exiledseacritter · 7 years
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Gusss who’s planning a trip to Indianapolis all cos I sent this picture!? @rainbowswordfish and meeeeee!!! It’s fun being a goddamn adult cos you can drive eleven hours for a vacation and see some of our fave babes!
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thealmostbear · 9 years
Your beard is absolutely wonderful ☺️
Thank you! :-) I credit my genes, and a little bit of daily care that has taken me about a year to figure out properly. I do wish it were a bit longer, but that will come in time I think. (I hope).
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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This dork and I enjoy getting high, being naked and hanging out with our cats! We also forget to shave too often... or not often enough? Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Goddamn it's cool living with yr partner
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
The feels when yr gonna start doing porn work with yr fiancée again…
And YouTube channel shit, and making motherfucking queer ass cute music, and practicing art so we don’t have to take up day jobs, and our craft store is taking off, and holy shit we’re living the life ya know!?!?
Getting paid to make crafts, play music, make silly lil videos, and have loooooots of sex is srsly all I’ve ever wanted, and I get to do it with one of the loveliest cutiepies I’ve ever known. 🤗🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖💖
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
So @rainbowswordfish and I got jobs as paper girls basically and my older brother trained us cos he’s the manager, and when he was training us he told us that whenever you see someone else has delivered papers pull a power move for our paper and move theirs and set ours in the middle. So tonight I figured we’d make him proud and do one better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
So Megs ( @rainbowswordfish ) was talking to Arthur (potential stoner friend/+?) on kik
A:Mentions pizza, smash and weed
M:oh cooool. Btw this is a queer, stoner household, we order Chinese here.
Thats my boo 💖
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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@rainbowswordfish just said the words intercourse invitation and I've never appreciated something that much in my life 😂😍😅👍🏼
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
Tfw yr fiancée gets y'all yogurt and cheesecake for munchies ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜💖🌈
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
Megan told me in reference to me complaining about my boobs vanishing when I lay down via disphoria:
You just gotta check your armpits lily! 🤗 Dat's boob life, appreciate it!
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
HELLO FRIENDS! My girlfriend, niece/kid best friend, and I have started making and selling candles! Our first batch of soy candles is Steven Universe themed! Please please please!!! SHARE, REBLOG, SPREAD THE WORD, AND SUPPORT! @rainbowswordfish and I, along with our KBF, will be forever grateful! - Two queers and a kid ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜💖
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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She's so damn adorable I love you @rainbowswordfish
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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Babes and I went on vacay with some of her family 👌🏼 @rainbowswordfish
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
The life I dream about with you
I want to sit in our house on a Friday night. I want to have gotten off before you, so I can be home waiting for you. I want to be in your old school shirt and a pair of cute shorts, I want to have a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other hand. I want you to come home and kiss my head and call me your wife and know that everyday is another day that I wouldn't change as long as you were in it. I want to wake up on Saturday next to you and cuddle on you for some time, I want to roll out of bed and make breakfast, pancakes and eggs and toast and hash browns and anything else that you could ever possibly want. I want to hear the sound of little feet running down the hall, little feet that belong to our children. To feel their presence in the house and hear their little voices scream "GOOD MORNING MUMMY" while I'm still cooking is all I've ever wanted with you. I'd tell them to sit down and get ready for breakfast as you stumble out towards me and give me a big kiss and tell me "good morning mummy" before sitting down and eating with them. It's all laughs and smiles while I sip my coffee and think of how eternally grateful I am to even be able to make breakfast for y'all. Saturday afternoon comes around and we start getting calls asking for directions to the house. We sent the children to school with invites for a slumber party and the turnout seems to be amazing. We're both so happy for them, it's not an issue at all. We give out the address multiple times to multiple parents and the kids start showing up and our front door is wide open with children and parents coming and going. We're baking cupcakes at first, tons of sweets for the tons of kids in our home. You can hear them having