#random pirate cookies as the crew
noale · 2 years
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I Iove the new update
Also they are in the void, don't question the lack of backgrounds pls, this took me like 2 minutes
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pixelated-moon · 8 months
Yo, for y'all who like (Pirate) Cookie run ocs and/or oc ask blogs, I made another one that's active and waiting for asks!
Check out @cookiecrumblescrew for all of that and the current ocs to ask!
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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They are not related by blood, no. (Blood? Frosting..? Filling?? Anyways-)
Red is actually Seafoam's great Nephew. And he joined the crew because of a tradgedy involving his mother,, Seafoam's niece..
When Red joined the crew he was very shy and scared of everything. Coco at this point was a rough and tough pirate gal.. but man, something about that kid.. she just adored him. She took it upon herself to take care of the little guy and be his guardian.
She loves him to bits and has definitely taken the role of "mother" in his world. When ever the ship is under attack, she is the first to swoop in and take Red to safety. She is the one Red goes to when he cant sleep or is scared. She takes care of him when he is sick, she cleans his clothes and feeds him too.
Seafoam has made it very clear that she does not have to do any of this. And that Red is 100% his responsibility. But she just ain't havin' it. She chooses to be involved in Red's care and wouldn't have it any other way. 💖
Its a good thing too, Seafoam has no idea how to raise little kids <XD
(Also thank you so much!! :DD )
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Sorry uh- I don't know that character. I made some OCs for Cookie run but I haven't played any of the games, I don't know the lore and I don't know/remember any of the characters- sorry!
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Ah,, I don't know? <XDD I don't know how the games work- are there other types of cookies?? I don't know--
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Judging by what I've heard/seen of that game? They'd run for the hills! They're not safe there <XD
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<:D Ah sorry- I don't know who that cookie is- remember I haven't played either game and I don't know any of the lore!
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Also thank you so much!! You are beary nice :}}}
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Thank you for the no spoilers!! :DD I have not seen it but I have heard of it :0 perhaps sometime I'll give it a go! :}
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Man, cookie run lore is WILD XDDD
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Thank you! My day today was better than yesterday at least! XD
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I've drawn them twice actually that I can remember! Once in my FNAF Recap/Repair part 2, and once in a doodle dump post thing! :00
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:0 eh? Huh? Til what?
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I actually haven't thought much about that :0 I worried that the group wouldn't feel very diverse if I had duplicate characters.. but the opposite personalities but same person is genius! But whompst would be duplicated... 🤔
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Hello! I believe I do write scripts, but if I'm being honest I don't think I can scrape together even one sentence of sound advice for you- 💔😭💔
I am known to be very bad at explaining how to do things. A lot of what I do is just taking random things and stapling them together and ripping off some parts and gluing this here and put that over there and tada! Comic! "How'd you do that" "...Honestly I cant really remember-"
The only think I can think to say is figure out what you want to come from the scene and.. do what ever it takes to make it happen..? Uhhh- for example, "I want these two characters to fight and character A to leave in a huff." Well then give them something to fight about, and make character B say something that would make character A mad enough to leave without saying anything..?? But that doesn't explain how I would figure out what the argument would be about- I
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I'm afraid I am of no use to you here-
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm glad you like my minecraft guys and my cookie run critters! :DD And not to worry- He'll catch on XD right now the main thing keeping them some what apart is Seafoam's thoughts of "She's a beautiful mermaid, why would she be with an old Captain like me..? :( " And Blue's thoughts of "He's a well respected Pirate Captain! What would he see in a big whale like me..😔" But they get past that eventually-- XDD
And yes! I have drawn them before <XD although those drawings weren't made with my Mario AU in mind.. When they grow up they will definitely be more stylized. :0 Not sure how they'll interact with Bowser as they age, but they are intended to all be his biological children :)
As for the birth order, I haven't thought it through fully,, but I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest and next in line for the throne. And JR is the very youngest with Lemmy being second to youngest. And Larry being 3rd to youngest :00
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Thank you! And to be honest if the D.A was split and gender swapped, I would just slap on some eye lashes and make them both generally appear more feminine.
Glitchy sun tho.. man, how would Fazbear Entertainment deal with that? <XD
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Thank you!! :DDDD
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(Post in question)
XD Well? Did it work?
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moonstonexgallery · 11 days
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Some reworks on my designs for Blue Reef Cookie and Staghorn Coral Cookie 🦪🦈⚓
Inspired by @cosmicwhoreo's designs for the Salty Sharks ^^
And some changes on their designs
Blue Reef Cookie's changes
I gave him a ponytail (idk i wanted to, got inspired by a doodle made by @wisteriaaa)
Gave him an anchor pendent
Decided to give him fins
And yes, he is Black Pearl Cookie's distant cousin
Staghorn Coral Cookie's changes
I gave them a fur jacket
decided to go for a tanktop
they have a Salty Shark pin
idk i wanted to give them a necklace too XD
Now let me show you some lore here o3o
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Blue Reef Cookie was a merman once, until Sea Witch Cookie gave him a potion to give him the power to breath on land, and gain some legs, and he experiences the whole land part of Earthbread.
Blue Reef Cookie used to be apart of a different pirate crew in House Barnacle, where he was with a captain named Captain Fishhook Cookie, and he, and his crew is most wanted for many robbery crimes, and Blue Reef Cookie didn't want to commit these robberies, but did them anyway thanks to one of the main rules "Never decline", one day was that he was at the Vanilla Kingdom, and while they were stealing from many markets, Blue Reef Cookie met Strawberry Tart Cookie, and they became friends, that was until some security Wafflebots came to confront the crew, as well as Blue Reef Cookie, who was frustrated, and sad, because he couldn't get to talk to the princess a little more.
One night, he snuck out of House Barnacle, just to see Strawberry Tart Cookie, the talk went well, until Captain Fishhook Cookie came in a ruined the talk by taking him back to House Barnacle, just to scold him, and threaten him later on, after that, thats where Blue Reef Cookie became increasingly quiet...
Before they set sail, Blue Reef Cookie fell into the Duskgloom's waters, causing his whole appearance to change, with a smile, he swam back up, and got back out of the ship with a smile, attacking Captain Fishhook Cookie's crew, as he eliminated each and every one brutally, he got close to the captain with one thing to say...
"You have no idea what you got me into.. Captain.."
After the whole ordeal, he left House Barnacle behind, and decided to head to House Caviar, to be as the Sailor of the Salty Sharks, and an honored first mate of Captain Caviar Cookie.
When they got to the Duskgloom Sea that night, Black Pearl Cookie makes her next encounter with a random ship, after she got rid of those hollow whales, she recognize the sailor she saw in the Duskgloom waters before joining the Salty Sharks, her only thought was..
"My cousin..?"
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Staghorn Coral Cookie was a rebellious teen in an unspecified neighborhood, they would use sharp weapons to throw at wooden planks like a sport, which one of the neighbors were worried about, due to them getting hurt, but since Staghorn Coral Cookie was very much capable of taking care of themselves after getting slight cuts on them, and careful with knives, whether it be for sporting, or cooking, they know how to not aim it at people, they did have good skills after all.
That one night, they were cutting up some fruits for their cake, they heard a noise from the other room, and they went to investigate, they saw a robber in their house that just broke in, and they would NEVER go down without a fight, so they used their knife to fight off the robber, it took a few couple of wounds to stop the robber, until they finally got him on the ground, the robber then took the knife, and left a fresh cut on Staghorn Coral Cookie's eye, and threw it at the wall, then left.
After the incident that happened last night, Staghorn Coral Cookie woke up in their neighbor's house, who was named Lace Coral Cookie, and she patched them up, which they were grateful, then after that, they heard the news that the robber was rightfully arrested for trespassing, and attempted assault, and Lace Coral Cookie would let Staghorn Coral Cookie stay at her house for a while.
One month later...
Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made it to the Crème Republic, and they made a few friends, and meet Consul Clotted Cream Cookie as well, and lastly, Lace Coral Cookie, and Staghorn Coral Cookie made their way to House Caviar, to meet the almighty Captain Caviar Cookie, where they told them about the incident that happened in the neighborhood they used to live in, and how they fought back, Captain Caviar Cookie felt bad, but also proud of Staghorn Coral Cookie's bravery, so he promoted, not just them, but also Lace Coral Cookie to be apart of the Salty Sharks.
Iiiiii think thats all the lore i can YEET here XD
Anyways, hope ya like it ^^
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sarka-stically · 11 months
im mad enough to make 2nd post and I barely post ever. this show was never high tv but this ep rly spat in the face of everything i liked about it. usually i try to be positive but here you got random list of all things terrible in no particular order (vaguelly chronologic who knows)
ALSO I dont take them probably assuming they would have more eps and then scrambling to fit the story in one episode as decent excuse... the stakes they set up in ep7 werent impossible to fix with one ep, they just wrote terrible episode
ed's entire character arc of 2 seasons being rolled into tiny ball and thrown in the trash. and no he isnt slipping or spiralling again, it isnt him being hot protective husband, this is him, character who spent 2 seasons trying and failing to be better and finally decided that the healthiest thing to do is to just drop the lifestyle that brings out the worst in him and pursue simple life THROWING IT OUT after finding out its not as easy as he assumed and he would have to work for it??? incredible fucking message david jenkins, if being better version of yourself is just lil bit inconvenient its not worth it go back to your crappy ways.
and NO its not him slipping, the tone of this whole thing is very distinctly victorious. and also NO the path he took now is not in any way different or better than the one he left. there is even fun triumphant vibe to him KILLING PEOPLE which was always treated as sth BAD for him??? literally absolute nonsense
what the fuck was that plot?? why are all pirates arrested?? when all they did was sink those ships?? i know this show tends to be cooky and silly and cartoony, but this was just absolutely random unexplained jump of stakes.
