#rainbowchaox asks
pixiemage · 10 months
I also feel that Avians are probably considered like massive egos and soft while in reality they hailed from predators and some (Grian) won’t let people forget that. Yes Jimmy can go feral as well if he wants. Just a race people think are soft when they are actually dangerous.
[For the MCYT Headcanon Ask Game]
I won't lie, I kind of love this. Grian is certainly enough of a menace (and a terror in the Life games) for his friends to already be aware of it, but his friendly face can sometimes make you forget that. (His size is a misdirection, he could tear you to pieces in a heartbeat with the proper motivation.)
Meanwhile Jimmy doesn't often let that side of him show, meaning most of his regular servermates haven't seen his sharper side - but that doesn't mean he doesn't have one.
Just try and get between Jimmy and his flock. Just try. (Those talons aren't just for show, buddy, and you're about to find out what they're used for.)
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simple-seranade · 2 years
Okokokokok My Beloved Mutual of mine,
Imagine this- the whole time Jimmy is being a bad boy and being a menace when it comes to tango he is being that much more a menace by using cheesy pick up lines, winking, and like practially tugging on Tango pig tails.
Tango after getting accidentally hit into the sea figures what’s happening quick. So whenever they see each other they are obnoxious cute flirty rivals.
Like Tango would say you are the light of my life rancher while he arsons Jimmy base.
Jimmy and Tango would like play wrestle like kindergartners. Jimmy would say shit like you are my honey by pouring a bucket full of honey onto him.
Just two dudes very much in love but so healthy that once they realize both wanna win decide to be cutely mean to each other. Team Ties and the bad boys are sick of the flirty antagonism. They will make their life hell and each would say OOOOO good trap or giggle at what they did to them. Just gremlins in love.
rivals to lovers but they’re already lovers at the start, they just want to be cheeky
Jimmy: “You’re an eggcelent partner!”
Tango: “You make me feel some sword of way-“
Tango: “what’s the point of that?”
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qsmpficsarchive · 3 months
If it’s okay here is me and my mutual fic we made
Let's Tell This Story One More Time... by Ashbluegamer and RainbowChaox
Ongoing | T | 11,638
Canon Rewrite | Hurt/Comfort | Slow Burn | Violence
What if we could turn back the clock? See the story again? What if it went differently? What if it didn't have to end?
A retelling of the whole QSMP story, originally made up of 68 pages and 256 paragraph length bullet points, now made into a full fic. It centers mostly around the death family with delightful encounters with many other favorite characters (Ash demands as much Fred as possible...).
Removing the restrictions of streamer schedules to accentuate many friendships and dynamics, expanding on abandoned storylines or plot points that didn't work out.
So. Let's tell this story one more time.
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shepscapades · 2 years
Okay I been meaning to say this for the while
They way you show intimacy in how you draw body language?
LIKE FOR example how gentle Jimmy held Tango arm in that fix arm art. OR HOW aim the recent poll rancher art you can tell Jimmy is upset because his wings are tight and stressed and how immediately he loosens once Tango takes his hand.
LIKE these body mircoexpressions are so subtle yet the intimacy you protray is somehow akin to the same level of a kiss.
Like you are amazing and I love your art. ESSPECIALLY because like I always look back and there’s more details I missed that makes it so much more soft and intimate. I just needed to babble this. Feel free to ignore lol.
Stoooopppp this is so so so sweet, thank you so so much!! It always makes me so happy when people notice little details in my art, so this means a lot to me!!! Expressions have always my favorite to draw, but I'm slowly learning how to weave expressions into body language too, and it makes me so happy it's noticeable ;w;
So eueueueue thank you so much!! >W<
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little-soldiers · 2 years
OOOOOOOo here’s a idea. Avians also court by flower lanuage. So Tango lil loft in the loft is full of so many flowers.
