#queens hope proj
queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Streamer AU Trevor and Dio! (Sketch done by Ky, lineart and color done by Hana)
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eliomoons · 1 year
About @bloodstainedconch
It's been a while since I posted anything to my LOTF blog, and I doubt I will again for a while. It was fun while it lasted, and I'm not entirely abandoning it or the fandom! All my posts are still up there and I will eventually come back to it every once in a while, but this blog won't be so centered around LOTF anymore, since I've been working on a number of other things.
That being said, I'm currently working on @queens-hope-proj, an OC universe blog with my friends Hanabi and Ace! Please check it out if you wanna see some of my art and writing (as well as my friends' amazing art and writing too)!
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sochilll · 2 years
Absolutely delighting in my serious literary analysis/poly sci major roommate being forced to take one (1) creative writing class and losing her mind.
She said “I have to give feedback on other people’s poems…. Like AS AN ASSIGNMENT” like yeah babe that’s what workshop is
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chillihansol · 7 years
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enduringsea · 3 years
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( rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the kind of music they listen to! put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people! no skipping! ) / tagged by @yellowcrumpet​ ╭( ・ㅂ・)و )))
Thanks for the tag! I LOVE these things-- I don’t rlly have a playlist either though, just a mess of music files on a device I haven’t updated so I’ll be checking my YouTube history too lol. There’s a uhhh.... pattern to be found, mainly relating to Code Vein or other OCs.... which isn’t surprising ._. ;; I made it a separate post bc I knew this was going to get long and rambly with lyric snippets and crying about fictional characters, sorry :D
1. Repeat Until Death - Novo Amor don’t go / you’re half of me now / but i’m hardly stood proud / i said it, almost oh i’ve been low / but damn it i bet it don’t show / it was heaven a moment ago oh i can’t seem to let myself leave you / but i can’t breathe anymore This one gives me Loubeth vibes ok, partially bad end route ;-; While Elizabeth is a very strong person, her friends are the most prominent reason she tries to do anything at all & isn’t living day-to-day in a monotonous grind to survive without a solid purpose other than ‘help random ppl bc it’s the right thing to do’. If she loses them, it’d ruin her & hammers into her head how everything she’s ever done has been a failure. She suffered a major betrayal by her boss before the Collapse, she was unable to fully participate in proj. queen despite her incredible test results, she failed to defeat Cruz and take her blood during Operation Queenslayer, and if she fails to protect the people she’s finally found meaning with? She’d break down completely & destroy herself to save them. She’s always had some level of abandonment issues, and without her family around it’s so much worse, even if it isn’t the most obvious because she’s generally seen as very well put together-- I really can’t express how much it would hurt her to lose Louis, Yakumo, and the others. She’s just not one to show just how bad it can truly get for her mentally and emotionally-- she’s resilient as hell, she’s been through hell repeatedly and survived it all, so it’s easy for others to assume she’s fine all things considered. It makes her feel weak and ashamed of herself if she shows any level of vulnerability, so she doesn’t; she swallows it down and is afraid of disappointing those who look up to her as a fighter and friend-- of course, no one at Home Base would blame her for being vulnerable, they all have their moments, Bethy just sets herself to such a high standard it’s difficult for her to talk about her own suffering in spite of how well-versed she is in getting her thoughts and feelings across otherwise. Louis is the one most keen to how deeply she’s hurting, but he doesn’t understand just how deeply until she finally does fall apart. The final swell of the song and its desperate lyrics really relays the pain they both feel-- Louis too would not fare well if something happened to Elizabeth, because he blames himself she was even involved in Operation Queenslayer for a long time, I honestly did so bad in explaining coherently, this song just has so much emotion and hurt behind it adklfjdfdff </3
2. Looking Out For You - Joy Again this is a love song for a girl who will never know it’s about her she's beaming that smile / all the while i’m all tripped up on my own throat i guess there is no hope This song reminds me of Elizabeth & my friend’s character Takashi Fujioka, who gets-- vERY...FRIENDZONED, for lack of a better word, by Elizabeth in his story, it’s really summed up best as tragic (;﹏;) Before the Collapse they were hitting it off, then the Collapse happened, they were separated, he lost his sisters, Mido happened, he was experimented on + became a revenant, etc, etc; years have passed since then & she’s gotten her life together as much as one can in a world like Vein, but for Takashi it’s like no time has passed at all. Elizabeth is subtly older in appearance, she’s been working w Lou & Co. for a long time; Loubeth blatantly have a connection, & rather than bringing up his feelings + making it awkward bc he values their friendships, he just kinda. chokes on them & does his best to help out the team. It doesn’t help he can’t even be jealous bc Louis is a really solid friend to him too, IT’S JUST A MESS OF A SITUATION & the death of what could have been if things were different.
3. Closer - Teagan And Sara ( no lengthy explanation for this one thank goodness, I’ve just been watching BoJack Horseman again and I really like some of the songs they add in, I like listening to this one on loop when mindlessly coloring something )
4. Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo  all I did was try my best / this the kind of thanks I get? they say these are the golden years / but I wish I could disappear ego crush is so severe / god, it's brutal out here I have it on a playlist for Elizabeth somewhere, not all of it applies to her but it reflects some of her struggles she has both before & after the collapse. She’s-- always kind of been a mess while under immense pressure + has serious self image issues, this song hits that side of her well. She’s been held to humanly impossible standards by both herself and her family bc frankly? She can reach them, she’s NOT exactly human. She was born into her position as a hunter & intends to keep it for as long as she lives (like revenants, her kind is very much ‘either gets killed or lives 5ever), even if some days she really feels how heavy the burden can be. She didn’t have a normal childhood and she’s fine with it for the most part, but it alienates her from most of her peers-- she never got to date anyone, never had a close group of friends, never went to parties that weren’t formals, etc., while she feels a little childish about it, she does envy ‘normal’ and understands the pressure she’s lived under her entire life has caused damage-- she has been exploited for her abilities, there’s just not much she can do about it but to keep going, rlly.