WHERE THE FUCK are all the other husbands of jackie. this is barely valid complaint but this stupid ep rly makes it look like swede is her only husband and I dont appreciate it
why the unholly hell did they spend entire season actually setting up crew as important, give them their own opinions and relationships to their captains, have izzy even mention that THE CREW is what its all about.... and then have them barely have any speaking roles in this episode and 0 plot relevance
that fucking PLAN??? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT??? im sorry why the fuck did their plan include walking through the biggest swarm of brits while having mr noseless richie UNSECURED amongst them??? why even BRING HIM other than to have him there specifically so he can be the one to shoot izzy for future drama???
izzy. death.
i genuinely could be FINE with izzy dying if they wrote it decently. and id even be fine with it in this episode. if they made it fucking meaningful... but they had my man, mr famously skilled pirate catch random bullet because he is incompetent actually... bullet into the side of the body that ofmd physics say is survivable easily??? and then give 0 attention to it??
ed being there while he dies??? this truly makes me just feel like they killed him only so in hypoteticky s3 they can woobify poor ed some more... or even give him excuse to be narrativelly clean of any atrocities he does in name of revenge
but it makes no. fucking. sense. ed shluldnt be there saying ur my only family, ed has not treated izzy as family ONCE in this entire show, ed barely talked to izzy after first 3 episodes, he is NOT the person on that ship who cares about izzy the most of all. if anyone should be there while he fucking DIES its the crew. who has shown constantly through this season that they care about him, who he made whole speech about in THIS SAME EPISODE. im sorry frenchie did NOT carry izzy back on the ship to drop him on the floor and have ed who I REPEAT HAS NOT SHOWN HE CARES ABOUT HIM AS MORE THAN AQUITANCE SINCE LIKE EARLY S1 be the one to be there in his last moment.
I get izzy wanting to make amends but BOTH OF THEM SHOULD BE APOLOGISING, HE SHOULDNT VE BEGGING FOR FORGIVENESS and ed shouldnt be framed as blameless in their relationship in izzy's last moment.
and what made me genuinely laugh was izzy saying that the crew is ed's family. they are literally NOT. everyone who was aboard the revenge either hates him or is scared of him, and I dont think they had enough reason to change their minds as ed hasnt rly spent any time with the crew and shown only care for stede. they are NOT ed's found family and this payoff and this found family line is so ridiculously not set up and not narrativelly deserved it makes me laugh.
overall absolutely ridiculizs episode it made me laugh and it made me angry and it also made me angry how quickly we move past that
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mewpirate · 3 months
hi again. how about headcanons/thoughts/feelings about the tarantula crew? (:
Ooooh! Another post about another crew?? !! <3 I don't have a lot of headcanons for them too since I mostly focus on the rubberfishes mostly but I'll see what i can do !
- Starting off miscellaneous, Thade has the most rambunctious nastiest breath due to never brushing his teeth, he doesn't even like brushing his teeth so he went like "fuck it, I'm going out like this" and the crew got so put off by it, even mary was distraught. This random guy has a decent smell from using a bunch of colorful perfumes he stole because they looked pretty but. the most awful stench coming from his mouth when he speaks or yawns. Basically like a cat.
Yea I actually have no idea why the fuck i have that, I just thought the cat coded thade headcanon was cool so I gotta make him more accurately cat-like.
- I don't like the idea of Auburn being the possibly(?) bio daughter of Lillian and Thade (why are the genes so different) so I basically headcanon her to be a abandoned baby at birth and the crew took her in cause they felt bad.
- wanna know what's funny? I headcanon Boar as an ACTUAL WILD BOAR. FURRYFYING EVERYONE BABYYY!!!!
- I already said this on another post but I'll say it again, I think of Auburn as a hippie goth , it fits her Earth magic and peaceful vibe.
- another thing related to that is I legit headcanon Lillian as a whimsical goth, and Thade a Trad goth. Whole goth family here.
- OOOO I also based Lillian off Tia Dalma from pirates of the Caribbean <<3
- I love the whole "Skin-taker still has a trait in his past life" troupe so I'll add one . Thade can remember and name every species of bird and flowers, ( I said the bird one before but I'll say it again) he likes how colorful and bright they are compared to the birds in the abyssal kingdom. He especially liked how each of the flowers hold a symbolic meaning whether it be double or single. When he first went outside the abyssal kingdom, he noticed a few rare species of birds that had a melancholic tune , which isn't the case for Abyssal birds since their voices tend to be gravel -like and noisy. He absolutely adored them!! He even collects bird feathers!!
- I headcanon Mort as a vampire bat who has morbid curiosity, I'm making a completely different version from him from the wiki cause wiki mort is eugh 🤢
-Thade's voice headcanon is Lilac cookie from crk (i wanna find a voice headcanon that sounds like a warm , friendly but monotone vibe? Idrk)
- Thade actually doesn't show much emotion, and most people view him to be a cold , unbothered person , when in reality it's literally just his resting face . He's very excitable but doesn't show it much.
- I view Red Mary's personality as similar to Cosmos from the MLP comics. (I highly recommend reading the books about her she's seriously a really good villain) She and Thade have a discord and cosmos dynamic where he is completely scared of her. He still is.
I really like the crew!!! They're such coolios . They look like they would get into a lot of shenanigans together!
Idk personal opinion but I wish Lillian and Auburn weren't so stale , I really like they're characters but idk the writing is a bit meh. I don't like how mort is made. That's all.
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CROB Headline, March 2023 - Special Season: Lights, Camera, Action!
This month, we’re going to the movies for CROB’s first Special Season and to see the production of Butter Squid Cookie’s newest movie!
Dates: 2/28 - (TBD)
Title Event: Ready, Cookie, Action!
Tragedy strikes again as Popcorn Cookie, the winner of a recent Golden Ticket contest held by the promotional committee of Jellywood, visits the filming site of the newest movie directed by Jellywood’s own Butter Squid Cookie. The movie’s lead actress was said to have declared unable to shoot for unknown reasons, bringing production to a standstill. In response, Butter Squid Cookie is said to have considered Choco Bar Cookie- the lead’s stunt double- as a replacement for the missing actress, but it’s currently unknown if she’ll accept the role.
⚙️ This event is inferred to be a template rerun of the title events held since November 2023. A proposal for a standardized guide has been approved for future publication.
Seasonal Modes
Friendly Run Buddies
Guild Run - Lights, Camera, Action!
Raid Run - Desert Highwaymantis Season 3 (?)
Trophy Survival (Ends ~3/6)
Team Fight (Early March)
Random Breakout Challenge - Lustrous Longan Palace (Coming Late March)
Cookie & Gacha Features
🎬🍫 Choco Bar Cookie (Epic Cookie)
The lead’s stunt double for Butter Squid Cookie’s latest movie. Press Jump -> Slide or double-tap Slide to perform a stunt that destroys obstacles and scores points. Her Magic Candy adds a finishing move to her stunts, creating Nutty Choco Bar Fragment Jellies
Nougat Wound-Aid (Epic Pet)
Choco Bar Cookie’s Pet since her days in stunt school. This Pet creates Bandages that score points and restore Energy.
Munch-Munch Popcorn (Epic Treasure)
A staple of every in-theatre movie! This Treasure periodically creates Popcorn Mix Jellies.
Choco Bar Cookie’s “Gunfight at the O.Cake Corral” (Super Epic Costume)
The stunt double’s outfit for Western-style movie scenes during a film shoot at the O.Cake Corral. It wouldn’t be a surprise if you thought she was the sheriff after seeing her ride across the pastures atop a Choco Horse!
Shine Muscat Cookie’s “Icon of the Age” (Epic Costume)
Director Q’s “A Fan’s Perspective” (Epic Costume)
Shine Muscat Cookie’s movies always seem to outdo her previous works. Paparazzi and magazine interviewers seem to follow these two wherever they go…!
Habanero Cookie’s “Cheese Mine Dwarf” (Rare Gem Costume)
Flamebeak Robin’s “On-set Dynamo” (Rare Gem Costume)
Blue Slushy Cookie’s “Dessert Forest Elf” (Rare Gem Costume)
Icy Birdie’s “Cinematic Songster” (Rare Gem Costume)
Fellowship of the Jelly Lobby Design
Behold, the latest promotional material for the latest rendition of the first episode of the “The Lord of the Jellies” series: “The Fellowship of the Jelly” featuring Habanero Cookie, Blue Slushy Cookie, their pets, and even the stage! Buy them in the Gem Exchange Center!
“Keep Running, Keep Going” Jelly Shape Set (Epic Jelly Shapes)
The cast and crew of Action Bear Jellies striving for the perfect take!
—————————— Part 2 ⬇️
🎞️🧈 Butter Squid Cookie (Epic Cookie)
The director of a new Jellywood movie held back by production delays.
Popcorn Cookie’s “Sprinkle Pop-Pop Land” (Super Epic Costume)
A special outfit Popcorn Cookie arranged for her trip to Jellywood, where dreams come true!
“Gleam of Love” Jelly Set (Legendary? Jelly Set)
Would it pair well with Sugar Swan Cookie’s new Costume?
