#rain in the last gif is unaliving me
mar-gsum · 2 years
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They exclusively come as a package.
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Dangerous Love. (Part one)
Gotham!Salvatore Maroni x GN reader.
(Hello! It's been a while! I had writer's block and a full schedule but I'm back! And hopefully for good! This is sort of a request from
@samantharaevelcher who commented on my last Sal Maroni post "Not A Sugar Baby")
Summary: You went completely against your mother's wishes and joined the mafia. Once she got word she kicked you out on the streets in the pouring rain, but don't worry, someone very important steps in.
Warnings: violence, gang violence, DV (Reader's family toward reader), cursing, blood, weapons, sh**tings and other forms of unaliving.
You were sure your mother wouldn't find out about your joining the mafia, she avoided that stuff like the plague especially after divorcing your dad. Your dad was in the Mafia too, told you stories, showed you how to fight, and taught you to bargain. You loved your dad and the stories he would tell about how they'd get money out of people that owed, you never understood why your mother always yelled at him. She always spoke I'll of him, especially in front of him, so when they got divorced you were happy for the quiet. It doesn't stay quiet for long though, shortly after the divorce your mom starts dating again and the fighting starts once more.
Truthfully you joined the mafia to not only escape your home life but to follow in your dad's footsteps and prove your mother wrong. You started out doing pickups and drop offs, simple shit, but as you gained trust you started getting to do more of the fun jobs. Your favorite was intimidation.
Unfortunately this good feeling couldn't last. Your mom somehow managed to find out that you were in the Mafia and She. Blew. Up.
There was screaming, cursing, crying, things being thrown, and walls being hit.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO US?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY! HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME! I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU OBEY ME! I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE IN YOUR 20's!" She shrieked as she threw more things at you. You were trying to make it to your room and dodge whatever was flying at you. You didn't even try to plead your case, just try to get to safety or at least grab something to defend yourself.
"YOU LITTLE BITCH! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE!" Her screams pierced through your eardrums and before you could even reach your door her new boyfriend bodyslams you into the wall, knocking the wind out of your lungs. He held you in place as your mom screamed in your face, repeatedly punching the wall right next to your head. It took you kicking your mother's boyfriend in his manhood to get him to let go of you so you could run. And run you did, right out the front door and down the street, your mother screaming at you from the door way to never come back.
A block away from your house you slowed to a walk, it was then you realized just how bad it was raining. Thunder roared loudly as lightning lit up the sky like a terrifying firework.
Walking through the streets of Gotham alone and in the pouring rain could strike fear in the hearts of even the strongest of people, never knowing if there's someone following you or waiting in an alley for you to pass by. You kept your wits about you and continued walking, hoping to at least make it to the 24/7 gas station that you frequented almost daily.
You wouldn't even make it there.
You were waiting to cross the street when a car pulled up infront of you. The back seat window rolled down and there was your boss, he head of the mob you joined.
Don Maroni.
He looked at you and shook his head with a chuckle "Walkin' in the rain without a coat huh? You tryin' to prove something? Or are you just outta your mind?"
"I'm just enjoying the rain, is that a crime?" You retorted, still keeping up your façade.
"It is when it's 10 pm in one of the most dangerous cities in the world." The Don laughed "Why don't you get in and I'll take you home." He opened the door and moved over so you could get in, which you do gratefully.
"I've gotta be honest here... I can't go home." You admit, your façade dropping slightly.
"Oh? Why not?" The Don asked, giving you an odd look "you don't live by yourself?"
You shook your head "no, the person I was living with lashed out and kicked me out of the house."
The Don gave a nod of acknowledgement "I'm guessing they didn't wanna live with a criminal huh? Well I'll handle the living situation in the morning."
The car started moving again just as The Don got a call. You glance out the window, the rumble from the car engine mixed with sound of the rain hitting the car windows made it easy to slip out of reality, The Don's voice growing muffled.
You weren't sure how much time had passed but the next thing you knew you were pulled back into reality by Don Maroni's hand on your shoulder "Come on, let's get you inside and in some dry clothes."
You looked around trying to figure out where you were, your eyes eventually landing on the large mansion like house that stood towering above the car. "Where...?" Before you could finish you were cut off by Don Maroni
"We are at my home, figured it would be better to just bring you here for the night instead of tryin' to find a hotel room at midnight" He chuckled "don't worry, there's security at all hours, so no one's gunna get to you." He said, holding his hand out to you.
You took his hand, allowing him to help you out of the car. He let you into the house and sent someone off to find some dry clothes.
"So, you wanna explain why you were wandering the streets alone in a thunderstorm? I know you said you were kicked out but... elaborate, who kicked you out? Do I need to have a talk with 'em?" He almost demanded.
"It was my mom and her boyfriend, they found out I joined the mafia and my mom lost her shit." You take a deep breath before continuing "her boyfriend bodyslammed me to the wall and she got in my face, punching the wall beside my head while she screamed. I had to kick her bastard in the family jewels just to get him to let go of me, and once I got outside she told me to never come back." You actually felt some relief getting that off your chest, but can't help but feel like you simultaneously triggered something much worse. You could feel the boss's energy shift as you explained what happened, you knew the mob treated eachother like family, and when someone hurts a family member the whole mob takes it personally. You knew you shouldn't have told Don Maroni what had actually happened, but you also knew that lying was off the table, so what were you supposed to do?
Before anything else could be said a man dressed in black emerged from a hallway carrying some clothes. Don Maroni thanked him before turning back to you "get changed, I'll have Louie here bring you to my office, we need to talk about some stuff."
Shit. Were you about to lose your place because of what your mom did?
Louie took you up to one of the guest rooms and left you to get changed, which you did rather quickly. Once you were done you stepped out of the room and met Louie at the end of the hall. He shot you a soft smile before leading you to Don Maroni's office where the Don sat at his desk looking over some paperwork. He looked up upon hearing the door open and smiled seeing you standing there "good, you changed, sit down, I think there's a few things we need to talk about."
You hesitantly sat down as Louie left the room, closing the door behind himself. Before the Don could speak you spoke up "Sir.. if this is about what my mother did, I am very sorry, I didn't know she was going to react that way, please don't let her actions reflect on me..." you were almost in tears, your voice shaking as you spoke. Don Maroni shook his head "Nah, that's not why you're here, you ain't losing your job, and you definitely aren't gettin' whacked for what she did. What really needs to be talked about is what her boyfriend did to you and what kind of punishment he deserves."
You were shocked to say the least "punishment?" Don Maroni nodded his head "What he did to you is unacceptable, he could have seriously injured you, or even killed you, I can't have a man that almost killed one of my best workers walking free without any punishment." His words brought a light dusting of pink to your cheeks, you were about to speak but he continued "I wanted to ask you what you think his punishment should be, but if you'd like I can leave it up to my men, let them get a little aggression out."
He sat back in his chair "What do you think?" That was a hard question to answer... did you really want him to suffer?
Of course you did. You would love to see him ripped to shreds.
But did you really want to tell the Don that? You knew he'd have it done with no hesitation but you weren't sure you wanted to be the one who ordered your mother's boyfriend's death.
You shook your head "I think your men would have more fun torturing him, let them have fun." He nodded with a smile and picked up the landline phone, dialing a number you couldn't quite see. He spoke with a man for a few minutes before asking you for your mother's address which you gladly gave.
End of part one.
Hi this one has been in my drafts for quite a while and I'm sorry! I'm posting it now so please enjoy!
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