chocochipbiscuit · 9 months
piper/sentient deathclaw!! uh, please. :')
Intelligent deathclaws were a real thing in prior games, and honestly if BG3 players can fuck a bear (or at least a druid in wildshape!) why can't Piper fuck a deathclaw!
Nutshell summary: Piper's investigating an old Vault that specialized in reproductive medicine and fertility treatments, and accidentally spills a vial of deathclaw mating pheromones. Lots of randy deathclaws start showing up, and Piper's rescued by Sentient Deathclaw (whom I abbreviated to SD, then Sid, then I couldn't help thinking of that stupid sloth from Ice Age so it's back to SD for now!) so they retreat into the Vault and lock the door.
...well, SD's ready to be a gentleman, but Piper can't help being curious, so.... :P
They fuck. A lot. Also while exploring the vault.
I can't help thinking about it with the actual vaults we've seen so far, the horrific experiments and the systemic biases of the prewar era and the eugenics of the actual 1950s and all the 'procreation is your civic duty,' there's just...something to be said about reclaiming those tools and medications and using it to help current settlements thrive. Though that's also rather heavy for something that's basically a smut fic.
Though on that note! Because I just wanna yell about smut!
Also! the fascination of oral kink! both with small soft human mouths (because human teeth are NOTHING compared to deathclaw chompers!) and long slithery deathclaw tongues!
all I'm saying is that they should fuck so much about it!
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Doctor Who's 60th anniversary special reveals the Toymaker had a hand in the Timeless Child, the invention of TV, and much more, but he may have also played a game with Captain Jack Harkness. One of the biggest twists from Russell T Davies' first stint as Doctor Who showrunner was the reveal that Torchwood's Jack Harkness would eventually become the Face of Boe - a big face floating in a jar. Frustratingly, Doctor Who TV canon has still not bridged that gap. Rose's Bad Wolf form made Jack immortal, but at some point during the millennia he was alive, the universe's randiest Time Agent became a giant head, and it remains unclear how.
This seems to be one of few Doctor Who mysteries RTD doesn't use the Toymaker to solve in Doctor Who's "The Giggle." When Neil Patrick Harris' villain faces David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor in a game of cards, the Toymaker proclaims he "made a jigsaw out of your [the Doctor's] history." Speaking on Doctor Who: Unleashed, RTD explained this was intended as a loosening of the rules that could account for Doctor Who's Timeless Child retcon, the Eighth Doctor's claim about being half-human, and anything else that didn't quite fit. In a strange way, the Toymaker might have also addressed how Captain Jack transformed into the Face of Boe.
The Toymaker Claimed He Turned God Into A "Jack-In-The-Box"
When the Toymaker is boastfully listing his many achievements since crossing into Doctor Who's main universe, he mentions, "I gambled with God - and made him into a Jack-in-the-box." The initial implication here is that Doctor Who's Toymaker made a beeline for whatever passed as the monotheistic deity of the universe, played a game with it, won, and then turned this entity into a toy for his own amusement, just as he does to the UNIT soldiers in "The Giggle." According to one theory (via X user Tigfore), however, the Toymaker's "Jack-in-the-box" remark may have been a sneaky reference to turning Jack Harkness into the Face of Boe.
Across Doctor Who seasons 1-3, the Face of Boe was treated as a big deal, with loyal followers that would accompany and care for him towards the end of his life. The 2018 audio story "Escape from New York" went further, and included a reference that suggested the Face of Boe had come to be considered a God in humanity's future. When the Toymaker says he "gambled with God," therefore, he certainly could mean Captain Jack Harkness. "Jack-in-the-box" would then be a very wry nod to the Toymaker turning Jack into a face inside a jar.
