#raccoon hc
raccooncass · 2 years
cause the imperium made me think of this headcanon: warning - dead parents
prime! asher’s parents are also dead. he loves them so much but doesn’t visit their graves often. it’s not out of lack of time but out of the fact he can’t bring himself to go to a sad place. he prefers to hold a photo frame and talk to them like that instead.
david does visit his dad but most of the time it’s for advice otherwise he does the same as asher and just looks at photo frames. if he visits his moms grave he just rambles about his life and how he wishes she could have seen him grow up.
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happi-dreams · 4 months
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Lil doodle comic before I go to schoooll
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c0zy-fluff · 4 months
Guys look at this thing I found on Twitter real quick-
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This person is a literal genius
Y'know what this means...
JAYWALKING HCS!!! (yet slightly more in depth(ish))
Those who WOULDN'T jaywalk
- Rambley would absolutely NOT jaywalk b/c not only does he not wanna get in trouble or be a good influence on kids, but he likes to follow the rules. (could be a possibility where he only jaywalks just to get away from Lloyd)
- Lloyd wouldn't jaywalk only because he has a reputation to uphold and he wouldn't want to look like a common folk that just would jaywalk across the street, he'd want to look professional towards others. (Just because he can)
Those who WOULD jaywalk
- Oh, Salem would ABSOLUTELY jaywalk. They'd not only jaywalk just to piss off Rambley, but they'd just do it for the fun of it and cuz they don't give two shits.
- Mollie would most likely jaywalk and wait for her friends on the other side, while Rambley shouts that she can't just walk over to the side due to the light being red. And Lloyd (for once) agrees w/ Rambley due to that being "unprofessional" of her. Mollie would most likely be confused about her friends' responses.
And then, there's Finley.
I heard somewhere that when Finley's more outgoing, he becomes more reckless and silly, but most of the time he's OBNOXIOUSLY shy. So, the question is...
...Would Finley jaywalk? Yes? No? Maybe so?
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crandairy-juice · 25 days
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college au harrow and ianthe, with them being jod’s TAs
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fruit-sy · 1 year
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Stelle looked at the exchange between Hook and Fersman. She can't help but feel light seeing them smiling happily. Perhaps monetary gains drove her to help most of the Belobog citizens, but she can't help but make an exception for little Hook.
Seeing them had made for an interesting observation.
'A father, huh.' She wondered, 'Is this family love? Something that can drive you to go above and beyond for the other person? Even though it was all for naught in the end?'
Although Stelle had only begun to exist, she had enough knowledge to get by the world around her. Even so, she has yet to experience a lot of things a human would go through.
After lingering on the thought for a while, she came to a simple conclusion, 'I don't think I'll ever know what having a parental figure feels like.'
Perhaps Kafka counted in some respect, since she is the one who pushed the stellaron inside Stelle. But perhaps all she is to her is just a variable. Towards whatever unfathomable future "Destiny's Slave" has foreseen.
Her thoughts drifted to Kafka's words, "... You'll meet companions who treat you like family, and embark on surreal adventures with them. This is your future that Elio has foreseen."
Did she consider the Astral Express her family? She isn't sure. While they are kind and understanding, it feels like they still have walls put up around them. It probably doesn’t help that her… tendencies tend to repulse the people around her, she thought sheepishly.
‘I am good at my job, and I’m fairly certain the Astral Express won’t kick me out, at least.’
… Maybe Pompom would kick her out, on second thought. They were appalled when she had come covered in sweat and grime and tracked dirt all over the parlor car. That day still made her shiver.
Shaking her head, she looked back at the duo who were beginning to call her over.
The future certainly seems unfathomable.
Extra :
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that-one-raccoon · 1 year
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ohbloggerimagines · 1 year
could u write hcs of rocket being possessive/overprotective of reader ;w;
YES because I also think Rocket would be extremely over protective but not in a super weird way like a 'this ones mine and you'll never get it' type idk but yes yes yes
i might add more to this or make another post if i think of more <333
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Rocket would fight any man, woman, or alien who looked at you in any suggestive way, if you let him. 
When the crew is out and about on a planet, he is glued to either your hip, or right behind you.
He’s behind you because he’s blocking anyone from looking at your ass, which is actually his ass. 
He will follow you around if you have to go anywhere off ship. Not just for your safety but because he wants everyone to know what is his. He’d follow you into the bathroom you let him. 
It’s kind of impossible for him to give actual hickies, but claw marks? He will mark you up in the gentlest (or, not so gentle ;) ) way possible with those little nails of his. 
Drunk Rocket is even worse, he gets scary possessive and you’ve had to apologize to many people for him nearly attacking them. He’s growled at people before. 
