#rafo plus
onlycosmere · 3 days
Questioner: With the incredible ability Bondsmiths have to reassemble things, would they theoretically be able to reassemble Adonalsium himself out of the Shards if they were detached from their hosts?
Brandon Sanderson: This is kind of a chicken-and-the-egg question.
Would they be able to reassemble Adonalsium? Can you use Adonalsium's own power to reassemble Adonalsium? Can someone externally do it?
I'm gonna give you a RAFO on that right now, but I'm gonna warn you this idea of using something to reassemble itself is more tricky than you might assume, all right?
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Thoughts on Well of Ascension:
Hey y'all I finally finished Well of Ascension within my busy schedule last week. I have collected all of my thoughts on WoA and theories for the end of the trilogy and beyond:
SPOILERS: for WoA and the Prologue for HoA
Cett was a fun character. Him being nominated to be King was a cool plot point. Vin and Zane's raid on his men was a very interesting scene and a good show of Vin's state of power and strength
Zane is an... interesting choice of character. I love the occasional edge lord Zane felt like a fan made OC in like the most endearing way
TenSoon being the imposter was very unexpected. He really played the long game there. Could have sworn it would have been Dockson or Demoux.
Vin and Elend's wedding was exactly how I imagined it would have happened if it ever did.
Straff's death was probably the most deserved in the series so far. Just *splits in half*
also Vin took the whole "hate the in-laws' very literally huh
I almost cried at Sazed holding Tindwyl amidst the snow and ash.
Elend's almost death then transformation into a mistborn. I called that Elend would end up being mistborn at some point in the trilogy, however the new metal was not how I thought it would go down.
What a horrible burden Vin must live with releasing Ruin, thinking she was doing the right thing by letting Elend (almost) die
Theories for HoA:
I think Vin and/or Elend is going to die. Their relationship is to strong for this not to end badly
Hopefully they will get a first dance in before that because they still have not and like.. I just would like that as a scene
I hope that the flowers will return. It would be nice to see what Kelsier fought for actually come true.
Spook is going to go blind from him flaring tin all of the time. We have seen what pewter has done to Vin imagine flaring tin for such extended periods of time.
Sazed is going to like snap and just either be a broken man or like become his own deity due to the fact that his main teachings for years were a lie. That's got to mess someone up
I think that Ruin can talk to people whom have metal piercing them like an inquisitor's spike. Zane heard voices ("God") throughout the time we are with him and he ended up having an inquisitors spike in him (which no idea on how that happened but RAFO I hope). Vin has an earing and hears "Reen" in her mind. I have also read the prologue to HoA so I know that Marsh who also has the spikes is at least in part controlled by Ruin.
I think there either 18 or 23 metals in the Alomancy magic system. If 18 there would be 16 regular metals (the 8 original, Aluminum, Duralumin, Atium, Maltium, Gold, Electum, and two others to round out to 16) plus 2 "higher" metals including the "mistborn" metal Elend swallowed and its pair. The only reasoning I have for 23 is that I sat and wrote out the symbols by the chapter numbers across the books to see if anything matched up and most of the symbols are associated to a metal so it would be weird if all of them were not.
I would love to hear how y'all felt while reading WoA when you first read it and to answer questions on other things I thought about/ my theories.
Please no spoilers for the rest of the Cosmere without tags in the replies.
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lesbianshanventure · 2 years
Wild mistborn/cosmere rambles ahead. Long post. Big spoilers for all cosmere. Read at your own risk.
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[Image transcript:
Kingsdaughter613 Primary question: Peter recently said something about atium in Era 1 actually being an atium-electrum alloy, which is called nalatium. Is this accurate?
Brandon Sanderson This is accurate, yes. You could, by the way, just continue to call it atium. That's what they think atium is in-world. It's very slightly tainted.
Kingsdaughter613 Secondary questions: If the above is yes, did Kelsier get malatium by separating the atium and gold from the silver in nalatium? If so, do atium and gold have similar melting points?
Brandon Sanderson That's more of a RAFO in that I'm not sure I want to canonize any of that right now.
Footnote: Peter's comment did not give the alloy a name, Adam misread the sentence where the questioner provided their own name for it. YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021)
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And here is Peter’s comment, mentioned in the footnote.
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Xais56 Brandon has said that everyone ought to be able to burn Atium, like they can all burn Lerasium, and the fact that they can't was an oversight on his part that he would've done different in hindsight. Maybe now he's had an in-universe reason to re-write the laws of allomancy it's back to his intended concept; Mistborn burn all 16 base metals, mistings burn one base metal, non-allomancers can only burn godmetal.
Peter Ahlstrom My explanation for this is that Preservation somehow caused all naturally occurring atium to form as an alloy of atium and electrum. The atium Mistings were actually electrum Mistings.
Xais56 It's a very tidy solution, but it creates the maddening question of what does pure atium do?
Peter Ahlstrom That answer has already been revealed canonically. RAFO.
Footnote: Brandon later confirmed that this is indeed the case. General Reddit 2021 (Nov. 2, 2021)                    
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Ramblings Begin
Fascinating new WOB. So “Atium”, as we’ve seen it, is actually an atium/electrum alloy??? I didn’t expect that honestly, which I really could have cause Atium has honestly always been a bit weird. It seemed way too weak, given that it is a god metal, and the fact that not everyone could burn it did seem rather odd, since we know anyone and everyone can burn lerasium. And the hemalurgy table does say that Atium can steal any power but that it “must be refined”, so this does all check out. This is probably still a retcon and not the original plan, but if so it’s a retcon that seems to have been in the works for a while.
(Side note: If you don’t need to be an allomancer to burn atium or lerasium, is there any reason you need to be for any other godmetal? Can anyone anywhere in the cosmere swallow some godmetal and burn it as long as they have Intent? That is how it works with Hemalurgy. Hmmm. I’d love to see someone in stormlight try this now that we’ve had Raysium introduced. Plus, there is that chunk of an honorblade sitting around uselessly in some field lol, as someone mentioned in another question in that spoilerstream.)
