Music Tag Game
@hesreth , thanks for the tag!!
✨when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favorite followers✨*
Lemonade by the Opera Bell Band
2. Bitter Water by the Oh Hellos
3. Judy You Hung the Moon by Harbour
4. Salniņa by Auli
5. Rosalita by Bruce Springsteen
tagging @feamir @raindragonwing @chaoticrushu @jerichomere @unraveling-plot @ohlooklackless @garlicandcheeseinawindmill @fangirlamongstotherthings @liviemomo @leastparanoidandroid
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solanaceaess · 6 months
Tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @bigcryptiddies (●'◡'●)
last song: IT Is The End - Ice Nine Kills
currently watching: I've lost track of whatever it was I was actively watching so, mostly YouTube aka RTGame's new Minecraft series (but before that maybe Leverage Redemption?)
three ships: Mostly on my mind are OC/Canon or OC / OC atm but:
favorite colors: RED, blue, black, like coral pink
currently consuming: idk i had these like cookie dough munchies earlier they were cool but i get coffee cake tomorrow for birthday so thats neat
first ship: im genuinely not sure if it was GaaNaru or like OkiAmmy rn but what i do know is i haven't thought about either in years
birthplace: The UK (unfortunate knowledge)
current location: Liminal Space
relationship status: Taken
last movie: DUNE 2 - i actually had time out from Other Shit and got to go watch it in cinema, it was very neat; though uh i am also remembering bc of that the time my friends and I went to see FNAF and we couldn't stop laughing at the narm of it
currently working on: Praying for better gear for my HSR teams and multiple video games at once because I have no rhyme or reason (3 years of FF14 as of tomorrow though!)
Tagging: @raindragonwing @darlingofdots @drinkyourfuckingmilk @crown-him-with-many-crowns @nerdgasrnz (And anyone else that would like to participate!)
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ternaryflower53 · 3 years
osmosis: critical role in general
(If you want to do an in general, I already sent you a more specific one haha)
(test my dashboard osmosis skills)
nah that's fine i love ask fun
cr in general. hm let's see. we know about the narrative foil wizards who get together at the end. caduceus is ace and that happened in the same week as ace jasnah. beauyasha is a ship name and not actually just a character (also does one of them die? someone dies. idk who). there's a character named molly who is not a girl?
let's see i also read part of that fic that @szethsmom recced so hmmm essek. lives in a tower for a long time. has shitty parents? something something crystals? the mighty nein just adopt him and honestly good for him. i do know for a fact that essek = floaty purple boi and was originally evil aligned. also is played by matt mercer who is the only party member i know jfkdsghdfjds
oh and also your whole rant about the trans vibes in cr. i know about that
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ayzenigma · 3 years
Hart, 67, for the dnd character ask?
67. what makes them laugh?
GREAT QUESTION that i now have to actually think about because apparently i've never actually thought about this detail?
first thing that came to mind was uhhh. nervous laughter when scared/unnerved by some unknown enemy lmao. probably given where the party currently is...
I'd say Hart has a sense of humor that is... rather out of practice, so she doesn't really laugh very much. maybe some grins or soft chuckles occasionally, but not much more that that. Emotions are hard :'c
get to know my dnd characters!
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dontgofarfromme · 4 years
It's Thursday!!! 14, 15, and 40 for the CR ask? (No pressure for 40 to be an Absolute Favorite, could just be one you really like.)
14. How do you cope with high tension in CR (stress-snacks, screaming into the chat void, skipping it, etc.)?
LOLLLL oh man for the last few high tension battles I've had a tendancy to like....stop watching, close my laptop, try to go to bed, fail to go to bed, and then watch shit go down via other peoples liveblogs bc I need to know what happens but I also cant handle watching it
15.   Are there any loose threads in any campaigns or one-shots/miniseries that you desperately wish would be resolved/addressed?
Not a loose thread really but one thing I wish we had more of from cr1 is Pike content? I know she got a mini-arc towards the end but I also think her character was really cool and had the potential for a much larger character arc that was unfortunately impossible due to Ashley's filming etc. Luckily she's here now so we wont run into the same thing with Yasha!
