#quarantine with ivar
moviesandmania · 10 months
THE POUGHKEEPSIE TAPES (2007) Reviews of infamous found-footage horror
‘The last thing his victims saw… was his camera.’ The Poughkeepsie Tapes is a 2007 American documentary-style horror film directed by John Erick Dowdle (Quarantine; Devil; As Above, So Below) from a screenplay co-written with his brother Drew, who produced. The movie stars Bobbi Sue Luther, Samantha Robson and Ivar Brogger. Plot: When police raid a house in Poughkeepsie, a city north of New York,…
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writingsnmusings · 3 years
Zoom Session
pairing: modern!ivar the boneless x reader
summary: classes have started back up for you which should be a nice distraction, but when are things ever that easy? 
a/n: i had no idea what gif to use of alex so here's this! also, here's my vikings masterlist!
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gif credit- @therealcalicali​
To say you were an anxious mess was a severe understatement. It was a week into the lockdown and today was your first zoom session with your students. You missed them like crazy, but not knowing how all this would go down was nerve wracking; they were just 7 year olds after all.
“You look tense,” Ivar chuckled as he stood behind you. You rolled your eyes, not in the mood for his teasing.
“I am.”
The feeling of his hands on your shoulders made you jump slightly. God, you were a mess. “Take breath, Y/N.” He began massaging your shoulders which did ease you a bit. You were sure you’d given yourself about a dozen stress knots since receiving the email from your principal three days ago.
Your laptop was open on the zoom website, a countdown of how long till your students would be joining was on the screen. 1 minute. 60 seconds and you’d see 20 of your favorite 7 year olds.
“Alright,” You sighed, shrugging Ivar’s hands off you. “I have 30 seconds to mentally prepare myself.”
Your bestfriend laughed at your expense once again before leaning down and giving your temple a quick kiss. “You’ll be fine. You get a lunch at 12 and i’ll have something ready for you by then.”
You didn’t even process the words he spoke since all your brain could focus on was the way your skin tingled where his lips just were. Ivar was gone in a second, presumably going to his room where he’ll be holed up while you work. The wifi worked best at the island counter so that’s where you were set up.
A chorus of “Miss Y/N” soon rang in your ears and all thoughts of Ivar were gone. You gave these kids your undivided attention for the next three hours.
You were in the middle of explaining the math worksheet they had for homework when one of your boys asked a question. “Miss who’s behind you?”
Your brow furrowed as you turned your head, only to spot Ivar coming out of his room with his airpods in and phone in his hand. “Yes Floki, we got the masks Helga made. Y/N loves her marvel one so thank her for us please. All right, I need to start on lunch now.”
Ivar hadn’t looked up since he walked into the frame of your camera and you couldn’t lie and say you hadn’t stopped looking at him either.
“Miss Y/N, is that your boyfriend?”
As soon as the question left your students mouth, both yours and Ivar’s head snapped to the screen. So he had hung up with Floki already.
You cleared your throat, “Uh-no, Max, he’s um my roommate.” You stuttered your way through the short sentence, mentally scolding yourself.
Ivar smiled at the flustered mess you’d become. He took out his headphones as he came to your side. “Hello,” He waved at the kids who eagerly waved back. “I hope you all are behaving for Miss Y/N here.”
The overlapping chatter of ‘yes!’ and ‘of course sir!’ made you and Ivar laugh. “I’m starting lunch, any requests?” He asked, trying to keep his voice.
You shook your head, “I’m good with anything you make.”
Ivar nodded and winked your way before going around the counter and beginning to rummage through his thankfully fully stocked fridge. You had to tear your gaze away from him. Only 10 minutes till your lunch break. You could do this.
The way you talked to your students, so engaged and animated made Ivar feel something. Something he’d never felt with anybody else before. Hearing you laugh at something silly a kid said made his heart swell. He loved hearing you laugh. He had just finished plating the sandwich he made as you said your goodbye for the next 45 minutes.
“Okay guys, any questions before we go on lunch? Yes, Emma?” You smiled at the little girl who cleared her throat before speaking.
“Miss, my sister has a roommate too and they go on dates and kiss. Do you and your roommate do that too?” She asked so innocently that you couldn’t even scold her for asking such an intrusive question. All eyes, even Ivar’s were on you as they awaited your answer.
Ivar’s eyebrows raised as your cheeks flushed, a subtle smirk on his lips. He mouthed ‘answer her’ and pointed to the laptop.
“No honey, he is just my roommate. Boys and girls can be friends and not kiss and go on dates.” You plastered a smile on your face and willed the flush on your face to go away. “I will see you guys at 12:45!” You quickly ended the session and shut your laptop.
Ivar couldn’t hold in his laughter any longer. He legitimately was belly laughing which made you roll your eyes. “Shut it and give me my sandwich.” He slid the plate to you, but not before stealing a chip.
“Kids are hilarious.” He said as he cleaned up.
“Yeah,” You shook your head, “Sorry about that by the way. They really don’t know boundaries yet.”
“It didn’t bother me.” He shrugged, making your eyes widen. “What?” Ivar eyed your reaction, looking confused. “Y/N, this isn’t the first time someone’s thought we were together. Your students were just more vocal about it”
“Oh I mean, yeah you’re right. I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” You explained, suddenly feeling shy.
Ivar shook his head, “That would never make me feel uncomfortable.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze as he walked by, going back to his room. “We still watching Thor after you're done?”
“Of course.”
You had minutes left before your students were back on your screen and you needed to clear your mind of Ivar. Just two and a half hours and class would be over. Then it would be you and Ivar. Alone. Watching a movie. Together. Just the two of you.
Sighing, you clicked the button to begin the session again. Who knew a couple of questions from your students would send you into a spiral.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Stuck with you (Modern!Ivar x reader)
wA/N: This is for @lisinfleur‘s Quarantine Challenge. Thanks love 💖
I’ve been very inactive lately, my mind filled with worries... Stuck with you is not my best work, but at least I’ve been able to write again. Writing sex is not my strong suit. Sorry.
the gif belongs to @honestsycrets​ 🌻
@inforapound 🌺💐🌺 Thanks my friend ❤️
Summary: Your roommate swearing and screaming at the top of his lungs, you end up coming out of your room and going to see him. What happens next is... out of control.
Warnings: explicit sex; swear words; no plot AT ALL.
Words: 2745
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Exasperated,you roll your eyes before immersing yourself again in the captivating historical novel you're reading. 
Less than five seconds later, your attention is drawn away by a heavy thud – no doubt some kind of object crashing into the wall – shortly followed afterwards by another loud "FUUUUUUCK!"
Sighing deeply, you place a bookmark between the pages of your book, put it on the night table and eventually get out of bed, checking the time on your clock.
7:45am. Certainly too early for you to silently tolerate your rommate's screams.
Crossing hastily the room dressed in nothing but your panties and a long t-shirt, you take in a big gasp of air before opening the door.  
Your hand still on the doorknob, the door ajar, his scream this time causes you to jerk. 
Reaching the living room, the first thing you notice is the remote control, or maybe it's a phone you're not sure, on the floor, shattered into a thousand pieces. The next one is that Ivar is screaming again. "FUUUUUCK!! I JUST CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!"
You then spot him, sitting on the couch in gray sweatpants and a withe t-shirt. Furrowed brows, clenched jaw, tensed features… If you still had any doubts, you don't have any now. He's angry. Very angry. 
Taking two cautious steps forward, you know better than to get too close to him, so that you can avoid any unexpected flying objects. Hands on your hips, the strong breath you release gets his attention. "FUCK Y/N!"
Knowing his outburst isn't actually directed at you, you keep calm, speaking softly. "What's wrong, Ivar?"
"WHAT'S WRONG?? YOU'RE FUCKING ASKING ME WHAT'S WRONG, Y/N?? I'M SURE YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT'S WRONG! FUCK!!!" He spits at you, his hands waving all over the place, and you can physically feel his wrath. You’ve never seen him like that. Of course, Ivar is often quick-tempered, but that… that is something else, and it's quite unsettling.
Still, you force yourself to stay calm, inhaling deeply before answering, your voice gentle. 
"No Ivar, I don't." 
You're not exactly lying. Of course, you have some idea, but you can't be sure. The truth is, you two barely know each other. If you've been living under the same roof for almost six months, it's not really by choice. You were desesperate to find a room and Ivar was looking for a roommate. Or more specifically, Ivar had to find a roommate. He lived alone for two years, but after a nasty fall that put him back in a wheelchair for weeks, his overprotective mother decided it was her job to interfere. The deal was this: find a roommate or come back home. When you met them – yes, his mother was there, after all, she owned the apartment – your conversation sounded weirdly like a job interview. After two hours and a lot of nosy questions from Aslaug, you got the job, huh sorry, the room, the fact that you're a nursing student surely helpful. 
And frankly, living here turned out not so bad.
The huge apartment is perfectly equipped, its furnitures luxurious, the fridge always full, thanks to  Ivar's mother, and your room probably bigger than your parents' house. Ivar is certainly not the most congenial person but he's mostly never around. Between his doctoral thesis and his unofficial involvement in the family corporation, he leaves most of the time at dawn and doesn't return until late at night, except on days when his legs hurt too much. On those days, he usually locks himself in his room. The few times you run into him in the apartment, he barely acknowledges your presence, doesn't really talk to you – you're well aware that he'd prefer to live alone – yet he's never directly hostile. 
Plus, you would be lying saying he's unattractive. Truth be told, Ivar is a sight to behold. Gorgeous blue eyes, strong features, sharp cheekbones and high forehead, sign of his obvious intelligence. Ivar is, plain and simple, stunningly handsome. 
So yeah, all in all, living with him isn't hard. Ordinarily. But now, the ordinary is not part of your lives. Because of this virus, schools, theaters and shops have been closed for two weeks and you and Ivar are mostly stuck at home. He's been grumpy ever since, but you've managed to keep him pretty calm, at least enough for your new shared meals to go well.
Right now, you're not sure there's anything you can do to avoid the upcoming storm. 
As Ivar glares at you, eyes wide open, obviously bewildered, you simply repeat, "I don't." Grabbing his crutch, you think for a moment he's going to stand up, and maybe that's what he was going to do, but finally he just throws it angrily accross the room, still being careful no to aim it at you, shouting again,
You give him a confused look. "What news, Ivar? It's not even eight in the morning, I woke up not long ago and I was reading." Explaining yourself is useless but you feel compelled to do it, for whatever reason.
"YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID, AREN'T YOU? YOU SLEEPING WON'T STOP EARTH FROM FUCKING SPINNING, YOU KNOW THAT?" His tone scornful, pointing to his temple with his index finger in a universally obvious gesture, he's slowly getting on your nerves. 
Getting closer, you take advantage of the fact that he's sitting and you're standing, hovering over him, one eyebrow raised. He's clearly not impressed, but it feels good anyway. Small victories are victories nonetheless. "Don't give me shit, Ivar. I'm not dumb and you know that. Just spill the f–", biting your tongue, you stop before saying what seems to be his favorite word today, "spill the news Ivar!"
Waiting to make sure he's done with his rant, you give him a disapproving look. "Ivar, this is not fucking bullshit. This is a life-threatening virus. People are dying all over the world and the quarantine is the only way. You know that. We knew it was coming. You can't be selfish, not in such circumstances."
You know he knows you're right. Ivar may be mad right now, but he's still smart enough to undersand the urgency of the situation. Yet, he's not quite ready to admit it, at least not entirely. 
Even so, his voice is soft at first. "Yeah, yeah, of course you're right." Running his fingers through his dishelved hair, he sighs before getting carried away once again. "But fuck Y/N!!!" Ivar takes an heavy breath and releases it loudly, shaking his head frustratedly.
Hearing his words, you're not sure if you should be amused or rather offended, finally opting for irony. "Sure, it's true that's I'm so lucky to be living with you, while you're stuck with the most boring rommate. I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to apologize for existing, right?"
Ivar freezes, speechless. Wow. It's not something that happens a lot. Small victories blah, blah, blah… Nervously wiggling his fingers, he gives you a constrained, almost apologetic look while biting his lower lip. "Fuck Y/N," his voice speaks softly, "I didn't mean it like that." He lowers his gaze, his hands now rubbing his thighs. You can tell he tries very hard to stay calm and you can't help but think it's adorable. "You know that… Fuck! Y/N, I'm not good at that, and we both know that we didn't choose each other, but I'm fucking grateful it's you who's living with me, and not some dumbass. And even though I'm a spoiled brat and probably a fucking pain in the ass, I know being stuck here with you won't be hell on Earth. Still, just being stuck here sucks. IT FUCKING SUCKS!!!"
That's the exact moment when something switches in your mind. It all comes up out of the blue and you're suddenly aware of the warmth in your lower belly, of your increasing heart rate, of your clammy hands… You have to make a prodigious effort not to lick your lips. Ivar is… flustered, akward, still angry and cocky yet soft and almost sweet and seeing him like this makes you feel things. Unexpected things.  
You can't think straight anymore. Maybe lockdown is driving you crazy too, after all. Or maybe it's because it's been months since you've… Or it's all Ivar's fault. Yeah, that's it, it's got to be his fault. Because with is huge blue eyes, his reddened cheeks, his chiseled upper body and the anger still flowing out of him, he's… he's… he's…
… insanely hot. So FUCKING insanely hot.
Checking discretely with one hand that no drool is leaking from the corner of your mouth, you go on right after. "Maybe you should stop talking about it and just do it, Ivar. You know, to take the pressure off." Your words are rushed and you know you're blushing, but you can’t control your brain anymore. It's probably not really functional right now anyway. 
Baffled, Ivar looks at you without understanding. "Wh- What? What are you fucking talking about?" His scowl is back, and you realize it makes him even more attractive. 
“Oh Ivar, don't play dumb, you know what I'm saying, don't you?  Fuck and fucking… Those are the only words you seem to know. Stop saying them. Do it. Just do it. I bet you'll be more relaxed after." Okay, you're obviously out of your mind. You couldn't care less though, your only focus at the moment being the sparkle in your inner core. 
"What-?" His chocked voice gives away how stunned he is. "But… with… with whom, Y/N?"
The answer is an obvious one, right? At least to you, but probably to Ivar too, since he's stuck there with you and only you. You can see in his eyes that yes, he knows what you're implying. Still, the bewilderment written all over his face a clear indication that he can't bring himself to believe it. You don't blame him. The impression you give is always that of a (too) serious person. Ivar doesn't know who you really are. You're not even sure you know it yourself… And right now, it doesn't matter. 
Because yeah, disbelief is obvious on his face, but lust even more so … oh gods… Gods… Slightly confounded and blinking a few times, but looking at you like you're a prey, Ivar is, if at all possible, even hotter than before. And that's what matters.
 Winking at him, you quickly take off your t-shirt, swinging it accross the room. His mouth ajar, his gaze is that of a toddler, sitting under the tree, contemplating his gifts on Christmas morning.
"What do you think, Ivar?" His eyebrows furrowed, you don't allow him time to respond, straddling his lap. You're not sure he's breathing, clearly incredulous, almost skeptical. And gods, how beautiful he is. You can't resist. You won't resist. When you crash your lips together, you stop thinking. 
The akward moment disappears quickly, replaced by a shared eagerness. Ivar kisses you back, his need now as great as yours, his tongue invading and claiming your mouth. You can't help but moan while feeling him growning against your clit. "Fuck Y/N!", he mumbles as you rock your hips purposefully against his. Rewarded with a loud growl, you smile, never breaking the intense kiss. 
All off a sudden, you don't know how he manages to do so, you're lying on your back on the wide couch, Ivar's body all over yours, warming you from the inside out. His shirt gone, his callouse hands are everywhere, roaming your body – your jaw, sides, belly, neck, navel, even squeezing your cheeks as you raise your hips – his mouth on your tits, nibbling and sucking. Digging your fingers into his back, you release a gasping breath before kissing each and every part of exposed skin he has to offer, his taste so overwhelming, you can't get enough, moaning and panting endlessly, your heart already pounding hard in your chest.
As he slips his fingers under your panties, your breath stutters, your whole body jerking and tensing when his fingertips brush over your clit. You can feel him smile against your skin, proud and smug, huffing a small snort just before parting your folds.
Slipping a finger inside you, a low moan rattles in his throat, his wonder at how wet you are obvious in his eyes. When his middle finger begins to glide in and out, you grab his wrist hard, a frustrated growl escaping your mouth.  
"Stop it, Ivar." Muttering against his neck, you put your free hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly, his gaze an universal what-the-fuck-gaze. Without loosening your grip on his wrist, you let your fingers run down his chest, your hand grabbing his waistband. 
"Don't waste our time with foreplay." Rushing your words, you give him a short yet rapturous kiss. "Save it for later, will you? We'll have a whole lockdown to do that." Yanking his pants and briefs down his hips, you then slip off your panties, Ivar leaning on his forearms, his biceps flexing. Looking at you with desire in his blackened eyes, he releases a husky whimper of yearning as you grab his hard length. "Fuck Y/N!" he hisses, panting and shivering. 
"That's it, Ivar! Do it. Fuck me. I need you inside me. Now!"  Your breath coming in shallow gasps, you squeeze his cock, brushing it against your core.
That's all it takes for his control to snap as he drives into you, stroking you from the inside. He thrusts straight away into you, hard and heavy. It's not gentle, it's rough and primal, exactly what you need. Grasping and squeezing handfuls of his ass, your hips snap upward and you groan against his skin and into his mouth as he hits you from all angles, going deeper inside you than you thought possible. Your body jerking back, your hands cling to his shoulders, allowing you to feel his quivering muscles under your fingertips. Your skin feels like fire as he keeps pumping relentlessly, his tongue thrusting into your mouth. 
Your breathing uneven, you know he's as close as you are as your walls clench around him. Pushing your hips upward and back, faster and faster, his thrusts become erratic. "Fuck!", he roars once more, your hands back on his ass again, your body starting to shake. 
Crying out, your body bows upward. The muscles of your inner walls constrincting tightly around him, you scream his name, exploding all around him, his thick and hot seed spilling inside you, your orgasm hitting you in strong waves as his mouth seeks yours for a final sloppy kiss.
Sated to the point of exhaustion, Ivar falls heavily onto you, shaking and sweating. Not letting himself slide out of you just yet, his hands lazily stroke your sides as your fingers run along his back. 
Out of breath, you both need a few minutes to come down from that high, Ivar being the first to talk, his voice still shaky. "There's no fucking way we're not fucking doing this again!"
Bursting out laughing, you give his cheek a peck before leaning on one elbow. Rolling your eyes playfully, you gently push a strand of hair away from his forehead. "You're fucking right. But for now, Ivar, you know what?  Give it a rest and just fucking shut up!"
@honestsycrets @saldelys @waiting4inspiration @lisinfleur @hecohansen31 @a-mess-of-fandoms @gearhead66 @readsalot73 @lonewolf471
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vaire-gwir · 3 years
Vikings fandom can be a little...problematic at times, so at first I didn’t want to attract unwanted hate posting this. Then I got two incredibly nice comments, much to everyone and especially my own surprise, so I decided fuck it, i wrote it, might as well post about it.
Let me know what you think, and it’s fine if you hate it. Just don’t be a dick about it.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
God Bless You and God Bless Me
Oleg The Prophet+Reader (Modern AU)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
Since you seemed to like ‘Like I Never Needed Anyone’, I thought I’d give you more info on what out favorite Russian prince and art curator are doing!
I also wanted to partecipate with this small piece to the writing challenge made by @lisinfleur​ (thank you for creating such a lovely thing!).
Just stay inside and write!
As always: any feedback is welcome, it helps me a lot with writing faster and know where I can get better and what you’d like to see more!
I hope you’ll enjoy this!
Have a nice reading!
SUMMARY:  When you find yourself quarantined with Oleg, some things are brought up, more importantly: the state of your relationship
WORDS: 5,8 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Sex/ Cheating/ Covid-19/ Jealousy/ Insecure! Reader.
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You had been secretly hoping of not having to go back home.
So when the entire Covid-19 thing hit your life you thought that maybe… you should have hoped a bit less, because right now you were stuck in Russia for an undetermined time, with no home anymore, since you had cancelled the rent of your apartment, a few weeks prior.
And now you were stuck with finding a new one in these times of need.