5. Freaks - Surf Curse  don't kill me / just help me run away from everyone  i need a place to stay / where i can cover up my face don't cry / i am just a freak / i am just a freak UhhhHHH this song really makes me think of Oliver Collins :D;; thank TikTok for showing it to me. It makes me think of how scared he was, of both the world and the revenants who captured him. The song’s use of the word ‘parasites’ really makes me think of Revenants and the BOR parasites XD I’m hoping when I poke my video editor again, I can record some Oliver footage to make a short video to this song. Oliver deserves so much better, I wish you could save him, but that’s what AUs are for, hahah.... The second half of the lyrics make me think of the AU I have where he lives and has to grapple with the guilt of surviving and the things he did to other revenants to get by too.
6. All Eyes On Me - Bo Burnham you say the ocean’s rising / like i give a shit you say the whole world’s ending / honey it already did you’re not gonna slow it / heaven knows you tried got it? good / now get inside I haven’t seen the Netflix special yet but I’ve had this song on repeat since my move started. The lyrics hit too hard & resonate with my existential dread, covid exhaustion, and extreme burnout in my 20s, but bc I have Damage I can also relate it to CV ._. ‘you’re not gonna slow it, heaven knows you tried. got it? good now get inside’ makes me think of--;; the bad end route again, and Elizabeth’s desperation to keep her found family together. It’s not like her to completely stop caring about an issue, but in the moment she realizes what’s being taken from her? She doesn’t want to save all of revenant-kind if it means she’s going to wind up alone all over again, her world is effectively over if she’s forced to be alone again. The MC frenzying means the only immediately identifiable hope she had of saving everyone else is gone, so why not just go home? If they’re all doomed, she wants to at least be together for a little while longer, it’s fine if they use her blood to survive & everyone else in the mist is out of luck, it’s soul-crushing bc I’ve never had her in a situation where she’s been this reckless, despondent/hopeless, and thinking irrationally where it’d impact more than herself-- especially when she’s normally goal-oriented, organized, meticulous, so on so forth: she’s not one to act without thinking something through first, but that last breath of light just got sucker-punched out of her. All she wants is home, comfort, and family, and ultimately in the bad end route she does manage to preserve their lives, maintain the mist, and supply blood beads, but her own condition leaves her on the throne-- it’s a mix of the bad, neutral, and true ending rlly ldkfjdf BUT YEAH enough rambling on that :D;; This song’s really good and touches a lot of different thoughts and ideas both in real life and my ocs, kind of embarrassing--;; thank u bo burnham for ruining me with this beautiful song
7. Yellow - Coldplay look at the stars / look how they shine for you / and everything you do your skin / oh yeah, your skin and bones / turn in to something beautiful do you know / for you I'd bleed myself dry Does this song make me think about JackEva? Yes. Yes it does. Star / night sky symbolism? Bam. Sappy lyrics about love and finding the person you’re with absolutely mesmerizing and worth dying for? BAM. If JackEva were capable of using their own blood to save each other, I can see it-- hJNGn they just care about each other so much, Jack cries for her even though they both knew that eventually one of them would succumb to their duty, and if the roles were reversed I can see Eva doing the same, I adore them beyond human language. On my CV RP blog, my Jack’s not shippable bc-- Eva, my friend even have them looking after his nephew (an oc--) at one point. I should seriously drop some headcanons down eventually....
8. Louder Than Thunder - The Devil Wears Prada  are we meant to be empty-handed? / i know i could, i could be better i don't think i deserve it / selflessness, find your way into my heart all stars could be brighter / all hearts could be warmer 
LMFAO throwback to my middle school playlist, I’m old-- I’ve applied this song to a lot of things back in the day, but I really connect it to Loubeth now, especially Louis. Lou & Bethy are both functional idiots who are too hard on themselves & have trouble recognizing their worth beyond what they can do for others. They’re trying to be better-- to make up for what they perceived wrongs they’ve done, but it’s hard, they don’t believe they’re worthy of the love and support the other gives, but they still yearn for that sense of security. After Louis’ memories are returned, he finally understands the guilt he’s felt since he became a revenant and it really skews his self-perception; he blames himself for so many things & Elizabeth, who has always been able to kill when necessary, sets it straight-- “It’s not your fault”, and it takes Louis some time to properly absorb that message. He thinks she’s just trying to comfort him, which she is tbh, but she’s not wrong: “It’s not your fault you couldn’t kill someone. It was never your job to kill anyone.” It’s up to people like her to do those sort of things-- Elizabeth may not have been present when Cruz frenzied, but if she had been? It would have been over before it started, that’s something she has regrets over, even if nothing could have been done since she was already on the field. Actually, she’s actually really quite angry that security failed to monitor Cruz properly and has a few select words for the ones there who could have actually done something before it got out of hand-- civilians and doctors are exempt from her shtlist bc they’re not meant to be killers (so don’t worry Artorias, she’s not ready to bite your head off!), but they had to have some kinda security detail rite o-q??? They’re probably hiding from her wrath-- BUT ANYWAY, she insists she’ll never blame Louis for not being able to do something as serious as killing another person. He was a normal human being who cared about his friend, not a failure, and he couldn’t have been expected to do something that shouldn’t have fallen on his shoulders in the first place. As many times as it takes, she’ll reaffirm that it wasn’t his fault, she’s not angry, he’s always done his best and her opinion of him hasn’t changed. He’s a good person and she loves him through all the hurt, though she doesn’t drop the word ‘love’ for a long time. It just-- takes Louis a while to accept she views him as someone worthy of the love and respect she has for him. It’s kind of ironic she’s so adamant on Louis not blaming himself considering she’s the one privately blaming herself for-- wow there’s too much to unpack, she feels guilty she was even born?? im so broken over these two. I love them and yet they SUFFER... 