a blast, playing some silly game outside and we're both just standing there watching through the window and smiling and I'm probably crying. I tell you to go play with them while I work on dinner. As I'm cooking I look out the same window and I see you tying lights to all the children's heads, with giant sheets draped over the trampoline, I giggle to myself cos I feel like you told them it's a cave or a mine. I know how much you love cave movies. My heart melts. I take a picture. I want to remember this moment forever. I send the picture to my mom and say "Look at how amazing my wife is, I never thought I could be so lucky!" And then I'd send the picture to your mom and say "Thank you for birthing the most amazing woman I know, you've given me the only gift I've ever wanted." Saturday night rolls around. All of the kids are eating dinner, there's about ten in total. I'm in the living room moving out couches around so they make the ultimate couch and can comfortably fit all of us. You come in and start looking for movies, you had asked the children if they wanted to watch scary or cartoons, they said both. You've picked one of each and you rush off into the hobby room, and a few seconds later come rushing back with your dog machine. You're going all out to make this a fun experience and I absolutely love it. They finish eating and start piling onto the couch and making themselves comfortable with tons of blankets and sleeping bags and stuffies and just absolutely anything they find comforting. You're sitting in one corner with children sprawled out all around you, I sit in the opposite corner and stretch my arm over to hold your hand. The fog machine starts pouring out all over the floor and the kids are already spooped, you absolutely love it. Halfway through the movie and the kids are screaming, I'm screaming, and you're having a laugh at all of us. You squeeze my hand and I look over at you and smile. In this moment I hope you're as happy with me as I am with you. You smile back, mouth the words "I love you, Lily" and go back to watching the movie. My hearts on fire, one of the many reasons I married you, I feel the love exude from you. The movie ends and everyone's terrified except for you, the big brave scary loving mom that we all look up to you as. You put on the kids movie and we get up and head to the kitchen, you lay a big hug on me and tell me "I couldn't be happier!" My smile grows and I let you know the same. We sit there and drink coffee for at least an hour watching the kids start passing out one by one, pretty soon it'll be time for us to go to bed. Sunday morning. We're up extra early, making bacon and sausage and all sorts of goodies that everyone will eat. They enjoy breakfast and head outside. You stick around to help me with the dishes and life couldn't be anymore perfect. Once we finish the chores you head outside to go play hide and seek with them. I'll text all the parents and say the same thing "We're having a blast, come by whenever" I head outside and watch you play with them, there's only two kids left to be found and I can see the confusion on your face as you can't find them, it's absolutely adorable. I start to tend to our garden as y'all restart the game, you get to hide this time and you seem so pumped for it. Immediately you run over to me and lay down flat on the ground, our patch of sunflowers hide you perfectly. We begin talking, about how much fun y'all are having, about how the garden is doing, about everything. Our conversation is cut short by a small child "MISS LILY!!! Have you seen miss megan?!?" I can see you shaking your head at me as you know I'm about to give you up! I stand up and say "No sweetie I haven't seen her at all, I'm sorry!" But as I'm saying it I'm pointing to the sunflowers so they'll know you're there. I squat back down and you thank me for not giving you up, I smile big at you as they come up behind you and scream "I FOUND YOU MISS MEGAN!!!!" You give me a playful mean look and get up to help them find the rest. I fall more in love with you as I watch you run around and climb all over everything looking for them. Slowly throughout the day parents come and go with their children, it's finally quite again. Just the kids and us. We head inside and I go and start a bath for them while you work on dinner. I tell them that they can play until dinner is ready and I come out to help you. Messy hair, dirt and grass stains all over your clothes, a leaf stuck to your sock. This is my wife. This is you. I take a picture cos nothing in this world can be as beautiful as you are to me right now. @rainbowswordfish
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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Living alone with babe is a treat. @rainbowswordfish
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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Srsly nothing makes me happier than having out with these dorks. @rainbowswordfish and I were just trying to cuddle up in bed before we got interrupted by the fur baby and our favorite niece! We all look so happy except for Marie.
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exiledseacritter · 7 years
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I'm so mad that @rainbowswordfish gets a fucking trans pill but I don't!!!
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