#rangi white tank top next!!!!!!!
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
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Avatar Generations didn't make it to the daofei arc, so I decided to matters into my own hand <(˘ ˘ ˘)>
(note, the last one I only edited Rangi's make up, Kyoshi was already in her make up TT0TT)
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cypresstreeleaf · 4 years
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I saw this post and it gave me strong rangshi vibes
[ID: The first image is composed of two panels, featuring Kyoshi and Rangi from the Kyoshi novels. In the first, Kyoshi is bending down to kiss Rangi. Rangi’s hands are on Kyoshi’s shoulders to pull her down. They are both dressed casually, with Rangi only in a white tank top and red pants, and Kyoshi in a simple green robe. In the second panel, Kyoshi is lifting Rangi to kiss her. Rangi’s legs are around Kyoshi’s waist, and her hands are on Kyoshi’s shoulders. They are dressed in their battle outfits, with Kyoshi and Rangi wearing their Flying Opera Company face paint.
The second image is two more panels of Kyoshi and Rangi. They are standing next to each other, with Kyoshi clearly towering over Rangi due to their height difference. In the first panel, Kyoshi is elbowing Rangi’s face, and looks nervous. She says, “Oh, sorry Rangi... I didn’t notice you there... you’re kinda short.” Rangi looks very angry. In the second panel, Rangi elbows Kyoshi back, saying, “Sorry I didn’t notice you Kyoshi. You’re kind of tall.” Kyoshi’s face is drawn in a different style to highlight her discomfort, with her eyes becoming two dots and her mouth becoming a single straight line.
The third image is a screenshot of a Tumblr text post which the above drawings were based on. The first poster, greelin, writes:
“The main reasons i like pairings with height differences:
* the shorter of the two pulling the taller down into a kiss
* the taller of the two lifting the shorter to kiss them”
The second poster, weinerman-tested, replies:
“* the taller one accidentally elbowing the shorter one in the face
* the shorter one elbowing them back in the crotch”]
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vitanitf · 7 years
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1. Describe the character’s height and build. Is she heavyset, thin, short, rangy? She’s thin, or I would put it as athletic. She’s 5′4, so she’s kind of small to be so intimidating. 2. How old is she? Eighteen. 3. Describe her posture. Does she carry herself well or does she slouch? She walks with her back straight and her head held high. 4. How is her health? Is she fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Hella fit. She works out a lot, so there’s no way you’re ever going to find her without a six pack. 5. How does she move? Is she clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? Graceful. Easy. But sharp. Like she’s cutting through the air with every step she takes. 6. How attractive is this character physically? How does she perceive herself in the mirror? If Vitani needed to dress up to stun information out of someone, she would do it, but otherwise she doesn’t think about it. When she looks in the mirror, she doesn’t want to see beauty. She wants to see strength. 7. Describe her complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? She is biracial but light-skinned. Her skin is very smooth, which must just be good genes considering she has never done a beauty ritual in her life. 8. Describe her hair: color, texture, style. Brown. At the moment my assumption is that it looks like this. It has been both shorter* and longer*, but she found long hair just got in the way. Naturally her hair is curly* but she often keeps it straight because it’s easier to manage. Another perk to having short hair. 9. What color are her eyes? Dark brown. 10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features? She has a mole by her nose and one on her neck that are often visible. Other than that I would say maybe the obsessive amount of dark eye makeup she wears. 11. What are her chief tension centers? Definitely her shoulders. 12. What is the character’s wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he/she have six of the same suit? Badass. Think biker girl outfits. Leather jackets, white tees, gray tank tops, ripped jeans, silver chokers, heavy black boots, fingerless leather gloves from time to time. Dark eyeliner. Blood red nails, occasionally lipstick to match. It’s intimidating. She’s not a colorful dresser. 13. Do her clothes fit well? Does she seem comfortable in them? She’s very comfortable in them. The way she dresses makes her feel powerful. 14. Does she dress the same on the job as she does in her free time? If not, what are the differences? She’s not going to dress for anyone but herself. Her outfits vary depending on the weather -- she isn’t about to wear a leather jacket when it’s eighty degrees out -- but otherwise, her style is consistent. 15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? She’s definitely a boxers kind of girl.
