#queen nyra
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A quick little drawing of Nyra, Queen of the Pure Ones. What a beautiful owl. She looks gorgeous in the movie.
This was done rather quickly and under a TON of adrenalin. It's not my best work, but I'm happy with how she turned out.
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dragondreamers · 8 months
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archangel-lucerys · 4 months
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"Mother, eat me and give birth to me again. this time around i’ll make you proud."
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon
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aelyxtarg · 4 months
She finds out you are carrying her baby
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atopcat · 10 months
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"(...) there were always rings on her fingers. Whenever she was anxious, she would turn them compulsively around."
— George R.R. Martin about Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
Look at the colour of her rings:
A black stone for Jace, he’ll be crowned King Jacaerys I Targaryen and continue the Targaryen dynasty.
Turquoise stone for Luke, he’ll be Lord Velaryon, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark.
A plain gold band for Joffrey because unlike his older brothers his future hasn’t been set in stone, he can choose his own destiny.
When Rhaenyra’s anxious she holds her sons close, maybe out of reassurance that as long as she has them everything will be alright.
But we know it won’t be 💔
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daenysthedreamer101 · 26 days
If you could somehow send a letter to any HOTD character, what would it say, when in the timeline would you send it and ofc who would receive it? The letter can only have 10 words.
I came up with a couple
1. "Luke will die. Send someone else to go."
- the recipient would be Rhaenyra. I would send it after the council meeting where Jace volunteers for them to go but before they actually depart Dragonstone.
2. "Don't leave your room. It will cause trouble afterwards."
- again, Nyra. After she sees that bag Daemon left in her room.
3. "Don't have children with Harwin. It will cause problems."
- Nyra. After her wedding to Laenor or whenever she first had the thought to hook up with Breakbones.
4. "They will kill Jaeherys. Protect him. Trust your wife."
- to Aegon. After the council meeting.
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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DAEMON & RHAENYRA TARGARYEN ▸ House of the Dragon, 1.10
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Can we get some facts about MCs family members and their betrothed ? Maybe also how they changed after MC was missing for awhile.
King Leonidas and Queen Nyra
Nyra, who was then Crown Princess, met Leonidas during his opening tourney of being a knight— something he didn’t wish to do as he’s never truly enjoyed that sort of thing; it’s something his father wished of him and he didn’t wish to be more of a disappointment. Nyra felt endeared to the fumbling boy that could barely hold the sword up, let alone hope to wield it, but the gentleness he displayed towards his horse is what truly made her wish to meet him. (They fell in love fairly quickly… Leonidas is one of her most trusted advisors.)
Nyra, like all members of her bloodline, has a magical gift in the form of water magic— said magic, like it does with all the family, showcasing itself by changing the color of her eyes on the dawn of her sixteenth birthday. Changing light green to enchanting blue.
Leonidas is definitely the softer of the two. Sneaking his children little treats after dinner has finished, or trying to persuade his wife to let them play a bit longer, but it’s Nyra that read to you when you were little before bed— despite Leonidas being the scholar between them— as she’d do different voices and various other things; all in the effort to make her darling children smile.
They both still wear midnight purple— the color of mourning for a royal within Aetheria— due to the loss of you. Nyra wearing a necklace/earrings with the stone and Leonidas with his cape being the color… Something that’s understated, as it’s not the full outfit, but something that still shows that they’re thinking of you.
Leonidas has become much more finicky of his children, worrying constantly when they’re not where they’re supposed to be. The stress has caused his darker hair to start going a bit more grey. While Nyra has been much more protective and less willing to bend her already iron-clad rules… She won’t let another one of her children disappear.
Crown Prince Elarin
Many call him cold-hearted, aloof in the face of all the heartache that his family has faced as he’s never been seen to have shed a single tear for you… Of course, that wasn’t the case within the privacy of his quarters, but he refused to break within the public eye— remaining the perfect heir as he was always trained to do.
He has a certain fondness for the old tabby that’s made her home within the stables of the palace— a scruffy thing with half its right ear missing and a scar across her face, but the tabby has survived despite everything and Elarin, however foolish he believes it to be, hopes that if the cat could survive then so could you.
Likes the peace and quiet of the library within the Royal Wing, less people coming into bother him— barring the cleaning staff— which is what he prefers. When he’s not in with his various tutors then he’s there simply basking in the tranquility that the place offers him… It happens few and far between as of late.
Stills wears a small trinket that you made for him years before— a silly birthday present that he had pretended to not understand… The little brooch now sits snugly over his heart, underneath the sash that he wears to court.
To an outsiders perspective he hasn’t changed in the slightest, but to the people that know him they know that he’s become colder, more withdraw, focused more and more on his duties… It helps him stop wondering about what could have been; even if he does stop to stare at the Map of Arvandor whenever he sees it… Wondering where you could have possibly gone.
Prince/Princess Kalyn
Being your twin, your disappearance destroyed them completely. They couldn’t be in their quarters of the castle, that they shared with you, for months after the fact. They wouldn’t even let the cleaning staff in either— refusing to let anyone destroy the last bits of you they had.
