#randomized it so noone will know which i thought of first hehe
got tagged by @roycogaystar to do the TV Questionnaire
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly
Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood) SPOILERS!!!!!!!
Mob Psycho 100
One Piece
Saiki K
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Shigeo or Reigen, but Ritsu in s1 is so fucking relatable just ughhghghgh
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
SPOILERS!!! Shou Tucker
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
im gonna go with arcs and then its probably that one filler arc, G-8 (other than that dressrosa, marineford alabasta or water 7)
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
the first because its the only one with a dub
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
uh uhm lesbians? not sure tbh
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
uuhmm ,,, theres litterally none??
7. How long have you watched 1?
first watched fma in 2013 and since ive watched brotherhood ive been rewatching it at least once a year
8. How did you become interested in 3?
i dont remember its so long ago
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
1, forever 1
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
random civilian on a far off island away from all the chaos, im not dealing with all that
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
accident, but like a stupid avoidable one (i also have the most angsty way but lets not entertain that idea, also im not telling who)
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
im?? not sure how???
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Sheska and Fokker? (they talked once) or Paninya and Winry? (but idk cause ed and winry are one of THE couples)
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
sweating nervously (3?)
not tagging anyone, but do it if u want to :)
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notanettelmao · 2 years
The Food Blogger [Colin x reader]
This might have a part two if enough people like it
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I actually talked about writing something with Colin about a month ago, but then I went out with some friends and had a family emergency and I somehow forgot about it?? So this is not really what I planned at first, lol
tagging some of the people that sounded really interested in my idea when I posted about it: @vic-top @iputthefaninfanfics @idylio24 (sorry if it isn't what you were expecting hehe)
Fandoms: Not Okay Movie Warnings: weed, me being bad at writing stuff that sounds like Colin, Danni is being Danni... Pairings: future Colin x reader Words: 1,7k
“Okay Y/N, take a picture, post it on Instagram, post the blog post with the recipe and link it to your stories. You’ve done this multiple times, nothing’s scary about it..” The girl mumbled as she moved around her table, trying to get the best angle to take a picture of her creation. The table had a thin white tablecloth thrown over it to cover the multiple paint stains from when the girl tried to be creative. On the tablecloth, in the middle of the table, sat a black plate with pancakes on top of it. The girl managed to sprinkle more powdered sugar on the pancakes as she found the right angle. At first glance, there was nothing special about the pancakes, maybe the three raspberries on top which ended up there after she thought the brown color of the pancakes was a little boring. But if someone would eat the food, they would find out it actually had a secret ingredient. Weed. 
How did the weed end up in the pancakes of a girl who has never even touched a joint? Funny story actually, it started with her getting a new job as a food blogger. On the same day, she bumped into a particular bleached guy, who smelled like weed. Hell, you could smell him from a few meters away, that’s how bad the weed smell was. Noone at work seemed to notice it, or maybe they were just used to it at this point. There wasn’t actually anything that interesting about him, except the good looks, pretty eyes, absolutely tasty-looking lips and- the girl’s phone buzzed next to her. She groaned and turned around to pick it up from the counter to look at who texted her. 
‘U free?’ 
Was what she saw under Danni’s name on her screen. What the hell did Danni want? She hasn’t talked to her since she found out she also had the hots for Colin. They had a fight about who could possibly actually end up dating him. Let’s say Danni didn’t like the idea of him not liking either of them. 
Y/N rolled her eyes as she clicked on the call button and put the phone near her ear, using her other hand to look at the pictures she took with her camera.
“Y/N? Why are you calling me, couldn’t you just text back like a normal person?” Danni’s voice was heard from the phone speaker not even after the first beep. 
“Kinda trying to work here, figured out calling would be quicker,” Y/N mumbled into the phone, still not knowing what to think about the other girl calling her. 
“Anyway, what do you want?” She asked right after and put her camera down on the table next to the plate, walking to her couch so she could sit down. 
“I was wondering if you would want to go out to get some coffee… Talk about boys… You know, all the stuff. You didn’t respond to any of my emails so-”
“Fine, I’ll be down in five.” Y/N hung up before Danni could continue. She was already regretting her decision. But she also didn’t want to let go of one of her only work friends. A stupid fight over a boy should not end a friendship, right? 
Danni was late. Y/N stood outside in her black sweatpants and a black baggy t-shirt with some random prints all over it. She was regretting putting on her new Vans, as she could already feel the skin on her heels protesting. She was scrolling through her Instagram, liking Colin’s new posts when a pair of white shoes appeared on the ground in front of her. She slowly looked up, noticing the brown pants and lighter-brown hoodie. Finally, she saw Danni’s face framed by two blonde strands of hair on each side, tucked behind her ears. 
“Hiii!” Danni cheered, pulling Y/N into a hug almost making her drop her phone. 
“Uh, hi,” Y/N laughed awkwardly. Danni didn’t seem to notice.
“How have you been? I saw you gained some followers after those yummy-looking weed recipes,” Danni’s eyes sparkled when she mentioned the followers. Y/N slowly blinked, realizing the other girl just wanted to boost her follower count. 
“Oh, I’ve been great, yeah…” Y/N put away her phone as they started walking down the street. Danni started talking about her wanting to get into writing and Y/N was just nodding her head, not really listening. She was mostly looking around wondering where they were going to end up. 
“No way! Je obsessed!” Danni said suddenly, making Y/N stop and look at what she was looking at. They stood in front of a tiny coffee shop called Matcha Baby. A waitress put out a sign and walked back inside.
“Influencers eat free?” Y/N read aloud. She bit her lip, trying not to laugh when she noticed Danni checking her follower count. 
“Not today,” Danni made a face and turned to continue walking when she stopped and just stared. Y/N almost bumped into her as she didn’t notice her just standing there again. 
“What the hell Da-” Y/N started to say. Then she noticed what the other girl was staring at. 
“-nni. Oh, you’ve got to be shittin’ me.” She mumbled under her breath. A few meters away from them there was a black car. They both stared as Colin stepped out of it, smoke surrounding him as he breathed it out, and started walking their way. Y/N was already moving to the side so he could walk by. Danni had other ideas. 
“Colin!” Danni exclaimed loudly, making Y/N wince. Colin stopped right in front of them.
“Oh shit. Waddup honey? Yea I can’t take a pic right now. But-” Colin said, making Y/N snort. She quickly covered her mouth but Colin already turned his attention to her. 
“Oh, I’ve seen you before?” He asked, looking Y/N up and down. She made a surprised noise, trying to ignore Danni who was plotting her murder by the looks she was giving her. 
“Oh, I- Ehm I work in the same building? Make food posts on insta and.. stuff..” Y/N cringed as her voice cracked. 
“Shiit right! You make those lit weed posts!” He looked down at his phone, quickly typing something on the screen, and then turned it to face her.
“Haven’t actually seen yo acc on my insta, just saw an article. Give me your user?” He asked. Y/N’s eyes widened and she took his phone into her shaking hands, quickly typing her Instagram username into the search bar. She then returned his phone with a shy smile on her face. 
“Sick,” he tapped on the screen, few seconds later she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She had to bite her lip to stop herself from screaming. Was this really happening?
“I work in that building too!” Danni said loudly so the two of them heard her. They both looked at each other and then turned their heads to look at Danni.
“Yeah. Anyway. I’m supposed to be going to-” Colin looked at his screen and then up at the coffee shop, “- there. Matcha Babyy. Plus my plug lives here so two birds one stone.” He waved his hand towards the building. 
“Yeah, I smoke marijuana, like, all the time!” Danni said, smiling. 
“Oh lord,” Y/N mumbled under her breath, deciding to pull out her phone and pretend she is doing something.
“Ever seen one of these?” Colin asked, lighting the weird-looking joint. Y/N quickly turned on her camera and pointed it at Danni when she saw her reaching for the joint. Danni inhaled the smoke and started coughing before she gave the joint back to Colin. Y/N was silently laughing as she sent the video to one of her friends back home. She missed Colin talking to a random fan on the other side of the street because of the spam of laughing emojis she got as a response. 
“So cool that you have a fan!” Danni said in between coughs. Colin shot a quick look at Y/N and then back to Danni.
“Oh yeah, I got a- I got a bunch. That’s just one.” He chuckled.
“So like, what are you? Like, at Depravity? I see she-” he waved his hand towards Y/N, “ is a food blogger. What are you?”
“I’m a- I’m a writer,” Danni said. Y/N rolled her eyes. Writer, sure. Colin completely zoned out taking selfies with his joint as she talked more.
“I wanna develop my work by traveling and stuff. And maybe like, going on one of those writer retreats-” That got Colin’s attention. 
“Oh, you’re going on a retreat?” He zoned out again as he got a notification. Y/N just stood there, staring at the two of them as if she was watching a movie. She only needed popcorn. 
“I’m going to Paris for it,” Danni said out of nowhere and Y/N choked on air, almost falling over. Colin looked up from his phone to Danni. 
“Shit. That’s dope. Hey, get pics,” he was ready to walk away when Danni stepped into his way, making Y/N start choking once again. 
“I’m gonna get lots of pics! Yeah. Throw them all up on the gram!” Danni made a random dance move and Y/N turned to look at the lady that was sitting on the ground next to them this whole time. They both had the same look on their faces, they were completely done with Danni.
“By the way, this was laced with, like, mad wax, so your tolerance must be OD as fuck. Damn, ma. Good luck in Paris, Jenny.” He turned to Y/N.
“Good to meet you both,” he said as he walked away.
“Danni,” Danni said, turning around to look at him walking away.
“What’s up?” He stopped and looked at her.