1. What does this character’s voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse? She basically sounds like Ashley**. She has a very sweet, childish voice. Fairly hoarse. Anyone that overheard Vitani speaking might think she was innocent because of the way she sounds. They would be wrong. 2. How does she normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does she talk easily, or does she hesitate? She talks easily and evenly. She has no problem raising or lowering her volume if the situation calls for it. 3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? She uses pet names to patronize quite a bit. Things like love, sweetie, princess, baby girl, honey, doll. She also swears at any given chance. 4. What language/s does she speak, and with how much fluency? Fluent English and only the little bit of Spanish she's learned in school. 5. Does she switch languages or dialects in certain situations? No. If she’s seriously pissed she might not speak as correctly, using “nothing” in place of of “anything” (ex: my parents aren’t afraid of nothin’) or throwing in an “ain’t” but otherwise she sounds about the same. 6. Is she a good impromptu speaker, or does she have to think about her words? Impromptu. 7. Is she eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? Eloquent. Even when she’s angry, she is usually calm and collected.
1. How intelligent is this character? Is she book-smart or street-smart? Vitani is fairly smart when it comes to schoolwork, enough to pass all of her classes with better than decent grades, but she’s especially street-smart. She had to be. 2. Does she think on her feet, or does she need time to deliberate? On her feet. 3. Describe the character’s thought process. Is she more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? I would say both. Her logic is clouded by hatred and pride but she is smart enough not to make spontaneous decisions that will come back to bite her... usually. 4. What kind of education has the character had? She is a high school senior. That’s it as of right now. 5. What are her areas of expertise? What, if anything, is she interested in learning more about? Hurting people. Weapons. I don’t know, man. She’d rather be out of school and working for a living. 6. Is she an introvert or an extrovert? More of an introvert, but she mostly just hates people. 7. Describe the character’s temperament. Is she even-tempered or does she have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven? Oh, she’s driven alright. It’s hard to call them mood swings because she’s always in the same hateful mood but Kiara can really push her buttons. She drives her one step closer to snapping. She’s angry so often that she’s a calm angry, but definitely too easily set off. 8. How does she respond to new people or situations? Is she suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? Bored. Alert. She’s always surveying people. You never know what information you may need to use against them in the future. 9. Is she more likely to act, or to react? Act. Or react vengefully. 10. Which is her default: fight or flight? Fight with a capital F. 11. Describe the character’s sense of humor. Does she appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks? She's sadistic. Her humor is terrible. She laughs over people getting injured or creepy death jokes. I don't want to understand what goes on in her mind. 12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does she deal with them? Nope. 13. What moments in this character’s life have defined her as a person? Many of the most defining moments were seemingly unimportant ones with her mother. All of the things that she said, bad things about the Santucci family and comments about being a strong woman, they went straight to Vitani’s head. She bought into it all. Had she been raised by another person, she would have turned out to be vastly different. Kovu betraying the family was no doubt the most defining at all. That was the last thing to turn any little bit of warmth left in her eyes ice cold. Any chances of her redemption are long gone now, and she’s willing to put all of the blame on him no matter how unfair that may be. 14. What does she fear? I honestly don't believe Vitani knows fear. 15. What are her hopes or aspirations? To watch Kiara die. To be a respected and feared leader, to follow in the footsteps of her mother. 16. What is something she doesn’t want anyone to find out about her? That she’s human. That she does have feelings, deep down, way way deep down, underneath that stone exterior.