FLOWER LANGUAGE MY BELOVED !!!!!! Yes yes yes yes. I think dandelions would be a big one for them (i literally ended wallflowers with dandelions) but like. I think Jimmy’d fly around and find dandelions in seed and come bring them to Tango to grant his wishes…. And Tango, realizing that they were Jimmy’s favorite, would go out and find them while they’re still yellow and press them to leave around the ranch, or tuck them into his hair or pockets… Also, think about how hardy dandelions are. People call them weeds even though they don’t damage anything, and they grow in the worst, coldest locations, still growing no matter what. Isn’t that what team rancher’s like? They knew they were going to lose, they still tried, and after they died, they grew back (found each other) as soon as the danger passed?
Also, imagine them looping flower crowns around Jimmy’s hat, and letting them grow in the water that collects in Tango’s…
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Drown in my platonic love biatch /Aff
*drowning noises*
ack ohh noOOooo im drowning oh the horrors of platonic love oh noooo
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cielcreations · 2 years
Rancher Duo DND AU [Revised]
First off, I want to credit @rainbowchaox and their "Roll Initiative" AU! It's also a DND AU and I just want to give them credit as their story is really nice so make sure to check them out! Added more detail and changed a lot of the OG prompt to hopefully better separate our AUs :)
Grian and Jimmy are brothers who go to the same college and share a dorm room. Grian is a DM for DND and Jimmy was never interested in it, so he would just stay in his room while Grian DMs. However, after a lot of begging persuading, Grian manages to convince Jimmy to join because they lost a player and really needed a new one.
The people at the table are as follows:
Grian: The DM who does have a DMPC, but they're more their to give quests/push the party in the right direction. His PC is the prince of the kingdom that is the party's hub. Again, he doesn't fight/play with the party, just their for NPC quest giving. Also, his character is engaged to the head of the Royal Knights, Scar.
Jimmy: A Human Rouge because he wanted to play as something easy for his first time. He always tries to talk with the enemy first before fighting, and so far it has only worked about 10 times out of the 30+ fights they have had. His character does have canary wings because Jimmy thought it'd be cool. Grian accepted, but under the condition he cannot fly and he rolls at disadvantage with stealth. Jimmy agrees. (little does he know, Grian gives him an advantage in acrobatics because he is a nice older brother)
Joel: A Half-Orc Warrior who has seduced and slept with three nymphs in game (Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho). He likes to "force" Grian to roleplay flirting because Grian doesn't like flirting and he likes to make the DM suffer (ongoing joke between them, Grian will and has let Joel know if he's truly uncomfortable and Joel'll stop).
Ren: A Changeling Druid, he mainly likes to change into a werewolf/wolf. Is actually the leader of an (in game) changeling tribe that were really affected by the evil BBEG. His character's story is he finds the party and joins them in hopes of saving the world. Also, he marries a fey in game (Bdubs).
Scott: An Elf Cleric who mainly plays support/backup for Jimmy. He does heal/help the others, but Jimmy rolls so low sometimes, it's hilarious. Also, his character has a crush on Owen (in game character), a normal human shopkeeper. Scott has tried several times to take Owen on a date but always ends up rolling 10s-15s, literally just out of reach from "success". Scott has joked multiple times that the game is homophobic. (Also, yes, Grian could give Scott the date, but he jokes that "if Joel can somehow roll a Nat20 not once, not twice, but three times to sleep with three different nymphs, you can roll higher for just a date.")
Anyways, as the new player, Jimmy is clearly not the best, but he's not terrible. He's just decent.
As the game and story progresses, Jimmy learns more about the BBEG. The BBEG is Tango, a demon king who has a base in a volcano and has opened up the world to release all the monsters/demons the party has to fight. However, Jimmy has seen the art Grian commissioned and Tango looks really hot. His hair is a bright blonde that will turn into actual flames when angry, he has blood red eyes, and he's super confident, sassy, snarky, and Jimmy is in love. Any time someone at the table points out, Jimmy argues "I-I'm playing my character as someone who tries to negotiate first, shut up!"
