#sorry for answering this so late
ask-hsr-characters · 11 days
Hello, everyone. Before I get into this, I’d like to make it known that this is not a goodbye post. I’m not giving up on this blog - I still love running it.
Anyways, I sincerely apologize for the delay in answering asks. I used to be able to answer them within the day or the next day, but now it’s been more like a day to three days.
I’ve just been struggling with things like my schedule, motivation, and mental health, so I hope you can all understand. Again, this isn’t a goodbye post, all I’m saying is that it might take up to a day to potentially four or five days for your ask to be answered. I hope you can all understand, thank you. I love you all, and thank you for supporting my blog.
(Sorry if this is too overdramatic, I just felt bad for taking so long…)
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literaphobe · 10 months
Oh my god I’m thinking abt tvl again and adrienette being exes!!!!!!!!!
ohhh my god. i know i said i was banned from posting tvl snippets but JUST FOR THIS. here is tvl adrienette being exes (they fucking suck at being exes)
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purplink8 · 20 days
If light really cares about his father he should have tried to persuade Matsuda.
In the earlier scene where they're trying to decide how to handle Sayu's kidnapping Soichiro wants to go public to the broader NPA with it because he thinks its the correct and ethical thing to do (much like his choice to step up here) but in that case Light had no hesitation to butt in and tell him he's wrong and there's a better way to do it if they just think it through.
So why doesn't he do the same here? Matsuda -already- volunteered, so with all his persuasion and improv skills Light could easily be like "please dad I don't want you to shorten your life, our family has already been through so much, we can't do this to mom and Sayu. I'm sorry to say it but Matsuda is a better choice. He said he WANTS to do it, and he's so much younger so even if it costs half his life he can still live a very long time and doesn't have dependents, unlike you who has a family and already has fewer years"…blah blah blah.
He could have also tried to come up with a new plan altogether, Light is amazingly skilled at adapting to changing situations and coming up with new tactics on the fly. I'm sure if he pressed the case to his father, the other members of the Task Force would also agree and Soichiro would relent and agree not to take the eyes.
Even if it didn't ultimately work to convince him, it would still be worth a shot. If it were my family member you'd better believe I would relentlessly argue until I'm blue in the face to stop them, whether or not I thought it would work.
Btw it’s also a strategic miscalculation on Light's end to have his father be the eye-haver, since he KNOWS despite Soichiro's assurances otherwise deep down his Dad is unlikely to be able to kill another person. And Mello is just a kid in Soichiro's eyes, he's not even as old as Sayu. Was anyone actually shocked that he couldn't finish writing the name? Matsuda on the other hand would have done it without hesitation.
Hm, I can sort of see your point! However I'm very much in the 'Light cares for his father & his approval immensely' camp so allow me to write my reasoning for the same.
The two situations you outlined seem a little different to me when we consider the bigger picture.
In the earlier scene where they're trying to decide how to handle Sayu's kidnapping Soichiro wants to go public to the broader NPA with it because he thinks its the correct and ethical thing to do (much like his choice to step up here) but in that case Light had no hesitation to butt in and tell him he's wrong and there's a better way to do it if they just think it through.
Yes, that is very correct. But here's the thing: Soichiro was pressured into that decision by Ide. He looks really troubled and in pain since he's doing this only because of his obligation as the deputy director as reminded by Ide.
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Aizawa & Matsuda were concerned for Sayu along with Soichiro (who I admit often puts work before his family, still that doesn't make him entirely unbiased when it comes to his loved ones) and that's part of the reason why Light was able to convince the task force, mainly his dad, by debunking the whole (assumed) premise of the kidnappers killing the director, instead blaming Kira for it in order to save Sayu.
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This is beneficial to Soichiro since that means they don't have to alert the other personnel of the NPA (according to Light's logic) and Soichiro is saved from his terrible decision to throw his daughter under the bus with his sense of integrity/responsibility as the deputy director intact.
Notice that Light offers this way out by using logic. What I mean to say is: Light rarely appeals to his father's emotions when attempting to change the latter's mind (the only instance where he does so that I can recall is when Soichiro is literally shooting him in the face (which is traumatic as hell but I digress)).
