#quickly realize that small couch + tall woman = awkward make out session
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: second interview and confession of feelings!
content warnings: none
word count: 2.6k
Series Masterlist
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As it turns out, 45 minutes can go by quickly when there’s work to be done. At least for Wanda, who had been answering emails as they waited for the next interviewee. Y/n on the other hand, had finished sorting through the stack of portfolios with a smaller stack now sitting next to her on the coffee table. She had been alternating between doodling on a notepad that Wanda had helpfully given her and not so subtly staring at the redhead engrossed with her computer. 
It was unfair really, how attractive Wanda was. 
Y/n was in the middle of admiring the way Wanda’s hair fell over her shoulders, with one side tucked behind her ear as she typed with her brow slightly furrowed, when a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. Wanda looked up to see y/n quickly look from her and towards the door, and her lip curled slightly as the girl jerkily got up from her seat and walked to the door.
Wanda finished the last part of her email as y/n introduced herself to the second interviewee, a tall woman with dark hair and piercing eyes that seemed to read every part of y/n’s soul. The woman, who had introduced herself as Megan, let her eyes wander over the girl in front of her. 
The girl in question was freaking the fuck out. 
The woman in front of her oozed dominance. From her posture to the smart looking pant suit she wore and the way she was looking at y/n like she was her last meal, everyone knew who had the most power between the two. 
Y/n cleared her throat awkwardly and Megan seemed to snap out of whatever thoughts she had lost herself in, glancing away from y/n and finally greeting Wanda.
“Привет my old friend.” Megan purred as Wanda stood and reached out a hand. The two shook hands warmly, as y/n watched with wide eyes. It was obvious that the two knew each other well as they exchanged soft words in Russian, both of them smiling the whole time. Eventually, the two separated and Wanda returned to her seat, returning her sharp gaze to y/n, and Megan sat gracefully in the seat next to her. 
Y/n was still standing, glancing between the two, before a pointed look from Wanda had her feet returning to the other couch. As soon as she sat down, she got a small smile from Wanda before she pulled out her pen and notepad once again. Y/n tore her gaze from Wanda’s fingers as she uncapped her pen and met Megan's eyes. 
As if waiting for y/n to look at her, Megan leaned slightly forward and spoke. “Let’s get the awkward questions out of the way.” She had a slight accent, y/n noticed, before she nodded her head.
“What does your experience look like?” Megan watched a confused look spread out on y/n’s face before she added, “Sexually of course.” With that, the woman sat back once more with a slight smirk as a heavy blush made its way onto y/n’s face.
“Well, I-” Y/n looked back at Wanda, who’s gaze had never left her face, and was now slowly twirling her pen between her fingers as she stared intently at y/n.
‘Just tell them about your sad sex life, it's not that hard.’
Y/n cleared her throat and straightened up in her seat, avoiding eye contact with Wanda as she stared straight into Megan's eyes.
“I’ve had about three minutes of the most disappointing sex imaginable, with a man I met at a bar last year.” Y/n paused before admitting, “That was before I realized that I’m only into women.” She watched Megan nod in understanding before continuing.
“Since then I’ve only had a few drunk makeout sessions with some girls I met at different gay bars.” Y/n could feel her blush making its way to the tips of her ears as she looked at the carpet. “And that’s it.”
Y/n stared resolutely at the ground, tracing the patterns on the carpet with her eyes. She could almost feel her embarrassment becoming tangible with each second that passed, so she shoved it down and steeled herself before glancing up from under her eyelashes. 
She was met with two understanding gazes, and she searched both pairs of eyes for any signs of disappointment or pity before slowly letting out a breath and straightening up in her seat.
“Darling, don’t ever feel ashamed of where you are in regards to sexual experiences.” Wanda spoke softly but firmly, and Megan nodded her head. 
“Everyone has a different timeline in regards to their journey with sex, I’m glad that yours is going to start with knowledgeable people around to support you.” Megan added, as y/n once again looked at the floor. She felt embarrassment, but also a sense of gratitude that two powerful women were comforting her on this topic. 
Once she finally had a grip on the thoughts and emotions swirling around in her head, y/n looked back up to find the two patiently waiting for a response.Y/n let out a small ‘thank you’ before nodding at Wanda that she was ready to continue the interview. Wanda simply looked to her left, where Megan was seated, and the brunette took that as a cue to continue.
Megan opened her mouth as if to launch into a new question, before pausing and raising an eyebrow at Wanda. “Would you mind if I tested a theory?” Wanda had a calculating glint in her eyes as she studied Megan’s face, before her eyes slowly drifted over to y/n. After seeing no resistance from the younger girl at the suggestion, she sat back comfortably in her seat and gave Megan a short nod. 
“Come over here.” Magan beckoned, reaching out a hand. Y/n glanced over at Wanda before standing up. The redhead’s gaze followed her as she moved to stand directly in front of Megan. Y/n’s heart was beating hard in her chest as she stared at the woman in front of her, who’s hand was centimeters away from her hip. Close, but not touching. 
Something in Megan’s demeanor shifted, and she straightened her back and looked firmly in y/n’s eyes. She retracted her hand, setting in on her thigh to mirror her other hand. 
Y/n’s eyes went wide, and her breaths shortened at the command. She slowly sank to her knees, keeping her eyes locked on Megan’s. She was vaguely aware of Wanda writing down a note, but all she could really focus on was the need to follow the instructions of the woman seated before her.
“Very good.” Megan said in a low voice. She reached her hand out once again, this time just underneath y/n’s chin, fingertips ghosting along her jaw. Megan raised an eyebrow as a silent request for permission. Y/n nodded ever so slightly, and the brunette smirked at her before firmly grasping her chin. 
“How do you feel?” Megan asked, as her eyes bore into y/n’s. 
“I feel… small?” Y/n watched Megan’s smirk turn into one of amusement before she explained quickly. “Not like a bad small though, like a good small, like really safe and willing to do whatever you tell me to do small. If that makes sense?” 
Megan nodded, her hand still firm on y/n’s jaw. She turned her head to look at Wanda, who was watching y/n with laser sharp focus. 
“That’s a good kind of small darling, it means you're in the beginning stages of subspace.” Wanda said gently, and y/n looked at her from the corners of her eyes, still not being able to move her head. Noticing this, Megan let go of her chin, returning her hand to its previous position on her thigh. 
Y/n turned her head to fully meet Wanda’s gaze, before realizing that she was still kneeling on the floor. From this position, Wanda looked even more regal than she had before. Her green eyes were looking down at y/n, with her head raised. Her legs were crossed at the knee, with the pointy tip of her heeled boot mere inches away from y/n’s face. 