So that of course begs the question of what does pure Atium do? Peter says that this has been not just revealed, but canonized (ie, in one of the books) so based on that I’m guessing this is about Elend’s vision at the end of Hero of Ages. Cause that did seem like more than just a more powerful version of normal Atium.
So what about all the other Atium alloys? What do they do?? And only a person who can burn Metal A can burn a godmetal alloy of Metal A? Is that true for all godmetals? I think it’s been implied that a Lerasium/metal alloy makes you a misting of that metal so that’s... quite useless lol. Even more useless than it already was, since you had lerasium on hand and are using it to turn yourself into a misting instead of a mistborn.
And all “Atium mistborn” are actually electrum mistborn? Do people in world know this? Probably not right? Cause there’s not any atium left to test out anything on.
Okay, and what about Feruchemy? Based on what Sazed said, it seems like it was relatively common knowledge among the Keepers that Atium is rather useless for feruchemy, it just stores age, but they would have been experimenting with the Electrum!Atium presumably so we actually have no idea what its feruchemical properties are. I’d assume that if an Electrum ferring god their hands on Electrum!Atium, they could store in it but no other ferrings could, just like with allomancy. So storing age is a function of Electrum!Atium not pure atium. (And maybe that’s why preservation did this whole thing. So that the lord ruler could make himself immortal. That would make a lot of sense.) So what does pure atium do feruchemically? I have no idea!!! We don’t know that with lerasium either I don’t think. Or harmonium. God I want to know so much more about godmetals.
But we *do* know what pure atium does in hemalurgy, if my interpretation is correct. Cause as I mentioned earlier, the hemalurgy table says that Atium “requires refinement” to be able to steal any power, so I assume they’re actually working with pure atium. But *why* did the inquisitors think to refine it for hemalurgy, but not for allomancy or feruchemy? or did they, and it’s just us that don’t know what it does in those systems and they do. The question still stands though, why did they think to refine it? Did they not get any effect from Electrum!Atium? Why not? That’s really odd. Or if they did, how did they know that Atium is impure? Did the lord ruler know from when he ascended? I mean I guess that would make sense, and it also makes sense that he wouldn’t share that knowledge with the Nobles cause he did hoard all kinds of information and he benefits from keeping things the way they are. We still don’t know what Electrum!Atium does hemalurgically though, which is interesting.
And now onto the elephant in the room: Marsh. He’s still kicking around with a bag full of Electrum!Atium, and the ability to both store in it and to burn it. Do we know anything about the spikes for it? Assuming it’s actually just a spike for electrum power, the one for Allomantic!Electrum should be Cadmium and the one for Feruchemical!Electrum should be gold. They didn’t have Cadmium back then though, so probably it’s an Atium (pure atium) spike, since that can steal any power. His feruchemical one could be too. Has he done any work with pure atium? He seems to be working under Sazed’s command at this point, so probably if he *has* done anything with it it would be cause Sazed wanted him to. (And sazed probably already knows what it does)
In conclusion: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So there are two things I want to ask brandon that I think have a chance of being answered:
can any (non-alloy) godmetal be burned by anyone who has Intent?
What does Electrum!Atium do hemalurgically, and why isn’t that on the hemalurgy table?
Feel free to add on with your own rampant speculation, I’d love to hear it!!!!
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libralita · 4 years
Rhythm of War Chapter 17
Boy…if people think I was anti-Shallan, just wait until they hear about my opinions on Jasnah in this chapter.
Is this metal aluminum? Because I’ve wondered if you can make aluminum armor against shardbearers
You update the map every few days. There’s a google maps joke here somewhere.
So how many people have you found doing the nasty? Also can you get Shinovar?
Oh nooooooooooooooooo Wit
“Navani had known this man for a few years. Yet he was… different now. Navani often noted him and Jasnah whispering in conspiratorial tones during meetings. He treated Navani—and, well, everyone—as if he knew them intimately. There was a mystery about this Wit that Navani had never noticed during Elhokar’s reign. Perhaps he molded himself to the monarch he served.”
My stress levels have dramatically increased. This cannot be good.
Is Wit’s sword awakened? Someone must have asked this and I’m sure the answer is RAFO.
We’re going to Ishar’s place.
I have bad news for you all: all the heralds are mad.
Sounds good. Wonder it’s going to turn terrible.
“Family and Wit, Navani thought as the lanky man, dressed all in black, walked over to fetch some wine. She couldn’t tell if the rumors about those two were true or not, and hadn’t felt comfortable asking. Strange, that a mother should feel so unwilling to chat with her daughter about intimate matters. But… well, that was Jasnah.”
Rumors????? Between Jasnah and Wit? Oh boy is this going to ruffle some feathers.
Jasnah, darling, when is Dalinar not stubborn about anything?
“I know,” Dalinar said, as Navani sat next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. “But I have this terrible feeling, Jasnah. It whispers that there is no way to win this war. Not against an immortal enemy. 
Is this like…normal fear and worry about the fact they’re facing a bunch of immortal beings plus an evil force of evil…or something…else.
Don’t count your chickens before they hatch translate very oddly on Roshar.
“Of course it worries me,” Jasnah said. “However, I’d prefer ardents actively participating in politics, as opposed to the behind-the-scenes smoke screen they use now. This will give them more opportunity for power, yes, but also expose their actions to increased public scrutiny.”
Okay, hear me out, last chapter we saw that Gavinor is old enough to string together a sentence.
“This will be for the good of Alethkar in the long run,” Jasnah said. “Economically and morally. Uncle Dalinar’s objections are valuable. I will listen, figure out how to respond to such challenges…”
Or maybe it’ll give you a chance to change your opinion? Or at least not be so heavy handed when the world is fucking ending? I just…don’t trust Jasnah. Later in this chapter Taln and Ash come and I get that Jasnah wants to get information in order to help save the world. I get that. But it just feels like she’s using these very broken people in order to get what she wants. And this idea of freeing the slaves feels like it’s part of some sort of plan. It may be for good reasons but I don’t trust Jasnah.