As is custom, on the sixteenth birthday of a royal heir a ball is held to honor them, and to showcase their gift, Kalyn absolutely refused to have theirs without you by their side. As it would feel like they’d be celebrating something that wasn’t wholly theirs (and it isn’t in their eyes).
Was always hot-headed as a child, which is why their gift with fire magic wasn’t a surprise, but they detest the color of their crimson eyes now… As it took away the small connection they had with you… The color of your eyes. Because, at least, when they looked in the mirror they could pretend that you were looking back.
Has a sweet tooth the likes no one has seen before. Kalyn and Leonidas always had a little “date” where they’d sneak into the palace kitchens to raid the sweets… Something that Leonidas spoke with the cooks beforehand so they were prepared (Kalyn still thinks they were being thieves of the night).
They’re still fairly hot-headed, but they’re also more closed off in a sense that they try not to form new connections with other people. When they used to try to make friends with everyone and anyone. The one topic that is definitely liable to make them blow up is you… so people tread that line with extreme caution. Especially after they punched a dignitary who had been talking about a conspiracy that the royal family is the one that caused you to vanish.
Princess Isadora
Spends a lot of her time within the castle gardens or within the courtyard surrounded by admirers and potential suitors… Not that she truly pays them any attention. While getting gifts are cute/endearing, and she gives thanks to the people who went out of their way to give her one, it’s a simple benefit nothing more— it can also get tedious when she’s simply trying to be alone.
Has a deep fondness and love for animals and plants, all living things really. You can typically see her with her loyal hound heeling at her feet or following closely by her side… She always feels safe when he’s nearby.
Her sixteenth birthday is coming up, along with the ball and manifestation of her gift, which is coincidentally around the time that you’re found… Maybe you can finally have the ball that was stolen from you (and Kalyn)… If she agrees to it, of course.
Tries her best to be there for her family when the time of your disappearance comes around… Even if she feels like a ghost at times due to it, because she doesn’t truly understand but still feels the faint echoes of her own pain falling back to her— telling her things she tries to grasp, to remember, but it’s always too far out of reach.
She was five years old when you vanished. Remembers faint things about you, but she’s mainly been affected by the way her family is now without you. A part of her misses you, misses the relationship she used to have with you, but she doesn’t truly remember you completely… She’s also far from being the energetic child with chubby cheeks that you remember.
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daenystheedreamer · 4 months
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uhn-reel · 15 days
Aegarax, The Untamed
What if Davos Blackwood was a Targaryen?
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In which Daevos Targaryen, secondborn to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Williem Blackwood, claims what should've been his birthright.
Type: Oneshot
Word Count: 1,270
Warnings: n/a
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Prince Daevos Targaryen’s life had always been shadowed by the expectations and grandeur of his lineage. Born to Rhaenyra Targaryen and Williem Blackwood, Daevos was raised with the weight of both the Targaryen legacy and the fierce loyalty of the Blackwoods. But from his earliest days, he had always been a boy apart—especially after the failure of his dragon egg.
While his twin brother, Jacaerys, had bonded with Vermax, hatching the egg gifted to him shortly after birth, Daevos was not so fortunate. His dragon egg, a deep crimson with streaks of gold from the clutch of Syrax, had been carefully placed in his cradle as tradition dictated. The family waited eagerly for the day it would hatch, expecting Daevos to take his place among the dragonriders. But as the years passed, the egg remained cold, its once-vibrant shell dulling over time.
Daevos tried everything to coax life from the egg. He studied the ancient Valyrian texts, learned the rituals of dragon bonding, and even prayed in secret to the old gods of his father’s bloodline. But nothing worked. Eventually, the egg cracked, not with life, but with ruin. It cracked, collapsing like it was burned into nothing but ash one unfortunate day in the windowsill of his chambers in Dragonstone, a failure that stung more deeply than Daevos allowed anyone to see.
The destruction of his dragon egg became a symbol of everything Daevos feared—that he was lesser in the eyes of his family and his ancestoqrs. While Jacaerys rode proudly on Vermax, leading future Targaryens into battle, Daevos was left earthbound, destined to live among dragons but never truly be one of them. For a Targaryen, it was a fate worse than death. His mother’s fire burned brightly in him, but with no dragon to channel it, Daevos felt adrift.
The other nobles whispered behind his back, wondering if he was cursed, if the gods had turned their backs on him. It didn't help that he had his father's Blackwood features—dark brown curls and a lean, shadowed appearance, a stark contrast to the silver-haired, dragon-riding image expected of the Targaryens. He was already set apart by appearance, and now, without a dragon, he was an outsider.
For years, Daevos wrestled with this failure. He became restless, rebellious, throwing himself into swordplay and Blackwood traditions, trying to forge an identity separate from the dragons that seemed to reject him. He spent long nights alone in the wet training grounds of Dragonstone, testing his skills and pushing his limits, always seeking something to fill the void left by the dragon that never came.
Though his egg had been destroyed, Daevos still harbored a secret hope deep in his heart. He longed for a dragon, even as he was outwardly shunned by the Targaryen customs that had failed him. That hope sparked when he heard whispers of a great, unclaimed dragon roaming the skies near Harrenhal. The rogue beast was known as Aegarax, feared for his volatile temperament and terrifying power. Unlike other dragons, Aegarax had never bonded with a rider, and rumors spread that he was too dangerous to be tamed.
