#rachel amber deserves better
amber-jinx · 10 months
Stop Victim-blaming Rachel Amber
I've posted this before but still don't see it being recognised enough. So here is part of an original well-written analysis of Rachel Amber, specifically the parts that got her the most hate:
Case studies on the way predatory and grooming relationships work in BtS and LiS
Exhibit D 💀💀
**Rachel was an 18 y/o emotionally vulnerable traumatized naive girl with abandonment issues, commitment issues and a father complex who was a victim of predatory grooming.
More often than not, girls like Rachel (yes, I’m calling her a girl at this point) find themselves in the company of questionable older men because of their unresolved personal issues and lack of proper guidance. Just because someone turns 18 doesn’t mean they magically transform into this wise mature grown up who’s achieved clarity in what they want or know. Just because they’re finally legal doesn’t make a 30 something yr old going after a barely legal girl any less wrong than a 30 yr old dating a 16 yr old. Just because a girl is confident and smart doesn’t mean they can’t be exploited.
One can see why an 18 y/o would want to date a 30 y/o. But you can’t possibly fathom why a 30 y/o would want to date an 18 y/o— unless it’s for sex or you enjoy the power imbalance, which again you can’t possibly blame the girl because that's just the adult exploiting the barely legal girl. And that would, SHOULD still earn a side eye. One can easily see why Rachel would be attracted to the prospects of sleeping with Frank if it meant being able to facilitate her drug abuse and him being a possible lead to her birth mother. One can easily see why Rachel would be attracted to a world-renowned photographer who's suddenly taking an interest in her of all people, someone who can essentially give her her shot to stardom and give her dreams on a silver platter. It's hard to run the other way if everything you've ever dreamed of is suddenly being offered right in front of you, harder if you've already been charmed to feel falsely safe with them.
You cannot blame a girl for falling for men that manipulated and took advantage of her vulnerability, exploited her, especially when she had no commitments or obligations to anyone whatsoever, no one telling her ‘stop, this is wrong’— completely no one to warn her that this was a predator and she’s the victim that they’ve been eyeing since she was 15-17.
Still think this wasn’t what was happening to Rachel? Her relationships with Frank (32) and Jefferson (38) were kept in absolute secrecy even though Rachel wanted to tell Chloe (who wasn’t even a student anymore) about Jefferson. I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound safe or healthy at all.
EDIT: Even if somehow you dismiss the messed up predatory grooming aspect of this, the thing going on between Rachel and Frank was highly inappropriate and predatory because they were always under the influence of drugs. Consensual or not, Rachel was most likely always high around Frank which means she would've been in a vulnerable state each time and with drugs and alcohol clouding her judgment. A person under the influence— a drunk person CANNOT give consent. One of the letters she wrote to him even suggests that he was abusive at one point which indicates this wasn't a functional, much less healthy relationship at all. Heck, there's even an unused audio line where Max says: "Frank, I actually believe that you do hurt Rachel."— which just screams abuse. No idea why they decided to cut that out (DN is already sus with the way they try to make players sympathize with abusive men), but it still definitely is a reflection to what generally happens when drugs and sleeping with an older man that can facilitate their addiction is involved.
This would be different if Rachel was messing with guys their age, but no. This is specifically a girl who was being taken advantage of and exploited by men twice her age instead; one who was a drug dealer and the other who turned out to basically be a psychopathic drug rapist.
It’s just downright messed up to victim blame and demonize the girl who was being taken advantage of and groomed. Rachel didn't 'choose' Frank or Jefferson. She was victimized.
With all things considered, even if we don’t take BtS into account— we still have all these things to properly analyze what their relationship was.
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If we were to include in the words of the developers/writers about the girls’ relationship to make it more credible and not just an analysis of a random fan, from LiS1:
Jean-Maxime Moris: There is ambiguity. (Creative Director)
They never confirmed whether Rachel and Chloe were in an actual relationship despite it not being up to the player like Max and Chloe. And relationships that are described to be ambiguous usually means it was complicated and not the usual standard of a monogamous exclusive relationship.
Read more in this Reddit post:
I hope this clear things up. If you read all the way til here, Thank you. Here are a few art I generated based on Rachel in the comics book cover 🧡
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You are free, and you will be missed.
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thefreakyval · 27 days
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she pretty, he ugly, she swan, he frog!
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traumatizedjaguar · 8 months
abusers are mad bc they helped smear campaign an innocent fucking woman and now they're grasping at straws to try to justify their actions and further bully her.