Light, in that situation, did not go "Dad that's unfair to Sayu, you need to rethink this decision as her father". Like he knows it would be a weak argument to Soichiro 'duty comes before family' Yagami.
That is why he solves the dilemma by completely turning around the situation not in emotional terms but rationally- in the manner that he knows his dad will concede as the question isn't to choose between work or family anymore because Light has argued to not notify the other NPA departments otherwise Kira would know about the kidnapping and kill Sayu (and they wouldn't get a chance to investigate the kidnappers if Kira kills Sayu before they can negotiate with them). So their best bet is to keep quiet about it so that Kira doesn't know; meanwhile they can, as Ide says, try and catch the culprit while negotiating the exchange.
Light adds an obligatory "But in the end, it's your decision, Dad" to mollify his father and it works! We're not shown Soichiro trying to persuade the task force by repeating what Light said but they're all able to come to a mutual agreement with Ide (the one who was most insistent on notifying the other NPA heads) conceding the ground first.
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So why doesn't he do the same here? Matsuda -already- volunteered, so with all his persuasion and improv skills Light could easily be like "please dad I don't want you to shorten your life, our family has already been through so much, we can't do this to mom and Sayu. I'm sorry to say it but Matsuda is a better choice. He said he WANTS to do it, and he's so much younger so even if it costs half his life he can still live a very long time and doesn't have dependents, unlike you who has a family and already has fewer years"…blah blah blah.
As I said before, Light doesn't try persuading in emotional terms when it comes to his Dad. Also the two situations are quite different, I'll highlight this by first explaining the wider context going on in the 2nd situation.
So Sayu has been rescued at the cost of the Note being handed over to Mello who still hasn't stopped blackmailing Soichiro (Mello contacts Soichiro again (the latter's phone is to be kept on in exchange for the former not killing him). And asks him about the new L's identity and threatens to kill Sayu if Soichiro doesn't answer. Matsuda saves the day this time.) which is an unpleasant reminder of his "failure as a police officer".
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Soichiro is pained by guilt at the risk he poses both to his family (esp Sayu) & the task force. He fears Sachiko would divorce him. He's painfully aware of the fact that if he dies now, Sayu's life will no longer be in danger and he may no longer be a burden to the task force.
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Meanwhile, Light has his own plans as Kira- which involve killing Mello with the help of Shinigami Eyes. To achieve this, he needs a member of the Task Force to attain ownership of the Note and subsequently make the deal for the Eyes. He intends Matsuda to take the fall. (Choosing/Having Soichiro volunteer instead doesn't even come across as an option in Light's head.)
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And just as he predicted, Matsuda volunteers to do the job with no hesitation. The guy is disposable in Light's eyes so it does not matter in the least that he may have to kill Matsuda in 13 days. Like he does not spare a thought regarding it; that's how Light is with people he doesn't care about.
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Ide agrees; everything is going according to Light's keikaku until...
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Soichiro comes up with this bombshell. Light's face here says it all. He's beyond shocked. After all, he hadn't accounted for this possibility at all. He was so focused on Matsuda volunteering (which, to be fair, he did) that he hadn't thought of this from Soichiro's perspective.
How he feels after practically handing over the Note to the kidnappers to save his daughter's life. How he feels guilty & ashamed of himself for being a failure as a police officer. A danger to his family. A burden to the task force. He even contemplates killing himself as he feels that there would no longer be a threat to Sayu's life (since Mello can't blackmail him if he's dead now, can he?)
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He's resolute in his decision. More importantly, he's not pressured into it by anyone else, he's the only one advocating for it- anyone who knows Soichiro well enough would be sure that he can't be shaken away from this decision. Soichiro has made up his mind.
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Light, after hearing this, can of course make sense of his father's behavior. The reason why he hadn't thought of it before now was because Soichiro was not in the list of potential candidates for taking the eye deal, Light didn't take the circumstances of his dad into account because he was never meant to take the eye deal in the first place.
Light does think that it's meaningless to try stopping Soichiro but before he can think any further, Matsuda butts in, offering himself for this role instead. Soichiro is not deterred as the guilt (of letting the Note in the kidnappers' hands) is weighing in on him.
