#question for the masses
talefoundryshow · 1 month
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Liminal spaces, barely-there monsters, even something as simple as eerie color coding… what horror tropes do YOU find the most effective?
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my-cursed-brain · 5 months
Question: people who have read Black Butler, is it good? I've been looking into it, but I've heard mixed things so idk if I should start getting the mangas. It seems like something I'd enjoy, but I'd rather be sure before I start spending money on mangas so I'd figure I'd ask on here. Is it good or would you recommend it?
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also just the fact that he lets kendeigh get involved to keep smith more comfortable but is too worried to remove himself completely and still checks on it himself?
this is precisely what i was thinking. he’s too much of a mother hen to remove himself from the situation completely and just hearing from kendeigh isn’t enough, he needs to form his own opinion
Yes ok yes this is all tracking BUT ALSO helping to inform what i am writing right now with the shots —because I’m wondering about the progression of this.
Brady gets the shots, brings them to Cleven, Cleven set about to distribute them. Ida and Bucky are dead to the world, Kendeigh can’t administer with her hands…that leaves Smith as the chief female officer to oversee this…but then how does that unfold?
I imagine if Gale Cleven shows up in the various rooms wielding penicillin shots and telling them that they’re for the girls, most of them would get why without further explanation. Many of them might prefer to give them to each other.
But then does their most senior officer -Smith- somehow show her confusion or ignorance over them? And Gale just has a moment of “oh god I gotta both explain to her why she needs it and why her girls do?”
Or do yall see it playing out another way. Her ignorance, I mean. Or why he is the one who ends up giving it to her. Not another woman.
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draig-felyn · 26 days
I was thinking about something, and does anyone else have the experience of wanting to be gendered differently depending on which language you’re speaking in? Like in English I lean towards they/them pronouns but she/her is okay, in Welsh it’s the opposite (I prefer hi but am fine with nhŵ as well) but in French? Il/lui all the way, and not even iel feels right.
I have a feeling some of it might be cultural, like I was socialised as female and still relate to mostly feminine parts of Welsh culture, whilst it’s more neutral in Anglo culture, but no idea where the French thing came from.
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doodledraw · 2 months
would anyone be interested in me explaining my thoughts and stylistic choices for the oblivion au cover because I high key wanna talk about it
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bulbagarden · 1 year
sooooo like, i need to update my tumblr LOL. because i can't even see polls????
so! once i do that, what kind of polls would you like to see?
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if fruit were sentient and could fight, who would win?
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eldritchpenguin44 · 10 months
I’m looking for an drawing program to use.
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talefoundryshow · 1 month
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Out of all the villains in fiction, who do you think has the most fun?
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we-arent-married · 1 year
Why Do People Hate Cars 2?
Like Cars 2 seems to get a lot of hate and I don't get it. Sure it's not the best Pixar film of all time but it certainly ain't the worst.
Is it because it's a sequel? Did people just not like the concept as a whole? I know other Pixar films also get some hate (like Brave, The Good Dinosaur, and probably some other one). I thought Cars 2 was a fun film and don't understand the distaste.
If you have any reasoning why you don't like it let me know! Any way you fell comfortable because I honestly just really want to know and hear some other perspectives.
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eileenguy · 2 years
if werewolves bad then. why so hot
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jaeshoney · 1 year
Is it weird that I need to know at least three hours in advance if we’re still going to an event or a party?
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spottyissleepy · 2 years
Genuine question: what is a spoonie? I know it’s a term for something within the disabled community, but I can’t seem to find anything detailing exactly what it is?
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trekkiehood · 1 year
Ok, how much would you guys hate me if I posted a random 5k Brotherhood episode rewrite with a "if enough people want it I'll write a part two" because idk that I'll ever write a part two without it lol
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helpibrokemybrain · 2 years
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So I found this little guy outside sitting in a rhubarb plant and I don’t know what he is. I’ve never seen a frog like this in my area and I’m worried that he’s been dumped or is invasive or something. I tried to look it up on google, but I’m not getting any results. I’m in northern Illinois
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goose-onthe-loose · 2 years
Question for Tumblr: what exactly do you do to celebrate Halloween? Growing up frum we never celebrated, although we usually get a few trick or treaters that we give candy to. But after you age out of that, what do you do??
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