#quality assurance outsourcing
hourlytechjobs · 2 months
Quality Assurance Engineers Outsourcing Company in India
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Hourly Techjobs is a leading Quality Assurance Engineers Outsourcing Company in India, offering top-notch QA services to ensure your software meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Our team of experienced QA engineers provides comprehensive testing solutions, helping businesses deliver flawless products while reducing time-to-market and operational costs.
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tech4app · 5 months
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Best company qa as a service in India
They offer testing help across platforms, domains, and technology with the complete testing framework and panel of capable QA professionals. Binary Informatics provides world-class QA services that ensure robust user experiences and the best performance of software from test planning to execution to reporting. With strong commitments and a focus on quality and excellence, it already brings itself into the list of companies that would provide strong, reliable solutions for QA, the most preferred by businesses in India.
Read More: Best company qa as a service in India
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sophiadyna · 1 year
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In order to help our customers create high-quality software while adhering to strict deadlines for frequent releases in the United States, Softtune Technologies has been offering efficient QA services. Our software testers and QA professionals can provide QA and testing services like test automation, performance testing, security testing, and functional testing.
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wseinfratech · 7 months
Manual and Automation QA Plan | Get a Quote | WSE Infratech
Manual or Automated Quality Assurance is a clearly defined procedure for identifying bugs to be rectified from the end product. A typical quality assurance process in development involves testing the product for performance, functionality, compatibility, and usability. However, the impact of QA goes much beyond that!
While automated testing speeds up repetitive operations and increases productivity, manual testing is essential for developing products not ready to be automated. Both these services are carried out by trained specialists and offer a detailed insight into user experiences. Together, these methodologies provide a robust defense against potential issues, ensuring the final product meets the quality standards.
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may-sanders · 10 months
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A software testing services company specializes in evaluating and validating software applications to ensure they meet quality and performance standards. These companies employ skilled professionals who use various testing methodologies to identify bugs, vulnerabilities, and other issues in software. By offering comprehensive testing solutions, these companies contribute to the development of robust, reliable, and user-friendly software products. Whether conducting manual or automated testing, a software testing services company plays a crucial role in helping businesses deliver high-quality applications, mitigate risks, and enhance the overall user experience.
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xbsoftware · 11 months
Writing tests is a fundamental part of software development. While creating high-quality software solutions, testing helps minimize errors and reduce overall costs, especially when applied early. Today, we’ll consider how you can apply automated testing to web apps built with Webix. Our primary goal is to demonstrate the basics of using it in practice.
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sbscglobal · 11 months
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zenkinstech · 1 year
The Benefits of Agile Methodology for Software Development Projects 
Agile methodology is like the Swiss army knife of software development projects. It's a grab-bag approach that can make even the most complex of tasks seem like a breeze. It not only forces people to communicate better, but it also gets everyone working together to build something great. There's an old saying that teamwork makes the dream work, and it couldn't be truer in this case. Instead of waiting until everything is perfect before moving onto the next step, Agile methodology tells us to forge ahead while keeping an eye on our end goal. With Agile comes flexibility, making it easier to change direction when necessary or even pivot entirely! So if you want a truly collaborative approach for your next software development project, then Agile is definitely the way to go! 
Introduction to Agile Methodology 
Agile methodology is a project management approach that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. It was developed as a response to the traditional, rigid, and sequential approach to software development known as the Waterfall model. Agile methodology is based on iterative and incremental development, meaning that software is developed in small, frequent releases, with continuous feedback and improvement throughout the development cycle. 
Agile methodology values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. It is designed to be adaptive and responsive to changing customer needs and project requirements, making it well-suited to software development projects that require frequent updates and changes. 
Increased Flexibility and Adaptability 
One of the primary benefits of Agile methodology is increased flexibility and adaptability. The iterative and incremental approach to development allows teams to respond quickly to changes in project requirements, customer needs, and market conditions. Instead of following a rigid plan, Agile teams are able to adjust their approach and priorities in response to new information and feedback. 
This flexibility also allows Agile teams to deliver working software to customers more quickly and frequently, allowing for more rapid feedback and course correction. This reduces the risk of delivering a final product that doesn't meet customer needs or market demand, as teams are able to adjust their approach throughout the development process. 
Additionally, the Agile approach values collaboration and communication between team members and stakeholders. This allows teams to work more closely with customers and end-users to ensure that the software being developed meets their needs and expectations. This collaboration also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability among team members, leading to more engaged and motivated teams. 
2. Improved Collaboration and Communication 
Another major benefit of Agile methodology is improved collaboration and communication. Agile teams emphasize working together closely and communicating effectively throughout the development process. This includes frequent stand-up meetings, sprint retrospectives, and other opportunities for team members to share progress, feedback, and ideas. 
By fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, Agile teams are better able to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This reduces the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications, which can lead to costly delays or mistakes. 
Improved collaboration and communication also leads to better teamwork and a more positive work environment. By working closely together and supporting each other, team members are more likely to feel valued and invested in the project. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates, as well as improved productivity and creativity. 
Overall, the emphasis on collaboration and communication in Agile methodology helps ensure that everyone is working together effectively towards a common goal, which can lead to more successful software development projects. 
3. Faster Time-to-Market 
Another significant benefit of Agile methodology is faster time-to-market. Agile teams work in short development cycles called sprints, typically ranging from one to four weeks. At the end of each sprint, the team produces a working increment of the software that can be tested, demonstrated, and potentially released to customers. 
This approach allows organizations to get their software to market more quickly than traditional software development methods. By breaking the project down into smaller, manageable pieces, the team can release functional software to users sooner and get feedback faster. This feedback loop enables the team to make improvements and adjust course as needed, which can help ensure that the final product meets the needs of users. 
In addition, Agile methodology prioritizes the most important features and requirements early on in the development process, which means that these critical elements can be delivered first. This can be especially valuable for organizations working on software projects with rapidly-changing requirements or a competitive marketplace. 
Overall, Agile methodology can help software organizations like Zenkins get their software to market faster and more efficiently, which can provide a competitive advantage and lead to increased revenue and customer satisfaction. 
4. Enhanced Quality Control and Testing 
Another benefit of Agile methodology is enhanced quality control and testing. With Agile, testing and quality control are integrated into every stage of the development process. This means that testing is not just limited to the end of the project, but is instead an ongoing process that occurs throughout the entire project lifecycle. 
This allows for quicker identification and resolution of defects, reducing the risk of defects in the final product. Additionally, the frequent testing and quality control measures ensure that the final product meets the customer's requirements and is of high quality. 
Agile also encourages a culture of continuous improvement, where the team is constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of the product and the development process itself. This results in a more refined and efficient development process, leading to higher quality products that are more likely to meet customer expectations. 
5. Greater Customer Satisfaction 
Agile methodology is also known for providing greater customer satisfaction. Since the customer is involved in every stage of the development process, their feedback is incorporated into the product as it is being developed. This means that the final product is more likely to meet the customer's needs and expectations, resulting in greater customer satisfaction. 
Additionally, since Agile methodology focuses on delivering working software in shorter iterations, the customer can see progress being made and provide feedback throughout the development process. This allows the customer to have more control over the final product and ensures that the end result meets their requirements. 
Furthermore, the focus on continuous improvement in Agile methodology means that the team is always looking for ways to enhance the product and the development process to better meet the customer's needs. This leads to a better understanding of the customer's requirements and a final product that is more likely to satisfy their needs, resulting in increased customer satisfaction. 
6. Reduced Risk of Project Failure 
Agile methodology also helps reduce the risk of project failure by breaking down the development process into small, manageable chunks that can be continuously tested and improved upon. This approach allows for early detection and correction of errors, preventing major setbacks and reducing the likelihood of project failure. Additionally, the regular feedback and collaboration with stakeholders and customers throughout the development process ensures that the final product meets their needs and expectations, further reducing the risk of project failure. 
7. Continuous Improvement and Iteration 
Continuous improvement and iteration are another key benefit of agile methodology. By breaking down the development process into small, iterative cycles, agile allows for constant feedback and collaboration from stakeholders and customers. This allows for quick adjustments and improvements to be made throughout the development process, resulting in a better end product. Additionally, by regularly reviewing and adjusting the development process itself, agile teams can identify and address inefficiencies, leading to further process improvements and increased productivity over time. 
8. Cost Savings and ROI 
Agile methodology can also lead to cost savings and a positive return on investment (ROI) for software development projects. By prioritizing features and requirements based on their value to the customer, agile teams can avoid wasting time and resources on features that may not be necessary or useful. Additionally, agile's focus on constant testing and feedback can help identify and address issues earlier in the development process, reducing the likelihood of costly rework or project failure. This leads to a more efficient development process and ultimately lower costs for the project overall. Finally, by delivering a higher quality end product that meets customer needs and expectations, agile can lead to increased revenue and ROI for the organization. 
Latest trends in Agile Methodology for Software Development Projects 
Some of the latest trends in Agile Methodology for software development projects include: 
DevOps Integration: DevOps and Agile methodologies share similar values, and organizations are looking to integrate DevOps practices to improve the speed and efficiency of software development. 
Remote Collaboration: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work, and Agile methodology has adapted to it by emphasizing virtual collaboration tools and remote project management practices. 
Value-Driven Development: Agile methodology is increasingly focused on delivering value to the customer, and organizations are prioritizing features and tasks based on customer needs and feedback. 
