#rainbow dominiks
fandomfucker · 9 months
Space-Poly!TJD x Fem!Reader
Request: poly relationship between judgment day and reader. The reader is keeping a secret from their partners. The secret is that she is a little. The reason why she is hiding it is because she thinks that they will hate her and leave her like her last partner did. One day when they are all out and she is home by herself she slips into little space and she is in little space for an hour until they get back and Damian goes to check on her and he walks in on her in little space. She's all freaked out. Damian is the only one who knows what little space is. They all explain that it's adorable and that they love her for who she is. Her main caregiver is Damian but they all take care of her when she is in little space. She has a stuffed tiger named Maengho.
A/N-I want to preface this by saying that this is NOT SEXUAL however it is about little space so if you don't want to read it, don't. I would also like to go ahead and apologize for any incorrect information/misrepresentation, I did research on it and tried my best. Please enjoy and sorry for the wait ❤️
Word Count: 2,051
Reader's POV
Alright, Love. We'll be back later, okay?" Rhea informed me as she held my cheeks between her hands. I nodded and smiled up at her as she bent down to kiss my forehead before grabbing the keys to her truck and walking toward the front door.
Finn, Dominik, and Damian, my other three partners, all filed after her. They all gave me a small kiss and a quick goodbye as the four of them left to go film some Judgment Day promos.
Once the door had been shut behind them and I had seen Rhea's truck speed away down the road, I breathed a deep sigh of relief, a small weight being lifted off my shoulders.
Work had been really stressing me out lately but with my partners all unaware of my strategy for coping with stress, I hadn't been able to do anything about it. But now they were out of the house for at least a little while and I was free to do whatever I wanted.
After going and grabbing one of the little bottles of apple juice we kept in the fridge, I happily skipped back to my own room, immediately heading for my walk-in closet.
Shortly after we had all moved into our house together, I had set up a small space for me to be a little in. Basically, somewhere for me to decompress while acting and having the same overall headspace as a child.
The closet wasn't massive but it was just big enough for me to set up what was essentially a giant pillow fort.
The walls were lined with fluffy pillows, half of them the really big tube ones, and the floor was littered with thick fluffy blankets.
I had only a few stuffed animals but they were all my favorite ones. There were about 12 in total, my favorites of favorites were ones from Build a Bear that I'd made with people special to me, my number one being Maengho. He was a tiger I'd gotten all of my partners to build with me a couple of months ago after we first moved into our house.
Fairy lights hung from the ceiling and walls, creating a homey effect that I adored. I also had a small TV mounted on the wall, above a nightstand type of dresser I stored my little clothes in. It was mainly just Disney Princess nightgowns but I also had some My Little Pony pajama sets and a Rainbow Brite sweater for if I was cold enough or just wanted to be extra comfy.
I had some tutus and dress-up jewelry for when I felt like it, but I just enjoyed wearing pajamas more than anything.
Ripping my hair out of the ponytail I'd stuck it in, I plopped down onto a flower-shaped pillow on the floor, beginning to dig through the dresser for a specific Tinkerbell nightgown I knew would be in there.
Not bothering to stand up, I just changed into the dress while sitting on the floor, opening the closet door only for a minute to throw my regular clothes out into my room.
I grabbed the small remote off the dresser, and turned on the TV, turning it to Disney+. My favorite movie of all time since I was a baby was actually The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh so I turned that on as I adjusted the pillows and blankets around me, making myself comfortable.
Sitting criss-crossed apple sauce, and laying a fluffy pink blanket across my lap, I sat Maengho on my lap before setting my little lap tray that had all my coloring stuff stored in the side pockets in front of me.
Opening up the Lisa Franke coloring book, I flipped to a new page, deciding on a picture of two baby penguins in a basket.
For over an hour, I sat in my closet, fully immersed in my little space as I half-paid attention to the movie, coloring in my penguins with vibrant colors.
I was so immersed in fact, that I hadn't heard the garage door open or the calls from my partners soon after.
The door swung open, making me jump and causing me to draw an unwanted line down the center of my paper.
My eyes were wide with fear as I looked up to see all four of my partners looking at me in the doorway, confusion and concern etched on all of their faces.
Damian's POV
Y/n sat on the floor with a stuffed tiger, wearing a Disney princess nightgown, coloring. We all just kind of stopped in our tracks and stared at her in confusion as she looked up at us.
Her eyes were wide and slowly started to become filled with tears. She curled into herself, hugging the tiger, Maengho I remembered, tightly to her chest as she dragged her blanket up to cover her entire body and half of her face.
The tears started falling as she silently cried. I realized what this all was as I gently crouched down to better get on her level.
She began to bring her knees all the way to her chest and curl into herself even further as I reached out a hand to her. I retracted my hand before I scared her to death and took to just speaking to her softly instead.
"Y/n? It's sweetheart, we're not upset."
She lowered the blanket slightly from her face as she looked at me. Her lip quivered as her gaze shifted between me and the other members of the Judgment Day.
"You're not?" She asked timidly.
I shook my head 'no' in answer, glancing back to the other three to see that based on their facial expressions alone, they had no idea what was going on.
Turning back to Y/n, I spoke to her softly and quietly so as to not scare her any further. "Tell you what, us four are gonna go back down to the living room for a few minutes to talk, okay?" I made a circular motion indicating us wrestlers as I spoke.
"Do you want anything in the meantime? Or do you want me to bring you anything from the kitchen?"
She slowly shook her head at that, speaking so quietly I almost didn't hear her. "We don't have anything here."
I gave a nod in understanding a gave her a small smile before standing back up and turning around to push our other partners out of the way as I shut the closet door behind me.
None of them made any move to leave the room until I started making shooing motions with my hands.
Once back downstairs, I had them all sit down on the couch as I stood in front of them to explain what exactly was going on.
Reader's POV
Curious, I waited until I couldn't hear my partners' footsteps anymore before quietly retreating from the safety of my closet.
It was me and Maengho against the world as I held the top of his head to my mouth and tiptoed towards the stairs. I went down as far as I could, keeping to where they wouldn't see me.
I leaned my back against the wall, holding Maengho tightly as we eavesdropped on my partners and their conversation about me.
"Okay, so it seems to me that Y/n is a little. I don't know her specifics but basically, she gets in the headspace of a child to escape reality." I heard Damian explain to them.
There was silence as the others absorbed that information.
"Wait, shouldn't she be a part of this conversation then?" Dominik asked him.
Damian took a second to think about it before responding. "Yeah, we'll have a larger conversation including her, obviously, but I wanted to go ahead and give you guys a basic understanding of what we're getting into. If anyone has a problem with it they can leave."
"That makes sense, but I'm still in." Finn agreed.
"Me too, but I think the first thing we need to do is take her to the store and get her some food and whatever else she wants. We don't want her to feel uncomfortable and like she has to hide this part of her." Rhea vocalized.
"I second that." I heard Dominik speak up, ever the Mami's boy.
"Let's go then!" I heard Damian exclaim as they then all began to make their way back upstairs to my room.
Panicking, I shot up from where I was sitting on the stairs, making a beeline back to my fort.
However, in my haste to make it back before they realized I'd been listening in on their private conversation, I somehow missed the last step entirely.
My toe caught the edge of it, sending me sprawling across the rough carpet of the second-floor hallway. "Fuck!"
Four sets of footsteps pounded up the stairs and the sound of my name being called in a panic was all I heard.
Feeling a warm hand on my shoulder blade I rolled over with a groan, seeing Damian kneeling next to me. "Are you okay, princesa?"
I managed to nod my head with only a slight grimace before I asked the question that burned me the most. "Are you guys really okay with me being a little? Because I know it's a lot and it's fine if you hate me and my last partner left because of it and-" I was cut off just as my eyes began to fill with tears again.
"Of course, we're okay with it. We just don't know that much about it yet and need to learn." Finn told me softly.
Dominik nodded along, "Yeah, we all love you no matter what. But, first things first, we need to take you shopping."
"I don't have any clothes I like to go out in," I spoke, my voice muffled slightly due to my face being pressed against Maengho. I was a bit taken aback and overwhelmed by the amount of utter love and acceptance they were just immediately showing me.
"That's okay, Love. Do you wanna borrow some of mine?" Rhea asked me. She was crouched in front of me, with one of her hands rubbing my knee soothingly. I perked up at this, my head shooting up to meet her gaze and nodding enthusiastically. She laughed slightly as she stood up and then held out her hand to pull me up as well.
I loved wearing Rhea's clothes any chance I got because not only did they just look cool but they actually fit for the most part, unlike the boys' clothes. And they smelled like her.
Borrowing just a pair of her sweats, I paired it with an old Muppets t-shirt that I had.
After I had finished changing, Damian gave me a piggy-back ride downstairs, having me take a seat on the second to last step of stairs as he put my shoes on for me.
I giggled and kissed Maengho goodbye, not wanting him to get covered in Walmart germs before grabbing Damian's hand and skipping out to Rhea's truck.
I sat in my usual seat, the middle in the second row with Damian and Finn on either side as Rhea drove and Dom rode shotgun.
Once we got there, Dominik, ever the gentleman, helped me up into the cart so I could sit in it as they pushed me around, following my points and vague gestures toward the things that I wanted.