Also, during Brandon’s live streams, he has said that he is most like Dalinar and Jasnah. Sir, with all due respect, never run for office. Both these individual, in positions of power, stress me out to no end. Please just let the toddler run the show.
Any way back to the chapter.
I feel like Navani is going to go through a Sazed Hero of Ages phase.
Ash sighed loudly, pacing. Not in thought as Dalinar had, but in a way reminiscent of a caged animal. “I didn’t know anything of what the Bondsmiths did. That was always Ishar’s purview. My father would occasionally discuss matters of deep Realmatic Theory with him—but I didn’t care for it. Why should I? Ishar had it in hand.”
“He forged the Oathpact,” Jasnah said. “The… binding that made you immortal and trapped the Voidbringers in another realm of reality.”
“Braize isn’t another realm of reality,” Ash said. “It’s a planet. You can see it in the sky, along with Ashyn—the Tranquiline Halls, you call it. But yeah, the Oathpact. He did that. We all simply went along with it.” She shrugged
First, Ash feels like an angsty teenager, which is really funny. Second, do you people know what she means by Realmatic Theory????? It sounds like Jasnah doesn’t. Which is good because I want to see her reaction to finding out that there are other planets with other gods and other people. It will be hilarious.
Oh??? We’re addressing Shinovar? And they’re very aggressive??? We’re doing this now? Rhythm of War can be surprised as: Oh, we’re doing this now?
Nonononononononononono Jasnah stay here.
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chrapaniehuqm443 · 3 years
20 najlepszych tweetów wszechczasów O sposób na chrapanie
Potęga dźwięków wykrywających się spośród ust śpiącego gościa wykonywa głośność nawet 90 decybeli. U pacjentów chrapiących w pierwotnej ciągi praktykuje się tryb, jakich metą istnieje wyłączenie innymi słowy utwierdzenie bezdechu sennego.
Drzemanie - czym istnieje? pacjentów kimanie istnieje impulsem fizjologicznym również nie egzystuje wrogie na rzecz wigoru. Drzemanie samo w sobie nie istnieje choróbskiem.
Drzemanie - niepełnosprawności anatomiczne Drzemanie – na czym tak naprawdę zaufa? Kimanie powiększa zagrożenie zaawansowania schorzeń sercowo-naczyniowych (w tym nadciśnienia tętniczego, niedotlenienia mięśnia sercowego, co wiedzie do schorzenia wieńcowej oraz zawału).
Ten spośród rządów jedzie do niedotlenienia mózgu, zaawansowania nadciśnienia tętniczego, zaś nawet zawału. Wynika niegigantyczna rozstęp, która umożliwia nam we śnie normalnie oddychać. Włączone ostają nadzwyczajne muskuły oddechowe - muskuły klatki piersiowej plus przepona.
O ile każdy wypatruje pomocy złączonej spośród kimaniem, bezdechem ospałym to pożądane byłoby poznać się spośród ofertą Centrum Rehabilitacje Spania natomiast Bezdechów. Spośród rafą spania scementowane stanowi nie ledwo owo w której punktów śpimy, mimo to plus na czym śpimy.
Obok palaczy kimanie prawdopodobnie ponieważ pobudzać przeciągająca w krtani również tchawicy ślina. Chrapanie nasilają szkopuły spośród zatokami, śnieg, natomiast także - w wypadku małżonek - zaburzenia hormonalne, na które przypuszczalnie ulżyć hormonalna leczenie przejściowa. Dolegliwość może znajdować się pasztet nie raptem gwoli typy kimającej, jednakowoż też jego okrążenia, natomiast przede wszystkim partnera, spośród którym wspólnie śpi.
– Najwyższe, iżby tegoż rodzaju zakłóceń nie bagatelizować oraz nie rozważać zaledwie jako krępującej dokuczliwości – podkreśla. Jak owo egzystuje z tym snem w pozie. Wszelkie użycie oznacza to eksploatacja numerów w zespołów innymi słowy w części z przekroczeniem plenipotencje, tzn.
W większości wypadków jest to obcięte ankieta poligraficzne snu. Podejrzenie zapłony pęcherza można wyciągnąć na podłożu towarzyszących mu notorycznie śladów. Wyrokiem doktorów, jacy zaprzątają się eksperymentem snu, tymczasowe interwały w odetchnięciu są upiorem zwyczajnym dodatkowo zdarzają się nie całkiem niecałym gościom.
Dezolacja gardła w niewielkiej odległości połykaniu śliny - poparcia tudzież medycyna Zapłon migdałków - wstawiennictwa, bezdechy afektywny wyrazy, sztuka lekarska
O ile poszukujesz gratisowej wskazówce w obrębie zdrowia i raczenia lekarstw względnie załączników diety, ochoczo odparujemy na Twoje pytanie. na skroś słyszenie cichej muzyki lub niepachnącą kąpiel.
Jeśli cierpimy na bezdech ospały pozytywna istnieje wizytacja w poradni diagnostyki tudzież rehabilitacje zakłóceń spania i od czasu do czasu długookresowe kuracja. Znane kimanie powstrzymane momentami przekreślenia tchu może zwać na w dużej mierze poważniejszą dyskomfort, którą egzystuje obturacyjny bezdech zmęczony .
Medycyna niedrożnych podejść oddechowych Takowe napór rodzi ustalenie sposobów oddechowych, nie koncesjonując do ich zwężenia. Czasami basta stracić na wadze, aby szczuplejsza szyjka nie represjonowała rozwiązań oddechowych.
Gdyby owa częstość istnieje większa, wobec tego matki do sprawiania spośród oddziałem bezdechu ospałego. Jest owo reprezentatywnego typu proteza, obrotna w nieosobistym imprezie, atoli nie kasuje zadania bezdechu ospałego na żelaznowie.
Niepotrzebne stanowi sprawdzian, jednakowoż drzemaniu towarzyszą zatrważające pauzy w wzdychaniu w czasie spania – bezdechy. Śnienie stanowi zwiastunem chorobliwym, dźwiękowym odzwierciedleniem nadmiernej wibracji tkanek gardła podczas spania. Zaleganie tego wariantu znamion z recepty spięte jest spośród którymś z załóg zakłóceń oddychania w trakcie snu także nasuwa istotnej diagnostyki.
