#qwill is blue
shadzytarts · 5 months
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I wanted to color them with hue shifted colors and see how it would translate to their normal colors/ how the colors affected the greyscale which was really fun! Working with yellows I learned that the shadow has to be really hard to have a similar effect when you change it to blue, a cool fun lil experiment! I like both colors they're really cool!
Misuta and Fool belong to @venomous-qwille !
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glade-constellation · 11 months
Breakfast and Braids
Soleil x Reader, Sunspot x Reader
Summary : This morning just happened to be the morning your carpal tunnel flared up. You’re used to pushing through it, it was common in your field of work. This morning also happens to be the morning two of your housemates step in to help.
Trigger Warning(s) : None
Rating : T, SFW
Word Count : 3736
Extra : This AU belongs to @venomous-qwille ! This was originally just supposed to be with Soleil, but Sunspot snuck his way in and I decided to let him stay. I really hope this turned out okay <3 I had to use Google Translate for any French that shows up, but I did try to look farther into what it was giving me before using it. Sorry if it’s inaccurate.
“What, pray tell, are you doing?”
The sudden presence of a voice from behind made you jump with a start. While you did have the bathroom door open to let the shower steam out, you hadn’t exactly been expecting someone to pop in while you were making use of the mirror. You only expected to be in here a short while longer anyways. An undignified yelp slipped through your lips, which was quickly followed by a soft string of curses as you watch your hair fall from between your fingers.
“Language, friend,” the voice spoke again.
You were usually a little better about your words since arriving at the Mill. Not great, admittedly, but you knew courser language triggered unwanted coding for some and was genuinely unliked by others. That was usually enough to keep you from blurting out anything too bad.
That being said, there were moments where you still couldn’t stop them from slipping out, and being jumpscared was definitely one of those moments. The growing frustration with your uncooperative hair didn’t help.
Placing a hand over your chest and leaning heavily on the sink counter, you look up into the mirror to find your most recent spook. Blue-lavender eyes stared back from the doorway in an unamused but questioning stare. “Sol,” you breathe out, “ you scared me.”
There was an impression of him lifting an eyebrow as he continued to stare at you in the slightly fogged glass. “Sincerest apologies, but I thought you were well aware of my presence since I stepped in.”
Your own brows wrinkled at his wording, almost scared to ask, “...How long have you been standing there?”
Instead of answering, Soleil simply stepped fully into the small bathroom and walked to your side. You turn to meet him as he steps up to the counter, eyebrow lifting as his silk-covered hand reaches up to softly run through your still damp locks. “You never answered my question. What were you trying to achieve with tangling your hair farther than it already was?”
The urge to roll your eyes arises, but you instead sigh heavily and drop your head into your hands. A quiet hiss leaves your lips as his fingers snag on the aforementioned tangles. “Fais attention mon ami!” Sol is quick to admonish as he gently removes his hand from your hair, “You really do need to take note of your surroundings more.” You decide not to dig yourself any farther into this hole and instead answer his previous question. With your hands over your face, though, it comes out more like mumbles to his audio receptors. The solar bot reaches up and grabs your wrists, causing you to stiffen for a moment before he continues gently moving your hands down. “Mumbling is unbecoming of you. Let’s try that again.”
“I was braiding my hair,” you try again, not meeting his gaze. Braiding your hair wasn’t hard. Usually. This morning just happened to be the morning your carpal tunnel flared up. The numbing feeling was not helping the fine motor skills of your hands, nor was the occasional tinge of pain if you moved your wrist a certain way. “The feeling of my hair on the back of my neck has been bothering me lately, and it being wet isn’t helping.”
The earlier impression of exasperation comes back when he remains quiet, but you can’t be quite sure without looking for the subtle movements of his face. You didn’t really want to do that, though. You’d always been told that your expression was easy to read, and your new housemates didn’t miss anything. You didn’t need Soleil to see the red covering your face in your embarrassment. Not that it really mattered. He was probably already aware of it.
You only move to watch Sol as he pulls back from you, eyes tracking him as he grabs a clean towel from the rack. The sound of rustling fabric hits your ears as he lets the towel unfold. At seeing you watching him, he throws the towel over his shoulder and grabs your own shoulders in his hands. The push is gentle as he turns you back towards the mirror. You feel yourself tense slightly at the looming presence suddenly standing at your back, his tall stature and the typically off-putting air around him culminating into an oddly intimidating sort of vibe. It’s not purposeful on your part, just instinct at the new unknown feeling, but it still leaves you feeling guilty as he definitely notices the movement.
You open your mouth to apologize, but only get that far as he begins massaging the tense muscles, “Détends-toi, mon cher.” The words are light, not quite a whisper and full of Sol’s usual not-quite cheeriness. Blue-lavender once again comes into your sights as you look at his expression in the mirror. It’s always a little difficult reading his emotions, for many reasons, but this look was something you really couldn’t understand. Funnily enough, something about it allowed for you to relax in his hold.
“Sorry,” you finally whisper out.
“No need for apologies,” he replies back, removing his hands to grab the towel again. “Now, let’s get this hair dry before you catch another cold.”
Fingers meet your scalp from under the cotton as Soleil tenderly begins working at the dampness. Soft but steady movements cause your eyes to slowly shut in contempt, easing you into a state of rest as you lean into the touch. You don’t realize how far you’re leaning into the touch until your back hits something solid. Your eyes fly open, slightly panicked at how he might react to you now propped up against him. Surprise hits you as all he does is freeze for a moment before he continues.
You’re not sure what reaction you were expecting. Him pushing you off his chest, maybe? A scolding? This, though, definitely wasn’t it. Your eyes track up the glass to check his expression, only to find he now looks complacent. No, there was a different word for this. This wasn’t him being smug, this was something almost soft. Content, maybe? That still wasn’t quite the word you were looking for, but it was the closest thing to what you were grasping at. Scared to be caught simply watching him, you close your eyes again and lean back into his touch.