1. Describe the character’s relationship with her parents. Her father was never in the picture. It’s only been her mother for as long as she can remember, and she knows she doesn’t love her. The feeling is mutual. She doesn’t need love. As a young child she was envious over the way that Kovu got all the credit, the way he was favored, but none of that matters anymore. She has proven her worth, and she will continue to prove her worth. She does want her mother to be proud of her and she’ll do whatever it takes. 2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? Not good, pal. Not good. She used to be close to Kovu, but these days she’s out for his blood. And Nuka, well, he’s just right pitiful. She doesn't care to associate with him. 3. Are there other blood relatives to whom she is close? Are there ones she can’t stand? Every member of The Outsiders are family, related or not. That is where her loyalty lies. 4. Are there other, unrelated people whom she considers part of his family? What are her relationships with them? See above. 5. Who is/was the character’s best friend? How did they meet? At one point she would have considered Kovu her best friend. Now she has no one. 6. Does she have other close friends? Nah fam. 7. Does she make friends easily, or does she have trouble getting along with people? It may have something to do with the fact that she is likely to threaten to rip peoples heads off for minor inconveniences, but she is not so great at making friends. She doesn't want to anyway. 8. Which does she consider more important: family or friends? Family. 9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has she been married more than once? Single. 10. Is she currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse? She doesn’t even want one romantic relationship. You won’t find her juggling two. 11. Who was her first crush? Who is her latest? Some boy in middle school. She hasn't allowed herself to crush on anyone since. 12. What does she look for in a romantic partner? She doesn’t. 13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does she relate to them? If no, does she want any? No, and she doesn't particularly want any. In next gen verse she does have a son and she is a surprisingly good mother. Not great. But good. 14. Does she have any rivals or enemies? Ha. Haha. Hahaha. 15. What is the character’s sexual orientation? Where does she fall on the Kinsey scale? Bisexual. Probably a 3 or a 4. She finds more females physically attractive but there's plenty of male eye candy out there too. 16. How does she feel about sex? How important is it to her? She’s definitely more open to sex than relationships. She doesn’t see it as this deep meaningful thing. There’s no shame in some good, no strings attached sex once awhile. 17. What are her turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits? Her turn-ons are neck kissing, pain. She’s lowkey kinky. Whips, chains, handcuffs. You know. She marks people’s chests and backs with her nails. Those scratches won’t go away for awhile. Whoever she is with can also expect to leave with a few hickeys. Just don’t go spouting about feelings or she’s out of there.
1. Do you know your character’s astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does she fit type? She’s a Leo. Ironic, right? Leos are known to be passionate leaders, stubborn, independent yet loyal, confident, brave and inflexible. But they are also said to be generous, lazy, cheerful, warmhearted and humorous with a taste for wealth. So it isn’t a perfect fit, but I’d say it’s as close as you’ll find for her. 2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in her life? She doesn’t give it much thought. It’s hard to believe that some man in the sky is up there loving and protecting everyone unconditionally. Not that it matters. Surely if there is an afterlife hers will be spent suffering. 3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it? She has very few morals. If it’s going to get her what she wants, she’ll do it. 4. How does she regard beliefs that differ from hers? Is she tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent? By scoffing and rolling her eyes. She isn’t going to go out of her way to knock someone’s religion or anything, but she doesn’t mind having an argument if it comes up. 5. What prejudices does she hold? Are they irrational or does she have a good reason for them? She’s prejudice towards the entire Santucci clan, but whether that is for good reason or not depends on who you ask.