Why The Toymaker Turning Jack Harkness Into The Face Of Boe Makes Sense
Using the phrase "Jack-in-the-box" to refer to the Face of Boe fits perfectly with the morbid, toy-centric sense of humor Neil Patrick Harris' version demonstrates throughout "The Giggle." More importantly, Jack Harkness was both a friend of the Doctor's and an immortal being, tickling two of the Toymaker's areas of interest. Given how long Jack was alive, it seems inevitable that the Toymaker would have approached him. Just like the Doctor, Jack would have realized that his best bet was defeating the villain at his own game. Jack then lost, and - with all due respect to Boekind - had his trademark good looks taken away as punishment.
This would actually answer two big questions hanging over the Jack Harkness-Face of Boe connection. Given that Boe is allegedly the future form taken by Jack Harkness, it seems strange that Doctor Who also mentions an entire species known as Boekind. Secondly, Jack is supposed to be immortal, but eventually dies after becoming the Face of Boe. Boekind may have been a preexisting species that the Toymaker decided was a fitting form for Jack Harkness to take, and the villain is also powerful enough to undo the TARDIS mojo keeping Jack from dying. As the Fourteenth Doctor himself admits, "the TARDIS is an idea the Toymaker would throw away."
The Toymaker Is Doctor Who's Best Chance At Explaining The Face Of Boe
Since Russell T Davies is dipping into Doctor Who lore and pulling out the Meep, Mel, and the various deep-cut Easter eggs in Tales of the TARDIS, one cannot rule out Doctor Who explaining the full story behind the Face of Boe in a future season. Due to external factors, however, this is incredibly unlikely. Controversy surrounding his initial run on the show has likely scuppered any chance that John Barrowman will return in Doctor Who season 14 and beyond, ending hopes of continuing Captain Jack's story.
Without Barrowman, recounting the story of how Jack became the Face of Boe would be tricky, which leaves blaming the Toymaker as the most straightforward answer. This also avoids the problem of "God" in Doctor Who. If the Toymaker turned the universe's actual God into a Jack-in-the-box, this not only means God no longer exists in the show's canon, but for the first time since the Tenth Doctor beat the devil, questions are raised over the nature of Doctor Who's religious mythology. If the "God" mentioned by the Toymaker was only Captain Jack, those problems no longer apply.'
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Why do I write Ludger, William, and Othello (in that exact order) as the randiest bastards alive? 😭
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furby-organist · 4 months
> "Thank goodness I died way back in the 1930's, or I'd have the hybristophiles sharing my 'full body photographs' on social media with the randiest comments known to man! Human sexuality and modern technology were both mistakes that should have never collided!"
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I, an asexual(tm), every time I write a tavern song: this is going to be the randiest fucking jam this side of the Sword Coast
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radioconstructed · 8 months
@usedhearts said: 🩸MY, what a graph! I've never seen one quite so OFF THE CHARTS!
⌖ HAHA! I'm just THAT powerful! Was someone going to TELL me I was the RANDIEST DEER AT THE DISCO or was I supposed to find out like THIS?
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raisab332012 · 1 year
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aranysziv · 1 year
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már túl vagyunk a kölyökkel az első napon. most reggel, mikor kiültem a teraszra, ő meg kijött utánam és a lábamhoz feküdt, azon gondolkoztam, hogy tulajdonképpen most vajon ki vigyáz kire, úgy őrködött előttem. annyira cukor, hogy nem tudok vele betelni. amíg olvastam is csatlakozott: kint is, és a kanapén is. a gazdája mondta, hogy el sem akarja hinni. mondjuk én sem. de jól esik, ezek a mi napjaink. és elviszem a Margit-szigetre és játszunk sokat. egyedül a szájkosártól tartok picit, mert azt utálja, és nagyon erősen kell ráhúzni, de végül is csak két metrómegállóra kell elviselnie, többre nem. meg úgyis simizem majd, nem lesz gond. a kókuszos túrórudi nagyon izgatta a fantáziáját, de nem kapott belőle. az ő csemegéje a szárított nyuszifül (nagy bánatomra), mármint tényleg, és látszódik, hogy az egy igazi nyuszi füle volt. egyik szemem sír, a másik nevet, mikor adok neki. de azért adok neki, nagyon szereti.