One time he did attack someone. You had gotten up from the bar to use the restroom and he overheard some guys talking about you, and jumped on them without hesitation. You had to run out of the bathroom, watching him get thrown out of the bar, and seeing the men almost cowering in the corner. You couldn’t help but smile. And of course you had to go after him before he blew something up outside.
He’s pretty crafty, as everyone knows, and he gifted you a necklace with an ‘R’ on it, that he made, just in case no one knew who you belonged to. There is definitely a tracker in it.
Sometimes if the Milano is docked on a shifty planet, he has a hard time falling asleep in fear someone will break in and something might happen to you. He makes sure you fall asleep safely before he does.
Again, he is always in some physical contact with you if he can be, or as close as he can get. If everyone is relaxing on the ship he might as well be sitting in your lap. 
He lowkey (or he thinks he seems lowkey) hates when you want to do things alone. Where are you going without him? Why can't he go with you? He almost interrogates you when you get back. 
Peter often asks you for help around the ship, since you understand him as another Terran and talking to someone similar is just nice, and it makes Rocket very jealous to see you two getting along. He’s sure to let you know later…in private. 
He panics whenever the Guardians get into a fight or battle and he doesn’t see you, it almost causes him to get hurt when he’s distracted looking for you.  
Rocket isn’t necessarily a light sleeper, but he somehow, even in a deep sleep, knows when you're up and walking around, and he’ll grumble “Where do you think you’re off to, doll?” even if it’s just the bathroom. He’ll sit awake until you get back. 
There’s been a few instances where he’s grabbed your face and “You’re mine, got that?” including in public. It makes you squirm. 
He’s an ass slapper. Public, private, he doesn’t care. 
Yondu tried to flirt when you initially met, and Rocket loathed him for it. No one gets to talk to you like that, except him.. The only reason he didn’t go after him is because he was trying to respect Peter. 
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the--firevenus · 1 year
I have a personal hc that HSR MC acting menace a lot is just to avoid having dreadful thoughts of existential crisis, an unconscious mental self defense if you will, that's why the first thing Kafka advice them is "not to worry" as their story had "already been played out to them"
Caelus/Stelle seem to be content despite being literally born yesterday, the way they interact with trashcan and that closet scene seem child like, very imaginative (and fucking funny) thus slowly make you forget the why or what they are in the first place,,
The inner monologue from the dialogue option kinda gave me this energy: "hey haha yeah you have bomb in your body, but it's okay😊😊look shiny trashcan, don't think too much about why you exist, look at these shiny coins in the water fountain woooaahh, hm? What's that? You're questioning why you hear voices in your head?? Nah it's fine, let's hide in the closet and banish hotel demon!!"
Anyway I don't have anywhere to go with this, but I just love the contrast of the trailblazer lore (that heavily allude to be heavy angst) and the funny idiotic moments they did 😭
Head? Empty, Trauma? Repressed, Hotel? Trivago
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pictuajjx · 4 months
Rambley would 100% be chubby or fat as a human. he would just be
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l1ttles3am0th · 4 months
They’re bitter exes and you can’t change my mind.
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I wasn’t sure what ages I should put them as so I just left that blank.
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delphi-shield · 1 month
my fave thing is seeing people describe raccoon city as a huge city and it's like. that is a town with a population of 100k. i understand the portrayal is wack but literally it's a town of 100k people.
that is, at best, a mid-size town. they got lucky and were selected as a pilot program for a subway system that never got rolled out to the rest of the us because our infrastructure is garbage. umbrella put their lab there BECAUSE it's unassuming. everywhere we walk through in re2 and re3? that's just downtown. the rest of the city doesn't look like that. it's wide roads and cospes of businesses. chris leans over jill's desk in the morning and asks, "did you see they're building something on the corner of north and main?" and jill doesn't even look up because "it's probably another bank."
when rebecca, fresh out of college, selects STARS out of all the organizations vying for her talent, people scratch their heads. she could be living somewhere much more glamorous. somewhere you don't have to drive 45 minutes to find something to do. but rebecca sees potential in everything. she's got a real sixth sense for when a place is about to blow up.
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raccooncass · 2 years
even though baabe and asher know that asher can’t cook baabe will eat whatever he makes with a smile because he made it even if they promptly throw up and wake up tomorrow with food poisoning it was out of love
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rawrlight · 8 months
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mrmosseater · 8 months
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HELP i have a hc where chester is like grays adopted son in a way and chester finds out mortis and gray are married. and chester is absolutely scared shitless of mortis. chaos ensues. my favourite thing to think about rn
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gophergal · 9 months
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Love doing studies of body variation, so *pushes these across the counter*
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ace-n-mooch-daily · 6 months
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Today's Ace n' Mooch are listening to music
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