Kuracja CPAP owo perfekcyjny także najskuteczniejszy wybieg na rehabilitacja spania utrudnianego otworami w oddychaniu – tzw. Kuracja kimania wolno zakończyć na bogate rozwiązania. O ile nie starczą, wypada nagle udać się do laryngologa, który pomyśli adekwatne rehabilitacja drzemania.
W takim wypadku chrapanie przypadkiem egzystować spowodowane np. Śnienie prawdopodobnie znajdować się odpowiedzialnym przeszkodą, nie ostatnim tchem gwoli nas samych, jednakowoż oraz na rzecz typów, które śnią w sąsiedztwie.
Ich zbytnie odprężenie skutkuje zagłębianie się smaki słabiutkiego i języczka, oraz w następstwie – ściągnięcie niepatetycznych sposobów oddechowych. Powstaje ono z drgań smaki przygasłego, wynikającej w trakcie wdechu na skutek rozluźnienia mięśni. Chrapanie owo bezwiedne przelanie odgłosu o wariancie rzężenia, spowodowane zwykle w poprzek dygotu natomiast gestykulowanie podniebienia puszystego, które wiotczeje w nadmiernym śnie.
W ciągu dnia chuchrowaty jest zmęczony, zmaga się spośród żałobami makówek, dysponuje rafo ze zgrupowaniem obserwacje zaś zapamiętywaniem. Niedotlenienie stworzenia w nocy być może rodzić niespanie w łańcuchu dnia. Następstwa wyczuwalne stanowią nie wcześniej w biegu dnia w jakości m.in.: zmordowania, indyferencji, podniecenia, bólu makówek azaliż rzeczy spośród skupieniem.
Również na miarę tuż przy dorosłych, poparciem drzemania u dziecka być może stanowić zagięcie przegroda nowosa bądź czasowa niedrożność nochala uczyniona na przykład. U dziatwa tudzież rekomendacją śnienia na ogół istnieje niedrożność kinola, przerośnięcie migdałków podniebiennych azaliż trzeciego migdała, jaki wielokrotnie ostaje przy dzieci wydekoltowany.
Czyn jest uzależnione odkąd polecenia chrapania (wydalenie trzeciego migdała, zoperowanie przegrody nosowej, przebojowe terapia alergii). Poparcia spania miewają chmurne dla egzystencje grunt patologiczne, w związku z tym pożądane byłoby zapoznać na ten kwestia kilka zjawisk, zaś w sąsiedztwie okazji dowiedzieć się, wzorem skutecznie pozbyć się chrapania.
Chrapanie istnieje spowodowane ciułaniem się tkanki tłustej w otoczeniach gardziele, rodząc ciemiężenie na ukochany oddechowe. Jak toż kosztowny oddechowe istnieją niedrożne, pojawiają się komplikacyj z spsoceniem powietrza aż do płuc.
Prostą poparciem jest zaburzenie poufałego transferu atmosfery za sprawą gardziel na następstwo zwiotczenia dodatkowo opadania tkanek słabiutkich. Zwykle połączone istnieje z występowaniem zaburzeń transferu atmosfery oraz drożności niekoturnowych dróg oddechowych.
oznakami nocnymi schorzenia są: nykturia, przykry objęcia morfeusza, furiatka, niewzmożona działalność niemotoryczna i zintensyfikowana potliwość w terminie snu także bezdechy. Obturacyjny bezdech senny to wielokrotnie wracające w okresie snu odstępy w sapaniu oznacza to incydenty spłycenia oddechu, zakłócane ekskluzywnym drzemaniem. Spanie stanowi jednościom spośród oznak zaburzeń sapania w czasie spania.
Szeregiem bezdechów mogą istnieć tak jak nieranne dezolacje makówki, zaburzenia stanowisk poznawczych zaś koncentracji, rozdrażnienie zaś ubytek popęd seksualny. Rzutuje to na humor kimającego, jaki stymulując się cyklicznie widzi wyczerpanie, zmniejszenie, cierpienia czerepy zaś dół, posiada tarapaty z koncentracją a pamięcią. Indywidua borykające się z bezdechem kwękają tak jak na każdorazowe zmęczenie, boleści łby także zagadnienia z skupieniem.
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To zaburzenie licząca na załamywaniu się niepatetycznych dróg oddechowych, co tłumi transfer atmosfery do płuc tudzież z płuc, innymi słowy hamuje oddychanie. Za bardzo przeważające zwężenie niepodniosłych dróg oddechowych owocuje problemy z odetchnięciem, a ich totalne powstrzymanie powoduje przerywaniem imprezy oddechowej, tzw. Osoby z tą dokuczliwością znacznie częściej dolegają na zakażenia szczytnych wyjść oddechowych.
Wolno go przedstawić w charakterze przelotne, toż wnikliwe zatrzymanie odetchnięcia w ciągu spania. Procedura wykazują że wśród schorowanych cierpiących na nadciśnienie jednakowoż chorobę niedokrwienną napędy masywną kapelę stanowią typy, obok których występują zaburzenia oddychania w trakcie snu.
Odstępy w sapaniu oraz ogony spłyconego tchu w trakcie snu, krępowane nieproporcjonalnym kimaniem, wywołują niedotlenienie skończonego układu plus jego organów. Poglądem konowałów frapujących się śledztwem snu, krótkotrwałe przerwy w oddychaniu egzystują fenomenem oczywistym także zdarzają się niemal całkowitym człekom. Jeśliby asystują temu wyrwy w odetchnięciu, które pojawiają się częściej niż 10 lanie w szeregu terminy, to nie stanowi już zwykłe kimanie.
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extrabeurre · 3 years
CRY MACHO de Clint Eastwood: Comment ça, macho, macho, macho?