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rainboq · 1 year
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LiS fandom please
You can let Rachel live
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springbunniee · 1 year
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warm up sketch to get me back into my art flow ^_^
recently started replaying life is strange again and… rachel 💔💔💔
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losertwink · 2 years
i’ve been recently looking back into life is strange (especially the first game & it’s prequel) and i’m just realizing more and more how flawed the game is and it’s relationships between the characters and i feel like i want to take on the ambitious task of making a fix-it fic for LIS1 & BTS because i think if chloe was actually written with the justice she deserves, it could’ve fixed LIS1’s plot and maybe help a lot of people overlook some of its more glaring issues (i.e. the funky dialogue or the stiff facial movements) and maybe fixing rachel in BTS it would also help boost the story of LIS1.
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ruburee · 3 months
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You know... when ppl told me Life is Strange will totally change you or take you on a 'FEELtrip?' Yea, uh yes they will tear you apart.
Rachel Amber deserved better.. real better af.
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arcadiabaytornado · 8 months
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I want to talk about Rachel’s junkyard letter to Chloe because it contextualizes her relationship with Frank and Mark. (Note: She is more than likely talking about Mark here. Frank doesn’t seem wise, and he is scary, but in a pretty conventional way. Mark will even say that Frank was Rachel’s bad boy phase in Episode 5. Plus, “We hooked up near campus,” also points to Mark.)
This note has a lot of substance regarding the nature of Rachel and Chloe’s ambiguous relationship, but that’s not really what I want to talk about...for today at least. Instead, I want to talk about how this is so clearly a note written by a young woman who’s way over her head. She acknowledges that Chloe would find her relationship with Mark gross, and she then says that if Chloe freaked, “she wouldn’t blame her.” She then elaborates on this point by saying she has to keep her relationship with her teacher a secret because she knows that Chloe would be right to react with disgust. Max even says that Rachel sounded confused and ashamed about this relationship. 
But what's somehow even more alarming is Rachel referring to Mark as scary, and honestly, that just breaks my heart. We don't know what Mark did, but we know that Rachel had already been in a scary situation with an older man. In Frank's RV, we can find a letter where Rachel says that Frank went ballistic and frightened her. She was an eighteen-year-old girl, at the oldest, and in an RV with a drug dealer who was losing his shit. Then she meets Mark. Another older man who has power over her grades and future. She hooks up with him, but...she finds him scary too. We don't know what he said to make her this way. Or what he did. Or if Rachel just got a weird vibe...but she was in her second relationship in her young life with a man who scared her...and she was right to fear them both. Especially Mark. 
More Undercut
Rachel Amber was not a seductress. She was not a harlot sent to lead the men of Arcadia Bay astray. Rachel Amber was a victim. She was eighteen years old and dated men who had power over her, not just in their age, but in drugs and grades. She feared each of them, and no one could save her in time. She died in the darkroom. Overdosed on Frank's drugs while Mark took photos of her body. And yet...such a tragedy so often boiled down to "She hurt Chloe's feelings!"
As much as I love Chloe, that's not the worst thing to happen in this situation. The worst thing to happen is the grooming and subsequent murder. I know that’s kind of harsh phrasing, and I really hope I'm not coming off as overly critical, but I’ve noticed that Rachel’s relationship with Frank and Mark is often talked about in terms of how it affected Chloe instead of how it affected Rachel.
And while, yes, Chloe’s feelings were hurt, and that shouldn't be minimized, Rachel's relationships with these men affected Rachel more than anyone. That's not to say I'm opposed to talking about how Rachel's relationships hurt Chloe!!!! Because they did!!! I'm just saying that it makes me uneasy how Chloe is sometimes treated like the biggest victim of Rachel's relationships when Rachel is dead at the hands of the men who groomed her.
Sorry that I went off on a tangent at the end there, but I’ve never liked it when characters are boiled down to their romantic relationships, and I tend to think that what happened with Frank and Mark should be looked outside the lens of Amberprice a little. Just like I think Chloe deserves an analysis of who she is as a person outside the lens of Amberprice and/or Pricefield.
OKAY I have got to end this post because that was another tangent but quick thoughts: A: Rachel was a victim and it seeps through every letter of this note. B: Rachel deserved better. C: I wish the Mark/Frank situation wasn’t often boiled down to how it made Chloe feel. I feel like Rachel’s character is sometimes not given the analysis it deserves because of it. 
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boobi-boy · 2 months
I absolutely love LISBTS but the whole time I played it this gripe was bugging me and I have to articulate it somewhere.