You were trying to browse through some options, starting with hotels and B&B, in order to have a roof over your head by tonight, and not have to lean anymore on Oleg.
He had been working in his home office when the news had been given so you weren’t surprised when, a few minutes later, he wandered in your own ‘office’, asking you what was happening, because you were supposed to be up and gone, waiting at the airport for your flight.
‘You should catch up on the news’ you had mumbled softly ‘… apparently due to the latest cases and spreading of the Covid-19 we are in quarantine till further notice and because of this, I am not allowed to leave the country’.
He had seemed surprised as he had moved to lightly bow his head to try to understand fully the length of those news.
‘… and where do you stay?’ he had then proceeded to ask, although an amused glint shone in his eyes ‘… didn’t you cut off the apartment a week ago?’.
It had actually been an idea of Oleg who had pushed you to stay for a week more than you were supposed to, giving you access to a private room in his ‘castle’ as you took a few trips around Russia’s best places, which because of your job you hadn’t been able to visit, previously.
And although that week had you stuck in Russia till the end of this awful epidemic, it had been one of the best week of your life, passed through turning around in bed with a furnace of warmth and through the best Russia could offer, because Oleg wanted desperately to give you ‘the best of the best’.
‘I am checking a few places, tonight I’ll probably stay in a hotel, and then see’ although you had to admit that you weren’t particularly hopeful.
‘You could stay here, dorogaya’ two strong arms, came to gently set around your waist, as he hugged you tight to his chest, gently brushing a few strands of hair away from your shoulder to drop there a small kiss and he lowered your sweater, in a way that made everything fuzzy already.
But you needed to be lucid.
And you pushed him away lightly.
“I do think that I have already taken too much advantage of your hospitality” you mumbled, as you turned to face him, taking in his strong features and before you could properly stop yourself from doing it, you gently pushed an hand to bruise those features and immediately his lips found your palm “… I don’t think it’d be proper”.
“Well, Cristina hasn’t a problem taking advantage of my hospitality” he laughed lightly, as he brought you again closer, this time gently delving in the crook of your neck and he gently lingered his lips against the soft column of your neck “…but seriously, I won’t have a problem hosting you for as long as it takes for this thing to solve”.
“I don’t think that it is a good idea” you mumbled, but this time you didn’t push him away, completely enthralled with the way his lips brushed against your throat “… what will people think?”.
“We are in the 21st century, printsessa” he muttered, as he pushed himself in to face you “… you can stay in a man’s house without a chaperone, and in case you’d need that… you can always ask Cristina to chaperone us”.
“Oh she’d be delighted” you giggled softly as he smirked at you, his hands moving under your chin to make you come face to face with him, as he tried to get your attention meanwhile you loved nothing more than to shift the subject of the conversation.
Life with Oleg was fucking amazing.
It was much more intense than whatever you had had going on with Peter.
And you were falling hard.
Which wasn’t a good thing.
Even more if you were to seriously accept his ‘scandalous proposal’ of living together.
Oleg acted as if you were a couple, but he hadn’t ever uttered anything that might resemble a ‘you are my girlfriend’ or ‘we are together’ and you didn’t want to confuse what was a simple ‘fuckbuddy’ situation for a relationship.
With Oleg anything was so sexual and deeply passionate that whenever serious feelings were involved you’d both fall in each other’s bed, not matter how much resistance you’d put, you’d just be again in his arms waiting for the sun to rise and his lips to grace again your neck.
And his cock to swell against your ass.
“… but seriously…” Oleg’s voice suddenly seemed pained, as if what he was trying to say was difficult “… you don’t have to stay in here, if you are uncomfortable but… I’d just… I wouldn’t feel calm knowing you outside with all this shit going on, kisa”.
And he seemed sincere as he brought your eyes to meet his, and you lost yourself in those inky pearls, eventually nodding your way through what looked like a death sentence for your heart.
“… I am doing this just because I’m taking pity on leaving you and Ivar with Cristina” you mumbled trying to make the intense tension between you disappear, and he was more than happy to lightly indulge you in this laughing softly.
“Oh Gosh, I don’t know whether he likes her or hates her” he retorted as he gently brought you settled more comfortably on him and you shifted on his laps, setting your laptop aside.
“… could be both” you mumbled, gently stabilizing yourself with your arms around his neck as he set his onto your waist “… I am not sure whether Cristina just wants to tease the shit out of him or is just trying to use her ‘charms’ to make him fall in love”.
“And aren’t we lucky that we’ll be the witnesses of this love story?” joked your lover, as he didn’t seem in the slightest interested into knowing it.
He kept looking at your mouth, probably lightly rosy and plump due to your stressed attitude of biting your lips.
“They are just so oblivious with each other” you muttered laughing lightly as Oleg shot you a sarcastic look.
“Says the same girl who thought I was simply ‘ a nice boss’ all the time I was flirting with her” he retorted, making you blush as he dove in for a kiss on your lips, being rejected by your embarrassed face as you swiftly ducked to the side “… c’mon, krasotka, I was very very much flirting with you”.
“… I mean… no you weren’t…” you tried to back away, as you hid your face in your hands, but still you weren’t shielded by Oleg’s deep laugh as his grip onto your hips became definitely stronger “… Gosh was it that obvious?”.
He nodded, before adding.
“Yeah I was pretty obnoxious, Cristina said that if I kept it on I’d scare you…” he mumbled as his mouth started softly teasing your fingers to get you to release your hold on your face “… and believe me at a certain point I just thought that you simply were immune to my charms”.
You laughed softly, finally releasing your hands from your face, allowing him to kiss softly your lips, nothing more than the promise of a better kiss, that came a few minutes later, completely stealing your breath as Oleg’s tongue searched yours.
“… I was just shy, and you were a bit…”.
“… coming off a bit too strong?” he joked, as he laid another kiss on your lips.
“… intense” you completed, as he freed your lips, but not your hand as he undid them behind his neck to hold them, in a way that made you tremble and think that maybe… he did want more.
“Oh” he seemed pretty taken aback, as if he hadn’t expected it “… nobody had ever told me that”.
“It isn’t an insult” you tried to research what that clouded expression on his face meant “… it is just that I haven’t ever been treated the way you treat me, it is just so passionate and…”.
“Because you deserve this, zolotse” he replied softly, as his confused expression turned into a tender one, before he brought your hands to his lips kissing them softly, as he held you tight against him “… you deserved to be treated as a ‘printsesa’ each night and day”.
And you couldn’t help but be choked with the way he looked convinced of what he had just said.
And you were more than happy to let him lead you back to your bed and fuck you the entire morning.
You were barely finished for lunch time, when you met a bored Cristina teasing mercilessly Ivar, Oleg’s friend who had joined you a week ago, due to some familiar troubles.
And since then Cristina had been on his tail like a cat teasing a big and burly dog.
“… oh c’mon, wouldn’t you seriously like some salsa lessons?” you heard Cristina asking Ivar, as she lightly swashed her hips from side to side, a glimpse of happiness in her eyes, which became even more evident as you appeared from the kitchen.
Oleg being in need of a shower would have joined you later.
“… (Y/N)! We have finally all the time in the world for those salsa lessons!”.
Ivar sent you a look as if to say sarcastically ‘aren’t we lucky?’.
“Yeah, I’d wait to say that” you mumbled, trying to save the poor Ivar from further embarrassment “… they’ll probably put us to work on digitalizing the collection”.
“Yeah that is if Oleg wants you to work” joked Cristina, sending you a suggestive side-eye as she come closer to you, and taking in the obnoxious hickey on your neck, as you tried to shield it with your hair “… where is our big man?”.
“Shower” you mumbled, trying to avoid Ivar’s eyes.
One thing was talking about sex with Oleg to Cristina, another to a very flushed Ivar who told you both that he’d be having his lunch in his chamber, since his legs were hurting.
‘.. have a nice chat, girls’ he had concluded with one last look to Cristina and he couldn’t hide the light infatuation, which made you smirk as your friend backed up tiredly till a chair, huffing down on it.
“Gosh why is he such an asshole?” she mumbled, as you sat down in front of her.
“… your constant teasing certainly doesn’t help” you replied, with a reprimanding look.
“I just want to have my fun” she complained, but her look was reflective “… does Oleg know if he has slight crush on me?”.
“Ask him yourself, I am not his secretary” you commented, as one hand darted out to grab on a piece of cheese from the pretty display of meals on the table.
“Gosh, I do understand why he is obsessed with you” she joked, stealing your piece of cheese, as she straight up bit onto it “… you keep him grounded, wow, I love one power couple”.
“We are not a couple” you whispered, as you came to the knot of it all “… he has asked me to stay for the quarantine”.
“Well are you seriously surprised?” she retorted, sending you a look that meant that she knew much more than you “… he is a little dog flapping his tail to you, of course he’d like to have you here”.
“I just…” you tried to reply “… I don’t want to understand one thing when he means another”
“I don’t want to be too forward…” mumbled softly Cristina, understanding the entity of your thoughts “… but he’d literally marry you, if you needed a visa to stay here”.
You both were unable to stop yourself from laughing loud, gaining a quick look from Oleg, who had just appeared on the threshold and you were unable to hide a light blush on your cheeks, as Cristina got up, collecting a small plate of everything and excusing herself.
‘I have an idiot to bother’ she mumbled before exiting dramatically, making you and Oleg giggle, stupidly as he set onto Cristina’s place, in front of you.
“Were you girls having a conversation about us guys?” he asked, a tender light of teasing in his dark eyes.
“My lips are sealed” you muttered, before starting to eat with those ‘sealed lips’.
And Oleg just smiled as if that had been a confirmation of it all.
Five days had passed.
And your relationship with Oleg had lasted.
Which was surprising.
But even more surprising was the way that you had set up a routine.
You’d wake up in Oleg’s arms and you’d start getting ready, being probably interrupted by Oleg in need for attention, refusing to go back to bed and refusing to get fully up.
He’d sometimes succeed in distracting you and sometimes you’d have your own fun in leaving Oleg with blue balls, just for him to find you on your lunch break, fucking you in the first closeted alley he could find, as you tried to keep quiet.
You’d work into digitalizing the collection and taking care of a few local museums’ networks, coordinating you with your American university.
