#ewings in adults
larjb3 · 5 months
Hello wonderful followers and non-followers who are seeing this post because someone reblogged it!
I absolutely hate doing this, but when I learned that if I take medical leave from my job it will be unpaid, I started a GoFundMe. The reason behind this is because I was recently diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma. But what is Ewing Sarcoma, you may ask? Well, it's a rare type of cancer that affects bones and soft tissue, and typically affects children and adolescents (mean age of onset is 15-years-old). Needless to say, I am neither a child nor an adolescent. I am an adult, and have been an adult for several years now.
So what does that mean? Basically that this specific type of cancer was beyond super unexpected to my care team, and that I will need an aggressive form of chemotherapy to treat it.
Now, for those who know me, I have already had cancer and gone through chemotherapy in 2012, starting a month after I graduated high school. It was a different type of cancer, with a better success rate of remission. However, going through chemo then was absolutely terrible. I constantly felt terrible - both physically and emotionally. I noted the toll it was taking not only on me, but on those around me who cared for me.
Unfortunately, this time it's a more aggressive form of cancer, which means a more aggressive treatment regimen.
I'll be honest with you, I am absolutely scared. I'm scared about going through chemo (and possibly radiation) again. I'm scared about how this is going to affect my cats. I'm scared about how this is going to affect those around me who care for me and love me. I'm scared about probably losing my independence again. I'm scared about the probability of having to take unpaid medical leave. I'm scared about how I'm going to make it through this financially. I'm honestly scared that I won't survive.
So what am I asking of you?
I'm asking that you keep me in your wishes (and prayers, if you're religious). I'm asking for a potential donation to help me maintain financial stability throughout this coming year (but super not needed if you can't/don't want to). I'm asking you to reblog and share this post so it may reach more people. I'm asking you to take me seriously just this once, because I rarely ask others for help due to a need for hyper-independence (which I'm working on).
Essentially, what I'm asking from you is hope.
I know this diagnosis is affecting me, probably more than I do actually realize. I know I'm losing weight because the numbers keep going down and someone actually commented on it today; and I'm not intentionally losing weight. Would I like to in the long run? Sure. Do I want to lose weight due to the stress of having yet another diagnosis? Absolutely not. I'm always cold. I'm always on the verge of tears. It's constantly on my mind, even when I'm meeting with clients (I'm a therapist). I worry about how others are coping with this, and how I can help them potentially cope a little better. I'm so worried.
So, if you are able and willing, once again here is my GoFundMe link. The story of how I got to this point in my diagnosis is on there, and if you want more information you are more than welcome to reach out to me.
Even if you are unable to donate, I still want to thank you. Thank you for reading this post. Thank you for spending whatever time you did on this. Thank you for existing.
And because friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog told me to tag them in this post, they are being tagged and (hopefully) will see this.
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b-o-e · 1 year
the plan
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: you are called dumb by frank lol (he refers to himself as the same GAHSGAH)
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #4 :)
Wally, desperate to get you to pick up on his feelings for you, sits down to try and sort out a plan with his wingmen.
Frank set his hands on the table top, leaning over it. These were important matters!
“We need to brainstorm here,” he said, eyes roaming between the other two seated at the table. “Things Wally can do that our target might actually pick up on,” he stood at his full height, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh!” Eddie exclaimed, raising his arm with a smile.
“You don’t have to raise your hand, Eddie.”
“Right,” the mailman smiled sheepishly, hand finding the back on his neck instead. “We can go with the obvious option and have him write a letter or two?” He pitched. 
“That did work on me…” Frank noted, nodding his head as he tapped his finger to his chin. “What do you think of that, Wally?” 
“I've… tried that,” Wally piped in, his cheeks flushing slightly. He wasn’t very proud of his attempt. 
“Oh. You have?” Eddie quirked a brow, puzzled. “I haven’t seen any letters between the two of you recently. Did you deliver it yourself?” 
“...I got shy,” he admitted bashfully.
“Writing a letter made you shy?”
“When I write, I tend to overthink it... When I speak, my words simply flow,” 
“That… actually makes a lot of sense for you in a way,” Frank commented, brow slightly furrowed. He shook his head, getting his thoughts back on track.
“But, what about the smaller things?” Frank then questioned. “You could try to be a little more physical with them?” 
“Yeah, have you tried a hand on their knee when you're sitting with them? Your shoulders close when you're walking together?” Eddie asked. 
“I do that,” Wally sighed. You guys were at the point of touching nearly every second you spent together. He would rest his leg against yours when you sat next to each other, he would rub your arm when consoling you, he would place a hand on your back when moving by or leading you somewhere, among any other thing he possibly could. He did all that!
“Eye contact obviously isn’t an issue,” Eddie giggled to himself.
Wally agreed with that fact. How could it be an issue? Wally couldn’t help but to gaze into your pretty eyes. He often found himself getting lost in them, losing track of the conversation sometimes as well.
