#queen&039;s knight
fuzzysparrow · 5 months
Simeon Saves Westminster
Dear Simeon,Enemy agency REEL (Really Evil Espionage League) are on the attack in London. Our intelligence sources have revealed a wicked plan to set off supersonic whistles using tiny electronic amplification devices planted in the secret tunnels under Horse Guards Parade. The devices play a version of the Baby Shark song, which is inaudible to human ears but has been found to drive horses in…
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mystarwarsthoughts · 2 years
My Entertainment Weekend Update
My Entertainment Weekend Update
Hello friends, and happy weekend! Still reading through Dark Force Rising in small increments. I’m finding it a bit dull, but maybe it’s because I’m reading it in fits and starts. Now that Luke has finally met the crazy clone Jedi Joruus C’Baoth, it’s a bit more interesting. I’m about halfway through the book, so maybe it will start to ramp up a little bit. I’ve finished Queen’s Hope, and I…
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taylornetwork · 3 years
Nothing's On episode # 397 Knight Riders Unite
Nothing’s On episode # 397 Knight Riders Unite
The boyz are back baby!!!! Donny returns after 3 long weeks away, Jim got all the news, we read our ONE EMAIL and jump into what we watched plus our latest give away from Paramount Pictures Tanya Roberts , Dr Dre, AMC, Wrestling, Bobbleheads: The Movie, Ray Fisher, Caillou, JSA cartoon, Kevin Sorbo v Lucy Lawless, Green Arrow and the Canaries, Queen Latifah, Pilot Season 2021,Star Wars, Knight…
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floridageekscene · 2 years
MarkWHO42's Universe - Best of Pop Culture in the 1980s (Part Two: Music and Television)
MarkWHO42’s Universe – Best of Pop Culture in the 1980s (Part Two: Music and Television)
It’s totally awesome dude! From The Police to Dire Straits and from Family Ties to Star Trek: The Next Generation, this episode covers the best of television and music in the most tubular decade ever! So listen in… it will be gnarly!!!
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newsupdated · 4 years
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders' Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch | Cricket News
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders’ Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch | Cricket News
Kieron Pollard led from front, scoring 72 off just 28 balls, to pull off a thrilling two-wicket victory for Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR) in a Caribbean Premier League 2020(CPL) match on Saturday. Chasing 149 to win against Barbados Tridents, TKR were struggling after losing four wickets inside the first eight overs. However, Pollard…
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blankasolun · 5 years
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The Princess of Wales Is Making Troubles Again There had been further rumours of a divorce. At the end of 1815 Charlotte had been 'in despair' at what Mercer had told her of the Princess' alleged intimacy with her courier, Bartolomeo Pergami.
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It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ August/September Wrap Up
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? ~ August/September Wrap Up
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It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly event on my blog; So Many Books So Little Time. This is where book bloggers and readers gather to talk about what books they’ve read and/or reviewed last week, what books they’re currently reading and what books they’re planning to read. This is a great way to organise/plan our reading week/month, and to take a sneak peek at what others are…
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alternatively titled: a gay’s guide to zinda blake. now with commentary.
maybe you’ve heard of zinda blake, aka lady blackhawk. maybe you haven’t! maybe you’re just really confused as to why i’m constantly talking about her and want to understand. so, here is all the best issues to read her in.
(psa, this isnt the only way to read her story nor is it a list of every issue zinda appears in. this is my opinion on the best way to discover her! if anyone wants more content that she appears in, message me!)
birds of prey (1999)
zinda appears in issues 075, 077-125, and 127. here’s the zinda-centric issues:
075 — this is her first appearance in this series is and its a perfect way to get introduced without having to read her 50′s blackhawk issues
112 — this one is a zinda-centric oneshot about her coping terribly after the death of a team member. the angst about the blackhawks hurts my hearttt
114-117 — this is the queen killer shark arc. its a callback to one of her original blackhawk storylines and its got some good helenazinda content. tw for past abuse, past sexual asault, ptsd
continued under the cut!
birds of prey (2010)
appears in issues 001-015 aka the whole series. zinda-centric issues:
014-015 — i like this one cause it’s got flashbacks to when zinda’s past in during ww2. it’s also got her being badass with dinah drake and sandra knight aka phantom lady aka kate spencer’s (manhunter) grandmother! tw for nazis
batman confidential (2007)
zinda appears for the blackhawk down arc.