The moment ends all too soon in your opinion, even if you knew it had been a decent few minutes. Hands retreat from your head, taking the towel with them as he returns it to his shoulder. Once free, though, his hands are quick to grab your waist. Nothing happens for just a brief second, but it’s enough for your thoughts to freeze with him. He then pushes you forward off of him and breaks whatever that fleeting moment was. Soleil gives a soft squeeze before releasing you, the look in his eyes gone as he steps back, “All done.”
Turning, you face him. Part of you wants to question what he was doing when he froze. He’d just stood there, eyes locked on the reflection in the mirror. But you decide against it. It wasn’t the only odd behavior you’d seen from him since he walked in, and you weren’t about to start an argument with him over it. Instead, you give him a smile. “Thank you, Sol.”
He blinks down at you, almost seeming to process something before his smile widens slightly. “You’re welcome.” Before the conversation can be continued, Soleil reaches past you to grab the small bag of hair supplies laying on the counter and exits the bathroom. “Come along,” the solar bot calls behind him.
“Wait, what?” You take a step back and stick your head out the doorway, “Hey, I kind of need those! What are you doing?”
Soliel stops just long enough to turn and explain before continuing on his way, “I was sent to collect you for breakfast. Sunspot is probably wondering where we are by now.”
“And my stuff? Last I checked, we didn’t need hair product to eat.”
He remains silent, leaving you to huff in frustration as you jog to catch up with him.
—— • ——
“Ah, Solly! Welcome in!”
Even if he didn’t physically show it, the mental eyeroll he gave could be felt from where you stood behind Soleil. “And to what do we owe the pleasure, Fool?” he asked as he stepped farther into the kitchen to allow you in.
Before you sat the aforementioned jester, along with Sunspot standing across the table. The android’s face was half hidden behind a bundle of something you couldn’t quite make out before it was set down. Your name slipped past his lips with a smile, “I was wondering where you might have been!”
Soft laughter came from you as you remembered what Sol had said earlier in the hall. “Hi guys,” you said with a wave, “Joining me for breakfast?”
You almost jumped when Fool suddenly slumps heavily across the bench, looking almost as if he powered down. It wasn’t until his hanging hand lifts up to his forehead that you relax. Dramatic as ever. “Sadly, I must take my leave,” he cries, “Lest the red queen have my head today.” One of his closed eyes cracked open to stare at Soleil with a growing grin. Sol visibly bristled, causing you to tense in preparation for a possible altercation, before Sunspot broke into the conversation.
“Please let us get through breakfast before starting anything. Everyone has work to be done today, meaning some of us need to eat.” The android looks pointedly towards you during his last sentence. His strained smile was enough to show his current displeasure.
Sol almost seems to imitate taking a deep breath in before his shoulders relax slightly. “Agreed,” he hisses out in strained false merriment.
Fool jumps up from his seat, giving a soft bow and a mock kiss to the back of your hand before he makes his way out of the room with a whistle. The tune isn’t one you’re familiar with but definitely something you’ve heard from him before. Out of the corner of your eye, you watch Soleil track his movements with a half hidden glare before making his way to the table. You wonder if him taking Fool’s seat was a weird sort of victory celebration, or simply because it was right next to your slowly cooling food. Maybe both.
Quick to follow his lead, you sit yourself on the bench next to Sol. On the plate before you lay two cinnamon rolls, decorated with blueberries and cut up slices of strawberry. Your mouth waters as the sweet smell hits your nose. “These look incredible, thanks Sunspot,” you compliment with a smile before reaching up to grab one.
A small but sharp pain radiates from your wrist, causing you to wince slightly. Right, that. You hope that neither of the bots in the room spotted your moment of pain, but it’s quickly dashed as you spot Sunspot’s concerned look across the table. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, nothing to worry about,” you try to soothe. “Just a little carpal tunnel. I’m used to it.”
Your wrist is gently snatched up for the second time that morning and Sol mumbles something to himself in French. You want to remark something about how “mumbling is unbecoming” but, with his buttons already having been pushed moments before, you keep it to yourself. Instead, you watch as he lightly begins to press on certain parts of your hand and arm. He’s quick to loosen his thumb on your wrist when your whole arm jerks back. “Easy,” you hiss in pain, “I literally just told you what was wrong.”
Sunspot suddenly appears at your other side, softly taking your arm from Soleil’s grasp to begin his own inspection. “Have you been stretching your hands before working? Do you have a brace to sleep with? How long has this been going on?” The questions are rapid fire, but he’s quick to stop himself when he realizes.
“It really is fine guys. I usually do stretch my hands, but I’ve been a little preoccupied. Guess it just slipped my mind.” Your fingers flex absentmindedly as you speak. “The numbness started yesterday but it wasn’t terrible. Didn’t think much of it honestly. I do have a brace, I just was too exhausted last night to remember to wear it.”
Guilt stirs in your chest. You finally glance at Sunspot out of the corner of your eyes, “Sorry. I know I promised.”
He looks at you for a moment before sighing. You internally relax as he gives you a smile. A hand reaches up to move across the top of your head and rest at the back. “We’ll talk about this later, right now you need to eat.”
The imitation of someone clearing their throat comes from your right, causing you both to look up at Soleil. His eyes were locked on Sunspot’s hand for a split second before he looked between the two of you. He reaches into your bag he brought with him and lifts up the brush, “Your hair is dried, but still tangled in knots. Better to deal with those now before you forget.”
Blinking, you remember why Soleil was even here to begin with. “Oh, right, that,” you breathe out, mostly to yourself.
You feel the hand on your head run slightly through your hair before retreating. Sunspot gives a hum as he looks between your plate and the brush in Soleil’s hand. “How ‘bout this,” he proposes, “If you face me, Soleil can work on your hair while I help you eat.”
“Um, what?” you ask dumbly. It takes you a moment to realize what he was saying, a blush spreading across your cheeks, “I can feed myself, thank you.”
“This isn’t me trying to baby you,” Sunspot comments, knowing you weren’t fond of codling. He looks from you to the plate as he pulls it slightly more his way. “This is more me genuinely monitoring your health.”
“It’s better to rest your hands when you can. Otherwise it’s just going to get worse,” Soleil cuts in.