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Despite Light's misgivings that he may not persuade his father (from sacrificing half of his lifespan for the Eyes), he does try to dissuade him by mentioning that Soichiro may have to kill criminals himself and asking if he can do it. This, I believe, is not so much of a question rather a discouraging tactic:
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Light knows on an intimate level that Soichiro despises killing people, even if they're criminals. ("The real evil is the power to kill people." anyone? Also this scene: that comes later:
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Although Mello is partly taunting Soichiro here, watching the latter's face in reaction to that comment is very telling: Mello has hit a little too close to home.)
But like I said before, it's near impossible to change Soichiro's mind now. He will say anything, even the things he's not so sure about (re: killing others), to convince the task force that he's the one accountable for the mess they're in and he will sacrifice himself in the line for his duty.
"I'll kill them... And then I'll die too, 13 days later."
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Light is unfortunately well-aware of his father's self-sacrificial nature when it comes to his duty as a police officer & towards justice (Soichiro is his role model & Light has deeply internalized these teachings himself but I digress.). There's no stopping him as Soichiro is rigid in this mindset of his.
Soichiro thinks that him dying would be a favor both to his family and the task force so why not die while being of use/service through possessing the Shinigami Eyes? His will to live has diminished enormously; I feel that a pep talk by Light won't fix anything at this point.
Not only would Light not be able to persuade Soichiro otherwise that it's not Soichiro's fault the Note got handed over to Mello's gang (I'm adding the mangacap below again to emphasize this when Light tries to argue the same, he gets shut down by guilt-ridden Soichiro)
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But also that Matsuda would be a better choice. Matsuda has made it clear enough, and it's apparent that the task force is not so happy with the way things are turning out but nobody dares to speak against their deputy director whom they respect.
Light also never finishes his thought: "If the need arises for my father to write a name in the notebook... Then I..." leaving it open to our interpretation as to whether he's kill his own father for enforcing the 13-day rule. I, personally, believe that he wouldn't murder his Dad (he cares for him too much for that)
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Light, in the end, yields for his father's wishes. Still, you can see the emotional turmoil in his face before his eyes are hidden.
I would also like to address Ryuk's comment "Hyuk. So even using your Father...?"
I think Ryuk's wrong here, he's implying that Light would resort to even using his father as a pawn for his plan. This is so. Not. true.
Light fully intended it to be Matsuda (which is shitty of him, I know) NOT his father. He knows, from his experience, how stubborn his Dad can be about these things. Yet he did try to stop him (not in an obvious way or a way most people would) in his own subtle way, i.e., reminding him that he may need to kill people for their plan to work. It was his big shot in discouraging Soichiro from sacrificing himself as he KNOWS Soichiro isn't one for killing others.
And we all know, how it turned out, with Soichiro not budging in his decision until all the task force members had to contend with that fact.
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Back to how Light feels about this situation folding out: his eyes are hidden as they usually are when he's experiencing emotional conflict:
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Also look at how stressed Light seems to be before ordering Soichiro to take the eye deal. He's sweating, the pain written all over his face. He does not like this one bit Matsuda had already volunteered for Kira's sake why does Dad always make things so complicated
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He could have also tried to come up with a new plan altogether, Light is amazingly skilled at adapting to changing situations and coming up with new tactics on the fly. I'm sure if he pressed the case to his father, the other members of the Task Force would also agree and Soichiro would relent and agree not to take the eyes.
Light is a genius but he has his limits too, I think. His plan requires someone in the task force to trade for the Eyes since it'd be difficult (& suspicious as hell) to have Misa (who has the Eyes) take a look at Mello's face (they only have his drawing by Linda). The task force has the means to meet Mello face-to-face as they've discovered their hideout. Yet, a face by itself is not enough for killing him through the Death Note, obviously. They need his name too, for which the Shinigami Eyes are essential.
Light says it himself in his mind: 'Unless someone makes the deal for the Eyes...This plan can't go forward.'
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It's an overall difficult situation to be in. If Light was capable of coming up with a new plan, he would definitely have stopped his father. As it stands though, Light is at a loss of alternatives which is why he has to (with a heavy heart) agree to Soichiro's arrangement.