9. What I’ve Done - Linkin Park i'll face myself / to cross out what i’ve become erase myself / and let go of what i’ve done today this ends / i'm forgiving what i’ve done
I have Louis Amamiya brainrot and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks that this song fits him super well & it needs to become an AMV dsjfkldsfd. I’m a near life-long Linkin Park fan and this fits with Lou so well thematically. As much as I’ve gone on about Louis’ guilt, he does steel himself to keep going forward in spite of it and make things right, for everyone. Maybe it wasn’t really his fault, but at the end of the day his inability to kill Cruz in that moment left a disaster in its wake that got a countless number of people killed-- the MC included with Karen and Aurora. He doesn’t want to run away from the truth, doesn’t want to make excuses, he wants to take responsibility for it and he’ll work himself to death if it means things will be better-- it’s both admirable he’s got a strong resolve and VERY concerning with how willing he is to die for the cause, please don’t overdo it, Lou, you’ll break mine and Bethy’s hearts ._.;; It won’t always be easy, there are moments the grief gnaws at him, but in the end he does overcome it (and uh. as in the bad ending, we know he can actually do it this time). I know we can’t see everything, but I would have loved deeper character interactions, especially with Louis with an emphasis on grieving + forgiving himself properly-- but this song really is nice with the whole ‘I’m going to face my mistakes head on, forgive myself, and keep moving forward’. It’s what Louis deserves: self forgiveness and a damn break ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
10. Call of Silence - Hiroyuki Sawano you will know you're reborn tonight / must be rough but i’ll stay by your side even if my body's bleached to the bones / i don't want go through that ever again so cry no more / oh my beloved ngl idk if those are the correct lyrics, buuuuuuut....... im a weenie and am internally weeping abt loubeth after midnight, what else is new lmfao- i’ll at least try to be brief :D I also used to really like Attack on Titan when I was in high school, I dropped the anime years ago because I was waiting for s2 and never got back to it once it started airing again, I thought I’d finish it once the anime was complete since I eventually caught up with the manga, such a good series BUT ANYWAY-- I think it’s a really pretty song and Loubeth fit with the tender lyrics. IT’S LATE, idk what to say about them other than what I’ve said already dsklfjdslf im sorry I really ramble a LOT and I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had the chance to >w>;;
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wendyjames · 6 years
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NEXT RECORDING STUDIO TIME FOR WENDY JAMES NEW LP ‘QUEEN HIGH STRAIGHT’ SESSION IS BOOKED AND CONFIRMED AND IN THE DIARY! Hi! I just wanted to keep everyone informed of where we’re at!! As you know I went to my residential recording studio in North of UK with James Sclavunos on drums and Harry Bohay-Nowell on bass and we got the rhythm tracks recorded! So incredible! These two musicians, their sync together as a rhythm section is a thing of beauty!! - Some really powerful numbers and some really light-touch subtleties too! Next stage: My rhythm guitar and all my master vocals! First off I will record all my guitar parts, so every push and feel in the guitar is there to help me as I perform my vocals. Master lead vocals and, as always, I am going to be my own backing singer. I layer up harmonies and then double track them, sometimes triple track if it’s a Phil Spector wall of sound I’m going for, or perhaps sometimes it will be a simple solo vocal perfectly executed! I’m taking 3 weeks to do all the above and the residential time begins on JULY 14TH… If any of you want to come and witness the singing, then be my STUDIO VISIT VIP! BUY HERE: https://www.pledgemusic.com/proj…/thewendyjames/items/196937 You can join me in the studio and watch and hear me working and relax for a few hours in the recording studio environment. After my vocals and guitar are finished, it’s PIANO & KEYBOARD time and then ALL GUITAR overdubs! Lead, solo, all the parts. I am hoping that Lenny Kaye will add his goodness onto the LP but I’ve also discovered a couple of groovy new guitarists too… After the guitars and keys are completed then there will be percussion overdubs and any other additional instrumentation I feel is screaming for! So, quite a few more weeks of work ahead of me! Let me know if you want to join me at the studio! And I’ll do a lovely visual update in the next few days to say Hi! PS. When I’ve got some vocals down, if there’s a reference mix I like the sound of, perhaps I’ll preview it here! Much love Thank you! Wendy xo PLEDGE QUEEN HIGH STRAIGHT HERE: https://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/thewendyjames
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unclescurvy · 4 years
2020 NFL Mock Draft-FINAL
April 22, 2020
1. Cincinnati - QB Sam Burrow, LSU
They might as well start working on the contract now. It’s been a long time since we had a slam-dunk pick like this one. The team will need to focus on acquiring an offensive line to keep him from a David Carr-style early collapse though.
 2. Washington – DE Chase Young, Ohio State
I’m still not 100% convinced the Redskins won’t trade this pick away, but if they hold on to it, they’d be ridiculous to pass on hometown guy Chase Young. He’d be an instant star in Washington, which is exactly what they need to start luring fans back into the stadium.
 3. Miami (PROJ. TRADE W/DET) – OT Andrew Thomas, Georgia
Tristan Wirfs and Mekhi Becton were the stars of the Combine, but that’s not what motivates front offices. They want someone who’s excelled on the field, over and over again. Wirfs certainly qualifies there, but Andrew Thomas has been a star at both right and left tackle practically since he first suited up for Georgia. Don’t be surprised if he’s the first tackle off the board this year. Miami gives up picks #5 and 18 to move up two spots).
 4. NY Giants – OT Tristan Wirfs, Iowa
This could be an epic run on tackles starting here. Wirfs can excel at any spot on the offensive line, but the Giants may need his help at left tackle sooner than later.
 5. Detroit (PROJ. TRADE W/MIA) – DT Derrick Brown, Auburn
Detroit could do any number of things with this pick, but I like the current rumor that they’re very intrigued by Derrick Brown. He’s one of my favorite players in this draft, and if you fall in love with a prospect, you take him and damn the criticism.