Anyways, the party gets to the point of confronting the BBEG and Jimmy rolls the highest in initiative.
"Okay, Jim, what do you do?" Grian asks.
Jimmy hesitates, "...Can I try to talk to him?"
"Do you want to talk or flirt?"
"Joel is the reason we can't have nice things!" Scott yelled.
Grian hums before he shrugs, "Honestly, you've been rolling kinda low. I'll let you try. Roll for persuasion."
Jimmy does and screams, "NAT20!!!"
Everyone bursts out laughing and Grian screams in frustration because "HOW CAN YOU FLIRT WITH THE BBEG AND SCOTT CAN'T GET ONE DATE?!?!"
Grian sighs and goes, "Okay, Timmy, you managed to roll a Nat20, what do you say?"
"Okay, so I step forward and tell Tango that we're not here to fight and that I've read a lot about his history! I know about how lonely he was growing up, but that it's okay now! I'd like to be his friend-"
"Shut up Ren! B-But, yeah... U-Um, I also say that a cute demon shouldn't be alone and that I really want to help him!"
Grian rolls his eyes, "You are awful at flirting. Anyways, Tango blushes and looks away, embarrassed by your words. He says 'No one has ever spoken to me like that before. People usually just want to kill me. I'm just a disgusting demon.'"
"Noooo, he's not disgusting-"
"ROLEPLAY DUMMY!" Scott teased.
"O-Oh, right! Uh, I say 'No, you're not disgusting, just misunderstood! I can help show you how amazing you are!'"
"Tango blushes more and goes, 'You're quite... strange. But also really nice... and handsome. Um, what's your name?'"
"'Solidarity... It's nice to meet you. You're... very bold, aren't you?'"
"Only when it comes to handsome demons!"
Grian gags playfully before he hummed, "Tango laughs shyly and faces Solidarity with a smile, 'You say you want to help me? You want to show me I'm amazing? Then... Solidarity, will you marry me?'"
Jimmy gasps, "WAIT REALLY?!"
Grian shrugs, "You rolled a Nat20 and, honestly, I think it's fitting that the campaign that is full of Joel sleeping with 3 nymphs, Ren marrying a fae, and Scott constantly trying to get one date with one guy, ends with the BBEG getting married to a party member. So, do you accept?"
"YES!" Jimmy nods, everyone else laughing.
Grian rolls his eyes playfully, "Okay, so Solidarity and Tango get engaged and Tango undoes everything, putting the world back in order. SmallishBeans goes back to the forest to live with Lizzie, Sausage, and Etho. No, I don't care what headcannon you make up, Joel, I'm not roleplaying another flirting session. Anyways, Rendog goes back to his tribe and, of course, his husband Bdubs comes with him and they live happily ever after. And finally, Smajor goes back to town to continue flirting with Owen and, this time, he actually does get a date because I am merciful, thank you very much."
Everyone laughs and packs everything up. It's pretty late, so the rest of the night is spent in the living room and Grian orders pizza. It turns into a sleepover, with Scott on one couch, Joel and Grian on another (opposite sides), and Ren and Jimmy fall asleep on the floor on a pile of blankets and pillows.
In the middle of the night, Jimmy wakes up to a weird noise. He groans and sits up, looking around. He sees a weird light coming from the dining room table, where they played DND. He walks over and sees the light is just the table glowing. He touches the table, confused. As he does so, a hand seems to grab him and he screams before he is pulled into the table.
When Jimmy wakes up, he is in a weird mansion. He looks around and gasps, confused.
"Are you okay?"
Jimmy turns and is face to face with... Tango.
The demon smiled, "Oh, good, you're okay!" He gently cupped the other's cheek, "The gods weren't lying, you are way more attractive in person. Welcome home, Solidarity."
Jimmy just stares and blushes because Tango is so much hotter in person than the art Grian commissioned.
"...Are you okay? You didn't hit your head too hard, right?"
