aarizaayan · 5 months
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Indeed successful are those believers Surah 23. Al-Muminun, Verse 1 https://www.alim.org/quran/read-surah/23/?qRef=1
Let's strive to be among the successful believers by embodying the teachings of the Quran in our lives.
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audiovenue · 6 years
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Feast for the eyes as well as ears. #luxman #luxmanpower #marklevinson #marklevinson519 #reference75 #poweramplifier #valve amplifier #ref75se #highendaudio #poweramp #tube #stereo #quadraspire #music #audio #bowersandwilkins #bandw #802d3 #qref #luxuryhifi #hifi #maidenhead #audiovenue #audioresearch #ref6 #ealing #w5 @instahifi @audioresearch (at Audio Venue) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt72uwAlobH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=me06m8a7whu9
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gennaandjesse · 5 years
SAY OK European TOUR May 2020
In May of 2020 we wind down our first tour of the year in support of our album “Say OK,” bringing our music to towns in Germany and Switzerland! Please do come check out a show and catch up with us…and the new babe! Send your friends, too!
Friday, 1 May, 2020 Lehe, Germany Strandkorbkonzerte im Liebevoll House Concert* Time TBA
Saturday, 2 May, 2020 Engelskirchen, Germany Kersten & Dieter House Concert* Time TBA Thursday, 7 May, 2020 Cologne, Germany Kulturcafe Lichtung Time TBA
Friday, 8 May, 2020 Garbsen, Germany Konzert in der Tenne* Time TBA
Saturday, 9 May, 2020 Sehlem, Germany Hauki's Music Stage House Concert* Time TBA Sunday, 10 May, 2020 Bad Homburg, Germany Uta and Volker House Concert* Time TBA Thursday, 14 May, 2020 Heidelberg, Germany Qref in die Zep House Concert* Time TBA
Friday, 15 May, 2020 Wetzikon, Switzerland Summeroase House Concert* Time TBA
*This is a private event and requires an invitation and RSVP. If you would like to attend this concert, please email Genna & Jesse at [email protected].  
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pistol247 · 3 years
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He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence. Colossians 1:15‭-‬18 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/col.1.15-18.NKJV https://www.instagram.com/p/CakBj-Qrefs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blogofsagar · 5 years
Know about CAA, NRC & NPR
What is CAA?
Citizenship Amendment Act is new Act brought by Union government on India, which gives citizenship to 
any person 
belonging to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian community 
from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan, who 
entered into India on or before the 31st day of December, 2014 and 
who has been exempted by the Central Government by or under different acts such as the Passport (Entry into India) Act, 1920 or from the application of the provisions of the Foreigners Act, 1946 or any rule or order made thereunder, shall not be treated as illegal migrant.
 Link To Citizenship Amendment Act-: http://egazette.nic.in/WriteReadData/2019/214646.pdf
 The Central Government may grant a certificate of registration or certificate of naturalization to a person applied, which means person gets citizenship of India from the date of his entry into India.
 From the date of commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, any proceeding pending against a person under this section in respect of illegal migration or citizenship shall stand abated on conferment of citizenship to him.
 Person who makes the application for citizenship will get all rights and privileges of a citizen on the date of receipt of his application on the ground of making such application.
   What is NRC?
 National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a register of all Indian citizens.
 For inclusion of name of in National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC) [nationwide NRC] a person required to produce
 1. Document to prove birth on or after the 26th day of January 1950, but before the 1st day of July, 1987;
 2. One document to prove birth on or after the 1st day of July, 1987, but before the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 and                            one more document to prove that one of parents the person is a citizen of India at the time of his birth;
 3. Document to prove birth on or after the commencement of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 and
Documents to prove
 (i) Both of parents are citizens of India; or
 ii) One of parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal migrant at the time of his birth.
   What is NPR?
 National Population Register (NPR) is first step of NRC, under NPR process data of all residents in India will be collected. NPR will serve as mother database for creating NRC.