Cristina sometimes helped you and sometimes she’d follow Ivar around like a lost puppy, trying to convince him to step outside of his comfort zone and so far she hadn’t convinced him into doing any salsa, but you’d see the way he had started verbally contrasting her.
That was definitely a sign he was interested.
You just hoped he’d understand it before Cristina finally drove him crazy.
You’d finish work and you’d have dinner, all together, listening to the news as you tried your best to think positively although they weren’t improving and many times you were more than happy to invent some idiotic excuse for Oleg to lead you back to his bedroom and have you there for the rest of the night.
And then you’d love nothing more than to convince yourself that this would last.
And that Oleg wasn’t with you simply for your body or because he felt some kind of obligation to you.
But good things never lasted.
And that Saturday had been the proof.
Although it had started well since you had caught Cristina and Ivar having fallen asleep the previous night, shoulder against shoulder.
You had thought of being the one to do the first move with Oleg for once, and had brought him breakfast in bed, just to be surprised that he wasn’t there.
You had caught him in his office and when you had tried to come in, he had quickly ushered you out, in a way that you’d have used with your dog, a simple gesture but that got irritation flowing through you and you had recklessly slammed the tray of food in the trash bin as you had tried to calm yourself.
Oleg wasn’t your boyfriend he was allowed to have his free time.
But not to treat you like you weren’t there.
Exercising had helped you and you had even tried Cristina’s salsa moves, but Oleg had kept himself stuffed in his office for past the lunch hour and in the afternoon not even the company of a good book and of an interesting art documentary had distracted you.
You should have honestly understood before that the honeymoon period wouldn’t have lasted.
And that it was simply nice sex.
But what got through you honestly, with flashbacks to your relationship with Peter, was the hushed tone you heard him speaking with over the phone, as you faked being asleep on the couch, but secretly heard him speaking Russian.
You hadn’t learned much, but you could distinguish a few phrases from the ‘easy Russian’, you had been learning.
‘It’ll be a nice surprise’ you heard him say ‘… can’t wait to see you, Katya… I honestly am counting down the minutes. This quarantine is awful…’.
And although you had tried your best not to overreact, because Oleg had made you no promises, the way he spoke made you uneasy.
He had found his own ‘beautiful giraffe’.
And you were again broken apart and left behind.
For the entire night you had avoided him, excusing yourself from anything with a terrible headache as Cristina slipped in after you in your room, managing to get to you right as you were closing the door in her face, but she held a bottle of wine, with the promise of a ‘girl talk’.
“I hope that you have some succulent gossip, because all I could grasp is that our chief Mrs. Kravitzok has had a liaison with the gardener” you mumbled, as Cristina approached you with an excited expression, before she blurted out about how her and Ivar had kissed last night.
‘… the couple was kissing on the screen and you know… I was… I was teasing him as usual and then… he leaned in and kissed me to ‘shut me up’’ and you couldn’t help but smile lightly at her excited expression.
“That’s wonderful, Cristina!” you mumbled softly, hugging her tight, as she almost lost her grip on your wine glasses “… Gosh, finally you stopped playing around, and got straight into it! It was getting so so so annoying!”.
“Don’t even dare talk!” she retorted, pushing an accusing look at you “… I literally had to deal with you and Oleg dancing around each other like idiots”.
You couldn’t help but bite nervously your lips, before you ducked your head down to hide your nervousness, but Cristina had seen it from the start.
“… what has happened?” she asked, gently clutching one of your hands.
“I think…” you tried to speak but before you could, a sudden sob let your chest and you were unable to control the one that followed and Cristina tried to move closer “… the honeymoon phase is finished”.
“No no, I know Oleg!” she tried to protest “… he isn’t the type not to go for dramatic, when he can”.
“This morning he shut me off” you mumbled lightly “… and I mean… I guessed it was just work and then he didn’t search me, but Gosh… we aren’t together”.
“You are” retorted Cristina “… you are honestly by Oleg’s standard”.
“… and then I heard him speaking on the phone with another woman, some… Katja” you mumbled, nervously fidgeting with your hand as you tried to calm yourself, but to no avail and Cristina’s slight glance of defeat didn’t pass unnoticed by you.
“It might not be what you think” she tried replying.
“… no no, it should have happened” you replied fatalistically “… I wasn’t already enough for Peter, think for somebody like Oleg? Gosh, how fucking stupid could I be?”.
“You aren’t stupid” replied sweetly Cristina, tenderly enveloping you in an hug, as you let out tightly all your frustrations and insecurities against her, clearly in need of a good talk between you two “… and I’ll fucking gut Oleg if he does have a side-…”.
You just nodded sadly not fully convinced, but you tried your best to fake a smile and a soft nodding, before you cried your heart out on her shoulder, the wine and her gentle consolation eventually getting you to fall in a dark sleep, which left you almost disoriented as you woke up, till the memories all came back.
You were glad to hadn’t slept in Oleg’s room, as you busied your mind with a few things and tried to understand whether you could seriously book a B&B room to distance yourself even further from Oleg.
He certainly wasn’t a gentleman, he wouldn’t have simply thrown out, because he now had understood you weren’t worth it, but you, yourself, couldn’t stand it much longer, if not for your own self-respect, definitely for your self-esteem issues.
But every hotel or place would simply just reply that it wasn’t safe, because of the easy way the virus could spread, preferring to avoid infecting any of their guests.
Which you understood.
But at the same time, you hid all the morning in your room simply to avoid Oleg.
You had been so freaking stupid to think this all would work, too much of a daydreamer and too little of a realist to see that a man like Oleg could go for you
But eventually reality broke through your shelter, and you felt a knock on the door, before Oleg’s face appeared, as he sent you a worried look, taking in your disheveled appearance, as you wore your pajama with your hair up in a messy bun.
No sign of make-up on your tired face.
“Hey…” he tried to mumble, being welcomed by a light ‘grunt’ from you “… is everything alright? How is your head?”.
“Just needed a bit of sleep” you replied, wanting to cut it short, as you busied yourself through some paperwork, which you had already finished everything to do.
“… well I am happy to hear that” he still moved inside, gently closing the door behind him “… we could, if you feel better, join Cristina’s salsa lesson, I don’t know how but she convinced Ivar to join”.
“Oh that’s awesome to hear” your voice spoke true, because you were honestly amazed that Cristina had roped in Ivar “… but I think I’ll have to pass, I have some… work to do, and I don’t think that it’d be good for my…”.
“Don’t bullshit me” the harsh tone of Oleg’s reply made you choke the rest of the phrase and tighten your entire posture which was enough for him to immediately apologize “… I didn’t mean to sound so harsh, it’s just that… this situation is unnerving, dorogaya”.
“What situation?” you tried to relax yourself, to appear unbothered, but you didn’t turn around till he gently put a hand on your shoulder.
“The one where you don’t speak to me eye-to-eye and avoid me” although he tried to humorize it all, he was evidently at unease “… and Cristina has glared me daggers all this morning, this usually means that I have fucked up”.
“I don’t…” you tried to push yourself away, but now that Oleg’s eyes stared at you, you weren’t able to properly reply “… you are the one who started acting weirdly, you shut me off and I heard you on the phone…”.
“I thought you were asleep!” he tried to protest but you just shot me a harsh look.
“Does that allow you to cheat on me?” you replied, letting out a bit of the hanger you had been holding on since yesterday “… does it allow you to shut me off?”.
“I wasn’t cheating on you” he replied, as he pointed every word, his grip onto your shoulder tightening to keep you in place, well aware of the fact that you wanted to do nothing more than to run away “… I didn’t cheat on you, kisa”.
“Don’t fucking use those petnames when I am angry with you!” you retorted as he shot you an amused look through a light smirk “… and don’t fucking smirk at me like you knew better than me!”.
“I wasn’t cheating on you” he protested “… if you just let me explain…”.
“No, I don’t think I will” you replied harshly, as he set you a pleading look “… I was stupid once, but I learned better from Peter, I learned that I fucking should stop thinking that simply because we fuck we are together”.
“Don’t compare me to Peter” again that rageful tone, but this time it was directed to you.
And it made liquid heat drop between your legs.
“… I am not a little fucker who likes to play around, I am fucking committed to you!” and as you were making to reply to him, he shouted again “… the only reason why I didn’t call you my girlfriend, is because I knew that you needed time after Peter, and that you’d be leaving, and I didn’t want this to make you feel uncomfortable!”.
You took a light step back, as Oleg left his grip onto you, his eyes lowering lightly to his own feet.
“I had a small meeting with my ex-wife, yesterday, she has had some problems with the monthly allowance, because of the entire corona shit, last morning… I didn’t want you there because she doesn’t put me in a good mood, she…”.
He lightly messed up his gelled hairstyle, before he continued.
“… and then I talked with Katja, she is a friend… she takes care of a small museum in St. Petersburg, I asked her some questions about whether they were hiring, because…”.
He seemed clumsy and embarrassed.
And you gently pushed him to go on with a small look.
“… because I thought that if you had a job, you might stay… which is stupid and idiotic, but I want you to stay here, even after the entire quarantine shit and everything”.
And you were taken aback, as you linked this newfound knowledge with the fact that he had said he wanted to be committed to you.
And for all this time you had just been too insecure to see it.
“…  and then the entire quarantine happened and I wanted to thank her and be kept in her graces, but I swear on whatever I hold in my heart, I wasn’t… cheating on you” he mumbled as you gently allowed him to come closer “… I love you, even if I know it’s premature and you don’t believe it, I …”.
“I love you, too” it was just a whisper, but Oleg immediately caught it and brought you closer, tightening his grip as his lips found themselves onto the crown of your head.
“… you do?” he asked, almost as a child who wasn’t sure he’d be given or not his Christmas present “… because I have been in love and it was shit, because she didn’t love…”.
“I do” you shut him off “… and I am sorry for being an idiot and ruining everything”.
You felt your tears lightly staining Oleg’s expensive shirt, as he proceeded to coo at you to comfort you as he caressed your hair, in a tender way that just made you feel more awfully of the way you had reacted to it all.
“… not an idiot, solnishko” he mumbled, against you, as one hand came to softly caress your back “…we just need to communicate better, ok?”.
And you nodded lightly, meeting his dark eyes staring back at you, as he brought lightly an hand around your slender neck, caressing it as it followed a path to your face, where it settled bringing you closer, in a tender kiss.