“My name is Danni.” 
“No, it’s Colin.” He said. Y/N busted out laughing. 
“I’ll see you at work,” Colin said, looking at Y/N. Then he turned to look at Danni.
“Or I guess I won’t.” He then walked away. Danni started laughing loudly, making both the homeless lady and Y/N look at her like at a crazy person.
“Fuck me,” Danni said as she finished laughing. 
“Fuck you indeed,” Y/N mumbled under her breath, making the homeless lady snort. 
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jamaiskookie · 4 years
mutuals (pjmxreader) [bonus:celibacy]
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~mutuals~ [youtuber!reader x idol!jimin] social media AU
synopsis: park jimin is a (slightly problematic) idol singer, and he becomes completely smitten with a youtuber after stumbling upon her dance cover to his own song.
genre: fluff, a good dosing of cracK, literally two seconds of angst blink and u miss it
word count:  2.3k
[A/N]: thank you for all the love you’ve given mutuals! can’t believe it’s only been like one week since this blog has been up hehE enjoy this drabble of thirsty!jimin after he found your video. if you have no idea what i’m talking about gO READ THE FIRST CHAPTER
series masterlist
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           When JinHit first hit record sales with the success of Jimin’s mini album, and RAPLINE’s first title single a couple years ago, Jin finally gave in to Jimin’s begging and gave all the artists their own personalised studio in the JinHit building. It’s where all the greatest hits on the charts are written. It’s practically the modern eighth wonder of the world, considering the names and talent that have graced the walls. 
          Jimin, Yoongi, and Namjoon all have their separate studios to write, produce, and record in, and all three of the small rooms are located next to each other. Partially because of design and common sense, but also so all three friends can conveniently annoy each other when needed. Jin’s office isn’t too far away either, just across the floor. Usually, if they’re all working in the studio, they’ll walk over to Jin’s office during lunch hour and leech off his amazing personal pantry in his office. The office is much, much bigger than their studios, and Jimin never fails to remind Jin that. 
          All three artists have grown a little attached to their studios. It’s where they do what they all love most, after all. Yoongi barely lets anyone into his ‘Genius Lab’, and ever since a staff member accidentally messed with his coffee machine, he hasn’t let anyone step foot in. Nobody’s even allowed to come inside Namjoon’s studio during what he calls his ‘namjoon talent time’ which is basically just a period of time before comeback season where he locks himself in the studio, writing music 24/7. 
          He occasionally asks Jimin to listen to his unreleased files for suggestions, but other than that, noone except Yoongi goes inside his studio during ‘namjoon talent time’, and Namjoon only reluctantly lets him in as his bandmate. Not that Jimin minds, he hasn’t been let inside since he accidentally mistook Joon’s studio for his own and brought one of his one-night-stands over. Joonie was horrified, and made Jimin sanitise, wash and clean every part of the room, all while he cried about how his ‘baby was molested’. It was traumatising for both parties. 
          Out of the three, Jimin’s the least protective over his studio, even though he’s the one who put the most effort into it. He’s spent years perfecting it, making it the best place for inspiration and writing music. Everything in the studio has been personally chosen and thought out by him. The snacks and custom mini fridge, the wall of his entire discography, trophies, music awards, and his personal favourite, the official JIMIN logo sign above the couch. 
          It lights up in purple.
          Despite being a pretty stereotypical assholey partying douche idol, Jimin’s likes to think he’s actually quite talented. He’s been named ‘Most professional idol’ on every single online survey he can find (He’s also always voted for ‘Most handsome’, but that’s besides the point), and it’s true. Jimin never sells himself short. He is a professional musician, singer, and producer. He writes his own music, choreographs his own dancing, and uses his platform to spread positive, meaningful messages. There’s a reason he’s so internationally successful, and it’s because he’s talented. 
          Maybe right now isn’t a great example of his talent. Jimin was in his studio, holding his head in his hands. Sure, he’s a globally recognised and accomplished songwriter, but to be honest, he hadn’t written a single piece of original JIMIN music since he wrote ‘Filter’ with Namjoon months ago. He was in the biggest creative slump in his entire career. He had tried almost everything, co-writing, exercise, music samples, playing around on instruments. Hell he even tried music therapy. Whatever melody he tried to create, whatever lyrics he tried to write, it all came out sounding like garbage. 
          Yesterday was a little bit of a blow to Jimin’s ego. It was three in the morning, and he’d been in the studio for seven hours, with only one verse written. 
I love to let loose,
Have you ever tried eating moose?
It’s all so bananas,
Tony fucking Montana. 
          Yeah, it’s pretty embarrassing. It’s not even a verse, it looks more like a kindergartener’s attempt to write poetry. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t really feel like writing music or putting his thoughts in a song. Jimin is just plain out of ideas. He has nothing to write about. And if he doesn’t have good content to put out, he’d rather not put anything out at all. 
          But he still hates it. All his life, he’s coped by writing, singing and dancing. This writer’s block has been too frustrating. Too many sleepless nights and crumpled papers have been wasted over it, with no progress or music in result. Plus, Jin might be one of his closest friends, but Jin was also a boss, and he still needed more tracks for Jimin’s big comeback, happening end of the year. 
          He can’t help it. Jimin has nothing left to write about. He opened one eye when he heard the distant ding of his phone coming from somewhere in the studio. Grumbling incoherently, he opened the notification, to find… you. 
          Jimin’s mouth was hanging open the entire video. His eyes twitched the tiniest bit and he almost dropped the phone when you said his face was “decent”, but he had to watch it again, because the first time around, he didn’t hear a word that came out your damn mouth. He was otherwise… preoccupied. No matter how much he tried, he just couldn’t tear his damn eyes off the screen. Curse Min Yoongi for sending him this. 
          He even cringed when he had to bring his sleeve up to wipe the tiniest bit of drool off his face. Practically salivating. What the fuck? How old was he? He was Park Jimin, why was he popping a boner from watching some stranger on the internet dance to his songs? He’s been in the industry for way too long now, he was practically immune to scantily clad women prancing around him. So why he completed concentrated on your stupid little crop top? Not to mention, you were practically insulting him at this point. What was so special? 
          For one moment, Jimin forced his eyes off the screen, wondering if the sleep deprivation had really affected him that much, or if this was another side effect of the writer’s block he’s been having. It’s the partying ‘clean act’ ban Jin’s been forcing me to go on, he thought, even though Jimin wasn’t totally convinced of that. (Despite swearing not to, he looked straight back to down at his phone afterwards to reply the video.) 
          He was so fixated on the screen, he didn’t even notice when Yoongi flung the door open and walked inside. Jimin only lifted his head when he heard Yoongi’s obnoxiously loud groan. 
          “What- When did you get here?” Yoongi recently went back to a fan-favourite hair colour of his, and Jimin was still not used to seeing him with bright mint coloured hair. In his opinion, he looked like a highlighter, but Yoongi seemed to not mind it. 
          “I’ve been standing here for the past two minutes, drinking my coffee. The fuck you watching on your phone that’s got you drooling?” 
          “NOTHING.” Yoongi narrowed his eyes, and before Jimin could even move away, he managed to snatch the phone away from Jimin’s hands. 
          “What the fuck- how? You know, this is why your fanbase thinks you’re a cat.” Yoongi ignored his words with ease. “Oh my god,” He said. “Are you watching the video I sent you? I didn’t expect you to actually watch it.” 
          “I always watch my fan’s videos after a comeback!” Jimin insisted, clawing upwards to steal his own phone back, but Yoongi kept slapping his hands away. 
          “Yeah, but this isn’t a fan. This is just like, one of your fanboys and a girl roasting you.” Yoongi stared back at Jimin suspiciously when he tried to defend himself. “Why were you watching this girl dance like a starving man, Chim?” 
          “Just, because- what- I was nOT watching her like a starving man. Don’t look at me like I’m some kind of a pervert!” Jimin finally managed to grab ahold of his phone again, and he threw it behind him on the couch, away from Yoongi. 
          “Hyung,” He sighed. “I think maybe it’s Jin’s new ‘clean, good boy’ rule. Along with this stupid fucking slump I’ve been having these days, I just don’t feel great, okay? So don’t be so fussy with me. I can’t write, I can’t party… If I want to ogle over some random girl on the internet, I will.” Jimin cringed once the words came out of his mouth, but Yoongi slowly nodded, sitting down on the couch. 
          Min Yoongi may be a little too gay to understand Jimin’s womaniser ways, but the frustration behind not being able to write music, that, he understood. “You’re trying to justify being a perv by using your mental problems, but I’ll talk to you about that later on.”
          “Chim, we all have our slumps. It’s honestly a wonder that this is your first serious creative block. Me and Joon, and every single artist in the world, is bound to go through that at some point. It’s not the end. You’ll still be able to write good music soon, you’re a good writer.” Jimin refused to meet Yoongi’s eyes, even if what he was saying did make a little sense. He just chose to stay silent. 
          “You just have nothing left to write about. You can’t keep living like this though, Chimmy. It’s unhealthy.” 
          “What do you mean, unhealthy? I’m perfectly fine, thank you.” 
          Yoongi stared at him deadpan, gesturing to the entire state of his studio. “It’s a complete mess in here,” He said. “Plus, I don’t think you’ve left this studio for days. The others may not want to say it to your face, but we’re all a bit worried about you. Stop forcing yourself to ingest all these redbulls to try to keep writing.” 
          “When inspiration comes, it’ll come. You can’t force it, it doesn’t work that way. What you need, is a break. Go back home for once, maybe visit your mom. And for god’s sakes, take a shower please. Trust me, okay?”