You take a moment to think as you look between your two sunny companions. Neither of them would push you if you truly didn’t want to. Well, Soleil may push, but he wouldn’t force. There would just be a possibility of more passive aggressive comments if you said no. With Sunspot there would just be disappointment. You had just talked about your promise to take better care of yourself.
Slumping in defeat, you nod your head. “Fine. Fine fine fine, we’ll do that,” you give in, causing Sunspot to give a bright smile. Turning yourself on the bench with your legs crisscrossed, you face him with your back to Soleil.
The bench groans slightly as the taller bot shifts behind you, turning to straddle it as he moves closer. Thighs press against your own as Soleil situates himself to have better access to your hair. It’s funny, you note, that his presence doesn’t cause you to tense like it did earlier. You’re able to turn your full attention to Sunspot before you as Sol begins to work the tangles out of the ends of your hair.
Pink hair bounces slightly as Sunspot sits himself crisscross on the bench as well, his knees pressing against yours. It shines brightly in the morning light coming through the kitchen window, the kind of plastic sheen that gives away its artificial nature. Pretty nonetheless. “Lift your hands, please,” he asks, placing a cloth napkin across your lap with a soft thanks as you comply. He then picks up a fork and cuts a piece off one of the cinnamon rolls, stabbing through a strawberry slice as well before bringing it up to your face. “Hopefully this is still warm enough to enjoy.”
You lean forward slightly, taking the bite into your mouth and chewing it slowly. The sweet taste of the icing and strawberry mixed with the surprisingly still warm pastry bread makes you close your eyes with a hum. Out of politeness, you swallow before speaking up, “Are these homemade?”
Sunspot nods with a grin, “Nearly everything was made from scratch.”
“I’m never getting store bought cinnamon rolls ever again,” you vow.
Laughter bubbles past his lips, seemingly infectious as you chuckle with him. “As always, just ask and I’ll make them again,” he mentioned as he cut another piece.
Serenity filled the air of the kitchen, warm in the sun’s gentle light. You and Sunspot continue to converse as you eat while Soleil continues to softly ease the tangles from your hair. At some point he moves to reach for something across the table, but returns to his almost curled position over you without a word and begins to start braiding. The numbness in your fingers is forgotten in the comfort of the feeling. Like one of those moments where the world outside of your space seems to have frozen.
Just before your last bite, a small chain of events happens. You quote an older video of a young girl saying “it’s not an airplane, it’s just a spoon”, which causes Sunspot to poke fun about airplanes not being cool enough and mimics a train with the fork in his hand. This gets a good laugh from you before it’s cut off with a yelp of surprise when something sharply stabs at your scalp. “Deeply sorry, but you really should keep still when one has pointed objects near you,” Soleil chides as he properly slides the bobby pin into your hair.
This time you do roll your eyes, knowing he can’t see your face. Sunspot shakes his head at your antics as he places the fork down. You feel your brow furrow as he gently takes your chin in hand to keep you still. “Something on your face,” he explains softly as he takes the cloth from your lap. He softly rubs at a spot just to the side of your mouth, eyes focused before he pulls back and folds the napkin, “There we go.”
You swallow at the sudden dryness in your mouth before mumbling out a soft thanks. The meal is quickly finished without any more instances, and Sunspot rises from his seat to clean your dishes. “I like the flowers, Soleil,” Sunspot says over his shoulder as he walks to the sink.
“Flowers?” you question, not able to turn your head in fear you might accidentally get stabbed again.
The aforementioned bot finishes with whatever he’s pinning into your hair before handing you your pocket mirror. Your fingers brush against the silk of his glove as you take it from him and position it to see his handiwork.
Small wildflowers stick out from the strands of the crown braid Soleil has done around your head. Vibrant purples and whites accompany the few large pink water lilies that decorate you. “Oh my god,” you breathe out. A smile splits across your face as you pivot your head to admire the work. Uncrossing your legs and throwing them over the bench, you turn to face the bot behind you, “Oh my god, this is beautiful Sol, thank you!”
Now there was that complacent look. “You’re welcome, friend,” he replies, reaching up to reposition one of the flowers. His hand drops down and his fingers ghost across your jaw. He then turns his attention to put your things back in your bag.
You clear your throat, “So, where did the flowers come from anyways?”
Sunspot turns to face you as he dries his hands, “Oh, Fool brought those in! Lovely, aren’t they?”
You see Soleil freeze out of the corner of your eyes, fists clenching slightly, but you leave him to whatever moment he’s having and look at the mirror again. They must have been the bundle you saw Sunspot holding when you first walked in the room. “They are. I didn’t even know these grew on the grounds. I’ll have to thank him when I see him again.” Sol’s hands clench a second time at the last statement.
Quiet fills the kitchen again. Bird song filters past the panes of the window. You lean slightly into Sol’s side with a sigh. Blue-lavender eyes look your way almost in silent question as he continues cleaning up.
Stopping in front of you, Sunspot drops into a crouch in front of you and softly grabs your wrist. “It would be best to let your hands rest right now,” he suggests as he massages slightly up and down your forearm.
A sigh escapes you and you slump toward him, but you give him a nod. “Yeah, alright,” you agree. You watch as the sunlight hits his hair again and give into the urge and run your fingers through the pink locks. The curls are soft, not quite real but not as plastic as you thought it would feel. “Sorry,” you pull back when you see his cheeks color, “I should have asked.”
“It-It’s fine! No harm!” He laughs nervously.
Soleil cuts in by depositing your bag into your lap. “It’s time we get started with the day,” he says as he stands, offering Sunspot a hand to help him stand. The android takes it with a thanks, smoothing down his shirt.
“Thank you again,” you call after Soleil as he exits the room, but you get no response. Sometimes, you wonder why you even bother. You then turn to Sunspot, “And thank you. Breakfast was amazing.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” he grins as he holds out his hand. You take your bag in one hand as you take his offer.
Both of you stand there for a second. His eyes are a much more vibrant blue than Soleil, you note. Striking against his warmer colors.
You give his hand a light squeeze before letting go. “I should probably return this to my room,” you say as you lift up the bag.
Sunspot gives a nod, “Right. Yeah.” He calls your name again just as you go to exit the room, causing you to turn. “Please no basement today,” he asks of you.