Even if it didn't ultimately work to convince him, it would still be worth a shot. If it were my family member you'd better believe I would relentlessly argue until I'm blue in the face to stop them, whether or not I thought it would work.
That is the natural response, yes. But when your father is Soichiro Yagami who is unwavering in his view of his moral duty, arguing relentlessly won't work. Besides, Light is not one to directly challenge his father when it comes to taking responsibility and/or when it comes to making up for guilt over past actions. He makes a subtle attempt despite knowing it might not work (re: him bringing up that Soichiro might have to kill, as a deterrent) and is shot down by his father.
Soichiro won't take no for an answer when his integrity as a police officer is at stake.
Btw it’s also a strategic miscalculation on Light's end to have his father be the eye-haver, since he KNOWS despite Soichiro's assurances otherwise deep down his Dad is unlikely to be able to kill another person. And Mello is just a kid in Soichiro's eyes, he's not even as old as Sayu. Was anyone actually shocked that he couldn't finish writing the name? Matsuda on the other hand would have done it without hesitation.
It is not a miscalculation on Light's part because he never intended Soichiro to be in the possession of the Shinigami Eyes in the first place. He (in his mind) meant it to be Matsuda doing his bidding from the very start. But due to unforeseen circumstances he had to relent and have Soichiro make the Eye trade. This is, as you say, disadvantageous to Light both at a strategic level AND on an emotional level.
Soichiro is reluctant to use the Death Note- Light knows it all too well ("The real evil is the power to kill people." again). Matsuda, on the other hand, is somewhat sympathetic to Kira's cause, he'd have no problems to use the Note as long as it's for the right reasons so yeah he'd have written down Mello's name with zero hesitation.
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Plus, Matsuda is easily disposable from Light's perspective; killing him after 13 days would be a piece of cake to Light. While Soichiro is very dear to Light, so much so that he can't even finish thinking about killing him after 13 days.
These disadvantages and the fact that Light was shocked with his father's announcement to take up the Eye deal show that letting Soichiro have the Eyes was not considered at all.
And why would Light further persuade Matsuda? Matsuda had already tried & failed at convincing Soichiro. It takes two to tango: both Matsuda & Soichiro needed to be in agreement about who would have the Eyes. Matsuda wasn't the problem, Soichiro was from Light's POV.
Light is smart enough to see a lost cause when it appears before him, Soichiro wasn't gonna budge and they were in a stalement as killing Mello was near impossible without the Eyes. It wasn't ideal thus Light had to make do with the current situation- to ease his Dad's guilt and kill Mello with one stone with the price being half of Soichiro's lifespan (no I don't think Light would kill him after 13 days).
Light cares for his father very much, it was just an unfortunate stroke of luck to have it turn out like this. With Light indirectly & unintentionally putting his father at danger- that's the tragedy of using the Death Note, I guess.
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christian-culture-is · 4 months
Christian Culture is never really understanding why Christians, Muslims and Jews hate each other so much as if Jesus *wouldn't* be vibing with Muhammad and Abraham (who is already involved in all three religions anyway if im not mistaken).
bold of you to assume he’s not already hanging out with Abraham and Moses
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tosahobi-if · 5 months
this might sound really ooc but everytime I see that one video that goes like "wow that cat is very cute" it somehow reminds me of the mount hua trio (I'm pretty sure which one is which is pretty clear there 🤐)
i had to look it up but yeah. yeah that’s the huasan trio HSJDJJDN
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nitrocarbol · 1 year
what is your favorite minecraft mob???
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splashtailstar · 6 months
iris & Sunflower for the ask game :)
Iris: Name your top three favorite ships and your top three least favorite ships.
Top three favorites: HeatherBreeze (childhood friends to lovers and one of the only people in his life who actually supports him, and one of the only cats he actually cares about), RavenBarley (need I say more), and TallJake (they make me cry.)
Top three least favorites:
Bumble/Dove. Bumblestripe constantly ignores Dovewing's boundaries when she doesn't want to be with him.
Crow/Squirrel. I just do not see the appeal of this. Their personalities do not mesh at all. They have zero chemistry and seem so boring to me. It's just not my cup of tea. (The only exception is when they are both apprentices; it is more believable and easier to bear.)
