#it was good practice but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 months
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Avatar Generations didn't make it to the daofei arc, so I decided to matters into my own hand <(˘ ˘ ˘)>
(note, the last one I only edited Rangi's make up, Kyoshi was already in her make up TT0TT)
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Also Yuuko reinforcing what I was just saying about her, deliberately pointing out to Kohane the good things that can come out of her gift, showing her how it can help her forge a better future. I don’t think we have ever seen Yuuko ever been so consistently kind and caring and genuinely helpful to any of her customers, and it’s practically everything I could ever want. 
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This really IS everything I could have hoped for. I was genuinely scared for a while that Kohane’s arc was going to end in tragedy, BUT NOPE HERE WE GO, Kohane does the hardest thing she could and collapses her life around her in an attempt to help herself and her mother finally actually be happy - and she is immediately met with a new family holding out their hands and smiling and offering to help her whenever she needs it. 
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1
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Chapter Summary: Jennie can't keep her mouth shut when BTS are suddenly kidnapped in LA. She gushes over Tony and BTS meet Coolio
Words: 3,000+
'What is hip hop to Jennie?'
Jennie (I feel like hip hop is how you express yourself. It's real. It's deep. It's not about money, sex, and drugs. But, not a lot of people understand that. I grew up listening to a lot of hip hop because of my father. He would always blast the music around the house. Almost every single day. He made me want to learn more about it. I'm eager to learn more about hip hop.)
In the practice room, while the guys were practicing, Bang PD and the manager walked in and they bowed and greeted them. Asking where Jennie was, Rap Monster informed him that she was taking a quick bathroom break. Bang PD decided to tell them that they would be going to America to work on their new album, making them excited.
"Jungkook bragged so much." Jimin pointed out.
"Since he stepped on American land," V added.
"And that the smell is different."
Rap Monster grinned feeling excited. "Oh, wait until Jennie finds out."
"Find out about what?" She walked in, immediately bowing and greeting Bang PD and the manager.
"You all are headed to America to work on the new album." Bang PD let her know as she looked around. "How do you feel?"
"C-come again?" She stammered. "A-America?"
"Jennie, are you okay?" Namjoon chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder. The guys watched on in amusement as she tried to pull herself together.
"She's shook." Jimin chuckled, watching her eyes get glossy while putting her hands together.
"This isn't happening, we're actually going to America?" The excitement of her voice made Bang PD smile and nod as she jumped up and down. After settling down, Bang PD continued to give them instructions.
"This is not an opportunity that is just given to anyone, any day. And as you know...you're not going to play, right? Of course, it'd be good to get excited but go there prepared, right? You're not going there to play. Jennie, I'm counting on you to be a helpful guide for them when you land."
"Yes, sir." She bowed.
"You all can do well, right?"
The members respond with a contented, "Yes."
"Because I want you all to do well. I prepared something really special. A special present. This is probably going to be the first and last time you're receiving something like this as a singer under me. Don't think things like, 'Oh, there'll be another one.' Right?" He revealed a gold envelope, making Jennie and the guys grin and clap. 
"It's gold!" Jimin pointed out.
"It's hip-hop." J-Hope added.
"Isn't it great?" Bang PD smiled
"We'll work hard." Rap Monster reassured
"I'm going to give it to your manager so when you land in America and tell him to give it to you, quickly." Bang PD informed them. "Like it?"
'Smiles they cannot hide'
Jennie (I'm trying not to tear up right now like this is friggin' awesome! I'm going home! We're going to America! I can't wait to show them around!)
"Work hard and record well with the producers, too."
'What do you want to do when you go back to America?'
Jennie (See my family if they allow me! I want to go back to the beach and swim around. I also want to eat my favorite food and walk around the neighborhood.)
'The long hoped for departure to America day has come'
Arriving at the airport, Jen chuckled at the guys shouting. "Amerika!" in excitement while fans film them getting out of the car. On the plane, Jennie sat in front of Jungkook, Rap Monster and J-Hope while sitting with Jimin and Suga.
Playing games on her phone throughout the ride, J-Hope vlogged and turned his attention to Jennie.
"Munchkin~, you'll show us around, right?"
Turning around in her seat, she waved at the camera. "You betcha!"
"How do you feel going to LA?" He interviewed her. "What's it like going back home?"
"I can't even think of coherent thoughts at the moment. I still cannot believe this. But you guys will love LA."
'Finally, They Arrived'
As soon as they land and walk into the airport, they are met by loud, screaming fans, filming, taking pictures, videos, waving and holding up fan signs.
"JENNIE!" Someone screamed, startling her as she turned her head to the group of fans awaiting BTS' arrival. Surprised, she watched in awe as they wave and hold up fan signs of her.
"Welcome home!"
"We missed you!"
Cracking a smile, she started laughing to herself and waved back. "Can I please see them, really quick? Please? I'll be quick, I promise." She pleaded to the manager. Sighing, he decided to let her go just this time and came with her to keep a close eye.
The fans' screams got louder as she approached them with a big grin on her face. Their cheers were almost deafening as they were eagerly awaiting her to approach them.
"Hi!" She waved at them and started tagging some hands and giving out high fives.
"Can I take a picture with you!?"
"Me too!"
"Can you sign this!?"
Jennie nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I gotta be quick, I don't have that much time, but I just wanted to thank you all for waiting for us to arrive." She beamed, earning a chorus of you're welcomes.
Making quick work, she tried to take as many photos as she could and autographs.
Suddenly, she sees one teen girl tearing up with tears of joy. "Oh dear, don't cry! Come here." She decided to engulf her in a warm hug, while other fans tried to join in the hug and touch her.
"I love you, so much. Please continue doing what you're doing in BTS." The girl muffled in the hug, holding her tightly. "I can't believe I finally got to meet you, thank you so much."
Feeling her eyes sting, Jennie murmured in a brittle voice, "Thank you..."
Meanwhile Rap Monster was watching on with a smile on his face.
Rap Monster (I don't think Jennie really understands how much she's cherished. It made me happy to see her with the fans, engaging with them)
Jennie (I'm mind boggled that I get fans emotional like this. It shocks me, that people give me so much love and support with BTS. I never noticed how beloved we are until now. It's great to be home.)
"Jennie! You do not know how much I have friggin' missed you! Good luck in K-Pop!" Another fan told her.
"Thank you! I will work hard. Look forward to our next album."
"Jennie! Can you tell J-Hope I said hi!?"
"Sure, what's your name?"
After the fan tells her, Jennie made a mental note to let Hobi know.
"Jennie, I brought you smarties!" A fanboy presents her with a big bag.
"This is all MINE!?" She happily accepted the bag. "Oh, I gotta give you a kiss for you, get over here."
"A kiss from Miss Bangtan? Yes, please!" He happily said as she pressed her soft lips against his cheek.
"Thank you for the Smarties, I'll eat them as soon as I leave."
"You are so beautiful! Do you think I can take you out on a date?" He shot her a flirty look.
"Oh wow, w-we just met!" She covered her cheeks, feeling flustered while the girls giggled at her.
"Jimin was right! She is easy to tease!" A girl giggled.
"Jennie, we gotta go!" The manager called out in Korean as she let out a sigh. She really wanted to stay but she has a job to do with BTS. And she didn't want to get another scolding for staying too long with the fans since they were on a time limit.
"I gotta go, but please continue to support BTS. Listen to our music and look forward to our next album! Love you guys, thank you so much." She waved and met up with the manager.