és még este azért belefért egy randiest is. a kedvenc részem a következő párbeszéd volt, amire mindig emlékezni akarok:
ő: persze, mert most fasírtban voltunk
én: mi nem… mi nem fasírtban voltunk. ez nem csak egy sima, egyszerű fasírt volt. hanem minimum egy wellingtoni bélszín.
ő: *csak néz rám, mosolyog, de teljesen kiégett, aztán a szeméhez kap, megrázza a fejét, mint aki azt mondja, hogy “ez nem lehet igaz”, majd újra rám* gyere ide azonnal
szeretem, hogy meg tudjuk egymást nevettetni a saját hülyeségünkkel. tudtam, hogy sok lesz neki a bélszín, de azt is, hogy nevetni fog. úgy imádom kikészíteni az embereket. de csak így. hogy megrázza a fejét és forgatja a szemét, de szeret. ez a legőszintébb nekem. reggel keltenem kellett, mert jöttem vissza ehhez a kis szeretetgombóchoz, meg neki is menni kellett tanítani, de szerintem ő is csak vagy 2-3 órát aludhatott, én meg még annyit sem. de nem baj, majd a napon magamhoz térek. de most ez így olyan jó. csak nagyon jó.
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smugraccoon137 · 2 years
Supergirl Season 1 Episode 4 Review and Thoughts
Ahh the greatest of beasts. One's own mother
Fun choice of words there Alex “coming out” as Supergirl.
Is Kara actually the favorite? Damn not usually what happens in foster/broken families situations
Oh my God I love this Leslie bitch roasting her. 
“SHE DOES KIND OF GIVE OFF A SAPHIC VIBE” okay I never watched season 1. But thats two “Kara you gay?” jokes in 4 episodes. Thats a lot by tv standards
Also yes Leslie she is very butch and I am thankful for it
W: How was breakfast with your mom?
K: Foster mom
*me nodding and taking notes*
Oh no not a friendsgiving episode lol
Oh my god even Cat Grant is on to Supergirl's sexuality. 
C: Leslie you can’t make fun of the girl for being gay
K: *listening in with super hearing* Wait what
Cat wants to adopt Supergirl thats canonical and hilarious
K: “I came out as Supergirl”
Just as soon as they brought James in as a love interest they pull him out. Because I guess he and Lucy have unfinished business
Wouldn’t this have made more sense to have him already dating Lucy in the beginning, and cultivate his and Kara’s relationship. And then Kara have a one sided crush before they break James and Lucy up? Or even them not realizing their romantic inclinations until after the break up?
 It feels clunky the way they’re going back n forth like this. 
Poor Alex and her mommy issues.
K: Maybe its time for you to come out. Tell her who you really are
A: That im a DEO agent?
K: …….. *shrugs* 
When you know your sisters gay but she doesn't
Cat being supportive in her own catty way to her first daughter Leslie
Oh my fucking god it is PERD
Gotta love hearing Kara's foster mom talk about “Alex allowing Kara” to do anything. Its controlling as fuck. Also the disappointment in Alex hurts my little mommy issues heart
So far Leslie Wilis is the only interesting villain they've made
Drink up Alex you're going to need more than that
I wonder what Thanksgiving means to someone like Kara? Someone whose lost so much but gained family anyways.
Feels kind of weird for Kara to put so much into friendsgiving dinner but as soon as James calls its like “fuck all of you”
We are all Winn. First time in years he's done Thanksgiving and it's super awkward. Poor guy just wanted some turkey and chill time with Kara. And now there is drinking and arguing and storming out. Big oof 
Honestly fuck Eliza
Godddd this flashback hurts. It feels like real foster/broken family shit. Everything is new and yet the dynamics are being thrust upon everybody. Someone whose supposed to look after you but is only a few years older and never had any siblings is now a big sister. You’ve got two adults who aren’t really your parents trying to parent you. You’re different from all of them but you're expected to fit in. And you can’t go anywhere. You’re stuck. Bitch imma have a flashback
I love how Cat doesn't know who winn is
Ooooh I dig Livewire shes sick af
Nothing better than a villain whose like “naw im actually good like this. Like you should have seen me before”
Who thought getting in an elevator was a good idea when the person who can control electricity wants you dead?
