#r: hakyona
oikawa-tooru · 8 months
Hello.....if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks...
ooo this is such a great question anon! thanks for asking, bud, i've never got this before! Since this question was sent to my animanga blog, i'm going to just answer about couples in fandoms i rb on here!
Even though it seems like I go hard for non-canon couples (which believe me I do), there are so many canon couples that I actually love with my entire heart:
hak/yona (akatsuki no yona)
even though i still have to catch up to this manga, this couple has owned my heart since the moment they appeared on page. they are the definition of a true power couple who will go to the ends of the world to save one another. they throw themselves into danger just so the other can have the chance of safety. they've got one another's back through everything and anything. they will yell at one another but hold hands together side by side as they stand staring down their enemies. i just love how hak inspires yona to stand on her own and yona inspires hak to see the value in himself.
sakura/syaoran (cardcaptor sakura)
they're one of my top three childhood couples. they are just adorable and precious and they deserve only good things ever. they are just children who don't deserve to shoulder so much on their shoulders and yet they do it with minimal complaining. they are there for one another, especially through the hardest moments. he's her pillar and she's his heart. also they jumpstarted my pink x green shipping and i will always love them so much.
inuyasha/kagome (inuyasha)
they are also one of my top three childhood couples. they are everything. inuyasha sees the strength in kagome's compassion when she doesn't see it herself and kagome sees the softness in inuyasha's toughness that he doesn't let others see. they are one of the it couples. they fight, push one another to the edge, and bring one another back without another word. inuyasha's unwavering belief in kagome allows her to grow into a fucking warrior of a girl because his strength keeps her going and growing. kagome accepts all of inuyasha, which is huge for him because he's been accepted by neither world because he's never been enough for either world. but there comes kagome, not giving a shit about the worlds beliefs and going with what she believes in and that's him. it's beautiful.
lan wangji/wei wuxian (mo dao zu shi)
i'm going to cheat here because i haven't finished watching the anime but i have read the novel and watched the live-action show. i have been shipping them ever since i watched the show first because anyone who knows me knows that i love the red x blue ship aesthetic. i love how they went from strangers to friends to enemies (but not really) to lovers. it's a classic trope and i will always love it. the fact that lwj recognized wwx when he came back?? that's true love. lwj is there to support wwx when he doesn't want anyone to see him falling and wwx is there to break down lwj's world, to show that there's more to the world than just blindly following rules. the fact that they went from star-crossed lovers to being married is just the best thing ever. they are filled with all the angst AND they get their happy ending.
On to my non-canon couples (they are kept alive in my heart thanks to ao3):
dabihawks (boku no hero academia)
i will say that i have dropped bnha for now (unless two characters die, in which case i'll definitely pick it back up) but that being said, the fact that dabi grew up the child of a hero and turned to villainy while hawks grew up the child of a criminal and turned to heroism? this shit is so poetic. they are parallel lines moving in the opposite direction, ships in the night, opposites attract in such a hellish way. not only is their aesthetic red vs. blue but it's also angel vs. devil - the hero with the wings bathed in the colour of blood vs. the villain with the flames bathed in the colour of the sky. they've got an apollo/icarus vibe that i love so much. there's so much mutual destruction and they had so much potential to be even more insane than they already are.
soukoku (bungou stray dogs)
they are probably my otp of otp's right now, the ones that really kicked the whole red/blue shipping out of control for me. they are idiotic strangers to idiotic frenemies to idiotic enemies to idiotic partners forever. it's so poetic to me that dazai's ability is named no longer human and yet he's the one to bring back chuuya's humanity to him. i just really love that chuuya, who feels so brutally human so much of the time, hosts a god of calamity and can only be brought back to himself by dazai's touch. like point me to a better lvoe story than that? you can't because they are the epitome of catastrophic love. they don't judge one another's actions because they understand one another better than anyone else can. they are each other's weakness and each other's strength. they will destroy one another before anyone else can get the chance.
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rthebestking · 1 year
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HAK IS SO HARD TO DRAW OH MY GOSH, anyway….this series if fire so expect more fanart from Yona in the future. For now enjoy this little set I’ve made :3
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bambiii-94 · 6 years
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lady-tortilla-chip · 3 years
Joe and cherry's ship name is Matcha Blossom!
Thank you for telling me!