Jennie (The support is overwhelming. As soon as I got into the van, I just broke down into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. This. This moment. Being here with BTS, what we've accomplished so far. Tears of joy. Thank you, ARMY.)
In the van, Jennie sniffed and tried to control her tears of joy, while Rap Monster let out a laugh and wrapped an arm around her. 
"It's okay." He murmured in a soothing tone.
After pulling herself together, they all ride around LA and receive the golden envelope that Bang PD presented to them back in South Korea. Their first stop was heading to the LA Dodgers Stadium to watch the baseball game. After walking around, watching street performances, they're back in the van, while the guys are jamming out to Drake's 'Started from the bottom' while Jennie giggles at their goofiness.
Still feeling a bit jet lagged, she napped throughout the whole car ride. When it turned to night, she was still napping while the manager pulled over to check out the complications with his visa. When the manager leaves the car, a group of black men appear in front of the car and hijack it. J-Hope turned around and finched, leaning up against Rap Monster in fear while Jennie stirred in her sleep, hearing loud movement.
"What the hell!?" She blurted out, feeling her stomach drop as she opened her eyes to find unexpected guests in the car. The guys were frozen in fear, trying to comprehend what was going on.
"Relax! Relax!" One of the black men shout.
"Relax!? I'm not about to relax! What the hell are you doing!?" She shouted in nervousness.
Jennie (I know I shouldn't even be talking, right now, because I could get killed just like that. I dunno if they're carrying a weapon! I just woke up, what the heck is going on!?)
After the men took their phones and told them they were taking them to their hotel, Jennie closed her eyes and started to feel the tears coming. Shaking her legs, she started to feel anger pent up inside of her.
"No! No! No!" Jungkook exclaimed in English.
Jennie (I'm so...angry. I'm more angry than I am scared! I just got back home! And now I'm getting kidnapped? All I could think about was my mom, my dad, my sisters...my life was flashing before my eyes. Am I going to die tonight?)
In a shaky voice, she murmured in Korean, "Guys, just stay calm. Just do what they say. We'll figure out."
"Where are you taking us?" She asked in English.
"To your hotel room." One of the men responded.
"You're not gonna kill us...are you?"
"No, we're not gonna kill you."
Jennie (I think my adrenaline kicked in. Because I would be scared to even speak but my heart was racing, I had to keep talking. Rebelling isn't a good idea. I don't know what to do! I feel responsible for all of our lives but I dunno what to do. I felt helpless.)
After the scary car ride, they arrive at Skid Row. The men shout at them to leave the car and they all head inside a hideout.
They all sit on the couch. Jennie sat in between Rap Monster and Jin. "S-so are you going to tell us what we're doing here?" She muttered, looking up at the men with butterflies in her stomach.
"Just look straight ahead." One of them ordered.
"They want us to look straight at the screen," Jennie told the guys in Korean.
"I ain't playing around, man!" One of the men shouted at Jungkook for looking around. The sudden shout made him flinch. "Look straight, fool!"
"Hey! He didn't do anything, wrong. Just leave him alone, all right? He's scared and so are the rest of us." Jennie spoke up in aggravation, narrowing her eyes at the man. "Just calm down."
"Jennie." Rap Monster hissed, trying to make her stop talking.
Turning her head to him, she protested. "I wasn't going to just-"
"Little girl! Look at the screen!" The man yelled at her and she flinched in fear at his booming voice.
After seeing her flinch, the BTS members glance up at the man who yelled at her. Jin grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it while Rap Monster ended up gritting his teeth.
Rap Monster (I just wanted her to stop talking, just in case anything else bad happens. I couldn't take it if anything happened to her. Or any of the members. But my blood just boiled a bit after he yelled at her.)
Jennie (If they had any weapons or anything, like a gun or something, I'd probably get shot for opening up my mouth. Honestly. I get hard headed and get stubborn sometimes.)
"Okay. I'll look at the screen. You don't have to tell me, twice. I already heard you the first time." She responded.
Jennie (I dunno if I was about to get hit, or killed, I dunno why I kept talking. It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't sit there and let them talk to Jungkook like that. He didn't deserve to get yelled at. I just got so protective. I feel like I have a huge responsibility for us as a group while here in America since this is my home. I know where things are at, but this is not what I wanted to happen.)
The men order the guys to take off their hats and also their shoes. "Take one sock off." The men order.
"Are you kiddin' me...?" She muttered.
Jennie (My damn nail polish is chipped. I didn't put new nail polish on. Now I gotta take off my socks? This is great. Very great. What's next? My death? Just let me go peacefully. That's all I ask.)
"BTS!" The screen said. "Welcome to the American Hustle Life hip hop school. beginning tomorrow for training provided by the greatest legends of hip hop, and the best tutors around, you will be born again as a true hip hop artist. See you tomorrow."
Jennie (You mean to tell me...this was ALL SET UP!? They couldn't have done it in a more CIVIL way?! Unbelievable! Big Hit count your days!)
"We goin' be back here tomorrow. So ya'll can stay here. Peace!" One guy said as the men left.
Jennie and the guys sit in silence while they leave. She sighed loudly and stood up, pacing around.
"I'll check the door..." She murmured and looked to see if they left. "Yeah, no one's there. They left."
"What is this...while I was sleeping..." Suga groaned.
Walking up to Jungkook, she kneeled in front of him. Seeing him so shaken up broke her heart as she grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay?" She whispered. He nodded in response and she made him stand up, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.
Jennie (He was so shaken up. I'm just as scared as he is but I just really wanted to stay cool and calm. For him. For all the guys. I dunno how I managed.)
"J-Hope, are you good?" She tried to calm him down.
'In the middle of picking up their mental states and shoes'
"Hey, let's sleep. Just sleep." Suga advised as the guys made their way to the bunk beds.
"Hey, you going to sleep?" Rap Monster turned to Jennie who remained on the couch.
"I will in a bit. I can't sleep after what just happened." She replied.
"I'll stay up with you." Jungkook offered.
"No, no, it's fine. Get your rest. I know you're tired. I'll be okay." She smiled in reassurance.
Jennie (I'm sorry but I can't just sleep after what just went down. I can't do it. I'm going to be up for a while. I'm glad they're concerned. But I need to have my heart rate down and my emotions in check because I am still in a state of shock and fear. I'm blessed I get to live another day.)
The next morning, BTS and Jennie are awakened by loud shouting and clapping. As three of their tutors get them all awake and ready for the day.
"What ya'll come to LA for?" The tall guy asked as Rap Monster answered him that they were here to make music.
'Their tutors that decided to stay together with them for BTS' hip hop overseas studies'
'Their hip hop school, American Hustle Life, where they'll be together 24 hours with their tutors has started.'
"Let's start with the introductions, we're gonna introduce ourselves and we'll go down the line and ya'll can tell us your names and a little bit about yourselves," Tony announced.
"Well, I'm Zaire, man! I'm a rapper and I'm a producer." He introduced.
'Newcomer rapper who works really hard aka Zaire.'
'Dante Evans'
'Dante who is skilled with a lot of passion'
"Nate Walka. I'm a writer, and a rapper and a producer."
'Pro composer, Nate Walka. A pro composer who shines from Grammy Awards. The hidden treasure of the hip hop industry, the genius writer, Nate.'
"I'm Tony and I'm from Texas."
'Rapper and lyricist, Tony Jones. Used to be a basketball player and is a rapper while being a lyricist.'
'The giant good looking rapper who exceeds 2 meters, Tony.'