036-039 — includes zinda sassing batman, blackhawks angst, and getting revenge on your abuser. i’m not a big fan of the ending though, it’s uhhh too straight for my tastes. lesbian zinda or bust.
honorable mentions:
blackhawk (1957)
133 — this is her first appearance! i kinda hate it cause its pretty sexist but what else can you expect from late 50′s comics :/
other appearances include issues:
140, 143, 147, 151, 155, 161, 163, 166, 170, 182, 186, 188, 191, 200, 204, 216, 225, 228, 229, 231-233, 236, 239, 240, 242
guy gardner: warrior (1994)
we all know 90′s comics were the worst. ggw is a menace. BUT it does have issues that are important to zinda’s timeline and i adore their forgotten friendship. if you can stand the art, please check it out!
024 — this is the one where zinda falls through time during zero hour and meets guy! chances are you won’t know what’s going on with the plot of this issue. don’t worry, neither do i.
029 okay i LOVE this one. it’s the grand opening of guy’s bar, warriors, and zinda shows up out of the blue and i jsut dfhjdshf
other apperances include issues:
036, 038-043 (tw for 90′s transphobia in issue 042)
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mc-dude · 7 years
Hal Jordan Reading List
                                |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|                                  ¯¯¯/   /¯¯¯\   \¯¯¯                                       |   |           |   |                                   __\   \__/   /__                                 |_____________|
❝ Hal Jordan – he’s the anti-Batman. Batman has everything mapped out seven ways, while Hal will jump off a cliff and figure out how not to die on his way down. ❞
                                                                                            - Kurt Busiek
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Q: Why is Hal killing all these people? I thought he was a good guy? Why does he have thigh-high boots?
A: In January of 1994 (Green Lantern v3 048) Hal’s home aka Coast City is destroyed by Mongul while battling Superman. Hal kind of goes insane and basically turns into a supervillain named Parallax who only wants to “fix” the universe. The writers have stated in various interviews that they were rushed for time so if the story seems rushed & out of place well.. it’s because it is. Still, it’s a part of Hal’s history! The whole thing was basically retconned in Green Lantern: Rebirth by Geoff Johns. The boots are because Parallax is really just a big a drama queen. Hal is Parallax from 1994-1996.
Q: Why is Hal a big tortured green ghost? I thought he was Green Lantern?
A: After the events of Final Night Hal gets sent to purgatory and is only released to become the Spectre, the Spirit of Vengeance in the DC Universe. The Spectre basically needs a human host in order to exist on the physical plane so Hal is chosen because he feels like he deserves to be punished for what he’s done. Hal the Spectre from 1999-2004.
Q: Who’s Hal? I thought Green Lantern was John/Kyle/Guy/Simon/Jessica--
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Boy do I have news for you.....
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This is my recommended reading order that I think will give you a good introduction to Hal Jordan as a character.
You could always start at the chronological beginning and make your way forwards, but that usually isn’t the best way to get into a character. Start with the stuff that will get your attention and is easier to digest, and then you can go hard and dive into the huge volume of works all about my favorite green boy.
Q: How do I read these? I’m broke af!
A: There are many places to read comics online! Readcomiconline.to has most of these! If you need to read first online and then when you get $$ buy them IRL or online (with Comixology, Amazon, etc.) then I don’t judge you.
Q: I have a question about (insert continuity question here) or (insert random comic here)..
A: I’m always open to asks about anything related to my son. :’) HMU! I will explain everything I promise.
Q: You missed one / there’s a typo in this list / I think you should have put x comic in y section..
A: If you think I missed anything please let me know! I may have forgotten one, or there may be a Hal comic lurking around that I haven’t read.. doubtful.. but it’s a possibility..
Any suggestions about reading order please send as well! I’m always open to changing the list/having convos about my son.
Q: Are there any new comics with Hal comic out rn??
A: Yes! Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps gets updated every 2 weeks. There’s also a Green Lantern / Star Trek series called Stranger Worlds, and a Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern series that are both on-going. Hal will also make an appearance in Flash v5 024 (june 14), and will be featured in the upcoming DC event-prequel called Dark Days - The Casting 001 and also in the DC Metal event in certain issues (which #s are unconfirmed). He is currently not on the Justice League title.