Scaling Agile: Agile methodologies were originally designed for small, co-located teams, but they are now being scaled up to accommodate larger, more complex projects and distributed teams. 
Agile in Non-IT Areas: Agile methodologies were originally developed for software development, but they are now being applied to other areas, such as marketing, sales, and HR. 
Agile in Regulated Industries: Agile methodology is being increasingly adopted in regulated industries, such as healthcare and finance, where compliance and risk management are critical. 
Agile Data Analytics: Agile methodology is being applied to data analytics projects, allowing teams to quickly iterate and deliver insights to stakeholders. 
Overall, Agile methodology is evolving to meet the changing needs of software development projects and other areas of business, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and value delivery. 
7 Ways to Improve Your Agile Software Development Process 
Why Agile is the Future of Software Development 
Agile is the future of software development because let's face it, in this fast-paced digital world, no one has time for drawn-out waterfall methodologies. By using Agile, teams can quickly adapt to changing requirements as they arise and prioritize features based on customer feedback. Plus, with Agile, gone are the days of waiting months or even years for a finished product - instead, you get a workable prototype every few weeks. This iterative approach not only saves time and resources but also allows for continuous improvement and reduces the risk of failure. The flexibility and adaptability offered by Agile allow teams to quickly respond to changing requirements and customer feedback, while enhanced collaboration and communication improve team productivity and morale. Faster time-to-market and improved quality control help organizations stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment, and continuous improvement and iteration allow for ongoing process optimization. Additionally, Agile can help reduce the risk of project failure, save costs, and provide a better ROI. With the latest trends in Agile such as DevOps and Lean Agile, it is clear that Agile methodology will continue to play a major role in software development in the years to come. So if you're ready to ditch the old-school methods and embrace a more flexible, collaborative way of building software, then Agile is definitely worth embracing. 
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felassan · 11 months
Article: 'Laid-Off Dragon Age Testers Will Picket BioWare'
Unionized ex-Keywords devs won the right to protest, against EA's wishes
"Former quality assurance testers who worked on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf are preparing to picket outside Bioware’s Edmonton offices after being laid off earlier this year. Electronic Arts tried to block the protest but the developers prevailed in a ruling by the Alberta Labour Relations Board in Canada. BioWare laid off 50 employees in August, including some longtime developers whose tenure goes back to the beginning of the Dragon Age series. It also cut its contract with Keywords Studios, which was supplying quality assurance testers on in-development sequel Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Those same testers had unionized just a year earlier. Last month, they were laid off from Keywords as well, with the outsourcing company blaming it on the loss of the BioWare contract. Now, as first reported by Game Developer, those former Dragon Age testers say they’re planning to picket outside BioWare’s office on November 7 around noon. They are demanding that Keywords reinstate them and continuing bargaining their first contract, calling the layoffs earlier this year a “union busting tactic.” But Keywords doesn’t have any offices in Alberta so they are going to BioWare instead. EA was apparently far from happy about the decision. The publisher tried to force the laid-off developers to take their protest elsewhere, noting that, as fully remote staff, they never technically worked inside BioWare’s Edmonton office. Instead, EA tried to convince the Alberta Labour Relations Board to make them picket outside their homes. The regulators were unmoved, ultimately siding with the workers. “We view this Labor Board ruling as a huge win for not just us, but remote workers everywhere in Canada,” former Keywords tester James Russwurm told Game Developer. “Workers can now go ‘oh, I can picket my employer’s offices downtown even though I didn’t work in the office.’” The ex-testers had been contracted to work at BioWare beginning during the pandemic, first on Mass Effect Legendary Edition and later on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. When BioWare moved to force staff back into the office, the group successfully unionized to try and keep their remote status and improve pay. The Keywords developers were laid off before they could finish bargaining their first contract. EA said at the time that it had previously renewed its contract with Keywords and not doing so in September had nothing to do with the group unionizing. But the publisher has never made clear why it cut staff on a highly anticipated game like Dreadwolf that is still deep in development following several reported internal delays. EA and BioWare did not immediately respond to a request for comment."
[source] [the referenced Game Developer article] [more on the Keywords topic]
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tailschannel · 10 months
SEGA of America accused of mass layoff threats and improper bargaining in new labour complaint
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An unfair labour practice complaint has been filed by the Communications Workers of America against Sonic the Hedgehog publisher SEGA of America amid allegations of improper bargaining with its union, the Allied Employees Guild Improving SEGA.
The complaint alleged that SEGA threatened to outsource the jobs of union workers to their Japanese and European departments, in a described "phase out" of all temporary workers at the publisher's Irvine, California office.
The proposal was tendered directly to the employees in a compulsory company meeting, as opposed to bargaining with the guild, potentially in violation of U.S. labour laws.