They got me cookies and cream ice cream, paired with gummy bears of course, along with dinosaur chicken nuggets that I had to promise to share with Dom. Rhea had even snuck off at one point to surprise me with bubbles for the bath.
We picked up some other snacks and stuff for me to have when in little space before making our way back home.
Upon returning home, I changed back into my princess nightgown before giving my partners puppy dog eyes for ice cream, to which they eagerly obliged, just wanting to make me happy.
So, happily, I ate my ice cream, doing wiggly happy dances in my seat as my feet swung back and forth beneath me.
When we had been looking at new furniture for the house, my partners had thought it hilarious to get dining room chairs just tall enough that my feet couldn't reach the floor.
My partners watched on from their own seats at the table, each of them with a smile on their face. They were all so different from my last partner it was insane.
There were still conversations to be had but for now, everything was perfect.
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alexandra3719 · 9 months
Poly! Judgement Day Taking Care Of Pregnant Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Pregnancy, food.
A/N: I have no inspiration for long fics so I decided to write some headcanons while listening to Giuliano Palma and chatting with Damian on character.ai and I also decided to post this here because I'm lazy to post it on @wrestling-writing.
You knew you would go through that phase of pregnancy where your swollen ankles and feet would be killing you, so Damian will offer you a foot bath bacinet filled with water at your favourite temperature, adding foot bath salt for you to soak your feet in, he will also rub them for you if you desire.
I feel like Rhea would be the most overprotective of them all because she got a maternal instinct kicking in from the very first day when you announced your pregnancy, in fact, she always hisses at the boys when, in her opinion, they're doing wrong with you.
Finn would be the one all your cravings, driving miles to order your chicken nuggets and fries at Mcdonald's even at 3 A.M, though he would always argues with Damian and Rhea who want you to follow the diet they asked to a professional nutritionist prescripted exactly for your pregnancy.
Dominik would to deal your mood swings. I mean, he would caught you crying over a My Little Pony episode like: "Why does Rainbow Dash have to say goodbye to her pet turtle?! How did Fluttershy dare to say they've been friends for too long?!" You'd wonder blowing your running nose and wiping your tears away to find yourself in the ocean of dirty tissues that your bed has become and he wouldn't even dare to say a word against it, he would be the one who'd rather sit with you and rub your back to comfort you.
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stormoflina · 9 months
Omg your name 😮
I came here to tell you that you were right about middle aged Hungarians and their hate on LGBTQ . I think it's Sheffield utd captain who refused to wear the rainbow armband and one Hungarian jurno posted it like some proud news. You can imagine that tons of comments under it from the grownass old men profile which applauded him and described him as such a hero and only the brave. They even slated Virgil and Liverpool in general for wearing it like Dominik's team support it, their cap wears it, blah blah. feel so sick and disgusting. Imagine If they found out about Dominik liked that prem IG post. Jakub Moder of Brighton liked it too btw.
Too many (okay, like 2 people😭) of you thought my name is Lina. It's not even close, so I felt it was time to come out with the double sz, lol.
Oh yeah, I saw that. It was leading news for a time in the most popular hungarian sports news website, just like you say, celebrating that man like a hero.
That site is crazy toxic, sometimes reading the comments actually makes me depressed of the state of some people. I mean I'm all about respecting people's opinions, but those people are vile.
Funny how you mention Virg, because a month or two ago, for the Dutch nt, Virg said they decided as a team to not wear the rainbow armband and instead he sported the 'respect' one. That was leading news, too, this time praising VVD for being 'normal'. These are the same people who literally jerk of for every bad performance Dominik has and slander him every given chance if he is not named MOTM or scores/assists a goal. That site, and unfortunately many more, are home to really hateful, disgusting human beings.
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
Music Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me sweatheart! @mikhailoisbaby
Rules are pretty simple : shuffle your library and list the first ten songs!
It's called: freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Over my head by Echosmith
No diggity by Chet Faker
To Be So Lonely by Harry Styles
Bellyache by Billie Eilish
LEMONS by Brye
Chelsea Dagger by The Fratellis
Better Man (live) by 5sos
Wild West by Dennis Lloyd
Bisschen Wach by Anais, Dominik Harz
Tagging some babes @y0itsbri @gardenerian @whatthebodygraspsnot @mishervellous @depressedstressedlemonzest @captainjowl @creepkinginc @steorie @surviving-maybe @auds-and-evens @energievie @veronicasummersfelton @flamingbluepanda
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 08, 2022)
23:55 KIM WATERS - Takin' The High Road 23:52 PIECES OF A DREAM - Quiet Night in the City 23:48 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Jingle Bells 23:44 MARK JAIMES - Hear At Last 23:39 URBANITY - Something Sweet 23:35 JEFF KASHIWA - Show Me Love 23:29 YOLANDA RABUN - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 23:25 RONALD BOO HINKSON - How Can I (Smooth Instrumental) 23:21 JAREZ - Around The World 23:17 DARRON COOKIE - Back at It Again 23:13 DAVE KOZ - I'll Be Home For Christmas (Feat. Matt Cusson) 23:09 JEANETTE HARRIS - People Make The World Go Round 23:05 NILS - Goldfinger 23:00 PETER WHITE - Promenade 22:57 TYDI, TANIA ZYGAR - The Moment It Breaks (Original Mix) 22:53 AHY O - Shine On 22:50 LOWLAND - Seven Cities 22:45 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 22:39 FLAER SMIN - Alone In The Dark 22:34 DEPECHE MODE - Enjoy The Silence (Pacific State Chillout Mix) 22:29 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Ibiza Magica 22:25 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny Mix) 22:19 RHEINGOLD ENSEMBLE - Deja Bo 22:16 BEBE - Siempre Me Quedara (Serge Vegas Relax T!me Remix) 22:09 TRANZLIFT - Heaven's Shore (Magdelayna's Chilled Remake) 22:05 LIZ KAY - Castles In The Sky (Kenny Hayes Nitelite Mix) 22:00 VELVET DREAMER - Summer Breeze 21:58 AUDIO BULLYS - Take You There 21:54 ZAZA, JORGE NAVA - Broken (Chill Mix) 21:47 HALDO, GEORGIA CEE - Clouds 21:43 DAN BALAN - Chica Bomb (DJ Dan Karim Chill Mix) 21:38 GAELLE - Give It Back 21:34 TRIANGLE SUN - White Song 21:30 KEVIN SUNRAY - Stories Untold feat. Gaia Barbero (Acoustic Dubstep Mix) 21:26 ELLES DE GRAAF, MOONNIGHT - Sunset Kindness (Chill Out Mix) 21:23 JAVAH, STACEY MCCLEAN - You And Me (Damien Chillout) 21:19 TUKAN - Wonder Of Life (Chill Out Mix) 21:14 TIESTO - I Will Be Here (Syntheticsax Ft. LiTa & R.I.J. Project Remix) 21:08 SEXY LIYA, DEEMA - Chemistry Of Love (DJ Shved Remix) 21:04 BLANK & JONES, RACHEL LLOYD - Under The Stars (Stardelay Mix) 21:01 DT8 PROJECT - Hold Me Till The End (Unplugged Mix Lounge Edit) 20:53 THE RHYTHM DIVINE - Moments In Love 20:49 BLISS - Evening Sun 20:44 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 20:39 EMMA HEWITT - These Days Are Ours (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 20:35 PABLO NOUVELLE - Is It Ok 20:29 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 20:24 DOMINIK POINTVOGL - Step Up (Original Mix) 20:22 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognize (Acoustic Version) 20:14 AMBITUS - Answers 20:10 IIO - Rapture (Lametta Made 2 Chill Remix) 20:06 DARK MATTERS, ANA CRIADO - The Quest Of A Dream (Original Mix) 20:01 CANE GARDEN QUARTET - Chillaxin' 19:58 ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, ELLEAH - These Walls (Album Mix) 19:54 HI-GATE - I Can Hear Voices (Chilled Mix) 19:50 SUPER8 & TAB, JAN BURTON - Free Love 19:45 LEO ROJAS - Serenade to Mother Earth 19:39 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 19:34 PELARI, COLLIN WEX, DOMINIQUE FRICOT - Oasis (CollinWex Chill Mix) 19:31 COASTLINE - Alone With You (feat. Madelin Zero) (Chillout Remix) 19:27 DASH BERLIN, JONATHAN MENDELSOHN - Better Half Of Me (Acoustic Mix) 19:24 BON JOVI - It's My Life (Piano Version) 