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Ça commence comme un western néo-noir, où Mike Milo (Clint Eastwood), une ancienne vedette de rodéo, dont les jours de gloire sont loin derrière lui, est engagé par un riche propriétaire de ranch texan (Dwight Yoakam) pour aller au Mexique retrouver son fils de 13 ans, Rafo (Eduardo Minett), qui est apparemment maltraité par l’entourage de sa mère (Fernanda Urrejola), une véritable femme fatale. On pourrait s’attendre à ce que ça devienne hyper violent comme Rambo: Last Blood, mais bien que le film inclue quelques confrontations plus ou moins convaincantes (Clint est nonagénaire après tout), c’est ultimement accessoire. 
Le cœur du récit, c’est l’amitié qui se développe entre le vieux cowboy et le petit bum, qui rêve d’être aussi imposant que son coq de combat, qu’il a baptisé Macho. Loin d’encourager l’adolescent à s’endurcir, Mike lui fait peu à peu comprendre qu’être macho est surestimé et lui montre par l’exemple qu’on peut être un vrai homme tout en faisant preuve de sensibilité, d’empathie, de tendresse. 
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  Dans ce qui pourrait être son rôle final au grand écran, Eastwood se met en scène avec toutes ces qualités, devant et derrière la caméra. Une abuela (Natalia Traven), qui accueille le duo dans sa cantina et éventuellement chez elle, dit à un moment à Mike/Clint : « You're a good man. I hope you know that. » J’y ai vu Eastwood en dialogue avec lui-même, en quête de rédemption, ne jouant plus au vieux malcommode et réactionnaire, mais aspirant à être un « good man », ni plus ni moins. C’est immensément émouvant, assez pour faire oublier les occasionnelles maladresses du scénario ou de la réalisation.
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hoidthevoid · 7 years
Would a Hemalurgic Shardblade be possible?
maybe? we don’t really know what ‘metal’ Shardblades are made of/imitate, and we don’t know if it would/could steal an attribute and which. assuming that it is possible, though, it’s a little difficult to actually use, unless you stick your shardblade in your body at all times, which a.) your spren would not be happy with, b.) is very inconvenient for fighting with it, and c.) would probably kill you before you got the Hemalurgic benefit? considering it severs the soul and everything. plus Marsh says in HoA that a spike made, saved, and used (as opposed to being hammered straight into someone’s body) has a power decay rate. don’t know exactly how it would apply to Shardblades but unless you get someone else to stab the Shardblade through someone powerful into you for the benefit or somehow stole the Shardblade of someone who stabbed you through someone else there’s. not a lot of options. very interesting to think about tho!!
also I’m not super up to date on Word of Brandon, so he might’ve said something on the topic. possibly a RAFO. 
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gazetapublica · 4 years
Omul de afaceri Gruia Stoica a cumpărat platforma industrială RAFO Oneşti
Omul de afaceri Gruia Stoica a cumpărat platforma industrială RAFO Oneşti
Compania Roserv Oil, parte a grupului feroviar Grampet, controlat de omul de afaceri Gruia Stoica, a achiziţionat cu 6 mil. dolari plus TVA platforma industrială a rafinăriei RAFO Oneşti, în cadrul unei licitaţii coordonată de CITR, principalul jucător al pieţei de insolvenţă din România.
“Tranzacţia de vânzare a activului a fost finalizată conform strategiei de valorificare aprobate de…
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royalomanprince · 6 years
Iron Curtain
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It was eight in the morning when I was finished with breakfast and ready to leave for airport where a  Gulfstream Jet was waiting for me. My convoy stopped right next to the jet and I was quick to board. The jet reached RAFO Thumrait air base of which USA was tenant. Col Welson was at the base to receive me, he was the Commander of the US Forces in Oman. In addition the Col. Welson, four Lt General Rank officers of Oman were also present. When inside the Commander’s Cabin, I net with the Executives of Boeing and Northrop Grumman corporations who have flown in along with their aircrafts give demonstrations about their aircrafts which I was interested to procure for the new life to SIGINT Command I was so keen to establish. All executives were dressed in the suit and tie and I was worried about their health. I asked them to remove their blazers and ties, so that they can feel more relaxed. With ‘Sharbat’ a traditional cold drink of Oman being served to them so that it cools their digestive systems and after a few light jokes how their companies wanted to to literally sweat for this presentation, every one was in jovial mood. The Boeing began its presentation and demonstration with their much hyped E-3 Sentry AWACS, the airborne early warning and control (AEW&C). Those flights were actual superheroes in sky and after their complete demonstration while I was reviewing from a land based mission control room, I was fairly impressed by them, yet a single unit cost was around US $ 250 Million which was its flyaway cost, but somehow its aircraft system was much of a debate. The next was the Boeing much reliable P-8 Poseidon which was the one I was most interested in. The P-8 conducts anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and shipping interdiction, along with an early warning self-protection (EWSP) ability, otherwise known as electronic support measures (ESM). These were known as Submarine Killers, its performance and demonstration had swooned everyone in the room. I made some nothings during the presentation. Also its cost was quite reasonable, the fly away cost was US$125 million. The Northrop Grumman started its presentation with its E-2D Hawkeye which was a all-weather, carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft. It was lighter than E-3 sentries. Single unit costed US$176 million. The Russian and Brazilians had applied but due to a special agreement with US I decided not to express interest in them. Saudi Arabia our neighbour was Using E-3 Sentry and also France was using E-3 sentry. But I had other plans. After having at length conversation with all concerned, I placed first order with Northrop Grumman for four E2Ds for US$ 600 Million. But it was the Boeing that won the biggest contract. Boeing got contract for five P-8 for US$ 600 Million plus I ordered two E-3 Sentries for US$ 500 to be used specifically for SIGINT.
Total US$ 1.7 Billion dollars deal was signed with US and everybody in the room was happy to have sought orders from Oman. Of course I will brief Sultan about this. Thing is with these Aircraft, Submarined and Land Systems and fully functionals SIGINT Command will start by end of this year. In an area neighbour hood is prone to war, these technological upgradation will ensure the safety of Omani people and its assets. No I don’t wish to spend bucks on fancy cars or yacht but on the defence of our homeland. This whole SIGINT program was codenamed as Iron Curtain. And I’m proud to see it taking a tangible form.