40. What’s your favorite CR quote?
SO many. "I should have told you. It's yours." literally stabs me in the chest every time. Also Keyleth's "CALL ME CHILD ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME." There's definitely more, for sure there's some from cr2 as well but they're not coming to mind rn oops.
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palanaeum · 4 years
I would love to hear about the wtnv related paper!
Oh it wasnt wtnv related, it was about how we as humans are incomprehensibly large at the same time as being in incomprehensibly small and how to reconcile that. I wrote it, which means that inevitably it becomes about the inherent guilt at existing and struggling with connecting to any sort of identity or place in the world. It was about being too simultaneously too large and too small. It also had some fun calculations I did like how many times we could reach the sun if I took the number of atoms in my body and stacked up that many pieces of paper (spoiler alert: it's just about a fuck ton)
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Full moon and ponder
full moon: what type of person do you hope to be?
i’m actually pretty happy with the kind of person i am right now if i’m being honest. like i’m not going to stop changing and growing but i don’t really have a goal of the kind of person i want to be. [other then being stupidly rich so i can help people]
ponder: what do you want to do with your life?
at the core I want to create things, anything and everything. as mentioned above the main goal of a lot of it would be helping others. I truly believe I'm here (being alive) to make the world a better place and I do my best to pursue that goal despite not currently being in the best position to do so
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Cookie asks! Macaroon, biscotti, dutch letter, wafer
macaroon: when was the first time you fell in love with a place?
I can’t remember the first time, but one of the times I fell in love with a place was when I visited NYC for the first time during the winter. I loved how historical the city is, and how there’s good food everywhere. Also, it just felt really cozy and I enjoyed myself there more than when I’ve traveled to other places (where I often feel stressed out because of a busy itinerary or pressure to feel amazed by everything). The best part was just doing mundane things like riding the subway or walking down the street. 
biscotti: what languages do you speak? which one feels the most intimate to you?
I only speak English fluently. However, I am learning Spanish, Russian, Korean, and my native language. For fun, I like to learn a few phrases in Vietnamese, Chinese, and French. 
dutch letter: if you could decorate your room anyway you wanted, how would it look?
I would put tulle drapes with string lights inside hang over my bed. I would have paintings decorate the walls and also plant a small garden. I just want it to feel open and comforting.
wafer: what kind of music manages to totally transport you somewhere else?
Ghibli and other movie soundtracks and video game music.
Thank you so much for asking! 
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desmothene · 3 years
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
Thanks for the tag @redminibike1
Favorite color: blue? and a burnt orange-y color? guess it might be “pumpkin” tbh. idk i lean towards color-palette combos rather than specific colors. you can make me like a color more if you give it a good contrasting pairing. 
Currently reading: Master and Apprentice (Star Wars) by Claudia Grey... also slowly. Plus The Frozen Chosen but that was for a specific reason... and metric shit-tons of fanfic. 
Last song: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Maine Theme, from the “kote, darasuum kote” spotify fanmix... do i have Vode An memorized... yes... 
Last film: Dune! Which I actually enjoyed quite a bit and made me consider going back to finish the book. 
Currently watching: The Clone Wars - I’m on Season 3 and moving very slowly because I have to pause multiple times an episode and rant for... various reasons. But obv like... all of the fandom’s fav plotlines have been spoiled already. 
Last series: Legend of Vox Machina w/ @thearchitectlens
Three ships: codywan, jangobi, and i guess laurence/tharkay? i’m a multi-shipper tho so like... i have favorite characters in a thing and then a selection of several ships i’ll read them in. 