          Yoongi doesn’t like admitting it, but he’s the most caring one out of their friend group. Anyone can tell from the look in his eyes right now, that he’s genuinely concerned about his friend. He’s also the one with most sense, but Jimin will never tell him that, because his advice, no matter how sensible, is useless. 
          All he’s known is singing, writing, and throwing himself in work. To just stop? Even if it’s to take a short break, it doesn’t feel right to Jimin. Instead of telling Yoongi his problems, he just poked his tongue in his cheek. If lightbulbs actually popped up above people’s heads when they had a good idea, a massive one would’ve appeared on top of Jimin’s. 
          “I’ve got it!” He said, excitedly. Yoongi sat up straight. “You’re going to take my advice for once?”
          “No, of course not, Hyung. Don’t be silly.” Yoongi slouched his back again, closing his eyes. 
          “I’ll just hit this girl up!” Yoongi’s eyes snapped open. 
          “Yeah! Who knows, y’know? Maybe I’ve been keeping myself to Jin’s rules a little too well. It won’t hurt the company if I let myself go just once. Blow off some steam, come back fresh and recharged.” Jimin rubbed his hands together like a bad Disney villain. 
          “It’s too early for this.” Yoongi whispered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
          “It’s three in the afternoon.” Yoongi ignored him. 
          “You really aren’t going to take my advice, huh.” 
  ��       “Nope!” Jimin said, popping the ‘p’ annoyingly. 
          “You promised Jin you’d go celibate.”
          “I said I’d clean up the partying act. I don’t recall taking a vow of celibacy.” Yoongi just sighed, and fell back down on the sofa, mindlessly sipping at his coffee. 
          Jimin hesitated. “You’re not going to… tell me not to? Or give me another one of your eco-feminist speeches again?” Yoongi shrugged. 
          “You’ve heard it too many times. Plus, I have a feeling this is going to be funny.” 
          “Funny? Hyung, what part of this could possible be funny to you?” There was a brief pause filled with awkward silence, before Yoongi blinked slowly. 
          “When she rejects you, of course.” Jimin threw his jacket, aimed straight for Yoongi’s head. His stupidly fast cat-like reflexes managed to dodge it, but Jimin scowled at him nonetheless. 
          “She’s not going to reject me.” Jimin walked over, picking up the very same jacket he threw at Yoongi, before plopping his sunglasses back on his face. “No woman has ever managed to reject me before, and I intend on adding her to that list.” He pursed his lips. 
          “Plus, she’s super hot. Great ass. Attractive people attract attractive people.” Jimin turned his phone back on once more to sneak one last peek at you in the thumbnail of the video, before stuffing his phone into his back pocket. “I just need to get it out of my system. This might be what I need to get me out of this creative rut!”
          He could’ve sworn Yoongi muttered something under his breath, something along the lines of ‘fucking asshole’, but he chose to ignore it. 
          “Alright, well, see you, Yoons!” Jimin practically skipped out of the studio, startling the producer’s assistant outside with his slightly disturbing enlarged grin. 
          “Don’t come crying to me when she refuses to get in your pants, you fucking diva!”
          Jimin continued walking towards the elevator, but he threw up his middle finger behind him. 
[taglist:] @notmontae97​​ @lucedelsole97​
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sanababes · 4 years
Requested by: anon
Pairings: fem!reader x Choi Sooyoung / Joy
Warnings: nothing much, just some (not really) mafia au scenario
/ it's my first writing about this so yeah, please bear with it and I couldn't really stick to the plot hehe /
Park Sooyoung, the youngest underground mafia boss in Seoul had been keeping her eyes on a one specific woman. But due to the conflicts in her schedule, she couldn't have time to arrange a proper meeting with you, Kang Y/n. She also has a small knowledge about you that makes her more excited to meet you personally.
Meanwhile, you're the daughter of Kang Seungwoo (just a random name lol) who is one of the prestigious individuals when it comes to political status. The Kang family haven't been involved in unnecessary rumors or news, in other words they are strict and timid with their actions. You really didn't care about it and you despise people who show their interest on you for their own sake or for money.
Your cold and ignorant attitude had been your own bestfriend when interacting with people which you hate the most. When your family is invited in an event, you would keep a reserved aura. Luckily, your cousin Hyewon is there to accompany you for the whole time.
Today is a rather interesting day since it's your 21st year of living in this unwholesome world.
You were awoken by Miss Choi, your beloved nanny since you came out of your mother's womb. The older tapped your shoulder gently that made you slur inaudible sounds.
"Goodmorning, young master. It's already 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Your father is expecting you in the dining room as fast as possible"
(Bruh does that even make sense lol, morning then noon i-)
After a few seconds of adjusting your sight into the bright lighting, you opened your eyes then brushed your hand through your ruffled hair. Miss Choi prepared a warm bath for you to freshen up and start your special day. You got up up from your bed slowly then entered the bathroom sluggishly. You removed the pieces of clothing on your body then dipped yourself into the water. A sigh escaped from your lips as you closed your eyes from the tranquilizing feeling sipping through your skin.
It took you roughly 20 minutes to get yourself dry and dressed up casually. You strutted gracefully downstairs and saw your parents chatting as they ate lunch peacefully.
"Hi darling, happy birthday to you!" Your mother hugged you tightly then gave a kiss on your cheek.
"Thanks mom" you smiled lightly.
"Happy birthday, Y/n" your father greeted.
You thanked him then joined them for lunch. They talked about business things and you would occasionally answer their questions, stuffs like that.
When you're all done, they left immediately for a quick meeting at the city hall with 2 bodyguards guiding them to a black Mercedes.
You looked around your spacious living room and decided to call your bestfriend Yujin to come over. The latter agreed quickly and was on the way already.
You sat comfortably against the classy couch and waited for Yujin to arrive. You fished out your phone then scrolled through Insta then you saw Sooyoung's recent post.
"Hmm, she's cute..." you mumbled nonchalantly.
"Who's cute, Y/n/n?"
You flinched and almost fell when you saw Yujin peeking behind your shoulder.
"Bitch! When did you even got here?" You asked.
"I just came in a minute ago. Miss Choi had let me in" the latter smiled cheekily.
"You almost gave me a heart attack..." you grumbled while putting your hand over your chest.
"I'm sorry, so who's cute?" Yujin sat beside you and waited for your answer.
"Uhh, no one" you managed to say.
The girl looked at you suspiciously then glanced at your phone.
"Ahh I see, so Park Sooyoung aka Joy is your type now huh?" She teased while nudging your shoulder.
A blush crept into your cheeks as you tried to deny what your bestfriend said.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about" you pressed the home button of your phone nervously.
"Yeah yeah, don't worry I won't tell anyone"
Yujin looked at you, trying not to laugh at your priceless reaction. You just shook your head and grabbed the remote of the TV.
"Oh! Happy birthday you jerk" she added.
"Yeah, I thought you wouldn't remember" you said sarcastically.
"Oh come on, how can I forget my baby's bday" she pinched your cheeks while making some cringy noise.
You whined and tried to pry her hands off.
"Yah! if you don't put your hands down imma kill you" you threatened.
"Fine, fine. So why did you called me over? Your party will not start until the sun sets though"
'Oh right, the party yey...'
"Ughh, I dont want to goooo" you complained like child.
"Duh of course you need to go, it's your own celebration for fuck sake" Yujin stated with an 'as a matter of fact' tone.
Your parents prepared a party for your special day. Many influential people are invited and Sooyoung was one of them. You had seen her before from fashion events that was held by her own company.
She was pretty popular and has been known as an independent woman. You also by the way, is interested to know her more which is quite rare.
"What are you going to wear Y/n?" Yujin suddenly asked.
"Uh just some suit that I bought recently"
You weren't a fan of girly stuffs so yeah, you're wearing suits frequently.
"Hmm, what should I wear then?" The latter said while scratching her not so itchy chin.
"Just say that you want to borrow my clothes again" you chuckled as you smacked Yujin's head playfully.
"Oh man, how did you know?"
You just snickered at her antics .
"I know you so well Yujin-ah" the latter started to pout like a child.
"Shall we get ready early instead? I'm bored" you yawned wearily.
Yujin agreed as you both walked upstairs towards your room.
---- time skip ----
You're currently sipping a vintage Vinfolio wine as Hyewon and Yujin kept blabbering between you. Your parents in the other hand, are talking with some acquaintance from what you can see in your peripheral vision.
Meanwhile, Sooyoung has been glancing at you from time to time with some of her 'secretly' mafia members chatting beside her. The gorgeous woman decided to muster up her courage and strutted towards your table. You noticed her in a short red-sparkled dress which hugged her toned body perfectly. She had confident smile on her lips, determined to make you fall for her.
"Good evening Y/n-ssi, I've been wanting to meet you for a long time" Sooyoung greeted and lend her hand out for a hand shake.
"It goes the same for me, Joy-ssi" you showed your signature smile and held her hand gently.
"Wanna talk somewhere else? It's pretty crowded in here..." the latter suggested as you shared a meaningful look with Hyewon and Yujin which they understood quickly.
"Yeah, sure" you nodded and guided Sooyoung to the nearest balcony within the ginormous event hall.
"So I heard you're planning to collab with the Kim's corporation next month"
"Hmm, we're still discussing about the terms of the company so it's not sure yet" you answered politely.
"I didn't know that Sangwoo is your father" Sooyoung stated while staring at your side profile.
You looked out into the distance and agreed timidly. The latter bit her lips then went closer to you.
"You know what, can we hangout sometimes when you're free?"
You chuckled lightly while swirling your wine glass in a circular motion.