In which you leaned in completely, wanting to shut off and out that envy and insecurities that had brought you down, as Oleg softly moaned against you, an adoration in his gaze that made you blush.
“… you don’t have to… be my girlfriend, if you aren’t…” he tried to mumble, but you just ushered with a quick look, as you joined the hand onto your cheeks, as you moved to kiss his forehead, your body completely entangling with his.
“… I want to be your girlfriend, Oleg, more than anything else” you softly whispered in his ear, nipping it lightly.
“Moya devushka” he mumbled lightly as he peppered your face with kisses, making you giggle as you tried to calm him down, eventually just ending up settled on your bed, a bit too small to hold you both, but Oleg kept you so close to his chest that you definitely saved up space.
“I… I thought about staying” you mumbled, as Oleg immediately shot you a surprised look “… I wanted to ask for another internship in Russia after I came back, maybe try to find a job and…”.
Before you could finish Oleg, smashed an excited kiss on your lips, making you giggle.
“Are you serious?” he asked, practically getting on top of you, and proceeding to look at you as if you were the best thing he had.
And how could you feel insecure with all of that?
“… yes” you mumbled gently, as your arms shot up to gently cradle his head closer ‘… if you don’t mind, I could talk with Katja to ensure that…”.
“Admit it: you don’t want me to talk with her”.
And it was true.
As much as Oleg was allowed to have female friends, you didn’t like Katja since it was linked to your ‘middle breakdown’.
And preferred to handle your life on your own.
“… maybe” you muttered, and Oleg went in with a tickle attack, as he made you laugh till your belly hurt and you admitted “Yes! Ok! I am slightly jealous!”.
“… but I love only you” he mumbled, as he leaned down to softly bit the column of your neck, moving to your ear “… you know it, no need to be jealous, sweetie”.
“I’ll stop when you stop glaring at Ivar for simply looking my way” you reprimanded him, making him lightly growl as he kissed languidly down your neck.
“I am sorry, but you, kisa, are solely and utterly mine to look at” he replied, as he brought a light kiss on your lips, the entire mood of the room quickly shifting to a more sensual one, as he dragged up his lips against yours, teasing in a way that brought you to blush under him, as his hands went lower “… we should really join the others in theirs salsa lessons”.
“My headache is still bothering me” you lied, as you shot him a malicious glance and he didn’t mind indulging you as he raised an eyebrow unconvinced “… and you know what helps with headaches?”.
“… orgasms”.
“Oh” now he definitely looked convinced, tickling lightly your sides as you giggled “… I can do that for you”.
“How was the salsa lesson?” you asked to a very very ‘disheveled’ Cristina as she escaped the laundry room where you were entering.
As much as you loved having an entire staff for this kind of things, there were some things that had to be done on your own, and you’d hate for them to see the way Oleg reduced your underwear.
“… very very intense” she smirked, and you understood the innuendo behind it.
“I don’t know whether I am glad that you finally ‘solved’ all your issues or for the fact that I’ll probably catch you somewhere and be traumatized for the rest of my days” you mumbled, lightly laughing at the way Cristina blushed.
“Don’t even start talking!” she replied, sending you an accusatory look “… I thought you were having a headache and instead all that moaning… I hope that you solved what you had to solve with Oleg too, because if you haven’t… I’ll get myself some earplugs…”.
“We solved” you mumbled with a small smile, blushing lightly “… but thank you for threatening him, he said that you he was worried you’d gut him in sleep”.
“Oh I like having that effect on men” she joked lightly “… but seriously… if he doesn’t propose to you by the end of this quarantine, I’ii be very disappointed, I’d look amazing as your bridesmaid…”.
And before she could sputter more rubbish, Ivar exited the laundry room, immediately surprised of your presence, as he and Cristina blushed lightly, and your mind slowly connected what had happened.
“… we have to make some rules for a peaceful quarantine” you mumbled once you got over the initial shock “… let’s start with ‘don’t fuck in place where other people have to clean their fucking clothes’ ”.
Two couples and not much to do, in quarantine, was definitely the receipt for a disaster.
Solnichko=Little Sun.
Kroshka=Little One.
@ rainycloudstarlight @alyssa23145678910 @ squids-for-knees @youbloodymadgenius @queenboosha @barnzbucky​ @ itsleeshanotlouise @ confusedgirlyy @the–insignificant–one @roury12 @justsomestuffiguessman
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
His laugh ❤️
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naughtyxstories · 5 years
Quarantine | Elayne & the boys
“Yeah, because you boys think I’m just going to let you go to your cabin without me!” Elayne pouted, trying to balance all her things in her two hands. The world was panicking and Elayne really wasn’t the type to panic. She had just planned to live out the weeks like normal, spend her time at home or at the house of her close friends. But when she heard they were leaving too, she quickly changed her mind on that. She packed quickly, not wanting to miss them. It seems like Bjorn had other plans though.
“Number one, I’m the best cook out of the four of us so I am useful. Number two, I am excellent company, as you three know. And lastly…did you really think you were just going to leave me alone here?” The last one was a little guilt tripping, she knew that. But Bjorn knew that she lived in her house all alone. It was why she came over so often, just to bother them. She was alone…her parents had left when she had said how much she hated them so now she was all alone. “What If I’m robbed or something? I’m safer with you all.”
Elayne was one of the most capable people he knew. He actually had no doubt she would survive this period of time with all the grace she could muster. She hadn’t shared everything about her childhood but he knew enough to know that if she could survive that, she could survive anything.
He had to laugh as she enumerated all the various reasons she belonged with them. He shook his head, “As if any robber would be dumb enough to face off with you. You’d probably read them the riot act and send them home to think about their poor life choices.” He retorted wryly, although he did admit the idea of Elayne getting hurt sent a knot right through his gut. 
“Elayne ... you know what’ll happen if you come with us. I ... don’t think that’s what you’re looking for. We could lie and say it won’t happen but frankly, you’d be lucky to make it to dinner time tonight before it did. I won’t lie to you. I care about you too much to treat you like you are dumb. You are smart enough to know.” He paused and had to admit the idea of her on her knees with her lips around his cock was a pretty damn intoxicating prospect. 
“So you can come if you want but you know what you are agreeing to do, right? I don’t want any self-delusion here about the prospects of it happening. It will happen. It will keep happening and frankly, after weeks up there, all together, the odds of Ivar or even me for that matter, letting you leave again is slim. You’ll be ours. From now on.”
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Ivar Series I Recommend #1
The devil and the snake (from @21_years_old_lady on ao3) [COMPLETE]
Girl crush -2 [COMPLETE] // Ocean Eyes (6/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @akamaiden)
The battle between love and fire (from @alexhogh7137) [COMPLETE]
May I // Just let me hold you // Addicted to love [COMPLETE] // 4,7 inches of fierceness (2/?) (from @AnUnhealthyDoseOfAngst on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
Viking Massage (3/?) (from @angryschnauzer on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
A nun's tale (5/?) (from @abonelessgod) [NOT COMPLETE]
Bang bang // The girl Ivar love 2-3-4 (from @bonniebird) [ALL COMPLETE]
The right woman (from @BroltaAMaga on Ao3) [COMPLETE]
That witch haunts us (from @bragisrunes on AO3) [COMPLETE]
The proposal (7/13) (from @backalley-requests) [NOT COMPLETE]
Ivar’s first (from @clumsywonderland) [COMPLETE]
Imagine being a warrior -2 (from @cbouvier23) [COMPLETE]
It's Our Secret (6/?) (from @cecesaurus) [NOT COMPLETE]
Me before you (3/?) (from @castielsangelsx) [NOT COMPLETE]
New start (8/?) (from @cocovikings23) [NOT COMPLETE]
Kindness (from @directionlessbuthappy) [COMPLETE]
Faint of heart (from @dreamwritesimagines) [COMPLETE]
Pricked by a Viking (15/?) (from @exoticinspirits on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
Healer (10/?) (from @fandomficsnstuff) [NOT COMPLETE]
The guy next door // The boss (from @geekandbooknerd ) [ALL COMPLETE]
Coffee (11/?) (from @golden-pickaxe) [NOT COMPLETE]
A different time // Find us [COMPLETE] // Annoying (9/?) // Condition (4/?) // Kissed by the Sun (5/?) Alliance (5/?) The one he chose (7/?) Horrible Marriage (9/?) (from @heathenarmyimagines) [NOT COMPLETE]
The tinder date (from @hecohansen31) [COMPLETE]
Accidents happen // Blessed [ALL COMPLETE] // Just friends (4/?) // The milkmaid (7/?) // Latte Kisses (5/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @honestsycrets)
Hjem(los) (14/?) (from @imyourliquor-youremypoison) [NOT COMPLETE]
Unexpected Places (from @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl) [COMPLETE]
When we were wild (from @istorkyou) [COMPLETE]
Who said I was…? (from @Kirah32 on AO3) [COMPLETE]
Imagine Ivar saving you // You and Ivar love to raid // Being slave of Ivar // You save Ivar’s horse (from @lordavanti) [ALL COMPLETE]
Friends (5/?) (from @laketaj24) [NOT COMPLETE]
Redamancy (from @neme-jpeg ) [COMPLETE]
Vantalađur Ást (16/?) (from @mylifeisactuallyamess) [NOT COMPLETE]
Aarhus Universitet [COMPLETE] // We move lightly (14/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @ofhoneyandrosepetals)
Hidden love (from @otakufrenchfries ) [COMPLETE]
I'm not okay (3/?) (from @onlinevampire1898) [NOT COMPLETE]
Pity // God Jul // Move on // Crush [ALL COMPLETE] // Secrets (18/?) // Hate (11/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @peaceisadirtyword )
Healing hands (from @premiere-gaou ) [COMPLETE]
Unholy Matrimony (from @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics) [COMPLETE]
Conquer you (12/?) (from @pagan-raider) [NOT COMPLETE]
Blue eyes (from @rosepetals-flyingbirds ) [COMPLETE] [Not found anymore]
You’re different like me // Hmm ? // You are everything [ALL COMPLETE] // When he’s not around (14/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @squirrelacorngliterfarts)
Rest your weary hands (from @spaghettificationandpretzels) [COMPLETE]
Five Brothers (from @teeninpanic) [NOT COMPLETE]
Love’s labor (from @tra-sh) [COMPLETE]
Your god can’t help you now (from @theoriginalragnarsson) [COMPLETE]
Choice is an Illusion (5/?) (from @theinsandoutsofcastiel ) [NOT COMPLETE]
Lost & Found (11/?) (from @thyshadowwriter) [NOT COMPLETE]
Be ruthless // One look // Addicted (from @waiting4inspiration) [ALL COMPLETE]
I need you (from @writingstudent) [COMPLETE]
The Prince's Favorite (7/?) // Quarantine with Ivar (3/?) (from @writingsnmusings) [NOT COMPLETE]
The friend, The lover and the fool (from @xxdearlybeloved) [COMPLETE]
Chance Encounters // Coming home // Best friend // Roommates // The summer people // No more blind date // My boss is a four letters word // Love letters and life lessons // The secret journal // Anyone but him // Love to Hate Me (from @zuxiezendler) [ALL COMPLETE] [Not found anymore]
Last Updated 01/25/23
199 notes · View notes
charliehoennam · 4 years
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s/o for the header and divide
last update: Sep. 22, 2024
Although I have written for other characters, I have decided to write for Charlie Hunnam's and Jake Gyllenhaal characters only.