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makapedia · 4 years
HELLO!!! i am rereading ‘if my hearts a grenade’ and i’m not sure how it’s possible but it’s even better than the first time!!!! your characterization of hak HURTSSS so bad but obviously in the best way possible. don’t have the words!!! you r incredible!!!
YOU’RE INCREDIBLE thank you for reading (twice!!) and also sending me a message. this is so sweet... thank you ;__; i’m writing like 12 things at the same time but an update for that fic is one of them! as well as another two hakyona things :) 
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sorasan000 · 5 years
There’s a situation going on in the AkaYona J-fandom involving the R-18 HakYona doujinshi anthology. It was posted on Yahoo Auctions for what’s going on 7800 yen now, but you can buy the collection from Booth for 1600 yen. Whoever wins that bid will end up paying far more than they have to. Another problem is that the listing doesn’t mention that it’s R-18 AND the cover is cropped to omit that warning, which is a big no-no. 
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hikarishirohana · 6 years
TAG: Ships por toda parte!
taggeada pela @mushmellows, aqui está o link para o blog lindo dela, direcionado para as respostas da tag
1) Fale do primeiro ship que teve.
A t a que eu lembro. Mas alguns vêm à memória, então... 
Provavelmente foi TaiSora, de Digimon Adventure — eu me lembro bem de sorrir na cena do filme, quando o Taichi envia o email e fica todo envergonhado asdkjadskl 
Ou pode ter sido alguma coisa de Naruto, tipo SasuSaku
Ou foi Inuyasha/Kagome 
Ah, não sei. Animes me acompanham há mais tempo do que eu sou capaz de lembrar, e sempre gostei de ver os pares se formando
2) Liste os 3 casais mais importantes que apareceram na sua vida.
Iiiih, mas só três? Vou tentar, mas com certeza sentirei que algum ficou de fora
SpecialShipping, de PokeSpe. Tipo, teoricamente esse foi o primeiro ship que li em uma fanfic (eram vários ships, na verdade, mas esse era o principal) e... me marcou bastante. Sem falar que foi por causa dessa fic e desse ship que fui ler o mangá, o qual se tornou uma das mídias mais preciosas que já conheci. A primeira oneshot que postei foi de Special também... Enfim. SpecialShipping me traz muitas lembranças preciosas.
HakYona, de Akatsuki no Yona. Eu não consigo expressar o meu amor por eles. Todo o desenvolvimento, a forma com que as coisas ainda caminham no mangá... Eles são tão, tão preciosos para mim. É um ship que realmente cresceu em mim e hoje sou capaz de tudo (menos escrever uma fic, porque ela nunca fica decente o suficiente) para enaltecer esses dois ♥
Lass/Arme, de Grand Chase. Se eu to no fandom por tanto tempo, é por causa desse ship e de todas as memórias que ele carrega. É um ship que me lembra de pessoas que me marcaram e de momentos que me fizeram muito bem, como ficwriter e como pessoa. 
3) Qual é teu OTP atual?
Eu ousaria dizer Lupus/Lire, mas acho que vão me apedrejar. Atualmente, não estou vendo muitas coisas, então é. Mas mês passado com certeza era Enjoltaire.
4) Qual é seu NOTP?
Depende do fandom sahaskj Mas não tenho muitos. Por enquanto, os que eu lembro são Sieg/Elesis e Add/Elesis (eu não sei quem achou que colocar um maníaco do lado da cópia da ruiva mais linda do planeta era uma boa ideia)
E Gajeel/Levy. Juro que nunca entendi o que tem de tão legal nesse ship
5) Tem ships variados? Por exemplo, shipa uma personagem com várias dependendo da cena ou do desenvolvimento?
HA. Falou multishipper, é aqui mesmo
Se consigo imaginar um desenvolvimento bom, ou um au em que os personagens interajam bem, eu shippo. Assim, não com o maior afinco do mundo, mas shippo. Um solteiro em ato é parte de muitos ships em potência, nunca se esqueçam disso askdsjosdaj
Acho que essa minha mentalidade se deu boa parte por causa de Fire Emblem. São tantos ships lindos, tantos diálogos, que não tem como decidir um só. É um desperdício, sério. Para que se limitar a Gaius/Sumia quando Gaius/Olivia e Gaius/Lissa tão ali do lado?