Similar process of NPR is carried out in 2010, but not for NRC, in this (new) NPR 2019, union government has added new parameters which are required for creation of NRC; some of the newly added parameters are:
        i.          Date & Place of Birth of Parent
      ii.          Last Place of Residence
      iii.          Aadhaar ID (UIDAI)
      iv.          Driving License Number
       v.          Voter ID
      vi.          Mobile Number
  Annual Report 2018-19 by Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India stating NPR is first step towards NRIC.
[Page No. 262 and 273]
Link: https://mha.gov.in/sites/default/files/AnnualReport_English_01102019.pdf
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Press release by Minister of Home Affairs stating NPR is first step towards creation of NRIC.
Link: https://pib.gov.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=111934
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Answers by Minister of Home Affairs in Loksabha to questions stating:
1. Logical conclusion of NPR is creating NRIC & issuing National Identity Cards to citizens after verifying citizenship.
2. Steps of NPR process -:
i)      Collection of information on specific charactristics of residents by government servants. ii)    Creation of digitised database of each resident. iii)  Photograph, 10 fingerprints & IRIS of all usual residents of age 5 years & above with refernce to digitised database in presence of government servant. iv) This database sent to UIDAI for de-duplication & generationtion of Aadhaar numbers.(which ensures database doesn’t containe duplicates) v)   Printing details in form of Local Register of Usual Residents(LRUR), displaying for scrutiny & claims. Claims would be heard by local officials. vi) Simultaneously placing LRUR before Gram Sabhas & Ward Committee for vetting. vii)         Also scrutinization of lists by local police & revenue officials. viii)       Formation of NPR by aggregated LRURs at national level.
 3. NPR would serve as mother database for creating NRIC by verifying the citizenship status of each & every resident.
Link: http://loksabhaph.nic.in/Questions/QResult15.aspx?qref=16375&lsno=16
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Problems about CAA, NRC, NPR:
 1. India’s constitution & thus India is secular country. There was no discrimination of any human being on the basis of religion, cast, creed, colour, language, place etc.
Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is discriminates people on the basis of religion & place.
Enactment of this act means loss of secularism, equality of India.
 2. This act grants citizenship based on religion & place. It is attack on soul of Constitution of India & India.
 3. CAA gives citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian person excludes only Muslims.
 4. CAA gives citizenship to person from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan only, no other countries.
 5. Due to this discrimination this act violets Article 14 & Article 15 of Constitution of India.
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6. Home Minister Amit Shah multiple times has mislead Members of Parliament(both Loksabha & Rajyasabha), people of India & world by falsely claiming that this act gives citizenship to those who suffered religious persecution in Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan, but the Citizenship Amendment Bill which now has become Citizenship Amendment Act doesn’t even have word persecution or any reference to persecution.
Whatever is ‘written’ in the act becomes law, nothing else. CAA gives citizenship to any person of any of above six religions even if they didn’t suffer religious persecution, any persecution.
 7. There is no need of any new act about citizenship, as already there is procedure available through which citizenship can be given.
 8. In National Register of Citizens (NRC) process to get name of a person included in NRC, the person needs to produce document issued before a specific date (it was 24/3/1997 in Assam) where the name of self or ancestor appears to prove residence in India.
If  document with self-name is not available, both document of ancestor issued before a specific date & document of self to prove relationship of ancestor having List A document are compulsory.
 If above document/documents are not produced name will not be included in NRC.
a)  If CAA is enacted all people of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian from Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan who came into India & would apply for citizenship will get it, only Muslims will not.
 b) After CAA if & when NRC will be implemented those who won’t be able to produce document will get excluded.
 c) As a result those who could not produce documents will remain out of NRC & without citizenship granted under CAA.