 6. LA Chargers – QB Tua Tagovailoa, Alabama +
No one expects him to start immediately in LA, where Tyrod Taylor is well liked by the coaching staff. But like his tenure with the Browns, Taylor’s time in the starting role will be short lived. Tua can be brought along slowly as he adjusts to the pro game and heals from his hip injury.
 7. Carolina – CB Jeffrey Okudah, Ohio State
Carolina parted ways with James Bradberry, so they make up for his departure with Okudah, clearly the top CB available this year. If he lasts until pick #7, this will be a steal for the team.
 8. Arizona – OT Jedrick Wills, Jr., Alabama
Kyler Murray is great at running for his life, but he shouldn’t have to. They did re-sign LT D.J. Humphries to a new deal – but only a one-year contract with RT Marcus Gilbert. They seem to have decided to part ways with free agents Jordan Mills and A.Q. Shipley. And in 2021, J.R. Sweezy’s contract expires too.  Loading up on offensive linemen would be a good idea. Wills could either serve as a reserve swing tackle his first year, or they could move Gilbert to guard and insert Wills at right tackle.
 9. Jacksonville – LB Isaiah Simmons, Clemson
Jacksonville needs help at multiple positions, so why not grab the best player available. Simmons might not fit the team’s most immediate needs, but he’s the sort of dynamic playmaker you rebuild your defense around. Whether he lines up at Will or safety, he’ll have an immediate impact with a clever defensive staff.
 10. Cleveland – OT Mekhi Becton, Louisville *
The Browns made a horrible mistake by ignoring their problems at offensive line in the 2019 off-season. They gambled and lost on left tackle bust Greg Robinson (who is currently in legal trouble for allegedly being in possession of a ridiculous amount of pot). Time to correct that mistake. Becton enters the NFL with questions about possible drug use, but that’s nothing new for the Browns.
 11. NY Jets – WR CeeDee Lamb, Oklahoma
The Jets have been targeting left tackles since early in the pre-draft process, but they don’t pull the trigger on a trade up to acquire one of the blue-chip candidates. CeeDee Lamb ain’t a bad fall-back option though.
 12. Las Vegas – WR Henry Ruggs III, Alabama
You need to be flashy if you want to stand out in Las Vegas. There is no player with better big-play potential this year than Ruggs. In a nod to former owner Al Davis, the team eschews the more polished route runner in his teammate Jerry Jeudy for the speediest player available at his position. Ruggs is more than just a fast receiver though; he’s got amazingly-reliable hands.
 13. San Francisco (THRU IND) – WR Jerry Jeudy, Alabama
Losing Emmanuel Sanders hurts a little bit, but the pain recedes when Jerry Jeudy comes to town. Perhaps the best pure receiver in the draft, and he lands with the NFC Champions.
 14. Atlanta (PROJ. TRADE W/TB) – CB C.J. Henderson, Florida
The Falcons move up two spots to snag Henderson away from Denver (they sacrifice pick #95 in the 3rd round to move up). They’ve coveted both Henderson and Jeff Okudah for a while now, and while they don’t possess the ammo to get up for Okudah, they pounce when they see Henderson drop this far.
 15. Denver – LB Kenneth Murray, Oklahoma
The Broncos very much wanted to land one of the top cornerbacks, but Atlanta snaked the last one away. Kenneth Murray is a player coaches can easily fall in love with though. He’s brilliant on the field but he’s even more valuable as a motivational team member. He’s got leadership skills like Jamal Adams and he seems destined to be a great coach someday.
 16. Tampa Bay (PROJ. TRADE W/ATL) – DT Javon Kinlaw, South Carolina
With Tampa spending their free agency dollars on offensive players, they need to focus most of their attention in the draft on that horrid defense. Kinlaw can provide a serious push from the inside to help out the edge players, and he’s got some run-stopping talents to boot.
 17. Dallas – CB A.J. Terrell, Clemson
The Cowboys got hit hard by free agency this year, and 2021 won’t be much easier. They need youth at multiple positions. Start with trying to replace Byron Jones in the defensive backfield. Terrell has great length, speed and experience at a winning program.
 18. Detroit (PROJ. TRADE W/ MIA THRU PIT) – DE/LB K’Lavon Chaisson, LSU
The Lions continue to rebuild their defensive line with an outside pass-rush threat to complement the interior push provided by Derrick Brown. Chaisson on one side and Trey Flowers on the other could be a disruptive force.
 19. Las Vegas (THRU CHI) – LB Patrick Queen, LSU
The Raiders go offense with their first pick; now, the defense. Queen can man the weak side of the linebacking corps and pair with newcomer Cory Littleton to form a speedy, lithe combination.
 20. Jacksonville (THRU LAR) – WR Justin Jefferson, LSU
The Jaguars have many needs, so they could go in any number of directions. Bolstering the receiving corps makes sense though. Jefferson paired with D.J. Chark could prove to be tough to defend.
 21. Philadelphia - S Xavier McKinney, Alabama
The Eagles have many needs along the defensive backfield as free agency is hitting them hard this year and next. McKinney and Grant Delpit are far and away this year’s best safeties; either one could go here.
 22. Minnesota (THRU BUF) – DE A.J. Epenesa, Iowa
Everson Griffen opted out of his current contract, and he’s now entering his 11th year in the league. There is no obvious starting talent on the roster to replace him. Even if the Vikings bring him back on a 1-year deal, having a developmental guy like Epenesa in a rotation behind him makes total sense.
 23. New England - QB Justin Herbert, Oregon
Herbert is a reluctant passer, so I’m not 100% sure he’ll be a fit for Belichick, but the Pats have never been shy about gambling on draft picks. The Pats stick with Jarrett Stidham (at least for now) as the starter until they can assess Herbert’s ability to read a defense and deliver a ball with confidence and anticipation.