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Charlie Hunnam: Jackson Teller, Arthur Pendragon, Raymond Smith, Percy Fawcett, Henri "Papillon" Charrière, William “Ironhead” Miller, Bob Frey Jr., Kai, Stanley Kaminski
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Jake Gyllenhaal: John Kinley, Danny Sharp, David Loki, Quentin Beck, Anthony Swofford, Brian Taylor, Lou Bloom, Tommy Cahill, Elwood Dalton, Rusty Sabich
If you read something you like, PLEASE REBLOG. Sharing is caring, my dudes. Help me help you 💕
If any of the links do not work, please let me know so I can fix them as soon as possible. Here’s my list in alphabetical order ( * means smut is mentioned) Enjoy!😉
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Amos Jenkins - little distractions series: part one / two
Doug Cleary - better luck next time
Peter Kristo - alrighty aphrodite
Quinn Mckenna - welcome home, captain * - quarantine pick-me-ups and eat-me-outs *
Steve Murphy - when the levee breaks*
William "Cap" Hatfield - untitled * 
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Arthur Pendragon - untitled
Jackson Teller - patch-ups at 2 - untitled * - black-leathered prince
Raymond Smith - in sickness and in health - please and thank you *
William "Ironhead" Miller - drowned - the getaway - aftermath - birthday bliss * - forever home - feral love *
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Anthony Clarie/Adam Bell - karma's kiss - one / two
Anthony Swofford series - 1: the set up / 2: the letter* / 3: the road trip*
Billy Hope - fists of fury
Brian Taylor - rainy day in
Danny Sharp - danny, the devil *(dark themes)
David Loki - sfw alphabet - forgiven - the dinner party * - dinner date - cat-n-mouse - beyond the badge series: one / two / three / four / five * - just need you * - to the moon - (his) birthday girl
Elwood Dalton - hero's homestead
Louis Bloom angel series (dark themes)*: one / two / three
John Kinley - untitled - take it all * - home again *
Quentin Beck - the conception *(dark themes)
Rusty Sabich - belong to no one else * - primetime *
Tommy Cahill - love in disguise * - from cramps to comfort
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Frank Castle - old flame  - untitled * - vindicated *
Shane Walsh - saving shane * - untitled * 
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Javier Pena - heat wave *
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Alfie Solomons - my kitchen, my rules - faults of the father - gentle giant - in the dark series: prelude(ish) / part one / two  - untitled - first time for everything - sweet stranger series: part one / two
James Delaney - velvet dreams *
Reggie Kray - midnight lovers *
Tommy Conlon - surprise, surprise - quiet now - 2 o'clock stubble
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Bjorn Ragnarsson - bjorn’s new wife *
Hvitserk Ragnarsson - to the rescue(s) - the funeral series: part one / two *
Ivar Ragnarsson - romantically series: part one / two * - playing dead
Ragnar Lothbrok - freed series : part one / two
Sigurd Ragnarsson - in solitude *
Ubbe Ragnarsson - poor little omega * (A/B/O) - learn to listen
384 notes · View notes
writingsnmusings · 4 years
Lockdown Order
pairing: modern!ivar the boneless x reader
summary: reader and her best friend wake up from a drunken night in to a countrywide lockdown order, what will they decide to do?
a/n: we’ll see how this series goes! let me know what ya’ll think about it and as always, here's my vikings masterlist
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Walking into the kitchen, you immediately went for the coffee pot. Your hangover wasn’t too bad, but you still needed the caffeine in your body.
You assumed Ivar was still passed out in his bed as his crutches were nowhere in sight. He had stayed up later than you, way passed two am with his brothers. It wasn’t weird for you to spend the night after going out and drinking with everybody. It was a lot safer than you driving home or getting an uber.
Now with the pandemic going on, all bars and clubs were closed so a night in was what you guys settled for. A few beers and some sports game on tv is what your night consisted of.
“Morning,” Ivar’s voice made you look up from your instagram feed.
“Hey, you.” You slid his mug over to him and he smiled in thanks.
Things were easy with Ivar. You’d been bestfriends since childhood and nothing had changed in adulthood. Well, a few things had. There was no denying that he was a handsome guy. He was charming and funny and everything you’d want in a boyfriend, but unfortunately you were too shy to make a move. He meant too much to you for you to lose him over a crush.
“You see this?” Ivar shoved his phone in your face, making you grab his wrist.
You grabbed the phone out of his hand and began reading the article on the screen. It went on and on about how the whole country was going into a mandated lockdown for four weeks. Nobody allowed out in public unless absolutely necessary.
You groaned and handed the phone back. “I gotta be stuck in my small ass apartment for four weeks?”
Ivar scoffed, “Stay here. I could use the company so I won’t go mad and i’d rather it be you than my brothers.”
Thinking it over, you knew he was right. Ivar being cooped up all alone would be so bad for his mental health. You wouldn’t mind spending a few weeks with him either.
“Are you sure?” You asked, needing the reassurance. You didn’t want him to feel obligated just because you were there when you read the news.
“Of course, you know I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it.” His smile was enough to convince you.
You sighed and nodded, “Alright, we’ll go get some stuff from my apartment then to the grocery store to stock up.” You moved to open the fridge, letting out a laugh when you saw the contents or lack thereof. “Looks like we’re gonna need it.”
Conversation flowed easily between you and Ivar after that. You talked over bowls of cereal and more cups of coffee till it dawned on both of you to head to the grocery store if you wanted to get anything before they ran out.
“Ready?” You called from the front door. You checked your purse for the third time, making sure you had your mask and hand sanitizer. Ivar’s mask hung on the hook by the door so you grabbed it, knowing him he’d forget it.
“Let’s go!” Ivar practically ran into you, bracing himself on your shoulders. “Oh shit my mask,” He looked at the empty hook then back to you with wide eyes.
You held up the fabric and rolled your eyes at him. “Where would you be without me, ragnarsson?”
“Completely lost, obviously.” He winked at you as you walked down the hall together.
The next four weeks we’re going to be interesting, for sure. Your friendship with Ivar was about to change and you didn’t quite know just how yet.
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issamhysa · 4 years
Tiny Succulents And Other Quarantine Shenanigans
Pairing: Catboy! Ragnarssons + Reader
Summary: In which reader takes up embroidery, Hvitserk and Ivar try to kill each other, Ubbe sleeps and Bjorn just wants to watch his goddamned show.
Warnings: Language, Hvitserk has a Nerf gun.
A/N: What a clusterfuck.
"Ah, shit."
You brought your thumb up to your mouth, sucking the forming droplet of blood off your finger. Gently pushing the needle into the fabric, you set the embroidery hoop aside shifting slightly in your spot on the couch.
With his head on your lap, Ubbe shifted as well, blue eyes suddenly staring up at you. He stretched his entire body out with a small yawn, humming contentedly when you gently ran your fingers through his hair and scratched behind his ear.
"Are you okay?" Ubbe asked sleepily, nodding towards the finger in your mouth. You withdrew it from your hand and nodded in return, smiling softly at him.
"Yeah, just pinched myself with the sewing needle."
"Oh. On purpose?"
Ubbe flinched and hissed quietly when you flicked his ear, which twitched and flattened against his head for a moment. 
"No, not on purpose, Ubbe. Now, go back to sleep," you said, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to his forehead. Satisfied and purring, Ubbe settled down once again, closing his eyes. In a matter of seconds, he was snoring soundly on your lap. 
You took the embroidery hoop in your hands again, sighing as you examined what you had done so far.
Two tiny succulents done, one more to go.
Just as you plucked the sewing needle from the black square of fabric, the couch dipped by your side. Bjorn sat at your side, snatching the remote from the coffee table and immediately going on Netflix. Threading the needle through the fabric and pulling at the green thread, you spoke up.
"What are we watching, Bjorn?"
"I'm watching Punisher. You're going to keep..." Bjorn paused to look at you, tilting his head and leaning forward to get a better look at whatever it was you were doing. He quirked an eyebrow and sat back. "Embroidering houseplants, I guess."
"They're succulents, Bjorn. Get it right." You squeaked when he poked your side twice before playing an episode of his show. You paid it no mind, opting to continue your work.
Not even five minutes later, you heard a crash upstairs, followed by a loud yowl. You closed your eyes, inhaling deep through your nose and exhaling from your mouth as your head fell against the back of the couch.
Lord, here we go.
Ivar tumbled down the stairs with his crutches, almost crashing into the couch. You and Bjorn looked up at him, raising an eyebrow in perfect unison. Panting, Ivar pointed up the stairs.
"Hvitserk… Hvitserk is fucking crazy!"
"What did he do?" You asked while Bjorn turned back to the TV, deciding to tune out his brother's drama. 
Ivar took off again as Hvitserk barreled down the stairs, holding the orange Nerf gun in his hand. He was panting, too. His tail bristled in anger, and his eyes were slit and wild as they darted around. Searching for Ivar, you figured.