Y/n swallowed harshly, her mouth suddenly dry, as she hastily scrambled to her feet. She looked everywhere but Wanda’s eyes, knowing that the woman could read her easily. 
Megan gracefully stood as soon as y/n had gotten to her feet. She offered her hand once more, and y/n took it. 
“It was a pleasure meeting you, I hope we cross paths sometime soon.” Megan said, before turning to Wanda and bidding her goodbye. As the brunette walked to the door, y/n focused her gaze on the back of her head, still avoiding eye contact. As soon as the door was closed, she let her eyes slowly meet Wanda’s. 
She was met with a knowing gaze, and took that as a sign to sit back down. Y/n was a bit nervous, knowing that Wanda had probably read her body language throughout the entire exchange and knew how incredibly turned on she was. 
“You liked that.” Wanda stated, her pen twirling in her fingers as she watched y/n’s blush return.
“Yes.” Y/n admitted, “A lot more than I thought I would.”
Wanda tilted her head down slightly as she watched the girl in front of her. Y/n was nervously picking at the hem of her shirt once again, a sign that something was on her mind.
“Do you have something you want to say darling?” 
Y/n stilled her hands as her eyebrows knit together. Then she let out a breath. 
“If I’m being honest, I already know what type of dominant will be perfect for me.” Y/n saw Wanda’s eyebrows raise slightly, and she boldly continued. “I need someone who is gentle with me, but is also able to be firm or rough with me the moment they choose to do so. I need someone who is willing to listen to me, and deal with me processing my thoughts on things without becoming impatient.”
Y/n took a big breath as Wanda’s eyebrows slowly went higher. But she wasn’t done yet.
“I need someone who is willing to try out new things like ropes and stuff like Elijah, but they need to be able to understand my boundaries with all this new stuff and know when to not take it too far. I need someone who can read me better than I know myself so I don’t have to constantly tell people what I’m thinking because I hate doing that.” 
Y/n finished her explanation with a rush of breath. Wanda hadn’t moved, her eyes still on y/n’s face. She set the pen down on her notepad before moving them to the other couch cushion. Wanda leaned slightly forward, before stating. “It sounds like you already have someone in mind.”
Y/n’s jaw clenched as she finally broke eye contact. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before looking Wanda squarely in the eye.
“I want someone who knows what they’re talking about, someone who can make me feel submissive without even trying, someone like…”
Wanda leaned forward even more, her eyes lighting up. “Someone like who?” She pressed. Y/n looked away for a second, before steeling herself and answering quietly. 
“Someone like you.” 
Y/n’s head snapped up and her eyes searched Wanda’s, not believing what she had just heard.
“I, what?” Y/n asked as Wanda stood up from her seat, a small smile on her face. She watched Wanda walk over to her desk where her laptop sat, opening the cover. 
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked, getting to her feet and starting towards the desk before stopping when green eyes cut towards her. 
“I’m clearing all of the interview’s.” Wanda said simply. “We won’t be needing them anymore.” She clicked a few more times, before closing the laptop with a solid thud. Y/n could only stand frozen in place as Wanda walked towards her. 
“So, are you sending me back to the Avengers now?” Y/n asked, and Wanda chuckled softly as she finally stood in front of her. 
“No darling, I’m not sending you back. I was waiting for you to finally admit who you truly wanted your dominant to be for the summer.” Green eyes stared into y/n’s. Wanda raised a single eyebrow as she smiled. When y/n didn’t say anything, Wanda explained.
“From the moment you walked into the same room as me, I knew I wanted you.” Wanda said in a low voice, sending shivers down y/n’s spine. “I could tell that you were attracted to me the second you saw me, but as I got to know you further that evening, I could also tell that the submissive side of you yearned to be dominated.” Wanda had taken a small step closer to y/n as she spoke, and y/n could feel small puffs of air on her cheeks.
“I mean, that's true. I didn’t realize that you could possibly want me as a submissive.” Y/n said, confusion lacing her tone. She desperately wanted Wanda as her dominant, but couldn’t fathom the woman actually wanting her. 
“I want you as my submissive for the summer.” Wanda said, her gaze sharp. “I just needed you to figure out what type of dominant you wanted before I admitted to anything. Do you understand?”
All y/n could think about was how close Wanda was to her, and how she could smell the vanilla perfume that clung to the redhead like a cloak. She blinked a few times, regaining her bearings. She understood, Wanda hadn’t wanted to put pressure on her before she had truly figured out what she wanted. By having the interviews, y/n was able to better understand what she needed in a dominant. But, there was still one question nagging in the back of her mind. 
“If I had chosen someone else as my dominant, would you have been alright with that?” Y/n asked, watching Wanda tilt her head in thought. 
“Yes, because you get to make your own decisions. If you felt that one of the women we were going to interview to be a better fit to your needs, I would have been alright with that.” Wanda said slowly, before smirking. “That is not the case however, because everything you said about your ideal dominant matches me perfectly.”
‘Fuck that’s attractive.’
Wanda was still standing maddeningly close, her face inches from y/n’s. Honestly, it was a bit hard for y/n to think, with the most beautiful and powerful woman she had ever met standing right in front of her, wanting her. 
“Sounds good to me, when do we start?” Y/n replied, an excited smile forming on her face. Wanda let out a huff of laughter at her eagerness, her breath brushing against y/n’s cheeks before the redhead took a step back. Y/n immediately missed the closeness of the other woman, and waited with wide eyes for Wanda to respond. 
“We’ll start now, with a contract,” Wanda started, before y/n interrupted. 
“Like Fifty Shades of Grey!” 
Wanda smiled slightly, before her face turned serious. 
“No, not like that abomination of a movie. This contract is just stating that you will be under my care as a submissive for the summer and that we both agree to this arrangement. We will discuss boundaries together later today.” She said firmly. 
Y/n nodded her head in understanding, and Wanda smiled at the action. She strode over to her desk and pulled out a single sheet of paper. As y/n walked over to the desk, she saw that the paper was the form she would be signing. Grabbing a pen and signing her name quickly, she watched Wanda do the same before green eyes found her own again. 
Wanda straightened up fully and let her eyes wander up and down y/n’s body. Meeting y/n’s gaze once more, she smirked and tilted her head. 
“Ready for some fun?”
Next Chapter
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i-like-turkey · 2 years
What my mom says: “your furniture is 10 years old. I’d rather we leave it and buy new stuff. Finish your cost estimates, but that’s my preference.”