 10. CAA treats Muslims as infiltrators & people of other religion as refugees.
11. Union government has built detention center in Assam, has made ready many detention camps, processing to build more detention centers. (See below link)
 12. NRC concept is anti-poor because many people especially poor don’t have documents to prove their residence in India.
13. On basis of CAA Government can frame & apply policies with religious discrimination in future.
14. Government has planned to keep all people who will not be recognized as citizens after implementation of CAA & NRC in detention centers.
Amit Shah said his plan is to detect, delete & deploy.
15. Prime Minister, Home Minister, other Ministers in Union Government, Many MPs of BJP, Many Ministers of BJP indifferent states, People from supporting organisations like RSS, ABVP are lying & spreading fake information about CAA, NRC & NPR every day, again & again through Social Media, WhatsApp & TV News Channels.
TV news channels are idiotically airing lies & fake claims by BJP in most of their time.
16. CAA excludes Muslims to give citizenship.
NRC excludes all those who don’t have documents to prove citizenship.
People of religions Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Parsi, Christian, and Buddhist may get citizenship under CAA.
That’s why CAA is definitely anti-Muslims.
CAA+NRC together may exclude more Muslims & give citizenship to people of above mentioned six religions.
   Some questions asked in Loksabha, Rajyasabha & also outside of parliament which are not answered by Union Government:
 1. If procedure is available to give citizenship to people came from other countries what is need of this bill, now act (CAA)?
 2. In spite of crisis in India at this time like structural faults in economy management, then why priority is being given to created religious issues by Prime Minister, Home Minister & Union Government?
 3. Why only three countries Pakistan, Bangladesh & Afghanistan are included and no other countries even neighboring countries Shri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar are not included in CAA?
 4. As Amit Shah falsely claims that act is for persecuted people, then why persecuted people from other countries & persecuted people like Ahmadi Muslims from Pakistan and persecuted people of other religions than mentioned six are not included in CAA?
 5. 19 Lakh people got excluded in Assam when NRC process implemented there, then why Government has planned to implement it nationwide?
 6. 1220 Crore Rupees got wasted in NRC implementation in Assam, estimated cost to implement NRC nationwide based on implementation in Assam is 54,663 Crore Rupees, why Government is has planned to implement it while country is facing severe economic crisis?
 7. If no country will be ready to take people who would be kept in detention centers, what will Government will do with them?
    NRC Registration process held in Assam -:
People of Assam had to make applications for inclusion of their names in NRC.
There are two kinds of documents required to produce List a document & List B document.
For inclusion in NRC,
Under List A:
A person required to produce document issued before 24 March (midnight), 1971 where the name of self or ancestor appears to prove residence in Assam up to 24 March (midnight), 1971.
Document such as 
·       Electoral Roll(s) up to 24 March (midnight), 1971
·       Land & Tenancy Records
·       Citizenship Certificate
Condition 1: List A document is compulsory.
If the List A document of person applied to get include in NRC is not available, then the person required to produce two documents
1. List A document of ancestor and
2. List B document.
Under List B:
A person required to produce a legally acceptable document to prove relationship with ancestor whose name appears in List A {Ancestor must have List A document.} .
Document such as
·       Birth Certificate
·       Land document
·       Board/University Certificate
 Condition 2: If List A document is not available, both List A document of ancestor & List B document to prove relationship of ancestor having List A document are compulsory.
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lucygloom753-blog · 7 years
The Outsiders shirts
I felt like making some shirts on Rageon! with The Outsiders.
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marymosley · 4 years
Intellectual Property and Role of State
“Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st century.” –Mark Getty
Intellectual property, as the word indicates, is related to the intellect of human which is intangible. It is the creations of the mind like inventions, designs, artistic works, names, images, symbols, etc. Every human mind has a different vision to everything it sees around and perceives it differently. This gives birth to distinct ideas and innovations. Therefore, it becomes important to nurture these ideas without which it would be impossible to encourage research and developments. Intellectual property laws are thus formulated to protect the ownership of these intangible assets.  