Major Update Features
New Breakout Mode - Solo play at your leisure
Run through every Breakout Episode released so far in order (Escape From the Oven -> City of the Millennial Tree -> Black Sugar Pirate Ship -> Sands of Yogurca -> City of Wizards -> Lost City of Sugarteara -> Spooky Spider Mansion -> Fragrant Lotus Paradise -> Lustrous Longan Palace -> Sands of Yogurca II: Secrets of Mirage Village -> Deep Sea City Wandercrab)
Use a different level-capped combi in each stage
Reach a score objective to unlock the next stage
Completions will often reward Gold Gems, Cookies, and Pets
Some stages grant keys to open special chests or locked books (see the City of Wizards) for greater rewards
Finishing certain episodes will add a rank to your profile
Does not reset weekly, so play at your pace
Main and Special Episodes will stay where they are after the update
Random Challenges will be moved to a separate heading on the mode selection screen
New Special Episode: Jellywood - Go through the various stages of Jellywood and collect Coins in four different movie genres!
Special Episodes from here onward will be recast as Coin Episodes
Remember Black Sugar Pirate Ship and Spooky Spider Mansion? It’s that kind of Coin Episode.
Special Coin items like the Coin Party (which turns coins into Star Coins worth more points and coins) will appear starting with this Episode
Bonus Events
Special Draw Returns! Open boxes by playing the game and get lots of free stuff!
Now Featuring the Surprise Exchange Shop, where past cosmetics are in stock and ready to sell!
Buddy Event Part III: Buttercream Choco Cookie’s Return
Earn Buddy Points by playing in an event to get Buttercream Choco Cookie, Coffee Cookie, Rainbow Cubes, and much more!
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
Random holiday question! Do your FFXIV babies enjoy Starlight? How and where do they celebrate?
Happy holidays to you ^^
Thank you so much for the ask :D Hope you had a wonderful Holiday <33
Nahte'to Vhia
In his younger years out in the Shroud, Starlight wasn't something his clan really celebrated. But as he got old enough to wander, and learn about the customs of the city states around Eorzea, he did develop quite a fondness for the holidays. Starlight especially. He takes to fashioning or commissioning handmade gifts for loved ones, personalizing them to the needs of each recipient.
Once Ishgard becomes Home, Starlight becomes extremely important. He always tries to be back at Borel House for it, and he and his closest friends and partners will get together to reconnect and exchange gifts and stories, and share a big meal. It's an extremely comforting time for Nahte to have everyone in one place, especially post-Endwalker when the Scions scatter to their various callings.
During this time he'll also often dress up with Aymeric to assist in passing out gifts to the populace and performing other charity work around Ishgard. A chance to celebrate peace, hold his loved ones, and bring smiles to the downtrodden - this is probably Nahte's favorite holiday!
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Louisoix de Borel
Louis grows up in Borel House and is naturally infected with his fathers' love for the season. Having so many people in the house to steal cookies from play with is a source of great excitement. And though after his birth, Nahte's various partners make much more frequent trips to Ishgard to help raise Louis, duties tie many of them to other parts of the world and it's hard at times to get them all in one place at the same time. Louis likes Starlight for primarily the same reason as Nahte, because his family comes back together.
I'lyrha Rinha
Lyrha's view of Starlight was a bit jaded for most of her early life. For pirates it mostly meant that the weeks leading up to the holiday would bring ripe pickings to rob from trading ships, and smuggling jobs that paid extra well - but at increased risk, since patrols and guards would be on higher alert, too. A successful Starlight meant a nice sack of gil and a few days in port reveling the winnings away. She certainly didn't ascribe any usefulness to the holiday's emphasis on generosity and camaraderie.
Later, this changes. X'rhun and Arya become family, and Starlight becomes an excuse to celebrate that. She's caught off guard her first year with them when she's given gifts, to which she had none to offer in return, and from then on resolves not to be outdone because her competitive nature won't let her do otherwise. In later years, the Red Mage crew are invited to spend Starlight at Borel House as family friends, and often make their way North to do so.
The holiday can be a bit uncomfortable at times, with how emotionally open it pushes people to be, and she still feels some parts of it are a bit contrived. Everyone everywhere isn't suddenly a good person for a couple of weeks just because wreaths and decorated conifers spring up! But it's a good time to relax and enjoy being with the people who matter most to her, and for that she's grateful.
She also gets to shove snow down X'rhun's tabard and breeches so I mean... that's a plus.
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amaya-writes · 3 years
Problem Child: Mikey x Reader Fluff
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Part Two
Part Two
Note: Ever since I wrote this I can't stop thinking about Mikey having a child and just taking the little thing to the office with him so I decided to write something on that.
Warnings: toddlers being reckless and doing crazy things, mentions of parenting, usage of the word mommy (NOT sexually), mentions of a single parent, mentions of death, ex-wife
The banner isn't the best but it was made by me, so please don't use it without cred.
Female reader, she/her/hers, usage of Y/n
Your first week as the most notorious biker gang in Tokyo's PA certainly was an adventure.
As Mikey's new private assistant there were a lot of things you had to get used to.
Whether this be waking your boss up in the middle of the day, constantly fetching him snacks, preparing reports of the gangs and mobsters Toman had beat up that day, making sure his little son didn't wreak too much havoc, instructing the cleaning crew around to ensure there were no bloodstains in the main office.
And, your personal favourite; picking out new outfits for Mikey when he ruined his clothes with bloodstains.
It sure was a lot to take in, but over the span of days, you had gotten accustomed to Toman and their work habits.
One thing, however, that you couldn't seem to handle was the two-foot something blond constantly wreaking havoc around the office.
You weren't sure, but you could almost swear the cleaning crew had referred to the little blond boy as a gremlin time and time again. But with the way he spilt mop buckets, ruined paperwork and went out of his way to double their work, you couldn't really blame them.
The worst part was the child's innocence when confronted by his father. Something that Mikey was never fooled by yet chose to ignore.
Over the span of a week, you had come to an agreement of sorts with your boss's son. He would be a nice little boy and finish his homework from the daycare centre and in return would be granted a cookie from the best bakery in Tokyo: a place that Mikey didn't have the time to visit.
Bribing a child wasn't exactly the most moral solution out there, but considering your workplace, it was only fair to resort to...infamous solutions.
So far, things had gone great and the two of you had even formed a friendship of sorts.
In fact, you had gotten used to having the little boy prance around your office and talk about random things while you worked on your tasks for the day.
So much so that sometimes when you were visiting other parts of the office, you would lift the toddler into your arms as he idly played with your hair, even occasionally falling asleep to the sound of your heels rhythmically hitting the tiles.
At first, everyone had seemed surprised to watch Mikey's son be so...nice around an employee, but over time people around the office had gotten used to spotting the two of you together.
So it was no surprise that word ended up reaching your boss, who himself had tasked you with the job to take care of his child when he was indispensable.
Everything had been going great so far save for the occasional hitch, up until the only day you were late to the office.
It wasn't your fault, really it wasn't.
Tokyo's morning traffic was something even Mikey couldn't control but that wasn't exactly something you could explain to a four-year-old.
A four-year-old who was currently perched on the first-floor railing of Toman's headquarters.
"Kiddo, I need you to get down now, okay?"
There were a lot of things a four-year-old didn't understand, you were aware of that, but what you didn't know was that the fundamentals of height were one of them.
After all, how else could one think dangling from an iron bar 15 feet above the ground was a good idea?
"But I'm playing pirates!"
Of course, Mikey's child of all people had a weird obsession with pirates, and of course, he had to roleplay the one day your arrival was delayed.
"Well, you can come down...and we can play together, okay?"
By then a small crowd had gathered around you, none of them daring to approach the boy in fear of him claiming they were policemen and leaping off his 'sails'. They had, however, called Mikey and the other execs and were simply awaiting his arrival so he could handle the situation.
Something that you dreaded.
Mikey had tasked you with taking care of his child, something no one except the founding members of the Toman had ever been deemed worthy of.
Having his son dangle off of the first floor's railing due to traffic issues wasn't exactly something he would appreciate.
Best case scenario; you would lose your job.
Thankfully, Mikey's little carbon copy seemed to like the idea of playing with the new PA.
"Okay! The captain is jumping the sails!"
Several horrified gasps were heard as the crowd around you thickened, easily camouflaging Mikey and Sanzu who had just walked into the building.
"No, no terrible idea! Very, very bad idea captain!"
The innocent question seemed not so innocent coming out of a toddler looking at you with what could only be described as a tactfully sweet smile.
"Because my hand-eye coordination is terrible and you might fall!"
This time the crowd elicited more chuckles than gasps, the sound mostly coming from Sanzu and the Haitani brothers who had come to check on the commotion.
"Nonsense! My first mate can handle it!"
You didn't know whether to be honoured or terrified that the little boy considered you his first mate. Unfortunately, you didn't have time to consider either of them as the toddler did something that elicited various screeches and 'no's.
He jumped.
The two-foot something four-year-old you had somehow come to care for over the span of a week had jumped off of the first-floor bannister.
And thankfully, in some miracle that you would never forget, you had caught him.
In the midst of the panic you could swear you heard someone call out your boss's name in fear, but you were too focused on the child cradled in your arms to care.
"See, you caught me!"
The blond boy looked almost smug as he proudly exclaimed the words, going as far as to tap your cheek with one of his little palms.
Unfortunately, you didn't quite reciprocate his feelings.