What my mom means: you have the most uncomfortable couch I’ve ever had the misfortune of sitting on. I hated it when you bought it for your first post grad school year in that tiny studio apartment and I hated it when you bought an identical one following your move West. I want to take an axe to it when I arrive in August.
Jokes on her though cause I’m just going to buy something similar if we leave it.
Tbh it’s a bad couch. More of love seat. I’m tiny—height wise at least cause 💪🏼—and I can’t fully stretch out on it. But I like it because my feet can hit the ground when I sit down, it doesn’t hurt my back (fucked that up playing sports), and it leaves me more room in my small apartment for home gym activities and playing with my pup. My new place is smaller. No way I get a full size couch.
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starryseung · 4 years
can i request minho enemies to lovers ?
lee minho + smut
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word count: 3.6k words
warnings; oral (both), enemies to lovers, dry humping, slight overstimulation
“Fuck you.”
“Oh really? Well fuck you too!” you snap back at the taller male, hands closed in a tight fist.
It was one of the hundred fights you had with your high school rival. Lee Minho. Of course, each school had a unique pair, the kind who are always at each other’s throats, jabbing at each other with vulgar comments, and none of the other students know why. People assumed you both had a past, a never ending fight, a relationship gone wrong.
But in the grand case of you and Minho, there was no such misunderstanding. There was nothing in between you two, ever, and you were always at war with each other for no damn reason. And none of your friends or school mates knew why you two had fumes rising when your eyes met.
The school year had just begun a few weeks ago, and when the lockers were assigned, yours was coincidentally right next to his. Thus every morning started with gossips and tea spills throughout the school now. Just like how it was going to be, today as well.
Someone had vandalized his locker, drawing penises and other unexplainable things, and he obviously held you accountable. You had gone for a trip out to the nearby town with your parents, so hadn’t even come to school for the past week. How could you do something without even being there! You cussed at each other for a couple minutes, throwing crumpled paper and unpredictable forehead flicks at each other. That was until you slightly pushed his shoulder, which was enough to send him off-board.
“Don’t take advantage of the fact that I don’t hit girls—“
“Girls and boys, leave for classes right now!”, your headmistress’s voice boomed throughout the corridor, and all the students that had slowly gathered around the scene started to scurry away to their classes.
“Not so fast, Mr. Lee. You and y/n, my office. Now.” She gestures towards the end of the hall just as the two of you are about to leave.
You and Minho walk towards her office, giving each other death glares occasionally. Just as you reach the general waiting area, she walks past you two as if you two were completely invisible, and heads to her cabin.
“You two can sit and wait! She’ll call you in a while,” the chirpy lady squeaks out, motioning you to sit down.
You take a seat, bouncing your knee up and down. Considering there was place for two only, Minho decides to stand, as he wanted to be as far away from you. You realize and get up from your position, huffing and pointing to the now empty seat.You despised him, but you had a heart.
He sighs, slowly walking over to the couch and sitting down. After a few seconds, he sighs again, feeling bad for making you stand up.
“You don’t have to act like you’re kind. You can sit.”
Wait. Did he think you felt pity on him?
“No, it’s okay. I don’t need your orders. I’ll sit when I want to.”
So much for being kind.
“Fine! Stand.”
A few minutes pass by, and you sense the pain rising from your calves. Your ego was taking the best of you, and you huff and walk over to the congested couch, plopping down next to Minho. He grins, crossing his hands mentally celebrating his victory over you.
You start bouncing your knee again, waiting for the lady inside the cabin in front of you to call you in so that you don’t waste the whole day out here. Minho notices your moving state, and he clicks his tongue, placing a stiff hand on your thigh to stop it from moving and slowly vibrating the entire couch.
“Stop it. It’s annoying.”
You gulp and sit back, relaxing your tense muscles. Acting was hard. You couldn’t pretend that his recent action didn’t affect you. You straighten your t-shirt, fumbling around with the hem.
Just as you think your head was going to explode with all the awkward silence, the secretary walks in, all bright and smiling.
“Come in, kids. She’s calling you in.”
You and Minho get up and you let the taller male walk ahead of you. He pushes the door handle downwards and the old door creaks open, revealing your headmistress sitting on her leather chair. She motions you two to walk in, pointing at the chairs in front of her.
“So, tell me. What was happening out there.”
Minho takes a breath before starting off, but you beat him to it.
“Mrs. Ahn, you know I was out with my parents for the past week. I wasn’t in contact with anyone from the school either! And Minho, here, has the audacity to blame me for drawing… stuff, on his locker! And when I was defending myself, he pushed me—”
“She might’ve come early in the morning and done this! I promise, Mrs. Ahn, this is 100% done by this woman here. You can check today's camera footage!”
And thus, you, Minho, Mrs. Ahn and Mr. Song from the IT department were stuffed into the cabin, with the old man working his way through some files to check out that morning’s footage.
“Here it is,” he announces, hitting play.
The video, after a few skips, does reveal a tall masked man, searching for something, preferably Minho’s locker number, and just pulled out a spray can before vandalizing the school property. Mrs. Ahn gasps softly, and Minho frowns, and you immediately cross your hands, cocking your eyebrow at Minho.
“See? That’s not me.”
“It’s your brother!”
“I don’t even have a brother!—”
“Silence! Thank you Mr. Song, you may leave now. And you two. Stop bickering like small children. You are adults. Behave like it— make amends, and only then you’ll be allowed to leave.”
You both groan and get up, apologizing under your breaths before looking over at the old woman.
“That’s not enough. Give each other a hug.”
“Yeah, no, I think we’ve forgiven each other alre— oomph”
Minho grins, pulling you into a rough hug, and Mrs. Ahn laughs aloud. You push Minho away, fixing your clothes and bowing to your principal before leaving. Minho turns to the woman behind the desk, smiling warmly at her before walking away.
The rest of the day goes rather quickly (because you stayed at the office for most of it) and you call your friend to get her to drop you home, since your Dad must be exhausted from all the traveling last night.
“Hey fish head! This way!”
You groan, cursing under your breath before turning on your heels to look at Minho along with… Mrs. Ahn?
“Good Afternoon, Mrs. Ahn. I was just heading home. Anything important?”
“Yes, actually. Very important. For the past year, I’ve seen you and Minho fight endlessly, and it’s time to put this war to an end.”
You cock your head in confusion, not understanding what she had in mind.
“I want you and Minho to go out today. Just the two of you. You can think of it as a date, a study session, whatever you want. This fight has to end, and I think it’s time for us to intervene before it gets bigger, and… more violent.”
“I don’t think that’ll be something you’d have to worry about, Mrs. Ahn. Minho and I are doing just fine! You don’t have to interfere, really—”
“I wasn’t asking, y/n.”