'Your first meeting with the tutors'
Jennie (I wake up to loud yelling, and see three guys. And Tony, I just couldn't stop staring. Tony is fine as hell! Oh, mah God...why is he so hot? It's been so long since I've gushed over guys. I can get used to waking up early to that. HAHAHA! Let me stop, cut this okay? Don't let it air! Hahaha! Oh God, what if he sees this? I may have a tiny crush on him. I'm looking forward to working with him...and the others. Yeah, the others. He saw me all bare faced and everything. He's so cute. My goodness. Why are the guys that I have crushes on, older than me? It isn't fair! I was born the wrong year hahaha)
"We have you guys for two weeks," Tony informed. "You can't go home. We work. No play. Not too much sleeping."
Jennie (Oh...great...not much sleeping...thank you. Sleep isn't my best friend.)
"Rule number two. We're gonna have competitions." Tony added. "We're gonna have a winner and we're gonna have a loser."
"The winners are gonna get a prize. Some type of reward." Nate mentioned
"The losers, bad. Rule number three you're gonna listen to us." Tony continued.
Jennie (Oh I can listen to you all~ day Tony. I'll be a good noodle for you. Let me stop, cut this out too! Hahah! Why am I so giddy!? Ah...let me stop embarrassin' myself.)
"We're gonna help you guys. So BTS, we have a very, very special guest. A legend in the rap game. He's known internationally. He's gonna come in and speak to you, guys. Make sure you guys pay attention. Okay?" Tony and the guys leave the room.
Jennie (It can be anybody. I have no idea who.)
After they come back, they reveal Coolio walking in as Jennie widens her eyes. 
"Coolio, right?" Rap Monster called out.
"Coolio! Holy crap!" Jennie stood up in surprise.
Jennie (What the-what the hell?! I'm in the same room as COOLIO!? Do you know how HUGE that is!? Gangster's paradise~)
BTS and Jennie applauded and he sat down. "So all ya'll speak English?" Coolio asked, sitting in a chair.
"I do. Rap Monster can speak it, too. The rest, not so much." Jennie answered.
"How did Hip Hop start? Where'd it start?" Coolio turned his attention to Suga who sat there dumbfounded. Turning to Jin, he asked, "What was the first rap single to go platinum?"
Jin just stood there baffled, while Coolio stood up and continued to ask questions but the guys didn't answer.
"Hello!" V greeted.
"What's up?" Coolio shook his hand.
"What's up." V cutely greeted in English. "Turn up!"
His sudden words made the guys laugh, while Jennie remained silent, feeling nervous at Coolio's serious expression.
Jennie (Oh no. Not good.)
"What does turn up mean?" Coolio questioned him.
"Let's go party? Turn up!" V jumped up and down in his seat.
Coolio was not amused and V apologized. "Give me 25 push ups." He said out of nowhere while Jennie dropped her jaw in shock.
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rvp32 · 2 years
Caring Sunbae Jihyp
One day after training, jihyo is frustrated. Jihyo has been practicing for years in jyp, she spent her entire childhood in the JYP building. Jihyo like all other women also had a side for her sexual desires. From a very young age, she has been following orders on how to behave what to eat when to sleep what to speak how to dress and how to project herself in the public. Somehow, this had an impact in her desires, she loved to be dominating in her world of sex. Jihyo being the senior member in the JYP as an idol of the girl group, she used that to her advantage for sexual desires. The young trainees new to JYP asked jihyo to do some favors for their way to become idols and tips on how to be the best, who better to ask than the child prodigy Jihyo. For every favor jihyo owned them and made them be her slaves in sex, some of them hated to have sex with jihyo and regret it but some dirty little whores in JYP enjoyed it. We are gonna look into the day when she got frustrated. Jihyo was feeling bad, 
then she crossed paths with Itzy Yuna and lia. They noticed as soon they saw her, Yuna asked unnie what happened, Jhiyo was like I am frustrated as hell working continuously for weeks I want to put my mind off, Yuna being the dirty little slut asked jihyo whether she is available today night, Jihyo knew what she was up to, jihyo said do you want to be my dirty little slut you bitch? Yuna said “hmm I want it so bad, the juice from your pussy tasted good and all the spanking awwww, imagining it now turns me on so much, Yuna grabbed jihyo’s hands and placed it on her ass.
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makes her lick all over her body and makes Yuna clean the floor with her tongue, Jihyo orders Yuna and lia to strip down naked and bend over and place their upper body on the rack near the mirror. Yuna being the experienced bitch does it straight away but lia doesn’t jihyo walks up to her and rips apart her dress and bra and starts pinching her nipples and grabs her pussy and says, do what I say okay? Lia starts to like all this and says ok. Lia and Yuna bend over near the mirror and ask jihyo are this, okay, to which jihyo says is it right, it's fucking horrible and walks to them and starts to spank them in the ass until its pink like a rose, jihyo wipes her hand dry and shoves her two fingers in yuna’s asshole, yuna starts to scream jihyo,says shut up you bitch, pulls her finger out and puts three fingers in her asshole, yuna screams even more and lia is terrified, jihyo says to lia aww don’t worry darling, she is getting punished for being as asshole and touching what belongs to me. Jihyo says to yuna, didn’t I say you to shut the fuck up. Yuna closes her mouth with her both hands, jihyo fingers yuna’s asshole aggressively and fast and yuna starts shouting ahhhhh ahahhha ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, jihyo stops and puts the fingers in yuna’s mouth and says lick them clean you bitch and yuna says yes ma’am, jihyo says “ma’am”, yuna apologises and says yes boss,
jihyo says thats better. And slaps on yuna’s boobs and with just one slap it turned so red, jihyo undresses and says lets begin, jihyo puts yuna on the floor and sits on her face and says yuna you better make me cum okay? And moves lia in front of her face and spreads her ass and sees the asshole closing and opening, jihyo spanks lia’s ass red and starts to lick her asshole and ass, With yuna licking jihyos pussy jihyo starts to moan and puts almost all her bodyweight in yuna face and says lick it just like that, yuna being a slut who know what she is is doing makes jihyo cum and squirt. Jihyo starts to squirt inside yuna’s mouth and yuna drinks all that fast, and starts to cough,jihyo while licking lia’s ass she also fingered her pussy and made lia cum and squirt on the floor and lia losses all her strength in the legs. Jihyo makes both of them stand and kisses both one after another and makes lia say, say you love this? Say “You love being a slave of jihyo” Lia says “I Love this, I love being a dirty little dump truck of you boss” Jihyo kisses them both again passionately. Jihyo makes them to kneel down and she starts to walk away from them to grab a chair to sit, As she walks away she turned around for a sec and notices lia starring at her juicy ass jiggling while she is walking, jihyo grabs the chair and walks towards them and notices Lia staring at her voluptuous boobs as well she puts the chair down and ask Lia why you looking at boobs and my ass like that, Jihyo realizes that “yeah, i made her bend over and she never really got to see my boobs and ass”, So jihyo asks lia do you wanna taste them lia? Lia grins and says so I wanna lick them so bad boss, Aww ok lia let me let you have a taste of them, jihyo sits in the chair slightly leaning back and just letting her ass out of the chair and spread them wide apart, and orders yuna to suck on her foot. Yuna sucks jihyos feet and lia enjoys licking jihyos ass and lia say does ass this good? Of course, says jihyo, and asks lia you love it, lia stops licking and responds I love it, Jihyo grabs lia by her hair and buries her head in her ass and says to lick them clean, Lia keeps licking her asshole as yuna licks jihyos feet. Jihyo says lia to put her tongue in the asshole, lia starts to spread her big ass cheeks and lets her tongue deep in her asshole. Jihyo starts to reach orgasm and says I am cumming lia dont stop, lia starts to lick them fast and jihyo grabs lia head and shoves her face further deep in her ass as she reaches climax. Lia gets the hang of it and starts to rub jihyos clit, jihyo bites her lips and says ahhhh it feels so good, is it really your first time? Ask's lia aroused. Lia grins, lia licks her all the juice from the pussy in her fingers and shoves it in jihyos pussy and starts to finger them nice and slow, jihyo grabs yuna's arm and bites it as she feels great, jihyo make then wakes up from the chair and goes on all fours and says both yuna and lia to finger both her holes with three fingers. Jihyo starts to moan as both her holes get fingered by them, jihyos eyes starts to role back as she orgasms and says ah I fucking love this and moans loudly, then she cums. They all makeout with each other. Jihyo feels great and happy, so does lia’s and yuna’s face all smithered with jihyos juices happily smiling and laughing saying we had a great time as well. 