First ever ship: I’m reasonably certain it was ... johnlock? Because Sherlock was how I figured out I was asexual and up until that point i categorically refused to read romance/shippy fic... and then once things clicked for me personally then it was like “oh ok i can read romance stuff now”
Currently working on: honestly, mostly fanbinding lol. so many pretty books to make! but i finally did pick up and start writing a TCW bunny that uh... is basically a GAR sexual assault/harassment policy and procedure (or addressing likely lack thereof) fic that will probably turn into endgame codywan... i also have some massive beef w/ admiral yularen which may or may not turn into a fic. 
if it’s not abundantly clear, when i fall into a new fandom i obsess intensely... I’ve only been here in SW since august...  
tagging @george-oswald-dannyson  @therewillbebeauty @raindragonwing @malamishka @calika @tankbredgrunt
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simply-sithel · 3 years
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A while ago @raindragonwing sent me some beautiful glass vials and kindly included a few extra microcentrifuge tubes which at the time I was rather skeptical about. Well, I’m thankful now to have them- what perfect little ink samplers! My friend Marek, provider of the blessed oak gal ink, lent me some gum arabic and has inspired in me an urge to dabble in inks.
The darker stuff is boiled down loquat leaves to a sludge. Very particle-y. If I don’t shake it I get a light tan color, if I do I get this chunky, textured dark brown (sepia?) that faintly bleeds the lighter tan.
The lighter stuff is from a single avocado pit. Much smoother, has a cute faint pink tint to it. Love the gradient demonstrated by taking samples along the way. Didn’t get it as strong as I like but also didn’t mix in any additional chemicals.
Too thin and light to actually write text with, am not sure what I’ll do with them (or how long they’ll keep?) but I’ll figure something out... maybe time to try and tackle “misty landscapes” or something equally loose and light.
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solanaceaess · 4 years
Hey I dont know what ROW is but ngl seeing "ROW SPOILERS" on a post gave me whiplash bc that's me I am Row what's being spoiled
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ternaryflower53 · 3 years
thoughts on fjord (and/or jester) from cr2 for dashboard osmosis ask?
(I'd ask about the Narrative Foil Wizards except I've talked about them)
(test my dashboard osmosis abilities)
fjkdsg honestly i still know so little about the narrative foil wizards except that they're narrative foil wizards
uhh i like jester's voice, at least from the one singular clip i've watched of cr. is fjord a healer or am i making that up? uhhh i think they're together in canon but also not an extremely popular ship
as you can see. i know quite a bit about critical role
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abraxas365 · 4 years
Tagged by @raindragonwing​ for one of these tag game things!
Nickname(s): Sometimes my friends call me Garfield but only when they’re actively trying to get on my nerves. I do not like that nickname. 
Height: Like 5′11-ish, but I haven’t actually measured in a while
Hogwarts house: Was ravenclaw, years back when I had positive opinions on harry potter. Not sure how much I’ve fundamentally changed as a person since those days and I’m not looking up a quiz to check
Last thing I googled: FLL (an airport which I needed directions to to pick up a family member)
Song stuck in my head currently: “The Chemical Worker’s Song” which should have blown up and got super popular instead of the wellerman song, imo
Number of followers: 99, but I assume most of y’all are deactivated or bots that I missed blocking. 
Dream job: software engineer for nasa, probably. I don’t really dream of working, but that’s probably the Real Job that’s both in my skillset and also pretty cool. 
Lucky/favorite number: don’t really have a specific one other than I guess 69 or 420 because they’re the Funney Joke Numbers, but in general all multiples of 3 are better than all numbers that aren’t multiples of 3. I cannot explain why but I know in my heart that it is true. 
Favorite song: Changes every time I think about music tbh, but if I get to pick one song I like to rub in my followers’ faces I’m gonna go with “Deathlessness” by AJJ. But also I half-chose that song with a coin flip so feel free to ask again some other day, I’ll recommend something more eastern-european-folksy then. 
Favorite instrument: Accordion. Play me any song prominently featuring an accordion and I’ll probably think it’s a bop. 
Wearing: Jeans, t-shirt, and a light jacket. 
Aesthetic: Several seemingly contradictory ones. Feels like I’ve been wanting to give off Spooky vibes more often than anything else lately, though. 
Favorite authors: Pretty sure the only things I’ve read recreationally since middle school have been homestuck and the first few discworld books before I just stopped reading that series for no discernable reason. So, Terry Pratchett by default, because I refuse to give hussie credit for anything
Favorite animal sounds: When you bother a cat that was sleeping/not paying attention and it goes “mrrp?”