"You're pretty." Jimmy blurts out.
Tango blushes and laughs, "Charmer, aren't you? Come on, let's get off the floor, we have a wedding to plan."
Ji- Solidarity nods. He can question this weirdness later, preferably after the wedding.
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oakskull · 2 years
@simple-seranade and @rainbowchaox made an au thats infected me. i did exactly one [design] pass and one sketch and then painted bc i have to leave for work in less than 10 minutes hope yall enjoy anyway
Tumblr media
pov: asking why tango listens to jimmy but no one else
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changeling-ash · 15 days
am here cause of that one post you reblogged asking for someone to anon message you what they think of you. so uh, here goes i guess
i'm really not used to interacting with people online, and you're my only mutual, so sending asks and stuff makes me pretty nervous, but you're really nice, and have a lot of good and creative ideas! i really enjoy the writing style of the qsmp fic you and rainbow have been working on, and one day i wanna write more like that when i write scenes
Thank you so much, you are so sweet!! It put a smile on my face this morning!!
I'm glad that @rainbowchaox and I have been entertaining you with our fic! Especially honored you like the writing style since that's mostly me adding the flourishes while Rainbow's the powerhouse of ideas and getting them on the page.
If you're wanting tips on how I write I'd have to think lol, it's more come from the amount of time I've been writing, but if you wanted I'd try to give some!
The fic has been on temporary hold cause I lost my job and had to scramble around that, but we'll be back up and running soon now that I'm on my feet again!!
Also very glad you think I'm nice <3
Love you mystery mutual <3
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insanitybl00m · 7 months
Tales From Under The Wisteria Tree
Chapter Three - Names and a Song
Some lil notes are needed for this chapter:
Missa does sing a little song in this and I highly recommend you listen to it!! (lyrics are italicized but it's towards the end :3) It's called Sleepsong by Secret Garden Link is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T19_-ycPYjk&ab_channel=SecretGarden-Topic please please please listen to it captures what I wanted the vibe to be so well (thank you rainbowchaox for the song it's amazing)
Why did Philza tell him his name? Why? And why did Missa share his back? Names were special. And Missa’s, well Missa’s was precious. The crown on the top of a stack of gold. The most prized– Philza cursed himself. He bonded himself to a human who didn’t know anything about Fae rituals.
He carefully opened the door to Missa’s room. The human was fast asleep. Surely he wouldn't mind Phil just sitting in the room for a few minutes. As Phil sat down on the chair by the bed he noticed the worn purple bag at Missa’s feet. It didn’t have anything decorating it. No charms. No protection. He sighed. Missa was so naive, any fae that would stumble upon Missa would grin at how easy it would be to trick him. Philza looked into his garden. A protection charm was typically made out of oak. Luckily Phil had plenty of oak trees for his crows to nest in when they visited. Philza moved away from Missa and gathered some dry wood that had fallen off the trees. Now what to make the charm? Philza thought back to the form he was in when he first met Missa. A crow. That would be perfect.
So Philza got to work, carefully carving away at the wood. He made sure the wood had the detailing of the feathers. The more detailed it was then the stronger the protection. He clipped a lock of his hair and quickly transfigured it into a piece of string. He carefully imbued the charm with magic, making sure it would protect Missa from anyone who would dare harm him. Finally, he went back into Missa’s room and tied the small charm around one of the bag’s claps. He took a final look at Missa’s calm, sleeping face before heading into his room to sleep for the last few hours of the night.
Missa woke up in an unfamiliar place. Where was he again? Oh right. Philza’s place. He desperately needed to shower. He smelled like Richarlyson after playing in the mud. A horror. He quickly left his room, making sure to leave it like it was yesterday. He brought his bag into the kitchen. When he set it down he noticed a small charm that wasn’t there yesterday. A crow. Oh, Philza must have given it to him, how considerate! The bathroom was at the end of the hall, right? That’s what he remembered Phil saying yesterday. He slowly made his way into the bathroom, careful not to wake Philza as he passed by his room. The door was slightly ajar and he was still sleeping.