Credits to my friend SandhipKumar67
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the perks of being a wallflower
i haven’t read the book yet and i do plan on it, i swear. BUT the movie comes off netflix today so i needed to watch it. my room doesn’t have a DVD player or i wouldn’t have bothered but it’s laright. 
i love charles, he’s really relatable. not super enjoying the social settings, doesn’t participate in class, doesn’t have any friends. perfect. i like patrick too, he’s the popular OH SAM SAM SAM yes there is sam. the samantha. the trio of friends who you would die to have. 
lmao i wish our high school football team was half as decent as theirs, maybe the games would be tolerable. 
slut and the falcon. living room routine.
god i wish i could do high school over again. i wouldn’t talk to anyone i wouldn’t look at anyone i wouldn’t meet anyone i wouldn’t do anything other than my schoolwork. no dating, no friends, just my family. 
i like the dynamic of him and his sister, it reminds me a lot of aubrey and i. 
oh the cliche’s i live for it. come on eileen is a good song too. but standing against the cement wall drinking shitty punch watching complete chaos unfold. 
and the cast of this movie!!! it’s to absolutely die for!!! i mean emma watson, obviously, speaks for itself. paul rudd as the fantastic english teacher support character. logan lerman? icon. erza miller is a really good actor. 
i would love to do weed brownies in someone’s random basement and talk to random girls about giving marching band letterman shit and how its not a sport and how its pointless to give it to them. 
“are you baked?” “like a cake” 
oh im gonna cry at this movie what the hell. i wanna feel noticed and welcomed. 
here we go the iconic scene, where its emma watson in the tunnel on the bed of the truck. where charle falls in love with sam for real this time, where it’s practically a visual tutorial of how to feel weightless and infinite.
i think that if i do end up switching schools (which will be kind of sad because then i don’t get to go to the cadaver lab) i will live my little indie movie fantasy. 
the rocky horror picture show!!! oh it makes me so happyyy. i want a group of friends like this oh my gosh. 
we accept the love we think we deserve.
okay season change, we are drifting into the christmas season. i wish that someone would study for the SAT’s with me,
below average!!!
i love the aggression towards mary elizabeth.
oh the stupid record for sam. and when charlie first puts on the suit!!! i think that is brendon urie on the wall but like i don’t think it fits the vibe. OH MY GOSH SHE GOT HIM A TYPEWRITER. IM GONNA CRYYYYYYYY.
write about us. i will. 
i just want to make sure that the first person who kisses you loves you. 
i love you charlie. i love you too.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. god this movie fills me up with stupid warm hope about life and love and oh my goddd.
the way that his brother and him talks about his mental health is so important. because im the only one who yk has gotten checked into a hospital (twice, thank you very much). who knows what’s going to happen next and im so sick and tired of not living my life but i also can���t live my life the way i want to while im at east because o people and that’s okay its not their fault, it’s mine really. but it would also be my fault if i never tried to give myself better. try to give myself tunnels and weed brownies and mixtapes and secret santas. 
oh the record. oh the record. 
i’m gonna have to sit down and watch the rocky horror picture show to get full context of the references to the movie but i’ve been meaning to watch it anyways. 
sometimes i forget its set in the 90s. the outfits, the language, the everything. oh god mary elizabeth i forgot she liked him since the beginning of the movie and it’s lame because charlie loves sam. oh just mary elizabeth flirting with charlie is bad. like i just never see them together and them making out is weird and OH IT SWITCHES TO SAM. woah boyfriend? 
i like that he still writes letters to his friend. it’s important to me. she really just bullies him for the things that he likes. and he just like wont break up with her.
OH OH OH YOU KNOW PATRICK he reminds me of conan gray!!! and maybe that’s why i like him so much oh my god. 
WOAH CHARLIE REALLY KISSED SAM INSTEAD OF MARY ELIZABETH bruhhh. like he really should have just dumped her like a week or two later. 
im worried about charlie now, because he’s getting worse again and mary elizabeth isn’t helping. and patrick got caught and now everything is going to shit and holy crap everything is rushing back and everything hurts
hearing the story about patricks breakup with his boyfried and then he kissed charlie and he was so okay abuot it because he knew that he was hurting and he just wanted him to be okay. and then everyone started getting accepted into college.
charlie is getting worse and the blackouts are getting worse and im worried that he is going to attempt and its the last day of his freshman year and i don’t want him to.
this gives very unrealisitc ideas about high school and it makes me very upset. but it’s okay. sam is still with her jackass of a boyfriend. OFC HE WAS CHEATING ON HER FUCK. 
nothing hates u.
charlie kissing sam and calling her beautiful and it makes me so happy that he kissed her. i hate that she is crying when she kisses him goodbye and i hate that she has to say goodbye and now he’s going to be alone again because all of his friends are gone. and i cant breathe and hes in the hospital.
this movie broke me. 
we are infinite.
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skelanonymous · 4 years
DustCherry ?
Odd idea I’ll never fully flesh out. Have a cohesive scene. Only set up, we’re in an AU where Red is both the eldest prince of Fellsword kingdom under Gaster and Forge, the blacksmith who runs a criminal bar and supplies weapons for the rebellion. Dust is Dust kinda.
Words: 1.7k
“Heya Forgey.” Dust winked from behind the helmet. Red rolled his eyes and finished cleaning the glasses from the bar.
“Whatcha need Dust? You ran out of pieces to request. Already made all the armor you could need, all three of your weapons. “Red slid the glasses into the cabinet. “I doubt you’d greet me before killing me.”
“I’d totally greet you before killing you. I consider us friends.” Dust’s pointy grin, teasingly flipping a dagger in one hand. “But no, I don’t want to kill you. Quite the opposite really.” He snaked out a purple tongue to lick along the dagger’s edge. Red’s soul pounded in his chest, Dust’s eyes going half lidded, all sultry and wanton.
“Are you propositioning me?” Red face flushed. Dust only chuckled at his incomprehension. 
“That was the idea.” His eyes shifted from the purple to the more familiar dualtone. “I wanted to have a little fun and you’re the only handsome friend I have.”  Red lifted an eyebrow.
“I didn’t think you had many friends.” Red kept cleaning off the bar counter. “Thought assassins didn’t need ‘em.” Dust shrugged.
“Honestly, you’re the only I have as Dust. The rest are from my day job, and those don’t intermingle.” Dust leaned back, casually draping himself over a chair. “It does make you the most handsome by default.” He stuck out his tongue.
“How the fuck do you have a day job? I can’t imagine what you’d be like outside of this.” Dust seemed so well suited for assassin work. Picturing him baling hay, running a shop, baking? Dust laughed.