Rachel Amber's haunting presence in the first game defined her as a character for me. We know that she meant the world to Chloe, but also that Chloe was very willing to be bitter towards her as soon as she discovered that Rachel and Frank hooked up. Which tells me that their relationship wasn't as clear cut as BFFs 4eva.
What I loved was not knowing. Just that Chloe had met Rachel at a vulnerable time in her life and that Rachel had been exactly what she needed. Which is why maybe Chloe let Rachel get away with things she probably shouldn't have. BTS proves that true, but it was already glaringly obvious in the original game. BTS takes the charm away from LIS because it doesn't have a magical power that you get to use, so it's just a teen drama. I think Chloe deserved a decent outlet to herself so we could get to know her better, but I sort of wish it had taken place in the time between Max and Rachel.
In LIS, Chloe puts Rachel on this pedestal and idolises her beyond belief. Max theorising about Chloe crushing on her was always the understatement of the century, she was clearly madly in love with her. I just loved the mystery of her character. We hardly knew what she looked like due to the art style of the photographs in the game, and all that's left of her are her clothes and some graffiti. It's poetic. Chloe is bitter and upset about the unhealthy nature of her friendship, but still dedicates every spare moment to finding her and lives in this comforting delusion that she's still alive, probably because she can't handle the thought of losing someone else after her dad.
Rachel is the ghost of Life is Strange, and that felt so beautiful to me. Seeing her alive in Before the Storm just sort of negates that for me. Now I know exactly what she was like and who she was, so it doesn't feel as profound. I loved that she was so mysterious, that all we got of her was Chloe's unreliable accounts. I wish she'd stayed that way.
That being said, it does add a layer to her death after being in the Dark Room. She was talented and intelligent and had so much to live for, so it makes it a lot more sympathetic. I sort of wish they'd used BTS to explain more why each victim of the Dark Room was chosen. Why Rachel? Why Kate? Why Victoria? Why not Chloe? Why not Max? (I know Max ended up in the Dark Room but that wasn't initially Jefferson's plan). Why did Jefferson start the Dark Room in the first place? Why would he get Nathan involved? There are so many mysteries in Life Is Strange. Why was the one they chose to uncover the one that made the game feel so mysterious and haunting in the first place?
Idk this makes no sense I just can't sleep
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pristinekanesays · 2 years
 🦋 Life Is Strange: Petnames.
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🦋 What do they call their partner, what do they like to be called?
 🐺 GN!Reader, no specific pronouns are mentioned!
🦋 Warnings: nathan prescotts issues, sappy stuff and my never ending beef with nathan prescott
 🦋 A/N: Bored, tired and severely sleep deprived. I'm sticking to actually posting for once? Shocking! The word petname has me giggling like a kid and I've got no idea why.
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 🦋 Chloe Price:
 💓 Chloe would probably call you the basics like babe, baby and hey maybe even babycakes as some classic comedy. She seems like the type to just make the coolest petnames in her head and spit 'em out in a split second. (She'll probably call you dude, regardless of your gender.)
 🤍 She'd deep down enjoy those real sappy, cute and sort of cringe petnames. Like pumpkin and sweetheart, you know? Maybe even puddin' but in a southern accent, apart from that she doesn't really care.
(Chloe's just a big softie, come onnn!)
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🦋Kate Marsh:
💓Kate, katie, literal angel, and she'd probably call you her angel as well! She'd also call you darling, dearest, my love and probably hon/honey.
🤍She'd enjoy and appreciate it if you were affectionate with petnames like the way she is, so probably darling, angel and my love if I were to guess.
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🦋Max Caulfield:
💓I get huge calling her partner broski and dude vibes, no matter your gender which is probably gonna be a little like Warren's headcanons. Calls you by your name and maybe sweetheart or greets you after a while like `Hey there, cowboy!` (again, regardless of your gender.)
🤍Doesn't care what you call her, lovey dovey and insist on calling her the most sickening, romance novel petnames? Okay, it's what you like and she probably doesn't mind.
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🦋Rachel Amber:
💓Petnames are mandatory, MANDATORY!! Am I the only one getting the vibe she'd call her partner baby girl/baby boy or..?
💓Apart from that it's angel, love, sweetie and maybe babe. Probably reminds you that you're handsome or pretty nearly everyday because she's a theatre kid and DRAMATIC, or maybe she just wants to show you sum love.
🤍Call her what she calls you or add some little sappy nicknames in there cause she deserves better and just wants to feel the good old romance in the air.