"Are you trying to hit on me Miss Park?" Sooyoung smirked while dragging along your shoulder.
"I mean who wouldn't with someone attractive like you?" She flirted casually.
"Fine, meet me on Friday at Han River park. 6pm sharp Missy" you said while glancing at her.
Sooyoung smiled victoriously and kissed your cheek.
"I'll make you mine soon Y/n, mine..."
~the end~
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I didn't sticked to prompt too much, sarry
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wwilloww · 4 years
Ooooo it seems so interesting like fate or something cause what were the chances of you actually getting someone who is not only genuine but also so good at what they do!!! And actually agreeing to take you as her disciple.
Did the lady charge some fees too Or was is out of goodness of her heart since she saw the potential in you?? How long did it take to fully connect with your spirituality? Did you practice it a lot? Hehe if you can't tell, I am trying to develop my spiritual abilities and I have noone to guide me, so I am gathering all the things I can from all the people, since at the moment that's the only option I have.
Yeah I am very skeptical too, but from time to time things have been proven to me so I question it a little less. And it's best to not accept everything blindly.
I always somehow end up meeting people who are psychic/spiritual it's very interesting 🤔🤔
All of this screamed water sign my bet was scorpio or pisces😂😂 I was very happy to see I was right 😂😂
It did seem a little bit like fate, it was something that brought a sense of meaning and purpose to me when I was young and feeling like I didn’t have a place in the world. I feel really appreciative for the experience, no matter how strange it was 😂And yeah! She took me under her wing without cost! 
I wouldn’t say there was a tipping point of when I “connected” with my spirituality. It was more like a slow opening up, something I’m still working to do. A practice of listening to myself and realizing that a lot of the normal thoughts I had throughout the day (”oh, I should call X” or “oh, Y must be sad because of a fight with her boyfriend”) came from what I now call “intuition” rather than an intellectual place. I wish I could say it swooped down from the sky in a big show of magic, but that’s not how it felt. I do remember the first time I did a reading. It felt like normal imaginative thinking, and I was so very sure I was making it all up and that the stranger I was reading would tell me none of it was true. But I just kept sharing with her the random places my mind was going and she sat quiet until the end. What did feel magical in that experience wasn’t what I was seeing or feeling, it was the emotional impact and clarity that the stranger told me she felt at the end of it, that I had described the place she grew up in and the way she met her husband and a dream that she’d been having on repeat. That’s when I was like, oh, fuck, this is really cool.  
Although I’ve gone through phases of believing one thing or another about intuition and where it comes from, where I am now with my thoughts about it is that I have no idea what the fuck is going on. BUT what I do feel I know is that there is a wacky weird intuitive connection that we all have with the world that allows us to know and connect with things in a way that just can’t be described by the language of academia or science. It’s something else, and it’s okay to not have the language for it. When I do readings, it still feels like random thoughts flitting through my brain, assumptions about the stranger on the other end of the phone. And everytime I’m like shit, I’m making all this up. And then at the end of the hour, I hear why the random string of what’s come through is important to the listener and I’m reminded: no matter where it comes from, intuition provides a space for reflection, digging into our own pasts, and allowing ourselves to connect with ourselves and our desires. All things which are important to me, and I’ve come to the point where I don’t need to know what it is or where it comes from, I just want to trust it. With a healthy dose of skepticism the whole way through 😂
Anyways, I’ve been babbling so I’ll end things here. But if ya ever wanna chat about intuition, my inbox is always open (even if it takes me a little bit to respond). I love you, beautiful Ivy 🌱 Thanks for asking all these questions and I fucking love your curiosity and excitement and joyous self. 
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pokemagines · 5 years
JAPAN TRIP 2k19 with Mod Elesa (1/?)
hey n’yall it’s mod elesa, lemme tell u bout my japan trip! u can find some of the photos of these events on my instagram @atel2er! i didn’t want to flood this post with pictures hehe ,,
went for school, study abroad trip to study visualization and simulation of “serious games” that businesses buy and use (but i dont feel like talking abt it since this is the FUN POST
may 10-26
the flight was 11 hours, p easy, i didn’t know anybody going into the trip because i didn’t go to any of the meetings HAHhaHEHA
whatever. everyone on the trip initially came off as if they had yellow fever and i was like ... i’m really not trying to interact with FETISHIZERS
turns out they were all really cool! only this one kid was a real weeaboo who was greasy and tall and a neckbeard who kept talking about being “culturally insensitive” and speaking japanese constantly to the teacher and the TA like ... ok patrick we get it you flex
i stayed in a hotel in shinjuku! everything is so small and i used the bidets for the first time and WOO chile that shit feels FUNKY on your asshole
i visited shinjuku major (kabukicho aka red light district, couple other places!), ikebukuro (THE MEGA POKEMON CENTER), mt fuji, fuji q highland, akihabara, hamamatsucho (area where tokyo tower is), HARAJUKU, and the emperor’s palace! i’m probably forgetting some places since we went to a lot of temples and shrines that were cool ...
the public transportation in japan is scarily on time.. like, by the second. they apologize if they’re one minute early and will wait until the scheduled time before they move omg
the subway stations have their own jingles! they kind of act as an alarm system because a lot of people sleep on the subway (which is why people generally don’t talk on it) and will recognize the jingle for their stop!
the crowded hours on the subway are noon and 6-8pm... like, its insane. it’s actually packed like sardines in there. 
EVERYONE THERE IS SO SHORT.... i was taller than a lot of the grown men there (i’m 5′4″ or 162 cm for reference) and most people were around 5 feet tall... the only people taller than me were some kids around my age and this gaggle of japanese schoolgirls who were like 5′7+ and i was like. sis you’re 13, why are you that tall
pokemon is EXTREMELY prevalent in japan wherever you go. there’s pikachu stickers on taxis, pikachu is on ads on the subway and at the AIRPORT, pokemon go is widely played by a lot of people and so many of the people in my group played it so i got conned into playing again. i leveled up 5 times within 3 days and honestly? i’m god
anime is very normal there... i know that sounds all “weeby” but a lot of normal shops had animated mascots and there were ads for anime all over the place. 
literally gacha machines everywhere i spent a lot of coins on gacha machines plz kill me
the homies in japan loooove crepes. they sold so many crepes. everywhere. just crepes. also spaghetti carbonara! and corndogs HAHAHA
the food there is so cheap but SOOO GOOD. sushi isn’t all that expensive at all?? like a set of 16 pieces is 1080Y... meanwhile that cost in america is like. $6000 HAHAHAHAH. 
very humid? at all times? also the RAIN is debilitating if u make one wrong step you will slip and die (like i did! i stepped on a tile and fucking fell into a puddle! i have bruises still!)
SHINJUKU (detective pikachu day, may 10)
i went to go see detective pikachu on its release day in shinjuku! before that, i went to a couple sega buildings--
the sega buildings are 4 story buildings FILLED with claw machines holding stuffed animals, figurines, candy, all kinds of stuff. when i went, there was a lot of detective pikachu-related stuff. i saw this detective pikachu hat in one of the machines and spent 1000Y (about $10) or 10 attempts at the claw machine ... i still can’t believe i got it ... nobody was there to see it besides me and i YELLED when it dropped 
i wore the hat that entire day around shinjuku because i honestly felt like god. people would point at me and go like “ah! meitantei pikachu!” and smile at me. i was a celebrity. i wore the hat into the movie theatre, i wore it through the entire movie, and when i was walking out, someone tapped on my shoulder and asked for my picture. she was all nervous about her english and was like “i love your hat. may i take a picture?” and i was like omG YES U CAN... sweet bab... so that’s the first photo of me that ended up on some random person’s phone
we waited around for the mass of people to exit the theatre and then left, and we ran into her again! she asked me more questions about the hat: “did you make it?” “no, i got it in a claw machine in the sega building.” she looked dumbfounded. “in shinjuku?” “yes.” “in the sega building? over there?” “yeees.” “in a claw machine?!” “yes!” “ah! i thought you made it! it’s so cute! i’m going to get one for myself.” “lol ok have fun”
i learned that its customary to stay until the very end of the credits before leaving a movie out of respect for the people who made it! meanwhile in america we walk out when the credits roll FHDSKFJS OOPIES
SHINJUKU (visit #2)
we went in the night time to go see the red light district aka kabuki-cho because thats where a lot of the bars are
i don’t drink so i didn’t join the people who went to the bars to get CRUNK, so i dragged two other guys with me and we walked around the red light district
I SAW SO MANY HOST CLUBS. so many maid cafes. so many bars. i saw a love hotel too... i was like... i wanna go inside... Blease... and my friends were like “you’re so weird KHEDJFSk” and im like “I WAS GOOGLING THESE IN CLASS TODAY, I DIDN’T THINK THEY WERE REAL”
my friend sean (he’s from taipei, cool guy, could read a lot of the kanji so we used him to navigate the subway HAHA) was walking with me that night and we saw this hole in the wall that had stairs going down to a peep show ... homegirl had her whole ass out on the sign... tiddies covered with caution tape ... i said MAAM?
one of the signs in kabuki-cho had a woman doing straight up ahegao with (what i’m pretty sure was) nut on her face. it was a small sign and i was the only one who saw it. i lost my shit. it was the funniest thing ever
kabuki-cho is really really dirty... like people straight up litter all the time bc there’s no trashcans around? so people throw their shit on the ground? and everyone steps on it... very seedy area, very gross, but i was absolutely enthralled with the nightlife and the blatant sexual vibes half the places had!