6) Como se sente quanto a um triângulo amoroso?
Se for para ter um triângulo amoroso, dê-me um bom. Bem desenvolvido mesmo. Qualquer coisa abaixo disso, dispenso.
(Ou me dê algo como o triângulo de AkaYona, que me faz chorar toda hora, seja de orgulho ou sofrimento)
7) O que acha de guerra entre fandoms?
Se você tem tempo para brigar com os outros, tem tempo de produzir conteúdo para o OTP. Reveja as prioridades.
Mas, sério, guerra de fandom é um negócio muito nada a ver. Não compreendo. 
8) Alguma vez já shipou você mesmo(a) com uma personagem?
Ha. ha ha. ha ha ha nunca nem vi
Uh... Eu na verdade passei disso para: criar um OC (teoricamente espelhado em mim) para shippar com o personagem (?). Mas acho que é basicamente a mesma coisa com um plot um pouquinho mais desenvolvido então é 
Sim, e muito. Add, Inigo, Judal, Kuroo, Lupus, etc etc
9) Tem algum ship que nunca ficará junto?
Enjoltaire. Tristíssima.
Ah, e Ronan/Harpe porque né
10) Shipa personagens que nunca se conheceram?
Os dois Robins? 
E LP/MM porque a única pessoa boa o suficiente para ficar com o Add é ele mesmo.
Ah, Phantom/Kinesis também entra nessa lista e eu não sei como meti o ship na cabeça, mas parece interessante
11) Fale do seu primeiro beijo entre personagens favorito.
MAS, dentre as que restaram: eu diria que foi uma surpresa. Tipo, muito uma surpresa. Para mim, para eles e para todo mundo. Boa sorte em descobrir o ship, porque resolvi deixar isso spoiler-free
12) Alguma vez ficou desiludido(a) quando seu ship finalmente se tornou um casal?
SasuSaku define.
13) Alguma vez um dos teus ships quebrou seu coração?
Todos eles. A todo momento. Boa parte do desenvolvimento de HakYona. AgencyShipping define quebrar o coração.
14) Como é que se sente quanto a discussões do tipo “eles vão, eles não vão”?
Se isso se refere ao ship ficar enrolando, sou formada nisso. Yanagi/Kujou tá aí para provar.
(e HakYona)
15) Alguma vez shipou algo “à primeira vista”?
Touya/Rima (tirei do baú esse ship — sdds VK e seus finais horríveis)
16) Fale de algum ship que inicialmente não gostava.
Lass/Elesis (ela vai me matar, ela askjdaslas)
17) Fale de um ship que parou de shipar.
Lupus/Lin, por diversos motivos e desilusões
18) Fale de um momento que te fez questionar completamente um ship.
Eu questiono a todo momento meus ships com o Lupus, visto que é, bem, o Lupus
E Alice/Ai também merece muitos questionamentos, considerando o age gap — mas a ideia do ship é linda
19) Alguma vez já shipou um casal incesto/twincest/brocom/siscom?
Eu tive uma fase Lupus/Lass relativamente longa e se selfcest entra na lista temos alguns problemas akjdslkasdlj Mas quase não tenho nenhum ship desses
20) Fale de um ship que você se sente solitário em shipar.
Uh... 90% dos meus ships porque eles são crack?
Mas Rogue/Levy tá no topo da lista porque eu realmente acredito que eles teriam uma ótima relação e parece que só eu vejo isso
(E Lupus/Lire, mas eu entendo. Ainda vou elucidar o fandom com a minha fic klsadjlkjals)
21) Tem algum ship que você não apoia, mas também não se opõe?
A grande maioria. Quer dizer, para mim quase tudo é válido e, se tá aí, é para shipar. 
22) Qual dos teus ships tem melhor química?
Agency. A dinâmica deles é adorável demais
Ou MariChat. 
23) Qual dos teus ships daria a melhor fanfic?
Qualquer um??? Mas acho que as várias longfics enjoltaire que li recentemente querem dizer alguma coisa.
24) Costuma shipar canon?
Uhhh, depende. Em shoujos, sim. Em shounens, eu diria que Fairy Tail é um ótimo exemplo de como a minha vida deu errado. 