 24. Indianapolis (PROJECTED TRADE W/NO) – QB Jordan Love, Utah State
Indy sees Herbert finally go off the board, and they can’t wait anymore to grab their favorite QB. They find a willing trade partner in New Orleans; they have the fewest picks in the draft this year, so they’re happy to trade out of the first and accumulate some extra selections (the Saints get Indy’s #34 and 75 picks). The Colts hope Love can develop behind Jacoby Brissett and Philip Rivers – both are only likely to stick around for one year.
 25. Minnesota - WR Brandon Aiyuk, Arizona State
The Vikings need to replace Stefon Diggs quickly if they want to take advantage of an AFC East without Tom Brady.  Aiyuk can slide into the starting lineup immediately.
 26. Miami (THRU HOU) - RB J.K. Dobbins, Ohio State
Jordan Howard is not a long-term option, and Kalen Ballage has fallen out of favor. The Dolphins want to bolster their backfield, and Dobbins is a darkhorse candidate to be the first RB off the board. Though he shouldn’t be. In hindsight, Dobbins will appear to be the obvious choice here.
 27. Seattle - CB Trevon Diggs, Alabama
The Seahawks need to get back to their Legion of Doom ideals and draft big DBs again. At 6’1”, Diggs will hope to satisfy their craving for a Richard Sherman-type cover corner.
 28. Baltimore - C Cesar Ruiz, Michigan
I love a good curveball. Ruiz displayed tremendous skills at the Combine and made a strong case that he’s the top pure interior lineman available this year. With the retirement of Marshal Yanda, there is a serious need along the offensive line.
 29. Tennessee - CB Jaylon Johnson, Utah
With Logan Ryan in question and Malcom Butler wearing out his welcome, the Titans need to dip into the draft to solve their cornerback problems.
 30. Green Bay - DT Ross Blacklock, TCU
The Packers have had serious problems stopping the run recently. Blacklock has an amazing motor and is highly prized among scouts.
 31. LA Chargers (PROJ. TRADE W/SF) - RB D’Andre Swift, Georgia
The Chargers want to get ahead of Kansas City for their preferred replacement for Melvin Gordon (they give up pick #112 in the fourth round as well as #37).
 32. Kansas City - RB Jonathan Taylor, Wisconsin
Kansas City needs more help along the defense obviously, but Taylor put to bed the notion that he has too much tread on his tires with an amazing Combine workout.
33. Cincinnati – TE Cole Kmet, Notre Dame
34. New Orleans (PROJ. TRADE W/IND THRU WAS) – CB Noah Igbinoghene, Auburn
35. Detroit – QB Jalen Hurts, Oklahoma
36. NY Giants – DE/LB Bradlee Anae, Utah
37. San Francisco (PROJ. TRADE W/LAC) – OT Austin Jackson, USC
38. Carolina – DE Yetur Gross-Matos, Penn State
39. Miami – S Grant Delpit, LSU
40. Houston (VIA ARZ) – DT/DE Marlon Davidson, Auburn
41. Cleveland – LB Jordyn Brooks, Texas Tech
42. Jacksonville – OT Ezra Cleveland, Boise State
43. Chicago (THRU LV) – CB Kristian Fulton, LSU
44. Indianapolis – WR Tee Higgins, Clemson
45. Tampa Bay – RB Clyde Edwards-Helaire, LSU
46. Denver – DT Justin Madubuike, Texas A&M
47. San Francisco (PROJ. TRADE W/ATL) – DE/LB Zack Baun, Wisconsin *
48. NY Jets – WR Laviska Shenault, Colorado +
49. Pittsburgh – QB Jacob Eason, Washington
50. Chicago – G/C Lloyd Cushenberry, LSU +
51. Dallas – S Antoine Winfield, Jr., Minnesota
52. LA Rams – DE/LB Julian Okwara, Notre Dame +
53. Philadelphia – WR Denzel Mims, Baylor
54. Buffalo – WR Jalen Reagor, TCU
55. Baltimore (FROM NE THRU ATL) – NT Raekwon Davis, Alabama
56. Miami (THRU NO) – OT Josh Jones, Houston
57. LA Rams (THRU HOU) – S Jeremy Chinn, Southern Illinois
58. Minnesota – CB Jeff Gladney, TCU
59. Seattle – DT Neville Gallimore, Oklahoma
60. Baltimore – G Shane Lemieux, Oregon
61. Tennessee – DT Jordan Elliott, Missouri
62. Green Bay – QB Jake Fromm, Georgia
63. Kansas City (THRU SF) – CB Damon Arnette, Ohio State
64. Seattle (THRU KC) – DE/LB Curtis Weaver, Boise State
65. Cincinnati – CB Cam Dantzler, Mississippi State
66. Washington – TE Hunter Bryant, Washington
67. Detroit – OT Isaiah Wilson, Georgia
68. NY Jets (THRU NYG) – OLB Darrell Taylor, Tennessee
69. Carolina – WR Chase Claypool, Notre Dame
70. Miami – S Kyle Dugger, Lenoir-Rhyne
71. LA Chargers – WR Michael Pittman, USC
72. Arizona – WR Devin Duvernay, Texas
73. Jacksonville – RB Cam Akers, Florida State
74. Cleveland – CB Troy Pride, Jr., Notre Dame
75. New Orleans (PROJ. TRADE W/ IND) – WR K.J. Hamler, Penn State
76. Tampa Bay – C Matt Hennessy, Temple
77. Denver – WR Gabriel Davis, UCF
78. Atlanta – RB Zack Moss, Utah
79. Washington (PROJ. TRADE W/NYJ for OT Trent Williams) – OT Prince Tega Wanogho, Auburn +
80. Las Vegas – LB Akeem Davis-Gaither, Appalachian State
81. Las Vegas (THRU CHI) – S Ashtyn Davis, California +
82. Dallas – DE Jon Greenard, Florida
83. Denver (THRU PIT) – G Ben Bredeson, Michigan
84. LA Rams – DE/LB Terrell Lewis, Alabama +
85. Detroit (THRU PHI) – CB Bryce Hall, Virginia +
86. Buffalo – S Terrell Burgess, Utah
87. New England – TE Adam Trautman, Dayton
88. New Orleans – DE/LB Jabari Zuniga, Florida +
89. Minnesota – LB Malik Harrison, Ohio State
90. Houston – WR Van Jefferson, Florida