some dude stopped me and started speaking english saying “do you like karaoke? you should come drink with me for two hours, it’s a great price if you drink a lot” and i was like “no... i have to go home” and he’s like “come onnnn it’s a good price” and i was like. i’m not very assertive with men so i started panicking and my friend sean (A GOD AMONG MEN) started speaking chinese to him and he backed off ... i love you sean you’re so fucking COOL
IKEBUKURO (pokemon mega center)
so there’s this huge mall. i forgot the name, but it’s got like a lot of floors and they’re MASSIVE
on the 2rd floor is the MEGA POKEMON CENTER!!! i was so HYPED to go in there!!! it was teeming with people but there was just... so much stuff. all kinds of merch. they had plushies of the original 151, a shitton of really cool tshirts, a whole block for detective pikachu-themed merch (pins, socks, canvas bags, shirts, patches, hats, etc), and sooo much more. there’s a giant charizard statue when you walk in, as well as a statue of a pokestop HAHA. i was so excited and i wanted to buy so many things when i was in there bc they had stuff for all the legendaries (LATIOS AND LATIAS STUFF WERE THERE I WAS SO HAPPY)!!! literally anything you can think of, they had in some kind of pokemon print. including underwear. yeah i said it. here’s a really good article that showcases some of the stuff they sold there!
for reference, 100 yen is about 1 usd. a lot of things there were 480 yen ($4.80) or 3000Y ($30) and it was just... beautiful. 
when i was there, yen didn’t feel like it had monetary value since it’s not the currency i’m used to, so i sPENT WAY TOO MUCH AHFJKDFD
they had themed cash registers with each of the starters... i cried :’)
i actually went there a second time but it was packed for a different reason. some idol group was performing on the ground floor and a shitton of girls were screaming fanchants while their jpop boys danced LOLLL. now i know how people see kpop stans ...
AKIHABARA (i went like 8 times)
this is what i like to call my birthplace
we went to the maid cafe. of course we fucking did. i got a dreamland passport and some cat ears. THE MAIDS ALL LOVED HATSUNE MIKU
SPEAKING OF HATSUNE MIKU AKA MY GODDESS, she was pretty popular in akihabara! she was also on some posters in the subway stations (across tokyo, not just in akihabara) and was apparently having some magical mirai concert???
there’s this giant tower called radio kaikan thats right outside the akihabara station that’s filled with all sorts of anime shit. i spent so much money in there. Good God. there was a furret plush for 5400Y and i was so STINGY that day i shouldve BOUGHT IT....  it was a longboi and i was like... sis!!!!
remember how i said my brain didn’t register that yen had monetary value? yeah i spent hundreds of dollars here no cap ...
i went to a kaguya-sama cafe as well on another day bc my friend joe (one of the figureine-collecting weebs) wanted to go and get a chika coaster
i went into a three floor sex shop and gave no fucks, the bottom floor was filled with bdsm shit and LEATHER SCHOOLGIRL OUTFITS and it was WILD. and these two old men were just casually browsing this shit like we weren’t both looking at whips and buttplugs in Public you know
i wasn’t fazed by a lot of the stuff there bc i read Funky fanfiction but the people i went in there with were major uncomfy ... i was like PRUDES HAJKFDAHDS i almost bought something don’t tell anybody
OKAY SO. there’s this place called super potato that has a floor dedicated to old games and consoles. they had so many gameboy advances and gamecubes and old consoles (famicom, dreamcast etc) for CHEAP. they had a gameboy color for 4900Y and a gamecube for 5600Y. a bitch almost cried. they had every old pokemon game under the sun (the original red, blue, yellow, gold and silver) and i ,,, they were 480Y. they were 480Y. that’s five fucking dollars. do you know how much collectors pay for that shit on ebay? HUNDREDS. i could’ve mass bought those and sold them and made so much cash but I DIDN’T.
that store had an original unopened copy of super smash bros melee and pokemon colosseum and i was like... wait if i cop a gamecube i could play pokemon collosseum like a true g... ((i didn’t cop))
but anyways there were a lot of games that didn’t make it to america (including mother 3! which my friend connor bought! as well as the console to play it!) and just... so many old things i grew up with ... 
whenever i walked out of the super potato we’d end up in an alley where all the girls who work at cafes were advertising their stuff
i always took the flyers from the girls bc they spoke their cute english to me and i was like... i’d die for you, yknow that?
ALL KINDS OF CAFES. regular maid cafe, pirate cafe, ninja cafe (you could do that thing where you karate chop a wooden block in half), sailor cafe (as in actual ship captains), shrine maiden cafe, vampire cafe, prince cafe (for the ladies ;3), catgirl cafe, bunny girl cafe... i took all of the goddamn flYERS THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE :( i wanted to go so bad...
FUJI Q HIGHLAND (also known as the time i flipped my shit and went on rollercoasters)
when i found out about fuji-q, i told my group that we HAD to go. i didn’t want to go to an onsen. i wanted to go to fuji-q. i had to. i love rollercoasters, it’s my passion, my driving fORCE IN LIFE
so fuji-q is home to 4 record-breaking rollercoasters! u got fast boi aka jojo reference do-dodonpa; EXTREME TALL BOI fujiyama; superior to x2 at six flags eejanaika; and the steepest rollercoaster in the world TAKABISHA ... i got to ride fujiyama, eejanaika, and takabisha! the scariest one was probably fujiyama despite it being very cut and dry up for... ever ... 79 meters ... oh god ... i lost my shit on the way down ladies let me TELL YOU
FUJIYAMA ALSO HAS A VIEW OF MT FUJI AND I WAS LIK E”YO GUYS ITS MT FUJI” and then we went down and i screamed
please watch the pov videos for these rides they’re very good but they don’t convey the absurd amount of excitement i had going on these rides
anyways the fuji-q park was having a sword art online collaboration when i visited, so they played SAO music and had cardboard cutouts for them across the park... kirito’s ride was fujiyama (aka the king of them all). i forgot the other ones but those alicization kiddos were there but ion care about ALICE OR EUGEO
the first ride i went on was eejanaika which is a 4d rollercoaster, pretty epic, total Baby Ride though
i went on as a single rider so i ended up getting put in this group with these college kids! the guy i was sitting next to spoke to me in english and asked basic questions: “where are you from?”, “is this [ride] easy for you?”, “how old are you?”, basic stuff. he asked why i was in japan and i told him i was studying at waseda university, and he immediately perked up and went “I GO TO WASEDA!!! WASEDA YEAH!!!” and fist bumped me ... his friends were giggling and kept asking him to ask me questions and it was just. so wholesome.
when we were abt to get on the ride he looks at me and says “my name is soichiro. call me so-chan ok??” and i was like... “so-chan” and his friENDS ALL STARTED GIGGLIGN AND I WAS LIKE U///W///U
while we were going up on the ride, he kept yelling “JESUS FUCK YOU JESUS CHRIST” and my favorite: “JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK YOU” because apparently fuck cannot be standalone! “what the fuck you” is my new fave insult (i miss you so-chan)
afterwards he kept coughing and was like. dead. his soul left his body. so i asked in him japanese like,,, “daijobu ka?” and he was like “nai.” and i just laughed at him bc BA B Y SO-CHAN CANT HANDLE SOME SPINS 
i bought a corndog at fuji-q at this place called arirang hotdog which is a korean style hotdog place??? BRUH that shit is so good but i shat myself for a good minute afterwards ... damn i want those corndogs
sadly i did not get to go on do-dodonpa because nobody wanted to ride with me and i didn’t want to go by myself >:/// still mad abt that bc that was the FAST BOI ...
also. takabisha. the guiness world record with the 121 degree drop. not even scary. BUT they do hang you there for like 3 seconds before making you go down and i was like “YALL FUCKIN WITH ME” really loud when they hung us there ... PLS watch a pov video you’ll see what i mean ...
HARAJUKU (i totally forgot abt this place OH lord)
i bought ... clothes here ...
they have all those clothes with the random english words on them so OF COURSE i had to buy one AS WELL AS a hat to match!
i also bought one of those ear hats where u press the paws and the ears move ... bts inspired that one
so many people in harajuku absolutely DECKED OUT in fashion. what a bunch of legends.
apparently wearing shirts that say “babygirl” are popular here i have no clue why ,,,, also im pretty sure i remember seeing a shirt that said “call me daddy” and i’m like. Ok Japan
half the shit in english made ZERO SENSE or was SPELLED WRONG and that was common all across japan, not just on harajuku fashion pieces LMAOOOO
deadass i went to a couple businesses (fuji xerox, nissan factory, etc) and they had spelling errors all over the place... nissan really had a placard that said “Prease do not touch” AND I CACKLED hfDSKLJF ilove u nissan
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hollandsdisney · 6 years
Lingering Eyes
I love these prompts, they’re so good! I’d love to read 1 & 10 as Peter Parker and 7 as Tom!!! (Only if you have the time of course and are inspired!) I love your writing and enjoy reading your fics! 💕 please keep up the incredible work!
Requested: Yes
Prompts: “Why are you looking at me?”
“what, i can’t admire beauty?”
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: None
a/n: first of all credit to @spideyfield for the inspiration haha now I’m crying in the club! (also y/c/n means your character’s name hehe.) thank you for the request, love!
send me your request!
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Working on set was always a surprise. You never knew what to expect and you never expected anything short of amazing from the director.
Working on this movie was exhilarating, fun, and new to you, and you loved your cast with every bone in your body. You were the love interest working alongside Tom Holland. You swooned at this news, not only because he was one of the best actors in Hollywood today and this was a dream come true for you, but he also was one of your celebrity crushes. So to say you were excited was more of an understatement.
