#queen burn wings of fire
valid-wof-amvs · 2 years
Burn to Mars The Bringer of War (Metal Cover) by Joe Parrish
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korbywo · 6 months
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nearly every "queen" (or king hehe) in wof!
missing a couple minor ones (like Pearl) but every notable one should be here!
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the-orthrus · 1 year
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A piece of Burn done for the Wings of Fire Destiny Zine!
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cheesuschrist-iii · 5 months
They’re so horribly gay and evil and in love it makes me sick to the core. They would give each other decapitated heads. (tiktok is me btw)
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sinusoidaldysfunction · 6 months
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Blister. Twisted Sister.
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shiftywing · 1 year
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how sweet ☺️
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whiteout022 · 1 month
I couldn’t find the last page but OMG
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simplegeneral · 22 days
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Scarlet: Burny! * Jumps on her * What would you call this?
Burn: A meat shield…
Scarlet: Am I a shield to you? Would you use me?
Burn: Yes… And if you survived, I would use again
Scarlet: This is why I love you, Burny, you would never let our embrace go!
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lynxfrost13 · 2 years
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I will only break your pretty things
I will only wring you dry of everything
And if you're fine with that
You can be mine
(Tongues and Teeth by the Crane Wives)
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how thrilling
i still absolutely hate her but i went off with her design tbh - hc that the royal Skywings are from a very high altitude subtype that evolved varying fur coverage to better deal with the cold temperatures
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boom-towne · 3 months
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new video today! i decided i wanna get back into wings of fire so i started a new speedpaint series on youtube where i talk about the books, recap them, and then draw some fanart for it
for this first video i talked about the dragon guide + the prologue and i drew burn which i think turned out pretty well!
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garussy · 1 year
Queen Scarlet isn’t homophobic she’s a lesbian and a hater
If she sees two people of the same gender kissing she goes “ew do that in private” then goes home to make out with Burn
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Idk I feel like I’d be funny as fuck if Burn had that one character that she didn’t wanna kill.
Out of character? Most likely, yes. But I think if there was some random character (a woman) that Burn loved and stuff it would be cool
Burn is the same nonetheless but she has a girlfriend. Idk I think it would be funny.
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levii0th0n · 6 months
i have, by no will of my own, become a Burn fan. and a burn/scarlet fan. not because they’d actually be good or healthy for each other, but because the idea of that dynamic- the idea of Scarlet already having been queen for ten years prior to oasis’s death, the idea of Burn immediately allying with a SkyWing queen after her sisters declared war, the idea of them being interwoven for twenty years whilst a war of succession raged on around them- is so GREAT
very much a midnight rant here, but man!!
I would LOVE to explore Burn’s relationship with Oasis too. The books imply (especially in TBN prologue & Six-Claws’ winglet) that Burn was her mother’s favorite. And the fact that Burn expanded an entire fucking palace to create a central memorial for her mother is so!!! Like she definitely had a fucked up relationship with Oasis. Like considering Oasis had been so obsessive over heirs and had been so afraid of her daughters it would be difficult for there to be any actual relationship in the SandWing Royal Family. But there was some kind of bond between Oasis and Burn, whether because Oasis didn’t truly fear Burn- not because Burn wasn’t a danger, but because Burn was honorable- or because she genuinely cared, just a little, about one of her daughters.
And the fact Scarlet was a queen during this! The thought that Scarlet and the SkyWings could have been minor allies in the years prior to Oasis’s death (which would make sense in the fact that Burn’s first ally was the Sky Kingdom, because she would be in the best position to utilize the Sand Kingdom’s original allies before the succession crisis)
like I can’t stop thinking about a twenty-one y/o Burn being her mother’s not-so-subtle chosen heir and attending diplomatic meetings and Scarlet, a fresh queen with such a dramatic flair, meeting.
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An Interesting WoF AU
I wrote a very simple Au not really Beta read and most of it was thought up at work but I would like to share, tell me if you guess it before the end ;)
There was something wrong with the eggs, the first two were fine, the Mudwing was a dark blood red and the Seawing was a deep rich blue. Just as the prophecy had said, those two weren’t the issue, it was the last 3.
The Rainwing egg, that was grabbed at the last minute, was large and red, Kestrel was almost convinced that Webs had somehow gotten his talons on a Skywing egg, and for a mer moment after the egg hatched she was excited.