Mas, em geral, os canons costumam estar inclusos na lista de ships que eu shippo — só não são meus favs
25) Alguma vez já shipou certas personagens antes mesmo de assistir o anime/jogar o game/etc, simplesmente por que o visual era parecido com outro ship?
Geralmente eu conheço as coisas só quando assisto/jogo, então não que eu me lembre.
26) Você nota algum motivo padrão que te faça shipar certas personagens? Ou o motivo de vários ships seus nunca terem nada a ver?
Eu amo a dinâmica bolinho de sol / kuudere ou tsundere, então boa parte dos ships encaixam nessa composição
Rivals to lovers também tá no coração
Mas o mais importante é a confiança; se eu acho que um confiaria no outro, dado o devido desenvolvimento, o ship pode surgir.
27) Há algum ship que você manteve pela maior parte de sua vida?
Special. Esse ship me acompanha há mais da metade da minha vida.
28) Os ships chegam facilmente à sua cabeça, ou você demora pra perceber que gosta de ver os dois juntos?
Geralmente chegam rápido, mas alguns vêm sorrateiros. Os últimos em geral se tornam mais relevantes.
29) Sente a necessidade de shipar algum casal para realmente gostar da história (filme, anime, livro…)?
Nope. Mas com certeza já aguentei ver animes inteiros por causa de ships. (E também li 300 caps de Naruto em um final de semana para ver NaruHina se tornar canon)
30) Nomeie um par de fandoms dentro das quais não shipa ninguém.
Yakusoku no Neverland
31) Se gosta de yaoi, também gosta de yuri? Ou se gosta de yuri, também gosta de yaoi?
Leio/vejo os dois às vezes, mas tenho muito mais ships yaoi. Mas ninguém tira meu Lin/Edel de mim
32) Deixe o link de 3 fanfics que gosta.
VOCÊ ACHA QUE TRÊS FICS SÓ DÁ??? Ugh, tá bom, eu tento
Proximidade, escrita por StardustWink. Na real, todas as fics dela. Tudo bem que muitos dos nossos ships não batem, mas a Stardust é a minha maior inspiração como ficwriter, desde que comecei a escrever. A fic é de fe13, LonLissa btw
Distância, escrita por yooongs. É uma KuroTsukki lindinha que eu amo com todo o meu coração.
Não me bate não, afinal eu te amo, escrita por MaryeMimym. Well, se eu entrei para o universo de fics de GC é por causa dessa fic. Foi ela que estabeleceu boa parte dos meus ships de GC também.
Eu genuinamente queria colocar muitas fics aqui asdjhadsjka Foi difícil decidir
33) Nomeie o(s) seu(s) artista(s) de fanart de ships favorito.
Vish. Faz tempo que não procuro fanart de ship... Mas a CyashaRain é minha artista preferida, serve?
34) Compartilhe o AMV que mais gosta de um dos teus ships.
O AMV de Hotarubi no Mori e, que todo mundo já viu e conhece tanto a música quanto o filme por causa do AMV
35) Recomende entre 1 a 5 páginas dos teus ships.
Queria eu saber dessas páginas para poder sair compartilhando com os amigos
36) Você cria algum tipo de fanwork para seus ships?
Fanfics. Já tentei fazer edits e deu errado, então é. Fiquemos por aqui.
37) Coloque a URL de uma fanart favorita sua.
UMA?? Você tem que estar brincando.
Em protesto, vai ser uma fanart que não tem ship. Aqui o link para a minha fanart favorita. É uma obra massiva, apreciem-na devidamente, obg
38) Gosta e usa os nomes dos seus ships?
Ué, por que eu não gostaria? Ok, OldRival não é um dos meus nomes preferidos, mas não tenho absolutamente nada contra
39) Há algum relacionamento fictício que você acha que devia ser aprofundado?
Muitos, muitos mesmo. Tipo, eu ainda quero ver o Touya e o Yukito juntos, oficialmente; e daria o mundo para ter uma ideia de como está a relação entre a Akari e o Yuuma. E seria legal se o desenvolvimento de AliMor tivesse sido melhor. Mas fazer o que
40) Se pudesse mudar algo no seu OTP, o que seria?
Absolutamente nada. O OTP é lindo do jeitinho dele (e eu nem sei a qual OTP você se refere, porque esse negócio de One True Pairing não existe, não)
Ok, isso foi mais difícil que o esperado. Isso porque ainda queria colocar uns ships a mais skajdlsjk Well, por enquanto é isso
Passo a tag para a @kuuhakulumi e só.