Missa carefully turned on the shower, he really hoped Phil wouldn't take offense to him showering. But he’d probably take offense to him smelling too. Missa’s anxiety battled each other until he stepped into the stream of water. Shit. He also hoped Philza wouldn’t mind him borrowing his soap. You know what, Missa just wouldn’t mention it. Unless he was asked of course. Lying would be rude, he was a guest in someone else’s home.
When he stepped out of the shower and changed he felt like a brand new person. Philza was in the kitchen. “Morning, was your shower good?” “Oh uh, yeah. Sorry I just assumed that I could—“ “No need for apologies, I’m not offended in the slightest.” Missa’s face felt flushed but he ignored this. He had a mission to get back to. “So to a dragon's lair first right?” “Yeah, uh they should be in the west, near some caverns of the night.” Phil nodded like he understood. “Yep, that should be great. It should take us like three days on foot.” “How do you know all of this?” “I used to be an adventurer.” “Really?” “Yeah, I traveled all around the place.” “Wow, that must have been nice. I’ve stayed in my kingdom my whole life.” “It was nice, I'm glad I’m going to travel around again. There’s so much I can show you now. The worst part of traveling is the loneliness, but now that we’re traveling together we don’t really have to worry about that!” Sharp teeth flashed him a stunning smile. Jeez Missa, he needed to pull himself together and stop blushing at any small thing Phil did. “Did you make me the charm on my bag?” Missa asked, desperate to change the subject. “Yes.” The answer was immediate. “I mean— I did but, it’s a protection charm. It will keep Fae from stealing your stuff in your bag.” “Thank you Philza. That’s really kind of you.” Missa gave the shorter man a quick hug. “Oh uh— it’s not a big deal— I mean it’s just a sign of protection. So I guess in a way it is a big deal but just for your safety you know? Missa giggled at Phil’s terrible attempt at being nonchalant. “You’re a terrible liar.” “I guess so huh.” “Ok so we need supplies for three days.” “I‘ve got a spare bedroll in the hallway closet, you don’t have one attached to your bag.” “You’ve already packed?” “I mean, I keep most of my stuff ready to go. Never know when you need to get out.” “Oh. That’s not healthy, home is meant to be where you feel safe.” “I know. I feel safe in the wild.” “Oh.” “You say ‘Oh’ a lot. Am I that surprising?” “Just interesting.” Phil smiled and moved to grab his bag from the closet. “I should have everything we need. I packed us food and water last night.” “Really?” “Yeah, it’s in my bag.” Phil carried a bag, Missa’s bedroll in his arms. “Thanks so much, Philza.” Missa took the bedroll. “Is there anything you didn’t pack?” “Not really, I figured you’d want to leave early. Get out there before the daylight is almost gone.” “Smart!” Missa checked over his bags and when he realized he had everything he started to head outside. “Wait–” Missa felt something grab his arm. He was pulled into Philza. “We shouldn’t use our names in public.” “Right, uh…” He tried to think of a good nickname. “So would you allow me to call you Wisteria? It’s the color of your eyes.” Missa’s brain stopped working for a few seconds. Wait, that was a question. Phil needed an answer. “Yeah– That– that's a really pretty name.” Crap. Now he needed a name that would fit Phil. A caw broke him out of his trance. A crow was sitting up in a tree. A crow! Missa loved crows! They were smart and resourceful, just like Phil! “I’ll call you Cuervo!” Phil’s face flushed. “Cuervo?” “Oh it means crow in Spanish! I saw a crow up in a tree and I guess it just reminded me of you.” “Oh.” “Anyway now that we’ve got that settled, lead the way, Cuervo!”
Missa was going to be the death of Phil. At least in a symbolic sense, Fae couldn’t exactly die. Every single time Phil tried to do something sweet and inconspicuous Missa noticed. The charm, the names, everything was slowly killing him. Making him into a ball of mush whenever he was around Missa.
