love-fireflysong · 8 months
ohohoho!!!!! well color ME intrigued - are there any hot deets or snippets you might be able to share from that prison talk wip??? ;)c
Ah the prison fic. The one where I do believe that while the emergency services came to help them at first, the sight of one bloody and shot to death Caleb Hackett laying smack dab in the middle of the lodge floor changes things. That coupled with the fact that about half of these poor kids are literally covered in blood (cause I decided it would be fun if ✨everyone✨ got bit over the course of the night lol), well let's just say it's not exactly a good look for them. So off to holding cells they go to be detained and questioned while investigations happen.
During this wonderful time, Nick and Abi are placed in cells side by side but they never actually speak to one another for the first couple of days. Abi cause she's still just a little scared of Nick, and Nick cause he remembers just enough of what he was like to decide that there is no way that she would want anything to ever do with him again, muchless talk to him.
And then Abi has a panic attack. And in the course of trying to calm her down, they finally have that sorely needed conversation.
(bonus snippet cause why the hell not lol)
"Just keep talking, please." Abigail's more relieved than she could ever put to words when Nick acquiesces without any hesitation at all, even if his first try is awkward and clumsy at best. Tripping over his tongue as he tried to start what was clearly going to be a one-sided conversation with horribly contrived small talk: small talk about the weather of all things. An attempt that had ended almost as quickly as it had started. Almost immediately after that, he had murmured out an embarrassed (and almost ashamed) apology for that little faux pas, but Abigail didn't mind it too much. It was more the sound of his voice that she was trying to latch onto to ground her than the actual words being said after all. Not that she would have been able to assure of him of that fact when she was still crying too hard to even attempt speaking again though. Nick's next attempt at conversation was much more successful, asking if she remembered when the stove had almost exploded after Jacob had snuck into the lodge's kitchen early on in the summer.
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sammyloomis · 7 days
ash you know i gotta get some snippets my guy 🌤️ and 🌧️ perhaps? for any project you're excited to talk about!!! :P
ohoho well, if its snippets you desire, then its snippets you shall recieve
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
PFF god, im realising how little dialogue i have written for anything right now fghj BUT heres something from an Extremely self indulgent crossover fic ive barely started i think u might find fun :]
Tara’s eyes flick to something just behind her which is about all the warning Ashley gets before a pair of hands drop onto her shoulders like sacks of flour and make an embarrassingly high yelp jump out of her throat. “Well, well, well,” Josh says, giving her shoulders a squeeze before dropping onto the bench beside her. “Surprised to see you out in the sunshine for once, Ash. You set off the smoke alarm in the dorms again?” If he was bothered by the glare she was firing his way, he didn’t show it, a familiar grin on his face that told her he was about to do everything in his power to embarrass her. “Oh, hi, Josh,” she monotones. “I’m fine, thanks for asking. Please. Take a seat.” “I’m already sitting, you silly goose.” She watches him turn to Tara, flicking a thumb towards Ashley in a clear expression of ‘get a load of this guy’, and sighs. So much for first impressions.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
ohh tee hee, this is from one im excited to get back to :]
As far as Tara knew, after Amber’s burnt and mangled body had been identified by her father, he’d had her quickly cremated and that was that. It was kind of ironic. She didn’t know where he’d scattered the ashes, if anywhere, or if the remains of the girl she once thought she’d spend the rest of her life with were crammed into a box in an overpriced urn, in the back of some moving van that was travelling farther and farther away from her. Or maybe he’d kept her close, in a locket or a ring, some capsule he could grab onto every now and again to remind himself of the daughter he had, once upon a time. Tara didn’t know. He’d never struck her as a sentimental man, Amber’s father, the few times she’d had a conversation with him that lasted longer than a few strained words as they both waited for Amber to get ready for whatever movie or concert or sleepover they were going to. He hadn’t been able to look her in the eye, that one visit he’d made to the hospital, no matter how hard she’d bored her own into the side of his head. Maybe, even then, he’d been wondering what to do about Amber’s body, already rotting in the morgue a few floors below. All of this to say, there was no gravestone for her to visit. No marker in the cemetery for her to kneel at and stare into the cold, compacted dirt like, if she tried hard enough, she could see past the mulch and the worms and the cedar and velvet and watch Amber essentially melt into the earth around her, like she’d wanted everyone to see. No, there was nothing. There was no memorial for her at school, no candles or yearbook photos or candid selfies next to Wes and Liv’s, no post-it’s stuck to her locker with kind words from people who pretended to have know her. Not even a mention in the obituaries, and Tara had been checking. It was almost like she’d never existed at all.
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chris-hartley · 13 days
hi hello kenzie, just had to let you know i was sitting around, listening to a podcast today (business as usual here in queenieland) and at the very end of it, one of the hosts started talking about how much they enjoy kyle gallner's work, and i perked up as if i were a small dog hearing the mailman at the door. "!!! kenzie likes him!" i thought to myself, and while i wish i could say there was more to this story, there is not. alas. but you crossed my mind today, my friend hehehehe :P
Awww Queenie that’s so sweet of you! I too would be perking up and very interested if someone so much as mentioned him haha.