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🦋Victoria Chase:
💓Okay big old bully:( She's the good old classic mean girl in public but with you? She's like a totally different person, I mean forget all those horrible, awful things she's done..ahem..
💓If you're super popular and everyone knows who you are, she'll call you babe and hon in public. If you're not as popular as her, she might not put the best effort in but she's still got your back!
💓In private it's my love, babe, baby, hon/honey, all types of sappy stuff.
🤍Isn't a big deal to her what you call her just be affectionate dude (don't call her dude, she'll be like wtf)
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🦋Warren Graham:
💓Is for sure calling you dude, bro and broski like yeah you're in a relationship but he didn't ask. Take it or leave it, broski! Refers to you as his partner no matter what, he'll be struggling to call you anything else and that has me laughing a little. (favourite nerd)
💓I feel like he'd jokingly call you dumbass, if you're okay with that probably.
🤍LOVE, AFFECTION, ADORAAATION! Put some effort in, like yeah he barely calls you anything romantic and cute but like leave him alone okay?! He's trying his best!
🤍Call him anything cause he'll eat that shit up daily for every meal, he loves you and just needs SOMETHING!
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🦋Nathan Prescott:
💓It's dickhead again, let me just pull out my book of problems! Comedic purposes..very hilarious but he's got some intense issues and this is gonna be like one of those shit love stories.
💓He's not big and open about your relationship so he doesn't call you anything in public (especially if you're a guy, sorry dude but he's got denial issues up the ass).
💓He might call you babe or somethin' else, he's an asshole struggling with affection and other things.
🤍Call him what you wish just don't try it in public because he'll get all pissed off and act like he's never seen you in his life. Like, how dare you be affectionate and loving?!
🤍He's the problem.
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elizaellwrites · 6 months
OC Questionaire #2
Thank you @phoenixradiant for the tag! Hi! Sorry, I'm a little late on the response. You can tag me whenever; I just might not get to it right away!
Following my last OC Questionaire post with Rachel, Cameron, and Elaine, I will be answering this one with another set of 3 OCs from Legacy of the Fallen.
1. Have you changed much since you were a child?
Ben: "Some say I have, but I don't really think so."
Amber: snorts without amusement. "My childhood changed me. I may not have understood everything that was happening around me, but no one is the same person after seeing your home and people destroyed."
Ryan: "No, not really. I'm just a little more stressed out, but I was already an idiot who didn't know when to shut up." Shrugs.
2. What do you deserve?
Ben: "Nothing." He avoids eye contact, his fingers gripping each other uncomfortably. "That probably sounds bad, but it's all just too much. I don't deserve any of it."
Amber: "No one deserves anything, you earn everything you get. Are you asking for what I think I should have? If so, then I think that we all deserve to have a home that we can finally feel safe in. It's really not all that spectacular."
Ryan: "I deserve a medal; being alive and existing is worth the recognition of great honor. Wait- you think I'm serious? No! In lieu of a medal, I deserve that delicious sandwich you brought with you. Do you mind?"
3. Can you cook?
Ben: "Kind of; some things better than others. Rachel sometimes has me make eggs for her."
Amber: "Of course, I cook all my own meals. Call me paranoid if you want to, but I don't like other people messing with my food."
Ryan: "Depends on your definition of cooking. Sure, I can put something on a stove and cook it, but I can't guarantee that you won't end up in the medical center after eating it. The good news is that I'm a better healer than a cook, so you'll be fine afterward."
Tagging: @illarian-rambling, @my-cursed-prince, @wynters-writings, @minutiaewriter, and @sarandipitywrites
Your questions for your OCs are:
What is your favorite/most precious object?
Who are your best friends/closest allies?
Do you have any obsessions?
What's your family like?
Do you look up to anyone in particular?
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amber-jinx · 8 months
If Rachel only ever used Chloe & never loved her then...
Why prepare Chloe a bag full of clothes within the first few days they've met and just kept giving ever since? (Loving means giving)
Why did the exact same 😁 post-it note appear in Rachel's drawer, then subsequently, on Chloe's table?
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(unrelated but notice how Rachel is organised on the surface, but not really in her drawer. Deck9 put great details in)
Why did she send her this post card full of love when she's not in Arcadia?? (Surely someone who's manipulative at her age wouldn't go that far. Sigh why do I even have to clarify)
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Why staunchly tell James "Chloe stays" and hold her hand when it's the most personal thing there is for her (contrast it with her reservations towards Chloe on day 1) & that James have reservations about Chloe??