“I’m capable of behaving. Let me show you.” Suddenly leaned over the counter into Red’s space, Dust trailed a finger under Red’s jaw. Red grabbed his arm, but didn’t wrench it away.
“I’m guessing this comes with conditions. Nothing with you is ever that easy.” Dust licked his teeth at Red’s iron grasp.
“Either I keep the helmet on, or you agree to a temporary blindness spell. Can’t have you seeing my face.” He climbed over the counter, never pulling his arm free. He made a delightful little sigh when Red wrapped the other arm around his back. “I don’t mind you being in charge. I’m flexible.” 
“Uh-huh. You just get to see mine then.” Red glared at the horny assassin through the face guard. 
“Forgey, I’ve known who you were since Day 1.” He hooked a leg around Red’s waist. “Prince Red Fellsword helping rebels and causing chaos against his father. It doesn’t matter to me. I only care how good you are with your hands.” His free hand flipped up the face shield. 
“Dust! Pe-”
“Relax, there’s no one for a mile in any direction. Don’t forget who I am.” He dragged a sharp finger down his throat. “It wouldn’t be wise.”
Red huffed before releasing Dust completely. The assassin waited patiently in his space, still hooked tightly to his pelvis. He weighed his options carefully. This wasn’t a smart thing to do, not by a longshot, not with the most vicious murderer in all the kingdoms. But his soul pulsed at the thought of fucking someone that powerful.
“You get how fucking insane this is, right?” Red glared at the shorter assassin. His smile only got wider, toothier.
“Completely.” Red pinched his nasal ridge, then pulled Dust’s other leg up to fully seat their pelvises together. He snapped his fingers and they landed on Red’s bed down the hall.
“Fuck it, I guess I’m insane.” He removed the armor covering Dust with ease. The belts slipped off, plates clanging to the ground. Dust’s eyes got wider and hungrier. “Blind me whenever.”
“Once I’m down to the helmet.” Dust pulled at Red’s shirt, yanking it over his head and scraping his fingers down the ribs. Red pushed Dust’s tank up to his neck, hands wandering over his chest. 
“Didn’t know you were a skeleton like me.” He tended to the bones with practiced ease. He knew how to make Dust scream if he had bones like his. He hadn’t worked the pants fully off, but did squeeze right at the base of Dust’s tailbone. Then after a cursory lick across the collarbone, he bit down. Hard.
“Oh fuuuuuuck! Mark me up Forge.” Dust’s tongue lolled out of his helmet. He raised a hand and snapped. Red’s eyesight blinked out. 
There was the sound of metal ringing, and then a tongue in his mouth.
Dust devoured his mouth hungrily. The scent and taste of blood had him frenzied, clinging to Red’s body. When he broke away, Dust was suddenly by his ear. 
“Can I taste your blood?” Dust’s body rumbled with a groan. “Your mouth tasted so good with mine in it.” Red felt for and then bit down on Dust’s opposite shoulder. Red made sure to really get a mouthful, licking up the excess before trailing his hand to the back of Dust’s skull to kiss him again. Dust’s entire body shook with desire. 
“One bite Dust. Make it count.” Red felt Dust’s hands scrambling to remove both of their pants. He tried to help, but couldn’t do much about Dust’s clothes while blind. Then the shock of a wet tongue right on his pelvis. Dust licked upwards, attempting to force the shape. 
“Give me something to suck on.” Red’s body summoned the cock on reflex. Dust lavished attention onto him before pulling the entire cock into his mouth, taking the entire thing deep into his throat in three short bobs.
“I-ahhhhh- I’m not gunna last if you keep going at it like that.” Red didn’t hear a reply, per se, but he did hear some very enthusiastic hums around his cock. Dust’s tongue wrapped around him, stroking and tightening around the base as the head dipped further and further back into his throat. Red couldn’t see but he did feel the drool dripping out of Dust’s mouth onto his pelvis, could feel him holding onto his hips softly, coaxing him on with light circles, heard the moans increasing in pitch the faster he went. And if he listened in real closely, some very wet fingers playing with an equally wet pussy…
Red came right into Dust’s throat. And judging on the choking sounds and jolting around, he came right on his fingers.
When Dust let the cock out of his mouth, Red smelled something sweet by his face.
“Just getting nice and wet for you. Wan-oooooh…”Red had already stuck his tongue out for a taste. He guided the fingers into his mouth with one hand, and slipped the other right into Dust. He got in three fingers on the first try.
“I’m still sensitive, haaaaaaaaaaah, so cruel of you.” Red could feel Dust writhe against him, around his fingers. His skull laid against his shoulder, mouth open with whining pants, before it turned and bit down with those sharp canines. Red only tensed; he remained silent. Dust suckled at the bite, tightening with each draw of blood. He let go before Red got woozy.
“Reeeeeeeeed.” Dust’s voice took on his bloodlust form. Part of Red was worried. He flexed his fingers still buried deep in his cunt. “AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”
Red pulled out his fingers, and gently flipped them over. It took a little feeling around, but he definitely got settled between Dust’s legs. He felt up those long bones, nipping along them, cleaning off his fingers before switching to the other femur. Dust sighed softly when Red finally lined them up.
“I’d kill to see the faces you’ve been making, but I guess I’ll live with just having you.” Red chuckled, pulling the legs up over his shoulders, kissing his shins. He pushed in with a guiding hand. “Oh fuck, you’re still tight?” Red groaned.
“You’re -Mmmmmmm- the only one-,” Dust moaned at the first thrust, still coming down from the blood high, “-whose fucked me.”
“Well you’re not a virgin either.” Red fucked Dust steadily. His pussy was still tight around him, not nearly loose enough to really let go and pound the hell out of Dust without making it uncomfortable. Dust panted and laughed.
“I’m. Usually. The one. Doing the fucking!” Dust whined as Red finally started to speed up, his body relaxing into the hard thrusts, begging for more. Red hadn’t planned the pace, he just couldn’t hold back anymore.
Dust fucked people, he did not let people fuck him. But here he was, letting Red take him. He offered himself without a thought, Red hadn’t even needed to negotiate.
“Then I’ll make you scream.” Red slightly changed angles until Dust’s voice escalated to pitchy moans of pure bliss. He relentlessly pushed them both further and further along, getting to really savor the moment after that first fast orgasm. Dust clawed up towards up, pulling himself off the bed to hit even deeper.
“AHHHHH!” Dust wailed, spasming around Red’s cock until he spilled into him.
They rode out their peaks in peace, finally separating when the sensations of touching overwhelmed them. Red laid back in his bed, fully expecting the absence of another body beside him.
“Don’t think this gets you a discount.” Red joked. He didn’t want to let this into his soul; loving Dust would lead to nothing but heartache.
“Of course not.” Dust chuckled, the subtle ringing of metal as Dust got dressed to go vibrating around the room. “Don’t think this grants you immunity.”
“Never.” Red stretched out his limbs, getting ready to relax. “As long as we understand each other, repeat performance is on the table if you want it.” He heard Dust’s shadow magic swallow his presence, already slinking off to the next target. But not before a whisper by his ear.
“I’ll keep it in mind.” He could hear the smirk in it, and with a snap, his eyelights came back to an empty room. He grinned before turning in.
Deep in the shadows, Dust shivered. Red’s magic was still leaking down his thighs, knees shaking. Keep it in mind? More like restrain the impulse to come here every night. He wanted the blacksmith bad before, and the fire in his soul was stoked by the night they shared.
