#qx gay gala 2023
omarrudbergarchive · 29 days
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maryp50 · 2 years
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amyriadfthings · 2 years
i love getting gay lil swedish e-mails, thank you qx gay gala 🤩 💜 🌈   that was just what i needed tonight.
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the-amber-fox · 9 months
Young Royals Fic Rec List 2023
The holidays are coming early for this lovely fandom. I present you my favourite fanfics from this year to tide us all over until season 3.
Canon / Missing Moments
a running start (T) by This_time_its_just_me It’s so surreal to see him standing here in the Palace, in the Royal apartments where Wille had grown up through all the good and the bad of his life. It’s an image he couldn't have imagined, not in the sheer unremarkable and yet truly remarkable way it feels in reality. Sure he’d conjured up images of him, ghosts of memories and fantasies tangled together in a love-sick teenager's ache of loss. However, this is him here, pragmatic and tangible and real and it’s just difficult to wrap his mind around it.
Post Canon (maybe)
The equation of you Whiterabbit11 Simon is hurt and unconscious at the local hospital. Rosh watches, Ayub sleeps, and Wille is not happy.
All my loving (I will send to you) (M) @pagegirlintraining „Especially now that they’d been happily dating again for nearly ten months, Simon could’ve easily just teased Wille about being a drama queen and then kissed the pout off his lips. He didn’t, though. Instead, he kept staring at Wille’s handwriting, usually scrawly but now tidy and precise, feeling his heart slowly break for the sad, lonely boy who’d written and never sent this letter all those months ago.”
Baby, We Are Front-Page News (M) Ripki When Wille says, it was me, in front of the whole school – in front of the whole world – Simon feels simultaneously light with joy and leaden with trepidation. Once again, he is suddenly thrust from obscurity into spotlight, from normalcy into absurdity. He is certain though that together he and Wille can face anything. However, that is soon put to test, when a hurtful article about Simon hits the press.
no need for verbier (NR) starrystoryteller simon finds out about verbier
Fix Its
The daisy follows soft the sun (G) @romanticalrj Simon has two dark red seeds inked into his skin just below his belly button. He has always had them. He doesn’t remember a time when he looked into the mirror and that pair of burgundy seeds weren’t staring back at him. To Simon, the marks are an obligation. He doesn’t ever want to be tied to someone in this irreversible, caging way. But, as in most things in his life, Simon doesn’t get a choice. The seeds sit and sit on his belly for years, ignored and hidden and resented.
Ivy (M) unfortunate17 Wilhelm raises his eyebrows as well. “Pirate Captain Simon Eriksson.” He watches as Simon swallows, stepping forward to set the coins down on the countertop. He still smells like the ocean, Wilhelm notes vaguely, like sunshine and sea-salt. Ayub looks between the two of them, alarm twisting across his features until Wille sighs. “I’m not here to arrest anyone.”
obviously (M) grapehyasynth In their final year of secondary school, Simon and Wille find themselves entering a potent, secret relationship that threatens to upend both their lives. It can't last, but neither can they stop being a part of each other's lives. Over the next few years, even as everything around them changes, even as they hurt and lose each other, they keep finding themselves drawn together. Normal People AU.
Can you see me now? (T) kimmeke wilhelm needs eye surgery and has no one to help him with his recovery. he turns to his only option left: his next door neighbor simon
You're Still the One (M) queerfrogprince Simon and Wille meet on tumblr as teenagers, but when they lose contact, Simon doesn't think he'll ever hear from Wille again, much less bump into him in a supermarket in Stockholm one random afternoon. It's been five years, after all. He barely even thinks about Wille anymore. But, it seems, Wille never stopped thinking about him. Maybe it's not too late to rekindle what they had at fifteen, after all.
Hetero of the Year @girls-are-weird Prince Wilhelm is nominated for the Hetero of the Year award at the QX Gay Gala. In response, he freaks out. Simon, his popstar friend who's been pining for him for the better part of a year, worries this might mean Wille's secretly homophobic. After all, what other reason could there be for him to get so upset?
Slightly unhinged - but so worth it
Sorry this is awkward, I didn’t mean to airdrop that to you (T) @piebingo Wille accidentally airdrops his own fanfiction to a stranger in the library. (Written for the yr week 2023, the prompt of day 2: Alternate Meeting)
fighting dragons with you (T) burntromacesea “You have another knight in shining armor come to rescue you from my evil clutches and my murderous dragon,” Simon comments blandly, handing his husband a cup of coffee, “he should be here by this afternoon.” https://archiveofourown.org/works/45092605
Simon-Appreciation-Posts (T) DrogonTheDragon Wille didn't mean for it to blow up as it did. He didn’t.  … or Wille makes a secret Simon Eriksson fan account and it gets a lot more attention than he intended.