She replies, displaying a toothy smile. She walks past you and Minho, who simply smirks at you, and she leaves before announcing, and you scowl.
“I need proof!”
Minho chuckles, walking past you as well before whispering, “Today at 6? You know where the Pearl Restaurant is, right?”
Your eyes go wide at the mention of the venue. This… dude, was going to take you to one of Korea’s top notch restaurants?
“Yeah, meet me at the café next to it. Bye!”
You stomp your feet in annoyance, walking away to your friend’s car waiting at the entrance.
You didn't believe yourself either, but yes; by the time it was 5, you had dressed up. and now you were lying in your bed, contemplating if you should actually go on the date and fulfill his ego, or, he could just photo-shop a picture of you and him at the restaurant and send it to Mrs. Ahn to fulfill her ego.
You decided to call Minho, if he would be accepting of your plan.
"Hey? Do you know how to use Photoshop?"
A laugh resonates from the other line, before Minho responds.
"I had that plan too, y/n. But I suddenly forgot how to start a computer at this point of time? I was going to ask you the same thing! But then I realized that you might not know what a computer is, in the first place," he laughs again, agitating you even more. "I'm surprised you had high hopes from someone you hate?"
You could hear the cockiness in his voice. You could practically imagine that he was grinning as if he had just K.O–ed you (which, no doubt, he had) and you could even hear the sass dripping out of your phone.
"Guess what! I'm freaking coming now, you asshole."
You hang up just as you finish hearing his laughter through the static line. You scream into your pillow and pray that this goes well.
Taking a cab to the cafe Minho had told you to come by, you walk across the street to see him through the glass enclosure of the small aesthetic cafe.
Minho had worn a black tee with some skinny jeans, his earphones plugged in as he tapped his foot lightly on the wooden ground. His pointy nose was hidden behind a black mask, and veiny his hands clasped his phone loosely as he waited for you.
You shudder, thinking about how you were slowly falling for him. You shake off the vague feeling before walking ahead, slowly opening the crimson coloured door. The bell above it jingles softly, and your lungs fill with the warm smell of coffee brewing in the four walls. Minho looks up at you, and he smirks behind his mask as he drinks in your beauty.
You had worn a baby blue sundress, with a silver bracelet your friend had gifted you a while ago. You smile at him and walk over to the table he was at, taking a seat on the opposite side of the booth. He pulls down his mask, enough for his plush pink lips to jut out.
"So, you came, huh?"
"Did you leave me any choice?"
He laughs and shakes his head, slyly reaching out his hand to place it on top of yours which was on the table. You cringe at the sudden wave of emotions in you. You didn't know how to react to his action. Do you not react? Or do you smile? Or wait, do you put another hand on top of his? Your mind was going haywire and was running a speed of a hundred miles a second. Thousands of thoughts run in your mind, and a few so dirty that your breathing hitched in your throat. Minho looks up at you, blank eyes staring back at you.
"You good?"
"Y–yeah. I'm great. Let's just click the picture and get over with this shit."
The waitress walks up to you two and places two menu cards between you. You pick up one, slowly flipping through the pages as your eyes scan for your favourite drink.
"Do you have any favorite kinks?"
"What. Do you have any favorite drinks? There's plenty here…" he trails off.
You shiver. Why was this happening! Did you start hallucinating? In front of someone you hate? Just so he could make fun of you later on?
"I think I need to use the restroom? Yeah I guess, I'll be back in a bit." you ramble, shuffling out of the seat to walk over to the washroom.
You walk inside the small washroom, quickly rushing to a sink and washing your face. You look at yourself in the mirror, fixing up your hair and breathing in and out a few times. You mentally prep yourself up for whatever you had to face outside.
After a few minutes of catching your breath and creepily talking to yourself, you walk out. But when you look up, Minho wasn't there in his seat anymore. Neither was his phone, or whatever else he was carrying with him. You look around, and your eyes fall outside the cafe, and you stare as Minho has his hands behind his back, looking around at the streets. Why was he out? You walk out of the small cafe, bowing to the waiter who held the door open for you.
"Hey! What are you doing here?"
"The coffee was fucking disgusting. Let's go somewhere else."
"Are we seriously continuing this? Just take a picture so we can go back to hating each other," you whine out of annoyance, stomping your feet on the concrete sidewalk.
"Let's go to your place then."
"It's not really clean…" you say with a shrug as you remember the mess your roommate had made before leaving the apartment for the night.
"It's okay! I bet my house is worse."
"Okay I take that back. Your house is a dumpster."
You and Minho reached your apartment, and you knew he was going to day something snarky to piss you off. You sigh and pull him inside the house. You didn't want to deal with another mom–like figure again.
“You can sit, I’ll get something for you.”
“No it’s good I don’t need anything. That coffee made me lose my appetite for the next decade.”
You laugh, placing down your purse on the shelf before walking Minho to your room. Your roommate had strictly warned you to not bring boys to the dorm, and when she was the first one to break the rule, she covered it up by saying they shouldn’t be in the living room or whatever.
Minho plops himself on the single couch, looking around in your room. He looks at you going into the bathroom— probably to change —and uses this moment to check out your room.
You leave the bathroom door half open, since the strong stench of fish cooked by your neighbors filled the small space. You weren’t doing any personal business anyways, just opening the little-too-tight messy bun and combing through your locks for the usual bedtime.
Minho found your bed more comfortable than the rough couch, so he decided to settle himself on it, looking at the small photo frames with pictures of you with your friends and family in them. He hears a thud from your side, looking over in delight if you’ve finally messed something. Instead, he was met with your petite frame picking up the wooden brush you had dropped, resuming to combing through your hair. He wasn’t disappointed, though.
You weren’t just a pretty face to him. You had a beautiful soul. He definitely thought you were cute, and he had fallen for you since day one. And now your actions were just fueling his desire. He sighs, looking down when your eyes meet his through the mirror. You finish off your routine and step out, a soft smile dancing on your lips as you walk over to Minho. You hop onto the bed, crossing your legs and facing him.
“So uhh… who's your favourite artist?”
“Can I kiss you?” Minho asks. His cheeks flush red in embarrassment when you ask something completely unrelated to his request.
“Um, I think so? Yeah. Yes you ca—”
Minho stops you midway by pushing his pink lips onto your chapped ones, grinning cheekily. You can hear the fireworks bursting in your insides, and you try your hardest to stop yourself from smiling wide into the kiss. Minho gently places a hand on your thigh, resting it there until you take initiative and slowly pull away.