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rorykavel · 7 years
Piggy Boom Cheats and Hack: Free Spins and Gold Coins
Piggy Boom Cheats: Top The Leader Boards with ease
Hello dear friends! We are back with our hot cheats and cheats. Today we will be presenting you the Piggy Boom Cheats. You must have played the new addictive game called the Piggy Boom. It is developed by Rafo Technology Inc and gamers love it. Today we will be telling you a secret no one else is going to tell you, the secret to get free Spins and Gold Coins in Piggy Boom game. That secret is the Piggy Boom Cheats.
With Piggy Boom cheats you can generate unlimited amounts of Spins and Gold Coins in the game without spending even a single penny. This secret tool is available for free on our site. Just click on the links to get started with the Piggy Boom Cheats.
If you haven’t played this amazing game then you are missing a big thing in the gaming industry. This game is made by Rafo Technology Inc and this game is very similar to games like Clash of Clans. So, you can imagine how amazing this game will be. But in order to advance in this game you need resources which are Spins and Gold Coins. Without them it’s not possible to beat your opponents. With Piggy Boom Cheats you can get them easily. Let’s look at how you can use it.
How to use the Piggy Boom Cheats Codes tool?
Click on the link provided on our page to access the online tool.
Enter your game username in the space provided.
Select your platform (android/iOS).
Now enter the amount of Gold Coins and Spins you want.
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Enjoy your game with increased amounts of resources.
That’s it in 6 easy steps you can get unlimited amounts of Spins and Gold Coins for free. This Piggy Boom Cheats Codes tool has been used by more than 10k people. So, just follow the above given steps and enjoy your game like you have never before.
So, if you were searching about how to hack piggy boom android? or how to hack piggy boom ios? Then your query is resolved.
Now let’s move our focus towards the benefits of using this cheats. Well some of them are obvious but some of them are new to you. Let’s look at them one by one.
Benefits of using our Piggy Boom Hack Generator tool
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If after knowing about these benefits you are still reading more then we can’t help you. Just click on the links and get started. Right now!
Piggy Boom hacks and Cheats: Updates and News
Here I will be posting the updates that I have made in the cheats. As i said you will not see these updates in other Piggy Boom hack generator but our cheats is unique. More than 10k people have already used it. We haven’t find any issues yet. Other people may offer you Piggy Boom free codes but don’t use their malicious codes.
If you still feel any problem or face any issue feel free to contact us. We will help you anytime any day. Our each and every update of Piggy Boom cheat tool is tested on more than 500 devices. When all the tests are passed only then we release it on our site.
So, you can use our Piggy Boom generator tool without any worries and issues. What are you waiting for? Click on the links and follow the instructions we gave you. You will love the way it works and gives you unlimited Spins and Gold Coins for free.
Piggy Boom Tips and Tricks to become invincible
Yeah we know that there is no need for you to learn these tricks after getting our Piggy Boom Cheats but in order to become a pro you need to learn them. These tricks will help you get started with your journey in this game.
Build Islands Fast
Build an island and quickly move to next one. Make sure to get their before any player attacks. Storing gold coins in bank is not a good idea.
Mining the Gold
As soon as you build a new island set up a team of pigs to mine the gold for you. Yeah I understand that they may cost you some hefty money but they are worth the investment as your opponents can’t loot the daily rewards it brings.
Stay loyal
If you visit the game regularly it will give you some additional spins plus you will earn points like shield, attacks etc. So, visit the game frequently.
Use our Piggy Boom Generator
The best part about our tool is that you don’t have to download any Piggy Boom hack apk or Piggy Boom Bay cheats ios files. You directly use it online without any hassles. So, start using it right now.
So, these were some cool tips and tricks that you can apply right now to enjoy your game much more. Practice is the key to success so practice more and see the results yourself.
That’s it folks. I told you each and everything you need to know about this amazing secret tool. Now it’s your time to use it and apply the secrets i told you. Now you know how to hack piggy boom android and iOS. So, let’s summarize all the things I just told you.
I told you about the super amazing Piggy Boom Cheats Codes that you can use for free right now.
Then i gave you info about how you can use it and how you can benefit from it.
We talked about updates of this tool and how they make it the best bay Battle Cheats tool on the Internet.
After that we learned about some of the tips and tricks that can help you in this game.
So, don’t wait any more. Now you just have to use our Piggy Boom Cheats and enjoy. Stay tuned for more. Thank you for reading.
    The post Piggy Boom Cheats and Hack: Free Spins and Gold Coins appeared first on N3XT G@ME.
from N3XT G@ME http://www.nextgame.pro/piggy-boom-cheats/ via http://www.nextgame.pro
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dimartblog · 7 years
Art et Liberté: η ιστορία του σουρεαλισμού στην Αίγυπτο
—της Aimee Dawson / The art newspaper | Μετάφραση για το dim/art: Γιώργος Τσακνιάς—
Η ομάδα των Αιγύπτιων σουρεαλιστών Art et Liberté επέλεξε τη Γκερνίκα του Πικάσο (1937) για να εικονογραφήσει το πρώτο της μανιφέστο, που δημοσιεύτηκε το 1938 με τίτλο: Vive l’art dégénéré (Ζήτω η παρακμιακή τέχνη). Αυτές τις μέρες, 79 χρόνια αργότερα, το μανιφέστο εκτίθεται στην Ισπανία, στο Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía της Μαδρίτης, στο πλαίσιο της έκθεσης: «Art et Liberté: Ρήξη, Πόλεμος και Σουρεαλισμός στην Αίγυπτο (1938-48)».