"Don't ever do that again."
The crowd visibly quietened at your scared yet strict tone, their eyes flicking between Mikey, his son, and the woman who had just saved his life.
Even so, the employees surrounding you couldn't help but think you were out of line to think scolding Mikey's son was an option.
The little blond boy, however, seemed to think otherwise.
In fact, his smile impossibly widened as he nodded along to your words and retracted his hand to cover a yawn.
"Okay, mommy."
You were pretty damn sure everyone in the room had simultaneously gasped at the word, all except Mikey, who was staring at his PA incredulously.
Mikey's son, the blond toddler who had created a reputation for himself as Toman's problem child, had just opened up to and accepted someone into his life, even going as far as to give that someone a title that belonged to his dead wife.
The scene was appalling, to say the least, but somehow you managed to compose yourself as you cocked your head to the side and stared at the child asleep on your shoulder.
"Only Mikey's son could nearly give a room full of people a heart attack just to fall asleep a second later."
You hadn't realised you had said it out loud until it was too late, but the comment was surprisingly well-received as the Toman execs and higher-ups scattered around the room let out small chuckles at your words.
The sound made you turn away from the child in your arms to finally focus on the people around you. It took you a moment, but after some searching, you finally settled your gaze on the blond man walking towards you with a frown on his face.
The people gathered around you slowly began to thin as Mikey drew closer, his gaze never straying from the child in your arms.
All the adrenaline from his child's antics seemed to evaporate the longer you stood there, in fact, when he finally reached the two of you, you couldn't help but feel the need to run away as fast as you possibly could.
Even if it had just been a week, you were positive you had never seen Mikey as livid as he currently was.
Considering his son had just jumped off of the first floor's bannister, you couldn't really blame him. You could, however, pity yourself and curse Tokyo's morning traffic as Mikey finally came to a stop before you.
"Thank you."
It took you a moment to process his words, but when you finally did, you couldn't help but gawk at your boss as your mind reeled with a million different thoughts.
Mikey didn't bother saying anything else, instead reaching forward to carefully take his son from your arms. The action made you smile softly as you stared at the two blonds, noticing the physical and personality similarities between them.
It was only when he began to walk away that you realized something you should have known sooner.
Manjiro San was no longer just your boss.
He was the man you had somehow fallen for.
A man who had all but sworn off of romance after his late wife's death.
As you watched your boss walk away with his little problem child, you couldn't help but wonder whether he was taking a piece of your heart with him.
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beauty-and-passion · 4 years
I hereby introduce you...
✨ #TeamPirate ✨
TeamPirate is what this fandom needed. TeamPirate is the future. TeamPirate is the answer to the question everyone was asking:
Will Orange be extra?
The answer is yes, because we believe in #TeamPirate.
You know me as an analyst, who does deep researches and writes long analysis posts, in order to find out the true meaning behind the smaller and apparently most insignificant detail.
That’s why I will expose now the in-depth theory I worked on, that will clarify why TeamPirate is the right choice:
✨ ✨ ✨ I want a Pirate Orange  ✨ ✨ ✨
I know, maybe you’re not fully convinced yet to join our team, despite the in-depth analysis. That’s why I worked on this very serious graph that you can find down below:
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As you can see for the very accurate data given, if Orange is a pirate there’s a 300% change he will be the coolest and most extra among all other possible Oranges.
Also, please, consider this: a dad, a teacher, a prince, a duke, a emo, a snek, a pirate.
Pirate Orange works perfectly. It may seem random, but if we have a snek, why can’t we have a pirate? See? It works.
Not convinced yet? Please look at the graph again. I bet you’re convinced now.
So, what can you do to join our fleet?
We just want a pirate Orange. Since we are all mature people and we know that appearances don't matter, we based this idea entirely on aesthetics.
And on denial too, because Thomas will never listen to us. But we have enough drinks to forget it and cheer.
We are a open fleet, who welcomes all kind of Orange. Do you believe Orange is Wrath? Please, join our first, bigger and stronger campaing #piratewrath2020or2021. Do you believe Orange is Ignorance? Fine, but make him pirate. Do you believe Orange is Thomas’ self esteem? What about a self esteem who is also a pirate? Do you believe Orange is Joan? Pirate Joan is 300% cooler! Do you believe Orange is the friends we made along the way? Make it ✨ pirate ✨
With your own campaign, you will have your own ship, part of our fleet. The ship will be guided by your own pirate Orange, who will be your captain too. Other people want to join you and be a member of your ship? Of course they can, we brought a lot of ships and we need someone to clean up to have fun with!
Also, please consider these two very serious points:
We already have ships, so the shippers’ job is already 50% done
Orange is a dark side, so he has a villain aesthetic too. And since we all know when you join the dark side there are cookies, we have cookies too. I bet you’re convinced now.
Pirate Orange is the future and we will be the fleet who sails the waters of this fandom, drunk with whatever we want to drink, cookies and denial. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll be powerful enough to ask Thomas for a pirate Orange. Or maybe not. Who cares, there’s still something to drink.
Of course, all kind of drinks are welcomed too. We’re not strickly rum-drinker.
You’re not convinced yet? Please look at the graph again. I bet you’re in now.
A lot of people already joined us!
We’re a strong reality with a long history. Since the day of our foundation (yesterday), our goal was to bring more pirates everywhere because Pirates Are Cool. See, strong ideals.
You don’t think you will be happy with us? Listen to the incredible stories others member of our crew told about us:
I’mMakingUpNames said:
“Since I joined #TeamPirate my skin is cleaned by pores are now open... and I don’t remember the meme anymore. Is it valid anyway or...?”
DefinitelyRealPerson said:
“I was lost into this fandom, thinking that having Orange was more important than aesthetic. But after looking at that graph, I joined the team and I’m now a proud member of the fleet. Have you looked at the graph? That’s very serious. I bet it took hours and not two minutes on Google.”
ThisIsAllIronyPleaseDon’tTakeMeSeriously said:
“#TeamPirate is the best possible choice. Before joining, life gave me lemons. Now life gives me oranges and we definitely need them on our ship. You know, to avoid a scurvy epidemic.”
Not convinced yet after those serious and extremely real stories? Please, look at the graph again.
Join us!
We are waiting for you! Join our fleet today! Or even tomorrow, we don’t have a time limit. Just join us and bring other cookies because we need a lot of them.
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shelly-ya · 3 years
This one is for the holiday season. We are back on the Polar Tang and the crew is trying to convince their captain and you to celebrate Christmas. You read correctly convince you as well.
"OH man Senchō would not celebrate the holidays" one crew member whispered to themselves in the mess hall of the Polar Tang.
"You got that right he is easily the worse person to ask to decorate and celebrate" another member of the crew stated.
"Hey I know why don't we ask name to convince Senchō to celebrate the holidays." Clione jumped up with a light bulb moment.
"What are you guys doing?" The crew spun around at the voice of Shachi. Seeing both Shach and Penguin walking into the mess hall.
"OH we were just trying to find a way to get Senchō to celebrate the holidays with us."
"So we decided to ask name to ask him for us" Clione said putting his idea forward.
"No that won't work for us this time" Penguin stated.
"Yeah that will be like pulling teeth out of a shark's mouth" Shachi stated crossing his arms n front of him.
"No way. Our name hates the holidays?" One crew member asked
"Call them scrooge or grinch but that is what they become during the holidays" Shachi stated.
"What is more terrible is although we are from the icy North Blue they hate the cold." Penguin stated.
"Yeah they will twist their face in disgust at the mere mention of the holidays." Shachi stated.
"Let's see. Law would say we are pirates we are literally on holidays. And Name would say it's too damn cold and there is too much damn glitter" penguin trying to guess what his peers would say being proposed with the idea of Christmas and decorating. Bepo standing behind them both.
"True true" Shachi said folding his arms.
"Well since you already guessed what we are going to say why are you still discussing it" The crew heard the voice of their captain in the doorway leaning on the frame arms folded kikoku glued to his side and smirk ever present next to him was name or something looking like name wrapped from head to toe in a blanket only their eyes showing.
"Gah Senchō please don't do that." Penguin almost yelled. "What's wrong with you name?"
"It's to frigging cold" you yelled out.
" see what did just say" penguin stated pointing at you.
"I think it needs to be colder" bepo stated from his place you both. You slowly turned towards him.
"You're kidding right?" You stated
"Nope" he answered you hypothetical question.
"Look before you ask fine you guys can have your holiday celebration." Law said without batting an eye. Everyone looked at him in shocked
"What???!!!!!!" Was the high pitched scream of every crew member in the mess hall.
"You have a fever right? Are you ok?" Shachi asked unbelieving
"I'll get the crash cart hang on" Penguin stated.
"No need we already had a meeting as being the heads of this ship." Bepo said puffing his fluffy chest out. "We want you all to have fun and enjoy yourselves we are a family and if the family wants to do this collectively then we will."
"Everybody is gonna ignore how Bepo just puffed his chest out when he said he was one of the leaders of the ship?" Clione asked
"I'm sorry" he stated hanging his head down.
"Stop apologizing" the crew yelled
"I'm really sorry" he sank into more misery.
"So we are just gonna stand here and not prep for Christmas?" Shachi was the one who brought the group back to reality.
"Yeah" Everyone yelled pumping their fists into the air. Before long the Polar Tang was being decorated and the smell of Christmas dinner and goodies were in the air. The smell of ginger bread, cinnamon rolls, cakes, with various meats and other delicacies. The cheery sound of laughter and singing from the crew.