Of course, on screen love is way different then off-screen love, more so because on screen love is fake and paints love to be way more easier than it actually is.
Anyway, this day in particular was pretty special because it was one of your first one on one scenes with Tom. Were you internally freaking out? Absolutely. Would you let that be obvious? Hopefully not.
The scene was very intimate, it’s where Tom’s character would admit his feelings for your character, and it was one of the many pinnacles in this movie. It made you feel super giddy and warm inside. It was a scene in which the audience are supposed to shout “Finally!” at their screens.
“Okay, Tom, so you’re going to give your lines and you directly afterwards give a kind of ‘oh shit did that just come out my mouth?’ look,” the director explained.
“Oh, mate, I do that everyday of my life, that’s nothing new,” he joked.
Hearing that made you giggle as you walked up to the both of them.
“Ah, perfect! Y/N, you stand right where I’m standing,” he positioned you and backed up.
“Alright! Lets do a run through. Places people!” he clapped and exits the scene.
You looked at Tom and began your lines.
“We have to get to work before they find out we’ve sneaked around in here,” you walked around him to the fake computer, pretending to type random codes.
“They won’t know we’re in here, were too smart for them,” he replied cockily.
“Don’t be too quick to let your guard down. Hey, why are you looking at me? Focus,” you looked quickly from him to the computer.
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Y/C/N?” he smirked, then contorted his face to look like what he said wasn’t what he meant.
“Perfect! Awesome, just like that guys. We’re going to do it again, but with the cameras rolling,” he nodded, strutting to the camera and sound guys.
“How are you today miss Y/N?” Tom asked once everyone went off to get everything prepared.
“Im doing well! How about yourself? you ask standing up and smoothing down your skirt.
“Pretty good, I get to work on an awesome movie with a talented woman such as yourself so, cant complain,” he smiled.
“Are you still in character? The cameras aren’t rolling, you know,” you joke.
“I know that. But I-I like to compliment my fellow actors,” he stuttered.
Before you could make a comment, the director was back and yelled “Action!” once again.
You both ran through the scene again as you did before, feeling the most confident on both parts.
“Why are you looking at me?” you asked again.
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Y/N?” Tom delivered his line, this time not faking the look of horror on his face.
Well, you were not expecting that.
You felt stunned and kept your face towards the fake computer in front of you.
“..Right. Tom, thats her real name, not her character’s name. But, I like that look of pure horror! Keep that!” the director yelled, leaving the both of you unsettled and having to continue the scene correctly.
By the time you were done, it was dark out. You had been on set since noon, so it was probably around 6 pm now.
You didn’t forget about what happened earlier with Tom’s slip up, and you were wondering if he was thinking about it, too.
It left you in all states of confusion.
Did he mean to say your character’s name, but it was honestly just a mistake? Or did he say it because he wanted to? Or are you crazy for thinking the latter?
You wanted to confront Tom about it, but figured it’d be best to let it go, and besides, he was conversing with the director anyway, and you had to get home to prepare dinner.
As you gathered your things and opened the door to leave the building, you heard your name be called.
“Hey, Y/N! Wait up!” Tom jogged towards you and held the door for you to walk through first.
“Some scene today, huh?” he let out a breathy laugh. You began your walk to your cars.
“Yeah, good job today,” you said. Good job today? What are you, an elementary school teacher? You mentally slapped yourself for making that comment.
“Same goes for you. So uh..about that scene,” he started.
“Oh right. Where you accidentally said my name. It’s fine, happens to the best of us, right?” you shrug , letting him believe you didn’t think much of it. Which was a lie because you thought about it all day.
“Well, yes it does. But I kind of didn’t say it on accident..” he confessed.
You blinked at him, confusion painting over your face.
“When I read the lines prior to us having this scene, I laughed to myself because I knew this was something so kiddish, yet still something I’d say to a pretty girl such as yourself. So guess I kept that thought in mind and delivered it with your name..so..whoops,” he admitted, panic settling on his face.
“So in real life you were admiring my beauty?” you ask, a wave of confidence rushing over you.
“I guess you could say that,” he chuckled.
You tilted your head to the side, taking in his profile and how the corner of his eyes crinkled, smiling because of you.
You may have lingered a little too long, because the next time he speaks he asks, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“What, I can’t admire beauty, Tom?” you tease, repeating his lines and turn on your heels, leaving him speechless.
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cheerisuu · 5 years
Im Back.
Boy, how time flies fast when you’re busy keeping things feel right. I mean, they’re supposed to be. I’m going to make this update as quick as i can and as precise as i can, bet i cant do both tho lmao.
It has been approximately 3 weeks since Rock Bottom (i guess it’s what you call it? Well, close.) and things has been quite, nice.
The month of July has really been a journey of what felt like forever. Today is the 12th of the month and i have come to the point where i realised that the mind is the only thing that keeps us from doing or achieveing something that we want. And this applies to a couple of situations:
I learned how to do a buck tuck.
This is one of the few things i achieved as i underwent through a “therapaeutic healing” after the incident. I surrounded myself with the few people that im friends with in our Pep Squad and fortunately my friend Dapitanon, P. also had a common friend which made our days more progressive. Just the act of cheering for each other to do one’s best really lifts everyone’s morale.
“It’s really all in the mind.”
We ARE physically capable of doing things but our mind seems to think that there’s an invisible obstacle that prevents us from pursuing what we want to achieve. I realise this as we were practicing for a back tuck, which i proudly achieved (with a spotter pa hehe). But that achievement was already some proof that if i can have control over my body, i can do all things if i just believe just enough to do it right. Heck, I think I’ll attach my tuck video somewhere on here.
1st of July.
We went to a dog cafe.
Idk what’s with me but i really like to do something special at least once a month with him and WITHOUT telling him. After all, I can’t just let myself be carried away with the emotions that lead me almost to the verge of thinking it was over, right? So despite our awkwardness and difference of treatment (slight), I still picked him up (with miraculously good timing too) with our Navara and was able to use it for the whole day before returning it back to my Granddad’s. Did i mention he got car sick? It was the cutest. (Am i weird for saying that? Doesn’t matter tho lmao) i thought of going to the dog cafe cause i was thinking, “Hey dogs can like help with your mental and emotional health right? So why the frick not.” Im surely going to post a little GIF here somewhere on how cute the doggos were. And when i tell you, dogs CAN bring the purest out of anyone. We literally were like talking to babies man and boy the dogs were HUUGE, only the pugs were like “hey hooman u can luv me unlyk diz oder bitchez” haha. But if ever things do go well for us in the future, we are DEFINITELY going to get a golden retriever man. It’s my dream!
Anyways, we also got to watch our first movie as “barkada pero gusto ang isat isa” or BPGAII, it was Toy Story 4. And bitch, dont get me started on how we were wondering if it was a child’s movie or not coz boi, we did NOT like the jump scares at ALL. But still, me being an emotional, soft potato, it still made me cry in the end. The meaning behind was great it was all about taking the risk, which was kind fitting? For him at least hekhek. Basically Woody chose to be with his hoe, Bo, for Buzz, his bro. But this aint no movie review so, *boop.
I gave him my skin care?
Ok tbh this was so random right. He realised my skin was glowing better (coz bitch, we aint lettin no sadness ruin this skin ya feel?) so he asked what was i using cos he was contemplating on his gorgeous face that he was getting ugly now. (The audacity, am i right?? Lol) so i CLEARLY (no pun intended) put into the effort of giving him some travel bottles and put in some samples of what moisturiser and micellar water i was using right, and i guess it worked out well? I also got to drive it TO him still. But the good side of this was i was able to be with my Granddad and spend some time together as his driver hihi.
So I’m getting good at this driving thing right, as driving from Malaybalay to Cagayan, Davao to Tagum and vice versa, Tagum to Maco and back. So i might as well be good at city driving and yall cant tell me otherwise lol,
(SIDENOTE:except for the fact i got stopped by the Yellow Ranger in Ecoland coz i was at the left lane at a traffic light and my mom told me to go straight WHICH WAS WRONG I GUESS THATS A THING RIGHT, so i was almost charged 1500 pesoses. But thank Heezuz i was with my mom and she was able to talk through the officer but sadly we had to name drop my Granddad since he was a known regional director at LTO before. Sorry Pops, i swear it’ll be the first and last time.)
Back to real time, i helped him with his errands and was really lucky with the timing coz my Dad went off for a trip and my mom was left with his car. So yup, got the chance to borrow it for half of the day and drove all the way to Maa to get a keyboard his friend is letting him use for the mean time, her name is Jen and she’s the sweetest. (No backstory will be dropped for privacy). Aight, so we drove back to their house at Magallanes but didn’t have enough time to say hi to his folks coz it was noon and they were on siyestas, right. I still regret why i didnt like fake-pee or something tho. HahahahahahahDONTJUDGE. We ate for some late lunch at SML and felt korek coz before we joke about “asa ta nag park?” And now we get to be in the situation haha. It’s funny coz just when i thought things were detoriating between us, the world just chooses to keep things tight and close and say something like “oh, u guys are having an emotional conflict and struggle about ur relationship? Here are things that only REAL couples do and i hope u enjoy em!!” Dumbass. Jokes aside, I drove him home and goodbyes are still awkward, but i was starting to understand the type of ‘low-key’ he means.
Usapang Gym.