Frustration bubbles in your chest, but you push it down. “Got it,” you pat the door frame before leaving the kitchen. Time to go find something to occupy your time. Maybe Misuta would let you borrow a book.
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scarfgremlin · 7 months
A very happy Valentines Day.
Have some Nova, from @venomous-qwille beautiful Ghost in the machine au, getting flowers.
It's such a delightful read! And while I am lacking a few chapters behind, seeing all the other art for it is certainly inspiring!
So! Nova! He's such a guy /aff
I'm putting the alt text under the cut bc it's kind of long.
[ID: a 15-second animatic of Nova from Qwilles Ghost in the machine au. Nova is a sun variant who wears a jacket. Underneath said jacket is a shirt with two pins on the right side. He has eight small spikes around his face and seven knife rays in between them. The animatic begins with Nova sitting on a couch, a smile on his face, staring into the distance before he blinks, and then proceeds to tilts his head to the side. His body slightly moved to the motion. It then cuts to a small person with big eyes and a small, blue bow tie on their chest, standing on a purple carpet. They look up at him and wave one arm, eyes glimmering and a slight blush on their cheeks while doing so. They soon after lower their hand, shyly looking to the side as they grab hold of their other arm, only to sneak another look at Nova. It cuts back to Nova, who looks at the small person, twinkling stars around his head before they disappear as he tilts his head in question to the side. A speaking bubble with a question mark appears to his left. Again, cutting back to the small person, they seem to startle, aware that they have his attention. Their lower arms halfway raised and hands in a tensed position. They promptly move their right arm to put their hand in a pocket at their right hip to search for something. Said pocket appears out of nowhere. Nova leans forward, curious as to what is going to happen next as he tilts his head to the right. Cut to the small person: they halt in their movement for a second, an exclamation mark popping up right next to them. Their eyes crinkle upward as they seem to have found what they were searching for. Red circles, a small blush, on their cheeks. They proceed to pull out a bouquet of various field flowers out of the pocket and hold it out toward him, eyes moving up to look at him in quiet anticipation. The flowers are a cropped photo of a real bouquet. It cuts to Nova, who has a redraw of the bouquet halfway shoved toward his face, eyes wide in surprise. His look softens, and his brows knit together as he pulls back, and the bouquet is lowered. He looks at the small person with a half grin, his right hand raised to take the flowers. He is looking at the small person while doing so. Cutting back to the small person, they have a bashful look on their face, hands behind their back as Nova takes the bouquet out of the frame. There is a small speaking bubble with a heart above their head. We cut back to Nova, who now holds the bouquet, that is significantly smaller in his hold, between his fingers. He looks down at it with an amused expression. On his right side, a bubble appears, featuring the small person holding a thumb up as sparkles surround their head. They are very pleased with themselves as they watch him./End ID]
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bam-stroker · 6 months
Some embroidery inspired by the ever fabulous @venomous-qwille's Ghost in the Machine ✨
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The lines that inspired it:
Along the edges of the mend trail a procession of tiny animals, picked out in colored thread. Glimmering navy magpies dip between the slender necks of wild horses in burnt orange; an otter slinks low beneath the legs of a silver wolf; yellow cats and red foxes and a tiny trail of purple rabbits that dance along the tear, paw in paw.
the glimmering fishes with their scales picked out in cyan and eggshell blue, a forest green tortoise tucked behind the hooves of a baby pink deer. You run your fingers over the stitching—and like braille you read the faintest memories of the thread there—beloved and stored in delicate little spools, two by two. - Qwille, GITM
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jackobbit · 10 months
From The Weekly Magma!
A Sandman for your troubles, with a bonus doodle I made a few weeks ago that I never posted. Sandman is from the Ghost in the Machine AU which belongs to @.venomous-qwille, go read it if you haven’t already!
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[ID: A Magma drawing of Sandman from Qwills Ghost in the Machine AU against a pale blue background, the colors of the overall piece are desaturated. Sandman wears a green hoodie, a yellow coat, light blue pants with stars and moons embroidered on it, and an ushanka. His hands and feet are a dark blue,glitter reflects off of the surface. He sits on a large grey beanbag with a purple and cream blanket draped over his lap, his legs pulled up to balance a laptop that sits on his lap. He looks down at the laptop screen with a soft smile as he types something on the keyboard. Next to the beanbag is a large, spherical stuffed cat plushie that lays on the floor. The plush is grey, with a white belly. Next to the cat is a large Pikachu plush from Pokemon. Pikachu is a yellow mouse-like creature with red cheeks and long, black-tipped ears. The plush has closed eyes, it lays belly down on the floor as though it were sleeping. “@.jackobbit” is written in the bottom left hand corner in white. /End ID]
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[ID: A digitally drawn, chibi doodle of Sandman from Qwills Ghost in the machine AU against a light grey background, there is no color. Sandman sits cross-legged on the floor, holding a controller in his hands. The controller connects to a large monitor that lays on the ground, an Xbox stands upright next to it. Sandman has a blank, yet focused expression as he stares at the monitor, his mouth covered by the top of his hoodie. /End ID]
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desemilydoodle · 9 months
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Had fun drawing Fool in the GITM Magma, though he is a little on the blue side. I made the fatal mistake of drawing on the wrong layer and it was too late when I realized what was happening. So blue it is!
Ghost in the Machine is by @venomous-qwille
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ozdicaff · 1 year
Solo Nova [no y/n] drabble because I keep thinking about him, he plagues my every thought and ill keep thinking about this scene until it wrangles itself out of my brain, KIIIND of written with Nova being the narrator!
As always, Ghost in the machine belongs to @venomous-qwille !!! PLEASE GO READ IT THEIR WRITING IS SO GOOD!!
Word count: 785
Being agile was something Nova loved to show off, his modded legs allowed him to make laps around his opponent to humiliate them right before landing the killing blow: jumping high and using the accumulating momentum to crush whoever dared to face him while scorching them with his flamethrower.
The thunderous applause that emits from the crowd, blended with loud music right after could make a man deaf.
A part of him reminisces, and another part slaps himself across the face so he can focus on running from the cops.