1. What is the character’s financial situation? Is she rich, poor, comfortable, in debt? She has never been very wealthy and it has never bothered her. 2. What is her social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected her? In school, she does not know nor care how people perceive her. She would like to be feared, but she’s got that covered. Back at home, with The Outsiders, she climbed the ranks and she plans on doing the same when she gets back. She has a craving for power. 3. Where does she live? House, apartment, trailer? Is her home her castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does she share it with others? She lived with her mother and brothers before her life got all shook up and she ended up at Walt Academy. It wasn’t anything fancy but it was home. She had no attachment to it just as she has no attachment to her dorm room, which has stayed as untouched and undecorated as possible on her side. She isn’t so fond of having a roommate. 4. Besides the basic necessities, what does she spend her money on? She doesn’t spend much money. Material things mean very little to her. 5. What does she do for a living? Is she good at it? Does she enjoy it, or would she rather be doing something else? At the moment she’s just a student. She would much rather be at home, running things with her mother. And she plans to be back there as soon as possible. 6. What are her interests or hobbies? How does she spend her free time? Playing with Kiara and Kovu voodoo dolls. No, in all seriousness, her spare time is spent plotting revenge and exercising/training. She has very little patience for the things that are entertainment for average people. 7. What are her eating habits? Does she skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods? She tries to eat somewhat healthy to stay in shape, but she isn’t picky. She eats what she gets. Seeing as she isn’t much of a cook, it’s usually fast food or instant meals. A lot of fruit and veggies. She doesn’t drink that often but trust me -- the girl can hold her liquor.
1. Color? Red. Also black. But mostly red. 2. Smell? Smoke. 3. Time of day? Midnight. 4. Season? Summer. 5. Book? She doesn’t read much. 6. Music? Soft female voices with a creepy tone. Anything by Daughter, Melanie Martinez, Lana Del Rey, Sky Ferreira... she has a very particular sound... 7. Place? New Jersey. 8. Substance? Vodka. 9. Plant? Roses. Because they look beautiful but they have thorns. 10. Animal? Lions. For... obvious reasons.
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inb4vaughn · 7 years
North Alabama Golf: Birdies, Brews & BBQ
The 5th hole at the Highlands, one of two courses at Hampton Cove.
Don’t look now, but the state known for its championship college football teams and a movie character named Forrest Gump has not-so-quietly become the golf capital of the Deep South, thanks to the famous Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail, which now boasts 468 holes at 11 sites from the Gulf of Mexico to the Tennessee border. But zero in on North Alabama golf in particular and you’ll find a region that’s blown sky-high, literally and figuratively, as a must-visit both on and off the course and far beyond the Trail itself.
In fact, filling a solid week with memorable rounds on lovely, well-maintained courses of surprisingly varied character — some of which aren’t formally RTJ Trail courses — in a geographic triangle from Scottsboro to Muscle Shoals to Birmingham is no stretch whatsoever. And if you’re a fan of locally, lovingly brewed lagers, ales, hefeweizens and porters  (who isn’t these days?), the eight breweries that make up the North Alabama Craft Beer Trail will keep you hoppin’ with a smile from round to round. Work in a wide array of lodging and dining options — from upscale group-friendly cabins to well-appointed hotels and down-home seafood and barbecue joints to higher-end culinary showcases — and you’re all set for a swinging, swilling, finger-licking foray of fun.
Let’s start in Alabama’s northeast corner and “roll tide” from there.
Hampton Cove, whose 36 holes are the northern gateway to the RTJ Trail, went online back in the early 1990s on the outskirts of Huntsville — called “Rocket City” for the NASA U.S. Space & Rocket Center, where full-size models of the Saturn V and Space Shuttle stand proudly next to the interstate, drawing thousands of skyward-looking would-be astronauts every year.
Scenic, friendly and gateway to myriad outdoor pursuits, from golf to world-class bass fishing to hiking to waterfall viewing, Huntsville is on track to become the state’s largest city and continues to attract some of the world’s top scientists. “Huntsville has the highest percentage of astro-physicists in the country,” said one proud local. “Werner von Braun made his home here.”