"Anyone seen name around here?" Uni asked "got them a cup of hot chocolate and cookies"
"I think they are in their room." Another random crew member stated.
"Well you know how they hate the holidays" Clione stated.
"I'll take it to them" Law said coming up behind Uni.
"Sure thing captain" Uni said handing him the plate filled with various cookies and a mug of hot chocolate on a tray.
"Alright guys get back to work this dinner is not gonna finish itself." Law said taking the tray and heading to your room. He heard the crew respond to him with their usual Aye Aye captain and continued on with their holiday celebrations.
He came up to your door *knock knock* "Name I am coming in" he said opening the door and walking in without a care. Dodging a pillow being used as a projectile. "What I knocked this time" he said putting the tray on the side table. Sitting on the edge of your bed looking at your covered feature. You have covered yourself from head to toe looking like you were hunched over. "I don't know how someone who grew up in an icy cold place hate the cold." He said sighing. "Come celebrate with them"
"Bah Humbug" you stated pulling your blanket fort tighter around you.
"OK scrooge but I will be eating these cookies and drinking this hot chocolate myself then" he said pointing to the tray. " why is it that every year I have to baby you like this" he said
"I baby you every day since we were kids you dumb dumb" you almost yelled. This room was your sanctuary, your home. You spoke to each other freely here without the worry of anyone judging the fact you both were so relaxed and jabbing at each other. "Besides should we really celebrate?" You asked him finally lowering the blanket looking him in the eyes. "Wasn't it this time of year or close to it he died?"
"He's dead. We can't do anything about that but just avenge his death." Law said pulling his knees up to his chest. "We have a new family now. The least we can do for them is be the heads of the family. Support them in their celebrations." Taking the mug of chocolate and sipping on the molten sweet goodness warming yourself.
"Well look at that you are the head of reason today" you said moving to lean into his shoulder. "Law everything will be better right? We will get revenge right? He will be proud of us?" You asked.
"Yes, yes and we can only hope so. But we already know he is probably yelling yes you dumb kids I love you and I am proud of you both." Law said staring into nothing.
"Then let's go celebrate" you said standing and stretching. Picking up the cookies and tray with your mug of chocolate you both made your way to the mess hall where you both heard the chatter of the crew and your mouth began to water with the smell of food. "That smells good. Uni and Clione out did themselves." You both stepped into the room.
"MERRY HUMBUG" you yelled
"HUH!!!!!" Was collectively heard in the room. Law sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose
"MERRY CHRISTMAS" their voices boomed and the cheer and merriment continued for however long that wanted. Somewhere in the back of Law's mind and heart he knew what he said in the room was true and that he was proud of their little family in a submarine.
Thank you for reading and supporting me. Please do have a wonderful and amazing Christmas and holidays and happy Kwanzaa and happy Hanukkah. Enjoy and be safe this holiday season.
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nephyscorner · 3 years
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I'll take advantage of December to finally return from the hiatus I was in. Meaning:
Winter - Holiday Special!
The rules are easy:
I'll write one drabble or scenario by number.
Each of you can send up to two requests.
Each request can have 1 character (+ reader).
Will turn off anon, so will be fair for everyone.
For the request:
I'll leave a list with the crews / characters that I feel comfortable writing
By default reader pronouns will be fem (she/her). If prefer another, you have to specify.
Must also specify if want it to be SFW or NSFW
If you wish, clarify who says the phrase, otherwise it will be random
In case I see a lot of interest and believe I can do it, will be adding more places to participate.
I'll be updating the list with the sentences already taken.
Available Crews / Characters:
Red Hair Pirates
Straw Hat Pirates
Heart Pirates
Revolutionary Army
“I baked Christmas cookies!” // Taken
“Is that mistletoe?” // Taken
“I’m freezing, come cuddle with me!” // Taken
“Why do you always bite the heads off the gingerbread man cookies first?”
“I made you some hot chocolate.”
“I’m not drunk!”
“Last time you tried to make Christmas cookies you almost set the house on fire.”
“Oh I could stay by the fireplace forever.” // Taken
"You have snowflakes in your hair" // Taken
"Your lips look cold, want me to warm them up for you?" // Taken
"I don’t need mistletoe to kiss you" // Taken
"You know, I’ve never seen snow before"
"Snowball fight!"
"Did you know that icicles make the perfect murder weapon?"
"You look pretty covered in snow, guess that’s why they’re called snow angels"
"If I slip on the ice, it’s totally your fault"
If you want to be tagged in the posts of this event, don't hesitate to let me know!
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ctay21 · 4 years
I am so excited to participate in @nakunakunomi 750 followers event! Hazel is such an amazing and inspiring writer, if you haven’t read any of her works you need to check her blog out! This was so much fun to write. Honestly it’s really just a self indulgent fic, but I hope you guys can love it and find comfort in it like I can! 😌❤️
Also I’m posting this on mobile and don’t know how to add the keep reading break... 🙈 so sorry!
Comfort Cookies
Word count: 2,103
Relationship: Sanji x female reader
Warnings: mentions of a nightmare
Cliche prompt: I don’t usually share food, but I’ll make an exception for you.
Random Word to include: sentence
Summary: You wake up from a nightmare and try your best to comfort yourself. Sanji eventually finds you and helps you calm down and get into a better head space and mood.
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You bolted up out of a dead sleep, covered in a light sheen of sweat. Sanji's arm fell off your shoulder and softly landed in your lap. You grabbed at your chest because your heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was going to fly out. You couldn’t even register any sounds beyond the pounding of your heartbeat in your eardrums.
Bringing a hand up to wipe your forehead and face. You realize that you woke up crying. Taking big deep breaths to try and calm yourself and stop your body from shaking. You look over to Sanji to see if you woke him up. He’s still peacefully sleeping with a small smile on his face. Not wanting to wake him up but knowing you needed to calm down, you decided to take a walk up on deck.
Carefully sliding out of Sanji's grasp and out of bed. You grab one of Sanji's hoodies and slip it on before quietly opening the door and stepping into the hall. Turning around you make sure the door shuts and clicks before heading off for your walk.
Once you get up on deck headed for the railing to look out into the sea. You look around to make sure no one is around or can see you. Confirming you’re alone, you start quietly sobbing and curl in on yourself. Constant negative thoughts rolling through your head. You’re not good enough to be a part of the crew. You don’t deserve to be on the crew. You’re the weakest link. They would be better off without you constantly dragging them down. Sanji is only with you to make sure you don’t get killed by an enemy. Sanji would be better off with someone who was more on his level. All these horrible thoughts kept running through your head and you couldn’t stop them, nor could you stop the flow of tears streaming down your face.
With no concept of time after what felt like hours of crying and feeling bad for yourself, realistically it was only twenty minutes. You thought to yourself that you were done throwing a pity party for your feelings! You started saying affirming sentences out loud to the sea, hoping to bring up your mood and banish all the negative thoughts rolling in your mind.
“I am strong.”
“I am confident in my ability to help my crew.”
“My friends love me and do not see me as a burden.”
“Sanji loves me unconditionally no matter what.”
“I am a Straw Hat Pirate and no one can take that away from me!”
Taking a deep cleansing breath, you felt much better after saying all that out loud. Finally calm enough to head back to bed, you turn around and start heading to your shared bedroom with sanji. As you’re walking your stomach rumbles and you quietly giggle to yourself because only you would cry so hard that you made yourself hungry. Turning around you head to the kitchens deciding to make a comfort snack before heading back to bed.
Feeling like you wanted a tiny bit more comfort and were feeling a little nostalgic. You step into the kitchen and decide that you wanted to make your grandma’s chocolate chip cookies that your mom always made you on rough days when you were a kid.
While the oven is preheating. You walk through the pantry grabbing all the necessary ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate. You head to the table and get to work. Taking your time weighing out all the ingredients and mixing the dough. Giggling you put the last ingredient in which is your grandma's “secret ingredient” it’s cinnamon but the way she always said it made you laugh. Scooping out the dough, you put it on a sheet tray and into the oven. Setting a timer and cleaning your dishes.
Once the kitchen was clean, your cookies still had 10 minutes left till they were done. Too tired to stand any longer, you sit down in front of the oven door to watch the cookies bake and slowly spread. When all of a sudden you see legs on either side of you and feel arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a strong chest.
“(Y/n) I finally found you.” Sanji whispered into your ear. Hearing Sanji’s voice made you relax and let out the breath you had involuntarily held in.
“Oh my gosh! You scared me!” You yell whispered to him as you smacked his arm.
“What?! First off, you scared me when I woke up and you weren’t there. Your side of the bed was cold and I searched the whole deck for ten minutes before I noticed the light on in here and came to check.” He ranted but you could tell it was out of love and there was no heat behind his words.
“I’m sorry… I.. um.. woke up from a bad nightmare.. I guess I just felt like I needed to work through it on my own.. I didn’t want to bother you. You looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake you up..” You quietly muttered, hanging your head down while fidgeting with your hands. Sanji gently cups your face with both hands and turns you so you're facing him.
“Hey, you will never bother me or make me mad if you wake me up. I don’t care what time it is or what’s happening around us. You’re hurting and I want to be there to help in any way that I can. I love you (y/n), nothing will change that.” He gently said while pressing his forehead to yours.
“Okay.” You exhale, staying in this position. As you tell him about your nightmare and all the negative thoughts that sometimes plague your mind at night. He just listens to you explain your nightmare and fears, occasionally giving you a comforting squeeze. Once you were done you looked up at him and smiled softly.