Spotted/Fire. When she is alive, Spottedleaf never shows any interest in Firepaw. In the first series, it just seems like Fireheart has a crush on her which she doesn't reciprocate. He eventually realizes he has no chance with her and commits himself to Sandstorm. I don't mind this in the first arc when it is just one-sided. I dislike it in continuing books where Spottedleaf has retconned feelings for Firestar, still visiting him in his dreams when he is mates with Sandstorm, and Firestar is conflicted about his affection for Spottedleaf and his love for his mate. It just makes Firestar seem like a worse person that he's still obsessing over a long-dead crush, especially when his mate is with him. (the mate he specifically chose over Spottedleaf when he decided he had no future with the dead medicine cat and decided to devote himself fully to Sandstorm. This just erases all those moments of character development.)
There are ways this could've worked with Spottedleaf reciprocating, but I do not like how it happened in canon.
Sunflower: What’s a popular headcanon that you don’t agree with?
Snowfur wasn't a gentle, loving queen who met an unfortunate end because of Bluefur; she was battle-hungry, ready to fight, and died chasing ShadowClan warriors across the Thunderpath into their territory. Why do people replace her personality with that of a gentle, peaceful queen? (it's misogyny.)
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basementstalker · 5 months
5 + 7 + 25 + 26 for the ask game !!
5. Favorite band
I focus more on individual songs than bands so I'm not sure... Right now some people I listen to often are Maretsu, Eve, and Kikuo.
Growing up I listened to a lot of Fall Out Boy, Linken Park, Evanescence, A Perfect Circle, and Deftones.
7. Phobia
I don't have anything that meets the definition of phobia, I don't think. Ants crawling on me can trigger a meltdown if I'm having a bad day. When I care about someone a lot, I worry about death often. How I could die and leave them alone or how they could die... Just walking down the stairs, I remind myself to go slow so I don't trip and break my neck. It's not fun.
25. Answered
26. What I love about myself
I've been told that I'm very articulate (funny, since I just spent approximately an eternity trying to find that word) so I guess that.
I genuinely like my hair- it's thick and wavy and I just love it. It's darker now that I don't go out much- when I was a baby it was platinum blonde, practically white. My hair can be very unruly- next to each ear is a section of hair that curls up regardless of how much product is put in it. I like to call them my horns.
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pearlescentlynx · 7 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌🤎
Slice of Heaven by Coterie
You're Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring
House of Memories by Panic at the Disco
100 Bad Days by AJR
Freaks by Jordan Clarke
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ask-hsr-characters · 20 days
To Jing Yuan:
It's me again ✨
Jing Yuan: “You’re- you don’t have to beg so much, haha! It’s alright, really! We can go out if you’d like…”
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notsoniftyfifty · 2 years
popping by to say im in love with your maryland
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Stop hijacking my post Virginia
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oikawa-tooru · 8 months
Hello.....if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks...
ooo this is such a great question anon! thanks for asking, bud, i've never got this before! Since this question was sent to my animanga blog, i'm going to just answer about couples in fandoms i rb on here!
Even though it seems like I go hard for non-canon couples (which believe me I do), there are so many canon couples that I actually love with my entire heart:
hak/yona (akatsuki no yona)
even though i still have to catch up to this manga, this couple has owned my heart since the moment they appeared on page. they are the definition of a true power couple who will go to the ends of the world to save one another. they throw themselves into danger just so the other can have the chance of safety. they've got one another's back through everything and anything. they will yell at one another but hold hands together side by side as they stand staring down their enemies. i just love how hak inspires yona to stand on her own and yona inspires hak to see the value in himself.
sakura/syaoran (cardcaptor sakura)
they're one of my top three childhood couples. they are just adorable and precious and they deserve only good things ever. they are just children who don't deserve to shoulder so much on their shoulders and yet they do it with minimal complaining. they are there for one another, especially through the hardest moments. he's her pillar and she's his heart. also they jumpstarted my pink x green shipping and i will always love them so much.
