how after the debate he basically stopped talking (and therefore no longer had to speak english)
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zishuge · 5 months
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XIA ZHIGUANG as LI HE Please Classmate 拜托了班长 (2021) | Ep. 4
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botan · 1 year
If you're taking recs then I'll gladly push my Gankutsuou propaganda in here, it's anime adaptation of Dumas' Monte Cristo, inspired by Gustav Klimt's style, with addition of an amazing soundtrack
woah this looks interesting :o thanks!
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