“Thank you for listening to me babe, I love you too and you’re right I’m sorry. I’ll wake you up next time.” You shakily spoke through the new lump in your throat. Sanji moved your head back to look into your eyes and wiped your tears away with his thumbs.
“Hey, no need to be sorry! I will always be here to listen to you and comfort you. Also I love hearing I’m right, you need to start saying that more often.” He joked, mainly trying to lift your spirits and make you laugh.
“Stop! You’re so ridiculous sometimes.” You giggle while rolling your eyes at him and shaking your head.
Hearing the timer go off, you got super excited for your cookies! You shoved Sanji to the side and stood up real fast to grab the cookies out of the oven before they could burn. Setting the cookies on top of the oven, you turned it off and turned around to proudly show off your cookies to your boyfriend. Not immediately seeing him standing behind you like you expected, you look down to see he is still laying on the ground with a hurt expression on his face.
“What?!” You wondered, thinking you didn’t shove him that hard.
“(Y/n)... you come into MY kitchen and bake cookies at two in the morning.. then you have the audacity to shove me.. I’m just hurt! I can’t believe my precious (y/n) would do this to me.” Sanji exclaimed while fake crying still sprawled out on the floor.
“Ohh clam down, I cleaned the kitchen. Besides I didn’t even push that hard. You’re being dramatic, get up.” You spoke as you impatiently poked at your cookies to see if they were cool enough to eat.
“So what did my lovely (y/n) make me?” He sang as he got off the floor and stood behind you and looked over your shoulder.
“I made myself chocolate chip cookies. I made you a clean kitchen, so you didn’t have dishes to do in the morning before breakfast.” You playfully say to him, as you poke him in the chest then cross your arms.
“What!! I don’t even get to taste one of your cookies?!?!” He exclaimed.
“Yea I don’t like sharing, you know that.” You simply stated back to him.
“(Y/n) that is so unfair. Also you have 12 jumbo cookies. I know you’re only going to eat one! Please let me have one.” He begged.
“I don’t usually share food, but I’ll make an exception for you.” You smiled at him, giggling at his reaction.
“Here’s your cookie.” You mutter still pretending like you didn’t want to share.
You watched as Sanji took his first bite. He got a huge smile on his face, heart eyes and everything. He then looked down at you.
“(Y/n)... I think I’ve fallen in love with you all over again. These are amazing! Where did you learn how to make these?” He excitedly said.
“It’s an old family recipe, my grandma taught me how to make them. My mom always made them for me on rough days, when she knew I needed a pick me up.” You explained to him.
“Something tastes different, whats all in here?” He asked trying to figure out why they tasted different than normal chocolate chip cookies.
“Well it is a family recipe, with a secret ingredient. I’m not telling you. I’m sure you could figure it out pretty quickly though.” You stated as you continued to eat your warm cookie.
Sanji just started rattling off different ingredients it could be, they were all off the wall crazy stuff as well. Once even asking if it was tuna. At this point you’re just laughing because you know he’s making up the most wild guesses he can to purposefully make you laugh.
“Okay, but on a real note. Is it cinnamon?” Sanji asked while hugging you from behind.
“Fine you got me, yes it is cinnamon. Do you want the recipe?” You asked as you turned around and buried your face in his chest letting out a huge yawn.
“Yea, but I’ll get it from you tomorrow because it looks like we need to get someone to bed.” Sanji said as he poked your cheek.
“Carry me?” You asked as you raised your arms up around his neck and gave him your best puppy dog face.
“Anything for you princess, come on let’s get you to bed.” He whispered while picking you up so you could still be hugging him, dangling your feet on each side of him. He started carrying you out of the kitchen, making sure to turn all the lights off as he went. He almost got off the deck when he saw zoro off to the side.
“Hey, did you guys just come from the kitchen. I thought I smelled cookies being baked.” Zoro asked while walking up to you two.
“Yea, but (y/n) doesn’t share with Mossheads! So you can’t have any!” Sanji yelled at zoro, while still walking away, not even bothering to stop and talk to him.
“Don’t listen to him Zoro. They’re on a plate on the table, please help yourself.” You whisper yelled to him pretending Sanji couldn’t hear you.
“Thanks (y/n), you’re my favorite baker!” Zoro called out right before Sanji walked through the door to the inside of the ship.
Sanji chose to ignore both you and Zoro for the time being, choosing to walk the rest of the way in silence. When he reached your shared bedroom. He walked in and laid you down on the bed, climbing in after you and pulling you close to his chest. After a few minutes of cuddling right before you felt yourself about to drift off. You felt his fingers brush your hair back and tuck it behind your ear. You looked up and made eye contact.
“(Y/n), you seriously deserve to be on this crew. You are so strong and amazing, and you help us so much. The crew wouldn’t be the same without you. I wouldn’t be the same without you. I love you.” Sanji whispered before pulling you close and giving you a soft sweet kiss on the lips.
“Thank you, I love you too.” You spoke just as softly as you pressed your forehead against his and fell into a deep peaceful sleep, feeling deeply loved.
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eirist · 4 years
Winter Whimsies ❄️
Vignette #: 3
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T
Note: Vignette for the ZoNa Holiday 2020 at @zonamievents in Tumblr. December 18 theme: Ornaments / Traditions. Well, I honestly don’t think it’s a vignette anymore. And I’m still aiming to finish all themes even if the event has ended. It’s still holidays after all. 
Summary: All in all… they pretty much started a weird tree decorating tradition.  And Zoro, as usual, doesn’t want to be a part of it.
The Mugiwara Christmas tree stood in all its glory inside the Sunny’s library.
It was the crew’s first time in two years to put one up. Luffy was enthusiastic with the idea. And with Chopper who was just as excited at the prospect of enjoying the festivity that comes along with the said tree… there was no room to say no.
So off Zoro went—along with Franky—to scour the island for a suitable tree to cut down and use. Brook and Jinbei undertook the task of preparing the library. Nami and Robin headed to town to buy decorations and do some more shopping while Sanji busied himself preparing the Christmas dinner. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper took turns stealing some of the cookie dough whenever the chef’s back was turned.
Trimming the tree was chaos unfolding. The moment Zoro was able to situate it in the library, an argument started on what ornaments to adorn the tree as all of them wanted to have their own specific contribution dangling from the evergreen branches—ranging from normal festive baubles, edible confections to weird knick-knacks.
And that is how Nami and Robin found them when they arrived back on the ship. The navigator immediately hit the roof and the boys (including the older ones), trembled in fear.
When she stared at them with blazing eyes and stated in a tone as cold as the winter island that they all better stop because tree trimming was her and Robin’s job... Usopp immediately volunteered that he and the boys would be the ones to decorate the outside of their ship... far away from the fuming map maker.
He high-tailed it out of the library, miraculously dragging the others with him while Nami threatened that if they do an awful job… she will charged them with all the shopping expenses plus interest.
So the two girls busied themselves with the Christmas tree as the others hang wreaths, garlands and boughs of holly in the library, galley and other parts of the Sunny. Franky and Jinbei then suspended some ice lights on the decks and yellow string lights in the rooms, giving the whole area a more festive ambience.
As more and more Christmas ornaments and decorations were put up on the Sunny… the more excited the crew became.
When Nami and Robin finished decorating the tree, Franky added some string lights to it as well. They all hold off placing the star on the top as they reserved that honor for Luffy and Chopper.
They were putting some finishing touches in the tree and fixing the presents underneath it when Brook walked up to them, humming as he nonchalanty hung additional ornaments on the branches that looked like miniature pirates wearing little red, Santa hats—with hair colors oddly similar to the crews’.
“Brook that is cute!” Nami gushed as she stared at a familiar orange-haired pirate. “Where did you get them?”
“Yohohoho! It’s a secret Nami-san.”
“Fine. Keep it to yourself!”
“Perhaps if you show me your—”
“Not in this life or the next!”
“It’s really charming Brook,” Robin interjected as she studied the mini pirates while Nami smacked the musician with her Clima-tact. “Good find.” She touched one that looks just like her.
“Yohohoho! Thank you Robin-san!”
The sound of Sanji’s voice, crooning for his beloved ladies pulled their attention away. He had baked some Christmas cookies and prepared tea for the girls’ snack time.
With the Christmas tree done and decked out they decided it was time for a break.
When Nami stepped inside the library later that afternoon she was surprised to see that the Straw Hats’ Christmas tree got additional decorations.
Aside from the mini pirates Brook has placed earlier, there were also the cardboard drawings of their faces that Usopp made back in Punk Hazard when Trafalgar Law shambled half of the crew and some flowers from Robin’s flower bed. There intricately-made trinkets obviously made by Franky and transparent Christmas balls with little sea kings inside which looks like Jinbei’s.
Nami’s lips twitched a little. She had just left Luffy and Chopper stringing popcorns and cranberries under the direction of Sanji. Aside from the candy canes they wanted to place on the tree, the blond cook also suggested they make an edible garland to circle it… much to the reindeer and rubber man’s delight.
And since pretty much everything eatable hung on the tree will not go to waste—thanks to Luffy—Nami decided to affix some of her precious mikans on it. She carefully wrapped red ribbons around them so she can string it on the branches for all to enjoy after tonight’s dinner.
A loud snore interrupted her as she was beginning to hang the fruits.