“Treating them to something, perhaps? Maybe a sweet treat from Howdy’s?”
“Every Sunday. We’ve made it routine,” He said. He was fairly certain he could name all of your favourite snacks from there by heart, at this point.
“Hand-holding? Hugs?” 
“Every moment I can find an excuse to.”
“And you already tried a kiss on the cheek..?”
“Yeah…”  Wally deflated, his head resting against the table as nothing came of the interrogation. Was there no hope for him if all these attempts have failed already?
“Huh. They’re just dense, aren't they?” Frank deadpanned.
“Frank!” Eddie scolded.
“What? So were we,” he shrugged.
“Anything I try, they mistake it as me just being friendly,” Wally lifted his head, offering a defeated smile. “Is a friend all I’m meant to be?” He questioned, eyes like those of a kicked down puppy.
“I mean, I don't think so. It’s pretty clear they– ow!”
Frank had stepped on Eddie’s toe under the table, leaving the man pouting.
“It’s pretty clear they think you do these things in a friendly manner, " Frank took over the sentence. 
“How do I make it so that they don’t think of it that way?” Wally asked. 
“Well…” Frank began.
Wally was open to any suggestions at this point. He was done beating around the bush, and ready to face his feelings toward you head on if need be.
Wally had only one question on his mind. How?
hi!!! here is a lil snippet for today B) next is the one I've been most excited for! I hope that you guys enjoyed this lil inside thing for how Wally gets his advice lol.
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
thank you for reading, likes and reblogs are appreciated RAHHH DOPAMINE, and have a great day!!
Posted Sunday, April 30, 2023 at 10:28 AM
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minnesota-fats · 10 months
In the fic I’m writing (not Bird Buddies)
Dick, a 12 year old baby sneaking out of the manor before he knew Bruce was Batman.
Danny, watching the baby: where do you think your going?
Dick: I’m gonna go murder my parents murderer!
Danny: ok, perfect family bonding time. Let’s go!
Dick: wait, really?
Later Bruce catches the two before they even make it down town. (He is just mad that Danny was called Dad before him)
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cherrysmokesaconha · 2 months
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Today you guys get art of my husband comfort character, 2004 Tord!!
I don't normally draw him with his trench coat opened but I thought "why not" lol
STOP SMOKING PUTA GRADIENTE!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1/j
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four-bastard-bustle · 14 days
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as i continue to fight demons and try to get anything done for art school, you guys can have a collection of quick doodles, including a good amount from before the reboot
extra bonus: this thing i doodled for @mxttellion
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vermillioncrown · 15 days
@rozaceous replied to your post “Later TPAC teasers bc i'm busy rn”:
FULL OSTRICH, lmao that he very abruptly recognizes that he's abt to receive The Talk and deploys Jason as a defensive weapon
​the talk from anyone bat-related is not going to be a Normal Talk. he doesn't want any one of these eidetic memory freaks knowing anything of his anything, which is where this talk was likely to head towards
(dick, trying to be the best brother-dad, also shameless, also raised on bat contingencies
"--and i'll send you the encrypted list of discreet shopping sites afterwards. let's move onto the next module on the psychology of kinks, and--"
korvin, "kill me. kill me now")
jason's happy to stir shit and get in people's way, there are no loyalties there
korvin just 🙈🙉 "lalalala not listening lalalalalalala" ostrich mode
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elinamehuwu · 4 months
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alukaforyou · 3 months
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oh em gee the weather is getting warmer can i finally start wearing my spring-y sunglasses????
& on an unrelated note, recently i discovered Thee most delightful little thing, not to get too much into it 👉👈 but its related to one of my fave anime boys💗 and i've been soooo happeeeee like im suuuper glad i didnt kms b4 when i was depresso 🤪 b.c life is sooooo much better now and i cant imagine having missed out on this experience uwu 💕
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larjb3 · 5 days
Welp. Looks like ya gurl is apparently adding radiation to the treatment plan. Yaaaay
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ask-faeddsworld · 9 months
*starts speaking animalise* (translation: would you guys want a peach?)
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bogwitch-art · 1 month
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the more things change, the more they stay the same
khor and his younger self!
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jumpybox · 1 year
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Ok so I might be in the mood to draw peeps with Nikkō(reincarnated!Future!Mikey) and the first two who get hang out are some of the peeps that inspired my fic!
Fracturing Time -@ofdogsandwriting
Not Quite Kintsugi @tervaneula
You Are My Sunshine @jumpybox
Nikkō adores his other Future!me’s and thinks they should hang out with him and his momma Yua, they might get some burnt cupcakes but Nikkō promises they are made with love (his mom tried really hard!)
He also has more cupcakes to whoever wants to join him!
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eli-workshop · 10 months
What do you mean this isn't the backstory we got in book 14
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bandzboy · 2 months
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tweet of the day
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"The feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist being appointed as the day upon which the coronation of the king [Edward V] would take place without fail, all both hoped for and expected a season of prosperity for the kingdom."