Random: Well, I can’t recommend Dark Souls or The Magnus Archives here, since those are kind of inaccessible to a lot of people for a lot of reasons, so I’ll just recommend every song ever made by The Blasting Company, with “Simon Was” probably being a good place to start
Tagging other people: feel free to just do it or ask me to edit this part of the post, I guess? Idk there’s like 2 people on this site I feel like I know well enough to tag in something like this, and they’re the person who tagged me and someone else they tagged so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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palanaeum · 4 years
oh! you're a musician! what do you play?
I've played piano since about age seven (though my mother was teaching me informally from well before then). All of my siblings play piano + at least one other instrument, and my mother played all the time. I started violin in 5th grade and added viola around (sophomore year?) high school because there werent enough violas in the baroque orchestra I was playing violin in. I've also been singing for as long as I can remember and I've been in choirs from first grade on though I only took lessons as a soloist during middle school.
So basically, I play piano, violin, and viola, and I can carry a part in vocal ensembles
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I posted 6,918 times in 2021
13 posts created (0%)
6905 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 531.2 posts.
I added 11 tags in 2021
#dnd - 2 posts
#c2 - 1 posts
#2+4=6 - 1 posts
#many smols - 1 posts
#would still offers hugs however - 1 posts
#pretty sure it was raindragonwing - 1 posts
#or possibly t-pane - 1 posts
#not entirely sure which - 1 posts
#7 or 8yrs i guess? - 1 posts
#salamigang - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 50 characters
#real answer is the temeraire series bt naomi novik
My Top Posts in 2021
The Spirit of cleanliness is a bitch (and/or nocturnal)
5 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 11:29:09 GMT
Why would Laura bailey's character turn into fabric if she dated more then one person at once?
9 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 22:14:47 GMT
Friendly reminder:
if you're a GM you should periodically ask for a game health check from your players to make sure everyone is having a good time. This can also be an excellent resource for learning more about your party
If you're a player you should let your GM know you're having fun and/or what could be done to make it more enjoyable and start that conversation
With best wishes
- part-time dictator of reality
10 notes • Posted 2021-11-15 20:32:27 GMT
to the tune of "I would walk 500 miles"
I should get up, cause I know i got things to do. Things most important to me and not to you.
But if I get up, I know there will be things I forgot and really must absolutely do
And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more just because forgot my keys at home or cause I forgot what I came here for
Adhd adhd
Adhd adhd
Dumb da'dumb dumb dumb dumb
I am up now, places i must be, gotta be there but I still have 30
Got my backpack and wallet I'm ready. Out the door I'm ready surely
But wait now, forgot my binder and my tea. Rushing home I still have 15
At the door now, quickly with the keys. I wonder where they could be
Adhd adhd
Adhd adhd
Dumb da'dumb dumb dumb dumb
And I Stand there, full of anxiety. From the window my keys are winking out at me
Everyday now, it's always something. The world really doesn't not like me
Class is starting, I'm not where I'm supposed to be. Crying on my doorstep shamefully
29 notes • Posted 2021-04-12 18:02:17 GMT
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very rough concept for the dragon form of @hues-of-purple ‘s OC Selenia (inspired by their sequin dress sketch)
33 notes • Posted 2021-04-08 05:16:18 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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I was tagged by @shufaya. Thank you!! ily ☺️💗💗
Rules: MAKE A NEW POST, bold what applies to you and tag whoever you want to get to know better.
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces (had, not anymore) // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
Hobbies and Talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami (very basic origami like fortune teller or a cicada) // i prefer movies to t.v shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends// i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand.
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days// i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me// i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least one dog // i have a cat
Thank you again 💞💞💞
I tag: @raindragonwing @thechickenmidwife @max--phillips @shandiin-vibin @hansoulo @themangolorian @freak-nasty-thick-dick-mando @kinda-chinese and everyone who wants to do this tag
Feel free to join in if you want and tag me! I’d love to get to know you
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