He looks at you with soft but dark eyes, lips red and wet from the kiss. You look back at him hungrily, this time leaning over and kissing him. The second time was way better— more confident, lustful, rough, passionate. You coil your arms around his neck, moving deeper and ahead onto his lap. You sit above him straddling him, while he holds you down in place with a strong grip on your waist.
You moan softly when he bucks his hips, slightly grinding into you. He breaks the kiss and falls back on the pillow with hooded eyes and a smirk, having you seated in his lap. You quickly shuffle and pop open his jeans, dragging them down steadily. He slightly sits back up and pulls you into a heated kiss, moving his lips in sync with yours.
You groan when he starts running his hand down your back, unzipping the blue dress. When you’re finally free out of the garment, you resume grinding down on the male as he throws his head back on the pillow, incoherent profanities and moans spilling out his lips. You feel impatience bubbling in you and you pull down the material off of him.
You look up at him, confusion and curiosity building up in you. He picks you up by the waist and places you down on your back next to him, as he climbs up above you. He latches his lips on your neck, sucking various spots and watching in satisfaction as the purples and reds bloom on the skin. He kisses down your form, pecking your chest, to your abdomen and finally reaches your core.
He licks a tight strip up from your folds to your clit, and you whine at the tease. He smirks, gliding his fingers up and down your cunt. You arch your back reflexively, gripping the sheets under you tightly. Minho looks at you through drowsy eyes, smirking as he feels you crumbling under him.
He prods one finger at your entrance, slowly pushing it deeper and deeper. You moan louder at the intense feeling burning in your core, and Minho starts thrusting his digits in and out of your hole. You feel the pressure building up in you, and just then he adds two more fingers and curls them in you. It was as if an invisible force was tearing you apart, pleasure eating you up.
He hisses as he pumps his fingers in you at an unbelievable pace, reaching his other hand to your breasts and toying with your nipples. You dig your nails into the sheets beneath you, bringing the other hand over Minho’s which played with your boobs.
The burning feeling in your abdomen nothing but rises, and you feel yourself losing your mind as you fall closer and closer to your orgasm. You feel a soft sensation pressed against your clit, and your eyes flutter open as you look at Minho licking and kissing your clit as he humps the bed, driving you insane. He grazes his teeth above your clit, and you let yourself lose, the knot inside you untying. Your juices escape you and Minho licks and laps them up like he was a man starved.
You whine at the overstimulation, and he slowly pulls his fingers out. He sits up as you catch your breath, and sits at the edge of the bed. You crawl down and position yourself between his feet, placing your palms above his thighs. You lick his hard shaft from bottom to top, one hand slowly pumping his base. He sighs deeply, dropping his head down while biting his lip.
You lick his tip one last time, before hollowing your mouth and going down on him. You take him in one go, using your hands for what wasn't going to fit. His tip brushes the back of your throat, and you press your tongue flat against his cock.
He grunts at your pace, holding a fistful of your hair before thrusting harshly in your mouth. Tears spring in your eyes as you take him whole, never leaving his cock void of your touch. He bucks his hips up, loosening his tight grip on your scalp, as you feel his shaft swell. You slide up with a pop, using your hand instead, and pumping him at a quick pace.
You use your other hand to press your fingers on his slit, smothering the pre-cum all over the tip. The sensations send him overboard, and before you know it, he moans and groans as his high washes over him, liquids covering your hand and wrists.
He catches his own breath, as you rush over to your nightstand to grab a couple of wet wipes. You clean up your hands, walking back over to him and handing some to do his business. He swabs off the sweat and struts lazily to the washroom, washing up so that he could leave. You look at him, upset that he was going.
"You're going?"
"You want me to stay?"
"Me? Want you to stay? Pfft yeah right."
You both laugh awkwardly, as he starts getting dressed up.
"No actually, uhh my roommate is a bitch so she apparently doesn't want guys around and stuff so… yeah. I mean I totally wouldn't mind, you know."
"Yeah that's alright, my roommate must be waiting for me. I told him I'd be up to play a game or two."
"Sure. See you."
He grins back, not responding as he grabs his keys and phone to head back home. Once you both bid your farewells, you rush to your room smiling like a madman, throwing yourself onto the bed. You look up dreamily, hiding your face in your hands as you recollect what you had just done. Two dings on your phone wake you up from your daze, and you reach out to check who the messages were from.
M*nhoe: Mrs. Ahn is my aunt
M*nhoe: haha loser.
a/n; thank you guys for the support hehe🤧 Also have no reason for why this took me like 300 years to write~ I’ll be posting more frequently now since my school hours have been reduced :)
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bforbbgirl · 4 years
Summary - a young woman’s life is thrown into chaos when someone from her past comes back,showing that he will stop at nothing to fulfill his darkest desires. 
Warning - slow burn, language, mention of drug use, smut, themes of stalking and other tw things.
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Purdue World Banking was one of the top banks in Los Angeles, used by some of the richest families and business tycoons from around the world. You were rarely phased by the uppity types that in through those doors, often times you plaster on a fake smile, handle all the checks and cash and then send them on their way like normal.
It was a boring job to say the least but it paid well, it also helped that you quickly made friends with two other clerks named Travis and Nikki, both of them made the long hours easier. Both their personalities mixed well, even though you were slightly quieter than than them, you still always had made and teased one another.
A light tap on your shoulder breaks you out of your thoughts, glancing to your right, Nikki wears a playful grin before her eyes flicker to the revolving doors, the tall, build man that’s been haunting your dreams for the last six month coming in. He walks almost with a cocky strut, his long legs carrying him with this air of confidence that you noticed the moment you’ve met him. It was at random that day he came in, you were still training still getting to know the ropes when he came to your window.
Being your first time left alone, you were a little flustered stumbling over the keyboard and Lewis was there, smiling sat sweetly and even cracking a few jokes put you at ease, it did help the fact that he was easy on the eyes too. After that day, he’s always made it a point to come too your line, he was always friendly and patient, sometimes you think he would prolong the conversation, not that you were complaining that much.
You feel your smile growing as he walks closer, pull his sunglasses off his face as his smile widens as well, “Hi there gorgeous.”
Your cheeks grow warm from the compliment and you playfully roll your eyes, continuing typing away on your on you keyboard, “good afternoon, Mr. Tan.”
Lewis smirks, leaning against the counter as he shakes his head. “I thought I said you didn’t have to call me that?”
You spare him a glance before going back to your desktop, you already had his information up on the screen ready to go but you actually liked to banter with him. Once he was done openingly checking you, he passes you a heavy envelope and his ID. He never really brought up what he did for a living and you never made it a point to ask him but you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering form time to time. After finishing up the processing and a few flirty exchanges, you expected him to give you his signature wink before disappearing out the building him but this time he stayed behind, talking to you more since it was relatively slow today. 