-Excerpt from the Croyland Continuator / David Horspool, "Richard III: A Ruler and Reputation"
Even though Edward IV’s death was unexpected, after twelve years of peace there need not have been too much of a sense of foreboding about the succession. The great dynastic wound from which the Wars of the Roses had grown had not so much been healed as cauterized by the extinction of the House of Lancaster. There was no rush for London, as had happened in earlier, disputed successions. The royal party didn’t set out from Ludlow for ten days after hearing the news of Edward IV’s death, while Richard took his time, too. And the new king had [his mother the dowager queen and] two uncles to support him: his mother’s brother, the sophisticated, cultured, highly experienced Earl Rivers; and his father’s, the loyal and reliable Duke of Gloucester, to whom Edward IV had entrusted unprecedented power and vital military command.
... [Richard of Gloucester] had achieved his goal by a mixture of luck and ruthlessness, and if he made it appear, or even believed himself, that destiny played a part, this only made him a man in step with his times. Modern historians have no time for destiny, but sometimes the more ‘structuralist’ interpretations of the events surrounding the usurpation can come close to it. When we read that ‘the chances of preserving an unchallenged succession were . . . weakened by the estrangement of many of the rank-and-file nobility from . . . high politics, which was partly a consequence of the Wars of the Roses and partly of Edward IV’s own policies’, it is hard not to conclude that an unforeseeable turn of events is being recast as a predictable one. But without one overriding factor – the actions of Richard, Duke of Gloucester after he took the decision to make himself King Richard III – none of this could have happened. That is, when the same author concedes ‘Nor can we discount Richard’s own forceful character’, he is pitching it rather low*.
Edward IV had not left behind a factional fault line waiting to be shaken apart. Richard of Gloucester’s decision to usurp was a political earthquake that could not have been forecast on 9 April, when Edward died. After all, Simon Stallworth did not even anticipate it on 21 June, the day before Richard went public. We should be wary of allowing hindsight to give us more clairvoyance than the well-informed contemporary who had no idea ‘what schall happyne’. This is not to argue that Richard’s will alone allowed him to take the Crown. Clearly, the circumstances of a minority, the existence of powerful magnates with access to private forces, and the reasonably recent examples of resorts to violence and deposition of kings, made Richard’s path a more conceivable one. But Richard’s own tactics, his arrest of Rivers, Vaughan and Grey, the rounding up of Hastings and the bishops, relied on surprise. If men as close as these to the workings of high politics at a delicate juncture had no inkling of what might happen, the least historians can do is to reflect that uncertainty [...].
(*The author who Horspool is referencing and disagreeing with is Charles Ross)
#wars of the roses#edward v#richard iii#edward iv#my post#I'm writing a post on this topic but I have no idea when I'll finish it so I figured I should post Horspool's epic analysis#or should I say epic takedown? <3#friendly reminder that Richard's usurpation happened primarily and decidedly because of Richard's own decisions and actions#we need to stop downplaying his singular agency and accountability by casting the blame on others#most of all Elizabeth Woodville and her family but also the bizarre interpretation of historians like Ross and Pollard (et al)#who somehow hold Edward more responsible (through a 'structuralist' view as Horspool says) even though that literally makes no sense#also friendly reminder that actual contemporaries did not view Edward V's minority as a sign of worry and potential discontent#quite the opposite - they expected him to have a prosperous reign. which made sense since Edward IV left his son a far more stable#country than any former minor king (and most other adult kings tbh). The irony is that it was his son's usurper who benefitted from it.#also I added Elizabeth Woodville to the list because Edward V himself specifically said that he trusted the governance of the country#'to the peers of the realm and the queen' as quoted by Mancini (likely relayed to him by John Argentine)#and this is supported by evidence. After Edward's death the Croyland Continuator substitutes Elizabeth's role in the council#for that of the King: 'the counsellors of the king now deceased were present with the queen'#we know Elizabeth presided over all the council's decisions and initiated proposals (the size of her son's military escort) on her own#She was clearly the one with the most authority in the council (who were described as being present with *her* not anyone else)#Hastings made demands but he couldn't enforce them at all (and was in fact worried). It was clearly Elizabeth who had that power.#She was likely going to play a very prominent role during her son's minority and imo it's problematic to assume otherwise#(Lynda Pidgeon assumes otherwise but she's based her assumption on objectively false information so I don't think we should take her#seriously)(see: she claims that EW lacked influence compared to her male relatives in royal councils when EW HERSELF WAS IN ROYAL COUNCILS)#That's not to go too far the other direction and claim EW tried to dominate and tactlessly exclude others - we know she didn't#The impression we get by this first council and by Richard's own actions indicates that she Richard and Anthony would likely#work *together* when it came to governing the realm#I do find it frustrating when people disregard the fact that based on the impression we have she would've had a very visible#and powerful role
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sclangelc · 1 year
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i have unfortunately become obsessed with glee again </3
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