91. Las Vegas (THRU SEA VIA HOU) – DE Khalid Kareem, Notre Dame
92. Baltimore – DE/LB Josh Uche, Michigan
93. Tennessee – WR/RB Antonio Gibson, Memphis
94. Green Bay – TE Harrison Bryant, Florida Atlantic
95. Atlanta (PROJ. TRADE W/DEN THRU SF) – DT James Lynch, Baylor
96. Kansas City – G John Simpson, Clemson
97. Cleveland (THRU HOU) – LB Willie Gay, Jr., Mississippi State
98. New England – LB Anfernee Jennings, Alabama
99. NY Giants – C Tyler Biadasz, Wisconsin +
100. New England – WR Bryan Edwards, South Carolina +
101. Seattle – QB James Morgan, Florida International
102. Pittsburgh – OLB Alex Highsmith, Charlotte
103. Philadelphia – LB Logan Wilson, Wyoming
104. LA Rams – CB Josiah Scott, Michigan State
105. Minnesota – CB Amik Robertson, Louisiana Tech
106. Baltimore – LB Evan Weaver, California
107. Cincinnati – LB Davion Taylor, Colorado
108. Washington – LB Troy Dye, Oregon
109. Detroit – RB A.J. Dillon, Boston College
110. NY Giants – OT Lucas Niang, TCU
111. Arizona (THUR MIA) – DE/DT Jason Strowbridge, North Carolina
112. San Francisco (PROJ. TRADE W/LAC) – CB Harrison Hand, Temple
113. Carolina – TE Albert Okwuegbunam, Missouri
114. Arizona – OT Matt Peart, Connecticut
115. Cleveland – C Nick Harris, Washington
116. Jacksonville – DE/OLB Bryce Huff, Memphis
117. Tampa Bay – DT Leki Fotu, Utah +
118. Denver – CB A.J. Green, Oklahoma State
119. Atlanta – QB Anthony Gordon, Washington State
120. NY Jets – LB Jacob Phillips, LSU
121. Las Vegas – DT Davon Hamilton, Ohio State
122. Indianapolis – G Solomon Kindley, Georgia
123. Dallas – TE Jared Pinkney, Vanderbilt
124. Pittsburgh – G Damien Lewis, LSU
125. New England (THRU CHI) – DE Alton Robinson, Syracuse
126. LA Rams – OT Robert Hunt, Louisiana
127. Philadelphia – CB Michael Ojemudia, Iowa
128. Buffalo – OT/G Saahdiq Charles, LSU
129. Baltimore (THRU NE) – WR John Hightower, Boise State
130. New Orleans – WR Donovan Peoples-Jones, Michigan
131. Arizona (THRU HOU) – TE Colby Parkinson, Stanford
132. Minnesota – S Julian Blackmon, Utah
133. Seattle – S Brandon Jones, Texas
134. Atlanta (THRU BAL) – DE Nick Coe, Auburn
135. Pittsburgh (THRU TEN VIA MIAMI) – LB Casey Toohill, Stanford
136. Green Bay – WR James Proche, SMU
137. Jacksonville (THRU SF VIA DEN) – TE Brycen Hopkins, Purdue
138. Kansas City – CB Darnay Holmes, UCLA
139. New England (THRU TB) – S Jordan Fuller, Ohio State
140. Jacksonville (THRU CHI) – C Simon Stepaniak, Indiana
141. Miami – WR Isaiah Coulter, Rhode Island
142. Washington – OT Trey Adams, Washington +
143. Baltimore – LB Cam Brown, Penn State
144. Seattle – G Jonah Jackson, Ohio State
145. Philadelphia – WR Antonio Gandy-Golden, Liberty
146. Philadelphia – RB Anthony McFarland, Maryland
 147. Cincinnati – OT Ben Bartch, St. John’s
148. Carolina (THRU WAS) – G Michael Onwenu, Michigan
149. Detroit – WR Lynn Bowden, Jr., Kentucky
150. NY Giants – S Antoine Brooks, Maryland
151. LA Chargers – OT/G Jack Driscoll, Auburn
152. Carolina – CB Kindle Vildor, Georgia Southern
153. Miami (FROM MIA VIA ARZ) – LB Mykal Walker, Fresno State
154. Miami (FROM JAX VIA PIT) – S Josh Metellus, Michigan
155. Minnesota (FROM CLE VIA BUF) – DE Derrek Tuszka, North Dakota State
156. San Francisco (FROM DEN) – LB/S Tanner Muse, Clemson
157. Jacksonville (FROM ATL VIA BAL) – CB Parnell Motley, Oklahoma
158. NY Jets – RB Darrynton Evans, Appalachian State
159. Las Vegas – RB Lamical Perine, Florida
160. Indianapolis – RB James Robinson, Illinois State
161. Tampa Bay – S J.R. Reed, Georgia
162. Washington (FROM PIT VIA SEA) – G Jon Runyan, Michigan
163. Chicago – RB Josh Kelley, UCLA
164. Dallas – WR Collin Johnson, Texas
165. Jacksonville (FROM LAR) – DE/LB Trevis Gipson, Tulsa
166. Detroit (FROM PHI) – CB Javaris Davis, Auburn
167. Buffalo – TE Jake Breeland, Oregon
168. Philadelphia (FROM NE) – S K’Von Wallace, Clemson
169. New Orleans – CB Essang Bassey, Wake Forest
170. Baltimore (FROM MIN) – DT Khalil Davis, Nebraska
171. Houston – RB Eno Benjamin, Arizona State
172. New England (FROM BAL VIA LAR) – OT Colton McKivitz, West Virginia
173. Miami – G Hakeem Adeniji, Kansas
174. Tennessee – QB Nate Stanley, Iowa
175. Green Bay – S Geno Stone, Iowa
176. San Francisco – TE Devin Asiasi, UCLA
177. Kansas City – DT McTelvin Agim, Arkansas
178. Denver – WR Jauan Johnson, Oregon
179. Dallas – P Braden Mann, Texas A&M
 180. Cincinnati – RB Rico Dowdle, South Carolina
181. Denver (FROM WAS) – OT Charlie Heck, North Carolina
182. Detroit – LB Shaquille Quarterman, Miami
183. NY Giants – WR Quintez Cephus, Wisconsin
184. Carolina – S Brian Cole II, Mississippi State
185. Miami – DT Carlos Davis, Nebraska
186. LA Chargers – LB David Woodward, Utah State
187. Cleveland (FROM ARZ) – DE Kenny Willekes, Michigan State
188. Buffalo (FROM CLE) – RB DeeJay Dallas, Miami
189. Jacksonville – CB J.K. Guidry, Utah
190. Philadelphia (FROM ATL) – LB Dante Olson, Montana
191. NY Jets – OT/G Calvin Throckmorton, Oregon
192. Green Bay (FROM LV) – WR Quez Watkins, Southern Mississippi
193. Indianapolis – WR K.J. Hill, Ohio State
194. Tampa Bay – OT Yasir Durant, Missouri
195. New England (FROM DEN) – TE Thaddeus Moss, LSU
196. Chicago – TE Dalton Keene, Virginia Tech