In India, the very first law related to intellectual property was introduced in the year 1856 as the Indian Patent Act. This Act continued to be in force for than 50 years which was later revised and named as ‘The Indian Patents and Designs Act, 1911.’ Further advancements in intellectual property laws came after the Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) in World Trade Organization (WTO). TRIPs provided for a set of common rules pertaining to the protection of Intellectual Property Rights. India, the signatory of TRIPs agreement, passed several legislations in order to protect Intellectual Property Rights as well as meet the obligations internationally. The Trade Mark Act, 1999, the Copyright Act, 1957 and Patents Act, 1970 are some of the legislations passed as a result of the agreement.
From the time immemorial, the Government of India has put efforts to improve the legislations and provide for provisions in respect to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The changing business patterns and evolution of technology and IP has increased the need to build opportunities for the stakeholders. The most recent step taken towards the subject in 2016 was the approval of the National Intellectual Property Rights Policy. This policy is an umbrella which brings together all forms of intellectual property laws and aims to reduce various issues arising in relation to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). The policy aims to bring about a balance between public interest and development.
The National IPR Policy also aims at reaching out to the public by creating awareness about the economic, social and also cultural advantages of IPRs. Additionally, the purpose of the policy is to strike a a balance between interests of the intellectual property owners and the public at large. This is possible by formulating strong and effective laws. The policy caters the need for teaching, training, research and skills building in the field of Intellectual property rights with an objective to strengthen and expand human resources.
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks (CGPDTM) also known as the Indian Patent Office has introduced a comprehensive e-filing system for Patents and Trade Marks. This initiative is taken up in order to tackle the pendency of Patent examination. Through the method of e-filing, patent and trademark certificates will be automatically generated electronically. Consequently, the trademark filings have increased upto 40% in the years 2016-2017 as compared to 2014-15.
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) had started implementing ‘Building Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)” scheme for MSME. This scheme focused on enhancing awareness of MSME’s about IPR so that they can take appropriate measures of safe guarding their intellectual property. About thirty-one Intellectual Property Facilitation Centres have been set up under this scheme.
It is often said that absence of transparency creates insecurity in the mind. Therefore, transparency is introduced by providing information on web-based utilities which is freely accessible by the public. Furthermore, the grievances can be directed towards the Indian Patent Office, Government of India Portal and also its Twitter handle. The active response by Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (CIPAM) – professional body under the agency of the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) Ministry of Commerce & Industry allows easy interaction with the stakeholders.
Trade Mark Rules, 2002 were amended and are called as the Trade Mark Rules, 2017. These rules were introduced with 8 consolidated application forms which were earlier 74 separate forms. Trade Mark application fees are reduced by 10% for e-filing so that e-filing can be preferred over physical filing. Applications for trade mark of sound marks can be submitted under the new rules. For submission, the sound track should be in MP3 format and not more than 30 seconds long.
To build the understanding of IPR, the Government of India through the National IPR Policy has included IPR in NCERT curriculum of Commerce for the students of class XII. Moreover, a chapter on ‘IPR, Innovation & Creative Works’ is added in NCERT’s “Handbook on Entrepreneurship for Northeast Region.”[1]
Intellectual Property Right Awareness Campaign uses presentations and creative posters to create awareness amongst the school children. These campaigns spread knowledge about the basics of IPR and the need for IPR. The awareness program was started in collaboration with the International Trademark Association (INTA) and has reached about 49 schools till date.
Under the guidance of the Ministry of Home Affairs, IPR was incorporated as a subject in the training curriculum of all State Police Academies for regular and in service police officers. In August 2017, CIPAM had organized a three day “National Workshop on Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights” for state police officials, public prosecutors and delegates from the industry.  