Oh wow it’s already the fifth point. If you manage to read this far, congrats! You get nothing but to keep on reading this rollercoaster wreck lmao. I wasn’t expecting he would pay the whole month at our gym and expects me to come with him. And it came to me: i kept on thinking that i should ask for assurance but in reality, he really does mean what he said about just being “me”. Things were different but things also got better. It’s like losing some and gaining some right? Like a body excrcising, losing weight, gaining muscle, idk its a weak analogy but its close enough for yall to understand. It’s our first week today, (it’s Friday) i hope i could keep up tho haha. I guess I’ll keep progress updated? Idkidkidk. Also, i got to mention thats he is VAIN af. Idk if its a good thing or just a tragedy waiting to happen haha. I also became his coach, (oha san kapa haha), he told me he wanted help with increasing his verticle as he would help me with abdominals. So i bought sets of ankle weights only to find out the first one didnt suit him so i had to buy another set. AND IT WAS HALF THE PRICE I BOUGHT THE FIRST SET AND IT WAS BETTER. Prices will be disclosed. (250) So i like, i do my own workout right and he suddenly shows his hot-headed side of things coz he was upset he had to go home early coz there was this no-towel-no-workout policy at my gym so we had to cut our day short.
In times like these, my mind just goes to places to different situations. All the what-ifs start filling up my mind on how he could react to other situations that would cause a similar effect on what his character was showing right. But in the end, i still give kudos to myself coz im able to keep up and cope with how quick his personality changes sometimes. And sometimes, im the one with a crack on the head lmao. Well, most of the time.
Fast forward to this very moment, its 11:30 in the evening and im recalling all of this on a positive note. Today was an addition to a great day we had as a rest day from gym. We watched Spiderman: Far From Home and i guess its now my current favorite and HAD to watch it twice.
Speaking of Twice, bruh i want to do a dance cover so bad of #Fancy or #YesOrYes coz i been itching and the choreo is sooo goood! Not to mention Twice was in Manila last 29th of June. *sighs in broke* but i cant say it was the best concert from them coz there were complications like Jungyeon had a sty and was wearing an eye patch the whole concert, Dahyun got sick after along with Mina who wont be attending the 2019 Twicelights Worldtour because she gets anxiety attacks and feels insecure about performing on stage suddenly. I mean i know you got no idea what im talking about but its just sad to think of the fact that even someone so adored by many people, someone who has great physical, social and emotional support, can still feel the lack of these mentally. And if you’re one of those people who feels anxious about anything? I hope you get well soon and i hope you find the true meaning of your purpose in this simulation, because you are not alone. x
In addition to almost wrapping this up, i also treated myself again something from Adidas (coz again, bitch, if no man gon treat me i gon treat myself! HAHA!) which i later on realise i now own 3 bags from there and thinking to get a fourth one....someone help me¿ i also have to mention i already treated myself about a week ago (🎶) by waxing my own axillae, grooming my own brows, a gorgeous lippie from Beauty Cottage called Elegant Impressionist shade #9 Byzantine for half its original price haha, nothing beats fishing me through a sale. Speaking of treat, my Dad gave me my first pair of Tigers man and i cant help but tell yall its the same pair that the He wanted and it totally pissed him off that i got the pair he wanted first so bad and now he doesn’t know what to do coz he’s afraid if we have the same pair we might wear it at the same time and it would be cringy and weird (now for normal people that would sound cute right, matching kicks and all. But no. Not in this lifetime.), since im just blabbering of how im spoiling myself might as well end it here folks.
Guess I’ll keep you updated on how stuff might go on from now since class is fast approaching. Tomorrow I guess I’ll be attending a send-off party for our friend she’s going to the U.S soon. Oh, did i mention the re-run for Endgame is out? 🤔
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survivormidwayatoll · 7 years
Ep. 4 - “Chill You’ve Only Missed One Round of the Warzone Freak” - Sara
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DING DONG THE WITH IS DEAD. Ok, I don't mean, that I love her and I wish she wasn't so vocal about me not having power. But now... Kait is gone!! Yeaaahhh man! High key she was out for my blood and I'm totally fine with her being gone. She's a comp beast and a social threat and people like thhat are hard to take out at merge. So this is awesome for me. Also, I haven't gotten any blood on my hands yet, and I won this challenge in Rakiura, and I plan on doing it again. So I'm just doing what I can to avoid the Warzone. It sucks because I won't be making connections, but safety is better for the time being. I'd rather be safe and out of the loop, than a target with allies. Which brings me to my text point, being a target by winning challenges. That's EXACTLY why Kait was taken out, so I can't let the same fate come of me. I'm eventually going to have to go into the Warzone, but I'll do it after I see who submits and then I'll throw the challenge to get numbers. I wouldn't wanna have to mess my hair up while I'm in danger, so I might as well keep an entourage with me. I just have to really learn how to use this twist to my advantage. Isaac is getting a lot of blood on his hands right now, which is both beneficial to my game, and also not good at all. He's mentally not here for all of that, and if we keep sending him into the Warzone he'll burn out. So he'll either explode, or get voted off. But he's taking threats out for me, and I'm ok with it. But I want him safe for now. Allison seems to as well. Gage is just kinda there for me right now.... I have no idea where hes actually at. And Kelsey and Shae? Actual crackheads. What the fuck is going on with them? ACTUAL. CRACKHEADS. That's what. 
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OH WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN FRIENDS??? Whew first of all I'm officially on a Witch Hunt for everyone that attended that tribal (except for Carson he can stay) but WHEW. Shea and Kelsey can stop with their fake drama like it's enough. I literally had to sit through a call with Shea and how distraught they were and it's just.....I don't buy it. I really don't. Especially if your gonna sit there and tell me you had no idea my duo was going and that my duo had no idea either like, I think I know my duo thanks. Then there's Tyler whose acting clueless that kait was even my duo and that he has absolutely know idea what happened. Like, do you really think that's gonna help??? I just hate fake people, I hate people who treat me like I'm a complete idiot. I'm not taking it! Not this season. I know if I go to the warzone I'm gonna be a Target so I'm gonna avoid it like the plague. My only Ally at this point is Jordan Pines and so if that ain't a sign that I'm on a death wish I don't know what is. But yeah anyway, #JusticeForKait will be served and these people are gonna realize they messed with the wrong black widows.
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I don't even know what to say except what the fuck?
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Last nights tribal just shows how out of the loop you are when you're not in the warzone I guess. I was thinking of throwing immunity for a solid 10 minutes and then I was like "chill you've only missed one round of the warzone freak @myself". Tribes who go on long immunity streaks miss game dynamic changes too. I'm just thinking too hard about it bc I want to have all the info in order to make the right moves but I just gotta remind myself that most of the time that's not feasible. 
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I'm like the saddest 8 year old ever right now. The game of Survivor has so many layers, There's the social and physical aspects, the strategic aspect, but now with this particular season, there's the synergy aspect. Last night I tried to vote off my partner, yet it seems people were shocked by that move so a few people flipped and voted off Kait, which I was sad with because I really liked Kait. Kelsey set me off and I ended up outing him as a catfish, it just was eating at me. People were surprised I wanted Kelsey out but, I couldn't trust her. We don't have a partner dynamic like everyone else, we haven't been close friends for a long time. I thought I didn't know Kelsey before, but now I really don't know him. Apparently other people do, and Kelsey sent me this long paragraph about how he has leukemia and how this game means a lot to him. I don't know how much of that is true, if it is, I truly dearly from the bottom of my heart feel bad for him, but I just don't know if he is being genuine. He hasn't before, why would he start now. I don't want to go to tribal again, but it's likely i will. 
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I'm completely crushed to be going back to the war zone. I feel like no matter what I do I'm gonna land here, It's so tiring. I'm back in that helpless feeling I felt last season, where there was a majority alliance closing in and there was nothing I could do. Ironically, I like the people on my tribe, but that doesn't matter. My closest allies in this game (Christine and Jordan) don't ever come to the war zone with me, and I'm left to fend for myself. I was put on a tribe full of strong physical players who I can't compete with in challenges. If this were a regular game, we'd probably never lose a challenge, but in a situation like this it's a nightmare. I'm going back to the war zone tonight where I'm going to, again, be lied to by some huge friend alliance Jordan says exists, and I'm probably going home 3rd tribal council, again, and thats really depressing. I'm sad to be in this position but there's nothing I can do. The only way I see myself staying is if people are actively gunning for a threat. I'm weak in challenges, I don't trust my duo, I'm easy to manipulate and a complete free vote, but people might not want to take advantage of that.
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Remember what I said earlier about wanting to go to the warzone so I wouldn't feel out of the loop? Well here I am and I'm still out of the loop!! I hope it's just because it's noon on a Tuesday and people are at school/at work but I'd like to know what the vote is sooner rather than later. At this point I'd rather just take the easy vote and send Kelsey home because the first two votes were arguably uh...not the easy votes. Kait needed to go but I want that to be the only major blindside for the next few rounds but we all know that ain't happening 
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I DONT KNOW WHERE I STAND IN THIS GAME BECAUSE I HAVENT HAD TO ACTUALLY PLAY YET. I'm really proud of myself for coming thru in these challenges, but it really limits the way I usually play, which is very social. I get stuck with 2-3 people every round, and like i get bored. I want a swap tbh. I really really really want to play with Billy. He'll keep me safe (or i hope so) I just really don't want to go into the warzone esp with people like Isaac there. But bet my ass I'm gonna fight to stay if I have to.
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I don't know what is going on tonight and I'm highkey freaking out. Yes - the person who wants me out of the game is gone, but that does nothing to ease my nerves. I'm coming in a someone who is known in this series, either for winning, POTS, Hellwai or hosting. There are few people who came into this game without knowing me or knowing of me. That's terrifying. Yeah - I have people and I don't think I'm going home this week, but I don't know how long I will be able to pull this off TBH. I don't see them letting me make merge if they're smart. It'll be the first PI game I haven't made jury in, but I can just feel it. 
