#question ask
lilyoffandoms · 6 months
[Okay I got a few asks overnight and one of them I won’t be answering because it will be blocked. Another two I’ll be answering by not publishing the (complete) ask because there are parts of it that have nothing to do with me so I can’t answer for them.]
So for one of the asks I’ll answer without publishing the ask:
i’ve seen plenty of artist that draw in a similar style so how do you know the art is ai?
Okay, so like I’ve said before, I fully admit it’s getting harder to tell as AI code gets better and the machine “learns” but there are still usually quite obvious tells, if you know what to look for.
It used to be hands were the easiest way to tell. Take for example this Bloodbound Origin cover.
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First off the Kamilah is a white woman and doesn’t even look like the character. But notice Lily’s hand. Now I recognize hands are hard to draw (and I fully admit I often can’t draw a hand to save my life) but even I know that’s not a hand. It’s a club with a talon on it. Given the rest of the hands in the cover, it seems likely PB missed this when approving the cover.
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Then there is Kamilah’s necklace that hangs perfectly on half a chain. Anyone that’s put a necklace on before (and even those that haven’t) know that’s not how necklaces work.
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Often hands and jewelry are the most obvious ways to spot AI-generation but companies like PB are most likely beginning to use AI to finish the covers and using real artists to sketch them (but more on that later). So it is becoming harder to just rely on the hands and jewelry.
So we need to look at the other details. Let’s use The Deadliest Gambit cover for this.
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Again it’s the details. Look at the characters jacket sleeves. Ignoring the weirdly swirled buttons (which is another characteristic of AI-generation). One sleeve has five buttons and the other only has two. Now I miss details occasionally in my art but I usually spot them and fix them, and, details like this I tend not to miss. And I wouldn’t expect a company like PB to be okay with paying for art and having mistakes like this on their promotional material. But if it’s free… what do they care for the mistakes? They aren’t paying for it.
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Then there is the matter of the deck of cards. Don’t know about you but I’ve never seen cards sit like that. And clearly the card company had a misprint since there is only a suit and card indicator in one corner.
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So hands, jewelry, details. What about when it gets trickier you ask and there doesn’t seem to be an issue with those things? Let’s take The Deadliest Game cover.
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Ignoring the fact that there is not an MC that looks like that and over half the characters look nothing like their in-game counterparts, look at the hair. The one on the left has a weird swoop back of the hair that doesn’t feel natural to the rest of the hair. Then there is the weird swirling and blending that happens in the hair as well.
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And always, when in doubt, look close at the details. I cannot stress this enough!! It’s all in the details. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a shirt that has buttons on two sides. And the poor boy bought a jacket with the buttons on the inside.
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Now this brings us to my point earlier about companies using AI to generate content based on artists work so they can better sell their “good work” of hiring real human beings to create for their content. It seems to me that this is exactly what PB did with the cover of Hot Shot (if the sketch isn’t AI generated as well but that’s a whole other discussion).
We have the sketch which looks good. I can’t spot anything that screams AI-generated to me. And notice the MC has legs that peek through the gap between the LIs hip and hand? See it? Real human artists are good at providing the character with all the limbs necessary to make the character them.
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But AI really sucks at those “details” like legs.
No matter how I try and sketch this out I can’t give the MC legs that are hidden behind the LI without contorting the MC into weird positions and proportions.
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So anon, that is AI for you no matter how much @playchoices cries about their commitment to using real human artists and not utilizing AI-generation in their content. I don’t know about you but I’m not that blind!
Anon, as for the rest of the ask, I don’t publish asks that name others. If you have questions for them you need to go to them. I’m not them nor can I answer for them.
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simplyaskfellowplural · 6 months
waddles in your inbox
Hiya! Regarding PluralKit, do you have advices/tips on how to make a neat/aesthetic descriptions? Inspirations for examples on how to make one, or like- a copy paste of the template? Sorry if I'm asking a lot whoop-
🪺 (She/Her) & 🍎 (He/Him) & 🌀 (She/Her) & <3 (She/Her) Began Writing
😐🏹 (He/Him), 😐📖 (He/Him) Finishing.
Hi, sorry for the lateness of answering this ask. And thank you for sending in an ask! ❣️ And don't worry you're not asking too much!
So pluralkit is a bit tricky when it comes to making descriptions as for some systems it might be difficult to keep your information below the character limit. We even ourselves struggle with making a very pleasant aesthetic bio for pluralkit ourselves.