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otacocat · 7 years
Faith.exe has stopped working
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ahumanintraining · 7 years
re: Hurricane Irma — taking commissions!
Hello friends! For everyone checking in on me, thank you for your kindness and for your thoughts. I definitely got the better luck of the storm and it could have been a lot worse. I don’t have power or proper cell service, but I have not been displaced and having a place to sleep is more than I can ask for. My community is generous and we are slowly getting back into the momentum.
Unfortunately, some of my classmates and my community members have not been so fortunate: they’ve been flooded, lost valuable items, and are stretching their pockets for hot food to eat. We’ve put together some gofundmes, but I thought I would try opening commissions in order to raise money as well. In fact, even after much of the rebuilding/renormalization happens, I’m thinking of continuing to have commissions open to go directly to charities or various non-profits in the future.
Anyway tl;dr I’ve finally decided to open commissions for donations! Exciting! I’ve never done this before but let’s see where this takes us! Without further ado, below is more details!
P R I C E S:
drabble (100-500 words): 1 USD — (erlu) (sasunaru) (yonalili)
+NSFW: +0.50 USD — (shallura) (crackpair haikyuu)
oneshot (up to 1k words ish): 3 USD — (klance) (jerza) (viktuuri)
+NSFW: +1 USD — (hakyona) (jaeha/hak)
oneshot (up to 2k words ish): 5 USD — (erlu) (kakashi/ayame) (shallura)
+NSFW: +1.50 USD — (jerza) (crackpair fairy tail)
longer pieces (up to 10k words): 10+ USD — (zutara)
Examples are linked next to their respective categories, listed as their ships. Feel free to scroll through my ao3 or fanfiction account to see more examples!
This is just a list off the top of my head, so if you have other kinds of requests or are not sure how your piece categorizes, please feel free to shoot me an ask and I can give you an idea of how much I would expect the work to be. All of the above mentioned are one-shots, which is basically all I write, but given enough time, multichaps are not completely out of the game, so definitely don’t be shy if you have questions!
(more info below!)
I N F O:
What do I write?
Voltron: Legendary Defender, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Noragami, Avatar (both tLA and LoK), Akatsuki no Yona, FMA:b, or other animes that you know that I’m familiar with (if you don’t see it, please feel free to ask!)
or your original characters and settings! (prices may vary)
all gender pairings, all types of relationships, or general fics
any genre, SFW or NSFW
Give me as much information/details on what you want as you can so there’s a higher chance that I’ll end up writing what you have imagined. The more specific a request, the more likely you will like the piece! I encourage you to send me prompts, pieces of dialogue, situations, or even headcanons (especially for alternative universe commissions). Our discussions will be kept entirely confidential, especially if it’s a commission you wish to keep to yourself.
And if you’re requesting a commission to gift for someone else, definitely give me as much information so I know how to best make your recipient happy!!!
Payment will be through PAYPAL. I will send you an invoice/ask you to send the money after I started writing your commission, or after I’ve finished it if it’s short.
I reserve the right to post my work through social media (such as tumblr, archive of our own, fanfiction) and other websites UNLESS you specifically ask for it to not be posted. You don’t need to tell me why, and I completely understand if you prefer to keep your commissioned work to yourself. You can also choose to permit me to publish it but I will not tag you in it or keep you anonymous. 
If you’d like to see your work posted before a certain deadline, let me know. I reserve the right to add additional value to my work if I need to complete it before other priorities. Otherwise, if you request something from me, I’ll give you a proper estimate of when I can complete it, and we’ll take it from there!
I reserve the right to reject any request that makes me uncomfortable in any way.
C O N T A C T:
If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me through tumblr (@ahumanintraining), twitter (@napsbeforesleep), discord (@ahumanintraining#2153), or through email (send me an ask for it). 
Anyway, enough from me! Let’s hear what you have! I’m really excited to start writing what you’re thinking about, so thank you so much for reading this post and for sharing it with others that you feel may be interested! 
Thank you all! I appreciate you all so much.