Forge would be his, one way or another.
Currently working on a longer non-sexy Errorberry, but hey, making progress.
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askazicro · 5 years
IT WOULD MEAN LAYING OFF THE BLOG FOR A WHILE THO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but also i am starting anim school this september this might be good preparatory practice.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 
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ghosthierophant · 6 years
10+ hours left & counting
first thing’s first the main thing that always irrationally scared me before anything else while watching deadliest catch was the fucking crab tanks & being irrationally afraid of just falling to my death in one of them not even the sea but literally that & oh hey look my worst fear has finally happened oh fucking wow would you look at that 
young generation appreciation blog; started from the bottom now we’re here in the wheelhouse 
let’s do this shit, part 4 of ?
Becoming Captain:
we continue
edgar finding Inner Peace - big mood
90K 2 days HOLLA
( man walks backwards into the fucking tank & falls, screaming )
................................. DO YOU KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE TO BE ALIVE 
oh nice transition to the CM
The Holy Grail, the Writings of Phil Harris
/ fingers crossed
Here Comes a Rescue
SEVERE spinal injuries... god
“there’s no way to get him out of here other than hoisting” ..... oh god............ HOISTING THRU THE MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD
good fucking luck leo
awww luke’s cute
jake: you’re not home till you walk thru that front door - realness
147, 148, 164
YEAH LUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 more crab
2 4 9  BABEY
1 boat - the CM
opies opies opies opies opies opies next
Oh Dear
i love you edgar
... when to walk away? keith....
Moar Baridi
KEIITH!!!!!!!!!! : ((((((((((
not fishing 
... rare spinal infection
c’mon josh,,,,,
oh yike,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  water in the engine
Yay Cracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
keith,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, just,,,,,,,,, it ok
The Grind on the ol’ Cornelia Marie
Josh denies Monte
Josh is an Arrogant Newb
oh jesus............................... that’s really bad, bill
but yes, i agree - it’s good that you caught this NOW, rather than at sea
uh oh, josh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
omg mini fishing boat excursion with bill
Fantastic Therapy + Fish Tacos, BABEY
i’m mouse kinna skeptical
but i’m also mouse relenting
eagrehtjyhhgdfrgtngf summer bay
Winter’s Curse:
DREAM ON????????????? DREAM ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
big bad bloody injuries
o7 Phil
that blood spitting was uh,,,,,,,,, kinda,,,,,,,, hot,,,,,, Wrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
/ man overboard Happening
agh these nautical fucking waves
holy christ holy christ holy christ WHY DID YOU PIN IT
do you RLY miss the outside, monte Kappa
oh jesus oh jesus o jesus oh jesus oh jesus please hurry
REBOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you try turning it on & off again? NICE
huge glorious move or COMPLETE FAILURE
[ ARGH ] - edgar
whomst took,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 
Oh Dear
sigurd? ey sig? siggy?
aertyhtyjujhgfdey4thgbfdh welp
AAAAAAAAAGH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, taylor INJURED AGAIN
Interior Design on the Bering Sea
IT LOOKS FUCKING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s Gushin
Licensed EMT
HE’S SINGLE??? HOLLA!!!!!!!!
/ fingers crossed
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lotus-mirage · 4 years
Untamed episode 20 liveblog!
Mark me down as Anxious
Right, so what’s she see? Oh, the eyeballs are still there? Huh. Peeling off what I assume was the warding talisman was probably a bad idea.
Who is that? Looks like a girl?
Oh there’s wwx! He’s behind the necromancy, assumedly?
How is he here? Isn’t it pretty far from the burial mounds? Who’s the puppet? So many questions.
Wait, what? Isn’t she still alive? I guess the villagers were too, but most of the puppets we’ve seen so far haven’t been.
Oh jeez he stabbed her okay
He’s in a much worse headspace than I thought
Oh! Illusions, then?
Ohhhh. That’s.... ohhhh jeez.
Where did he get the flute from anyway? Also wow it’s just spewing magic.
Oh jeez did she hang herself!?
Not interfering with Wen Zhuliu’s snatch-and-run rescue?
Oh. Is this happening at the same time???? What a time to arrive. Yikes.
How did these guards all die? Doesn’t look like fighting.
‘All different causes.’ Really? That’s a lot of effort.
Attacking her corpse is kind of understandable at this point frankly
Why would they have reversed talismans? That can’t have been intentional. How could they not have noticed? Illusions? He’d have to have been there already for that, right??
Just four strokes? I mean, I get it’s an unlucky number, but it was reversed by only that?
Human blood though, so probably after the fact. Why? What was the purpose, if the attacker was already there?
Oh no, a survivor from the dungeons? That’s either the other of the two wandering cultivators or a Wen sibling.
Oh no! If Wen Qing’s the only one, then presumably... noooo
Oh shoot, Wen Ning was easily affected by ghosts too, wasn’t he. Maybe he got out?
Great! He’s not confirmed dead! Well. Yet, I guess.
Awww, he kept the comb?
She did take it, then.
I thought they were going by sword flight thing?
‘Wicked energy’. Alright.
His hands
Oh jeez okay
Is that him? That’s a lot of buildup.
Is Wen Zhuliu not going to fight him?
Very dramatic as always. Outfit is different though.
There’s the reveal!
What did LAN Wangji’s spell do? Seal them off?
Pfft, that dramatic spin. Multiple times.
He’s letting him keep playing the flute this whole time?
Her fingernails made him scream?
Is this another illusion or the real thing?
Why was he that unconcerned about Wen Zhuliu flying for his throat?
Speaking of concerning: wwx’s face didn’t change when they busted through the roof.
That’s a pretty harsh send-off
Yyeah, he doesn’t look too good.
I’m glad that Jiang Cheng is expressing himself.
Okay, so this confrontation is probably necessary, but it certainly could do to be tabled for later. Also Wen Chao is still right there.
twirls his flute. drama queen.
Okay, so... corrupting influence! Huzzah.
I am highly concerned with how little he’s visibly emoting
Also what he’s saying. That too.
Oh finally the music kicked back in. I hadn’t realized that it has stopped.
...Yeah, that’s barely subtext.
It’s the lotus pier theme! Aahhhhhhhhh
With vocals too!
Okay that’s a decent ending point
End notes:
Okay so. In summary: incredibly concerned. Just as a general mood for the entire episode, but most so in the convo between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji. So many flags. So many. I’m terrified.
So, what he tells us he’s been up to: learned another art from a book hidden in a cave. Didn’t explain anything between then and his reappearance, but implied that he’s back for the final bit of the Sunshot campaign.
Jiang Cheng hasn’t voiced assumptions, but Lan Wangji certainly has. From what he says, whatever practice he’s doing is a known thing and corrupts the wielder. For some reason he wants him to go to Gusu - WWX seemed to see that as a threat, due to the number of disciples there??
It’s nice to see him interacting with Jiang Cheng - he seems the most ‘normal’ then. Interestingly, the opposite occurs w/ LWJ.
I wonder how this works? How long it’ll last? The opening scene could go either way, but his behavior in the first two episodes seems much more in line with his earlier tomfoolery.
I just realized another factor that might be throwing me off: there’s no internal monologue from him. No reaction cuts (at least with expository emotions) or even, like, planning/thinking faces. So. No clue what’s going on inside his head, beside what he tells people, and we know that he’s not always honest.
0 notes
Voltron Rec List
Note: I also have a fic rec page where you can find all of these fics as well (|x|), and all of these on this list will be Klance (EXCEPT #4: GAP YEAR).
