#radiation my beloved
stinkybrowndogs · 7 months
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What is the blue?
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aestheticsicrushon · 1 year
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+ bonus
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intermundia · 1 year
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fellas is it gay to be two parts of the same thing as your partner and to stand back-to-back in combat as a pair of named heroes
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beanghostprincess · 2 months
I need your brain to help pick apart a thought that I had in mind. What would happen if Shuggy was raised with the Whitebeard pirates? Idk what their rules are about carrying around kids in the seas but let's say they don't get docked onto the nearest island (i mean marco is in there too so)
Would Buggy be different? I think a big part of why he's insecure and why he's a "coward" is because he's standing on the shoulders of giants, he's part of the best crews of the seas and yet they expect him to be a monster like everyone else is in that ship, but in reality what if he just wants to go on adventures and get treasures without the need to sacrifice his limb and life for it? I love the Rogers pirates, and would love to believe in my heart of hearts that Buggy is as equally loved as Shanks but man, thinking about their flashback and seeing how Shanks gets the hat, and Shanks is praised by Roger and Crew, I don't think they completely understood the emotional side of how to raise children.
Which leads me to believe that Whitebeard probably knew better than Rogers and Rayleigh in that regard, he's got like so many found family kids and they're all willing to go to bat and die for their dad, and with Whitebeard wanting a family and calling his children his treasure, I think he'd be more sensitive about the feelings of his children. I think Whitebeard would help buggy understand how he differs from Shanks, but that does not make him inferior. He would probably encourage Buggy with all his inventions and bombs and slight of hand tricks.
Would Buggy also feel less alone because he sees other people in the crew who are also Whitebeard's children, and therefore he has brothers? Would he consider them family?
I haven't thought ahead with how much Shanks would change under Whitebeard, but I doubt it would change. Shanks is still star-pupil shanks, but this time instead of the crew praising him like Uncles to a nephew, it's adopted big brothers to a prodigy (also I brainrot buggy more but I think there can't be buggy without shanks and vice-versa, so they are a Do Not Separate pair)
Maybe it's just me desperately wanting buggy to have a father figure who loves him. My heart wants to believe Rogers and Rayleigh was that for him, but the manga chapters really doesn't show much about them giving him that attention, so I naturally drifted to the Dad Pirate of the Series, Whitebeard.
You have a point, actually! I mean, imo, I've always thought (or liked to think) that Roger and Rayleigh loved Shanks and Buggy equally. They just treated them differently because they do have different personalities, after all. As somebody who understands Buggy's POV a lot, I think we shouldn't have to take it as the only, pure reality of all. We basically just have his POV on this situation and of course, for him, Shanks is going to be the favorite and he is going to be treated unfairly. I think most of that perception comes from his inferiority complex toward Shanks. Because yes, he was obviously the star-pupil and did get the hat and it's understandable that Buggy feels inferior. But that is not the whole truth and I don't think everything is Roger and Rayleigh's fault because of their way of raising them. I think that no matter the crew, Buggy would have still felt at least a bit of resentment and jealousy when it comes to Shanks. Shanks is just that type of person.
HOWEVER! You do have a point and it is that the Whitebeard pirates are way more family-focused and they seem to want to get the best of everybody individually. The reason why Whitebeard is so loved by his crew isn't really because of his power but because he gives them a place to belong and grow up. Roger's crew is a family too but as you said, they're giants and of course, Buggy is going to feel like a little bug in comparison if they expect him to be the same and praise Shanks for just existing when Buggy has to actually work to be seen that way.
I think these two being in that crew would've changed their personalities a bit. Buggy being more confident in himself and being raised with positive reinforcement and an environment that is actually a family would've been good for him and his self-esteem. His personality would clash with Shanks' a lot still, but you know, that's just how they are. Also, Shanks I think would be the same except that his need to please/save people would not be that strong since he doesn't have the responsibility of the world on his shoulders and no hat to deal with.
Don't get me wrong, maybe the break up would still happen. It would certainly happen, actually. Of course Roger's death wouldn't be the same for them in this context because originally he is basically their dad, and they don't have a crew to go back to and that fact adds more layers to their fight, but Buggy would still be ambitious and want to go for the One Piece, and Shanks would want to wait. And I think that no matter the context they're both stubborn and emotional and refuse to talk things out. Although maybe being with Whitebeard would help them in that context but, you know, I think Shanks and Buggy are the type of duo that NEED to break up for them to work later on in the story.
This whole AU has a lot of unsolved questions like-- Buggy's fruit and whether they'd like to leave the crew or not etc etc. But. I think the point here is more about their dynamic, right? I think they'd be more emotionally stable after all. Maybe they're more open about their issues too, and Buggy probably wouldn't have the "he made me eat the fruit and lost my map" excuse to hate Shanks. I think the big change here would be Buggy actually being dangerous and using his full potential instead of holding back. That is... Worrying. I love him.