“Cuervo—“ Missa was having too much fun with that name. “It’s getting dark.” Shit. It was. How did he not notice this? (Probably because he was staring at Missa for so long). “Oh, I’ll set up camp then.” “Do you think that you can start a fire? I’m so bad at that.” “Of course Wisteria.”
Missa was glad the darkness was starting to hide his face. Every time he was called Wisteria by Philza he remembered that moment where Phil explained the name. ‘The color of your eyes’.
He curled up next to a tree and waited for Phil to light the fire. The tree was a good enough place to sleep, right? He started to allow himself to sleep when Phil’s voice snapped him out of it. “Wisteria! I got the fire to light!” “Great.” Missa rubbed at his eyes. “Tired?” “A bit…” “We can just sleep if you need rest.” “That would be great actually.” Missa yawned and tried to adjust so that he could lean against the tree comfortably. Phil snickered. “I’ve got the spare bedroll.” “Oh. Right. That. Sorry, I’m tired.” “It’s all right mate.” Philza laid out both bedrolls. Missa brought his bag next to his bedroll. “Goodnight Cuervo.” “G’night Wisteria.” Missa laid down, warm from the fire and he quickly fell asleep.
Missa was so pretty while he was sleeping. Phil wasn’t staring at him. He just had to stay up to tend to the fire right? It was magic but if he wasn’t making sure it stayed lit then it would go out. He had to make sure it was burning.
But even the stars themselves were in awe of Missa. Philza was sure of it. Even though he had a fire, which was meant to bring them warmth, Philza was still shivering. Sure he could just deal with it… but what if he… Phil moved his bedroll closer to Missa’s. “Mm?” Faint noses came from the human. “Phi—Cuervo?” Shit. He has been caught. Well, he was cold. He was just finding a solution to his problem. “Yeah uh, hi, sorry to wake you up.” Missa rubbed at his eyes. “It’s still dark.” “Yeah, it is. I was just having trouble sleeping because I’m cold.” “Oh?” Missa opened his arms. “C’mere.” Shit. shit. shit. Philza was going to combust. He carefully wrapped his arms around Missa. Missa held him closer than Phil expected. He whispered into Phil’s ear “There’s a song I sing to my son when he can’t sleep. Do you want to hear it?” Phil nodded. Words were only going to fail him. “Fair warning, I’m tired so it’s not going to be great.” Phil didn’t care.
“Lay down your head, and I’ll sing you a lullaby Back to the years of loo-li lai-lay And I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow Bless you with love for the road that you go.” Missa took a deep breath before starting the next verse. “May you sail far to the far fields of fortune With diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet And may you need never to banish misfortune May you find kindness in all that you meet.” At this point, Phil was holding onto his consciousness by a thread. Sleep keeps trying to claim him but he’s determined to hear every word of Missa’s song. “May there always be angels to watch over you To guide you each step of the way To guard you and keep you safe from all harm Loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay.”
“May you bring love and may you bring happiness Be loved in return to the end of your days Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you…” Missa looked down, wondering if he should keep singing. Phil was fast asleep in his arms. “Buenas noches cuervito.” And he too was soon asleep.
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pixiemage · 1 year
I am missing rancher hours so if you don’t mind me babbling
I am still of a firm believer that Jimmy isn’t that attractive avian wise as I believe they probs love bright rare vibrant colors with sleak and powerful wings. While Jimmy still has downy and his wings are fluffy as heck.
While blazeborns/netherborns literally love floof and warm and soft things.
Therefore when they finally get together. Tango is just always buried in feather heaven
That's kind of sweet actually ;-; Like Jimmy's not UNattractive by any means, but he's fairly...uninteresting as far as birbs go. Especially compared to avians like Grian, who has shiny multicolored feathers and is a VERY skilled flyer.