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Darkseid War: Green Lantern
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern: No Fear
Green Lantern v4 a.k.a. Geoff John’s run 001-042
Blackest Night (043-052)
Green Lantern v4 053-067
Green Lantern v5
Green Lantern: Future’s End
Hal & the Green Lantern Corps (current on-going series)
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Now you have a basic introduction to Hal Jordan’s character and what he’s all about. Now it’s time to start in on some of his relationships! Hal’s main relationships in his life are: Carol Ferris, Barry Allen, and Oliver Queen. Carol is his on-again off-again romance spanning from the 60s to mid-GL v5. Barry, a.k.a. the Flash, is his best friend. Oliver Queen is his other good friend.
Flash & Green Lantern: The Brave & The Bold
Flash v4 Annual 002
Flash v5 023-024 (out june 14!)
Justice League n52 001-012
Flash v1 131, 143, 168, 175, 191, 222, 225, 275-277, 322
Green Lantern v2 013, 020, 043, 200
Justice League of America v1 096, 139, 156, 170, 186
Flash: Rebirth 001
General Mills Presents: Justice League 003
Christmas with the Super Heroes 002
Hard Traveling Heroes a.k.a. Green Lantern v2 076-122.
Green Arrow v1 001
Green Arrow v2 019-020, 095-096, 136
Green Arrow v3 007-009, 017, 065
Green Arrow & Black Canary 001, 004-005, 007, 029-032
Legends of the DC Universe 007-009
DC Universe - Decisions 001-003
Justice League - Cry for Justice (note.. most people think this is terrible & OOC. But you can decide for yourself!)
Green Lantern: Secret Files and Origins
Green Lantern: Rebirth
Green Lantern v2 073, 083, 145, 172, 180-185, 190
Green Lantern v3 021-024, 026-027, 032, 036, 041, 119
Green Lantern v4 018-020, 029-035, 038, 050, 053, 063, 067
Green Lantern v5 001, 003-007, 020
DC: The New Frontier
JLA: The Nail
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Now that you have a grasp on Hal’s relationships, I have a few favorite one-shots and Hal appearances that I think are excellent reads.
DC: The New Frontier
Green Lantern / Superman - Legend of the Green Flame
Green Lantern - Ganthet’s Tale
Green Lantern - Willworld
JLA / Spectre - Soul War
Justice 001-012
Brave and the Bold v3 001-002, 004-006, 012, 015, 019-022, 030
DC Comics Presents: Green Lantern
Harley’s Little Black Book 002
JLA 035, 115-120
JLA: Year One 001-012
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Alright now you’re ready to sink deep into the rest of Hal Jordan history. Basically the best thing to do at this point is to start at the beginning and work your way up to present day! NOTE: I have included every single appearance of Hal (not already mentioned above) in this section so I put a lot of it under a READ MORE! Don’t miss out on it if you’re on mobile! :-)
Green Lantern v2
Green Lantern Corps v1
Green Lantern v3 001-047 aka Pre-Parallax
Green Lantern 048-050 aka Emerald Twilight
Zero Hour: Crisis in Time
Green Lantern v3 055, Annual 004, 063-064, 100-106
Final Night
Green Lantern v3 081
Day of Judgement
The Spectre v4
Green Lantern v3 119, 145, 150, 155
Green Lantern Corps Quarterly 001-005, 008
Green Lantern Corps v2 016, 020-022, 026, 045, 058-059
Green Lantern Special 001-002
Green Lantern: Circle of Fire 001-002
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (note: this is an alternate version of Hal’s origin story that is not considered canon)
Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II (still not canon..)
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors 002, 008-010
Green Lantern: Mosaic 003, 005, 015-018
Star Trek / Green Lantern: The Spectrum Wars
Star Trek / Green Lantern: Stranger Worlds (on-going)
Planet of the Apes / Green Lantern (on-going)
Green Lanterns 024
Tales of the Green Lantern Corps 001-003, Annual 002
Green Lantern Legacy: The Last Will & Testament of Hal Jordan
Green Lantern: Fear Itself
Green Lantern: Larfleeze Christmas Special :’)
Green Lantern 80-page Giant 001
Green Lantern vs Aliens 001
Green Lantern / Plastic Man: Weapons of Mass Deception
Green Lanterns: Rebirth
Sinestro Corps Special 001
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion
Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax
War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath 001
Brightest Day 000-001, 015
Flash v2 069-070, 074, 077, 079, 130, 198, 200, 207, 215-216, 219, 246, Annual 008
Legends of the DC Universe 001, 007-009, 012-013, 028-029, 033-036, 038
Time Masters: Vanishing Point
Action Comics 601-635
Justice League of America v1 001-056, 058-68, 070-083, 085-093, 095-122, 125-130, 132-133, 135-137, 139-144, 147-153, 155-180, 182-190, 192-195, 197-200, 206, 211-213, 219-220, 224, 231, 240, 250, 261
Justice League of America v2 000-010, 012, 015, 022-024, 026, 029, 031, 041-043, 045, 051-053, 059
Justice League of America 80-Page Giant 001
Justice League Europe 039-045, 047, 049-050
Justice League International 010, 024, 051, 053-057, 060-061
These are the rest of Hal appearances.. if you’ve made it this far.. god speed.