In a nutshell, the Government has taken various steps to strengthen and develop laws, rules and regulations associated with the Intellectual Property Rights. ‘Make in India’ is one of the initiatives which has led to growth of the IP industry. The statistics from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) reflect the growth in registration of trademarks, copyrights and patent. Earlier, it took six years to grant patents but now it has been reduced to 2 to 3 years. Intellectual property industry heavily contributes to the economy of the country. India as an innovation economy has information and communication technology, intellectual property, skilled workforce and government support which will boost the development of the country. Thus, IP plays a very important role in generating profit for its holders/owners if the intellectual property is registers and further used by other business with the former’s permission.
1.       “Who Gains From The Midi Governments Intellectual Property Rights Policy.” The Wire, thewire.in/economy/who-gains-from-the-modi-governments-intellectual-property-rights-policy, 2016. Accessed 4 August 2020.
2.       “India Sees Huge Surge In Intellectual Property Rights Application.” Business Today, https://ift.tt/31wbgKj, 2018. Accessed 4 August 2020.
3.       “Parliament Of India: Lok Sabha.” loksabhaph.nic.in/Questions/QResult15.aspx?qref=28046&lsno=16, 2015. Accessed 4 August 2020.
4.       “Parliament Of India: Lok Sabha.” loksabhaph.nic.in/Questions/QResult15.aspx?qref=51399&lsno=16, 2017. Accessed 4 August 2020.
5.       “What Is Intellectual Property?.” WIPO: World Intellectual Property, https://ift.tt/O7DT5K. Accessed 3 August 2020.
6.       “Modernization And Strengthening Of Intellectual Office.” Department Of Promotion Of Industry And Internal Trade, dipp.gov.in/programmes-and-schemes/intellectual-property-rights/modernisation-and-strengthening-intellectual-property-office-msipo. Accessed 4 August 2020.
7.       “All You Need to Know about the IPR Laws in India.” iPleaders, blog.ipleaders.in/need-know-ipr-laws-india/, 2017. Accessed 4 August 2020.
8.       “Intellectual Property Rights Regime In India- Initiatives By government.” IPRment Law, iprmentlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/IPR-Regime-In-India-Government-Initiatives.pdf, 2018. Accessed 4 August 2020.
9.       “National IPR Policy.” Department For Promotion Of Industry And Internal Trade, dipp.gov.in/policies-rules-and-acts/policies/national-ipr-policy. Accessed 4 August 2020.
10.    “National IPR Policy.” Press Information Bureau, pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1557418, 2018. Accessed 4 August 2020.
[1]“Intellectual Property Rights Regime In India- Initiatives By government.” IPRment Law, iprmentlaw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/IPR-Regime-In-India-Government-Initiatives.pdf, 2018. Accessed 4 August 2020.
The post Intellectual Property and Role of State appeared first on Legal Desire.
Intellectual Property and Role of State published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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aarizaayan · 7 months
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This is the Truth from your Rabb, therefore, do not be of those who doubt it. Surah 3. Al-i'Imran, Ayah 60 https://www.alim.org/quran/read-surah/3/?qRef=60
Let's embrace the guidance of Allah with certainty and faith.
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audiovenue · 6 years
Would you like to hear the system, enjoy. #luxman #luxmanpower #marklevinson #marklevinson519 #nos519 #poweramplifier #esoteric #esotericaudio #poweramp #m900 #stereo #m900u #quadraspire #music #audio #bowersandwilkins #bandw #802d3 #qref #luxuryhifi #hifi #maidenhead #audiovenue #ealing #w5 (at Audio Venue) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtFzRDMlQRq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11mnb28vwmr05
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chupung · 7 years
1 + 2!!!
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? my niece while we were watching astro’s mvs today jhekjk2. Are you outgoing or shy? both, it totally depends on who am i with and also my mood. but i’m mostly shy and scared to initiate any kind of conversation. even on the phone.
also, how have you been rahma my sweet baby ‘????????????A?QREF
send me a number
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jarydandaasiya · 8 years
For our guests who are traveling, we have blocked a number of rooms at the Holiday Inn Washington-Capitol.  The hotel is within great proximity to Reagan National Airport, the Smithsonian Museums, the National Monuments and of course, The Lofts at 600 F. St.