The dragonet in front of the three guardians had large wings, too large for their tiny body and their scales were yellow and orange, Kestrel let her hopes soar only for it to be crushed as the tiny dragonet let out a squeak and promptly turned a bright pink.
“Not a Skywing, it’s just an imposter.” She snarled at the tiny dragonet.
The Nightwing egg came to them hours before they were due to hatched, cracks already spreading over its shiny silver surface. It was a rather strange egg but the dragon inside was stranger.
The three guardians had only seen one Nightwing, that being Morrowseer, so when the Nightwing egg hatched and the dragonet inside was paler then Morrowseer with sharper spikes and talons and a far too thin tail they thought (Hoped) that Nightwing dragonets just, looked like that, and as he would grow his scales would darken.
Finally the Sandwing egg, the egg Dune had found out in the dessert, it was darker than the usually light Sandwing eggs.
When it hatched Kestrel wanted to strangle the other two guardians and that stupid Nightwing, the Sandwing was tiny, it was golden yellow not dusty yellow like Dune and to top it off, it had no venomous barb.
Years went by and the three youngest dragonets were always the target of the guardians wrath, Clay and Tsunami would try and protect them, but they couldn’t do much when Kestrel insisted she need to “talk” to Glory, Sunny tried to say they didn’t mean all their harsh words, but Starflight heard it in their minds.
Starflight was the first one to know what was wrong, he was the first one to figure out why he didn’t look right.
Morrowseer had come to visit, and any hope that Starflight had that maybe young Nightwings just looked like him was dashed by one thought from Morrowseer.
‘Why does he look like that?’ 
Starflight didn’t really pay attention to what was being said to him, he was too focused on listening to Morrowseers thoughts.
‘Do they not feed him enough? He’s far too skinny, and that tail,’
Starflight knew he was strang by Nightwing standards, too thin of a tail, too sharp spike and talons, scales that were pale, shiny and gave off just a small amount of cold.
He didn’t have time to dwell on Morrowseers thoughts, the guardians were planning on killing Glory, Tsunami and Clay had gotten out, they had managed to open the door but they were followed.
Dune was dead Sunny was in a cage Glory was being used as an art piece and the rest of them were being forced to fight.
It was seeing Icewings that settled it for Starflight, the Icewings and their whip thin tails, the Icewings and their shiny spiky scales and the Icewings who gave off just a bit of cold.
All features Starflight himself had, he decided to keep his discovery to himself, until he had proper confirmation, he didn’t want his friends, his family to think differently of him, he didn't think he could handle it.
Glory was the Second one to figure it out. 
She knew the Guardians hated her for being a Rainwing and she knew Kestrel despised her, she was so close to being a Skywing, Glory had larger wings and longer horns then what normale Rainwings were meant to have (according to the scrolls but Glory didn’t really believe that)
Not to mention if she relaxed her scales, she would always become Yellow and Orange, and Moons forbid if Kestrel saw her when she was like that.
It wasn’t until she was being used as Queen Scarlet's art piece did she really start to question her appearance.
“We have a very strange Sandwing for you, I’m sure it’ll make for a thrilling new addition to your little tower,” Scarlet told Burn as they ate together.
“I’m flattered you think of me, I wouldn’t mind adding that Nightwing to my collection either.”
“Oh no, no, no, my dear that one is to fight in my arena, I’ve never seen a Nightwing fight before I’m sure it’ll be thrilling.” 9io88888888888888 (Moobear (My cat) wanted to add to the story)
“Hmmm, and that Rainwing you have, it’s rather peculiar as well, you know I’ve seen a handful of Rainwings and none of them quite have wings, or horns, like that.”
Glory huffed, a small cloud of smoke rising from her nose, which caused Burn to raise an eyebrow at her.
Scarlet just chuckled, shook her head and reiterated that Burn was only to have Sunny.
The following day Glory shot venom at Burn, who used Scarlet as a shield, and she and her family escaped the Sky kingdom.
Glory didn’t think about Burns' comments about her until she was in the Rainforest.
Everytime she would try to tree glide her wings would catch on branches and her horns would tangle in the vines, making the trip to the hatchery a nightmare.
Rainwing eggs changed colour, Glory had heard the story of her egg many times over the years, Kestrel always told her right after…. Well she didn’t like to think about that, the point was Glory was told her egg was large and red, these eggs in front of her were small and constantly shifting.
Once again, Glory didn’t have time to think of that, she had to investigate the missing Rainwings, escape the Nightwings then challenge the Queens to become queen herself.