The blaring noises of two cop cars tailing him are piercing in this witching hour, closing in after another brawl bot club got busted. Right in the middle of another fight, too, for fuckin’ shame. Brawling is his favorite activity when it’s raining. And when it's sunny. And when it's cloudy-
As he maneuvers around obstacles with heavy, stomping screeches, he’s grateful to the mods that allow him to leap far enough that the cops can’t quite keep up. Claw-like toes allowing him to clutch the ground far better than his former feet would. Sirens continue to boom behind him, red and blue lights alternating and backlighting Nova, highlighting his serrated rays.
Running into the outskirts of town, he takes a glance at the drivers and drinks in the frustration on their faces. He taunts and blows a raspberry. Despite his situation, he can’t seem to take anything seriously, but that goes for any kind of authority. Why should he listen to a damn thing someone says if they can’t take ‘em in the ring?
Speakin’ of... here comes his favorite part of any chase: The dead end and whatever random bullshit he’ll pull off to escape. Always his best stories to brag about!
When the long, winding dirt road stops, he seems to be in a deserted small village. Raindrops fall upon stone, coating the long-abandoned bricks after years of being covered in dust, creating a unique smell. Seems like a good spot.
He skids to a sudden stop. His mechanisms scream from the abrupt change in speed and make a horrid shriek. “ALRIGHT, Alright! Give it a rest already! I give up!”
The tires of the vehicles follow suit in the grinding halt, drifting lightly. A rather young-looking officer has a look of disbelief, while the other, older one, eyes Nova up with suspicion. Maybe his façade would’ve been more convincing if he was at a legitimate dead end, but his impatience got the better of him, like it usually does. Oops!
The young policeman withdraws from his car excitedly—although he’s trying not to make it obvious—with cuffs in hand. "We're confiscating you for participating in unlawful robot battling.". The cranky one yells something with his gun drawn that Nova doesn’t hear, nor does he care to. Like that gun can do anything. Chasing him in the rain was a dumb move, their tasers are useless in this storm. He’s already got the rabbit in his trap.
Nova puts his wrists together as much as he can with his flamethrower arm and lets the fumbling man cuff him. As they begin to walk back to the car, Nova’s grin widens. A gun’s barrel follows him. Nova’s eyes narrow at him with a sinister smile. Stupid, stupid…
When he’s near enough to the car’s front, he pounces.
Turning up his spinning ‘rays’ to full tilt, his head resembling a saw blade more than a sun with all of his mods. He couldn’t help but start snickering. The surrounding men barely have a moment to think and realize what he’s doing. The younger of the two tries to tase him fruitlessly, Nova grasps the offending limb and tosses him aside into the dirt.
With one unnecessary jump, Nova lands directly onto the car's hood and begins to saw the steel. Sparks fly as metal tears into metal. Nova can hardly hear the bullets that reflect off of his body. He grips the slash he’s just made and rips it open, breaking the windshield in the process. He's gone from snickering to raucous, delirious laughter as he readies his flamethrower and fires it straight at the exposed engine.
Getting away from the flaming car before it explodes is risky, but he’s never been one to play it safe. Nova glances at the senior whose finger is squeezing the trigger.
This will make ignition all the easier!
In one motion, a quiet ‘pop!’ sound is heard, and the car's hood is engulfed in flames as Nova backflips away, dodging a bullet. A bullet that hits the car.
The officer's head hits the ground as the car explodes into flames, his mouth agape.
As Nova walks away from the explosion, leaving the two suckers, one unconscious and one in shock, he feels... badass.
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moonlight-404 · 1 year
the boi
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[id: digital illustration of eclipse. their palm is flat on a brown wall, looking at the viewer. the background is a dark shade of blue. on the bottom of the piece is the artists' signature, moonlight-404. end id] big art i did in @venomous-qwille magma ^^ i had lots of fun with this tbh- look at himmmmmmmmmm im honestly proud of the shading @dca-fanart-gallery​
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ketho484 · 1 year
Hi! I know I have many stories to finish, but I saw this AU and...it was something I wanted to write about. I got permission from @venomous-qwille to write this. I call it Star on the Stage.
AU belongs to @venomous-qwille
Chapter 1: A new home
The rain poured down on the windows of the car as they passed more and more buildings. She looked out the window with an empty expression as she watched the buildings go by. The car radio was playing some popular music as the two of them silently drove to the edge of town.
Y/N and Stella Williams, cousins in the same family. They'd left the courthouse just ten minutes ago, Stella's parents having lost custody of their daughter due to how neglectful they were of her. Y/N was the only member of their family willing to take her away, so with Stella's things packed in their car, they drove on the dark, rainy road to take her home.
Y/N was really worried about her, though. Before the trial, a psychologist had given her a quiz to measure her mental health. On top of mild depression to couple with the autism she was diagnosed with as a toddler, this kid had developed Reactive Attachment Disorder from the neglect she suffered through. They knew helping her would be an uphill battle, especially when she refused to talk to anyone or let anyone touch her. Still, they weren't going to give up, not by a long shot.
"…So…" They spoke up "…You excited? We're gonna grab pizza for dinner to celebrate your new home"
Stella didn't answer.
"Yeah. It'll be great. You'll get a whole new start at home. The best part is that I don't just live with great uncle Harry, but also a group of robots. They could act as your teachers" Y/N said with a grin as they pulled up to Little Caesars Pizza "Stay in the car, okay?"
Stella nodded and just kept looking out the window as Y/N got out of the car. Once they went inside, Stella reached into the backpack she had kept in the front with her, pulling out a big stapled piece of paper, a script for her upcoming play at the community theater. She was playing Matilda in the Matilda musical, one of the few plays that had primarily children in the cast. She started looking over her lines, reading them out loud to herself before singing the reprise of the song 'I'm a miracle'.
"My mummy says I'm a lousy little worm.
My daddy says I'm a bore.
My mummy says I'm a jumped-up little germ,
That kids like me should be against the law"
The more she sang, doing a surprisingly good British accent, the more tears came to her eyes. It was uncanny how this musical reflected her old life.
"My daddy says I should learn to shut my pie hole.