19:21 HOUSE MASSIVE, J. GOLUBEVA - Apologize 19:17 SUNLOUNGER - Lost (Chill Version) 19:12 NIK LLOYD - Number 1 (Acoustic Cover) 19:07 GARY B - Time To Slow It Down 19:01 SYNTHETICSAX - Here Workin' (DJ Rostej Original Remix) 18:58 MODJO - Lady (Acoustic Version) 18:53 FOR FOUND FUTURE - Time Is Moving (Chillout Lounge Mix) 18:50 FILIPE NARCISO - Forbidden Love (Original Mix) 18:46 AREA CODE 51 - Chillout In Paris 18:42 NICOLA HITCHCOCK - Surrender 18:37 CALAR DEL SOLE - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake) 18:33 LIQUID MOTION - Silent Running 18:30 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 18:24 KITARO - Dance Of Sarasvati 18:18 JES - Heaven (Orange Project Del Sol Interpretation) 18:11 JOHN DAHLBACK - Everywhere (D.O.N.S. vs. Tranquillo Chill Mix) 18:06 HESS IS MORE - Yes Boss 18:03 KYLIE MINOGUE - Wonderful Life (Acoustic Version) 17:59 JOHANNES HUPPERTZ - Freeee 17:54 MATT DAREY FEAT. TIFF LACEY - Always 17:49 BISSEN, THE CROSSOVER - Washout (Piano Mix) 17:46 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 17:42 T.A.T.U - Show me love (Zetandel Chill Remix) 17:36 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 17:29 TRENTEMOLLER - Miss You (Lulu Rouge Feat. Asger Baden Remix) 17:25 IT'S DIFFERENT - Tell Me 17:21 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 17:16 SUPER8 TAB, ALYNA - Perfect Day (Original Mix) 17:12 SYLVERING - Strangelove 17:07 VELVET DREAMER - Sky Is Falling (Mo'jardo Remix) 17:03 LEO ROJAS - The Last Of The Mohicans 17:00 LEMON ICE - Hello 16:55 BLAKE AARON - Bumpin' on the Wes Side 16:50 RICHARD ELLIOT - Adia 16:46 JEANETTE HARRIS - The One 16:41 BRIAN LENAIR - Christmas time is here 16:37 JACKIEM JOYNER - Unforgiven 16:32 KEN NAVARRO - I'll Tell You What 16:29 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - The Christmas Song 16:24 RAGAN WHITESIDE - How Do You Know (vocal) 16:20 KIM SCOTT - You And Me (Feat. Kelvin Wooten) 16:17 MARK CARTER - Swingtown 16:14 ART MORRIS - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 16:10 TAKE B - What Is Love 16:05 STEVE OLIVER - 3D Third Dimension 16:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - From The Heart 15:56 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Vagabond 15:52 DAVE KOZ - A View From Above (feat. Marc Antoine) 15:47 JEFF KASHIWA - The Power of Midnight 15:42 GARY MEGGS - Hark The Dancing Angels 15:38 WILL SUMNER - Love Song 15:34 DEON YATES - Suit and Tie 15:31 DREW DAVIDSEN - Away In A Manger 15:27 MARK ETHEREDGE - We'll Make It Through 15:22 ROBERT HARRIS - Easy Like Sunday Morning 15:18 PETER WHITE - Venice Beach 15:14 ANDREAS ALEMAN - Home for Christmas 15:08 DEAN JAMES - Thing Your Man Wont Do 15:04 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Dance the Hall 15:00 DARRON COOKIE - Other Places 14:56 REGGIE CORDINGTON - Waterfalls 14:52 JAREZ - Hold On Tight 14:47 NAJEE - First Kiss 14:43 DAVID BENOIT - Angels We Have Heard On High 14:38 JAREZ - All Night 14:34 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Beautiful 14:30 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - Sweeter the Bells Never Sound 14:27 SHAWN RAIFORD - It Feels so Nice 14:22 FRANK PIOMBO - Sunset Beach (The Cape) 14:17 BLAKE AARON - Spin Zone 14:14 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - The Day 14:10 RICHARD ELLIOT - Back to You 14:04 EUGE GROOVE - Rise 14:00 NICHOLAS COLE - It Ain't Over 13:57 KENNEY POLSON - Love on a Two Way Street 13:52 KEN NAVARRO - You Are Everything 13:47 BILLYRAY SHEPPARD - Heels And Pearls 13:44 LEBRON - New Era 13:41 JOYCE COOLING - Christmas, Christmas 13:36 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Show Me Another Way 13:32 CAROL ALBERT - Sometime 13:28 KIM WATERS - A Song for Dana 13:24 MARCUS ANDERSON - Paisley Red 13:20 KIM SCOTT - People Make the World Go 'round 13:15 TONY SAUNDERS - My Real Love 13:12 DAVE KOZ - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 13:08 DON VINO - Worried (Feat. Tye Platinum) 13:04 JOEL THIBAULT - Miss Foly 13:00 ROB TARDIK - Let's Get Together 12:56 MARCUS ANDERSON - No Time To Waste 12:53 DEON YATES - Step By Step 12:49 PATRICK YANDALL - Your Satisfaction 12:45 MARK ETHEREDGE - Elated 12:41 JUSTIN YOUNG - Silent Night 12:36 NILS - Off to the Races 12:33 PETER WHITE - Love Will Find You 12:31 ROBERTO TOLA - A Christmas Ago 12:25 NELSON RANGELL - City Lights 12:21 DARRON COOKIE - Pressure Point 12:17 CHUCK LOEB - 7th Ave South 12:12 BEN TANKARD - White Christmas 12:08 NAJEE - Face to Face 12:04 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 12:00 JIM ADKINS - Into the Storm 11:56 GREGORY GOODLOE - Get'n It 11:51 BONEY JAMES - Without A Doubt 11:47 FREDDIE FOX - So Much Love 11:44 JUSTIN LEE SCHULTZ - This Christmas 11:40 BLAKE AARON - Shine 11:36 RICHARD ELLIOT - Just A Taste 11:31 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Christmas Time Is Here 11:27 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 11:23 JACKIEM JOYNER - Trinity 11:18 KEITH MASON - Joyful Noise 11:14 GARY MEGGS - A Joyous World 11:10 ROD BEST - Living Free 11:05 JODY MAYFIELD - Rumors and Lies (feat. Michael Tarpley) 11:00 BONEY JAMES - Washington Bridge 10:56 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Now or Never (feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 10:50 BILL MCGEE - Stay 10:46 PAUL DOZIER - 4ever Yours 10:42 KIM SCOTT - Free To Be (Feat. Jazmin Ghent) 10:38 TONY SAUNDERS - Always Thinking About You 10:36 JOYCE COOLING - Winter Waltz 10:32 PAUL TAYLOR - Polaris 10:27 KIM WATERS - Let's Do This 10:26 DR. SAXLOVE - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 10:22 VANN BURCHFIELD - Never Too Much 10:18 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 10:14 ANDRE DELANO - Mystic Journey 10:12 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Christmas 10:08 DAVE KOZ - Can't Let You Go (The Sha La Song) (feat. Luther Vandross) 10:04 GREGG KARUKAS - Nightshift 10:00 KEN NAVARRO - Lost And Found 09:55 JOYCE COOLING - East Side 09:51 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Hook, Line & Sinker 09:47 AL DEGREGORIS - East 86th 09:43 KEB' MO' - Better Everyday 09:39 LEBRON - Undeniable 09:35 JEFFERY SMITH - Groove You Tonight 09:31 BEN TANKARD - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 09:25 STEVE OLIVER - Visions Of Light 09:21 RAINFOREST BAND - Reflections 09:17 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - The Crossing 09:12 KEIKO MATSUI - Proof 09:09 VINCENT INGALA - The Christmas Song 09:05 JEREMY HECTOR - Flow 09:00 MEKIEL REUBEN - Lovely Day 08:56 JAREZ - Take My Time 08:52 DREW DAVIDSEN - I'm Into You (feat. Ron Tyson) 08:48 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - 4ever More 08:44 JODY MAYFIELD - Oh Christmas Tree 08:40 BRANDON WILLIS - Bring It On 08:35 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Overjoyed (feat. Doobie Powell) 08:32 HARPER, GUS AND GOMEZ - Winter Fireflies 08:27 MADOCA - Sentimentally Yours 08:22 PAUL BROWN - Now 'Til Forever 08:18 GIL - You & Me 08:12 BRIAN LENAIR - What Child Is This 08:08 PAUL DOZIER - No Ordinary Love 08:04 MICHAEL LINGTON - Still Thinking Of You 08:00 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Dancing On Golden Streets 07:55 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Livin' on the Edge 07:51 AL DEGREGORIS - Mythland 07:46 DAVID BENOIT - Floating 07:43 MICHAEL MCDONALD - This Christmas 07:39 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Groove Step 07:34 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Your Smile 07:30 DAVE KOZ - Joy To The Wonderful World 07:27 BONEY JAMES - Watchu Gon' Do About It 07:23 NILS - We Got Love 07:18 PETER WHITE - Our Dance 07:14 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Go Tell It On The Mountain 07:10 AL DEGREGORIS - Follow Your Dreams 07:05 GEORGE JINDA - Beautiful Gold 07:00 LIN ROUNTREE - Release 06:56 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Second Date 06:51 LEBRON - For the Love 06:47 ANDY SNITZER - She Loves Me 06:42 AARON BING - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas 06:38 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Now I'm on My Way 06:34 VINCENT INGALA - Take Your Time 06:29 RONNY SMITH - Christmas Time is Here 06:25 NAJEE - Running Away 06:21 WILL DONATO - What IT Takes (Feat. Steve Oliver) 06:17 RICHARD ELLIOT - Golden Triangle 06:13 DAMIEN ESCOBAR - Joy To The World 06:08 JOY RIDE - Joy Ride 06:03 MICHAEL ROSS - Almost Home 06:00 VANN BURCHFIELD - Lay Back (Vocals) 05:59 DESMOND MEYER - Lickamore 05:55 PETER HEROLD - Sakura (feat. WaKaNa) 05:51 RICHARD ELLIOT - Given It Up 05:48 SONIX - Cloud 9 05:43 DR. SAXLOVE - The