Except Tango looks at him and sees not only fluffy/warm soulmate, but also gold wings gold wings gold wings...which is something any netherborn can appreciate 😋
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simple-seranade · 1 year
Now no mythology isn’t without grand and/or tragic romances or great myths. Here’s one.
Tango was normal human known for his grand inventions and creativity. Even the gods relating to his craft could only amit defeat to his better skill. Therefore many gods came to him in order to court him or try to guide him into worshipping them. Many were petty and frought harshly about this. Many promised him Ulimate riches or power or immortality if he chose them. According to the oldest written word of this myth he refused them all content to be mortal in his workshop. He cared not for any of the gods games.
But according to myth that soon changed. He feel in love with a stranger that came to his town. And he was committed to wooing this man with dandelion yellow hair. And hopefully eventually managing to wed him. Now the thing is tango didn’t know that this handsome man that caught his eyes with his kindness was actually a god. He was saint Jim. Now saint Jim wasn’t unaware of the godly competition for a mortal hand. But frankly he was unimpressed and uninterested. Jim never got the appeal of the ego fights the young gods take apart in. No Jim was on one of tests yet again.
So he made sure to be as useless and as weak he could be. A easy target to bully. And most humans tend to not notice the signs of divinity before it’s too late. And frankly jim has emotions. He can be annoyed at humans. But according to this myth! Despite tango frank annoyance at being courted by numerous deities he was rewarded. Some think tango saved him as part of the test. Some others think the test was just kindness.
Whatever it was Jim and tango struck up a friendship and Jim promised him he would reward anything he would want. Soon jim also fell for tango but said nothing of his feelings the longer they spent time together.
Somehow Tango found out about who Jim truly is. Some iterations of the myth have Jim healing a canary with a broken wing as a way tango finds out. And tango asks what jim feels for him. And Jim is honest. And tango asks for his hand. And Jim agrees.
But one of the gods that been trying to get his hand was watching. And didn’t like this fact. Now he wasn’t into the young mortal but he wanted to show every god he was the best. He was the young god Joel. A child compared to the rest of the gods. Young and impulsive.
Therefore he cremated poor tango right when he finally kissed his love the canary. With lighting hailing from the sky. All down to ash.
The sky seeped with Jim. Plants wilted in grief. The wind wailed. And Jim placed his hands into his lover ashes and brought flame.
It slowly morphed into a figurine. He came back. Tango was ascended into godhood and Joel was swiftly punished by his dear brother Grian that was watching it all like he always does. Joel still to this day won’t comment at whatever punishment Grian deemed fit. Soon after tango the new god of creation ingenuity and fire became the lawful consort of the canary. And it’s rumored to be one of the best god marriages out there. There was a time in some cultures that they would burn incense in temples for them to bless marriages and relationships.
Instead of doves released at weddings, the faithful release canaries.
Tango is one of the few gods who started human, and he carrie’s his emotions and experiences with him. a fierce defender of craftsman and those cheated by society, it is said that the most devoted to him can walk through fire without being burned, and his holy flames will protect them from all harm.
Still, due his time being dead, he has a certain… connection with souls. An aspect few see, dark and mysterious and holding flames made not of fire but souls. Screeches in the underground, rotting bones and crumbling cities… he rules over these as well. If you disturb one of these ancient sites under his protection…
well, let’s just say your cremation is free of charge
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aenor-llelo · 3 years
Hello! Please give us your dish on Techno character -Rainbowchaox
(crackles toe knuckles) for you the world.
C!technoblade shows signs of C-PTSD and/or military trauma that existed before he joined the server, and possibly shared trauma with C!philza- an incomplete list by a person with C-PTSD.
(i’m going off of canon info as i understand it, bear with me)
Technoblade is a very interesting, in how CC!Technoblade’s inherent game habits translate when you realize the implications of this on Technoblade the character.
we can debate about the red festival and butcher army arcs all day, and sure, i’ll have my thoughts if you ask, but i’m speaking into what he’s had from the beginning, independent of his history on the server.