It’s not clear if the German physicist who helped America reach the moon in 1969 ever picked up a golf club, but chances are he’d have loved Hampton Cove’s two very different routings — the rolling, bunker-studded Highlands and the utterly bunkerless River Course. The Highlands is Trent at the top of his resort-golf powers, conjuring a showcase of nifty, muscular-but-playable holes through a handsome subdivision of stately brick homes. Most of the front nine is tree-lined and more than half the back nine breaks into an open, flatter mix of lakes and meadows. Conditioning is excellent (though the greens can be a bit on the slow side at certain times of year) and there’s no dearth of memorable holes, especially No. 5, a short par 4 bisected by a creek squarely in the driving zone, with an old “mule barn” guarding the right side. The back nine’s opening stretch offers the best opportunity to go low if you play the proper tees (white in our case), as long as you do your best to ignore or work your way around and over several water hazards. From the tips it’s a Tour-caliber beast (over 7,400 yards), and college studs from local University of Alabama-Huntsville have been known to venture back that far into the shade, but the rest of us should move up, order up from the well-stocked beverage cart (serving a few local crafts, of course), and tally up the gratitude for getting to know a Southern belle of this architectural breeding.
The Digs: Doubletree Suites is a popular jumping-off spot for golf groups in Huntsville. The poolside lounge area is outstanding for a post-dinner cigar and a cocktail or two and the buffet breakfast is a cut or two above regular chain hotel fare.
The Chow: Downtown is packed with dining options but craft beer heads can’t beat the hop-scented complex built around Campus 805, an old middle school. Built from a consortium of home brewers who turned their passion into big, gleaming tanks that pump out year-round beers, Straight To Ale offers Saturday tours, a tasting room, shops, food and its own Ale’s Kitchen (burgers and wings, oh yeah). Across the way, Earth and Stone Wood Fired Pizza puts out a great artisan pie from a wood-fired oven plus plenty of great bar food staples.
The Lake Course at Goose Pond Colony Resort
Close to an hour’s drive east of Huntsville is Scottsboro, home to perhaps the most unique retail operation in America, Unclaimed Baggage, in which 70 percent of the merchandise is just that — mostly carry-on luggage and items left on planes, then purchased, after the legal waiting claim period, from airlines. About a third of these items are given away, a third are thrown away and a third are resold. More than a million people come from all over the world to shop there each year, nabbing everything from jewelry and electronics to brand-name apparel at discount prices (one writer picked up a sweet leather jacket; others grabbed books and golf wear). Over 7,000 new items hit the shelves every day.
Save some room on that credit card for a round and perhaps a stay at Goose Pond Colony Resort. Situated on pretty Lake Guntersville, Goose Pond is folksy and semi-rustic, though the cottages are spacious, smartly if straightforwardly outfitted. The lodge has single rooms, some with kitchenettes. The small pro shop and grill have a hilltop view of the practice facility, first hole, water, woods and hills. Designed by George Cobb in 1971, the Lake Course plays out onto a peninsula, around two lakes, with the feel of a friendly muni but the chops of a higher-end resort course. It’s not an official part of the RTJ Trail but it very well could be, with its quartet of strong par 3s (No. 16 is as hefty as it gets, some 223 from the tips over water), gently turning and mildly hilly, tree-lined par 4s and 5s, and vistas you get few other places, including a large multi-spoked marina packed with bass fishing rigs and a few nifty cabin cruisers (the state’s largest fishing tournament takes place in these waters). There’s a second course not far away, The Plantation, that was acquired a few years ago, but the Lakes is the one to play.
Fighting Joe at The Shoals near Muscle Shoals, Ala.
Elvis Presley was famously from Tupelo, Mississippi, which isn’t that far from the northwestern ’Bama twin towns of Muscle Shoals and Florence — one known for attracting the world’s best blues, rock and country musicians to its fabled recording studios (Nashville is just a couple hours away), the other for a simmering stew of fine cookin’ and Southern hospitality. It’s also where a one of two great golf courses at The Shoals pays tribute a singular American warrior named Joseph “Fighting Joe” Wheeler.