Our main tips are limited with Pluralkit bios specifically; but we might be able to get something!
Actively conversate and make sure you know what you're wanting, what you need, and what you can leave out! If you can't convey everything in just the bio of your pluralkit page, possibly try working that information into individual headmates/sysmates bios!
Take advantage of online guides like discord servers that help with aesthetic pluralkit bios, and definitely maybe dip your own toes into the idea of making your own!
A lot of premade templates exist by simply googling "Pluralkit/Tupperbox System Bio Templates". Tumblr as a million, but there are few and very far between, especially taking into account syscourse and people making templates specifically for and only for traumagenic systems, limiting the resources.
We personally definitely recommend using these carrds here as its something of a common practice to use symbols that are from other languages like Japanese or Arabic as aesthetic symbols for rain or stars, and it messes with screen readers.
Make sure to take and leave as you will! We honestly in most advice asks here asking about how to organize and such will offer as much inspiration as we can! While also encouraging people to seek what they want to display if they have an idea, and leave what you as a system don't wish to explore.
So we actually are going to put our own template making skills to use and make a broad base template any system can use!:
✷ Welcome to [System] !! ✷
Our name is [name], and this is our introduction to our [platform name]! Below is information on our system, boundaries, and fun links we/other sysmates enjoy!
ıllı ────── ıllı
**General Information**
⟡ Name(s), Nicknames
⟡ Age range or Age
**System &/ Body Gender?**
⟡ Gender Terms (with possible Links)
**System &/ Body Orientation?**
⟡ Orientation Terms (with possible Links)
**System Terms/Origins?**
⟡ System Terms/Origins/Modifiers (with possible Links)
⟡ Taken/Single/Private/Etc
Possible notes: Notes
ıllı ────── ıllı
**Do NOT Interact If..:**
⟡ Following Boundaries
**DO Interact If..**
⟡ Following Boundaries
**Ask to Interact If..**
⟡ Following Boundaries
Possible Notes: Notes
**System Terms**
**Do Not Refer to us as..**
⟡ Terms
**Please refer to us as..**
⟡ Terms
**Ask if you can refer to us as..**
⟡ Terms
ıllı ────── ıllı
**Fun Information**
⟡ Fandoms & Hobbies
**Where else to find you?**
⟡ Individual sysmates blogs/socials/etc & System socials and such
This was a quick template that we will put in the comments as it's own thing hopefully. Thank you again for you again for your ask! And hopefully this helped in some way! And we FINALLY finished this after months. So we apologize for how long this took.
We will be uploading a self Indulgent post about a how to privacy guide, then will start being more active on this blog!
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harmonyverendez · 5 months
What was hs 1 andy ending? It doesn't show up on the walkthrough so if you don't mind, please and thank you.
Um.... I can't recall. It's been a long time since I've played Heaven secret 1.
If am not mistaken, I think there are two options.
If you choose Andy, he'll survive the end of the war but would be hurt badly.
And if it's not enough points or whatever, Andy dies and doesn't live to the Heaven Secret 2.
Either way he'll die in Heaven secret 2 if he survived.
The creators/Writers do not like him as the others and the fandom doesn't as well.
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arcaneaccount · 4 months
50 questions ask
2, 7, 17, 19, 36
2. Describe your favorite pair of socks
I have some thigh high socks in non-binary colors that I love. Unfortunately don't wear them super often
7. What color dominates your closet?
I opened up my closet to look and anyone who knows me will not be surprised to learn that it's red
17. What's the last thing you ordered online?
Birthday presents for my sister-in-law.
For myself? Communion wafers
19. What's your favorite Halloween costume from when you were a kid?
My childhood best friend and I dressed up as decapitated heads on a table one year. I'll reblog this with a pic since everyone needs to see it.
36. What's an arcade or table game that you're really good at?
I think the thing that comes closest is Tetris. I love playing Tetris and am pretty good at it.
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plesiosaurbones · 1 month
howdy!!! i have a few of your pins and they’re absolutely gorgeous!! i’ve been trying to look into making some of my own, and if you’re comfortable sharing i was curious what your process for that looks like! like design, manufacturers, etc
Try Alchemy Merch! They've treated me pretty well and are good at answering questions!
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peanut0w0 · 4 months
Am I a good boyfieeee?