Whoever plays Cat Grant is a really good actress. Again a very meaningful scene between her and Kara in this episode. And it got delivered perfectly. It's almost as if when the writers take the time to slow down the writing makes sense and is better??
Something something Cat Grant is Karas unofficial mother figure something something wanting to gain her approval something something desperately wanting to connect to her something something their bond
Wow this is the first episode where Kara independently actually took down the bad guy
Aww i loved what winn was grateful for. That was a really nice moment
Andddd he kissed her. Of course he did
Cat picking out the tabloid of the week: Which would you pick? The closeted teen heart throb who was caught slipping out of national city’s randiest gay bar?
There is a lott of closetted talk in this episode. Also baby lena luthor lol
Overall Thoughts
This is the first episode I’ve watched that I thought was actually good. Sorry Episode 1. 
Of course this is also the episode with the least amount of DEO involvement which I’m pretty open about not liking and thinking is a boring plot device
Lets make our way down the list.
Live wire is the first interesting villain we’ve had. Very reminiscent of Smallvilles what would happen kind of character creation. She’s a person with a personality outside of being a prisoner in Fort Rozz. And she has a clear motive for being the way she is and acting how she does. That already sets us up for success in this episode. Especially with her clear contrast to Supergirl’s sunny demeanor.
Its Thanksgiving! Which means the characters actually get to interact besides one liners and fun crime busting  shenanigans. We get meaningful dialogue with each person in Kara’s life. And not necessarily with her! Last but not least we finally get to meet Kara’s foster mother, Eliza, for the first time.
One of the best things about this episode was acknowledging parts of Kara’s Earth childhood. We get to see her new family dynamic and uh it doesn’t look all happy go lucky the way she makes things seem.
I’m glad its finally a conversation though since I feel it took them far too long to get to. It felt strange to just ignore such an important part of Kara’s story and life and just skip to her getting Cat coffees. Not only did it feel weird but I felt like it would’ve been more interesting filler for episodes 1-3. That helped us to understand/relate to Kara and Alex better. As well as tie into defeating our Villain of the Day instead of whatever plan the DEO basically just tells Kara to do.
Another point! This is the first episode where Kara defeats her opponent on her own. I’m not so much counting the plane from ep1. But the two Fort Rozz guys as well as “I hate superman” radioactive guy were all taken down because of the DEO. It was their plan or their information that took those guys down even if Kara did the heavy lifting. Which I hate because like isn’t this her show? Shouldn’t she be the one like figuring things out, coming up with plans that fail only to figure out something at the very last minute? It feels very much like she's just doing what she's told in the first three episodes. It feels like she doesn’t have as much autonomy as other heroes.
But in this one! Yes the DEO gives her a magic box thingy that's supposed to take down Livewire. But Kara is the one who agreed to work with Cat as bait. She's the one defeats Livewire with water. I don’t care if it's pulled out of someone ass at least she did it herself. This and the plane are the only things Kara has decided to fucking do herself without anyones help.
Cat Grant and her involvement in this episode is one of the tipping factors as to why its better than the others. Her relationship with her own mother paralleling her and Leslie's relationship was really nice. As well as this hopeful end to that conversation with the concept that Kara is like Cat’s second chance at getting it right. I really enjoyed that.
Finally coming full circle at the end of the episode where Kara has a moment with Cat, then Winn, then James, and finally her sister and foster mother. It makes sense for a thanksgiving episode but is also classic soap opera formatting that oddly enough the show needs more of. I would not expect myself to be saying that a show mostly about the Wam Bam Pow needs more drama but here I am.
And then of course another classic drama trope. We end with a cliff hanger and new reason to tune in next time. Jeremiah's death is revealed and now the girls have a mystery to solve. 
I wouldn’t usually rely so heavily on these tv devices, but because the writers have done little to make me care about characters that I’D LIKE TO GET TO KNOW. Its kind of become one of those things. If you’re not making your viewer tune in because they love/relate to the characters, then you have to do it with the story.