Thank you for telling me! I think it’s very funny I’m now known for this Kyle thing (and I love it!) Hope the podcast was good!
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samgiddings · 30 days
ahhhhhh happy happy birthday med!!!!!! 🥳 i hope you have a fun day, and that you get some time to party it up 💖
Thank you so much!!!!! Ilusm 💖💖
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thelocalmuffin · 2 months
well hey there! ;)c how about...top 5 projects of yours that you're the MOST excited about? wip, finished, whatever!
Oh hey! So there's a lot of things I'm working on that's zine related that I can't share right now, but here's a few that I can share (even if it's not five, apologies!)
I just finished a reference for one of my ocs I'll be posting tomorrow.
I am currently finishing up the ErixLacey fic I've been working on. I hope to have chapter two out this weekend.
I have an upcoming collaborative zine that will be announced next month that's a theme I've been wanting to do for a while.
I have currently been modding some upcoming projects and reviewing some really cool zine applications for The Galactic Guidebook Zine and Winter Wonderland zine respectfully. I linked their applications in case anyone is interested to join.
I did fix up my shower! I know that's not typical stuff, but I was pretty proud of that.
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corefen · 4 months
hey there!!! how about...30 & 35 for those artist asks? ;)c i'm so curious, hehehe!
30. whats something youre proud of about your artstyle? Hmm, I'd have to say I'm proud of my portraits. I tend to draw anime-esque as a defailt, but my actual favorite style I have is for realism/portraits. I go to church and coffee shops on sunday (for the pray sure) becase its the most casual you'll ever see people and i can get away with sitting aside and drawing others.
35. if you had one piece of advice to give your younger artist self, what would it be? I'd tell myself that drawing screenshots and from references was the best thing i ever decided to do. References aren't a crutch it's how you learn what shapes go where. It's how i taught myself to draw, printing screenshots of anime scenes and drawing the models from game manuals, and pages of manga, but I fell off that for a time because I too got bit by the 'references and tracing are stealing'. Which i now can defend against because mimicry of style is actually why i'm so proud of my sonic art and voltron comic.
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meggannn · 2 months
hey hey, happy birthday!!! ;)c hope it's fantastic!!!
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️
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theartofdreaming1 · 1 year
why hellooo there! :D how about 🗣️ and 💗 for the wip asks?
Hi there, hello! :D
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP This is hard one, since I love all of my WIPs dearly… but I think I'll go with my most recent WIP project - which is a Quarry fairytale starring Laura and Max! I love Grimm's fairytales and especially how different all the different stories are once you delve deeper, beyond the most famous ones - "The Robber Bridegroom" for example has a very horror atmosphere to it, which would fit the vibe of the Quarry very well… The most challenging aspect I'm struggling with while working on this story is how closely I want to follow existing tales and which classic fairytale elements to borrow exactly as they are, which to adjust to the Quarry story arc, and which elements are going to be my own… But I'm enjoying tinkering with the concept :)
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP? Hmh… I think that applies most to my DickBabs fanfic "Ocean's Treasures Washed Ashore" - I want to reunite these two so desperately, but I feel like I have to get the part leading up to that moment just right (tonally and language-wise) so that I may indulge myself writing this scene without it getting too saccharine and flowery, while still being romantic…
On the other hand, I have this "5 times Laura patched up her boyfriend + 1 time he took care of her" Quarry fanfic I have in the making in which I'm gonna put Max through a very embarrassing mishap that happened to 10-ish-year-old clumsy me - I want to be able to laugh at that hilarious moment like anyone else, instead of feeling mortified because it happened to me!😅
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clarichoupie · 2 years
oh my gosh, happy birthday!! i hope it's been a wonderful day, and that you get some time to celebrate! 🥳 🎂
Wow! I didn't expect to receive a message from you! ♡ Thank you so much! It's so Nice of you! ^^ I had a great day at the university today and even though I don't like to celebrate too much, I'm going to have a great night calling a friend. ^^ (Oh and I spent my day wearing my crepe sweater, having cosplayed ashley today, I love it so much! ♡)
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hannahwashington · 6 days
well howdy there kiddo!!! ;)c could i get a, uhhh... ❄️ with a side of ☔???
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
Rejoice, I am releasing some Negatio unto the world
“I know, I know. Couldn't have asked for a better teacher,” the intern says, winking. Ford guffaws, pointing an accusing finger at them. “Don't make a habit of being a suck-up!” Ford says, scraggly moustache crooked and pointed upwards over his cheeky smile. The intern sticks their tongue out at him, earning more laughs. “They've improved quickly,” Compton comments quietly from the vents above them. Otto rubs his chin as he peers through the grate, then looks back up at Compton with a smirk. “Nobody's forgetting the last haircut you got there, though,” Otto comments, trying to stifle giggles behind a hand. Compton's ears burn. “Otto!” Compton whisper-shouts, perhaps a bit too loudly.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
More so because I have written some but I'm not sure if I have it in me to finish it: a time loop fic for Until Dawn. I think the idea works really well for a game like this and would allow for a lot of exploration and canon divergence, especially with which character goes through the loop - in this case, Jessica. I feel like she would have the most to discover and her potential arc in this scenario could be really interesting.