197. Indianapolis (FROM DAL VIA MIA) – DT Benito Jones, Mississippi State
198. Pittsburgh – DT Raequan Williams, Michigan State
199. LA Rams – RB Ke’Shawn Vaughn, Vanderbilt
200. Chicago (FROM PHI) – WR Tyler Johnson, Minnesota
201. Minnesota (FROM BUF) – DT Rashard Lawrence, LSU
202. Arizona (FROM NE) – RB Adrian Killins, Jr., Central Florida
203. New Orleans – G Kevin Dotson, Louisiana
204. New England (FROM HOU) – DE Jonathan Garvin, Miami
205. Minnesota – LB/S Khaleke Hudson, Michigan
206. Jacksonville (FROM SEA) – LB Michael Divinity, Jr., LSU *
207. Buffalo (FROM BAL VIA NE) – CB Stanford Samuels, Florida State
208. Green Bay (FROM TEN) – G Logan Stenberg, Kentucky
209. Green Bay – CB John Reid, Penn State
210. San Francisco – WR Omar Bayless, Arkansas State
211. NY Jets (FROM KC) – CB/S Shyheim Carter, Alabama
212. New England – RB Malcolm Perry, Navy
213. New England – K Tyler Bass, Georgia Southern
214. Seattle - LB Michael Pinckney, Miami
 215. Cincinnati – DT Larrell Murchison, NC State
216. Washington – CB Rashad Robinson, James Madison
217. San Francisco (FROM DET) – DT Broderick Washington, Texas Tech
218. NY Giants – FB Brady Ross, Iowa
219. Minnesota (FROM MIA) – WR Isaiah Hodgins, Oregon State
220. LA Chargers – CB Jace Whittaker, Arizona +
221. Carolina – DE D.J. Wonnum, South Carolina
222. Arizona – S L’Jarius Snead, Louisiana Tech
223. Jacksonville – QB Kevin Davidson, Princeton
224. Tennessee (FROM CLE) – G Tremayne Anchrum, Clemson
225. Baltimore (FROM NYJ) – CB Luq Barcoo, San Diego State
226. Chicago (FROM LV) – S Aholi Gilman, Notre Dame
227. Miami (FROM IND) – DE Trevon Hill, Miami
228. Atlanta (FROM TB VIA PHI) – S Kamren Curl, Arkansas
229. Washington (FROM DEN) – FB/TE Kelvin Smith, North Texas
230. New England (FROM ATL) – WR/KR Joe Reed, Virginia
231. Dallas – LB De’Jon Harris, Arkansas
232. Pittsburgh – CB Dane Jackson, Pittsburgh
233. Chicago – K Rodrigo Blankenship, Georgia
234. LA Rams – K Dominik Eberle, Utah State
235. Detroit (FROM PHI VIA NE) – P Michael Turk, Arizona State
236. Green Bay (FROM BUF VIA CLE) – DE James Smith-Williams, NC State
237. Tennessee (FROM NE VIA DEN) – DE Oluwole Betiku, Jr., Illinois
238. NY Giants (FROM NO) – LB Jordan Mack, Virginia
239. Buffalo (FROM MIN) – QB Steven Montez, Colorado
240. Houston – G Danny Pinter, Ball State
241. Tampa Bay (FROM SEA VIA NE) – DE/OLB Chauncey Rivers, Mississippi State
242. Green Bay (FROM BAL) – LB Shaun Bradley, Temple
243. Tennessee – LB Justin Strnad, Wake Forest
244. Cleveland (FROM GB) – S Kenny Robinson, West Virginia *
245. San Francisco – G Tyre Phillips, Mississippi State
246. Miami (FROM KC) – LB Cam Gill, Wagner
247. NY Giants – DE Nasir Player, East Tennessee State
248. Houston – TE Charlie Taumoepeau, Portland State
249. Minnesota – QB Tyler Huntley, Utah
250. Houston – LB Joe Bachie, Michigan State
251. Miami – QB Cole McDonald, Hawaii
252. Denver – CB Lavert Hill, Michigan
253. Minnesota – G Netane Muti, Fresno State +
254. Denver – LB Markus Bailey, Purdue
255. NY Giants – RB Raymond Calais, Louisiana
  + denotes injury concerns
* denotes character concerns
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kartiavelino · 6 years
This sexy ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ star was almost a lawyer
Like many actresses, Gemma Chan began out as a mannequin. In contrast to most, she didn’t soar proper to motion pictures or TV. As a substitute, she modeled to pay for a corporate-law diploma at Oxford, spurred on by her showbiz-skeptical dad and mom. “I had some parental guilt and stress in phrases in what I was going to check,” Chan, 36, admitted. “They inspired regulation college. It’s not that uncommon in our world. On ‘Loopy Rich Asians,’ three of us actors had studied regulation.” Chan co-stars within the buzzy new movie, which opens Wednesday and is the primary Western-produced film to have an all-Asian forged since 1993’s “The Pleasure Luck Membership.” In actual fact, Chan at all times needed to behave, “however I by no means realized I may do it as a job! Rising up within the UK, I noticed only a few faces like mine. Illustration there may be lagging behind America. Changing into an actress didn’t really feel like an possibility.” Her maternal grandparents, a nurse and a trainer, left Communist China simply forward of the Cultural Revolution, touchdown in Greenock, Scotland; they have been the very first Chinese language household to stay there. Chan’s mom turned a pharmacist in London; her father was a Hong Kong-trained engineer. The couple raised Chan and her youthful sister close to London. After graduating from Oxford and receiving a job supply at a regulation agency, Chan gave all of it as much as examine performing. “Once I left drama college, I was advised I’d actually wrestle to get elements as a result of most of UK drama is ­interval drama,” she recalled. “In some locations exterior of London, Asians are nonetheless not thought of absolutely British . . . [But] I was educated to play something — an previous lady, a man. I at all times supposed to play a entire vary of characters. Each actor has to struggle