And these ???
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Why read Chloe's book reccomendation? And hug her when she's dyed her hair blue?
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Look at her eyes lighting up and smiling when she sees Chloe's new hair. Also the hug. Then tell me she doesn't love that girl.
Oh and lying for Chloe after skipping class, telling her she's gonna get in "serious trouble" when Chloe tries to argue, & even after she was told she's gonna be removed from her duty as Well's assistant AND The Tempest play (which she was excited & rehearsed & prepared for a long time), still said "it's okay Chloe, you don't have to do this, really." ???
also Rachel shoving Damon away telling him not to touch Chloe even though she was facing a whole grown-ass drug dealer? And standing slightly in front of Chloe even though she's afraid of the knife pulled out as well?
Even Frank & Max-imagined Jeffersh*t couldn't compare to Chloe.
Rachel "cared about a lot of people.. especially Chloe".
"I was jealous."
"Now I get why she dug her."
"they're f***ing together in heaven right now. Is that what you wanna hear?" (Max's subconscious knows)
I'm pretty sure she'd tell Bowers and Jeffers*n to screw off if Chloe went missing and they stood in the way of finding her.
AmberPrice never was a toxic relationship. They were true teenage lovers discontinued by life.
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missr3n3 · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 8
reunion/found family/friends
fandom: cabin tales TW: aftermath of torture, guilt, implied exes to lovers word count: 551 @augusnippets summary: Rachel needed one more letter of recommendation for her college application: a letter her history teacher, Mr Barnett, was happy to provide in exchange for a favor. For his doctorate in sociology, he planned a modified version of the prisoner's dilemma to truly test humanity's trust in each other, a test which needed volunteers. Rachel's first thought was her ex-boyfriend Jeremy and his group of friends - a well-known, unbreakable clique. She had no idea what she signed them up for.
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No matter how many breathing exercises Amber showed her, how many times the doctor assured her of the boys' continued improvement, or how many reminders the nurses gave about Jeremy specifically asking to see her, Rachel couldn't shake the feeling of walking into an execution.
None of them understand. They weren't the ones who encouraged Mr. Barnett's experiment. I… I did.
One more vain attempt to quell her nerves with a deep breath, then the door squeaked open.
Seeing Jeremy not only awake, but smiling at her, made her guilt even more crushing.
“Rachel!” Jeremy beamed; much as he could with a third of his face bandaged up. “Long time, no see.”
“Not that long, really…” Rachel took step after shameful step until she stood beside the hospital bed.
“Shit, yeah… It's kinda hard to tell how long I've been here.” Jeremy sheepishly shrugged. “I've been out of it on… I don't know, horse tranquilizers or something, for a while. Good news is that I'm better enough for them to have finally lowered the dosage.”
“Yeah…” Rachel croaked. Jeremy's bright expression faltered.
“Um… Is something wrong? Like, besides the obvious.” Through bandages and fading Lichtenberg burns creeping up his neck, a faint redness dusted his cheeks. “I, uh, thought seeing how I've recovered might… I don't know, bring you some peace of mind?”
“I-It helps a little…” Rachel’s eyes shut as she willed her tears not to fall.
“But I… Fuck, Jay, this is all my fault!” Rachel’s voice cracked as the dam burst. “I-if I hadn't agreed to help Barnett with his s-stupid experiment and volunteered you guys-”
“Oh, Rachel…” Jeremy sat up straighter – the most movement his bandages would allow. “It’s not your fault. Not at all.”
“Y-you don't mean that,” Rachel sobbed.
“I do. On God, I really mean it. Hell, you're the only reason I'm still here to discuss this! That's like, the opposite of it being your fault.”
“B-but you wouldn't have needed rescuing i-if I hadn't ignored the red flags, if I told him to get lost, if I got you all out sooner-”
“Rachel…” Jeremy fell silent, shame and guilt smothered Rachel's mind. Through her blurry vision, she noticed Jeremy’s eyes widening. “I'll put it this way: You're not the one who chained us to those chairs, right?”
“N-no, the whole thing was… was already like that by the time I got there,” Rachel weakly admitted.
“And you're not the one who set off the timer.”
“No, but-”
“And you're not the one who…” Jeremy's voice shook as he tried to fight back memories Rachel was all too familiar with. “You're not the one who voted to kill Kevin.”
“Th-that wasn't their fault either!” Rachel blurted. “You guys were all scared, a-and you didn't know what would happen-”
“Sounds familiar, doesn't it?” Rachel couldn't decide if she wanted to groan in frustration at Jeremy's cocky grin, or kiss him to shut him up.