"Where is he?" Hvitserk asked, the Nerf gun shaking in his hand. You had to strongly fight the urge to roll your eyes at his theatrics. Lowering the embroidery hoop again, you huffed loudly.
Would you ever be allowed to finish your damn tiny succulents?
"What did he do this time, Hvitty?"
"He knocked over my tower! On purpose!"
You gasped, eyes wide. "No! The lego one we built last week? Stark Tower?"
Hvitserk could only nod, tears pooling in his eyes.
Oh, the poor thing.
You pouted, setting the embroidery hoop down on the coffee table. You'd finish it later. Bjorn threw his arm along the back of the couch, prompting you to set your head on his shoulder. But your eyes remained glued to Hvitserk.
"We worked so hard on assembling it…" You murmured, your eyes trailing to the dining room, where Ivar hid under the table.
Your eyes met for a moment, and Ivar's icy blue eyes bore into yours. He shook his head firmly, his ears flat against his head.
Shit, you worked all day on that damned lego tower with Hvitserk.
Your eyes traveled back to Hvitserk before you turned to the TV, snuggling against Bjorn's side and stroking Ubbe's hair.
"He's under the dining table."
"Fucking- Y/N!" You heard Ivar cry out. Hvitserk wasted no time in going after his brother, shooting foam bullets at him.
You could only sigh, tuning out the sound of their screams and the crashing of glass vases and clattering of silverware.
You'd deal with them later. Right now, Frank Castle was on screen, and you weren't going anywhere.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Hi 💖
I haven't posted a new fic for more than a month and I wanted to apologize for that.
I'm currently working on a little something (with my beloved modern, soft and vulnerable Ivar), but I must say, I’m struggling. The truth is, the covid-situation here in Europe - and especially in Switzerland - is disastrous.
Many of my friends are sick. My brother and his family are quarantined, his wife is sick.
I’m still working. My daughters are still going to school. Some of their classmates are sick. People are scared. I’m scared. It’s a very stressful time, and so it’s really hard for me to focus and I’m absolutely sorry about that.
But I’m still here and I’ll be back, I promise. So please, be patient 🙏
And now, Ivar has something to say:
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Please, take care and stay safe!!
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honestsycrets · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror III: Particularly Useless
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❛ pairing | ivar x reader, implied!ivar x freydis
❛ type | multi
❛ summary | you’re panicking. and panicking. and panicking. and ivar isn’t helping.
❛  tags | verbal arguments, OI reference, body swap, witchy themes, pregnancy mention, time traveling, some fighting, confusion and anxiety.
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There were two conclusions you came to. 
One.) You had been dreaming as a result of leftover enchiladas-- of which Ivar had scrunched his nose up at-- and of which you had told him he had to taste to understand the intricate flavour combinations of. He and his sour skyr could never understand! (Then again, the skyr wasn’t half bad after you bothered to try it.)
Or Two.) This was very much real and whatever happened when you had cracked your fist in that mirror had splintered whatever curse was there and by proxy sucked you in thinking, just maybe, it was Ivar trying to break out. It seemed… plausible, right?
After all, the Ivar standing before you was much different than your snarky asshole of a… mirror-mate. Ivar 2.0-- or wait, maybe original Ivar-- cocks his head at you. He has a familiar glint in his eyes, masked by a love that makes your skin run clammy and cold, holding the deep blue fabric under your fingers. It’s more luxurious than anything you could imagine. Ivar reaches up to fix something in your hair. It takes a moment to register that its a tiara that sits on top of your head, etched in gold that rivaled the hair that tumbled down your back. 
“Sick! I’m just-- sick,” you walk around him on the creaking boards, pulling yourself into this ancient bed with god-- was that animal fur? You pull yourself to lay down on pillows stuffed with down feather and stair up at the drab naturalistic ceiling. Your Ivar could have at least told you about his wife. 
“Is it Baldur?” 
“Huh?” you say, then snap back to the reality that yeah-- that stiff belly of yours was full with his son. You pick the tiara from your head and settle it down upon your belly. Ivar hobbles closer, settling his palm on your belly. 
“Baldur.” He looks at you, pulling in skepticism, but you crack the weakest smile, suppressing the painful anxiety that wants to disguise itself in crass laughter.
“It-- it’s my head. I hit it-- I,” you excuse. “I should… sleep.” 
Ivar smooths his hand over your stomach. “Rest. I’ll be with Hvitserk.” 
Hvitserk-- that’s a name you recognize. At least your Ivar mentioned something relevant. He leans down with the aid of his crutch, placing a kiss that reverberates warmth across your forehead. You must have inherited her squishy feelings too. 
“Goodnight, Ivar.” 
As you descend into sleep, it all fades to black. The room is dark and heavy in its quality. As if it is its own little world of its own. There’s heavy darkness, almost stifling, before a laugh. It reverberates in the room, almost shaking you loose from the bed. You tug the blanket up over your head. 
“You like that?” 
That… was not the demon woman. Drawing the sheets over your head down, you realize that before you is the ancient mirror disembodied from the wall, and Ivar-- but your Ivar-- teases your cat with a chunk of cooked fish in a plastic tub. 
“Uh, excuse me?” You push the blankets away, suddenly aware of your belly all over again, waddling toward the edge of the bed. “Are you giving him fish?” 
“Cats eat fish.” Ivar quips. 
“That! That isn’t the point.” 
“Then what is?” Ivar asks, lifting his eyebrows upon his pronounced forehead. 
“You’re SUPPOSED to be finding me a way out of here!” 
Ivar angles his jaw down, and his jawline is so fucking pronounced. Almost aggravatingly so, how handsome, and peppered with stubble as it was. You’re so done with him already-- and the flush of feelings about him? Those, you remind yourself, aren’t yours. These have to be his wife’s feelings.
“And how would I do that when you are in my wife?” He stops, dropping a sliver of fish over your cat’s fuzzy head. His tone has taken on a spiteful quality judging on the way he leered at you: as if you were the embodiment of everything he hated. Maybe you were. “My very dead wife-- and my very dead son, I’ll remind you.” 
“I don’t know!” you shriek. “But if I thought I didn’t know how to do anything before--” 
“Don’t worry. Freydis was a particularly useless queen.”
“Shut up.” Your hand wanders toward your stomach. A very dead son, you think, then settle your hand over the growth. Whatever was in there-- wasn’t dead. It felt as if you had a fish in one of those carnival bags because you feel him move. “Hate to tell you, but he’s very not dead. What kind of name is Baldur anyway?” 
Ivar drags a long sigh, shifting his head to face you. He visibly shutters as if the memory is front and center, bringing him back to the past where apparently, you were. “Baldur was the son of Frigg and Odin. He was the best of their sons. Radiant. Until…” 
“Loki manipulated another into shooting him with mistletoe.” 
“Mistletoe?” You snort obsequiously. “You named your son after someone who was murdered and didn’t think it’d go wrong? In any way?” 
Ivar pulls himself up from the ground, holding the side of his calibers as he stabbed into the ground. And yeap, not getting that deposit back, not in the slightest. “It wasn’t meant to be prophetic.” 
“Oh right, right. He didn’t think he’d be the one to straight-up murder his son!” 
He had enough. His hand snapped to the side of his slacks, thrusting the perfectly kept axe at the mirror. It collapses into a hundred bitty pieces on the floor. Rather than sucking into the mirror, though, the axe repels into the wall beside your bedroom window. The shards pull back together. 
“That didn’t work.” You lament, dropping back onto your bed, and it suddenly occurs to Ivar that your little trick to rile him worked-- until it failed. “I’m stuck as this blonde! What do you think happens next, huh? I’m going to be stuck here until you kill us?” 
By the way he rips the axe from the wall, flipping it over and over, as if he doesn’t know what to say-- you have your answer. He really didn’t know what came next. You suppose if he had, he wouldn’t be stuck in that mirror for over a thousand years.
“Be careful what you say.” You glance up from your position on the bed. He goes on. “He isn’t as stable as I’ve become over the years.” 
Said the man who literally launched an axe into a self-healing mirror. He scowls as he hears the thought enter your mind. You’ve forgotten he could do that. “He thinks he’s a god.” 
“A what?” It humiliates him to even say the word. His forehead pulls in wrinkles as he battles to explain. 
“We don’t have time. You are asleep here and now, but when you wake up… you will have to live my wife’s life. There isn’t much time.” 
Your fingers rub your temples. “Esta bien just-- stay there.” You sigh, working out what exactly to tell him. He knows your daily activities. Work-- no work, quarantine. You thank god for the able excuse that a plague has brought. “There is food in the fridge and a remote for the television.” 
He glances at the thing behind him, raising his eyebrow. He’s seen you do this a hundred times and still. “And your uncle?” 
Fuck. Your uncle. 
“Just text him.” You excuse. “He won’t bother you yet.” 
“Text how,” Ivar holds up his hands, flickering his fingers. “I don’t know how to write in your language. I don’t take it he knows Old Norse?” 
“Ivar. If I spoke Old Norse--” 
“Fine.” He holds up his hands. “Find the seer,” he says. “He will help.” 
Before you can ask him, the all-encompassing black takes ahold. Suddenly you’re there again, staring right back up at the ceiling. It’s many timber beams are years away from your reality at home with soft colours and an itty bitty rented bedroom. A shield sits above the bed illuminated by the presence of many expensive candles. You turn over, rolling onto your side to take a look at it. Burgundy red, with black spikes, and a line of sunshine yellow. It’s then that it registers. It’s easy when its Ivar in your room, because you know him, but you don’t know this man. Or this strange new-- wait, old -- world.
You’re on your own now. 
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The last thing Ivar wants to do is look at the mirror. 
He’s been trapped inside for a millennium and some change, seen the change through the bounty of beautiful women, and their dresses shifting from long to micro-short. He’s wondered what his mother would have looked like. What Freydis-- would have looked like. His finger hovers above the silverwork: then, like that, pulls away. 
“What do you think, huh?” he gazes down at the kitten, mewling between his calibers. He lifts his tiny head at Ivar. “No, come. I don’t know how it happened.” 
He knows he has to get you out. Somehow. The kitten hops on the window ledge, and Ivar hobbles closer, watching the bodies of men shifting below. Sleeping in full chain mail and metal wouldn’t be comfortable-- 
You wouldn’t mind him snooping around, would you? 