Before the challenge Glory decided to keep her scales natural, letting them stay as yellow and orange, she was going to win this and she was going to win this as herself.
The challenge went a little of the rails but that didn’t matter cause she was Queen now, sitting in the Queen's Pavilion Grandeur in front of her.
“I think I remember your egg.” Glory titled her head slightly.
“Do you?”
“Yes, I believe it was my granddaughter, always a curious one she was, left the Rainforest to explore different healing styles, came back excited and told me she was going to have a dragonet, oh I was excited for her,” Grandeur sighed almost wistfully. “When she laid it, it didn’t look like a Rainwing egg, I remember her telling me that the father wasn’t-”
Glory held up her talon to stop Grandeur.
“I figured,” Glory’s body sank slightly as she let out a deep breath. “Is my mother still alive?”
Grandeur shook her head.
“She died not long after laying your egg, the healers tried everything.”
“I understand,” Glory hesitated for a moment, “Can we keep this between us? Just for the time being?”
“As you wish, your majesty,” Grandeur said with a low bowl.
Glory had a lot to think about, she had already figured that there was something wrong, something different about her but the confirmation was still a shock.
She would tell her family, but right now she had to focus on getting her Kingdom battle ready.
Sunny wasn’t the first to know why she looked so different, but she was the first one to tell the others.
Sunny had finished telling everyone about her adventure.
“And I got to meet my Dad, he’s a Nightwing, the Dragon who lives in Jade mountain.”
“Wait back up,” Clay said, raising a talon to stop Sunny from talking more. “Your Dads a Nightwing?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah, that’s part of the reason Mum hid me, not only was she scared one of her enemies would get to me, but it was also, in a way, to protect me, cause I’m a hybrid.” 
If anyone was paying attention to Starflight and Glory they would have seen a myriad of emotions cross their faces.
“I guess it’s pretty cool, she knew I would be odd looking making it easier to find me.” Sunny said with a bright smile on her face.
“Umm, I actually have something kinda important to say.” All eyes went to Starflight as he shifted nervously.
“I didn’t want to say anything until I was 100% sure, but I got pretty good confirmation when I was on the Nightwing island, not just from the Dragon everyone thought was my Dad but also from the Queen.”
“Starflight,” Tsunami interrupted the ramberling dragon, “Whatever it is you want to say, just say it please,”
“Right,” Starflight took a deep breath in, “I’m part Icewing, I don’t know who my father is, but I’m not going to find him around here.” 
There was silence from the group as they took in that information, until Glory let out a loud laugh.
“Um, Glory, you okay?” Clay asked as the Rainwing Queen doubled over laughing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry but,” She chuckled as tears pooled in her eyes. “We were all told so many times that there was something wrong with us, I was told so many times that I was an imposter, a mistake, that I wasn’t the stupid Skywing in the stupid fake prophecy.” 
Glory’s laughter slowly turned into sobs.
“And then I found out my Father is a Skywing, and I was the largest egg in the hatchery, and I faced all those years of abuse,” She spat the word out like it left a bad taste in her mouth. “But would it have mattered if they knew?” 
Warm and cold wings wrapped around Glory in a tight huge.
“Glory, I know how you feel, I would love to go back and tell them that we’re not deformed,” Starflight said, “But what's happened has happened, we can't change that.”
“Yeah, and even if you weren’t half Skywing, you would always be our fifth, you're our sister, and we love you.” 
Two more pairs of wings joined the hug comforting, not just Glory but the two other hybrids as well.
“We’re sorry we couldn’t always protect you,” Clay started but was interrupted.
“Don’t start,” Sunny said through tears, “You two did more than enough for us.”
“Yeah,” Starflight added, “I’m sure life under the mountain would have been far worse if you two weren’t there for us.” 
The five Dragonets of Destiny remained piled together in a hug, until Glory was called away.
Hope you enjoyed that; I didn't know how to end it properly so, eh.
Anyway, I really liked the idea of Starflight not mirroring perse but being similar to Darkstalker, in the sense that they are both Night/Ice hybrids born under three moons.
Starflight's powers are weaker though (By that I mean their on Moons level so weak for three full moons).
And Glory being a Rain/Sky hybrid was obvious, I recon she can't breathe fire but can just make puffs of smoke, also her venom burns like if she sprayed it on wood the wood would light on fire.
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saturntherat · 7 months
Wip of burn and scarlet
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