No one likes a smart-mouthed girl like me.
Mum says I'm a good case for population control.
Dad says I should watch more TV"
Stella looked up to see Y/N heading back to the car with two pizza boxes. She put the script away and zipped up her bag as they got into the car, handing her the boxes to hold in her lap before they started the car again.
They drove for quite some time before they left the city, heading several miles away from it. The car ride was silent save for the radio playing. When they finally parked, they were at a big place. Looks like Stella's new home was a converted old mill, one with a lot of wide open space for a kid like her.
Outside the front door, waiting on the porch, was what looked like a robot. It was tall and thin with yellow and gray coloring. It wore a dress shirt, embroidered apron, and two toned striped pants. On its right hand was a yellow evening glove, and around its neck, just under the shirt collar, was a ribbon with two silver bells tied like a loose bow tie. His head looked like a sun with nine rays poking out of its head and a pale yellow moon on the left side of his face. His pale blue eyes stared at them as Y/N got out of the car and ran to the porch with the pizzas. Stella simply started getting her bags out of the car.
"Sol!" Y/N smiled at the robot kindly "You think you can help her bring her stuff inside? She may not be able to carry it all"
"Sure thing!" The robot called Sol responded with an almost forced kindness to his tone before running out into the rain to help Stella. Good thing he's pretty waterproof
Stella saw him approach, backpack on her back and two of the four bags she packed in her hands, and she immediately froze when he smiled down at her. She was the kind of person who could smell a bad person from a mile away, and he set off many of the alarms in her head. With a loud whimper, she ran past him with the bags in hand, which he paid no mind to as he grabbed the remaining luggage and closed the car door before heading inside before he could get too soaked.
The inside of the house was almost surreal. Stella looked around and saw memorabilia from all kinds of movies and TV shows and fairground attractions she'd never heard of before, from posters to merchandise, this place was full of it and very big. Stella looked around the sitting room she'd walked into and spied someone on the couch as she set the bags she was carrying by the door, just in time for Sol to grab them and take them all upstairs. The person on the couch looked very similar to Sol, but also very different. He had a different feel to him, which became even more apparent when their eyes met.
This man was just as tall and slender as the one she ran from, though his color scheme consisted of blue, white, black, and pink. He had a white moon on one side of his face, the other side dark blue to give it the look of a crescent, two lighter blue circles under his black eyes that bore magenta irises almost creating the appearance of rosy cheeks, though his mouth having sharp teeth was definitely questionable on if he was good or bad. He wore a pink shirt that had a low V-cut collar, one that seemed to drop off after tightly stopping at his wrists. He also wore blue pants that held a constellation pattern on the bottoms, black leather boots with a bunch of belts, and big bottoms to make him taller than he was. A magenta leather jacket with black, spiked cuffs and black shoulder pads was draped over his shoulders, giving it almost the feel of a Japanese samurai, and a blue hood rested over his head with a fluffy white trim. He was holding a book he had been reading, specifically the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, his lanky legs in a crisscross position on the couch.
The two of them simply stared at each other, Stella tilting her head in curiosity. The robot mimicked her movement, which surprised her a bit. Slowly, she started approaching him, so he put a bookmark into his book and set it down. Unfortunately, this would not be a formal meeting just yet as Y/N called out to Stella from the other room.
"Stella! Come get your pizza before it gets cold" They called out
Stella turned to the call and sighed, but gave the moon man a little wave goodbye before leaving the room, which left him quite stunned. This kid had almost approached him. Y/N had warned everyone that a new addition might come to the house and that she might be really shy, but she tried to approach him. She must've had to work up a lot of courage in order to do that.
Stella followed the voice to what looked like a fairly rustic kitchen that seemed to be themed around the 70s. She sat down at the wooden table in a hard wooden chair, which was surprisingly comfortable, and was given a plate of pizza by a hand that wasn't Y/N as they sat across from her. Stella followed the arm to see who it belonged to.
Next to her was another robot, one who had an almost monochromatic yellow color pallet. He was roughly the average height of a human with seven sun rays poking out from behind his curly, strawberry blonde hair. He had a face similar in detail to the dun man that brought her bags inside, but he had rosy cheeks and a human shaped face. He wore a baggy pink shirt and black sweatpants that were tied tightly at his waist and ankles. He looked down at her with his pale yellow eyes and smiled before backing away from her. Stella just stared at him, tilting her head curiously as Y/N gave him a big thumbs up, which he smiled at warmly. Stella then turned and started eating.
Dinner between the two humans was completely silent. Nobody said a word. Stella only ate what was on her plate before silently waiting for Y/N to finish their food. Once they were done, they took her plate, and she got up. The human headed sun held out a hand for her to take.
"I can show you to your room if you'd like" He said in a soft tone, likely trying not to scare her
Stella looked down at her feet for a moment before grabbing his shirt sleeve. Not exactly his hand, but close enough. She followed him up the stairs and to her bedroom, where Sol was currently fixing up her bed. The sight of him made Stella scared, causing her to hide behind the robot she followed. Sol looked up and grinned.
"Heya, Sunspot!" Sol greeted brightly "You taking her to bed?"
"Just bringing her to her room" Sunspot responded "She doesn't trust me enough to tuck her in. Seems like she's wary of you too"
"I guess so" Sol said with a sigh before heading to the door
Stella immediately ran into her new room and crouched behind the bed before peeking up and watching the robots leave. She then came out and looked around the room. Unlike the rest of the place, which had been covered wall to wall with lost memorabilia, the walls of this room were completely bare, painted white. All of the furniture was made of spruce wood while the floor was more of a lighter oak wood. The sheets and pillows on her new bed were plain white. The room was a blank canvas for her to paint a picture into, though she couldn't do it today.
She started digging into one of her suitcases and pulled out some pajamas before changing and climbing into bed, leaving her dirty clothes on the floor. She started humming to herself, a few tears trickling down her cheeks as she tried to get herself to fall asleep. Today had been so overwhelming for her, from her losing her parents and getting adopted by her cousin to moving into a house filled with lost media and big robots. It was so much to swallow all at once, so she cried. Her humming devolved into silent weeping.