Right now we have the overarching plot of General Astra and probably Zod if I’m right. And then the disappearance/death of Jeremiah. Thats our plot outside of our Villain of the Day thing we’re doing right now with Fort Rozz.
Final Note. There was like 6 times where the word “closeted” was thrown around like candy from a pinata. And the episode started with Kara’s sexuality not just being scrutinized but argued that she was saphic. This doesn’t feel like a joke. It feels like someone really wanted something in the writers room. Like most media with subtext I’m like “I mean it’ll be gay but it won’t be gay gay”. But I gotta say that kind of stuff toes the line
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cdgorri · 2 years
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Happy Valentine's Day! I got your date right here ;-) ★NEW RELEASE★ A brand new title from CD Gorri just went live! Purchase: Asterion (Speed Dating with the Denizens of the Underworld Book 21) Global: https://books2read.com/Underworld21 *Published by Naughty Nights Press ❤️❤️❤️ He’s a bull in a china shop, but she’s not taking any crap! ❤️❤️❤️ Fanny Meyers’ name is the butt of every joke in the Underworld—pun intended. Wanting to advertise her pottery shop, Kilning It, Fanny decides to sponsor a night of Speed Dating at the Underworld Café. After all, her place is just the thing for second dates, offering couples’ classes in the art of ceramics crafting. It all seems like a great idea until the two females who run it want her as a client! Can this half-Demon Witch survive a night of Speed Dating with some of the Underworld’s randiest denizens? Asterion is a former Prince of Crete, and he’s searching for his mate. But this bullheaded Shifter is a tough sell. After all, he does not like movies, hates games—especially mazes—and he loathes loud music of any kind. Can a spoiled Shifter prince and a Witchy artist with a bad attitude fall in love in this steamy paranormal romance tale? Asterion is book twenty-one in the Speed Dating with the Denizens of the Underworld shared world series, filled with saucy half-Demon Witches, brazen Bull Shifters, and more. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnderworldSeries #underworld #speeddating #demonromance #paranormalromance #wolfshifter #angelromance #cdgorribooks CD Gorri Shifters Unleashed Speed Dating with the Denizens of the Underworld Series Hosted by @booknooknuts @ginakincade https://www.instagram.com/p/CopBh7lOblL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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o-haw-clan · 2 years
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the randiest rando of randoing hundo rando II . episode 100, the final countdown 1, volume 1, 2022 . . #hundorando #conanthebarbarian #spiderman #tapigal #spinneret #alphatrion #maryjanewatson #milkteagirl #wozhike #snailshellstudio #hasbro #transformers #g1 #hasbromarvellegends #mezcoconan #actionfigurephotography #acba #acbaglobal #toyartistry #toyphotography #ipadphotography #actionfiguresasart #toyhumor #axemarken #ohawclan #acemarkenphotography #acemarken #thefinalcountdown https://www.instagram.com/p/CktRbiOLK5W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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braincoins · 5 years
stain, pride and goose for innefable husbands
((Everyone wantin’ some of that good angel/demon lovin’ today! Can’t blame any of you))
“That’s a lie.”
“Wrong! Drink up!”
“That’s also a lie.” 
“Okay, now you’re getting too drunk.”
“GEESE ARE NOT PICKY EATERS,” Aziraphale insisted.
“They are! I saw a goose flatten a bed of lettuce and leave all the spinach behind!” Crowley insisted. 
“Maybe it was just full after all that lettuce.”
“Drink,” he insisted. “Rules of the game.”
Granted, playing a drinking game when you knew you could sober yourself up at any point was probably stupid. But was it really any stupider than what humans got up to sometimes? At least I’m not snorting Tide Pods or whatever the hell they’re doing now.
Aziraphale took his shot and Crowley said, “Your turn,” as he refilled the glass. He watched his angel try to think through the booze fog. “And don’t you dare sober up to try to think better.”
