#qsmp fandom wiki
qsmpmiraheze · 11 months
Hello!! If it's ok to ask, what motivated you to make a new wiki? I've heard some not really cool stuff about the fandom site but wanted to know your personal reasons!!
Thanks for the ask! Disclaimer that I only speak for myself: the rest of the QSMP Miraheze Wiki admin team hasn't input anything for this.
Most people have heard about the problems with fandom.com, so I won't go over that again. (the ads in particular make using their site unbearable for me personally).
I love wikis. I spend a lot of time Wikipedia editing, I copyedit for the Stardew Valley Wiki, and I have a lot of love for Wikis in general. I don't want to bash on the QSMP fandom wiki: there are tons of people working on it and putting in a lot of effort.
However, the fandom wiki has a big problem with uncited information. A lot of the information on the fandom wiki has no cited source, or cites unreliable sources (ie tweets from unofficial accounts). A lot of the information is subjective or opinion based (this is a common thing for new wiki editors). I don't trust the fandom wiki or its information. I wanted to make a wiki that was 1. not run by fandom.com and 2. heavily focused on citing sources.
On a more personal note, I also dislike the fandom wiki's focus on categorizing relationships so aggressively, as well as their inclusion of fan content and the content creator boundaries page. I'm a big believer in "Write/draw whatever you want, just properly tag and don't show it to them if they don't want to see it."
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qtubbo · 8 months
On the few occasions I check the wiki to see how they’re doing over there, I see Tubbo just creeping up on the nicknames lists for all the eggs he’s like a great plague. Mans loves his nicknames, also I did notice this without having to see it, but this did remind me, so cute how he uses Sunny’s nicknames for Pepito and Empanada.
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 7 months
which egg would read Wikipedia articles everyday as a hobby?
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bistaxx · 1 year
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lovebug5151 · 8 months
Does anyone want to tell me all the Philza lore so far?
I have absolutely no time in my day to watch any vods, esp not live, and ive been hearing some interesting things from Phil with the Enderking?? and Hardcore connecting to qsmp, and i dont have the time to watch that many vods to find the lore haha
Is there a Philza watcher out there that wants to infodump to me about Phils lore?
I have the lore vaguely up until Purgatory 1 its just after than i got v v busy
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ghost-of-a-vulture · 1 year
I have a question about the whole Dream/QSMP situation, I keep seeing people say Dream copied the idea of the live translations and going multi lingual but didn't he announce that before Q did? Completely independently from him as a person, I just think it makes the whole argument on the situation seem weak for it to be based on something that just didn't happen that way
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^^^ above from here
According to this, Quackity announced Qsmp in March, and Dream announced Usmp in April. Qsmp had an entire team behind it and a set launch date, and was very obviously in development for a long time. Usmp... Well, never happened. And it's rather suspicious that Dream would just happen to be working on a very similar project to Quackity at the same time.
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synccrust · 7 months
Have you noticed something with this Forever skin 👀?
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That’s right ! He looks like your ‘friendly’ neighbourhood psychotherapist :D !
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Meme Transcript:
“Yes Qsmp is nice, But have you considered therapy”
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echotunes · 1 year
citation hunting is so funny sometimes. I was working on the miraheze qsmp wiki today and went to go find the canon confirmation that Cellbit ate Pac's leg, and the actual clip is Cellbit talking about how things happened in the past but that's all water under the bridge, Richas going "...are you sure? I heard Pac lost a leg and a friend" and Cellbit going "son..." (incredibly long pause) "well yeah,"
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ettle · 2 months
Hey, anyone know a good way to get into QSMP lore (that isn't a shitpost)? I've mostly been gleaning context from animatics lmao
Dramatized summaries, highlight compilations, etc all help.
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mothforpresident · 1 year
I cannot stress the importance of a good fanart in getting me into a fandom
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qsmp-month · 3 months
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Each week will be dedicated to streamers of that chosen language. ALL fan content will be accepted (e.g. art, writing, playlists, web weaving, etc.).
Please keep this event PG-13, shipping is allowed. If the content is above this rating it will not be reblogged here but you are still welcome to create anything!
Suggested prompts: Holidays / Food / Traditional Wear / Sports / Folklore / Seasons / Community
Artist Challenge! Use the flag colors of the streamer's nationality as a color palette!
I will be tracking the tag up to two weeks after the event is finished, so don't be pressured to rush.
Open to questions if you have any!
Images sourced via QSMP Miraheze Wiki / 춘식 (Chunsik) via QSMP Fandom Wiki
August 4-10 — French Week
August 11-17 — Spanish Week
August 18-14 — Egg/NPCs Week
August 25-31 — Portuguese Week
September 1-7 — Korean Week
September 8-14 — English Week
September 15-21 — German Week (Note: This also includes Niki Nihachu)
Tracking: #QSMPMONTH
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qtubbo · 8 months
the qsmp wiki in general is really bad at keeping fanon out of it, and you can tell exactly which characters the mods like and don’t like by how they write about them. it’s so clear they’re biased, don’t watch many povs, and get way too into fanfic.
Least useful information ever, they just write a fanfic when they’re supposed to be reporting.
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muffinsandstardust · 1 year
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that's not Baghera...
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the french were announced on may 12th.
that wasn't Baghera. that was Baghera's twin.
unedited images and over-explaining(+extra lore details i noticed) under the cut.