Parking is available for $40/day.  The breakfast buffet is available for $22.98 per person.
Our group rate is available from July 3rd to July 9th and is $159/night plus 14.5% tax. The final day to book a room using this rate FRIDAY JUNE 2ND. Please use the group code below to book your room.
Block Name: Spann Wedding
Group Code: SW7
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enfleur · 8 years
For our guests who are traveling, we have blocked a number of rooms at the Holiday Inn Washington-Capitol.  The hotel is within great proximity to Reagan National Airport, the Smithsonian Museums, the National Monuments and of course, The Lofts at 600 F. St.
Parking is available for $40/day.  The breakfast buffet is available for $22.98 per person.
Our group rate is available from July 3rd to July 9th and is $159/night plus 14.5% tax. The final day to book a room using this rate FRIDAY JUNE 2ND. Please use the group code below to book your room.
Block Name: Spann Wedding
Group Code: SW7
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anthrohio-blog · 8 years
Issue with Mobile Registration
We are aware of an issue with our members trying to register for the AnthrOhio hotel using mobile devices. At this time the mobile registration process does not allow you to enter the AnthrOhio group code. This means you will not receive our room block discount for the convention. To get around this please register for your room from a desktop browser or by contacting the hotel directly. If you have already registered via the mobile page we recommend contacting the hotel to have your reservation updated as soon as possible. Remember, the convention is May 25-28! The code is viable for reservations on Thursday night through Monday morning.
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marymosley · 4 years
Salient Features of Copyright Act
Copyrights are being filed by thousands of people on a monthly basis which indicates the level and number of creative minds around us. Although, merely filing of copyright isn’t sufficient. Protecting the same from being easily violated and infringed by another person who is not the author is crucial. This is the reason why the copyright Act has been set out where amendments are being made on a regular basis. The more the accuracy of the law, the more secure is the creative minds. Some of the salient features of copyright Act in india are discussed in this essay.
Section 18[i] of copyright mainly concerns about royalty for the author for exploitation of his work by another. This holds high usage by cinematography where the author engages with artistic, literary, and musical work. In simple circumstances, when your tailored clothing of a unique style is used by a third person for nothing in exchange results in complications and frustration. Similar to it is the concept of assigning copyright. It allows the owner to assign the work to any person for however long the period of term.
A significant change in the amendment of this Act is that, the author can now not escape from his ‘equal share of royalty’ where his work is exploited by a cinematographer or producer in any form other than communicating to the public in cinema hall. Theatrical exploitation will equally share royalty with script writer, lyricist and composer. There are however, exceptions to this in case of copyright society or legal heir.
However significant this has been set out, there are however some vague vision in this provision in regard to ‘equal share of royalty’. There is no direction as to where exactly it takes the author and assignee to. Its deliberate meaning is not clearly set out which leads to confusion and also infringement. ZEE Telefilms Ltd.,[ii] is a media and entertainment broadcasting, the plaintiff who assigned their right for a period of 9 years. Cause of action of filing the suit was observed, all issues sided plaintiff. However, The appeal was dismissed on the the basis of issue of limitation.
The new provisions in Mode of Assignment, section 19 of the Copyright Act (clauses 8,9,10) and assignment of copyright complement each other for the better treatment and reward for the work of the author. Assignment of a work to cinematography film or any other despite being a part of the copyright society or not, has the right to claim the equal share of royalty. It’s important to note there is no form required to fill for an assignment, merely a letter with author’s signature is sufficient.[iii]In relation to granting license, granting license contrary to  society or granted by the author also doesn’t affect claiming royalty share.[iv] However, this change doesn’t impose affect to a greater extent on the License provision.