Most would have seen this as a warning, but for Daevos, it was a calling.
Years of anger, frustration, and isolation had prepared him for this moment. He was not the perfect prince, nor the expected Targaryen heir, but he had been hardened by his struggles. Where his twin Jacaerys had learned patience and diplomacy, Daevos had developed a ferocity and determination that could not be broken. And so, he made his decision: he would claim Aegarax, the untamable beast, or die trying.
The dragon was a symbol of chaos, feared even by the most daring Targaryens who sought a steed. His fire burned hotter, and his temperament was more brutal than any had dared to approach. Yet Daevos Targaryen, with his rebellious spirit and fierce independence, saw a reflection of himself in the untamed beast.
Growing up in the shadow of his princely brother, Jacaerys, who would one day claim the Iron Throne, Daevos was determined to forge his own path. While Jacaerys had bonded with the loyal Vermax, Daevos sought something different—something raw, powerful, and free of constraints. Aegarax was that very beast.
One stormy night, Daevos slipped away from Dragonstone. Which was much easier done than said thanks to his common features. His journey to Harrenhal was long, but Daevos thrived in isolation. He wanted to face the dragon alone, knowing Aegarax would only respond to strength, not the pomp and ceremony of a typical dragon-claiming ritual.
Arriving at the dilapidated ruins, Daevos faced the heat of Aegarax's fury as the dragon lay coiled in the shattered throne room of Harrenhal, his massive form partially hidden in the shadows. The prince approached cautiously but confidently, knowing that fear would only make him weak in Aegarax's eyes.
“Rȳbagon issa elēni. Gīda ilagon se lykīrī, Aegarax.” Hear my voice. Listen and calm down, Aegarax.
He called out to Aegarax in Valyrian, his voice strong but laced with challenge. As he approached Aegarax, he recalled the years of emptiness, the rejection by his own kind. The dragon’s yellow eyes flicked open, glowing like embers in the darkness. The air was thick with tension as Aegarax rose to his feet, towering over Daevos, his breath hot with the scent of sulfur.
The dragon before him was of fearsome beauty, his massive form a striking combination of scales dyed in ebony and gold that glistened akin to ivory despite the lack of light, as though he were born from the very heart of a storm. The veins of his wings and streaks along his neck and back glowed a vibrant, fiery yellow, giving the impression that his body was laced with living flame. When it soared through the skies, it resembled a streak of lightning splitting the clouds, a vision of raw power and intensity.
And like his ancestors, Daevos did not bow or submit. He stood tall, his own defiance meeting Aegarax's gaze. He spoke again in Valyrian;
"Ao issi ñuhon, Aegarax. Se nyke aōhon. Perzys se ānogar letagon īlva." You are mine, Aegarax. And I am yours. Fire and blood bind us.
Aegarax let out a deafening roar, shaking the walls of Harrenhal. For a moment, it seemed as if the dragon would consume him with flames, but Daevos remained still, knowing that the dragon was testing his will. When the fire came, Daevos didn’t flinch—he walked toward the flame.
But instead of fire, Aegarax flared his wings and lowered his head, his snarl turning into a low growl. The dragon recognized Daevos’ unyielding strength, a mixture of his mother’s fiery Targaryen blood and his father’s deep-rooted Blackwood cunning.
He placed his hand on Aegarax’s snout, feeling the heat of his scales. In that moment, a silent understanding passed between them. Aegarax was not a beast to be tamed, but an equal in ferocity and willpower. And Daevos was not a boy seeking a tool of power—he was a prince claiming his birthright through sheer force of character.
Mounting Aegarax was an exhilarating risk, but he knew the bond had been forged in that moment of mutual recognition. The dragon, while still wild and untamable to others, accepted Daevos as his rider.
Together, they took to the skies above Harrenhal, dark wings cutting through the stormy clouds, the black dragon and his bold rider bound by a connection that defied both tradition and fear. Daevos had claimed Aegarax, not through submission, but through their shared nature—each a force of chaos that could not be tamed, only unleashed.
And unleashed, it was.
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rosesncarnations · 4 months
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Sweet girl is having regrets
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Over 50 cm of snow is laying in my garden, the traffic is jammed, the roads are icy to a degree that is deadly, trees are collapsing, the internet and electricity is on and off constantly and I have strained my right hand where I accidentally tore my skin open earlier which infected and hurts like hell. In other words, this is not my week.
However, despite the fact that I am in pain, I made a drawing. It's unbelievably ugly, but it was my comfort. Please, accept this humble offering of content from a person who would like to to have a normal week for once. Thank you.
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grey-joys · 5 months
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We support women’s wrongs in this house
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archangel-lucerys · 4 months
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Is it your home? If you don't recognise it?
Rhaenyra and Lucerys
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derangedaenerys · 2 years
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i brought a knife to a gun fight. i am the knife. i am all blade.
“Ideology” by Aria Aber.
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atopcat · 6 months
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