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toushi · 8 years
Thank you to everytone who tagged me and sorry for the late response c’:  
I tag: @tsukis @gintoukis @nikiforv @josenji @sarapyon @aomine-s @sougu @ackermanss @oohiras @ferid for any of these (or none at all, it’s up to you c:)
rules: copy/paste and replace my answers with yours and tag people ^^
a - age: 20 
b - biggest fear: failure 
c - current time: 2:40pm 
d - drink you last had: water 
e - every day starts with: "no” f - favorite song: Perfect, by Ed Sheeran 
g - ghosts, are they real: yes 
h - hometown: Somewhere near Paris c: 
i - in love with: Anna and Kuroo ♡ 
j - jealous of: envious of wealthy & healthy people 
k - killed someone: :^) ... no(t yet) 
l - last time you cried: two-three days ago because i was very anxious m - middle name: Sin i dont have one 
n - number of siblings: two 
o - one wish: tranquility p - person you last called/texted: called my mom to let her know my sis who went with her forgot her phone at home q - questions you’re always asked: "why are you so quiet” :)))) i strongly Hate™ this question 
r - reasons to smile: wonderful people with beautiful souls ♡ 
s - song last sang: Barcelona, Ed Sheeran t - time you woke up: 11:10am (finally could sleep in after waking up all week at 5am rip me) 
u - underwear color: blue  v - vacation destination: Japan + Philippines (I really miss it) 
w - worst habit: i procrastinate way too much now 
x - x-rays you’ve had: one for my back y - your favorite food: mom and dad’s cooking 
z - zodiac sign: leo
Tagged by @juminss & @sarapyon ! thanks bbies ♡
1) Coke or Pepsi? coke  2) Disney or Dreamworks? disney all the way !!! but i love dreamworks too c: ♡ 3) Coffee or Tea? coffee 4) Books or Movies? books but i dont have time for them anymore ; u ; 5) Windows or Mac? windows, i dont understand mac tbh lmao 6) D.C or Marvel? i dont have a preference since i’m not a fan of either  7) Xbox or PlayStation? PlayStation 8) Dragon or Mass Effect? are those videogames ? because idk what they are lol c’: 9) Night Owl or Early Riser? early riser, though i love to sleep in lol 10) Cards or Chess? cards 11) Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO ♡ 12) Vans or Converse? vans  13) Lavellan, Trevelyan, Canadash or Adaar? what 14) Fluff or Angst? both :^) but angst man ... i def need more of it and see my faves suffer bc i’m a sadist. but an emo sadist bc i cry when they suffer even though i asked for it. *cough* 15) Beach or Forest? beach 16) Dogs or Cats? DOGGGSSSS !!! but i love @aomine-s‘s cats c: 17) Clear Skies or Rain? clear skies 18) Cooking or Eating out? simply eat ; i dont like to cook and i dont wanna go out lol  19) Spicy or Mild Food? SPICYYYY :^) 20) Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas? CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS ♡ 21) Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? a little too hot (i cant stand cold at all)  22) If you could have a superpower what would it be?  time travel 23) Animation or Live Action? animation, but i love stage plays :) 24) Paragon or Renegade? again, i’ve no idea what this is c’: 25) Bath or Shower? shower 26) Team Cap or Team Iron-Man? iron man 27) Fantasy or Sci-Fi? fantasy 28) Do you have three or four favorite quotes it so what are they? "When you’re hungry, eat” (Monkey D. Luffy) :^) ; “Give back double what people do to you” (Sakata Gintoki) ; “Always help someone. You might be the only one that does” (Unknown). 29) YouTube or Netflix? youtube 30) Harry Potter or Percy Jackson? HARRY POTTER !!!!!! 31) When do you feel accomplished? when i’ve done something i’m satisfied with  32) Star Wars or Star Trek? i haven’t watched neither  33) Paperback book or Hardcover book? hard cover have a beautiful charm imo c: 34) Fantastic beast or Cursed Child? i havent read/watched them but i’m drawn to fantastic beast contrary to cursed child 35) Rock or Pop Music? pop-rock  36) What is the most important thing in your life? my family/friends ! 37) Mountains or Sea/Ocean? sea/ocean 38) How do you express yourself? i rarely express myself irl because i’m shy and introverted ... but when it comes to texting / group chats with people from tumblr, it’s easier for me c: 39) What’s the first book/film that really counted to you? i cant remember c’:  40) What’s your element (air, water, etc)?  water 41) If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Japan  42) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? Archaelogist 43) If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? Be rich without working, let my family and me be healthy, and let there be peace and equality in the world.  44) If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? My mom’s fish amok  45) What’s your Spirit Animal/Patronus? Ibizan Hound, according to Pottermore 46) Would you kill yourself and save your friends or kill your friends and save yourself? Save them  47) If you had to become a mythical creature which would you be? a phoenix 48) Your favorite song? Perfect, Ed Sheeran 49) A4 or A5 notebooks? A4 50) If you had to give up on someone you love, making this person forget about you, and never see him/her again, to save his/her life, would you do it? I would, which I already am doing, kinda.  51) Did you ever wish to become someone else? If yes, then what would you do to make yourself better? Yes. but I’ve learn to accept who I am c:
tagged by @aizawashoutta​ & @sougu thank you so much <3
rules: answers these questions and tag nine people you want to get to know better.