The layoffs is reportedly expected to eliminate around 80 positions, which is around 40 percent of the newly-formed union. The guild is largely comprised of workers from the departments of QA and localization.
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"SEGA will not be allowed to get away with this unlawful behaviour," said SEGA quality assurance tester Elise Willacker in a statement to Kotaku.
"We call on the company to make all temporary employees permanent and return to the bargaining table in good faith. There is no other just alternative," said Willacker.
The complaint will go to the U.S. National Labour Relations Board, but action may not be taken in time before the layoffs occur.
SEGA has not responded to media requests for comment.
(files contributed by MC for the Tails' Channel newsfeed.)
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tech4app · 5 months
Digital quality assurance services company
Only at Binary Informatics should you be looking for quality assurance services that have experience with digital products, ensuring that the requirement for performance, reliability, and user satisfaction level is met. We have an expert Quality Assurance team in place, which uses sophisticated tools and technologies in testing all the functionalities of your software applications, website, and digital platforms across devices, browsers, and operating systems. From functional testing to usability testing, automation testing, and performance testing, we bring everything on the table to make sure there is nothing wrong before your users know it. Embrace the binary informatics for a complete set of best digital quality assurance services company that shall assure the success of your quality initiatives. Talk to us today on how we can be of help.
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sophiadyna · 1 year
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wseinfratech · 7 months
Unfolding Quality Assurance and its processes This blog discusses the QA process, how it is different from Quality Control and its 6 stages in a product development.
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masllp · 19 days
Accounting Outsourcing India: Why MAS LLP is Your Ideal Partner
In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are increasingly turning to accounting outsourcing as a strategic move to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on core business functions. India, with its vast pool of skilled professionals and cost-effective services, has emerged as a global hub for accounting outsourcing. MAS LLP is at the forefront of this trend, offering top-notch accounting outsourcing services that cater to the diverse needs of businesses worldwide. Why Choose Accounting Outsourcing India? Cost Efficiency: One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing accounting services to India is the substantial cost savings. Indian service providers offer high-quality services at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. This cost advantage allows businesses to allocate resources more effectively and invest in growth initiatives.
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Access to Skilled Professionals: India boasts a vast talent pool of accountants, chartered accountants, and financial analysts. These professionals are well-versed in global accounting standards, ensuring that your financial records are accurate and compliant with international regulations. Focus on Core Business Activities: By outsourcing accounting functions, businesses can free up valuable time and resources. This allows management to focus on core business activities, such as strategic planning, marketing, and product development, which are essential for long-term success. Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing accounting services to India offers businesses the flexibility to scale up or down based on their needs. Whether you require full-time accounting support or specific services like payroll processing or tax filing, Indian outsourcing providers can tailor their offerings to suit your requirements. Why MAS LLP is the Right Choice for Accounting Outsourcing India MAS LLP has established itself as a leading provider of accounting outsourcing services in India. Here’s why partnering with MAS LLP can be a game-changer for your business: Comprehensive Service Offerings: MAS LLP provides a wide range of accounting services, including bookkeeping, payroll processing, tax preparation, financial reporting, and more. Their comprehensive service offerings ensure that all your accounting needs are met under one roof. Experienced Team: The team at MAS LLP consists of highly qualified professionals with years of experience in the accounting industry. Their expertise in handling complex accounting tasks ensures that your financial records are in safe hands. Advanced Technology: MAS LLP leverages the latest accounting software and technologies to deliver accurate and timely services. Their use of advanced tools ensures that your financial data is processed efficiently and securely. Customized Solutions: Understanding that every business is unique, MAS LLP offers customized accounting solutions tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, they have the expertise to cater to your requirements. Commitment to Quality: MAS LLP is committed to delivering high-quality services that exceed client expectations. Their focus on accuracy, compliance, and timely delivery has earned them a reputation as a trusted partner in the accounting outsourcing industry. Conclusion In an increasingly competitive global market, outsourcing accounting functions to India is a strategic move that can provide significant benefits. With MAS LLP as your partner, you can rest assured that your accounting needs will be handled with the utmost professionalism and expertise. Whether you’re looking to reduce costs, improve efficiency, or focus on core business activities, MAS LLP offers the perfect solution for all your accounting outsourcing needs. For more information on how MAS LLP can assist your business with Accounting Outsourcing India, contact them today.
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xbsoftware · 2 years
Testing is one of the most challenging parts of the Software Development Life Cycle. Therefore, if you don’t want to launch an insecure application that can harm your reputation in the market, all testing activities should be performed timely and to the fullest extent. Today, we’ll consider Dynamic Application Security Testing or DAST, one of the most widespread techniques that helps to ensure the safety of your application.
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