I don’t think I need to explain the implied military past. he’s very well trained and prepared as a fighter in-universe, and his military involvement in the server story has largely been through logistics and supplies rather than fighting prowess- which would not make sense for someone with a generic “fights good for money” backstory, but would make a lot of sense for a former military veteran, possibly of commanding/strategic rank.
Now for the traumatic parts. 
-hoards in extreme excess, mostly in weapons/food or practical items, and he FUCKING HATES people stealing from him, especially food. he is, essentially, constantly preparing for war, constantly prepared to need to feed whatever people are in his “army”. 
-incredibly resigned to the idea of having to discard/lose his possessions. he had so many things but was mentally able to disengage from them all in a heartbeat the moment he was in danger. 
Never get attached. Always be ready to leave. You are guaranteed nothing. You are safe nowhere.
-he needs to be underground. He needs to be isolated. He needs to live in the uninhabitable, unreachable, untouchable. He needs to be hidden. He needs hiding spots in his hiding spots. He has hidden chests all over his house, even when he considered himself retired and largely safe. 
Everywhere is a battlefield waiting to happen. If supply lines can fail, they will. If your rations can run out, they will. Be prepared for when it does, not if.
And how he treats others! Very Very Interesting.
-he has difficulty gauging people's intent and nuance, and is aware of it- this is due to being an ND character played by an ND cc, let’s not forget. he has an unfixable disadvantage in perceiving others, in cataloguing danger, and this makes him very aggressive and defensive to perceived social danger.
he’s been taken advantage of in the past. he fears it will happen again. and he knows, more likely than not, he will never see it coming.
-therefore, people who have been "dishonest" to him for any reason read as threats. someone who goes back on their word is “dishonest”, one step away from “betrayal”, one step away from a threat to techno’s life.
philza’s introduction to the server, and their interactions, speak alot about their characters, and some of how techno treats philza speaks to traumatic thought patterns.
most crucially, techno treats phil as a fellow "survivor". 
when a person has gone through long lasting trauma, they tend to project their coping mechanisms, traumas, and survival tactics onto people they care about.
he treats philza’s distress as his own and acts accordingly. the reason he kills baby zombies, canonically, is out of the assumption that they are a danger or trigger to philza.
technoblade’s world is a never-ending battle. philza is his fellow soldier, his co-commander, his brother in arms. in order for them to survive the battle, of course he shares absolutely everything. his supplies, his most prized possessions, his storage and strategic locations.
None of this behavior individually points to trauma, but speaking from actual experience- all of it lumped together speaks to not only trauma, but a long familiar history with it.
(i could go off about philza’s PTSD too but you asked about techno so here you go haha)
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shepscapades · 2 years
LMAOOOOOOO listen u heard 'em ^_^
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little-soldiers · 2 years
So my dude I found my area of Netherborn/Avian lore along with stuff pertaining to ranchers want me to to talk about it to ya.
SURE!!! it might take me a bit to see it since i’ve been pretty busy lately but i’d love to see rancher thoughts!!!
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pixiemage · 1 year
Also because it’s hilarious
Tango is the only one that knows that practially all men want his rancher romantically
Jimmy doesn’t know he got the rizz.
[For the MCYT Headcanon Ask Game]
Oh my god canon
Well - no hang on, almost canon lol
Because I can imagine that Scott and Sausage PROBABLY ALSO KNOW because of who they are, and maybe Fwhip, but they're not about to tell Jimmy he's wanted by the masses because it'd "inflate his ego" or something. There's a tiny secret club that is aware that all the men simp for Jimmy Solidarity, but not everyone in it knows there are other members, and Jimmy himself will never know of its existence.
(Grian found out about this "They all want Jimmy" thing, blinked, and immediately went "Nah, bullshit" before going on his merry way. The only person to hear the truth and refuse to accept it, because to him, there's NO chance that so many people would be into Timmy of all people.)
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