relationship status: with kuroo single
favourite color: blue, pastel colors, red
lipstick or chapstick: i dont wear makeup at all lol
last song I listened to: We don’t talk anymore, covered by Jungkook
last movie watched: Moana
top three tv shows: dancing with the stars is the only reason i’d turn my tv on lol / as for animanga : hq!!, gintama, one piece
top three ships: it’s very difficult for me to have ships but i love iwaoi, hakyona & hijigin
Tagged by @akutagawah ! Thanks mom ♡
Five Things You’ll Find In My Bag:
first-aid kit
an umbrella
pills/pain killers/etc.
a bottle of water
Five Things In My Bedroom: 
my laptop
tons ... of school books
i have my own little “pharmacy” as well lol
family pics
the Philippines flag
Five Things I’ve Always Wanted To Do In My Life: 
travel aboard a ship
travel to other countries and get to know the people who live there
do a road trip with friends (so much travelling ikr lol)
i ... dont know lol
Five Things That Make Me Happy:
friends & family
kuroo tetsurou
make gifs
historical discoveries
Five Things On My To-Do List:
graduate asap 
buy a car
get my own appartment
get a summer job
learn more languages
Five Things People May Not Know About Me:
it’s really hard for me to start/keep up convos in real life
i have a bunch of beauty marks here and there all over my body
i’m patient and understanding, but i can bite the Hardest :)c
i’ve been through depression
i’ve a strong attachment to ancient asian beliefs / tradition
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theaologies · 8 years
I love hakyona more than I love breathing but I a d o r e the awful angst that is HakSoo like damn boy sign me the fuck up 👌🏻
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sorasan000 · 6 years
There’s an R-18 HakYona doujinshi anthology I’m interested in buying. The thing’s long as heck and contains 14 artists, consisting of manga drawers and fic writers. It’s only available in Japan, so I guess I’ll have to put my inactive Tenso account to use. 
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ahumanintraining · 7 years
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hello everyone! 
thank you so much for supporting me the last few days for my first-ever commission! as you may know, i’m taking on writing projects to fundraise some money for my community post-hurricane and i really appreciate the signal boosts and those of you who have reached out to me. 
so far i’ve had the privilege of taking on some longer commissions, but i have plenty of slots open for shorter commissions (anything from drabbles to 2k one-shots) for those of you interested in my writing. a brief summary of my commissions below:
P R I C E S:
drabble (100-500 words): 1 USD — (erlu) (sasunaru) (yonalili)
+NSFW: +0.50 USD — (shallura) (crackpair haikyuu)
oneshot (up to 1k words ish): 3 USD — (klance) (jerza) (viktuuri)
+NSFW: +1 USD — (hakyona) (jaeha/hak)
oneshot (up to 2k words ish): 5 USD — (erlu) (kakashi/ayame) (shallura)
+NSFW: +1.50 USD — (jerza) (crackpair fairy tail)
longer pieces (up to 10k words): 10+ USD — (zutara)
Examples are linked next to their respective categories, listed as their ships. Feel free to scroll through my ao3 or fanfiction account to see more examples!
C O N T A C T:
If you’re interested, please feel free to contact me through tumblr (@ahumanintraining), twitter (@napsbeforesleep), discord (@ahumanintraining#2153), or through email (send me an ask for it). 
for more information, please see click on this link! thanks so much everyone! for all the love and support!
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