Christmas Song 05:38 ROD BEST - A Moment In Time 05:33 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 05:29 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Winter Wonderland 05:25 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Hypnotic 05:20 MARCHIO BOSSA, RYU ZEE SU - Somewhere 05:15 JACKIEM JOYNER - Elevation 05:12 SHAKATAK - A Christmas Dream 05:08 DAVID BENOIT - Pioneer Town 05:04 YULARA - Lights Of Ayodhya 05:00 LES SABLER - Tranquility 04:56 JOHNNY BRITT - Can't Stop (Vocal Version) 04:52 BONEY JAMES - Tonic 04:47 NILS - Hey Ya 04:44 SYLVIA BENNETT - Silver Bells 04:38 PETER WHITE - Night After Night 04:34 KEN NAVARRO - Touch 04:30 DAVE KOZ - This Christmas (feat. Eric Benet) 04:26 MARCUS ANDERSON - Karsen's Song 04:22 DAVE BAKER - California Dreaming (feat. Rich Kurtz & Walter Runge) 04:17 ANDRE CAVOR - Ready or Not 04:13 K.VIO, TIM TONIC - Winter Waltz 04:08 BONEY JAMES - Camouflage 04:04 KIM WATERS - Hidden Treasure 04:00 PHIL DENNY - Ride With Me 03:55 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Fall Departs 03:50 VINCENT INGALA - It Is What It Is 03:46 RONNY SMITH - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas 03:42 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 03:37 DEAN JAMES - GroovySax 03:32 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - The First Noel 03:28 BENNETT B - Buenos Aires 03:24 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Guaruja 03:19 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Inspiration 03:15 NATHAN WOODWARD - We Three Kings 03:09 EARL KLUGH - Nightwalk 03:05 TAKE B - Sex Bomb 03:00 CANDY DULFER - Convergency 02:56 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 02:51 EUGE GROOVE - Of Course 02:46 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Little Drummer Boy 02:42 MARION MEADOWS - It's Alright Now 02:37 JACKIEM JOYNER - Europa (feat. Keiko Matsui) 02:31 DREW DAVIDSEN - We 3 Stringz (feat. Chuck Loeb & Paul Jackson Jr.) 02:27 RANDY SCOTT - Intimacy 02:22 STEVE COLE - Where the Night Begins 02:18 TONY SAUNDERS - Melody in My Heart 02:13 RONNY JORDAN - Silent Night 02:08 JONATHAN FRITZEN - The Jungle 02:04 J. WHITE - Morning Rain 02:00 NILS - After The Storm 01:56 CHRIS STANDRING - CS In The Sunshine 01:52 NAJEE - Center of the Heart 01:48 HERB ALPERT - I'll Be Home For Christmas 01:41 MARCUS ANDERSON - Clean Heart 01:37 ROB SABADO - Let It Ride 01:33 KEN NAVARRO - Smooth Sensation 01:29 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Angels We Have Heard on High 01:25 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 01:21 NORMAN BROWN - I Still Believe 01:16 BAKERS DOZEN - Brooklyn Bound M 01:13 VINCENT INGALA - The True Meaning of Christmas 01:09 RON OTIS - Peace 01:05 J.J. SANSAVERINO - Midnight Fizz 01:00 DAVID DAVIS - If Your Girl Only Knew 00:54 OLI SILK - L.A. To London 00:51 BENNETT B - MIdnight Passion 00:46 ART RUPRECHT - Wine and Dine 00:43 NICK DUKAS - When Christmas Comes Around 00:38 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - New Day 00:34 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 00:30 MARK ETHEREDGE - Resonance (Remastered) 00:26 JOHN FLUKER - We Three Kings (Instrumental) 00:23 DAVE KOZ - I'm Waiting For You 00:19 RICK HABANA - 5th Ave 00:15 AL GOMEZ - Groovetimez 00:12 ART MORRIS - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 00:08 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Catalina Kiss 00:04 JOEL THIBAULT - Summer Vibes 00:00 MARION MEADOWS - Consequences
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bichobolitach · 6 years
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When you thought you were the selfless idiot, until your lil bf decided to fight a whole strong ass demon face to face
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wrestlgbtboards · 4 years
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Gay!Dominik Mysterio (requested by anonymous)
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kurtisdefender · 3 years
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Things I do at 3 AM . Taste the rainbow 🌈😆
0 notes
Could you do a parallel scenario of the story where the mc shows up drunk and wet at Barlow's door in the middle of the night? Like, on the first date treated him badly and cursed him for cheating but then you confess that missed him?
Hmmm that sounds a little angsty and I don't do angst, sorry Anon, but if you don't mind spoilers, I can give you a glimpse of an actual scene that is supposed to happen if MC chose the ex and if the reason was cheating.
Slight spoilers!
For context, MC and Barlow are on the way to meet with some investors, (The reason for traveling will change based on what you tell Barlow to do with the project like staying private or partnering up with the government.
On this trip, Barlow is driving and MC is sitting in the passenger seat. The boss/coworker was also supposed to join that trip, but something came up and it's only MC and Barlow.
The car makes a weird sound and suddenly smoke starts to come out from under the hood.
You quickly glance at Barlow, exchanging a concerned look.
"What was that?" you ask.
"Obviously, smoke," Barlow replies with a sharp tone.
Choice #"What the hell kind of answer is that?" #"Omg! Are we going to die? I can't die right now, I have a kid to take care of." #"I know it's smoke! That's why I am asking you!" #"This is not good!"
"Just calm down! It's just some smoke," Barlow snaps again.
They have been in a bad mood since the trip started, and you have a feeling of what it is all about.
From the way they've been acting lately, and especially after what happened the other night, there's no doubt that:
*if (ex) They want you back. *if (friend) They have feelings for you.
And all that bad mood is just them not knowing how to react when they are around you.
But the crazy thing is:
Choice: #You also have feelings for them. #You don't feel the same way. *selectable_if (cheat=true) #You love them too, but you can't let go of the past, of what they've done. *selectable_if (emotional drain=true) #You love them too, but you're unsure if they really changed. #You are still torn between feelings for them and feelings for(someone else).
"Did you hear what I said?"
Barlow's voice cut your train of thought. "No, what did you say?"
And for no reason at all Barlow lets out a loud grunt.
"Okay fine! Forget it. I'll do it myself."
Barlow pulls the car over and turns off the ignition.
(Note: there will be a gosub that takes you directly to the scenes for the ex option)
Before Barlow can get out of the car you turn to them:
Choice #"Don't you dare talk to me like that! Ever again!" #"Why you're acting like this? I genuinely didn't hear what you said." #"Barlow… I don't like it when you… when you act like this." #"Wait? Now it's suddenly my fault that you rented a car that can barely drive on the road?"
"I don't want to talk about it, MC. I'm just going to check under the hood, and see if we need to call roadside-assistance."
Choice #"Right! Let's never talk about this… just like when you cheated on me and ghosted me in high school." #"The way you're acting is seriously giving me flashbacks to high school." #"When will we ever talk about it, Barlow? Maybe for once, that's what we need to do." #"Fine! Let's never talk about it!"
Barlow gets out of the car, slams the door hard.
With the headlight of the car still on, you can see them standing by the road, and you have a clear view of their frustrated face.
Then they walk back to the car, opens the door and sits back inside next to you.
"Okay, let's talk about it," Barlow turns to you with their eyes almost pleading.
You sigh, thinking that this could be your only chance to say something about this particular topic.
Choice Choice1 #Give Barlow a piece of your mind. "I hate you... You cheated on me! We were together at prom and you decided to go do whatever it was with the twins Dominic and Dominik! Years later you walk back into my life, thinking that everything will be rainbows and sunshine and that we would pick up, right where we left off? NO! This is not how it works! You've hurt me…. and I've hated you for this… and I still don't know how to forgive you!
You finally stopped talking and hear Barlow take a deep breath next to you.
"You have all the right to hate me for this, and I don't deserve your forgiveness… but I have something to say," Barlow adds.
Choice2 #Don't bring up the past. What's done is done. "I have nothing to say," you reply, looking away.
"Well… I have something to say," Barlow adds.
They look at you straight in the eyes and go:
"MC... would you believe me if I say that... I..."