“So, a new bistro just opened up a few blocks from here,” Lewis says, his fingers toying with the rim of his sunglasses.
You had your chin rested in your palm, taking in his appearance noticing the small tattoos on his hands and you often wonder if he had more. “Mhm, it looks good and the reviews have been hyping it up but its been packed there nonstop; heard you couldn’t even get seating outside!” Shaking your head, you mumble a complaint about LA being too much, earning a chuckle from Lewis before he looks back down, almost like he’s thinking something.
He soon clears his throat after a moment a of comfortable silence falls between the both of you, “well, if you’re free tomorrow night, I was thinking about checking it out and I’d love too have you come with me.” His voice was low now, holding your attention for a moment before you register what he had just asked you. Lewis just asked you on a date to one of the restaurants that you’ve been wanting to visit for the past two weeks now, you have had a crush on this man for a while now but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, you try but fail to hide your frown and from the way his playful smirk slowly drops makes your heartache.
Realizing your answer without you having to say anything, you both try to apologize rushing it out at the same time to try and bypass the awkwardness of the situation and you couldn’t of felt even more worse.
“Hey, it’s fine really I’m big boy, I can handle rejection.” Lewis says, standing tall and wearing that smirk that has your thighs pressing together. You were attracted to him, he was funny and cocky in away that any other man it would off doughy like, but with Lewis you just knew he wasn’t all talk.
So why were you hesitating?
You think back to last weeks session with doctor Moorse and how she’s been pushing you, at your own pace of course, to start to become more open to ‘putting yourself out there’. Besides Nikki and Travis, you didn’t know anyone in this city and you preferred to keep it that way but after some more convincing from doctor Moorse to at least try so that’s what you were going to do.
Quickly, snatch the receipt you had handed too him, confusing him as you write you number down before handing it back, finding the counter more interesting for the moment, missing a wide smile on his face when he sees your number.
“I’ll text you later?” his voice sounded hopeful and you nod, catching a glance of him before he leaves.
You were nervous. 
After Lewis had left yesterday, you had been a mess. A date!? You couldn’t even remember the last time you have even gone out on a date, it must of been years. At the thought, you feel your heart sinking to the pit of your stomach.
‘I can’t do this..’
You were already having second thoughts, you didn’t know if you were ready or not to put yourself back out there and you’ve been now sitting on your couch all morning battling all the ‘what ifs’. Your phone vibrated next to your bouncing leg and see it’s from Lewis.
Lewis: I’m excited for tonight! :)
A small smile tugs on your face, you’ve been texting back and forth a little since you gave him your number and it was nice, he was still being sweet and funny, you liked talking to him too but still, you couldn’t shake the voice in the back of your head warning you to not leave the house. Feeling like you were driving yourself crazy, you quickly dial doctor Moorse number, who picks up on the second ring.The conversation had taken up most of your day as by the time you had gotten off the phone with her, you only have an hour left to get ready.
“Don’t give him the power to control your life anymore, Y/n. He can’t hurt you anymore..” 
You had repeated those words over and over to yourself while getting ready. Moorse reminded you that, you had moved all the way here to LA as a means to start fresh and that’s what you were going to do.
Smoothing down the front of the satin red dress you had tucked away in your closet, you had thought you’d never get to wear that again but glad that you were.
You and Lewis both agreed to meet up around eight and it was already ten minutes til; you had arrived a little earlier, taking a look around the area before you finally decided to park across the street since it’s free parking for today.
Soon, you find yourself walking the pavement towards the busy restaurant, hearing laughter and chatter from guest already seated, it doesn’t take you long to spot Lewis who was already outside waiting, chatting with the two younger men were parking the guest cars. As you make your way over, you can’t help but to take him in, getting the clear height of him. You knew he was tall but from sitting behind counter made it harder to fully take him in; his hair was cut and styled as the black suite and tie combo worked well for him, highlighting his muscular frame that, apart of you would be lying, if you weren’t even the slightly curious about how good he would look outside of that suite.
A low whistle comes from one of the younger guys, drawing Lewis attention to behind him and his jaw nearly dropped on the floor.
“Wow, hi..”
You couldn’t stop the grin from spread across your face as his eyes dance across your figure from head to toe, any other man and you would of squirmed in disgust but with Lewis you actually wanted his attention, wanted his gaze to stay focus on you and you had gotten your wish.
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Dinner was going smoothly, after ordering a food and drinks, you had felt yourself becoming more and more comfortable with him as he was sharing more about himself and you were giving him bits and pieces but he didn’t push you to share more than what you were comfortable with. The more he spoke, the more you found yourself growing more and more attracted to him, from his ability to transition from one topic to another with ease, always keeping you on your toes with the flow on conversation. If he wasn’t filing in the conversation, he was attentive, listening and giving you his full attention and you find yourself liking it.
The waitress had finish clearing off the plates after dropping off new drinks for you both, you were only on your second glass which surprised you as well.  Lewis had just got done showing you pictures of his dog when his phone vibrate.
“Maybe you should take it?” You had asked, throughout the night, his phone has been going off with notifications, you didn’t mind too much but he insisted on just ignoring it but now, a small curse leaves from his lips as he glances down at his phone before sighing. 
“Uh, yeah it’s work I’m sorry sweetheart.” his voice showed a sign of annoyance, having to leave to take the call in the middle of his date wasn’t something he had wanted too do, in fact he was planning on ignoring the call all together but you insisted on him answering it. “I’ll be back.” with that, Lewis had quickly gotten to head out, giving a wink before you hear him answering the call as he heads out towards the front.
You take a sip from your glass of wine, glancing around the establishment at the other guest dining, watching the waiters and bussers moving about but one figure stops your gaze making your blood run cold.
Blinking a few times, you look back towards the other side of the room nearing the kitchen. Your mind had to be playing tricks on you, it had to be but as you glance in the same direction, he’s still there, only this time he was making his way through the crowd and towards you.
‘He’s not real..’
Two steps during into two strides.
‘He’s not real...’
He runs a hand down his chin as a wicked smile soon dawns on his face, his eyes growing darker the closer he got.
‘He’s not-’
You didn’t give yourself time to think, grabbing your clutch you move as fast as your heels would let you and you didn’t look back. The warm breeze from the summer night rushes into your lungs as you step out the restaurants, feeling like you were already out of breath.
“Y/n?” Glancing over to your left, you see Lewis standing with his phone pressed against his ear but he already looked two seconds away from ending the call. Shaking your head, you let out an shaky apology before taking back off towards your car as fast you can, fearing that looking back would give him time to catch you.