Of Dinosaurs, Unicorns and the Perfect Proposal (G) @groenendaelfic Five-year-old Wilhelm steals his Mamma’s engagement ring to propose to Simon. Linda questions her life choices.
E - Rated
One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind (E) pagegirlintraining, TheAmberFox When Wille first sees Simon, the rest of the world simply fades away. Which would be romantic and all, if it didn’t lead to him blindly stumbling into the sex shop Simon works at. Once he figures out his mistake, it’s already too late. But Wille wouldn’t be Wille if he let that stop him from pursuing the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen. If only things didn’t keep getting in the way of his plans…
Fuck the Monarchy (E) itsme_hi_imtheproblem Simon and Wille get stuck with each other when they both intern at the riksdag. Wille is intent to just get this dreaded thing over with. Simon can't believe he of all people has to work not only with an old conservative but with the literal prince. Both are surprised by the inexplicable and inevitable pull they feel towards each other.
say my name, say it loud (E) margosfairyeye (Skittery) The argument scene in the locker room in s02e04, but this time there's sex. (inspired by how much I thought there was going to be a spicy scene when I saw Simon come out in that towel)
Three Floors Down (E) emerybemery Simon hates how he can’t keep his eyes off Wille whenever he sees him. He hates how Wille seems to stare back at him with a borderline intoxicating intensity.
A Marvellous Time Ruining Everything @earlgrey-lateatnight Henry accidentally witnesses an intimate moment between Wille and Simon. How will they deal with the fallout?
The darker stuff Watch out for the trigger warnings and tags.
when you find me, let me in (G) paintersong Simon winced with guilt as Wille’s wide eyes traced his laptop. “Crown Prince Wilhelm Denies Involvement in Viral Sex Video” glared back, and Wille blinked, stepping away from the screen, away from Simon, away from the sting of betrayal.
Everybody loves you now (M) lc2l International pop sensation Simme has announced on Instagram that he will be celebrating the end of his sold out world tour with five consecutive shows in Stockholm starting TONIGHT and running through the week. This will be his first extended stay in Sweden in four years, since he graduated from high school and flew to L.A. to sign a record deal. And what is Wilhelm supposed to do with that.
In Another Life (E) @ungaroyals Wilhelm never returned to Hillerska after winter break, and he has spent his entire life regretting it. Nearly a decade later, he runs into Simon. He had hoped he'd successfully moved on from his feelings after all these years, but clearly, he was wrong. The two spend a passionate night together, expecting it to be their last. That is until it happens a second time when the two come arrangement that suits both their needs. Friends with benefits? No, they'd have to actually be friends for that to be the case. So this is it for this year. I must confess I did not have time to read everything. So if you have things that are missing in this list put them in the comments please. I also don't know everyones tumblr, so feel free to share with your mutuals.
The list from 2022 you can find here
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rebelatheartblog · 2 years
OMAR RUDBERG & EDVIN RYDING aka Friends Best being cute & TOTALLY IN SYNC last night at QX Gay Gala 2023 😁❤️‍🔥
cr.: @expressen / @aftonbladet on Instagram
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levok · 2 years
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In case you care 🫶 QX article about Gaygala.
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QX Gaygala 2023 blev ett tjusigt 25-årsjubileum med stora känslor, överraskningar och uppträdanden som lyfte taket.
Det blev en fantastisk kväll när QX-galan fyllde 25 år i början av februari. Sissela Kyle ledde galan för 8:e gången, men det här var även hennes sista, Gaygalamormor har nämligen gått i pension nu sa hon från scenen. Årets QX-gala började stillsamt och vackert då Omar Rudberg sjöng ledmotivet från Young Royals tillsammans med en kör, samtliga iklädda Hillerskas skoluniformer. I slutet av låten delade sig kören och Edvin gjorde entré på scenen och gick fram till Omar. De kramade om varandra till publikens jubel och Edvin ropade ut ”Välkomna till Gaygalan 2023”. Och vi var igång!
Som vanligt blandas humor och allvar på galan, Sissela hade ett sylvasst manus som Edward af Sillén och Daniel Rehn skrivit och drog ner skratt på skratt från en heltänd publik. Hon slog sig ner i Christer Lindarws knä och undrade om de verkligen hade fått fast på den där kobran som rymt från Skansen och sjöng en ny text till Pärleporten till hbtq-nominerade Andreas Wijk, ”han har öppnat garderoben, så att du kan komma ut”.
Sissela berättade om svenska hjälten Julia som bor i Oslo med sin flickvän och som övermannade terroristen som sköt ihjäl två personer utanför en gayklubb i Oslo på midsommarafton. Julia välkomnades in på scenen och hyllades stort av en publik som gav henne kvällens längsta applåd.