“…Fine, you win.”
“Oh, uh, speaking of that… You wouldn't happen to know who won our last game, would you?”
“It…” For a moment, Rachel couldn't decide how to respond: comfort, or the truth. No, he deserves to know what happened. “No one did. It was cancelled. Because… the four of you didn't show up. You were already…”
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whatsjulietslastname · 7 months
I think James Amber is an interesting and complex morally grey character and although I absolutely don’t excuse his actions, I really want to try and dig deeper into his character just to understand him better, because I genuinely think he had so much potential and that he was greatly written, I just wish we had more content that would explore him as a person a little more.
That being said, I really hope Rose leaves him and finds happiness (and has a good relationship with Rachel) after Chloe tells Rachel the truth, because she deserved better and though she kept silent the whole time about Rachel’s biological mother too I don’t think she was a bad person, or had ill intentions, and I don’t think she deserved to lose Rachel as a daughter either. I also think her relationship with James was incredibly toxic, to be honest.
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timothylawrence · 10 months
10 characters | 10 fandoms | 10 a negotiable number of tags
tagged by the wonderful @babeoffrontiers mwah <3 these aren't in any order except for number one hehe. what can i say except i love girls and wyll ravengard
Sasha (Borderlands): literally my favorite video game character to ever exist. I love her complexity, I love her heart. I love how she plays into the story, her selfishness, her love... and she now canonically has a billionaire ceo pining after her for six years and counting #queen.
Rachel Amber (Life is Strange): sorry for loving tragedy. sorry for loving the dead girl that haunts the narrative. Played the game in high-school and I related to her a lot... she will always mean a lot to me (Daughter also doing the album for before the storm DID NOT HELP!)
Billie Lurk (Dishonored): SAD GIRLS I LOVE YOU.... Sorry i love her relationship with Daud and the Outsider later on... I love betrayal i love messy family drama and I love having a heart that beats too loud.
Wyll Ravengard (Baldur's Gate): love of my life king of my heart... sorry I love those who hold unwavering hope... someone who's been tortured and harmed yet refuses to give up the love he has for the world. He's probably one of my top three male characters ever and I truly adore his character sm.
Claire (Fleabag): sorry i love Claire sm too. she's such a relatable character, I love how she grows and she made me cry so many times. I also love her pencil haircut. it's french. (and its my fav reaction image to like everything).
Alex (Oxenfree): I LOVE YOU TRAPPED IN TIME GIRL!! I love your heart!! I love your humor!! i love your awkwardness. her grief is palpable and ugh. I just love her.
Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horseman): the girl for all girls in their 20s. Quite literally altered my outlook on things and was such a healing character. A lot of her quotes and scenes really stuck with me and although I’m not brave enough to stomach the show for a rewatch her scenes were so pivotal to me…
Vantage (Apex Legends): sorry I play shooters 24/7 but fun to play + SHES so cute. Teenage girl raised on a planet with no civilization and is a funny gal all the same. Love her and i need her to get an heirloom STAT.
Nadine Ross (Uncharted): I LOVE HER SM. I love her passion and i love love love her smarts and skills. she's also so freaking gorgeous and That Moment in uncharted 4 lives in my mind forever and ever. also her and Nadine should kiss a lot.
Haru Okumura (Persona 5): GIRL WHO DESERVED BETTER BY THE GAME.... I will always be upset that she was sidelined but ugh, i love her heart. how she cares for everyone. she's also so fucking funny and has amazing timing on what she says . seriously the best girllll
hehe not tagging to many ppl cus im notorious for 'stealing people to tag (ahem jordan)' butttttt @opossum-on-the-spectrum @dekariosgale @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster and @glasscoffingirlfriend <333
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appalesbian · 7 months
OHH Rachel Amber? Like from lis? I've only know the og and the second part but I never finished 'before the storm'.. should I🤔
(If it's Rachel Amber from something else just ignore the ask haha)
oh buddy. ohhhhhh buddy. Life is Strange took up so much of my brain space for a solid 2-3 years😅 when Before the Storm came out, I was in the TRENCHES. I love it (and the original game) so dearly but are they like, objectively good? That would be a stretch. Especially the last episode of Before the Storm like…. what a train wreck. What a waste of potential.
But yeah, Rachel is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. They did her SO dirty and I’m mad about it to this day. One of these days I'm going to replay the original and Before the Storm and just write a fucking manifesto on how much I love her and how much better she deserved
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