52 - Week 006, 013, 033
Action Comics 350, 366, 429, 437, 443-444, 470, 483, 489, 527, 589, 642, 770, 836-837, 850, 873, 884-886
Adventures in the DC Universe 016
Adventures of Superman 473, 648
All-Star Comics 068
All-Star Section Eight 002
Amazons Attack! 002-003, 005
Aquaman v1 061
Aquaman v2 004, 007
Aquaman v4 013
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne 001-002, 006
Birds of Prey v1 112
Blackhawk 228-230
Bloodbath 001-002
Booster Gold 000-001, 007, 1000000
Brave & the Bold v1 028-030, 059, 069, 100, 112, 134, 155, 173-174, 181
Chase v1 009
Convergence: Green Lantenr Corps 001-002
Convergence: Green Lantern - Parallax 001-002
Convergence 001, 004-008
Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Crisis Aftermath: The Battle for Bludhaven 005-006
Darkstars 000, 011-012, 023
DC Challenge 012
DC Comics Presents: Justice League of America
DC Comics Presents 006, 026
DC Special 008, 019, 021, 027
DC Special Series 000-001, 006, 024, 026
DC Super Stars 014
DC Universe 001-003
DC Universe Halloween Special 2009
DC Universe - Legacies 003-004, 008-009
DC Universe: Trinity 001-002
DC / Wildstorm: Dreamwar
Deadman: Dead Again 001, 004-005
Death of the New Gods 002
Deathstroke the Terminator 013
Detective Comics 350, 438
Eclipso: The Darkness Within 002
(Elseworld) Evil’s Might
(Elseworld) Injustice: Gods Among Us Year 1-5
(Elseworld) JLA: Age of Wonder 001-002
(Elseworld) Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again 003
(Elseworld) DC Bombshells 011
(Elseworld) Elseworld’s Finest 001
(Elseworld) Flash v2 Annual 007
(Elseworld) Green Lantern: 1001 Emerald Nights
(Elseworld) JLA: Another Nail
(Elseworld) Superman & Batman: Generations 003
(Elseworld) Superman & Batman: Generations II 004
(Elseworld) Superman: Red Son 003
Fanboy 002
Final Crisis
Final Crisis - Rage of the Red Lanterns
Final Crisis - Requiem
Firestorm v2 066-067
Flash 80-Page Giant 002
The Flash: Fastest Man Alive 009
The Life Story of the Flash
Flashpoint 005
Flashpoint: Hal Jordan 001-003
General Mills Presents: Justice League 001-004
Green Lantern and Silver Surfer (oh god)
Green Lantern: Space Ghost Special
Guy Gardner v1 001, 005-007
Guy Gardner: Warrior 020-021, 024, 030-031, 044
Guy Gardner: Collateral Damage 001
Hacker Files 006, 011-012
Hawkman v3 001-002
History of the DC Universe: Book Two
Hourman 016
Identity Crisis
Infinite Crisis 005-007
Invasion! 002-003
JLA: Liberty and Justice 2003
JLA: Secret Origins
JLA 80-Page Giant 002
JLA: Classified 047
JLA: Incarnations 001-004
JLA/Avengers 001, 003-004
JSA 019-020, 060-062, 077
JSA All-Stars 001, 008
Justice 3000
Justice League: Rise and Fall
Justice League America Annual 009
Justice League Quarterly 003, 008, 013, 015
Justice League Task Force 001
Justice League: The Rise of Aresenal 001-002
Justice League Wedding Special
Justice Society of America 006, 017, 038
L.E.G.I.O.N. 045-047, 057-058
Lobo 013
Manhunter v1 022
Martian Manhunter v2 023
Martian Manhunter v3 003, 005
Metal Men v1 054-055
Metamorpho Year One 006
Millennium 001-008
Mystery in Space v1 075
OMAC v3 007
Power of SHAZAM! 041
Power of the Atom 008-009
Secret Origins 002, 023, 032, 036, 046
Secret Society of Super Villains 002-005
Sergio Aragones Destroys DC
Shadowpact 001, 024
Showcase 022-024, 100
Starman v1 006
Super Powers: Green Lantern
Super Powers v1 002-003, 005
Super Powers v2 001, 003, 006
Superboy v2 013
Supergirl v1 008
Supergirl v4 078-080
Superman v1 199, 272, 311-312, 651, 664, 677 (CUTE), 683
Superman v2 014, 076, 082-083
Superman and Batman: World’s Funnest
Superman: Phantom Zone 002, 004
Superman: The Man of Steel 020, 026, 118, Annual 004
Superman: World of New Krypton 003-004
The Superman Family 169, 172
Superman: Lois and Clark 001
Superman’s Pal, Jimmy Olsen 151
Superman/Batman 017-018, 029-030, 056
Swamp Thing v2 024
Tangent: Superman’s Reign 007-008, 010-012
Telos 005-006
The Atom 008
The Multiversity Guidebook
The New Teen Titans v1 004
The OMAC Project 006
The Power Company: Skyrocket
The Spectre v3 047
The Super-Team Family 012