Wheeler was that rare warrior who fought for opposing armies, though not at the same time. Born near Augusta, Georgia (ring a bell, golfers?), he was raised in New England and graduated from West Point, but resigned his Union post and joined the Confederate Army in 1961 as a Second Lieutenant, took command of the 19th Alabama Infantry Regiment out of Huntsville, and went on to battle with distinction throughout the war. In 1880 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as an Alabama Democrat, and Decades later, well into his 60s, he volunteered  for the United States Army and fought in both the Spanish-American War and Philippine-American war. Retiring to New York, he penned several books on battle strategy and military history, and after his death in 1906, several landmarks in his native South were named after him, but not a golf course — until the 1990s, when Trent Jones laid out 36 holes at The Shoals — an “inland links”-flavored 18 called Fighting Joe, the other called The Schoolmaster.
Like its namesake, Fighting Joe is a battler, with plenty of water in its arsenal — ponds and lakes on 11 holes and the “big water,” the Tennessee River, far below the par-3 18th (the front nine also ends with a one-shotter, a true rarity in the full-length course firmament). Jones kicks off the fun with a healthy, slightly downhill par 5 that stretches to 611 yards from the way backs (Joe goes more than 8,000 yards from the tips; might as well fall on your bayonet instead). From there it’s about negotiating one sneakily hilly, water- or fescue-lined hole after another and avoiding the many steep-sided bunkers at all costs while leaving open angles to the greens, which trend big and rangy and just begging for a three-jack if you’re not careful. The tee shot over a lake on No. 10 sets the stage for a run of water holes that demand the level of commitment ol’ Fighting Joe asked of his troops. Then comes the final short- to mid-iron tee shot over a ravine, with the plantation-styled clubhouse behind and a steep drop-off toward the river on the right, and it’s time to clean the guns (er, clubs) and live to fight another day, hopefully on the Schoolmaster, which has an amazingly different, more intimate (as in forested) feel to it, with a couple of the most dramatic holes on the entire property including No. 14 — a middle-distance par 4 with a daunting and tasty approach over (of course) water. The closer climbs a steep hill up to the clubhouse with the river on the left. You’ll come away from this pair of muscular Trent tracks with new knowledge of just how special North Alabama golf can be. As they might say in these parts, “that’ll learn ya.”
The Digs: If you want the most refined dose of Florence hospitality, stay at the Marriott Shoals, where every suite offers a river or pool view, or both, with a separate tower housing a small but full-featured spa down below and a slowly revolving restaurant up top.
The Chow: Head downtown to a main street scene right out of Sinclair Lewis and take in some top-notch continental fare at Odette — steak, seafood, pork, poultry, inventive salads and appetizers, all locally sourced and prepared, writes chef Josh Quick on the eatery’s website, by marrying “international flavors with regional flare.” Even the deviled eggs get a unique touch, served “two ways,” while the fried brussels sprouts or okra, catfish fillet and pan roasted grouper keep the South in your mouth, big time.
TP Country Club, Cullman, Ala.
The Shoals marks the most northwest reach of the RTJ Trail, meaning it’s time to head south, in this case to the semi-sleepy town of Cullman and its off-the-beaten Trail course, TP Country Club. Semi-private and family run, the Tom Jackson-designed course that is well worth a detour. The clubhouse sits on the highest point in Cullman Country, with 18 loblolly pine-studded holes spreading out below it. This is the hilliest collection of holes you’ll most likely play in North Alabama, with elevation changes that rival most mountain courses in the West or Northeast — call it the Everyman’s Augusta, Alabama style, with incredibly fast and subtly contoured greens and more than a few ponds, with wetlands working their way into the fun on the front nine. The finisher is a straightaway par 5 that’s reachable in two if you’re playing the up tees or can really bust it from the back, but beware the big oval of agua about 50 yards short of the elevated green.
TP Country Club is straightforward, sturdy golf and a blast to play, but what really pushes it into must-visit status is the hospitality from Director of Golf John Hunt and his crew — a reflection of the golf-loving spirit of the 91-year-old owner and his army of members, one of which, 97-year-old Julian Campbell, still plays three times a week and has carded more than 5,000 rounds total. Also home to Bob Kurtz, a retired pastor and “Golf’s Iron Man” who once played 1,850 holes in one week and the fastest 72 holes ever played — 3 hours and 5 minutes — at TP, with the final 18 only taking 42 minutes. We advise stretching your own round a bit, enjoying the course’s flow and friendly quirks, and making the most of a day here.
