#trans girl problems
femfirehazard · 28 days
Trying to medicate depression is so fun
"Aw you're depressed here why don't you take this SSRI."
- hows it work?
"You get like a few days of mania, it then barely makes you feel better, You gain a bit of weight and it makes it so you can't cum or enjoy an orgasm."
Anyway I stopped taking my Lexapro a few days ago and want to kms quite a bit less now ☠️
Because I remembered life was worth living after a meaningful orgasm.
It's 2024 How the fuck do we still not have effective ways to medicate this shit.
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kloesia · 1 year
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This is pretty much what happens when yall send me ya nudes. It just makes me mildly sad. Like i love tumblr and the community within it, but there is a zero chance i would date and or sleep with anyone on here. I just dont get horny for strangers 🤷‍♀️
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inkwell-god · 25 days
I’ve carefully reworked how I sneeze to sound smaller and more “feminine” but this has had the unfortunate effect that every 25th sneeze fold me in half, breaks all of my bones, and ruptured all of my organs
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smoothie-kink · 4 months
feels like there's only two types of fashion for fat people
there's clothes for thin people but big. they're tight in some places and too loose in others because their designers seem to have no idea that we have different proportions, and then the stuff that does fits seems like it was designed specifically to hide as much of our bodies as possible.
That's why I hate clothes shopping so much, I already know everything interesting isn't going to fit, and everything that fits is gonna make me look like homer simpson
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It's absolutely degrading, exhausting, and makes me ashamed of my body every single time. That's why almost all my clothes are like 3-5 years old, that's why I cycle through the same 5 outfits day after day.
decent clothes for a body like mine are just that rare.
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socalledcharlie · 2 years
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Dude my heart is up here ⬆️
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boredbutalive · 1 year
On my way to get into it with my GP's reception staff because they once again have come up with arbitrary reasons to not release the blood work for my hormone review to me.
My brothers in Christ and sisters in sin it is literally my blood.
This happens more or less everytime so I know the script I need to run through to sort this out but im tired and not in the mood
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juniperinautumn · 9 months
just felt my balls move in my tuck. this feels just as good a 13th reason as any other
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
Agh fuck.
My brain says go wear a skirt.
But I
1.) Have no money.
2.) Live with my grandparents who I haven't come out to yet.
3.) Couldn't even face the cashier if I wanted to buy one from a store.
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amberaddamstg · 11 months
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The Grindr chronicles part 4
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suchsweetsorro · 2 years
to fellow trans girls/amab people/anyone who doesnt want chest hair but it grows back quickly - how do you get rid of it? i have to shave it pretty much every day and it still comes back really quickly. And even when i do shave it it still shows little dots everywhere. does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of it pre-hrt? (ik with hrt it can reduce its growth and eventually stop it
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blake-nikos · 2 years
dysphoria and body type issues
Ive fighting with dysphoria and body type issues a lot lately  as ive lost as much weight as i can just by doing cardio,  its gotten to the point my legs are stupidly muscular like body builder levels big (19 in calves muscles big)   Ive actively been trying to not get to muscular (to the point of avoiding upper body exercises )  just cos its not my  style  ive always had the dream of being tall and slim  and elegant  and thats never going to happen cos my body structure just aint built that way even after 3 years of HRT    im build like a (albeit  over weight)  a 6ft3 tank of a women,   true hour glass shape  small waist,  massive thighs, big tits  and atm a dump truck of a ass.   even tho its not really my type or the dream ive had for my self, ive gotta except that  and make the best of what i got,   so instead of getting depressed cos i’ll never have a body like the anime girls i dream that i was,  i gotta strive to be like the anime girls im built like  so move over Revy, motoko kusanagi and birdy cephon altera.    say hello to new transition goals of     Ghislaine,   Noi ,   mirko  and Maki Oze  
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The amount of money I couldn't afford to give Demonia but would anyway (if they made more of their shoes ONE SIZE FUCKING LARGER) is insane. Instead I just window shop for boots I'd have to remove toes to wear.
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thezineontheblock · 2 months
my trans journey~
oh yeah hey I almost forgot to say it,
I'm queer and transfemme, my pronouns are Zey Zem Zir or alternatively They Them Theirs. I hate being compared to men, I hate that I live in a state where people refuse to accept alternative gender roles.. I know in my introductory post I have a small goatee but I can promise you now, I didn't want to grow that scraggly beard in the first place..
I want to feel gorgeous. I want to have people whistle when I go rolling by. I miss those faraway days when I could pop my estrogen like candy under my tongue and feel the magic working on me..
I've been on Hormone Replacement Therapy several times through my life. I plan to restart that process when I manage to relocate back to the West once again, I miss feeling beautiful and stunning people when I speak to them.
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thanks for listening everyone,
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chelles-trees · 3 months
Here are some helpful tips for anyone recovering from bottom surgery:
1. If you're bleeding--but it isn't from the canal--put on a menstrual pad and sit upright on something hard for 30-45 minutes. It doesn't matter if you do this at home or in an ER waiting room while on the phone to an on-call urologist crying about how you think you screwed up the surgery, the pressure will be distributed well enough to stop the bleeding and allow a scab to form.
2. Don't watch, listen to, or read anything funny while dialating. Laughing while dialating hurts and you may give birth to a piece of silicone.
3. Take the damn anti-alergy meds. Sneezing while dialating will make you look for the dialator if you aren't fast enough to catch it.
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gweniveretheponderous · 4 months
Them: You know they say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results each time.
Me trying to hit up the trans girls on grindr who are obviously just there for cis dick: damn that's crazy. Hey so which of these ass pics makes me look like i still top?
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lady-trashpanda · 10 months
"My cup runneth empty." I say as I look down sadly at my empty Monster Zero Ultra.
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