Tomorrow is another day…
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Uhhii!!!! I was wondering if you could do an outsiders matchup for me if you're still doing them? I want it to be a male character please!
Physical description: I have thick shoulder length wavy brown hair. It's really soft (like- it's practically fur) even though I barely do anything to it (like I literally just use shampoo and conditioner wtf-). I have pale skin and blue eyes. I pretty much always have big ol’ bags under my eyes. I usually wear sweatpants and a hoodie along with my black and white converse with little sharpie lines that make them look like paws :3. When I’m not wearing my coat I'll have a slightly oversized T-shirt. I also have this coyote tail I'll clip onto the back of my pants and I've been wearing that a lot! I’m also a bit chubby. (I honestly forgot how tall I am so uh around five and a half)
Personality: I’m pretty quiet until I become friends with someone and then I will just not shut up. I don't really understand other's emotions that well and I have a hard time showing mine. I also have a hard time putting how I'm feeling into words. I tend to struggle with empathy and comforting people. I try to make jokes about bad things happening to me or shared experiences with me and my close friends. I have really high energy except when I’m tired, and then I'll practically be passing out. I tend to hold grudges for a long time. I don't really care about what happens to me which leads me to just not for anything for a few days and I'll be miserable because I don't have anyone with me and I need to be told to take care of things to do it most of the times (like I can barely take care of myself). I qwill however do literally anything for my friends, even if it puts me directly in harm's way. I don't really know what to talk about most of the time so I'll just follow them around like a lost puppy. I also act like some feral gremlin a lot of the time. I show affection like a cat or crow just bringing the people I care about weird little trinkets.
Things I like: PALEONTOLOGY!!!!!!!! Musicals, drawing, animals, and fantasy! I mainly like to draw dragons and dinosaurs and I read books about them lot! My favorite type of book is probably xenofiction!! (Stories told from the perspective of nonhuman things. Like warrior cats or wings of fire!) I love to read and I’m really good with spelling (on paper. I make so many typos omg). I also like going out to the country and howling with the coyotes!!
Other info: I sleep like a cat. I have a hard time falling asleep but I sleep in really weird and uncomfortable positions. I can also bend my fingers back a lot more than normal without touching them(I only found out this wasn't how far everyone else could bend their fingers back this year ;-;) I hate milk. I literally gag while trying todrink it. But I willeat almost everything tgat isn't food! This could be little bits ofetsl, stuff offthe floor, paper, and other stuff. My rule is if I don't gag while trying to ingest it it's fine. (I have a problem.) I’m Transmasc and a gay grey aroace (i think-)! My pronouns are He/It/That
No pressure to do this!! If it isn't enough info I'll happily resend this!
Your Outsiders Ship: Darry Curtis
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Explanation: starting off with your looks, I feel like he would be extremely attracted to you. He loves your hair and how soft it is, and I feel like he constantly be running his hands through it or asking if he can run his hands through it I just feel like it’s one of his favorite things to do especially at the end of a long day from work. He just wants to come home and run his hands through your beautiful hair and I support that honestly. He thinks your eyes are gorgeous and wishes that you didn’t have such bags under them if they’re from tiredness and if they’re natural, he’d find them cute but if you were tired and that’s why you always had them he would insist that you go to sleep more because he’s just caring like that. Your casual style is some thing that he can relate to, and I think that he would find your tail utterly adorable. I think he also likes it that you’re short because that’s some thing he would totally tease you about whether it’s just making a joke about it or lifting you up and spinning you around to show the height difference I don’t know. I just feel like he likes his partners shorter. he would start the conversation with you if you were more quiet and as soon as you guys get kind of that past awkward stage and you start talking a lot, he’s honored that you can do that with him and I just feel like he’d be so in love with whatever you have to say. I feel like he relates to not being able to express his emotions properly or really even understand them because I feel like he has some extreme anger issues that can often result in him bursting out into anger when he doesn’t even mean to be that harsh he just doesn’t know how to handle his emotions so I feel like that’s something that you would work together as a couple and he would absolutely understand if you ever had your fits of anger as well and you guys could work through that together and it would be good for the both of you but I feel like it’s something that you would bond or connect over. I’m not sure how he would feel about you casually joking about your trauma. I feel like he’d be a bit uncomfortable with it until he discovers that you really are just fine with it. You humor is way how you cope and it helps you kind of process your emotions and then he supports it and laughs along. You guys would also be perfect because if you can’t care for yourself, he will take care of you. He’s been taking care of people all his life and now he’s kind of used to it so I feel like he would be a great partner to have for you because he would be the one constantly reminding you to drink water eat food. Remember that you have that appointment today remember X and I feel like he would be just a great partner to help you, get back on your feet and get on track. He would be a great person to help you focus as well. he knows how to sort his priorities and would help you with that. He would love any weird little trinkets that you got him and probably cherish them forever and I feel like he would try to get you stuff too, and he would save up at the end of the month from all of his free money that isn’t going directly to bills and food in order to get you a nice gift. He doesn’t get xenofiction at first, but as soon as you introduce this new genre to him, I feel like it expanse his mind on literature because I also think that he’s a frequent reader like I don’t think pony is the only one in the household to Reese I think Darry is a frequent reader when you introduce him to this new genre of book he would totally be in love with it. I just feel like he thinks the concept is incredibly interesting and just yeah, really find it. Fascinating concept. He thinks it’s cool that you’re passionate about so many different things and he hopes one day he can have as many interests you and not feel so bland whenever he’s next to you because I mean you have a lot of different cool things that you’re interested in sometimes he feels like he’s not good enough for you which she would have to reassure him that he is. He’s made fun of you multiple times for your weird sleeping
Positions and I feel like some part of him is still satisfied though because he just likes seeing you and looking at you so relaxed in here really weird position and I feel like he’d only make fun of you for it and like a joking you’re friendly way and if it was something you didn’t insecure about he would drop it, but I don’t know. I just feel like it’s kind of funny to see you so relaxed and such a strange position but if it, makes you happy then it makes him happy. I think he would be a bit disturbed the first time he tries to see you eat something that isn’t food and would make you force it out of your mouth and he thinks that if something isn’t healthy, you should not be eating it so if you tried to eat something that was like not good for you he would definitely make you spit it out and he would pry this shit out of your mouth so don’t don’t even try around him OK? Anyway yall are cute!