The Digs: Check into an overnight at aa secluded wedding-and-big-group getaway spot called Stone Bridge Farms, with its collection of multi-bedroom ranch-style cabins (including the one-level Villa Rica, former residence of CEO Ron Foust, with an outstanding pool/patio spot complete with built-in stereo), and the elegant two story Manor situated on its own 75-acre estate. There’s an event room/dining area called the Carriage House, plus another restaurant mostly reserved for events but serving a buffet dinner on Thursdays.
The Chow: Dig into some killer ’Bama ’cue courtesy of Jim ‘n’ Nicks BBQ, a seven-state chain. Each menu is tuned to its region; in Cullman they grow monster racks of baby back or spare ribs (and riblets for the less hungry), plus chopped pork, brisket, hot links, chicken and turkey breast; the sides run the gamut from spicy-sweet slaw to collard greens to can’t-say-no onion rings. The double decker sandwich piles on the pulled pork and brisket, and the go-to dessert, banana pudding, is off the (diet) charts. Leave this joint hungry and it’s your own damned fault.
Silver Lakes Golf Club near Gadsden, Ala.
About a 90-minute drive northeast of Birmingham and its very convenient airport is another fine, hilly outpost called Gadsden — home to Back Forty, the state’s largest craft brewer. Founder Jason Wilson will talk you up a red streak on his baby’s story, and with 22 people pounding out the suds to seven southern states out of its 27,000 square foot facility, with more on the way, Back Forty is bound for bigger glory — on their own sweet Southern and surprisingly progressive terms.
You’ll need a bracing brew or two to take on Silver Lakes, what might be the toughest three nines on the entire RTJ Trail. The aptly named Heartbreaker, Backbreaker and Mindbreaker nines also might comprise the senior Jones’ best work overall on the Trail’s northern circuit, though these 27 holes — with a par 3 course kicker — are as different from their original incarnation as North Alabama is from the south half of the state. A 2011 tornado ripped out thousands of trees; after some debate on whether the course would reopen at all (thank God it did), the work was put in to make its newly “open” setting as complementary to the original design as possible. Mission accomplished: from the opening tee shot slightly downhill to a broad fairway followed by a layup and final, sharply uphill approach to a huge green (a theme that would be repeated many times), this is big boy golf, broad and muscular and fraught with just-off-the-fairway danger, mostly in the form of deep grass but also water hazards, stout bunkering and copious sidehill lies. The greens are near-perfect, rolling true and testy. If you play the Heartbreaker-Backbreaker combo you’ll come away thrilled if beaten up a bit, though going low is doable with some patience and a favorable bounce here and threre. One a recent visit, one golfer’s birdie on the final hole — a reachable but dangerous par 5 that swoops down a hill, then back up and over water — put the place in a giddy, too-bad-this-is-the-end light. The clubhouse is big and well-appointed with showers and a fine locker room, with a grill serving fine sammies and salads.
The Digs: Chain hotels rule these parts, with the likes of Hampton Inn leading the way. It’s convenient to the main road and Silver Lakes itself, which makes for the perfect first or final track on your North Alabama adventure, depending on your flight plan.
The Chow: High time for an epic seafood gorgefest at Top of the River, where catfish is king but shrimp, crawfish, chicken and steaks get their due, too. Fried is the preferred preparation but boiled and pan-roasted are fine options. The cornbread is amazing. Fried dill pickles a great choice for appetizer and the Chocolate Beyond Reason pie will push you over the sinful dessert edge.
Jonesing for a shot at North Alabama golf yet? Of course you are, and there are stay-and-play deals and group rates to be explored and enjoyed. Visit www.northalabama.org for more information.
The post North Alabama Golf: Birdies, Brews & BBQ appeared first on Golf Tips Magazine.
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