Ignoring your name being called, you make in towards the parking lot and frantically looking for you keys. Everything was felt like a blur too you as you piled out the parking lot, hands barely able to grip the steering wheel as you speed through traffic.
You dial the one person you knew, knew just how heavy this situation was. After the third ring, your sister had finally picked up, “Hell-”
“He’s back, Mya I saw h-him, I-I-”
“Whoa, hold on Y/n, what are you-”
You pull too a red light, a sob leaving your lips as you try to keep it together but you couldn’t. “It was him Mya, I saw him just now and-and he saw me.”
A sigh comes from the other end. “Y/n, are you sure?”
“Yes!” You shouted, wiping your tears quickly.
“Matt, he’s back!”
Taglist: @royallyprincesslilly​ @chaneajoyyy​ @honeychicanawrites​ @munteanhorewrites​ @night-of-the-living-shred​ @fumbling-fanfics​ @crushed-pink-petals-writes​ @dc41896​ @blackwomanwriter​
A/N: So, i’m a dummy and accidentally posted this without finishing it so if you read it, i’m sorry lol. This is a new series that I have been working on for a while but just haven’t been able to write until now. English isn’t my first language i am sorry for the misspell of words. 
If you would like to be tagged(or untagged), please let me know!!
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okikouji · 7 years
to the place where i won’t sway
One part buddy cop movie, one part mind-numbing domestic fluff, one part redemption fic but not in that (or any) order.
ao3 link: [ch1]
non-linear narrative
Arc 3 - ⁂ Bakugou Katsuki ends up in a Life Changing Field Trip with one Todoroki Shouto
Ch1- ⁂ - Midoriya Izuku would like know what, pray tell, the fuck.  
26 years old
Koizumi Kaito is a genius. A child prodigy who graduated from Zenmiburu High School at 15 years old and the youngest graduate of Japan's top police academy at 19; whose quirk, Dome Isolation, makes him a top investigator and invaluable in crime scenes. He was also, luckily enough, given the honor to be part of the freshly dubbed Supernova Squad in charge of getting the world's most valuable key witness to the rendezvous point in Sukagawa and from the Fukushima Airport guard him all the way to Vienna, Austria, where they in turn would describe, and outright name in some cases, the heads on the international villain coalition (dubbed Singularity by his superiors). Said honor allowing him the privilege to stand in front of a retired All Might himself, along with one of the heroes he most admires both. By all means, this should be the highlight of his life. Instead, he wishes he was anywhere but here. Away from All Might's shocked and open mouth (clearly visible under the oxygen mask he requires daily), away from the groans of the woman standing behind the couch, the very same couch where Midoriya Izuku, famed hero Deku, sits with a towel wrapped around his shoulders, still sweating from the physical therapy session he'd been interrupted from, face impassive. "I'm sorry," Midoriya Izuku, famous and beloved hero Deku, starts, "you lost my husband?" Against those eyes and that tone, one oh so reminiscent of Kaito's grandfather chastising him during his youth, Kaito fights back a shudder and gives a stiff nod. There's a beat of awkward silence. "Do you realize how fucking stupid you sound?" Kaito stares aghast (doesn't even hear All Might's chiding "Midoriya, my boy...") as one of his favorite heroes plainly says that to his face. Midoriya Izuku for his part seems to realize it too, seconds later, blank expression crumbling into a surprisingly boyish and embarrassed grimace. "I'm sorry, Kacchan's a terrible influence," he mumbles quickly, running a hand down his face before bursting up from his seat, "wait- no, I'm not sorry! You lost my husband?! How do you lose my husband?!" he shouts before starting to pace back and forth in front of the couch. The woman behind the couch rolls her eyes before making her way around it, just as Midoriya Izuku keeps his rapid fire mumbling about "how can you even lose him, he's pretty hard to miss. I mean even if you lost sight of him he's pretty freaking loud, there's no way you could miss him, as if he'd let you-" "Calm down, Midoriya," the woman says, reaching up towards a shoulder and pushing him back into his seat (a hard feat considering how short she is, the top of her head barely reaching his shoulders), "the stress is bad for the baby," she says with a straight face. "What baby?!" Midoriya Izuku shrieks, near hysterical (and Kaito barely manages to restrain himself from shouting that out too). "You. Now hush," she says to him, but instead faces Kaito with the sort of look you'd expect from someone looking down at a particularly annoying bug before grinning at him, blinding white teeth that look just short of being uncanny valley material. He was warned before hand about Supernova Hero Agency's head accountant slash PR manager slash Bakugou Katsuki's right hand woman and business partner, Ueno Airi. It's no secret after all, that a key player in Bakugou Katsuki's, in Ignite's Hero Agency becoming one of the most profitable and effective agencies around, and in such an incredibly short time too, is all thanks to her ability to utilize her quirk at 200%. If villains all around feared the good majority of the Ignite Agency heroes, then paparazzi and newbie police men across the country alike feared her. "Now," she says with eyes promising pain, "tell me again how you lost Bakugou Katsuki, and be a dear, don't leave anything out." the 'or else' loudly heard at the end. Kaito opens and closes his mouth before freezing at her raised brow. He's not even supposed to be here longer than it should've taken to let Midoriya Izuku know that, yes his husband was very much missing but not to worry as they would be doing everything in their power to find him and bring him home and really please do not worry everything is perfectly under control. All of course without mentioning just how dire the situation was for all involved. He knows he shouldn't- can't- really shouldn't say anything when he hasn't gotten the approval for it by his superiors. Symbol of Peace or not, the world's got bigger problems right now than possibly making a disaster with the most famous duo in the hero business' relation with that of the police force. After all no matter how well heroes and policemen get along there's always discontent somewhere. But he also glances down from Ueno's face to see Midoriya Izuku's worried eyes, still finding traces of fatigue in a still too thin face, and remembers- this man- these men have given so much to the world already that to keep one of them in the dark feels almost too rude. Even if it causes himself problems, or puts his job on the line, he'll breaks his orders. It's the right thing to do, at least it will be, if it eases Midoriya Izuku's worries. He takes a deep breath. "Do you- Is there a sound proof room here by any chance?" he asks. "Or at least somewhere where the chances on someone listening in are as slim as possible." The others frown at him. Midoriya nods, leaving his seat (Ueno walks and stands near All Might's wheelchair). "Whatever you have to say they can hear it too," Midoriya says over his shoulder as he leads them out of the sitting area, then out of the terrace into the gardens making a bee line for the storage house disconnected from the main building. Kaito can hear All Might's motor-powered wheelchair behind him as well as All Might's soothing words of, "It'll be alright," most likely for Ueno, though he finds it difficult to believe that someone who can verbally go head to head against Ignite on a bad day would ever need to be reassured about anything (he remembers too that this is someone who Endeavor himself once tried his hardest to recruit into his agency, only for her to make a very public and