“I would never!” Aziraphale sounded outraged, no... affronted. Yes, that was definitely the word for it. But he fell quiet again as he thought, and then mumbled something.
“I didn’t even hear that.”
Aziraphale picked up his shot, remembered that he couldn’t just drink whenever he liked - there were rules - and set it back down again. “I said... I didn’t think you should have been cast out.”
Crowley blinked at him. “You didn’t?”
“Well, not you specifically,” he added quickly. “Or not just you. All of you. All the... The Morning Star and the whole revolt... I thought... I thought She threw you all out because of... wounded pride, really.”
“It’s true,” he said. “Drink.”
Crowley hadn’t really meant it like that; it was the “no” of ‘shocked disbelief,’ not the “no” of ‘I think you’re lying’. But he slammed his shot back and pressed the conversation. “Wounded pride?”
“Well. She never has liked being questioned. Takes it personally.”
“Yeah, I think I might have noticed that,” Crowley muttered. “You really thought we shouldn’t have been cast out?”
Aziraphale nodded and looked... embarrassed. Not the usual sort of embarrassed, because Crowley had said something “naughty”, but... something deeper. Ashamed. That was the word. He looked ashamed.
Crowley rose from his seat, banishing what little booze there was from his system. He walked around the table, grabbed hold of Aziraphale by the lapels, and yanked him out of his chair. He was vaguely aware of the bottle overturning as he hauled his angel in and kissed him.
And of all the things he might’ve expected Aziraphale to say when his lips were his own again, “Does vodka stain?” was definitely not one of them. 
He looked over to see the vodka pouring out, dripping off the table, and onto the carpet. 
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” he promised. “You really didn’t think we should have...”
“YES!” Aziraphale yelled before almost literally curling up on himself. Instead, he hugged Crowley and seemed to be trying to burrow into his shoulder. “I didn’t know you then, it wasn’t a personal thing, and I’ve no right to question the Almighty, so I didn’t, and I’m not now, really, but...”
“Sober up,” Crowley all but demanded of him. “Sober up so I can take you to bed right now.”
He huffed and blushed and he could feel the change come over him in his arms. He looked up, arms still wrapped around him, but no longer trying to mimic ...some sort of animal that burrows. “As for the game... I won,” he said at the same time as Crowley.
“No, I Won.” In unison. Again. 
Crowley opened his mouth to say something and Aziraphale did likewise. They both shut their mouths. They did it again, and a third time, and finally, Crowley just pushed on past it. “Forget the game.”
“So you yield then?” Aziraphale asked loftily.
“Oh, for hell’s sake, you’re driving me mad,” Crowley growled.
Aziraphale blushed. “Yes, well. I suppose we should... go to bed then. To celebrate my victory.”
“Right you are,” he said, spinning Aziraphale around and pushing him towards the bedroom of his flat, “off we go.” He gave him a swat on the butt just for the hell of it.
His angel jumped and looked back over his shoulder. “I’ll make you pay for that.”
Crowley just grinned. “And I’ll enjoy every second of it, angel mine.”
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batboyblog · 2 years
YES! Kink at Pride!
This June I want to see harnesses, leather vests, leather daddy's with 1970's mustaches, I want to see corsets, bustiere, and those fetish heels so high you need to defy physics to walk in, I want go-go boys and thongs, fur suits and puppy play masks, collars, whips, chains and riding crops. Yes Kink At Pride, I want this to be the randiest, most counter culture pride since the 70s
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furby-organist · 2 years
> “I’m not interested in defending this cesspit, I don’t smoke that flavor of copium and I don’t bootlick for free! I’m also not interested in pining for Heaven!”
> “I’m here because I’m here, and I do what I want, and the price I pay is dealing with the rest of you doing what you want! I’m not convinced that Hell isn’t a personalized simulation! I’m bored to double-death and surrounded by the randiest, most indecorous, single-digit-IQ crackheads! But I get to mangle them when I want, so, it evens out!”