COMPLETED FICS (more and uncompleted fics under the cut)
1. What We Make of it  by: Wittyy-name
rating: Mature 
chapters: 1
words: 46,327
description:  Keith has been training for this for months. So despite feeling like everything else in his life is falling apart and could be summed up with a big, blaring question mark, he finds himself halfway across the world with Shiro and Allura, preparing for his first ironman triathlon. He was expecting some typical touristy activities and a grueling day of physical activity. What he wasn't expecting was to meet a gorgeous boy with bright blue eyes and a smile that made his insides squirm. Lance has been in a rut, unable to find the happiness that once filled his life. Everything looks gray, and he feels suffocated. And that's how he finds himself halfway across the world, backpacking across a foreign country with his best friend, Hunk, and their new friend, Pidge. That is, until they run out of money and decide to get a job. He's having fun, and colors are leaking past the dam and back into his life. What he wasn't expecting was to meet a beautiful boy with dark eyes and a shy smile that broke those flood gates wide open
review:  Oh my God, Wittyy did it again. Honestly, since finding her work, I've been in love. I plan of reading all of her storys (that pertain to my fandoms- which is just Voltron right now) at some point in time because the writing is just beautiful. What We Make of it is another example of how the Voltron fandom has amazing writers that are capable of converting me from 200,000 word, extremely thought out fics to oneshots and have me like them in the same way. It's pretty long for a oneshot but it's worth it. It's really good (and it's based on her trip to New Zeland so even better).
2. Never Saw You Coming by: dimpleforyourthoughts
rating: Mature
chapters: 1
words: 47,873
description: Three months in space on his own would have been fine. Three months in space with Lance McClain is a whole other fucking story
review: HOLY SHIT oh my God this is one of the best fics I have ever had the pleasure of reading. I thought her other one was great but this one just blew everything else out of the water. Keith is an ass but I still love him and it works so well (because it is in his pov). Ugh it is so so good please read it becasue it deserves to be recognized and appreciated more- honestly I dont know how it isnt more popular. Definitely one of my top favorite fanfics I have ever read!
3. Nothing Quite as Sweet by: dimpleforyourthoughts
rating: Teen & Up
chapters: 1
words: 50,370
description: Keith is a barista who hates his job. Lance works at the cat shelter across the street. 
review:  So due to my recent lack of fanfiction to read, I spent the entire morning looking at rec lists trying to find on worthy of reading and I had seen this one on a couple and saw that though it was a oneshot that it was in fact longer than Wittyy's WMMOI and thought "Why not give it a shot". So I did and then spent the rest of my afternoon reading it and holy shit was it good. Honestly, I'm so happy i read this because like words just can't descrive how I feel about it. I'm usually not a big fan of cats and stuff but the way they are used in here just get me and Im also not huge on coffee shop aus but this one is just way too good. read it. READ IT. Its so worth an entire afternoon.
4. Don’t Forget to Remember Me by: CamelotQueen
rating: General 
chapters: 1
words: 4,107
description: Keith recognizes him immediately. Alarm bells go off in his head. This person is important, he thinks. He wishes he could remember. “Keith!” he exclaims, “Look who’s finally awake. How are you feeling today?” Keith falters. His mind is working a mile a minute trying to recall this person’s name, what he is to him. “Um… who are you?” he asks dumbly. He immediately regrets it. -Keith suffers from dissociative amnesia
review: If you like sad, read this. This is a oneshot that was followed up with the next fic to this right (I'll Never Leave You Alone) and both of them kill you. They are so well written and you really can feel the emotions that is going on between the characters, especially what Lance is feeling as he takes care of Keith who is also struggling very much so. The other members of Team Voltron (minus Allura and Coran) make an apperance in this fic but their part is minor.
5. I’ll Never Leave You Alone by: CamelotQueen (add on to Don’t Forget to Remember Me)
rating:  General 
chapters: 7
words: 17,300
description: Over a decade after the team was launched into space, Keith is back on earth struggling with dissociative amnesia. Luckily he's not fighting it alone, and his husband and the rest of the team are there to help. A series of drabbles revolving around Keith's amnesia
review:  I can't with this fic. The oneshot (Don't Forget to Remember Me) made me cry, and although I managed to not cry during these 7 oneshots, it still got to me so bad. I feel so horrible for Lance and Keith and everyone else because they have to go through this and I can't even imagine how hard it would be. Each chapter is a different day in Keith/Lance's life. They are mainly bad/neutral days and chapter 2 is a great day, but again for the most part this will kill you but it is amazing.
6. Gap Year by: WaxandWane
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 1
words: 1,432
description:  Lance finds himself. Turns out, he was right there all along.
review:  This is in fact the only fic that I have read that is not for a ship. It is for Lance on his own. Again, it's another fic with a really short description but trust me it is well worth the read. I'm usually not one that is for oneshots all that much but since I've entered the Voltron fandom, oneshots are mostly the only completed works since it's a fairly new fandom. Also this is completely from Lance's perspective and it's a little depressing becuase Langst but Langst is now my new favorite thing (Lance + Angst is the best thing to ever happen to me) so I'm 100% okay with that.
7. Lucky by: imtheonlybeefcow
rating: General Audiences 
chapters: 1
words: 7,000
description:  Allura lets everyone have a one week vacation! Lance gets to see his family.
review:  So this one is actually by one of my best friends. When she first told me about her "Lance can sing headcanon" I was like OH MY GOD THAT IS AMAZING I WANT IT NOW, and then she told me she was writing a fic and I was so happy (especailly since she let me read it as she was writing it). This whole thing is just so pure. Also Lauren is amazing and I love her
8. I Think I’ve Hit A Wall by: imtheonlybeefcow
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 6
words: 11,286
description:  Keith gets injured while training and it's up to Lance and Shiro to take care of him
review:  Another fic by my friend (no I'm not being bias I promise, I'm actually super picky about my fics and she is a great writer so her fics deserve to be on here). One of my favorite things about this fic (besides the fact that I was able to read parts of it before everyone else, and was asked for help with some of the decisions- nothing major and only like 2 things but still) is the title. It fits it so well, and I think it's really funny considering. Read it, it's a good one
1. On Thin Ice by: Minadora
rating: Mature 
chapters: 9/?
words: 149,858
last update: 3.12.17
description: Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity. This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.
review:  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. That is how I feel when I'm reading this fic. And when it updates. And just in general anytime I begin to think about it. I love this fic so, so much. It's literally all of my favorite things combined into one big thing. Angst, Fanfiction, Klance, and Figure Skating. And it's so good and long (and i'm a sucker for long fics). Honestly, I'm such trash for this fic and I get told that all of the time but I'm so okay with it because come on figure skating is the best
2. Shut Up and Dance With Me by: Wittyy-name, illustrated by: Wolfpainters
rating: Mature 
chapters: 10/16
words: 132,130
last update: 5.26.2017
description:  Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo. With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
review:  When I said I love Wittyy's work I wasn't kidding, her fics will be on here a lot. I think I started reading this after I finsihed reading what was made of OTI, and I was like holy shit did I just find another amazing slow burn au with another sport that i like. The answer is yes, I did. Honestly I have a huge problem, but I don't really care at this point because fics like this are just so good and Wittyy is an amazing writer and wolfpainters (the arist, aka Sora) is also just so good and together they are perfect.