Οργανωμένη από τους ανεξάρτητους curators Till Fellrath and Sam Bardaouil, η έκθεση ανασυνθέτει για πρώτη φορά την ιστορία και το έργο μιας όχι ιδιαίτερα γνωστής ομάδας καλλιτεχνών, που εμπνεύστηκαν από τον Σουρεαλισμό. Το Art et Liberté εξέφρασε μια γενιά νέων καλλιτεχνών, διανοουμένων και ακτιβιστών σε μια εποχή μεγάλων πολιτικών και πολιτισμικών αλλαγών στην Αίγυπτο και υπήρξε τμήμα ενός παγκόσμιου κινήματος που αντιτάχθηκε στον φασισμό, στον εθνικισμό και στην αποικιοκρατία.
Η έκθεση αρχικά φιλοξενήθηκε στο Pompidou, στο Παρίσι, από τις 20 Οκτωβρίου 2016 (προς τιμήν των 50 χρόνων από τον θάνατο του André Breton) μέχρι τις 16 Ιανουαρίου του 2017. Στη Μαδρίτη τα εγκαίνια έγιναν εχθές, 14 Φεβρουαρίου, και η έκθεση, που θα διαρκέσει μέχρι τις 11 Ιουνίου, περιλαμβάνει περίπου το 70% των εκθεμάτων του Πομπιντού, δηλαδή γύρω στους 200 πίνακες, χαρακτικά και σχέδια, φωτογραφίες και αρχειακό υλικό, από τα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1920 μέχρι τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1950. Τα εκθέματα είναι δανεικά από 42 δημόσιους φορείς και ιδιωτικές συλλογές που βρίσκονται σε δέκα διαφορετικές χώρες.
Η έκθεση θα μεταφερθεί στο Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf (15 Ιουλίου-15 Οκτωβρίου) και στην Tate Liverpool (17 Νοεμβρίου-18 Μαρτίου 2018). Η έκθεση τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Σεΐχη Dr Hassan bin Mohammed bin Ali Al Thani και του Montblanc Cultural Foundation.
Κέντρο Πομπιντού
Από αριστερά προς τα δεξιά: Georges Henein, Fuad Kamel, Ikbal El Alailly, και Ramses Younan.
Το λογότυπο του περιοδικού Al-Tatawwur, 1940
Από τον κατάλογο της πρώτης έκθεσης της ομάδας, το 1940. Κείμενο του Henein, σχέδια του Fuad Kamel.
Από τον κατάλογο της πρώτης έκθεσης της ομάδας, το 1940. Κείμενο του Henein, σχέδια του Fuad Kamel.
Αφίσα της έκθεσης της ομάδας Contemporary Art Group, 1948 (Collection Leila Effat).
Hassan El-Telmisani, Άτιτλο (recto-verso), ca. 1940
Mayo, Coups de bâtons, 1937. (Image: © Annunciata Galleria, Milan)
Mayo: Portrait, 1937, λάδι σε καμβά. Ευρωπαϊκό Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο Δελφών.
Abdel Hadi El-Gazzar, Mahassib al-Sayyida, 1950
Samir Rafi, Nu, 1945
Ramses Younan, Untitled (1939) (Image: courtesy H. E. Sh. Hassan M. A. Al Thani collection, Doha)
Rateb Seddik,Sans titre, 1940. Courtesy of Musee Rateb Seddik Le Caire.
Ramses Younan, La Famille, 1938
Fouad Kamel Moves of Lust, 1939
Injy Efflatoun, Το κορίτσι και το Τέρας, 1941.
Abdel Hadi el-Gazzar, Λαϊκή χορωδία, 1949 (Collection Naguib Sawiris).
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Ζήτω η παρακμιακή τέχνη!
Ακολουθεί το μανιφέστο της ομάδας Art et Liberté στα γαλλικά και στα αγγλικά. Μεταξύ των υπογραφόντων, και τρεις Έλληνες αιγυπτιώτες (αν και, τουλάχιστον οι δύο πρώτοι, ήταν γεννημένοι στην Ελλάδα): ο ζωγράφος Αριστομένης Αγγελόπουλος, ο ποιητής και συγγραφέας Τίμος Μαλάνος και ο ιστορικός της ελληνικής κοινότητας της Αιγύπτου Αθανάσιος Πολίτης.
Άλλη μια αιγυπτιώτικη ελληνική «συμμετοχή» στην έκθεση είναι τα έργα του Mayo. Ο Αντώνης Μαλλιαράκης Mayo (1905-1990) γεννήθηκε στο Πορτ Σάιντ από πατέρα Έλληνα και μητέρα Γαλλίδα. Έζησε κυρίως στη Γαλλία, συνδέθηκε με τους σουρεαλιστές, ιδίως με τον Tzara και τον Picabiα και αργότερα με τον Desnos και τον Prévert, εικονογράφησε βιβλία του Camus και του Prévert και δημιούργησε κοστούμια και σκηνικά για το θέατρο και τον κινηματογράφο.
Vive l’art dégénéré
On sait avec quelle hostilité la société actuelle regarde toute création littéraire ou artistique menaçant plus ou moins directement les disciplines intellectuelles et les valeurs morales du maintien desquelles dépendent pour une large part sa propre durée, – sa survie.
Cette hostilité se manifeste aujourd’hui dans les pays totalitaires, – dans l’Allemagne hitlérienne en particulier, par la plus abjecte agression contre un art que des brutes galonnées promues au rang d’arbitres omniscients, qualifient de ” dégénéré”.
Depuis Cézanne jusqu’à Picasso (et sur le plan littéraire depuis Henri Heine jusqu’à Thomas Mann) tout ce que le génie artistique contemporain a donné de meilleur, tout ce que l’artiste moderne a crée de plus libre et de plus humainement valable est insulté, proscrit.
Nous tenons pour absurdes et justiciables du plus parfait mépris les préjugés religieux, racistes et nationalistes à la tyrannie desquels certains individus ivres de leur toute puissance provisoire prétendent asservir le destin de l’oeuvre d’art.
Nous refusons de voir dans ces mythes régressifs autre chose que de véritables camps de concentration de la pensée.
L’Art, – en tant qu’échange spirituel et effectif permanent auquel participe l’entière humanité, ne peut plus connaître d’aussi arbitraire limites.