inuyasha/kagome (inuyasha)
they are also one of my top three childhood couples. they are everything. inuyasha sees the strength in kagome's compassion when she doesn't see it herself and kagome sees the softness in inuyasha's toughness that he doesn't let others see. they are one of the it couples. they fight, push one another to the edge, and bring one another back without another word. inuyasha's unwavering belief in kagome allows her to grow into a fucking warrior of a girl because his strength keeps her going and growing. kagome accepts all of inuyasha, which is huge for him because he's been accepted by neither world because he's never been enough for either world. but there comes kagome, not giving a shit about the worlds beliefs and going with what she believes in and that's him. it's beautiful.
lan wangji/wei wuxian (mo dao zu shi)
i'm going to cheat here because i haven't finished watching the anime but i have read the novel and watched the live-action show. i have been shipping them ever since i watched the show first because anyone who knows me knows that i love the red x blue ship aesthetic. i love how they went from strangers to friends to enemies (but not really) to lovers. it's a classic trope and i will always love it. the fact that lwj recognized wwx when he came back?? that's true love. lwj is there to support wwx when he doesn't want anyone to see him falling and wwx is there to break down lwj's world, to show that there's more to the world than just blindly following rules. the fact that they went from star-crossed lovers to being married is just the best thing ever. they are filled with all the angst AND they get their happy ending.
On to my non-canon couples (they are kept alive in my heart thanks to ao3):
dabihawks (boku no hero academia)
i will say that i have dropped bnha for now (unless two characters die, in which case i'll definitely pick it back up) but that being said, the fact that dabi grew up the child of a hero and turned to villainy while hawks grew up the child of a criminal and turned to heroism? this shit is so poetic. they are parallel lines moving in the opposite direction, ships in the night, opposites attract in such a hellish way. not only is their aesthetic red vs. blue but it's also angel vs. devil - the hero with the wings bathed in the colour of blood vs. the villain with the flames bathed in the colour of the sky. they've got an apollo/icarus vibe that i love so much. there's so much mutual destruction and they had so much potential to be even more insane than they already are.
soukoku (bungou stray dogs)
they are probably my otp of otp's right now, the ones that really kicked the whole red/blue shipping out of control for me. they are idiotic strangers to idiotic frenemies to idiotic enemies to idiotic partners forever. it's so poetic to me that dazai's ability is named no longer human and yet he's the one to bring back chuuya's humanity to him. i just really love that chuuya, who feels so brutally human so much of the time, hosts a god of calamity and can only be brought back to himself by dazai's touch. like point me to a better lvoe story than that? you can't because they are the epitome of catastrophic love. they don't judge one another's actions because they understand one another better than anyone else can. they are each other's weakness and each other's strength. they will destroy one another before anyone else can get the chance.
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opashoo · 2 years
You do pathfinder character art that makes me happy.
It's important and I'm glad! All my characters are part of my own worldbuilding and story project, so they exist outside of, but are often inspired by Pathfinder and PF2e's systems. Since they tend to be very active, varied agents in a fantasy setting (as adventurers tend to be) many of their concepts and how they interact with the world can find a solid equivalent or comfortable best-fit within the mechanics of the game, and I love the framing and theming of the game's systems, so it makes a very solid inspirational basis.
And honestly, even if my characters aren't Pathfinder characters, I still love having them rep the system. It's a good game and the people behind it put in good work. Showing off the characters through their game mechanics is just another way to show some love.
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astralsi · 2 years
you're even good at building?? stop it. please. it looks so realistic. i'm just-
pleeeease give us building tips, that elwood residence it's just 💋🤌 *chef kiss*
p.s. yes i do rewatch your video every once in a while, yes i watch it from the start to the end, yess i like streams, yes i would watch whatever video you'd ever upload if you'll ever consider doing another one, yes your sims 4 is the coolest
- secret admirer *mwah!*
WAAAAAA ur making me BLUSH !!,,, i wish i could give buildign tips HELPP but i dont know how i do it seriously HAHA but ur too sweet,,, SOBBB i will consider another video then hehe.. <3
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ester-galls · 1 year
im in love with your art it looks so gentle i feel like a human being thank you for posting!!
thank you so much!!! It means a lot 🩷🩷🩷
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jewishautism · 1 year
I LOVE your username. shabbat shalom
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! shabbat shalom!
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