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kelsey is gettin votes yeah
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It aint a real TC if Kelsey and Shea aren't here! woo!
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I have a lot of tea in a vid confessional I've yet to upload but basically Kait was killed and it SHOOKT up the game. And now my ass is in the war zone where I tried to get Shea killed but it might be Kelsey. But I've been lowkey worried it's Carson or myself because after Isaac went for Kait like that I'm worried like. The boy don't got anymore boundaries. I feel like he'll vote anyone. So I'll be sad if that happens and I go :') Especially because I have an IDOL. Well, technically a Rainbow Pistol. Which can become any of the super crazy color idols at random when played hehe. But I'm worried. Carson gave it to me to hold onto because he's not online so I'm gonna feel like shit if I'm voted out. I just have to hope I'm not getting fucked over!
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Yes honey, back in town to shut it down and NOT receive a strike! XDDDD See you after this trial,  yes~? ;D
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papersandkeyboards · 8 years
4/10: Geek Out!
Pretty much half of April I spent outside of school—outside of Seattle, for that matter. I just spent a week away because of the AFS trip and right the week after that was spring break, and Karen and Eric got a major scheme planned precisely for the next week.
I only got one day after I got back from AFS trip to be spent in Seattle, before flying away again. And thanks to destiny and luck, Sunday is the last day of the thing I put on the top 10 of my exchange wish list: a comic convention.
Another reason to be grateful to be placed in a big city like Seattle. On my second visit to the comic book store near Seattle Central in the past, I asked the comic book store guy about any comic cons. He told me there was gonna be one here in Seattle, called Emerald City Comic Con. And he said it was quite famous, although, obviously, not as famous as the San Diego one.
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Emerald City Comic Con was held from April 7-10. I nearly had a heart attack when I checked the guest list and found out that Danielle Panabaker (The Flash) was gonna be there. I would be depressed if I didn’t go. I also found out that my AFS trip was from April 2-9, thinking that I might fly home on the tenth, but I didn’t. It was a close call.
Next problem: someone to go with.
I wouldn’t mind going alone, but it will be much less lonely if I go with someone. I tried contacting my fellow Indonesian exchange students from all over Washington and even Oregon, but to no avail. Desperate, I did something I have never done before: literally put a desperate request for anyone to go with me. Like, anyone.
Ended up going with Gretar. Yaay. Turned out he had someone he was dying to see too. Booked the tickets for Sunday only, and got the pass shipped a couple weeks before the event.
So I have told you the story of my camera getting wet in Washington DC. The thing seemed to run out of battery just before I left for Comic Con, so I charged it for like five minutes. And it sure as shit did only work for five minutes before it died mysteriously. I only took one freaking picture of Washington State Convention Center, and now I had to carry this heavy not-working thing around. Uggggh.
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So this is what a comic con looks like. An ocean of eccentric-dressing people as expected. A lot of Deadpools, jacked up ones and potbellied ones. Several Ms. Marvels. Some Batmen. Many over-the-top video games and Japanese anime characters. Lots of sexified characters, don’t matter if the characters were sexy or not in the first place. Saw a couple of real-life robotically moving R2D2. Many Reys. A couple Darth Vaders. One really pretty Princess Bubblegum (or whoever her name is, if I’m mistaken with her name). But of course, there were also a lot of people who are too lazy to dress up, like me. Having a t-shirt with four Deadpool faces on it definitely wasn’t a costume, but it was enough to express fashion contribution to the convention.
I also just discovered that a comic con was not merely a big room of exhibitions and souvenir stores. There was a whole big room for the guests autographing and photo-op, a whole floor for stores and online shops to sell comic books and shirts and action figures. The rest of the smaller rooms were used for talk sessions, like fandom meet-ups, comic-making classes, or discussions about different topics in comic books in particular or in general. The bottom floor was a family area, filled with exhibition from Lego and scheduled demonstration from Pacific Science Center.
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A lot of interesting stuff happening. Yay. Though gotta admit I wasn’t that big of a geek since I didn’t recognize most of the stuff happening in the conference rooms.
Finally I got in line for an autograph and a picture with Danielle Panabaker and took it with Gretar’s phone camera after he got his picture with whoever actor he was in line for. Gotta admit, not the best quality, but it sure was something. Still numb from disbelief that I met Caitlin Snow in person for the next hour.
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(mantap abis)
But I got another agenda. Aside from Danielle Panabaker, I also discovered that Raina Telgemeier, an illustrator/comic book artist, was having a talk at noon in one of the rooms. I honestly don’t know her other works, but from before I know she made these three comic books: “Smile”, “Sisters”, and “Drama”. The first two are based from her own real life experience. I didn’t even know why did I buy “Smile” years ago, but I found out that the way she wrote and illustrate it was really interesting and flowy and easy to follow. It’s one of those light books that doesn’t take that much concentration that you can read during break between other heavy books you may be reading.
I discovered the last two in Harper’s room, so I borrowed them from her and finished them in two days (one for each book—if I really put my mind into it I could finish them in a day). Since I’m not really fangirling for these books, I couldn’t really say I was dying to meet Raina Telgemeier. But I was pretty hyped to get a chance to see her.
Gretar and I split when the time for Raina Telgemeier came. As expected, the room was filled with rather little kids. Like, little kids. Elementary. Kids in princess costume and spiderman attire from the kids’ section in Target. Felt more like Halloween instead of Comic Con.
But no, I wasn’t the oldest one. There were several teenagers in the room, though.
After some waiting, she finally came up the podium in front of the room. She was as pretty as her picture in the back of the books. She talked through this podium on one side of the stage where a moderator would be if there were a panel inside the room. You know.
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She talked about her books and her experience in writing her own experience and how she draws and other things. At one point, she picked two kids to join her in a reading session where she and the chosen kids read a few pages of her second book “Sisters”, which we could see the panels through the projector screen. She showed some comparisons between her childhood pictures and her illustrations in the book. At the end of the talk, before Q&A, she voluntarily drew from whatever random ideas the kids threw at her. I think it was someone eating an apple getting abducted by aliens in Boston commons or something.
It was fun. I asked a question during the Q&A, hehe. I don’t know, a little regret I had was maybe for not taking a picture with her. I just didn’t feel like it at the time. Stupid me. Oh well. I still got to see her. That’s what matters.
As I said before, turned out I wasn’t, obviously, a big geek as I thought. Maybe I am among my friends. But I was definitely no one in this sea of people who dedicated their time and sweat to make costumes and money to buy tickets for the whole four days of Comic Con and their comfort to look on fleek in their costumes for the whole day. I called Eric a few hours ago to bring me my white small camera, and he came some time in the afternoon, maybe around 2. I gave him my dead heavy camera, and Gretar and I split because he wanted to see Batman vs. Superman. I didn’t join him because a) I’ve heard what the critiques said, b) I’ve heard what Nate—someone in fourth period—ranted about the movie and how it was a bad one, and c) points a and b turned me off, supported by the fact that I wasn’t THAT huge of a DC fan to watch it eventhough people said it was bad.
So I stayed because I wanted to make my $35 worth it. I planned on going to Pacific Science Center’s last exhibition for the day, which was around 4ish, so I waited by exploring the whole building. Or more like the floors where they sell souvenirs and merchandise and all that stuff.
I was trying to be a better fangirl by trying to buy something. But most of them were either too expensive for such a simple design, or unavailable for my size. I almost bought this STAR Labs sweater which would be really cool if only they didn’t only have the size XL. sigh.
I ended up buying nothing. I suppose it’s good because I saved my money. Hehe.
Okay. Maybe not nothing. When I was trying to kill time before the science show, I walked a few blocks to the Central Library and made my Library Card. Then I walked a few more blocks back to the heart of downtown. I entered Old Navy.
The story behind this was that since the end of 2015, I’ve been eyeing this cardigan, which—bear with me—suits me really good, and my mom said it suits me really good, and it came from the maternity section. It was $25. Waiting for an opinion from my mom at the time, I left the store and decided to wait until I’m really sure.
So I came back in the beginning of 2016, and it was freaking $30. For some unknown reasons, I didn’t buy it. So this day, the day of Comic Con, I came back to see if mayyyyybe the price has gone down?
So I looked at the maternity section... only to find that them cardigans were replaced by tank tops.
I totally forgot that items in the store are seasonal. You can see here that I don’t shop much to know about this kind of stuff.
But I did spot one cardigan—the one I wanted—on the top rack, alone. I asked the store person and he said it was the last one. He took it down and it happen to be my size. And guess how much was it.
It was $3.28.
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I sure as shit bought it straight away.
Then I went back to the convention center, watched an exhibition show by Pacific Science Center about electricity or something, then, hoping I would have a question to ask but I didn’t, I went home.
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All in all, although what happened wasn’t exactly like what I expected, but I am very extremely happy that I got one of my goals achieved. Kudos to fate for placing me in a big city like Seattle. I might be the biggest comic book geek in my environment back home, but I sure am the tiniest comic book geek in the convention, literally and figuratively. And the convention was way more than American comic books, as it reached farther out to American TV shows, cartoons, and Japanese anime. I wasn’t completely like a kid in a candy store to have all these geeky stuff I’d never got back home, but it definitely was worth it.
The only downside was probably the camera. The stupid camera. Correction—stupid me.
But why the hell should I focus on one low light when there were two high lights of the day: I got to go to a freaking Comic convention, AND unexpectedly got a piece of cardigan I’ve been eyeing for the past several months for a price lower than a lunch combo in KFC?
Hell yeah.
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