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love-fireflysong · 8 days
as one fellow 'imagining shmoopy gushy shit between fictional characters while trying to fall asleep' enjoyer to another, /i/ for one would LOVE to know about the shmoopy gushy shit your brain comes up with when you're trying to fall asleep 👀 hehehehe
(so sorry about how long it took me to answer this 😭 i'm a sham of a person)
Oh god. I mean, if I've gotta be *real* honest over here, you've likely read pretty much all the shmoopy gooshy stuff I think of at night. Cause that's when I do like the majority of my plotting and scene setting aksdjaklsjdasjd. And unsurprisingly the bits I like to roll over and over and over again is the tender, fluffy/angsty shit 😅
Like the ones I got on repeat are all scenes I'm looking forward to writing the most. The most appropriate for the whole shmoopy gooshy feelings hilariously enough being two scenes from the second chapter of To Have or to Hold (til death do us part) aka outlast au shit. The first of which is just the three of them trying to clean each other up the best they can/refamiliarize themselves with one another in one of the bathrooms (which as you can imagine the whole cleaning part isn't going *great* thanks to the whole sinks being half filled with blood and all but it's fine cause its the touching thats more important to them by far). And the second being the scene with the three of them squeezed together on a single twin bed and finally falling asleep wrapped up in each other's arms after far too long (aka the entire reason this fic even exists LKJSLKDJLAJ).
...And that's where this would have ended. If not for a couple of days ago where my sleepy little brain decided to give me a new tender image all together. Namely, Ashley doing her best to comfort Chris in the safe room in the period of time between Sam leaving to catch up to Mike and whenever they got chased out. And it's got all my little fav tender moments. Hands cupping faces as the other person can't help but lean in near desperation to the touch. Foreheads touching, noses bumping as they're so close that they're basically breathing the same air. Kissing the forehead in both a promise that they're not leaving and to see how hot/cold the skin may be. The hugs so tight that they can't help but tuck heads into the other's neck in an effort to be even closer.
Ashley doing everything in her power to help comfort an injured Chris who is just starting to fall into shock as the events of the past few hours finally hit now that things have seemingly started to quiet down. Even as she fights against the realization of not only how close she was to losing him, but also how close she was to watching it happen.
So yeah. That last one's been REALLY taking over my thoughts at night to the point that I've been having trouble falling asleep if it wasn't obvious SKDKJSLJD Haven't written a single word down for it cause I'm still not sure if I wanna write it yet, but I get the feeling that this is gonna be like baby it's cold outside all over again. AKA, an idea that drives me crazy until I finally can't take it anymore so I just roll out of my bed to grab my computer and start writing the first like five pages at 3am 🙃
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sammyloomis · 6 months
mmmmm an assumption game you say? i hope by assuming i won't make an ass of u OR me 🤔 hehe fr tho, idk why ash but i have this feeling you appreciate a good sour candy. i assume you enjoy the sour. couldn't tell you why. but i feel it. in my heart.
ohh queenie
queenie queenie queenie
im afraid ur hopes have been dashed in the 'making of an ass' department because im actually NOT a sour fan 😔 for the same reason i dont like fizzy drinks cause they make my mouth hurty :']
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chris-hartley · 29 days
wah! can it be? a birthday, you say??? hehehe happy birthday kenzie!!! i hope it's a wonderful one 🥳
Thank you so very much Queenie!!! ❤️
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samgiddings · 2 months
med i just wanted to pop in to say tysm for all the ud on my dash 🙏🏻 it's making me remember precisely how normal i am about this game (not even a little) 🥰
YESSSSS I did some digging to find some old posts I had never reblogged and even found posts going back to before the release of the game (?!?!?!!!) so I’m glad you’re enjoying it!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 UD is ON my brain since replaying it last weekend 💀⏳
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thelocalmuffin · 2 months
howdy! for the wip asks, how about...💖 & 🎶 for whichever wip you want to talk about the most? ;)c
So I'm working on a Pokemon fic based around the ship of Eri and Lacey right now, and I'd be happy to talk about it!
💖 What is your favorite moment in this WIP? So far, it's about the platonic interactions with Drayton and Lacey.
🎶Do you have any other WIP related things, like moodboards, character portraits, playlists or similar? I actually don't! I really should be making some of those.
Also, hello Queenie! I love your stories and appreciate the ask!
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riverrunscold · 3 months
yooooo! happy birthday!!! :D i hope it's all kinds of excellent!
Thank you so much bud! I'm high so it's been pretty great 👍
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