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theiloveyousong · 10 months
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pink p8nk funky 9rnage foret green purple oveam blue cookie greenscrwqn sissw chesse void bpack ic3 blue lilac lilac lilac
ilysm aliiii <333 seeing u on my dash is sucha joy one day we QWILL meet in person
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shadzytarts · 8 months
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[ID: Digital art of Sombra. He sits casually, one of his arms lays on a perch loosely while his right hand holds a small cigarette. He's leaned back and puffs out smoke. His expression is calm, with closed eyes and a fang poking from his mouth. He's wearing a short feather rimmed jacket with blue and green circles on the sleeves as well as tassels. He also wears bright red boots with yellow patterns on them. End ID.]
Sombra belongs to @venomous-qwille ! He's from GITM, I has fun drawin him in this pose he's so cute here. Also really like how the smoke came out.
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Last weekend was great!  
staring Wednesday with blues it was still kinda small but Qwill was there and there was good dancing.
Thursday I drove with Qwill to Philly for contra. I was a little tired from work and missed a few but still good dancing.  I’ve never really been that into Buddy System and i’m not sure I’ve heard them acoustic before but they were great(all weekend not just thursday)
Techno contra friday was great. Crowded with three lines the whole night I think. Really good dancing.  Got a good group(biggest ever I think) to go to blues after for the first time in a while. So more good dancing there.
I was a little grumpy during the start of the afternoon dance Saturday, partly because of being late I think. but it didn’t last too long, in fact I think it went away during my second dance(came back a bit during the third but was gone not too long after that).
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bam-stroker · 1 year
Dacw 'Nghariad
I shared it in the discord, but here is some Misuta/Fool from @venomous-qwille's Ghost in the Machine story.
The song this was inspired by is MEREDYDD EVANS - DACW 'NGHARIAD. Here are the lyrics translated as well to see.
Y'all are getting my combo love of folk music, sun and moon robots in love, and romance :')
A gentle breeze sighs through the greenery at the edge of the garden. The smell of a spring rain heavy in the air from a storm that had blown through last night. In the creeping early hours of the dawn the world is lush and twinkling with morning dew and lingering rainwater collected in flowers and leaves. The sky slowly illuminating the skyline in pale purples. 
With a sweeping gesture Fool drapes himself over the ledge where the garden ends. A spot he had sat in many times now. It surely had the loveliest view of the whole estate. At least when the timing was right.
Tossing back his cape to free his shoulder he lifts his guitar into position - facing his body towards the house. The third floor window open and waiting. He smiles bright to himself. A surge of fond excitement skittering through his wires at the sight. 
Softly plucking the strings he begins to play a tune that seemed to sing louder and louder through his mind these days. A lilting lullaby of a love song. 
Dacw 'nghariad i lawr yn y berllan,
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal
His eyes stay steady on the open window. Voice as soft as a prayer for only his intended audience to hear. Welsh tumbling along like a babbling brook to call his beauty to sit and listen. Beckoning his sweet morning birdsong for the moon above. 
Dacw’r dderwen wych ganghennog,
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal
Golwg arni sydd dra serchog.
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal
Mi arhosaf yn ei chysgod
Nes daw 'nghariad i 'ngyfarfod.
From the darkness his prayer is answered by the pale glow of pink pupils. By far the loveliest shade in all the garden. The flowers can only droop in shame at the unparalleled beauty looking down. Electric blue and ocean green features more lovely than the mottled dawn. But most lovely of all is the bemused smile on Misuta’s lips. Fool would do whatever it took to see that smile the other had saved just for him. 
Dacw'r delyn, dacw'r tannau;
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal
Beth wyf gwell, heb neb i'w chwarae?
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal
Leaning on the windowsill, Misuta rests his chin on a hand as he listens to his Fool’s serenade. An indulgence he would gladly languish in for as long as the other would go on for. Fluttering affection coursing through him as if Fool’s fingers were plucking along in his heart. Silk ruffles of his sleeves blowing in the breeze like falling flower petals.
Dacw'r feinwen hoenus fanwl;
Beth wyf well heb gael ei meddwl?
Ffaldi radl didl dal, ffaldi radl didl dal,
Tw rym di ro rym di radl didl dal 
The final note is held out as Fool locks eyes with Misuta. A nearby leaf collapsing to cascade shimmering drops of rain down to the earth. The world silent with baited breath to see what might come next. Fool sets his guitar aside to stand. Gallantly posturing himself to reach up towards the lunar bot. As if he might just begin reciting Romeo’s lovesick words to Juliet on the balcony.
He smiles wide, eyes crescents as he tenderly calls up, “Goodmorning, Cariad.”
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jackobbit · 10 months
Came back to this Magma pic of Sunspot to clear it out of my drafts just to open it and see that I captioned it with just the word ‘shart.’
Nothing else, no commentary on the picture, no thought process behind it or anything clever, just:
So you know what? I’m gonna let it stay lmao
Sunspot belongs to @/venomous-qwille, and is a character from the Ghost in the Machine Au, which you can read the fanfic of: here!
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[ID: A full body Magma drawing of Sunspot from the Ghost in the Machine Au sitting on the floor with crossed legs. Sunspot is a sun varient that takes the form of an android. He has curly pink hair, a large red jesters ruff around his neck, a pink shirt with a cat on the front, grey jeans, sun-rays that surround his head in a band, blue eyes, and red tennis shoes. Sunspot looks off to the side, sweat rolling down his face, his lips are pulled into a thin line. In his right hand, he holds four playing cards, two UNO cards, and two Yu-Gi-Oh cards. His left hand is placed on his knee. The background is white, with only a few light gray lines indicating where the floor is. /End ID]
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bloomaroo · 7 years
most of my neopets are normal animals now but idk what qwille (a bori) is outside of neopets i never actually draw the shell bit, so he’s not an armadillo
he’s just a blue gremlin demon thing
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