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“Just because she’s independent and single doesn’t mean she’s a lesbian, you’re being stereotypical” shut the fuck up shut the fuck up SHUT THE FUCK UP.
As if every single female character doesn’t already have to be attracted to men and center men in their attraction. And now the second we headcanon a female character who doesn’t have a romantic relationship with men as a lesbian suddenly we’re the bad guys?
Lesbians get no representation ever but oh I get it, female characters are allowed to be strong and independent and not need a guy to be fulfilled and all of that crap you spew in the name of feminism, so long as they’re still attracted to guys that is.
God forbid a female character is actually independent from and fully de-centers men by not being attracted to them at all. God forbid lesbians have an ACTUAL CHARACTER to see themselves in to remind us that we are not “incomplete” for not liking men. But y’all don’t care about that, I already know. It’s not forcing independent girls to be lesbians and it’s not “stereotyping” you guys just see lesbian as a dirty word, and you see us as perverted, gross, forceful, man-haters, or less than women because your identity is wrapped up in liking men and you center them at every turn, straight women will always complain about female characters being lesbians with “why can’t she just be independent” meanwhile y’all exclude us from conversations with your endless jabber about boyfriends and crushes, lol fucking jokes.
The truth is lesbians are the embodiment of what womanhood looks like without the centering of men and that threatens y’all somehow, so the second a female character is seen as a lesbian you come out with the pitchforks screaming “nuh-uh, she’s STRAIGHT!” It’s not the “independence” that is the problem, you’re just mad and offended by female characters not being available to men or depending on them to find love and be happy, that’s the real problem that you pretend is the opposite.
And don’t pretend that you treat canonical lesbians any better either, because when we do get them you erase their sexuality by calling them straight or bi and writing fics about them being shipped with male characters they have no chemistry with(because they’re lesbians), or making them aroace(because if they can’t be into men then you’ll make sure they’re not into women either), you don’t give a shit fuck about independent women and even less of one about lesbians, you just see a woman not being attracted to men as not fulfilling their proper role as women because you still define womanhood as revolving around men even when they are “independent” and thus you need to “punish” them somehow.
So, disrespectfully, fuck off, and don’t come after us lesbians with our headcanons about characters as lesbians with “but but but can’t she be strong and independent without being a lesbian?! Can’t she still be straight!!! I can respect her not getting with a man but I still need her to like guys please!!!” Because you WILL get embarrassed and you WILL get your feelings hurt.
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majickaltophat · 7 months
Purgatory changes you.
It’s a fact the three teams come to terms with on the first day, hackles already raised and nerves tempered for a fight. But the physical changes, the transformations; it goes just beyond scars.
When the gas comes, Red Team is ready. They dance in toxic caves and laugh in filtered cacophonies as the world rots around them.
This place is a message, and they are paying attention.
The air is as sour as fresh rain, molecules sinking into skin. Clothing and mask and flesh, slowly melding into one. They have no faces, not any longer, and their lungs heave with grated words. The team laughs regardless, erects bonfires and effigies and spitting the name of some apathetic god.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive.
They are not as they were before.
The danger is still present.
The danger is to the body.
It can kill.
The Red Team stands, neither victors nor victims, but something else entirely. No one is as they were before.
This place is best shunned and left abandoned.
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There is a pristine wooden chair in the reactor hall of Reactor 4. No one knows when, why, or how it got there.
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This picture was taken in the Central Hall of the fourth unit block, which was almost completely destroyed by the explosion of Reactor 4.
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chiefbeefy · 3 months
“you’re autistic? you must have some cute hyperfixation like hello kitty or frogs!!”
i love radiation
i ESPECIALLY love the SL-1 incident and i can tell you all the few details available to my little neurodivergent brain
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gxlden-angels · 5 months
LMAO I love these two's growth they nailed the Bible Belt Simulator™️
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polycrews · 1 year
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also, a helpful guide
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kiss-the-lawyers · 1 year
Me talking about Phoenix: pathetic little wet dishrag man. Creature with no survival skills. Absolute gremlin who refuses to die. Deserved to be decked in the face Absolutely. Probably deserves more. Fuckgnimg glass eater. Radiates chaotic hobo energy even when he's not one anymore.
Me talking about Apollo: omg hiiii sweet baby ....... I love you so much you are my favorite boy..... I wish you were real so I could hold your hand and tell you you're doing amazing sweetie I love you sm!!!!! Kisses him all over his face.
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greeb-grub · 2 years
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Eddie runs his mouth so much, he was bound to piss Steve off at some point. I’m honestly surprised this didn’t happen in the show, they didn’t interact enough. :/
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hairtusk · 8 months
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vurelly · 1 year
was anyone aware that there’s a fandom wiki for mountain dew
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samarecharm · 3 months
How is that old comic getting notes again 😭
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dixidin · 1 year
I nearly forgot to post this, but two words can sum up my whole experience with the new spider verse movie. I cried
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