With brows furrowed, she slowly peered behind the tree and was surprised to find their swordsman snoozing against the wall, hidden behind the all that green, without a care in the world.
Was he here all the time?!
Damn the man unwittingly camouflaged himself using the Christmas tree!
She stared at him for a good few seconds, pondering if she should wake him up.
But she remembered that it was Christmas and that she promised to play nice and that Zoro was the one reason why they currently have a tree on display.
“Tch! Guess this is your contribution then, you lazy ass,” she muttered as she continued with what she was doing.
There was silence. Before she heard a ‘hmph’ and grumble.
“Yeah… you try lugging that back here while your idiot companion decides to play in the snow.”
Nami rolled her eyes even if he cannot see her. “Fine,” she groused. “I’m letting you off the hook since you did a good job with this tree.”
She tilted her head slightly to peer at him again. “Just so you know. Everyone have something distinctively theirs in this tree.”
Zoro studied the tree for a moment before scoffing. “That’s overkill.”
Nami glared at him. “It’s called Christmas spirit idiot!” She frowned as she hung the last two of her mikans. “If it’s not too much for you, maybe YOU can also join us in this activity!” 
“Maybe it is too much for me.”
“Ugh,” she groaned out in frustration. With her hands on her hips she glowered at him. “Really Zoro?”
Nami scowled. Sometimes his lone wolf persona grates her nerves. Especially at times like these when the whole crew is involved and he’s acting like he doesn’t give any rat’s ass about it.
Still she doesn't wanna start a fight with him today of all days. Instead, she just sighed and settled on glowering at him. “Just get your dumb self in the galley in half an hour. If it's not too much for you to join your crew for dinner." 
There was a bite in her tone. Then she swiveled around to leave him, ignoring the wondering gaze he was now giving her.
All in all… they pretty much started a weird tree decorating tradition.  And Zoro, as usual, doesn’t want to be a part of it.
And that makes her feel a bit disappointed. 
Yet when he didn't appear when they started the Christmas dinner, she was the one who went to check if he was still snoring in the library.
Why her? The hell she even knows. 
Maybe because the others are already busy celebrating in the galley that she was the only who noticed that he wasn't there?
She opened the library door. The lights on the tree were already lit. Franky or Usopp may have switched it on. It looks more beautiful even if it was decorated with random trinkets, baubles and food the crew decided to hang on it. 
Yet the star still needs to be placed on the top—which Luffy and Chopper will do after dinner and before they start exchanging presents.
To her surprise, Zoro was still where she had left him earlier. 
She strode towards him to wake him, when she accidentally snagged something from the tree, causing it to fall. 
She stared at the object quietly sitting on the floor. It looked like paper folded into a shape of...
She picked it up and studied it. 
A bird? 
"Paper crane."
She spun around and saw Robin standing in the doorway.
"In Wano, it means good luck," Robin explained as she approached her, lightly touching it with one finger. She smiled at Nami. "It also means a wish for someone to get their heart's desire."
Nami just stared back at her amazed. 
"And there are ten of them." Robin observed, eyes crinkling with mirth at the tree before returning her gaze at her. "One for each of us."
Nami's eyes settled back at the crane in her hand. 
Robin chuckled. "Thoughtful isn't it Nami?" 
"I guess..."
The older woman gave her shoulder an affectionate pat. "See you two at the galley." She nodded at the still sleeping Zoro.
Nami watched her leave before shifting her attention again at the green-haired man, still slumbering peacefully against the wall, the red scarf she wrapped around his neck earlier hiding the lower part of his face.
He may appear cold and uncaring, but sometimes looks can be deceiving.
She crouched down beside him. Leaning forward she kissed his exposed nose. 
"Not bad Zoro. Not bad." 
Addendum: I went and tweaked the paper crane legend a bit. Though I honestly think it’s not really that far from the original one. 
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2 part commission - Harry Hook x reader - the masked princess - part 1
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commission from @musicarose​
You sat silently at an empty lunch table, watching as those at the next looked at you wearily and whispered to each other.
You sighed, leaning on your hand and picking at your food.
You were the second daughter of Aurora and Phillip, the younger sister of Audrey…the one everyone avoided because of your sister's attempted take over.
It wasn’t fair, almost everyone had forgiven her within the day she was returned to normal, and almost everyone shunned you for what SHE did.
You looked up, watching as your sister walked through the doors, laughing and smiling with Jane and Evie. You swallowed down the pit in your throat and stuffed some mac n cheese in your mouth.
It wasn’t fair.
You looked up from your sketchbook notebook as the teacher announced there would be new students joining the class.
“Everyone, I want you to welcome our new students.” you felt your breath stop as a tall, dark, handsome boy walked through the doors, his bright ocean blue eyes scanning the room as a girl with long teal hair entered in after him.
‘That’s uma’ you thought, remembering her from your sister's ramblings ‘so that must be…’
“Harry ‘ook” the tall boy muttered, obviously bored as the teacher made him introduce himself. ‘Harry Hook’ you finished your thought, finally tearing your eyes away from the handsome son of Hook.
“Alright, Harry you sit back there with miss (whatever aurora and Phillips last name is) and uma-“ you ignored the rest of the teacher's speech, watching from the corner of your eye as Harry made his way towards you and sat down in the desk next to you.
You didn’t bother to say hi, you knew the others would tell him to stay away from you as soon as they got a grip on him.
It didn’t stop your heart from latching onto him, even if you told it that it would never happen.
Because in the week and months following, you saw a side that you knew many others didn’t see.
He was a brother, his playfulness with the younger members of his crew, making faces at his sisters when they weren’t looking. His laughter as CJ jumped onto his back and demanded to be carried.
He was creative, humming little tunes as he worked, little doodles on the edges on his page, the spark of excitement in his bright ocean blue eyes when the teacher would assign an art or writing based assignment.
He was a strategist, joining tourney and quickly rising the ranks to the captain as he shaped up the team and destroying the other schools with quick and witty plans.
 He was smart, in the sense of people, able to tell if someone was angry or sad from simply glancing at their hands. He could taunt someone into messing up, leading to many a victory in tourney and R.O.A.R. along with getting someone like chad to leave the new young isle kids alone.
He was kind, you had seen him carry small animals in his coat and hoodies, cooing at them and handling them gently. He stayed with crew members and younger members of the isle as they cried or had panic attacks.
He was brave, diving into deep-sea waters as Jane fell in. tackling a rabid animal as it tried to attack dude, standing up to a deranged villain.
You just couldn’t help but fall in love with the bright blue-eyed pirate. And it sucked, knowing he only knew you as ‘the girl who I sit next to in a couple of classes and gave me a pencil one time’
So you sat in your corner, watching as girls flirted with him, and him flirt back…including your sister.
She didn’t know you liked him but it still hurt, but you knew that if he had a choice he would choose her over you.
She was more outgoing, she was the perfect daughter, she was the oldest daughter of Aurora, she was the one in the spotlight.
Why would the handsome, brave, kind and charming Harry Hook choose the plain, closed in, and unnoticed younger sister of Audrey.
Then one day.
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You tilted your head, taking one of the free flyers in the clear hanging box next to the hanging poster, turning it over to see the back
-meet at the grand ballroom (cafeteria) the 31st at 7 pm-
That…that sounded fun, you smiled to yourself, you needed a night to just…let yourself be unknown because so many others would be as well.
But…your shoulders sagged, you didn’t have any dresses, and you were too socially awkward to go ask for one.
So as the day of the ball drew closer, you watched as the other students chatter about their outfits and masks, some considering asking their crush or s/o to the ball.
You listened to your sister wonder about asking Harry…and you sat in the background, sketching out a beautiful blue mask and dress, based on the blue version of your mother's classic dress.
A knock sounded at the window of your room, you and your sister looked to each other and you stood and carefully looked out, sighing in relief as three balls of light floated about.
You opened the window and stepped aside.
Fauna, flora, and Merryweather gently flew in, growing in size as they landed on the floor. “hello children~” fauna cheered, her and flora walking over to Audrey as Merryweather sat next to you, offering a cookie.
“We heard there's a ball coming up and we want to help you get ready!” flora cheered, clapping her hands together.
You sighed and sat back, Merryweather tilting her head at you “(y/n)? sweetheart, what's wrong?”
“I don’t think im going” you muttered, Merryweather puffed up and leaned forward.
“why not?”
“well, I don’t have a dress or mask for it, and the guy I like is probably going with Audrey, I- I really don’t see a reason to go” you looked down to your lap, playing with your fingers.
“well…that’s not- alright, ill help make you a dress and mask, and you'll go to the ball, and you'll turn everyone's head and get that boy!”
You shushed her, you didn’t want Audrey to hear “no! not so loud, besides, who would want me there?”
“us!” Merryweather stressed, “we’ll be there as chaperones, and we want you to go out for once and have fun!”
You sighed, laughing a little and nodding “alright, alright ill go!”
Merryweather smirked and gave a triumphant nod. “good, now show me what your thinking of wearing”
As you showed her your sketch, Merryweather's face brightened “oh my, (y/n) that is a gorgeous dress! And that mask-ohhhh that boy will go gaga over you”
You chucked, shaking your head. “alright merry”
As Audrey left with flora and fauna, merry magicked up some blue ombre fabric, gently floating the sketch page in front of her and muttering some random words and measurements.
“you'll look amazing trust me love” you sighed, letting Merryweather do her work.
“and ill enchant it so it won't fit anyone else but you since I know how your sister is” you burst out laughing recalling all the times she borrowed your clothes and never returned them.