The Super Friends :’) 003, 007-009, 025
Unlimited Access 001-004
Valor v1 014
Wednesday Comics 001-012
Wonder Woman v1 212, 214, 291
World’s Finest 174, 201, 300
Young Justice 041-042
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promrpdude · 4 years
Watch: Pollard's 72 Off 28 Helps TKR Register Thrilling Win In CPL 2020
Watch: Pollard's 72 Off 28 Helps TKR Register Thrilling Win In CPL 2020
Kieron Pollard led from front, scoring 72 off just 28 balls, to pull off a thrilling two-wicket victory for Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR) in a Caribbean Premier League 2020 (CPL) match on Saturday. Chasing 149 to win against Barbados Tridents, TKR were struggling after losing four wickets inside the first eight overs. However,…
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mystarwarsthoughts · 2 years
My Entertainment Weekend Update
My Entertainment Weekend Update
Hello my friends, and happy weekend! I’m continuing my reading of the Legends book Dark Force Rising, by Timothy Zahn. I’ve been enjoying the series, and find it interesting that Zahn often shows Thrawn through other people’s eyes. Here in Legends, it’s through Captain Pellaon; in canon, at least in the first book (which I only half read) it was through Eli Vanto. I’m not sure if this is true in…
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newzzhub · 4 years
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders' Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch | Cricket News
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders’ Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch | Cricket News
Kieron Pollard led from front, scoring 72 off just 28 balls, to pull off a thrilling two-wicket victory for Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR) in a Caribbean Premier League 2020(CPL) match on Saturday. Chasing 149 to win against Barbados Tridents, TKR were struggling after losing four wickets inside the first eight overs. However,…
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col-life23 · 4 years
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders' Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch
CPL 2020: Kieron Pollard Smashes 72 Off 28 Balls To Keep Trinbago Knight Riders’ Unbeaten Run Intact. Watch
Kieron Pollard led from front, scoring 72 off just 28 balls, to pull off a thrilling two-wicket victory for Trinbago Knight Riders (TKR) in a Caribbean Premier League 2020 (CPL) match on Saturday. Chasing 149 to win against Barbados Tridents, TKR were struggling after losing four wickets inside the first eight overs. However,…
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operationrainfall · 5 years
Nintendo Download for 10/10/19
Nintendo Download for 10/10/19
This is the first Nintendo Download that feels like a proper October day. It’s cold outside, there’s a bit of wind and it’s starting to feel like Halloween. Sadly, there’s not many games here that reflect that seasonal change, but there is still a bunch of great stuff to check out. Several featured titles, the usual weekly sales and a whole pillow case full of digital goodies. Let’s start with a…
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comicsxaminer · 5 years
Cool Cosplay: Knightmare Batman, Arachne, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Knightmare Batman, Arachne, And More!
Robin, Knightmare Batman, And Wonder Woman by Birdboy_Cosplay, Nashville’s Dark Knight, and Shannon Prince
Arachne/Spider-Woman by Codename Citadel, Photography by It.Is.Cosplay
Black Widow by Compromised Cosplay, Photography by Erwin van Dijk
Black Canary by Queen Riot, Photography by Photosumi
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blankasolun · 5 years
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Charlotte and Leopold Meet Again It was not till the 26th, five days later, that he did see her. The Princess, with her grandmother and aunts, drove down to Brighton at the Regent's command, and in the evening the young couple met.
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