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breaniebree · 3 years
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Sneak Peek -- Chapter 320 -- The One With the Attack on Hogsmeade
They were planning to have lunch at The Three Broomsticks and had been contemplating going back to the castle early. Seamus definitely wanted to go back early. With the way his boyfriend’s tongue was gliding along the lolly, he knew that he wanted to jump him as soon as possible. He wanted him naked and under him. Or on top of him. At this moment, he didn’t care. He just wanted him.
He moved over to where Dean was examining a bouquet of Sugar Quills and placed his hand on Dean’s bony hip as he leaned in. “Want to get out of here?”
“I’m still looking at sweets,” Dean said, licking chocolate from his bottom lip.
“So am I,” Seamus said, sliding his hand down to squeeze his boyfriend’s flat arse. “There’s something very sweet I’d rather be sucking on.”
Dean rolled his eyes. “You have to be the randiest bugger in the history of the world.”
“Noted,” Seamus said, kissing his boyfriend’s arm. “Now let’s head back to the castle and do naughty things to each other.”
“After,” Dean said. “I want to look around some more. And you promised that we could go to that art store.”
Seamus sighed dramatically. “It’s not my fault you’re so fucking sexy. You just had to suck on that lolly, didn’t you?”
Dean gave him a puzzled look before his eyes widened. “Everything becomes dirty with you.”
“I’d like it to be,” Seamus teased. “That tongue of yours is very wicked.”
Dean bent his head to peck Seamus on the lips. “Well, take me to the art store and I’ll put it to good use when we get back to the castle.”
Seamus grinned. “I’ll hold you to that.”
Dean winked at him before he turned to head over to the Glacial Snowflakes. Seamus kept his eyes on his boyfriend’s tall frame and broad shoulders, admiring him. Sometimes it still surprised him that Dean was his boyfriend and when he looked at him, he couldn’t help but smile. He loved him something fierce. He was the first person he thought of when he woke up in the morning and the last person on his mind when he went to bed. He was his best friend and the man he loved and he wouldn’t change anything about him for the world. Except maybe ushering him along back to the castle. Seamus turned, thinking of how to get him to the art store a bit faster just as something crashed through the roof. Someone screamed and then before Seamus could even make sense of what had just happened, flames erupted in the middle of the shop.
Suddenly Dean had vanished from his sight and all he could see was red and gold flames through a haze of thick black smoke that seemed to be advancing at an alarming rate. The fire seemed to spread quicker than Seamus had ever imagined. It moved up the walls, melting candy and chocolate as people were coughing and choking around him.
“Dean!” he yelled, but between the sounds of the flames and the sounds of others screaming, he heard no response back.
He reached around to grab the person running past him and recognized Anthony Goldstein. He could barely make him out as thick black smoke seemed to permeate through the room.
“Tony! We have to keep people low to the ground,” Seamus called out, choking on the smoke. “Get everyone down on their hands and knees. Smoke rises, so we have to stay low and get bubblehead charms on people as fast as you can!”
Anthony nodded, coughing as he fell to his hands and knees on Seamus’ orders. They both quickly performed the charm on themselves as Seamus followed Anthony on his knees, doing his best to keep his eyes peeled in the darkness. His eyes burned as he attempted to help move people away from the centre of the shop where the flames were starting to spread more rapidly. He performed bubblehead charms as quickly as he could, helping those who couldn’t. He moved towards the door to the back alley, carefully using his hand to test if the door was hot. He slowly pried it open and when he saw that there were no flames, he shouted for people to come forward.
People began to crawl towards him, coughing and choking on the smoke. Not everyone had been able to get a bubblehead charm into place. Seamus could hear some people crying as he guided them through the door. He used his wand to strengthen the charm on himself before he shouted.
“Go! Go on! Keep going! Don’t stop,” he urged.
With every person that passed through, his heart became more and more worried when he didn’t see his boyfriend. He could hear the alarms going outside, letting him know that the Official Fire Broomgade were close by and when Anthony held out his hand to pull Seamus from the building, he shook his head.
He needed to find Dean.
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raisab332012 · 1 year
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