“thanks” you settled down in the windowsill chair and pulled your sketchbook to you, sketching down a particular boy and girl dancing away.
You finished the wing on your liner, breathing deeply and edging from your mirror, all that was left was to do your hair and get dressed, and then it would be time to go to the ball.
“alright (y/n) you got this, it's just a ball, everyone will be wearing masks, no one will know it's you”
Audrey was already at the “ballroom” being apart of the planning committee. “and maybe- maybe harry will notice you? Yeah right”
You snorted, backing away from the mirror and looking to your bed, smiling softly at the ombre blue ball gown, the light blue mask resting next to it.
“Alright, let's do this!”
Harry sighed, he was bored, Audrey wouldn’t shut up and leave him alone, he wished he hadn’t been convinced to come along by evie.
He reached up, fixing the sliding mask on his nose and stood from leaning against the wall, ignoring Audrey as she asked him what he was doing.
He walked to the punch line, groaning loudly as uma stepped next to him, her teal sea-themed mask staring back at him. “your bored aren’t you?” she chuckled.
“there's no one interestin’” he snorted. Looking around the room….wait who- “uma whos tha’?” harry whispered, pointing over to the main doors.
Uma turned, her brows raising as she spotted who harry was talking about.
The masked girl wore an off-shoulder blue ombre ball gown with glitter on the end of the skirt, an elegant blue mask encrusted with diamonds placed delicately on her face.
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Her (h/c) hair (curled, straightened, braided) and framing her face perfectly.
Smokey eyes hiding behind the mask, (lip type) lips painted with a tint of (reddish/peach/whatever color u want)
“Wow, she's pretty” she whistled, smirking as harry broke away from her and walked directly to the girl.
“uh oh” she chuckled “I feel like im in one of those classic fairy tales now”
“why?” Gil came up behind her, mask on top of his head, and eating honey beignets.
“you know it, the young man, bored at the ball, unamused by anyone's advances, suddenly he stops! For there she stands, the girl of his dreams!” gil looked up, seeing Harry's red-suited form walking up to the girl in blue.
“who she is or where she came from he does not know, nor does he care” uma smirked watching as harry gently grabbed her hand, the girl whipping around surprised, her ears becoming darker.
“for his heart tell him, that here, here is the maiden destined to be his~” Harry pressed his lips to her hand, smiling at her.
Uma and Gil looked to each other and chuckled “it seems we may have an addition to the crew?”
“if she unmasks herself at the end of the night like everyone else” uma thought aloud. Gentle music began to play, harry bowed and held his hand out to the girl, inviting her to dance.
She took his hand and he led her to the main dance floor, joining the others.
“uma” Gil announced in a posh voice “may I have this dance milady~”
Uma let out a cackle “you may~”
You knew Harry was the one who had walked up to you, kissed your hand, asked you to dance, and continued to spend the night with you.
And you didn’t care, you knew he didn’t know who you were, and would forget about you the next day. But you didn’t care, you would follow Merryweather's wish for you to simply have fun.
It had been a wonderful couple of hours, you had met uma and gil for the first time, and you loved them (you wished you were brave enough to meet them without the mask) you met his sisters CJ and Harriet.
And now you and harry sat just outside the ballroom on the balcony simply talking and laughing.
Harry tilted his head at you, a bright smile on his face “so lass, how come I haven’t seen yeh around the school, Im sure I would have noticed a bonnie lass like yeh around.”
You gave a nervous giggle and shrugged “im not that noticeable, trust me”
You jumped as the bell sounded, looking inside you saw the rest of the school standing in front of the stage where the band was, seeing fairy godmother announce the removal of the masks.
“oh, I have- I have to go!” you stood, desperate to leave when Harry grabbed your wrist, you whipped back around, chest hurting as you looked into Harry's confused eyes.
“But why? Everyones about ta remove their masks, I don’t even know yer name?” you shook free, holding your hand close to your chest.
“im-im sorry”
“please at least tell me yer name” harry pleaded, you bit your lip, you didn’t want to tell him your name, you knew as soon as you did he would know and would avoid you like all the others.
“rose…my name is rose” really (y/n)? your mother's old name?
“rose…ill find yeh” you looked into his bright ocean blue eyes one last time and bolted, not bearing to look as the crowd said the final number and removed their masks.
…Harry looked after you, slowly removing his mask.
“ill find yeh” he muttered, he promised to himself, he would find his masked princess.
You slammed your dorm room closed, doing your best to not hyperventilate. “okay…okay, breathe (y/n) breathe! He doesn’t know it was you, he won't find out!”
You stopped “oh but…” a smile bloomed on your face “even if he does….ill never regret this night”
You leaned off the door, slowly dancing as you made your way across the room.
“so this is what mom felt when she met dad” you sighed, removing your mask and gloves, placing them into a box to shove under your bed.
You paused, thumb brushing against the nose of the mask “maybe ill get my prince?”
--end of part 1 --
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shsl-gay-nurse · 3 years
OH BOY BACK TO MA BULLSHIT so time for me to ramble more about that cookie run AU that nobody but me and one (1) friend care about also im finally naming the AU, “cookie run totoverse AU” cuz I can’t think of anything better So how about I actually explain the AU for once, ima ramble about what some of the ocean cookies got going on fdsklfsd, originally while writing I was gonna do more, but I wanna play cookie run now LJKSFD NOT PROOF READ BTW
TW: mentions of child abuse and gaslighting 
-captain ice cookie goes by both “ice captain” and “captain ice” in this au PURLEY BECUASE I KEEP FUCKING UP HER NAME H E L P M E -how captain ice and peppermint meet is that, oneday peppermint gets onto ice captains ship thinking its a whale, captain ice is confused as to why theirs this random child at sea and asks where their parents are. peppermint says that they don’t know their parents and they just kinda travel around with whales n’ other sea life. hearing that ice captain decided that peppermint can stay with her till she finds some actual care for them -pirate cookie is NOT a good person in this au, sorry but im projecting my daddy issues onto the shark. im not going into detail but pirate really isn't a great parent, and holds resentment towards sorbet for not being able to save his leg -it comes to a head oneday when pirate gets drunk off his ass. he goes to  just chill but see’s sorbet shark chewing on the deck railing again (sorbet likes to chew on things, if it fits in their mouth its getting chewed on). being drunk the man has no filter so just goes off on this poor child, screaming everything that he’s been holding back. sorbet backs away into a wall in an attempt to distance themselves from pirate in fear, but pirate follows and continues his rant. eventually pirate gets so pissed that he punches the wall above sorbets head, witch sorbet shark mistakes as pirate attempting to hurt them, due to feeling like their in danger sorbet kicks pirate with all their strength, causing the man to fall over. once pirates on his ass sorbet makes a break for the ocean, jumping off the deck and swimming as fast and as hard as they can, wanting as much distance between them and pirate as possible -sorbet doesn't stop swimming till they eventually see ice captains ship, they head towards it as they want to see peppermint cookie. peppermint cookie can hear sorbet screaming their name and goes near the edge of the ship to see whats up, only to get knocked over when sorbet jumps out of the water and into them, clinging onto them in fear. peppermint asks them whats wrong and sorbet starts crying, witch soon causes peppermint to start crying
-captain ice comes onto the deck to see two crying children and is hella confused, it takes her awhile to calm them both down but eventually she succeeds. she pulls both children into a hug and has sorbet explain whats wrong (with peppermint to translate cuz sorbet goes “ooOOooO”) -after sorbet explains what happened, captain ice is FURIOS with pirate cookie, whatever small traces of "friendly rivalry” the two had are gone and she has every intention of throwing that cookie and his crew in jail. worth noting that- pirates crew would often gaslight sorbet whenever they tried talking about things pirate did to them, so sorbet eventually stopping trying to reach out. captian ice also decides that, yeah no sorbet is not going back to pirate and will instead stay with her still she can find better care for the two children -sorbet needs some time to warm up to ice captain and her crew. oneday while sorbet shark is attempting to help clean the ship they accidentally knock something over, captain ice see’s this and walks over witch causes them to start panicking. ice captain calms them down first and then tells them “its okay accidents happen, lets just be more carful next time” then helps them clean it up. theirs a few incidents like this where accidents happen and sorbet thinks they’ll be screamed at, but that just doesn't happen. even when they do get in trouble captain ice never raises her voice at them. this causes sorbet to start feeling way safer and open up to the crew
-peppermint will often get piggybacks from sorbet in their shark form when their in water. the two will often zoom around the ship or travel off a bit to look at sea life (while promising to be back at x time to ice captain)  -after a bit of having the kids living with her, ice captain gets really attached to the two and goes “fuck it im adopting them now”, you can pry momma ice captain  from my cold dead hands I love that concept sm -so like I said earlier sorbet likes to chew on things, they just feel like they need to and can’t explain why. after ice captain learns this she buys some chew necklace’s for them in the shape of different sea life, this makes sorbet very very happy -sorbet shark has a tendency to bring things from the ocean back onto the ship witch they consider “treasure”, usually things like pearls, shells, shiny rocks and very rarely items from sunken ships. ice captain lets them keep these things as long as they aren't dangerous (like rusty or sharp) and make sure to not leave them laying around the deck. sorbet will often give “treasures” to peppermint and they both have little chests that they store these “treasures” in and will sometimes trade with each other thats all I got for now- yeah its like 80% just sorbet shark but- leave me alone I get brainrot for my comfort characters sometimes 
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