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givemegifs · 4 years
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isle-unto-thyself · 4 years
What kind of games (online or traditional) do you think everyone would enjoy playing?
alfred- stardew valley
rupert- fallout
raymond- skyrim
jack- minecraft
daniel- grand theft auto or cards against humanity
humphrey- red dead redemption 
dominik- half life
spade- splatoon
cedric- overwatch
edgar- destiny
gordon- league of legends
finn- portal
lionel- pokemon
ioannis- he doesn’t care about games
michalis- final fantasy
rogan- the last of us
cecil- rainbow six siege
gerard- god of war, doom or dark souls
rosario- animal crossing
zephyr- whatever horror game he can get his hands on
bridget- mortal kombat. she tried to get matilda to play with her but she refuses. mc and cedric play with her sometimes
bradley- he doesn’t like playing video games but he watches zephyr sometimes
sashsa- kingdom hearts
shiki- detroit become human
vance- apex legends
jay- he usually just plays what games his little sister wants to do but when he’s alone he might play a zelda game
evan- smash bros
caelus- borderlands
matilda- she’d be absolutely obsessed animal crossing
kenneth- whatever super gory game he can find
seth- call of duty
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (December 02, 2022)
23:57 CHRISTOPHE GOZE - Norwegian Wood (2022 Remaster) 23:52 JAREZ - When I Look at You 23:47 BROOKE ALFORD, DAN BARASZU - Christmas Time Is Here (With Love and Strings) 23:43 ROB TARDIK - No Limits (feat. Vincent Ingala) 23:39 RHYTHM LOGIC - Tuesdays Love 23:34 WAKANA - Let's Get Together (feat. Peter Peet Ferencz) 23:31 BRANDON WILLIS - Its Always Been You 23:26 NICK COLIONNE - Still Connected 23:22 TONY CRADDOCK JR. - The Christmas Song 23:18 PATRICK YANDALL - Stay Tonite 23:13 VINCENT INGALA - Coast to Coast 23:09 DAVE KOZ - All The Love In The World 23:05 GREGG KARUKAS - London Underground 23:00 PETER WHITE - Glow 22:59 JES - Heaven (Orange Project Del Sol Interpretation) 22:55 RUSSELL SIMINS - Comfortable Place 22:50 THE SURA QUINTET - Onda De Bossa 22:47 SEAL - Ooh Baby Baby 22:42 DJ SHAH, NADJA NOOIJEN - Over & Over (Acoustic Mix) 22:39 DASH BERLIN, JONATHAN MENDELSOHN - Better Half Of Me (Acoustic Mix) 22:35 AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 22:31 LE VITA, FAB - Apologize 22:27 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 22:24 SUSANA - A Million Memories (Acoustic Rework) 22:20 BENYA, PENNY NIXON - Serendipity (After Meridian & Dave Costa Remix) 22:17 SAAD AYUB, CRISTINA SOTO - Daylight (Chill Out Mix) 22:09 LAB OF MUSIC - Angel Vibes (Original Mix) 22:05 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 22:01 ARMIN VAN BUUREN, FIORA - Waiting For The Night (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 21:56 30 SECONDS TO MARS - Bad Romance (Lady Gaga's Cover) 21:52 LATE NIGHT ALUMNI - This Is Why 21:46 YANNI - One Man's Dream (Ledovskiy Valeriy Remix) 21:40 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 21:36 LEO ROJAS - Colors Of The Rainbow 21:31 LUIGI LUSINI - I'll Be Home (Original Mix) 21:26 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Let it Go (4 Hero Mix featuring Jason Rebello) 21:20 JULIAN VINCENT, CATHY BURTON - Certainty (Andy Prinz Chillout Mix) 21:16 KEVIN SUNRAY - Stories Untold feat. Gaia Barbero (Acoustic Dubstep Mix) 21:12 VELVET DREAMER - Your Game My Love (Five Seasons Remix) 21:08 IDENLINE - At Sunset (Original Mix) 21:03 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Ibiza Magica 20:58 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 20:55 MODJO - Lady (Acoustic Version) 20:51 BLISS - Evening Sun 20:46 RHEINGOLD ENSEMBLE - Deja Bo 20:43 ANDREA SAENZ, ROBOTS MEMORY - Straightblocks (Unplugged Mix) 20:38 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - Sound of Panama 20:34 TYDI, TANIA ZYGAR - The Moment It Breaks (Original Mix) 20:31 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 20:24 THE THRILLSEEKERS - Dreaming of You (Tranquilo's Ambient Mix) 20:19 TENISHIA, KIRSTY HAWKSHAW - Falling (Original Mix) 20:15 ARNOLD T - Just The Way You Are 20:09 KITARO - Dance of Sarasvati 20:02 BOBINA, BETSIE LARKIN - You Belong To Me (El Gambrero Remix) 19:58 EMILIA DE PORET - Weightless (Chillout Mix) 19:53 BLANK & JONES, CORALIE CLEMENT - Days Go By (Cantoma Mix) 19:49 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 19:44 DOMINIK POINTVOGL - Step Up (Original Mix) 19:41 CARDINAL ZEN - Warmth 19:36 DANITY KANE - Stay With Me (Van Immortal Remix) 19:31 BLANK & JONES - Risin' To The Top (Original Mix) 19:27 JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, AUDREY GALLAGHER - Big Sky (Acoustic Mix) 19:20 HALDO, GEORGIA CEE - Clouds 19:15 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 19:11 MATT DAREY, ERICA DRISCOLL - Too Far (Zetandel Chill Mix) 19:07 MOTIF, LENA BELGART - Halo (Original Mix) 19:01 ANDY SOL & ECOLYTE - Ponse Passing (Original Mix) 18:57 JAZZAMOR - Hidden Treasure 18:52 PAUL ADAM - Backwards (Original Mix) 18:48 BRIAN - Drowning (Acoustic Version) 18:44 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 18:41 JAVAH, STACEY MCCLEAN - You And Me (Damien Chillout) 18:38 SYLVERING - Strangelove 18:33 VELVET DREAMER - Sky Is Falling (Mo'jardo Remix) 18:29 T.A.T.U - Show Me Love (Zetandel Chill Remix) 18:25 LONDON GRAMMAR - Non Believer (Groove Armada's Revival Mix) 18:21 DT8 PROJECT - Hold Me Till The End (Unplugged Mix Lounge Edit) 18:16 RUSLAN-SET, POWERMS, V.RAY - Aspiration (Vocal Mix) 18:11 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 18:05 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 18:00 ANDAIN - Beautiful Things (Andain Piano Version) 17:56 JEANETTE HARRIS - Saxy 17:52 JOHANNES HUPPERTZ - Freeee 17:48 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 17:44 SUPER8 & TAB, JAN BURTON - Free Love 17:41 ACTIVA, JULIE HARRINGTON - You Are Here (Ambient Mix) 17:36 PELARI, COLLIN WEX, DOMINIQUE FRICOT - Oasis (CollinWex Chill Mix) 17:33 SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA, JOHN MARTIN - Save The World (Matias Lehtola Unplugged Cover Mix) 17:29 SAGI REI - Missing 17:21 TORNIKE - Night Steps (Original Mix) 17:17 CHRISTIAN BURNS, MARCO V - Frozen Heart (Acoustic Version) 17:10 VITODITO, SARA POLLINO - The Song I Promised You (Chillout Mix) 17:06 CALAR DEL SOLE - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake) 17:00 PREMASARA COUNCIL - Sensual Ecstasy 16:54 BOB BALDWIN - Let's Fly Away 16:50 JAREZ - Wait a Minute 16:48 SHARMOND SMITH - What Child Is This 16:43 PATRICK BRADLEY - Meant to Be (feat. Darren Rahn) 16:39 BAKERS DOZEN - Bring It Home 16:35 PATRICK YANDALL - I See You 16:31 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Know Your Heart 16:28 JAEE LOGAN - The Great Sands 16:22 JUSTIN YOUNG - Jingle Bells 16:18 THE SAX PACK - Here To Stay 16:12 CINDY BRADLEY - Sonny's Home 16:08 JAZZ IN PINK - Steppin' To The Keys 16:03 QUINTIN GERARD W. - Cruisin' 0n Taxi Way 16:00 VINCENT INGALA - What Does It Take (Vinnie's Take) 15:56 ERIC DARIUS - All Around The World 15:52 BRYAN LUBECK - Vineyard Romance 15:48 RONNY SMITH - Christmas Time is Here 15:43 UNDER THE LAKE - Have I Told You 15:39 NICK COLIONNE - Uncle Nick 15:35 DAVE KOZ - Right By Your Side 15:32 MARK JAIMES - Heads Up (feat. Rick Braun) 15:28 SHAUN LABELLE - Spin Cycle 15:24 KEB' MO' - Better Everyday 15:20 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sailing Away 15:15 ADAM HAWLEY - While You Were Dreaming (Feat. Michael Lington) 15:11 AL DEGREGORIS - Smooth It Out 15:05 AMANDUS - One Day for a Lifetime 15:00 REZA KHAN - Broken River 14:54 BRIAN CULBERTSON - I Wanna Love You (feat. Ray Parker Jr.) 14:51 BENNETT B - Together We Stand 14:47 KIM WATERS - My Christmas Wish 14:44 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - Pocket Love 14:39 KEITH SLATTERY - Love Is All You Need 14:36 MARK ETHEREDGE - You & me & we (Remastered) (feat. Paul Brown) 14:31 NILS - Jump Start 14:26 STEVE OLIVER - Circles 14:23 ARIEL B - Don't Wake Me Up ('Til It's Christmas) 14:17 CHRIS STANDRING - Out of the Blue 14:14 PETER WHITE - Mister Magic 14:10 BONEY JAMES - Detour 14:04 JAWANZA KOBIE - Let Me Lead 14:00 CRAIG SHARMAT - The Back Nine 13:56 CHUCK LOEB - Springs 13:52 GINO ROSARIA - Island Life 13:47 JOY RIDE - Strollin' 13:44 CHRIS GODBER - At Last 13:39 SMOOTH SOUL HOLIDAY - Angel's Serenade 13:34 LAWSON ROLLINS - Come To Light 13:29 PIECES OF A DREAM - In Too Deep 13:24 WARREN HILL - Renewal 13:21 VINCENT INGALA - The True Meaning of Christmas 13:18 CHRIS GODBER - Sizzle (feat. Adam Hawley) 13:13 CAROL ALBERT - On My Way 13:09 MARCUS ANDERSON - Your Touch (Dedicated To Will & Maggie Shares) 13:04 BUTCH, RHONDA COLEMAN - Bean's Groove 13:00 NICK COLIONNE - Call Me Love 12:56 RAGAN WHITESIDE - Meu Amigo, Meu Amante 12:51 ROBERT HARRIS - Life's Journey 12:47 SYLVIA BENNETT - Wrap You up for Christmas (World Version) 12:42 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Hammers of Love 12:39 ADAM HAWLEY - 35Th St. (Feat. Eric Darius) 12:35 BENNETT B - MIdnight Passion 12:31 EJAZZ ARTISTRY - Never Too Much 12:26 FREDDIE FOX - Day Dreamin' 12:24 ART MORRIS - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 12:20 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 12:15 MARC ANTOINE - Hi-Lo Split 12:10 PETER WHITE - Wake Up Everybody 12:05 GARY MEEK - For a Long Time 12:00 RHYTHM LOGIC - There for You 11:54 CHRIS STANDRING - All In Good Time 11:49 U-NAM - Back in Style 11:45 SHARMOND SMITH - The First Noel 11:41 MEKIEL REUBEN - No Where Love 11:37 NILS - Jump Start 11:33 ROB SABADO - Spice Of Life 11:28 DAVID BENOIT - Rejoyce 11:24 ANDRE DELANO - Face Off 11:21 DREW DAVIDSEN - Joy To the World 11:17 BRAD ALEXANDER - Straight Up (feat. Donald Hayes) 11:12 JC SOL - Our Groove 11:08 GARY MEGGS - Life's Little Changes 11:04 HIROSHIMA - Always Tomorrow 11:00 PATRICK LAMB - I See it in Your Eyes 10:56 D.A. SCOTT - We as One 10:51 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Thickets 10:47 CHRIS 'BIG DOG' DAVIS - Santa Baby 10:41 AL DEGREGORIS - Times and Travels 10:36 KIM SCOTT - Poolside 10:33 PAUL BROWN - Angel 10:29 PHILLIP DOC MARTIN - American Garden 10:25 BLAKE AARON - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (feat. Kim Scott) 10:20 DAVE KOZ - I'll Be Home For Christmas (Feat. Matt Cusson) 10:16 RAGAN WHITESIDE - In Love 10:12 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 10:08 PATRICK YANDALL - Someone to Love 10:03 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sweet Spot (feat. Paul Brown) 10:00 RICK HABANA - Lost Records 09:57 PETER WHITE - Excusez-Moi 09:54 RICK HABANA - LA to KC (feat. Blair Bryant) 09:49 PEGGY DUQUESNEL - Under the Christmas Tree 09:44 ELAN TROTMAN - Twice as Nice (feat. Marcus Anderson) 09:40 GREGG KARUKAS - Green Hills 09:36 JACKIEM JOYNER - Secret Admirer 09:31 PETER WHITE - Don't Want To Be A Fool 09:27 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tonight Is the Night 09:22 SHAKATAK - Silent Night 09:18 NILS - Catnap 09:14 RANDY SCOTT - T.G.I.F. 09:10 VINCENT INGALA - Hypnotic State 09:06 BRIAN SIMPSON - A Soft Touch 09:00 EUGE GROOVE - Get Em Goin' 08:54 PETER WHITE - The Storm 08:50 SHARMOND SMITH - It's Christmas Time Again 08:46 AL GOMEZ - Groovetimez 08:41 WALTER BEASLEY - Strasbourg 08:38 JAY KING - Breathe (Cami's Song) 08:33 CHIELI MINUCCI - Leilani 08:27 JEFFERY SMITH - Turn It Up 08:22 CHRISTMAS CAROLS - Happy Christmas 08:18 JEANETTE HARRIS - Just Keep Holding On 08:13 MICHAEL ROSS - Four Seasons to Cross 08:10 TONY MOMRELLE - We Can Have It All 08:06 FREDDIE FOX - Still Lovin' You 08:00 KIM SCOTT - What You Stank About This 07:55 JIM ADKINS - A Kiss From You 07:51 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Prim 07:45 MARCUS ANDERSON - Oh Come All Ye' Faithful 07:41 DAVE KOZ - The Bright Side 07:38 BEN TANKARD - Afternoon Nap 07:34 PEET PROJECT - Tell Me You Want It 07:28 JEREMY HECTOR - Ascension 07:24 JOHN NOVELLO - Love Affair 07:20 MARION MEADOWS - The First Noel 07:15 BOB BALDWIN - Stand Tall 07:11 BRYAN LUBECK - Top Down 07:08 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Count Me In 07:03 GREGG KARUKAS - Azure Dreaming 07:00 WADE C. LONG - Happy Go Lucky 06:56 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Go 06:52 PETER WHITE - In The Rain 06:48 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Let's Do It 06:44 IN GIWON CHRISTMAS CAROL COLLECTION - Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 06:41 NILS - In The Moment 06:36 KEN NAVARRO - Frenchmen Street 06:33 VINCENT INGALA - T.L.C. (Tender Lovin' Care) 06:29 MARQUEAL JORDAN - What Key 06:25 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 06:21 SPECIAL EFX - Silent Night 06:18 GHOST JAZZ TRIO BAND - Looking Good (feat. James Morgan) 06:12 OLI SILK - Tokyo 06:09 WILL DONATO - Jaywalkin' 06:04 WALTER BEASLEY - Skip To My Lew 06:00 JEFF KASHIWA - August Nights 05:55 JAREZ - One Take 05:50 GREGG KARUKAS - Believe in Me 05:45 SHAKATAK - Merry Christmas In Summer 05:42 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - Get Up (Levantar y Bailar) 05:38 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Surviving the Storm 05:34 NICHOLAS COLE - The Weekend 05:30 EARNEST WALKER JR - Chandelle Drive 05:26 J. WHITE - Free 05:22 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Winter Wonderland 05:17 PAUL BROWN - The City (Instrumental) 05:11 KIM WATERS - 95 North 05:08 PATRICK YANDALL - Let's Flow 05:03 BRETTINA - Low 05:00 BEN TANKARD - Goodness Gracious 04:55 TERENCE YOUNG - Still Here 04:51 JEREMY HECTOR - St Paul's 04:46 DR. SAXLOVE - Greensleeves 04:42 MARK HARRIS II - Pocket Change (feat. Bernard Harris) 04:38 MARCUS ANDERSON - Unity 04:34 AL DEGREGORIS - Absolute 04:30 MARION MEADOWS - Dream Catcher 04:26 GREGG KARUKAS - Rocky Peak 04:22 JULIAN VAUGHN - O Christmas Tree 04:17 PETER WHITE - Caravan Of Dreams 04:12 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Feelin' Good 04:08 MARC ANTOINE - Still In Love 04:04 SEAN U - Sunburst 04:00 BLAIR BRYANT - B's Bounce 03:55 KIM SCOTT - Give Thanks 03:52 RICK HABANA - RH Lounge 03:49 COOL SPRING JAZZ QUARTET - Go Tell It On The Mountain 03:44 MEZZOFORTE - Sizzle 03:39 DOMINIC CAMARDELLA - Headwinds 03:35 VINCENT INGALA - What's Option B 03:30 LAWSON ROLLINS - Quest 03:26 UNDER THE LAKE - When Autumn Comes 03:23 AARON BING - Silent Night 03:17 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Watery Eyes 03:13 ADAM HAWLEY - Anytime At All 03:10 PEET PROJECT - On My Way 03:04 BLACK GOLD MASSIVE - Let It Flow (Sausalito Calling) 03:00 JEFF RYAN - Embrace 02:56 BENNETT B - Selfie 02:53 OLI SILK - All We Need 02:49 EJAZZ ARTISTRY - Need You Now 02:45 BRADLEY LEIGHTON - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town 02:41 PAUL BROWN - In The Shadows 02:37 RANDY SCOTT - Tempo 02:33 JACKIEM JOYNER - Round The World 02:29 GERALD ALBRIGHT - G-Wiggle 02:25 BEN TANKARD - Still Here 02:20 DAVE KOZ - Little Drummer Boy 02:17 FUNKTASTIC PLAYERS - Always 02:13 CHRIS STANDRING - The Gist of You 02:09 JEREMY HECTOR - I'll Remember 02:04 AVENUE BLUE - Just Goodbye (feat. Jeff Golub) 02:00 MARCUS ANDERSON - Pure Love 02:00 MARK HARRIS II - Pocket Change (feat. Bernard Harris) 01:56 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 01:51 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 01:48 JODY MAYFIELD - Angels We Have Heard on High 01:43 GREGG KARUKAS - Riverside Drive 01:38 PETER WHITE - Peeto Bandito 01:34 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - After Hours 01:30 ROB TARDIK - Get Up 01:26 BRIAN SIMPSON - Whisper To Me 01:22 KNIGHTHAMMER - Christmas, I Love You 01:18 JEANETTE HARRIS - Saxy 01:14 BRENDAN ROTHWELL - Carmel 01:08 MEZZOFORTE - Sea Breeze 01:04 DEE LUCAS - All In (feat. George Freeman) 01:00 BRIAN CULBERTSON - Go 00:56 BLAKE AARON - Shine 00:52 NORMAN BROWN - Late Night Drive 00:49 GARY PALMER - Coast 2 Coast 00:45 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - Back to the Beginning 00:43 JONATHAN BUTLER - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 00:39 BENNETT B - Above The Clouds 00:35 ADAM HAWLEY - Cruisin' (Feat. Brian Culbertson) 00:32 VANN BURCHFIELD - Never Too Much 00:27 ROB MALETICK - In My Arms 00:23 RON OTIS - Out of Pocket 00:20 SHAKATAK - Jingle Bells 00:16 TONY SAUNDERS - My Real Love 00:12 PHILIPPE SAISSE - And So But Then 00:08 LES SABLER - Keep Pushin' 00:04 PAUL BROWN - Deep Into It 00:00 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Soul Stirrer
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bichobolitach · 6 years
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Hi I haven’t shared anything in forever but I’M BACK
These are my MC for @thearcanagame. I was too lazy to do a different one for each route so I just changed his eye colour and decided that made them different characters :> I call them the Rainbow Dominiks... you know, for obvious reasons
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serpentcast · 6 years
On this episode of Be the Serpent, we're discussing fairytales: how do they work, what purpose does their beauty and terror serve, and why are they so intertwined with everything we read? Our tentpoles this week are Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, Stardust (the movie), and the Yuri on Ice fanfic "hood & glove".