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so! let's start with the book of hybrids. if we assume the date is the hybrids birthday,* the hybrids are grouped by the month they were created. we already know from past books that the first letters stand for the animal and H stands for hybrid, combining to mean [animal]-hybrid. so we have Wolf, Rabbit, Parrot, Cat**, and, presumably, Duck. the numbers are where things get tricky, I think the [A] numbers are for individual subjects of that type of animal. E.G: there have 58 wolf subjects. Hybrid numbers i think are hybrid projects, meaning the sequence used to create the hybrid. so what happened to the missing numbers? i assume they didn't survive creation or were created before this book was made or both. going off that we can safely assume that D102 & D103 are twin duck-hybrids that were created from the same experiment on April 25th.
The picture is marked D102, and is notably a regular minecraft model, there are several mods that allow player models to change size (something that i think has been used on the qsmp? correct me if I'm wrong.) and the team is more than capable of creating a custom model for a child if they so choose***, which in my mind, implies the picture is not of a child but an adult. D102 was noted to have passed away on may 9th, the lab is then noted to be out subjects "except one who is unavailable". why would would a subject be unavailable? well if they weren't on the island anymore it'd be pretty difficult to run experiments on them. AKA baghera. the french were announced on may 12th, 3 days after the subject died and the lab ran out of test subjects.****
so baghera had a twin, and escaped without them. she might not have even known if she was kept separate from them. that twin is now dead. i already know people are going to create AUs were either forever is the twin, the twin lived, and or they were triplets
*note streamer baghera was born january 6th, this could mean with q!baghera has a different birthday, or we're wrong about this being the date of creation.
**there was only one cat hybrid mentioned in the previous book so this could mean either too different kinds of hybrids or this second cat wasn't mentioned in the previous book for an unknown reason.
***this is not accounting for the time needed to create a model. the modelers could have been too busy to create one. in which case the picture could be of a child.
****assuming this happened in the same year which we have no way of knowing at the time.
final note: i due to the fandom wiki being terrible and the mira wiki being new and still being set up, I could not find the book with baghera's original designation/subject name which could debunk or prove this entire theory. if anyone could provide it that would be incredibly helpful!!
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yb-cringe · 1 year
ramon's qsmp fandom wiki will forever piss me off. "selfish and rude" id give that he was a bit of a prick at the beginning but hes come SO far since then there's like. no trace of that ever. baby boy "favorite place is his dad" "if i had to choose between stuff and you i choose you" ramon MC would NEVER he would NEVER--
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atthebell · 11 months
Why are the qsmp family allegations on twt such a bad thing? /genq I'm genuinely curious, I'm not a fan of people found family claiming everything these days, but I was wondering about your reasons for this specifically! Feel free to ignore this ask if you want o/ cheers!
i think there's a few big issues i and many other people have with this:
usually it's based on nothing, or on nonsense jokes. like cellbit clearly jokingly calling phil dad. that's not basis for anything. putting that dynamic on the wiki after one joke is fucking insane, and i think the fandom wiki editors are actually nuts for that and all the other stupid shit they pull like this.
it's used to avoid shipping people pretty often, which frankly is ridiculous in the first place and is also often an issue of dumbass misogyny/cooties bullshit. you can maintain a creator's shipping boundaries (if they even have them, which, sometimes they don't even!) without having to family code them with every other character. phil does not need to be techno's dad for you to not ship them. and on the cooties/misogyny angle, it's used CONSTANTLY to avoid shipping women with men. like, firstly, people's insistence against shipping female characters with men serves to continuously sideline them in fan content. 90% of the time the most popular ships are m/m and women in canonical relationships with popular male characters get treated like garbage for "being in the way." secondly, it's cooties shit, like i said. women and men can be friends and don't have to be related for you not to ship them. just don't ship them if you don't want to. this goes for any set of characters. if you don't want to ship phil and cellbit, just don't do it. and don't get pissy with other people when they do want to do that.
for phil in particular: it serves to infantilize characters who are grown adults and pushes phil into a constant parental position with people. like, phil is very dad, he's just like that, he's very responsible and good with people, but he's not EVERYONE ON THE PLANET'S DAD and acting like it's his responsibility to care for everyone he interacts with sucks. case in point, the way people treated him during dsmp when fans would not let go of family sbi dynamics, even when he said that tommy wasn't his kid and was not his responsibility. phil does not owe any other character anything, and that expectation is a sore spot for many people, especially phil mains. and the agency it takes away from the characters that people child-code is annoying and shitty.
people make it super nuclear and weird when that's almost directly opposed to the notion of chosen family in real life
basically i think it's a really weird practice that people have fallen into that often feels regressive and annoying and removes character agency and independence. like, i enjoy family dynamics when they're actually relevant and when they don't ruin character's individual personalities, but the automatic reaching for that when it's not true and the insistence that family dynamics are somehow morally better than shipping is obviously very stupid and very much fandom purity culture.
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antimony-medusa · 8 months
I wish I could go to the Fandom qsmp wiki admin team and introduce them to the concept of exchanges, where you could request all the family dynamic you want and have it written to your specifications, even. You can even request specific antagonists! You get to have fun with all sorts of relationships and have them written out and gifted to you, even. Wouldn't that be a fun way to spend your time?
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