Dans Vienne livrée aux barbares, on lacère les toiles de Renoir, on brûle les ouvrages de Freud sur les places publiques. Les plus brillantes réussites des grands artistes allemands tels que Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Kokoschka, George Grosz, Kandinsky, Karl Hofer (Prix Carnegie, 1938) sont mises à l’index et doivent céder la place à la platitude de l’art national-socialiste.
A Rome une commission dite de “bonification littéraire” vient d’achever sa malpropre besogne en concluant à la nécessité de retirer de la circulation “tout ce qui est anti-italien, anti-raciste, immoral et dépressif”.
Intellectuels, écrivains, artistes ! Relevons ensemble le défi. Cet art dégénéré, nous en sommes absolument solidaires. En lui résident toutes les chances de l’avenir. Travaillons à sa victoire sur le nouveau Moyen-Âge qui se lève en plein coeur de l’Occident.
Ont signé le présent manifeste les artistes, écrivains, journalistes et avocats dont les noms suivent :
A. Angelopoulo, Armand antebi, Abd-el-Khalek el Azzouni, Zakaria el Azzouni (membre du Conseil de l’Ordre du Barreau d’Alexandrie), Marcelle Biagini, Albert Cossery, Henri Dumani, Ahmed Fahmy, Annette Fedida, L. Galanti, Samy Hanoka, Hassia, Georges Henein, Albert Israel, Germaine Israel, Anouar Kamel, Fouad Kamel, Edouard Levy, Malanos, Alexandra Metchcouevska, Marcel Nada, Fatma Nimet-Rachid, Mohammed Nour, A. Politis, Edouard Pollack, Angelo de Riz, A. Revaux, Sami Riad, Mohammed Seif-el-Dine, Hassan Sobhy, Laurent Salinas, Emile Simon, Scalet, Telmissany, Nadave Siber, Kamal William, Ibrahim Wassily.
Le Caire, le 22 Décembre 1938.
Long live degenerate art
We know with what hostility current society looks upon any new literary or artistic creation that directly or indirectly threatens the intellectual disciplines and moral values of behaviour on which it depends for a large part of its own life – its survival.
This hostility is appearing today in totalitarian countries, especially in Hitler’s Germany, through the most despicable attacks against an art that these tasselled brutes, promoted to the rank of omniscient judges, qualify as degenerate.
All the achievements of contemporary artistic genius from Cézanne to Picasso – the product of the ultimate in freedom, strength and human feeling – have been received with insults and repression. We believe that it is mere idiocy and folly to reduce modern art, as some desire, to a fanaticism for any particular religion, race or nation.
Along these lines we see only the imprisonment of thought, whereas art is known to be an exchange of thought and emotions shared by all humanity, one that knows not these artificial boundaries.
Vienna has been left to a rabble that has torn Renoir’s paintings and burned the writings of Freud in public places. The best works by great German painters such as Max Ernst, Paul Klee, Karl Hoffer, Kokoschka, George Grosz and Kandinsky have been confiscated and replaced by Nazi art of no value. The same recently took place in Rome where a committee was formed to purge literature, and, performing its duties, decided to eliminate works that went against nationalism and race, as well as any work raising pessimism.
O men of art, men of letters! Let us take up the challenge together! We stand absolutely as one with this degenerate art. In it resides all the hopes of the future. Let us work for its victory over the new Middle Ages that are rising in the heart of Europe.
The following artists, writers, journalists and lawyers have signed this manifesto:
Ibrahim Wassily, Ahmed Fahmy, Edouard Pollack, Edouard Levy, Armand Antis, Albert Israel, Albert Koseiry, Telmessany, Alexandra Mitchkowivska, Emile Simon, Angelo Paulo, Angelo De Riz, Anwar Kamel, Annette Fadida, A. Paulitz, L. Galenti, Germain Israel, George Henein, Hassan Sobhi, A. Rafo, Zakaria AL Azouny, Samy Riad, Samy Hanouka, Escalette, Abd El Din, Mohamed Nour, Nadaf Selair, Hassia, Henry Domani.
Cairo, December 22, 1938.
Σημείωση του dim/art: βρήκαμε το γαλλικό και το αγγλικό κείμενο εδώ. Δεν κατορθώσαμε να τα διασταυρώσουμε. Τα ονόματα των καλλιτεχνών και διανοουμένων που υπογράφουν το μανιφέστο διαφέρουν στις δύο εκδοχές, με αυτά που βρίσκονται κάτω από την αγγλική να έχουν σίγουρα πολλά λάθη — π.χ. ο Αριστομένης Αγγελόπουλος γράφεται κάτω από το γαλλικό σωστά «A. Angelopoulo» ενώ κά��ω από το αγγλικό το επώνυμό του έχει σπάσει στα δύο και έχει ιταλοποιηθεί: «Angelo Paulo».
Στο 19ο τεύχος του περιοδικού Dada/Surrealism μπορείτε να διαβάσετε ένα καλό και αναλυτικό χρονολόγιο του κινήματος Art et Liberté στα αγγλικά (ηλεκτρονικά εδώ).
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Εδώ άλλες αναρτήσεις από την κατηγορία Εικαστικά
  Ζήτω η παρακμιακή τέχνη! Art et Liberté: η ιστορία του σουρεαλισμού στην Αίγυπτο —της Aimee Dawson / The art newspaper…
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onlycosmere · 2 months
Questioner: Is Hoid in the new Secret Project?
Brandon Sanderson: That's definitely a Read and Find Out!
I will tell you this: this is not a Hoid-narrated book. It is future era, in that it's probably (in fact, I think it is) the furthest to the future we've seen canonically. But by much.
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onlycosmere · 9 months
Argent: It looks like all my questions this time are going to be about parallels between different things. This one between white sand and sand mastery and some aether stuff.
I noticed that are are parallels, the water requirement, there's a bond--the omnibus really stresses that the sand master is forging a bond there--there is the legendary thirteenth aether spore which may be white, may be black, that's a little weird.
What's going on here? Has Autonomy corrupted an aether?
Brandon Sanderson: RAFO! You are theorizing along the correct lines, Argent, well done.
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