What We’re Reading:
Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee Armistice by Lara Elena Donnelly Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang The Starlit Wood (anthology), ed. Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe Rag and Bone by KJ Charles
Other Stuff We Mentioned:
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik The movie Stardust “Hood & glove” by Fahye/Freya Marske [which features artwork by hawberries] The folk tales “Tam Lin,” "Baba Yaga's Daughter" and “Little Red Riding Hood” “Cinderella” Queer Eye This interview between Shveta Thakrar and Over The Rainbow Fairy Tale about Euro-centric attitudes about fairy tales The Orpheus myth Sir Orfeo (medieval ballad) “King Orpheo” (Scottish song) Uprooted by Naomi Novik Stardust (the book) by Neil Gaiman “Rapunzel”, the fairy tale Tangled The fairy tale “Snow White” The Princess Bride Yuri!!! On Ice Supernatural The hieros gamos A Midsummer Night’s Dream Victory Condition by astolat Seelie and the Unseelie Courts “Cradle of Vines” by Jennifer Mace “The Bonny Swans” “Win me, win me, an ye will” by Fahye/Freya Marske Zen Cho’s Sorcerer to the Crown Miss Marjoribanks by Mrs Oliphant Cruel Prince by Holly Black Tithe by Holly Black Into The Woods, the musical Aarne-Thompson Tale Type Index Thompson’s Motif Index Dewey Decimal System Swan Lake, the ballet Maleficent Disney’s Sleeping Beauty which is based on “Sleeping Beauty” Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll Wayward Children by Seanan McGuire Alice in Wonderland 1999 TV filmstrongtime
The transcript for this episode can be found here. Thanks as always to our scribes: Sara, Neharika, and Magali!
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cocos-locos · 3 years
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@blesshimvettel @emotionalsupportmaxiel @happyself @safetycarz @coffeeinthmornin @dea44444 @saint-dominik-of-zadar @flyawayprincess @carlitasnyman @henart @race-week @idontusethis1lol @brrread02 @sewisrights @sashajwolf @biff7777 @butcharoo @gwxngxttx @niniksguy @fabioquartararhoe @1-800-honeybadger @mo-salah @crimsonceraunophile @amiokqm @life324134 @bed-gravity @cherrythwnder @infinite-rainbows @nindjuka @live-laugh-lando 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
0 notes
dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Coronavirus stopped us doing life-changing surgery, so we invented a new form of PPE
Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
When the coronavirus pandemic first hit the UK, hundreds of surgical procedures have been placed on maintain. For a surgeon like me who performs operations on deaf youngsters to revive their listening to, this created a major ethical dilemma – I wished to get again into surgical procedure to offer this important care, however I didn’t wish to inadvertently catch or go on COVID-19 within the course of.
I frequently perform cochlear implant surgical procedure, a course of by which a surgeon embeds an digital machine which stimulates the listening to nerve within the ear. The scientific proof is obvious that this surgical procedure must be carried out on the earliest alternative in order that these youngsters can profit from with the ability to hear at a significant stage of their improvement.
However performing the surgical procedure as regular would have put each youngsters and surgical groups at risk. We wanted to give you one other method of doing issues. Our group in Nottingham needed to mix creativity and science to develop a novel and protected approach to restart cochlear implant surgical procedure in a matter of just some weeks.
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This text is a part of Dialog Insights The Insights group generates long-form journalism derived from interdisciplinary analysis. The group is working with teachers from totally different backgrounds who’ve been engaged in initiatives aimed toward tackling societal and scientific challenges.
A grave danger
Quickly after the pandemic started, among the earliest experiences, notably these from China and Italy, instructed that healthcare employees have been at considerably larger danger of contracting COVID-19 in comparison with most of the people, and that treating ear, nostril and throat (ENT) circumstances was significantly dangerous.
I used to be deeply saddened after I was informed that the one of many first healthcare employees within the UK to die of COVID-19 was Amged El-Hawrani, a 55-year-old ENT colleague from the college hospitals of Derby and Burton. El-Hawrani succumbed to this dreadful illness on March 28 in Leicester’s Glenfield hospital. Though I by no means had the pleasure of assembly him, his passing was an enormous shock to us all. And his publicity to the virus throughout his take care of his sufferers was a stark reminder of the brutality of this illness.
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Amged El-Hawrani was one of many first well being employees within the UK to lose his life to coronavirus. College Hospitals of Derby and Burton/NHS
Like different ENT departments internationally, our service at Nottingham College Hospitals NHS Belief initially halted all elective procedures in March when the pandemic hit the UK, so we may focus our group’s efforts on the administration of our sickest sufferers, together with these circumstances requiring emergency admission, and our most cancers companies.
Though this preliminary response proved efficient, we have been conscious that we weren’t assembly the wants of different sufferers with time-critical, albeit not life-threatening, circumstances. These sufferers included youngsters who’re born deaf and want cochlear implant surgical procedure to revive their listening to as rapidly as potential to maximise their probabilities of growing regular speech and language. Delaying cochlear implant surgical procedure can imply these younger individuals often by no means get better full speech and language expertise.
We all know this as a result of a number of the vital research that highlighted the significance of early cochlear implantation on speech and language improvement have been carried out regionally in Nottingham, which is residence to a lot of world-leading listening to researchers. The primary paediatric cochlear implant surgical procedure within the UK was carried out by the Nottingham Auditory Implant Programme (NAIP) which hosts one of many largest youngsters’s cochlear implant companies within the UK.
A novel danger to ear surgeons
As a cochlear implant surgeon for NAIP, and a analysis lead for the Nottingham Biomedical Analysis Centre, I used to be devastated that we weren’t in a position to present our deaf youngsters with the care they wanted. That mentioned, I’ll admit that the thought of performing cochlear implant surgical procedure initially of the COVID-19 outbreak was unnerving.
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Cochlear implants could be life-changing for younger youngsters, however they want surgical procedure inside a particular window to have the most effective outcomes. mady70/Shutterstock
ENT healthcare employees are significantly prone to catching coronavirus throughout surgical procedure due to the distinctive nature of the components of the physique we deal with. The nostril of an contaminated individual accommodates a major load of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. The nostril is straight related to the center ear by a small channel referred to as the eustachian tube, and different kinds of coronaviruses, together with the one which causes the widespread chilly, are generally discovered within the center ear. This implies it’s extremely probably that SARS-CoV-2 additionally exists within the center ear, although, nobody has confirmed this to this point.
The virus makes use of two proteins to enter human cells (ACE2 and TMPRSS2) which are discovered all through the liner of the nostril. The identical proteins are discovered within the eye, suggesting that eye transmission may be very probably. We additionally know that animals specific each these proteins of their ears, once more suggesting that SARS-CoV-2 is extremely more likely to be discovered there.
The virus is especially transmitted by way of massive droplets that require comparatively shut contact with an contaminated individual. It has additionally been instructed that it may be transmitted by way of aerosols, a lot smaller particles that may unfold over for much longer distances.
A number of medical procedures have been classed as “aerosol producing”, together with cochlear implant surgical procedure, which includes drilling into the bone behind the ear to entry the center ear. The high-speed drill we use throughout surgical procedure can unfold droplet and aerosol contamination all through a confined theatre house. These droplets and aerosols will include a combination of water, bone, blood, tissue and, probably, viable viruses.