in opposition to being typecast.” Chan was forged within the BBC’s “Physician Who” and shortly landed extra roles on British TV, together with “Sherlock” and “Secret Diary of a Name Woman,” which aired on Showtime within the US. She additionally did some theater and moved on to movies, with roles in “Jack Ryan: The Shadow Recruit” and “Implausible Beasts and The place to Discover Them.” She not too long ago wrapped three seasons on American tv, with the AMC sci-fi present “People.” Getty Pictures Her “Loopy Rich Asians” function — ­Astrid, the sister of most important character Nick, performed by Henry Golden — takes Chan again to her high-fashion modeling roots. “Astrid seems to have the proper life: designer garments, jewellery, a seemingly excellent marriage,” stated Chan, who dated British actor Jack Whitehall for six years, breaking apart in 2017. “However she’s truly struggling to carry all of it collectively. She comes from unbelievable privilege however doesn’t purchase into the trimmings . . . I like that, that’s enjoyable to play. However she does get a unbelievable wardrobe!” Astrid additionally later turns into a most important character within the e book trilogy, by Kevin Kwan, on which the movie relies. “[Director] John [Chu] and I’ve talked about that for future movie prospects,” Chan revealed. She’s additionally already bought two main motion pictures within the can: December’s “Mary Queen of Scots,” by which she performs a real-life countess who was Caucasian; and “Captain Marvel,” out in March 2019. However she’s not sitting round ready for calls to return in. “I’m growing a proj­ect from a e book,” she stated. “We have now to seek out our personal tales and inform them ourselves. I hope we don’t have to attend one other 25 years for a story to be centered round Asian leads — or any minority, race, gender, age . . . The extra particular you’re in your storytelling, the extra common it turns into.” Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/08/12/this-sexy-crazy-rich-asians-star-was-almost-a-lawyer/ The post This sexy ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ star was almost a lawyer appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/08/this-sexy-crazy-rich-asians-star-was-almost-a-lawyer.html
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
˗ˏˋ ★ Welcome to QHP! ★ ˎˊ˗
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✩ Who are you? ✩
We are a group of friends running a blog about our silly little OCs!
🐏 Ace (she/her) 🌌 Ky (he/him), @eliomoons 🌸 Hanabi (she/they/neos), @flowersnfireworks
Our favourite things include (but are not limited to): cats, our OCs, and bonking said OCs with the Trauma Hammer™.
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✩ What is QHP? ✩
QHP stands for Queen's Hope Project, which started as a small Danganronpa-style roleplay between friends and has now become a group of silly little OCs.
We made this blog as an archive for the art we create about them, and to share them with you, dear viewer. :)
Why the name QHP?
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✩ Directory ✩
Character Masterlist
Individual Bios (Coming Soon!)
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dividers by @/saradika
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
Yume/Grayson art dump!!
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Best qpp
Art by Ky 🌌
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Alistair Spade!
He’s Allegra’a biological dad so I guess he can be posted today too.
He’s usually dead but he’s not dead dead in the superhero AU (which is what this drawing is for). Also the thing he’s holding are sleigh bells.
Second one is just a concept for his costume in his villain arc. (It doesn’t matter how hard it is to move in he just wants to look cool haha)
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Marcus and Allie are here to welcome you to the blog!
Art by Ace 🐏
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Gay people
- 🌌
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
do all of u liek danganronpa?
Heyo! Ky here, thanks for your question :)
To answer for myself first, I don’t. I have almost all the games and used to be in the fandom but left about two years ago. I don’t hate the franchise, just don’t think it’s the best thing known to man lol. But thanks to QHP, I can’t escape it, so might as well embrace. 🫡
My favourite characters are Rantaro and Miu.
I actually introduced Hanabi to DGR about three years ago and she definitely likes it. Her favourite character is Maki.
Please send her Maki things.
Ace started playing the games because of QHP, and she thinks it’s okay :)
Again, tysm for the ask!
- 🌌
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Furry Satyr Marcus
Art by Ky 🌌
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queens-hope-proj · 1 year
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Happy Father’s Day!
Out of the Main 5 Trevor has an absent father, Marcus doesn’t have the best relationship with his and Dio doesn’t have parents.
Joe and Allie have both parents.
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