very humiliating rejection speech, without ever actually mentioning Endeavor himself). Midoriya holds the door for all three of them, waving off Supernova's current hero-on-guard-duty, Diamond Brand's, questioning shout from the roof of the house with a smile and reassurance that 'everything's fine, we'll be right back'. Kaito takes a moment to look around once inside. It's fairly empty, expected perhaps since it's only been around three months since the couple moved into this home according to the information he was given. There's a fridge tucked into a corner, nothing compared to the one he saw in the kitchen when he'd been lead to the sitting area but definitely bigger than the one he owns in his apartment. Other than that, there are some weights thrown into another corner and some towels folded atop a small stand next to the fridge. There's nothing of interest inside and the sounds that are heard from outside tell him this isn't a very soundproof place at all. There's a thermometer by the door, he notices when Midoriya turns to it after closing the door. He pulls down the cover of it, a small black screen inside. He presses his thumb into it and Kaito can hear a small buzzing sound coming from everywhere around them before the floor gives a slight shake. He nearly stumbles, unlike the others, with the exception of All Might, who merely stand in waiting. The floor starts to lower, taking them and everything else with it, weights and fridge and towel stand included, down. "There's a basement?" He asks shocked. That wasn't in the floor plan he was given. Midoriya Izuku gives him a half smile. "Something like that." Kaito hums, waiting for the lift to stop. It takes a bit, he notices, glancing upwards to see the top coming close as lights can be heard flickering on. At least the distance of four to five floors is what they've traveled down. The final lights seem to come to life as the wall behind Midoriya Izuku slides open. Kaito has to close his eyes, the light blinding him for a moment. The first thing he thinks when his vision clears is, 'Holy shit.' Except for the part where he doesn't think it, blurting it out in such wonder that the other three give small laughs. Midoriya walks into the room first, arms raised for a moment. "Welcome to the playground," he says with a smile. "This is where Kacchan trains when he's not down at the agency. Everything in here from the walls to the ceiling and floor was made specifically to withstand even his strongest explosions and keep the volume of the explosions to a minimum." He shrugs. "Can't have him go deaf from hearing his own explosions over and over." All Might and Ueno follow him inside. Ueno turns to him. "So nothing gets out of this place in terms of sound." All Might laughs. "Wouldn't want to bother the neighbors after all." Kaito steps inside, looking around him. The space is definitely at least four stories tall and encompasses what's likely the entire property, being almost three times the space of the house above ground. The walls must be made up of a special type of metal, shining a bright gray and looking brand new still. Kaito notices there's no echo for such a large space. "There are two more exits, here," Midoriya motions to the left of the elevator, a small door tucked into a corner, "and over there," he motions to the opposite end. "Each is a stair case that leads into the streets above but they can only be opened from inside so there's no danger of someone accidentally ending up in here. Down here. Anyway, usually when Kacchan's here he'll wear a wireless mic that's connected to the main frame of the house's intercom system, so if he needs something and I'm in the house I'll still be able to hear him. But, we don't have that here and now, so nothing leaves this room at all," he finishes, face once again serious. "So please, tell me what's going on." Kaito nods. Shakes his head before taking a deep breath. "Ok," he says, "are you aware of the last mission Ignite was on?" Midoriya and Ueno nod. "Kacchan said something about having a bad feeling about all the villains that were suddenly crossing borders internationally," Midoriya starts, crossing his arms over his chest, "even I had my doubts that it wasn't a big deal, even though it was getting little to no media attention." "Once he started putting the pieces together he asked me to call in a few favors here and there," Ueno continues, "see if there was at least some investigating going on that he could lend- well, get his hands on. Once he got in and ended up with a lead he took Rockafella, Vitalia, and Condance with him. It was supposed to be a simple reconnaissance mission. And I haven't seen any of them since," she finished openly glaring at him. Kaito gulps down his fright and perseveres. "They have been relocated for the meantime. They're not in any real danger at the moment," he specifies when Ueno's face clouds and she takes a step towards him. "They have no information of value to give, to any one, but for their safety we scattered them. In fact, it was requested by Bakugou himself," he points out. "Why?" He turns his head, giving his attention back to Midoriya Izuku. "Because you're right," Kaito says to him, "even though it has had little to no media attention, it is cause for concern. All these villains being seen in neighboring countries or even across oceans to their own usual sightings. In fact there's little to no media attention because this is how they wanted. World governments, the UN, you name it." He shrugs. "It all sounds very conspiracy theorist but it's true. Any information that comes out, that country's government chooses it and keeps what they don't want out in." "Keeping the people in the dark never helps the situation, regardless of what the situation is," All Might says, looking down at his hands on his lap. Kaito nods. "I agree- or I would if the implications weren't quite as- dangerous. Which is precisely why Bakugou requested that we keep his team safe even though he himself was the only one in danger. He- he saw something he shouldn't have, but that something is exactly what my superiors wanted, no, needed desperately. It's the very same thing that the villains in question wouldn't want out at all. Or at the very least, not unless it's on their terms because if what is being speculated is correct, then-" he stops, needed a moment to collect himself. What he'll say, and who he's saying it to, is almost an insult, if Kaito's honest with himself. But there's no point is sugarcoating it. "Then we're talking about a team up of villains that would make the League of Villains look like nothing but an after school club. A coalition that managed to grow right under All for One's nose, to a bigger scale than anything he ever accomplished in the decades he lived. A danger far worse than All for One or Shiragaki Tomura." Because really what can you say to a man whose loved ones were brutally murdered by and whose life was pretty much destroyed by the former, and to another man who ended up in a year long coma and even now is having serious health repercussions from the confrontation with the latter. How do you look them in the eye and tell them that that was nothing.
#are they all just standing at the end (w/ the obvious exception of all might)? YES. #zenmiburu is just a play on "all-seeing" (全部見る = zenbu miru) ("what kanji would you use to write it out then?" uuhhhh idk) #you get to see Kaito's quirk in action in another chapter! yay suspense! #Airi's name is written with the kanji for "management" (管理 = kanri) instead of the usual way (bc it's a hint about her quirk) #[this] is the house Kacchan bought and renovated #Kacchan is not King of Explodo-Kills bc the only 'killing' that would've happened if he kept that name would've been his dignity
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