Yes, hehe! I can picture you with a Golden Retriever Vibes, Darling
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mamatater · 8 months
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The spouse is getting curious about tumblr
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disableddyke · 8 months
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reality-detective · 8 months
1963 Refrigerator 🤔
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jjian1002 · 5 months
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Chilchuck the struggling girl dad🥳
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lemonbarista · 6 months
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lilyoffandoms · 6 months
Sat on this a few days cuz I wasn’t sure how best to answer the question and I’ve been thinking of leaving the Choices app behind for good for a while now and this ask kinda opened my eyes.
@playchoices is either sticking their heads in the sand and pretending the artists they hire aren’t passing off AI-generated content as their own or they think we are too stupid to identify AI-generated/assisted content in their app. Either way, they are lying to us and are using stolen art to make a profit and that don’t sit right with me.
Given PB’s use of AI generation in the creation of their covers, I will no longer be utilizing the app, nor will I create anything for any of the newer books that utilize this technological theft. I will consider and most likely still create for the older books from before the app’s complete greedy cop-out era but it will be a case by case basis.
In addition, anyone in the Choices fandom (or any fandom for that matter) that uses AI-generators or reblogs AI-generated content will not be eligible to request or be gifted anything from me from here on out. Also, from this point forward, I will only take requests for fics & art if you are off anon to better ensure this.
[More on my stance on requests can be found here under the header, Fic & Art Requests/Commissions.]
Edit: This is not directed at anyone in particular. Yes, anon listed a few names and I have yet to look into those but what’s done is done. I can’t change the past and what I’ve done back then. This is simply talking about moving forward.
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simplyaskfellowplural · 10 months
Could you show an example of using notes as diary entries and ways to format them? :>
💙 Typing - He/They
Hello!!! This Question is relating to our first Guide for Simply Plural which can be found here!
Thanks for the Question! So, technically you can format them how you wish! But for some examples I really quickly used a puppet profile on our main System account to show some formats we usually do. Normally, we usually either differentiate a random Note vs. Diary/Journaling through colors or the titles! Simply Plural automatically below in the grid view of notes puts the date of when the note was created (see below), but we naturally sometimes still date our entries regardless in the title.
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Some members in our system actually use 🌑 & ☀️ to tell if it was a morning or night entry.
Here are just some broad examples we pulled together, the main things we show differentiating them is the title, how the entry is written (mainly to show maybe you journal different ways, and any way is valid), and the color! (Note is that we currently have Beta on Simply Plural, so the color box will be different if you don't have Beta!)
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But with other things possible, here's a mini list of other ideas to format notes and differentiate them with Diaries and such:
You can link images directly into the body of your journal entry to show examples, or even just give decorative environments to diary entries!
Use Markdown to maybe section diary entries. Or possibly, for maybe members who don't want to have their entries separate from each other, make a huge note titled "Diary" and section it with each separate entry!
Possibly use the title for trigger Warnings! If you make a diary entry, and it could be triggering, trigger it in the title
Free space to journal how you wish! Don't want to write 1,000,000 words? Bullet point emotions and go from there
Need to actually write 1,000,000 words? Absolutely no character limit for notes! It's just you and your emotions!
It's not fool proof, and definitely there could be additional cool things you could figure out! But with Markdown and linking images, and figuring out an organization method, using notes can be so useful if you find having multiple journals for each and every single headmate tedious. The only negatives I can truly think of is you don't get the natural "different handwriting" if it applies, it might feel less personal, and it can be a minute to actually get to the notes of your own profile and figure out what you want to do.
Hope this helped! We will reblog this if we come up with additional things to add or even other formatting ideas! As well as this is open for reblogs of suggestions for additional ideas!
For other Questions / Advice check out our List!
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harmonyverendez · 6 months
I was wondering what fandoms do you post about? And do you accept requests for posts?
I write for many fandoms, school for good and evil, twilight, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, etc.
And yes I accept requests. Anything you like.
If you want a request, just ask and I'll be happy to write it.
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It's like we all collectively forgot as a society that friendship and just connection in general takes effort. Even if you meet someone you immediately click with, it takes hanging out about 20 times (!) to become friends. And guess what, some of those 20 meetings might be awkward or unimpressive.
We all want to reap the benefits (having a friend circle, having a partner, getting married) without doing the work (going to events, interacting with people, learning to handle conflict maturely, dating). Myself included. If I could, I'd never leave the house or go on another mediocre date again... except, that's part of the process.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, the cure to the loneliness epidemic is touching some grass and building tolerance for tedious in-person interactions.
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creekfiend · 3 months
good evening. are u avoiding pain or seeking joy
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