Copyright society provision undergone a number of changes that refined various vagueness and provide more serious implications for the society, author and granting license. Firstly, those who wish to carry out business to issue license for works like literary, music, drama and artistic work can only be done in the formation of a society. Any person who wish to carry out such business shall apply with the registrar which is then forwarded to central government who will grant on certain condition. It will be made sure that only one society is carried out in the particular class of work. Copyright society can usually be registered for period of 5 years which can later be renewed before the expiry of the first term. The central government can suspend the copyright registration on the consent of the author. All parties shall be treated equally without any discrimination.
Copyright society must impose tariff scheme from which if any person is aggrieved, the person can appeal to the appellate board. This step can be taken only on satisfying all the dues to the copyright society. The appellate board will carry out inquiry, and if any unfair scheme is found, it will be ordered to remove the unreasonable element.
 The parties of the society requests administration rights from the author to administer by issuing license or by license fee or both. The author also has the right to withdraw with authorisation.
The copyright (Amendment) Act, 2012[v] undergone a number of positive amendment in the license provision that upheld the authority of the original author of a work and his interest to it  in regard to safeguarding. Granting license used to be on receiving signature of the author which has been amended to writing to receive license is enough. If the author dies before work comes into existence, the legal representative will receive the benefit of the license. When an author is dead or cannot be found, a person can apply for license to publish or communicate to public. If a work is published during the term, the owner can complain to the appellate board for his refusal to republish or communicate it to the public. Section 31 of the Act interprets that the copyright board has jurisdiction to grant license for broadcasting and sound recording.[vi]
Any person who wish to make cover version of the literary, dramatic or musical work will have to do so with license and consent of the owner. Provided that the sound recording should not go to the hands of public by selling in package or in labelled cover which will cause confusion to the public so as to identity. It is important to that the person who makes the cover do not modify anything from the original consent.
Broadcasting can be done to the public of the literary, musical work and sound recording in regard to the provision. The organisation provides the duration and territories of coverage. Fixed Rates of royalty should be mentioned. Mentioning the names of the authors and principal performance of the work. No alteration should be done to the original.
A person working for the benefit of disabled may apply for licence to publish the copyrighted work for the benefit of such person. It is also necessary to direct inquiry on receipt of an application to check the credentials of the applicant and figure out if it was done in good faith. If it is carried out in good faith, the registrar of copyright would be entitled to grant license to publish the work requested.
Copyright act has been developing time to time, amendments are being made. This is mainly to uphold and safeguard the creation of a work by an author. This is entitled to be protected from being exploited by a third party which results in him gaining the credit and profit for the work for which he is not the author. There was one question in the Lok Sabha Parliamentary question hours regarding copyright violation and plagiarism as to wether there is any one member inquiry committee set up by the government. For which, the reply came in by the minister that although there is no such committee, there is Copyright Enforcement Advisory Council which is purely advisory body to review progress of enforcement of the copyright Act.[vii]
  [i] Indian Code, Section 18 of Copyrights Act 1957, (last seen: July 14, 2020, 9:00)  https://www.indiacode.nic.in/handle/123456789/1367?view_type=browse&sam_handle=123456789/1362
[ii] M/S.ZEE Telefilm Ltd v. Suresh Production (2020) S.C.C
[iii] Rupendra Kashyap v. Jiwan Publishing house,  (1996) 38 DRJ 81
[iv] International confederation of societies of author s and composers v. Aditya Pandey, (2017) 11 SCC 437
[v] EBC, THE COPYRIGHT ACT, 1957 (33rd ed. 2020)
[vi] Entertainment network Ltd. v. Super Cassette Industry Ltd., (2008) 13 SCC 30 (India)
[vii] Parliament of India, parliamentary question hour LOK SABHA (2014)
The post Salient Features of Copyright Act appeared first on Legal Desire.
Salient Features of Copyright Act published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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aarizaayan · 7 months
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O believers! Fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those before you—so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺. Surah 2. Al-Baqara, Ayah 183 https://www.alim.org/quran/read-surah/2/?qRef=183
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