Fixing the issue
At the start of the outbreak, whereas we knew we would have liked to restart cochlear implant surgical procedure urgently, we have been additionally extraordinarily conscious of the potential dangers related to performing this operation on the top of the pandemic. This drawback involved me significantly. Nonetheless, I discover that one of the simplest ways to handle concern is although motion, and it was at the moment that I used to be very grateful that I work in a metropolis which hosts one of many UK’s largest cochlear implant programmes.
Within the matter of just some days, following simply a few temporary emails, a number of telephone calls and the odd Zoom assembly, I managed to collect collectively a group of internationally recognised specialists who have been all excited about growing a mannequin of cochlear implant surgical procedure that we may observe through the pandemic.
My first port of name was Padraig Kitterick, head of listening to sciences at my college, who generously gave each his time and all of the funds we would have liked to assist this significant work. Subsequent, I contacted my esteemed surgical colleague, Gerry O’Donoghue, who pioneered cochlear implant surgical procedure within the UK. As at all times Gerry was enthused to be concerned. A lot in order that he additionally volunteered the experience of his son, Kevin, who works with us as an anaesthetist within the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham.
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Left to proper: Dr Kevin O’Donoghue, Professor Doug Hartley, Professor Gerry O’Donoghue, Dr Padraig Kitterick and Dr Rachael Lawrence. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
I then requested my colleagues from the anatomy facility if I may borrow sufficient skulls on which we carried out experiments that may assist us analyse the chance of spreading droplets whereas performing surgical procedure. With no second’s hesitation, Susan Anderson and her colleague Dominik Siwek replied, sure, after all they might be delighted to assist. Likewise, Richard Hague and his colleagues from the college of engineering offered us with important 3D printing companies to assist our work.
Early one Saturday morning, together with Rachael Lawrence, an instructional ENT surgeon in coaching, I collected the skulls from an in any other case abandoned anatomy dissection room on one of many higher ranges of the Queens Medical Centre. We carried them to one of many ENT theatres positioned on the different aspect of the hospital that had been generously offered by our theatre supervisor, Laura Mitchell.
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Innovation gas: cupcakes offered by the writer’s daughter. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
As soon as our group was gathered, we set to work, fuelled by scrumptious truffles that had been baked by my youngest daughter Alice, adorned with rainbows in assist for the NHS.
Our first job was to correctly visualise the extent of droplet unfold throughout cochlear implant surgical procedure. To do that, we determined to exchange the fluid that we usually use to irrigate our high-speed drilling with a fluorescent dye.
By simulating a cochlear implant operation utilizing this setup, we may see the place the dye landed and perceive whether or not we may proceed finishing up surgical procedure sporting normal private protecting tools (PPE).
It quickly turned obvious from the distribution of luminous dye across the theatre that the contaminated droplets may unfold greater than two metres from the positioning of drilling in all instructions. This not solely contains the realm that the surgeon works in, but in addition the nurses, the anaesthetist, and different theatre workers.
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How the fluorescent droplets unfold from simulated cochlear implant drilling. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
Even worse, we discovered that droplets simply migrated beneath our full-face visors, the usual beneficial PPE for aerosol-generating procedures within the UK. The droplets landed very near the eyes of the individual sporting it. This instructed {that a} visor provided insufficient safety.
However we weren’t discouraged. Now we knew the extent of the issue, we have been in a position to work across the clock for the subsequent few weeks till we managed to develop and refine some somewhat uncommon options.
Testing PPE
Throughout our research, we evaluated quite a lot of PPE choices, together with a number of different an infection management options. These included a full-face respirator and a mixture of a half-face respirator and security goggles, generally often called “spoggles”. We had additionally learn experiences of groups, together with one from Stanford College, who had modified a full-face snorkel masks for use as PPE, so we tried this too.
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The complete-face respirator strategy. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
We used a scientific evidence-based strategy to judge the PPE for its usability and effectiveness. Throughout simulated cochlear implant surgical procedure, we evaluated every kind of PPE throughout a number of parameters, together with its impact on a surgeon’s capacity to speak, their visual view, and their consolation.
Most of the PPE choices we tried, not least the full-face respirator, have been discovered to considerably limit the surgeon’s imaginative and prescient throughout working. That rendered them unsafe for performing this type of surgical procedure. Slightly worryingly, we additionally discovered that the modified snorkel masks that had been described by numerous teams on the web was related to rebreathing of carbon dioxide, so this was not a viable long-term possibility for PPE.
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The snorkel strategy concerned re-breathing carbon dioxide, which could be harmful. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
As an alternative, we discovered that the mixture of “spoggles” and a half-face respirator masks had persistently superior efficiency throughout all facets of medical usability in contrast with all different choices.
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The spoggles offered the profitable resolution. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
Throughout our research, we additionally labored with a surgical product producer to develop a novel drape, principally a tent, that was designed to be suspended from a microscope protecting the affected person’s head and torso to offer a bodily barrier between the positioning of drilling and the remainder of the group.
We discovered that the working tent considerably contained the droplets and prevented them from spreading across the theatre atmosphere. We have been the primary – and are presently solely – group on the planet to develop an working tent design that’s marked for medical use. After finishing our research, we now had acceptable PPE and a protecting working tent to allow the protected re-starting of cochlear implant surgical procedure through the pandemic.
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Prof Gerry O’Donoghue fashions the brand new surgical tent. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
The brand new surgical regular
Our suggestions have been quickly disseminated internationally by way of webinars and journal publications and rapidly adopted as normal affected person care by our hospital belief and, subsequently, embraced in different departments within the UK and internationally.
Regionally, it was with large aid that we recommenced cochlear implant surgical procedure for profoundly deaf youngsters after a number of days of finishing our research: simply a few months after this process was placed on maintain. Working occasions have been slightly longer initially, and for the primary few procedures we opted to have a backup surgeon accessible simply in case the first working surgeon wanted some assist utilizing this new setup.
In the present day, these new measures have develop into second nature to our theatre group, working occasions are akin to our pre-COVID surgical procedures, and lists are working as earlier than with only one surgeon working. Aside from slightly discomfort related to sporting the PPE for lengthy durations of time, and the continuing detrimental impression of the PPE on communication, we’ve all just about accepted the setup as our new regular. Actually, I might go as far as to say, it will really feel slightly bare to function with out these measures now.
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We have now needed to discover new methods of speaking whereas sporting PPE. Douglas Hartley, Creator offered
The protected recommencement of cochlear implant surgical procedure in Nottingham, and in different centres across the globe, has given many a whole bunch of deaf youngsters worldwide the prospect to listen to. These youngsters can develop up with the potential to develop comparable speech and language expertise to their friends. With out this well timed surgical intervention, life would have been very totally different for these youngsters and their households.
The worth of pace and collaboration
The coronavirus disaster has been an odd and scary time for everybody, and it has offered us all with many important challenges in how we reside and work. But it surely has additionally opened a lot of doorways for brand spanking new alternatives and potentialities.
Earlier than COVID-19, when you informed me that I’d must assemble a tent by which to function this yr, whereas sporting spoggles and a respirator masks, I might not have believed you. That mentioned, I’m positive that most individuals wouldn’t have predicted how a lot we’ve all needed to depend on Zoom and different new digital media to facilitate our work and social interactions with others over the previous few months.
The method concerned to translate a novel thought from the laboratory bench right through to implementation on the affected person’s bedside is generally a really sophisticated and prolonged one that may take years, and typically many years, to finish. So it has been heartening to witness the worth of a group working to unravel an issue at breakneck pace, with out a lot want for the phrase: “I don’t suppose we will try this.” Necessity is actually the mom of invention and, confidently, a few of this innovation spirit will reside on past the pandemic.
What subsequent?
Evidently COVID-19 is more likely to be with us for the foreseeable future. So we’ve no plans to desert our PPE and working tent for cochlear implant surgical procedure any time quickly. Actually, there’s a sturdy argument among the many surgical neighborhood that these measures ought to at all times be used to guard the theatre group from potential contaminants, and the affected person from publicity to infections in theatre, whatever the present pandemic.
Different surgical specialities have additionally been very within the working tent technique as an an infection prevention management measure, together with those who generally use an working microscope, corresponding to spinal surgical procedure, ophthalmology and neurosurgery. Sooner or later we might even see a wider use of working tents.
Definitely, our theatre groups face an ongoing drawback from the damaging impression of PPE on communication throughout surgical procedure. It goes with out saying that communication is vital for the protected functioning of an working theatre, and this drawback wants an pressing resolution. That’s why our group and different centres around the globe are persevering with to work on the design, not solely to help communication, but in addition to facilitate easy accessibility into the tent for the surgeon and theatre nurses, whereas retaining the contaminated droplets inside.
Though COVID-19 has offered important challenges to recommencing cochlear implant surgical procedure, via collaborative teamwork throughout a variety of disciplines, we discovered options. As a group we’ve actually learnt from this expertise; classes that I hope we’ll retain far past this pandemic.
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Douglas Hartley works for Nottingham College and Nottingham College Hospitals NHS Belief. He receives funding from the Nationwide Institute for Well being Analysis, the Medical Analysis Council, Motion on Listening to Loss, Cochlear UK, Superior Bionics and Rinri Therapeutics.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/coronavirus-stopped-us-doing-life-changing-surgery-so-we-invented-a-new-form-of-ppe/ via https://growthnews.in
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