På scenen fick vi även en artistkavalkad med bland andra Molly Hammar, som även vann pris för bästa låt, vi fick besök av Zara Larsson som började med att sjunga duett med sig själv i låten ”Uncover” från Gaygalan 2013 för att sedan framföra nya singeln ”Can’t tame her”. Sanna Nielsen gav oss melloklassikern ”I’m in love”, medan Medina fick taket att lyfta med sin ”In i dimman”. Men mest jubel av alla fick ändå damtrion Hanson, Carson, Malmqvist när de gjorde entré och framförde ”C’est la vie”.
Mian Lodalen tilldelades QX Hederspris och blev inte bara galans gladaste vinnare utan mest överraskade vinnare då vi inte meddelat henne i förväg, sekunderna när hon insåg att hon skulle få Hederspriset var magiska!
Sveriges nya dragmamma Robert Fux delade ut priset Årets Drag och sa bland annat ”Glitter är mod, glitter är kamp, och kampen är inte över på långa vägar”.
Petra ”September” Marklund gav oss ett sjukt snyggt hitsmedley som fick varenda kotte på fötter. ”Snickar-Björn” som kommit ut som Lee hyllades stort för sitt mod och delade ut Årets Tv-program till Young Royals medan Årets HBTQ delades ut av Benjamin Ingrosso och gick till Edvin Törnblom som tackade den äldre generationen gays för allt de gjort i kampen för hbtq-rättigheter.
Sedan stod hon bara där på scenen, Leila K, feat Jessica Folcker och framförde ikoniska ”Electric” och varenda gäst på Cirkus dansade sjöng och skrek i extas. En av många överraskningar vilket blivit lite av galans signum genom de 25 åren som den funnits.
Tack alla!
Årets ställe: The Blue Oyster. Årets keep up the good work: Lady Busty & Miss Shameless Årets scen: Club After Dark QX Hederspris: Mian Lodalen Årets film: ”Hilma” Årets låt: ”Ingen annan rör mig som du” Molly Hammar. Årets bok: ”Bögen är lös” Edvin Törnblom. Årets tv-program: Young Royals.
Årets drag: Club After Dark Årets tv-stjärna: Edvin Ryding Årets duo: Edvin Törnblom och Johanna Nordström. Årets hetero: Hazret Bozarslan.
Årets hbtq: Edvin Törnblom.
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Omar Rudberg QX Gay Gala 2023
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omar-bb · 1 year
Hi hii! 🌼 Do you have a favorite live performance of his? There's a beautiful live version of Dum where he sings along with piano and ugh it's so good! ❤️
Today, I've been listening to his live version of Happy New Year (it's a must, I love it so much and hey the holidays are coming lol). I think it's one of his best. He sings in Spanish and I love it when he sings in Spanish. 🥰 I'd give a kidney for him to make a whole album in Spanish. 😂💜
Here's the link because everyone should see it again lol:
Here's the one for Dum:
Thanks for being the go to Omar blog. Take care! 🌼🧡
Hi!!! Thanks for the ask!!!
My favorite live performances (that I've watched recently at least!) are probably:
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singing with the Hillerska School Choir outside - he sounds so good and you can hear his vocals so clearly with just the a capella choir behind him. plus edvin is there being adorable :)
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and then his 2023 QX Gay Gala performance - damn he looks good!!
OMG thank you for sharing Happy New Year! I had not seen this, and agh his voice is BEAUTIFUL in this. I love hearing the Spanish too <3 I didn't think I could be any more in love with him but ofc this video proved me wrong, just look at him:
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And yesss this is a great performance of Dum <3 Always love hearing a stripped down version of a song!
Thank you for sharing these!!! If folks have more favorite performances send them my way, I am but a baby omar fan and may not have seen them yet :)) ("go to omar blog" - an honor i have not earned but I appreciate you saying it!! <33)
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seriaholic · 2 years
QX Gay Gala 2023.
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and then they win the awards.
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and at the end of the evening Omar sings another song. wow what a night.
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girls-are-weird · 2 years
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[ID: edvin ryding and omar rudberg smiling at the camera at the QX gay gala awards 2023 ceremony. edvin is holding a QX statuette that reads "årets hbtq 2030, prins wilhelm, QX gaygala 2031." omar is holding a bouquet of flowers. end ID]
Hetero of the Year. PG-13, Wille/Simon, AU, romance/humor/slight drama.
Prince Wilhelm is nominated for the Hetero of the Year award at the QX Gay Gala. In response, he freaks out. Simon, his popstar friend who's been pining for him for the better part of a year, worries this might mean Wille's secretly homophobic. After all, what other reason could there be for him to get so upset?
Read at FFN, AO3.
(yes, i updated the cover. can you blame me? xD)
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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omarrudbergarchive · 2 months
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