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“Queen Freydis-- we should go back.” 
That little slave girl is obnoxious. At first, you thought that she was just skeptical of you, but she trails your steps on the way out of Ivar’s great hall like an second shadow. The seer’s house, as an old woman said scurrying away from you, was in town. Anyone else you tried to speak to was respectful, but quick to get away from you. All except your little girl.
“King Ivar will return soon. You should be resting, he was quite worried about you. And-- and the baby,” she chirped, ten steps ahead of you thanks to this aggravating long dress. Thankfully men and women alike were careful about walking around you in long strides. Fear, you thought. Some women were more brazen, calling you Freyja, and you had no knowledge of who the fuck that was. 
Wasn’t her name Freydis? Maybe it was a nickname. Or maybe you’re just stupid, your mind said unhelpfully. When you almost tripped over your skirts, you hiked them up in flushed anger. It was enough that you had to look like a doll. You refuse to be pushed around too. 
“If you are so worried, you go get him.” 
“Me?” she stopped. 
“I’m too tired to walk back, eh? Go.” You flash a hand at her, making a motion with your index and middle finger of legs walking, then flick your hand up. “Let me go see this eh-- sear.” 
“That’s it. I hear he is very old and wise. He might tell me to get rid of you, Agni. Like I am tempted to do right now,” you sat your hand on top of your pregnant belly. It was cold, you knew. The people rushing by knew that too, frightened for the girl. But if it got her gone, that was all you wanted to do. 
“I--” she bends her head down, kicking around the dust at her feet. She’s thinking a little too hard. You could see the sparks flying. Then she shakes her head, kicking off. “Stay here, please.” 
As if that would happen. You wait until she slipped into the full crowd to turn the corner, face to face with the strange looking grey timbered house. Again, people are looking. There’s no mistake now, you’re sure of it. They’ll all know where you went. No problem.
“C’mon kid, off to the creeper’s keep.” 
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@red-rose21 @beyond-the-ashes @supernaturalvikingwhore @mblaqgi @wuxiesalt @hopplessdreamer @therealcalicali @rekdreams-fandom @moondustmemories @athroatfullofglass @poisonedjoinery @strangunddurm @shookforyoojung @peachesnpisces @tierneygonzalez @hexqueensupreme @nohemi2500 @queenmissfit @alicedopey @dmv49 @sallylebecks @terrainhead @mybarnesmyhero @youurkryptonite @lif3snotouttogetyou @vikingsmania @looneytunes20033 @bat-fam-blob @oneofthelothbroks @lovelynerdytraveler @chinduda @whatamood13 @honeyofthegods @ilvebeenabad @queenbeeta @wonderlandofsuAll@tephi101 @alicedopey @supernaturalvikingwhore @tootie-fruity @titty-teetee @queen-see-ya-in-valhalla​ @ethereallysimple @deathbyarabbit @deathbyarabbit @readsalot73 @natalie-rdr @lol-haha-joke @lisinfleur @hissouthernprincess @marvelousse @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol @vikingsmania @wish-i-was-a-mermaid @lif3snotouttogetyou @gruffle1 @cris101071 @gold-dragon-slayer @babypink224221 @wonderwoman292 @naaladareia @beyond-the-ashes @generic-fangirl @chinduda @laketaj24, @peaceisadirtyword, @ly–canthrope @cris101071 @daughterofthenight117 @unassumingviking @ladyofsoa, @inforapound @winchesterwife27 @feyrearcheron44@readsalot73 @squirrelacorngliterfarts @gold-dragon-slayer @medievalfangirl @sallydelys  @bluearchersstuff @affectionrabbitt @whatamood13 @notyouraveragegirl17 @igetcarriedawaywithyou @unacceptabletatertots @ivarandersen @stra-vage @tgrrose @cookies186 @learninglemni-blog @theleeshanotlouise @soiproclaim​ @msmorganforever​ @destynelseclipsa​ @soleil-dor​
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a-smile-hides · 4 years
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naughtyxstories · 5 years
Quarantine | Ivar, Bjorn & Mia
Mia had grown rather scared when everything began to go haywire. The tiny girl could hardly go to the store, managing to order online, and picking it up. Just the thought of the crazy crowds left the female nearly shaking. The only safe place was with the only people she really trusted, felt safe around - Bjorn & Ivar. People were isolating themselves, restaurants were closing, it felt like some kind of apocalypse to her or something. She didn’t think she could handle it alone, already not that great at taking care of herself.
The petite figure practically toddled while trying to hold the groceries she managed to get, plus her bags. She didn’t really have a lot of stuff, but the bag on her shoulder was filled with stuffies - well and some coloring books to help relax her if she got worked up. It usually worked to calm her, focusing on something like that. Releasing the suitcase, she almost dropped the bag, setting it on the ground with a soft huff as if it weighted a ton. Looking up at him with her cutest pout, “I… um, with you,” she asked, wide eyed. “Please? I - I’m scared, I don’t wanna be alone. I can help. I promise. And I’ll be good, do whatever you say,” she added, hoping that would sweeten things. “Please, Daddy? I - I’ll keep the place clean and, and I could even cook and stuff. Pretty please?” she moved in, snuggling close to him.
Bjorn sighed. He had thought of Mia alone but he felt being used so thoroughly by them would also be bad for the girl. He’d like to pretend he wouldn’t but he knew that he would. He and Ivar would keep her busy at least but he wasn’t sure that level of possessive claim would, in fact, be good for the girl. She was just such a baby. Being treated like a fuck toy couldn’t be good for her, could it? He just didn’t know. 
He wrapped his arms around her. “Babygirl ... I ...” He looked down into her sweet face and saw that fear in her eyes and swallowed the denial that was about to be uttered. Giving her pert little bottom a pat, he conceded nodded toward the truck. “Into the passenger seat, Mia. Bring your plushies and Daddy will do up your belt in a minute.” He instructed firmly. Fucking hell. He was an idiot.
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I posted 261 times in 2021
43 posts created (16%)
218 posts reblogged (84%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.1 posts.
I added 470 tags in 2021
#loki x reader - 80 posts
#fluff - 75 posts
#reader insert - 45 posts
#bucky x reader - 44 posts
#bucky barnes x reader - 42 posts
#loki - 41 posts
#loki laufeyson - 39 posts
#smut - 38 posts
#ivar x reader - 34 posts
#marvel - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#au as in a different david 8 than the one who went on to kill all the nasty humans and engineers
My Top Posts in 2021
Bucky Barnes Oneshot I recommend
Spread some screwball & lick it (from @221bshrlocked )
Insatiable (from @avintagekiss24)
Badass Balerina (from @bby-bxrnes )
Baby (from @buckyandberries)
I want to cuddle (from @buckybarnesstar)
Stand tall (from @buckys-broody-muffin)
Snow (from @blueseasfanfics)
You should dance // Help a buddy out (from @buckysgoldenheart)
Puppy love (from @bbbb-barnes)
That's better (from @bluehourbucky)
Last updated : 11/02/21
118 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 14:49:11 GMT
Title : Love, Blood...Loss ?
Request by @jemmaluvr​ :  A oneshot where the reader is with a poly relationship with the og 6 avengers (+bucky) and she gets shot on a mission and almost dies
Words : around 2960
Warning : FLUFF, Attempt at SMUT (Minors DNI) , slight ANGST
Note : Reader is an Avengers recruited by FURY (after Loki’s invasion in 2012) when she was still a mossaad agent. She quits after having accepted FURY’s offer. Italics means dialogues. I’m not a doctor so it might have medical innacurencies.
Masterlist // Request
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124 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 13:10:39 GMT
Avengers cast fics I recommend
Sebastian Stan
Romanian rambling // Braids (from @littlemarvelfics)
A mistake (from @revengingbarnes )
One week // Another week (from @buckysgoldenheart ) [ALL COMPLETE]
Apartment (from @cravingmarvel) [COMPLETE]
Chris Evans
Bullying (from @hailmary-yramliah)
Dogs (from @idy-ll-ique )
A picture can change your life (from @ainstgirl ) [COMPLETE]
Dog days of summer (from @brieannakeogh) [COMPLETE]
Chris Hemsworth
The moon and the ocean (from @inn-o-cencebabes)
The assistant (from @hemstolemyheart) [COMPLETE]
Abroad (from @thorsstorms) [ONGOING]
Tom Hiddleston
Unresponsive (from @ancientwastedlores)
Have you ever // Quarantine // Holiday in Tulum // Drunk Hiddles // The kiss that broke the internet // Shower for two (from @devilbat)
Pen Pals (from @caramell0w) [COMPLETE]
Him and Her (from @elusive-beauty) [COMPLETE]
A new start (from @fanficshiddles ) [COMPLETE]
All/Some Cast
Delicate (from @morizoras-cave)
Fangirling pays off (from @captainsherlockwinchester110283) [COMPLETE]
A few weeks (from @fictitiousfoodie) [COMPLETE]
Marvel parody // traffic (from @ticklikeabomb) [ALL COMPLETE]
Last updated : 11/13/21
125 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 14:49:56 GMT
Ivar fics I recommend
Making Ivar laugh (from @abonelessgod)
Affection // Marked by the gods // Hungry (from @akamaiden)
Confessions // Bathing habits (from @aqoamoon)
The best choice (from @a-smile-hides)
Ivar claims you with a lick (from @cecesaurus)
The devil and the snake (from @21_years_old_lady on ao3) [COMPLETE]
Girl crush (from @akamaiden) [COMPLETE]
The battle between love and fire (from @alexhogh7137) [COMPLETE]
Bang bang // The girl Ivar love (from @bonniebird) [ALL COMPLETE]
The right woman (from @BroltaAMaga on Ao3) [COMPLETE]
Last updated : 12/04/21
163 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 14:49:39 GMT
Loki Oneshots I recommend
Loki says touch your... (from @angrythingstarlight)
Stop and smell the flower (from @bellesque)
Tinder swipe gone left (from @buckys-old-habits )
Amnesia (from @coffeekeyboardsss)
Loki loves Loki // A single bed // Just a touch of love (from @clandestineloki )
Black like my soul (from @cordytriestowrite )
Last updated : 09/04/21
275 notes • Posted 2021-08-31 14:48:56 GMT
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