3. The Marks We Make by: Wittyy-name, illustrated by: Wolfpainters
rating: Mature
chapters: 5/?
words: 94,834
last update: 5.4.2017
description:  Lance McClain constantly dreams of the day he'll finally meet his mysterious soulmate. They don't say much, if anything at all, but they leave him with gorgeous paintings temporarily tattooing his skin. It's not exactly the situation he hoped for, but when he feels the connection between them, he can't bring himself to resent them. As much as he wishes his soulmate would just talk to him, he's resigned himself to being patient. In the meantime, he has a loving family and good friends to help him get by. Keith Kogane dreads the day he'll finally meet his obnoxious soulmate. He's just an art student who's struggling to find his place in the world. There's so much he hasn't been able to control in his life, and the thought of having a soulmate, just another thing in his life which he also has no control over yet can't do anything about, is a little terrifying. So he ignores the words that occasionally appear on his skin. He has other things to focus on: like being a new student at a big university where his childhood friend and step-brother go.
review:  Yet another fic by my favorite person, Wittyy (and illustrated by Wolfpainters). Just when you thought Wittyy's writing couldn't get anybetter, it did. This fic only has a few chapters up right now and I'm hooked. Like everything else that she has ever writen, TMWM is halarious, angsty and cute and sweet all at the same time. I think part of the reason I love her writing so much is that the characters never seem like they are out of character from the show, yet I almost forget they aren't her characters at all and I love it. Anyway, this fic is amazing and I can't wait to see where it goes. (bonus for all HP fans- there is also quiddich so read up you nerds)
4. Shadow of the Past by: wittyy-name (mirrored fic: Ghost of the Future by: Zizzani)
rating:  General 
chapters: 2/?
words: 18,988
last update: 2.26.2017
description:  When Lance is thrown through time, he finds himself one year in the future, in place of the Lance that should be here. He finds his team to be remarkably familiar, yet distinctly different. They have more scars, a better grip on the whole saving the universe thing, and over a year’s worth of teamwork to bind them together. But the weirdest part? Keith seems to be a lot more touchy with him. Not that he’s complaining… much. The team must try and work out how to reverse the two Lance’s places and restore them to their original timelines. But despite the fact that they’re still his friends, Lance can’t help but feel a little out of place among a team that’s been through so much with a Lance that just isn’t him. And it doesn’t help that the team is on edge around him, refusing to tell him anything for fear of influencing and changing the past. Things get even more complicated when they have to rely on the team in the past to complete the switch, leaving Lance to little more than sit, wait, and attempt to fill in his future self’s shoes. Mirror fic to "Ghost of the Future" by Zizzani
review:  So like it's mirror, I also discovered this one through Wittyy and if you read Ghost of the Future then you need to read this one as well because they go together and it just makes the whole thing so much better, not to mention, who wouldn't want to see the future paladins (because this one is from past!Lance's perspective in the future). It's super interesting to see how Witttyy portray's the futures of team Voltron so far and how their relationships and lives have changed over the course of the year.
5. Ghost of the Future by: Zizzani (mirrored fic: Shadow of the past by: Wittyy-name)
rating: General
chapters: 2/?
words: 17,282
last update: 2.26.2017
description: When Lance is thrown through time, his future self from one year ahead is transported to the past in his place. This Lance is faster, stronger, and markedly more mature. Not only that, but he's distinctly more intuitive about his teammates and A LOT more touchy with Keith. The team must try and work out how to reverse the two Lance's places and restore them to their original timelines. Things only get more complicated when the Future Lance can't seem to remember where he was when the switch happened, and he refuses to reveal anything about his own time for fear of influencing the team's decisions. Mirror fic to "Shadow of the Past" by wittyy_name 
review: So I discovered this fic through Wittyy (who writes the mirror fic) and WOW it is so good. This one is from future!Lance's perspective in the current time (the time of the show) and I just have so many feelings towards Lance from the future, it's really not okay (I love him so so much). Ugh these two fics are just so well written and i can't handle it.
6. I Found Love by: seabreez, illustrated by: thesearchingastronaut
rating: Teen & Up 
chapters: 3/?
words: 12,201
last update: 3.17.2017
description: Keith is just trying to live his life as a freelance illustrator with his cat, keeping up with bills by having two part-time jobs. But when he keeps bumping into Mr. Tall, Tan, & Handsome after a music event at his bar, well, maybe he's willing to make time for pretty, blue eyes and a laugh like silver bells.
review: Okay, so thesearchingastronaught is hands down one of my favorite voltron artists because her work is amazing, so when I saw that she collabed with people and did the art for fics I had to read them. I actually read the next fic before this one but still this one is so good. Pure fluff is a really good change from my usual slow burn hardcore angst that I'm used to. So if you are looking for fluff or just a break in the sadness that is your choice of fanfiction, then this is for sure the fic for you.
7. Off Balance by: jubilee_jawz, illustrated by: thesearchingastronaut
rating: General Audiences 
chapters: 2/?
words: 4,786
last update: 1.27.2017
description: 12 year old Keith has settled into his adoptive home quiet nicely. Its Christmas Eve and Shiro makes it home late from uni and he takes Keith out to see the local ballet preform The Nutcracker. Lance is a soldier in the show and beats a rat into submission and little Keith gets his first crush. (AU where Lance is a ballet student at Altea Academy and Keith is pining as per usual. )
review: Fuck Dance AU's- aka. please read this because there are only 2 chapters and it's so adorable already and there is a cute mini aussie named Chaiko and i love dance AU's and need all of them now but especially this one. Jubilee-jawz is the actual author and thesearchingastronaught is the amazing artist for this story and if you like klance then you have probably seen her work- it's so good. Unfortunately, I think this fic has been set on hold for just a little bit because of some personal issues, but I'm not completely sure
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albaaurum · 8 years
amolahmor-ghameq replied to your post “honestly hakukin would defend kourin’s honor without a second thought?...”
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sO CUTE; SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THIS but it is really fun to see them uplift each other; Kourin being inspired by him and him in turn when he sees what she faces ((plus I love the practicality like people aren't always gonna get along so it's not like their relationship is perfect but IT WORKS, IT'S REAL))
yeah !! it’s a really good dynamic ... hakukin’s so determined and steadfast, and he’ll drag kourin along with him if he has to, but he definitely cares for her !! he set it in his mind that he was going to help her, and even if she acts spoiled, he doesn’t back down from the promise he made
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fandoms-live · 5 years
awae ep 10 finale!!! thoughts while watching hehe sry
anne ep 10 so sad aw aw winnies sad aw aw aw shes the best so irrepressibly cavalier with my heart awwwwwww aw she wanted marriage aw aw aw im sad for her but go anne omg the thumbnail made my heart go :O :) aw so humiliating i don't have plans to marry all these people so victorian they don't need a date to marriage!!!!! unrequited settle for you you are exceptional you deserve so much more than being settled for aww go gil aw aw aw he's bthe best even rejecting aw you will tell no one what has transpired mood girl aw she's going away aw aw aw expectations be like that NOW MY GIRL ANNE GOTTA COME THROUGH PLEASEEEEEEEE THEY BETTER ACTUALLY KISS I NEED SOME ACTUAL CONTENT TO CRY OVER PLEASE BECKETT PLEASE MOIRA PLEASE i don't wanna go unless youre going the eye contact ahh the test anxiety of scores is univeral omg omg omg omg the suspense gilbert and anne tied for first!?!?! those smiles umm congratulations aww whats happening CLASS DISMISSED may i have a word in strictest confidence aw
aw aw aw what is happening their moods best friends goals two kindred sprits walking arm in arm towards their desitinies aww a new one aw a new oath i love them it is your future, not theirs aw aw aw holy fuck aw you have one job one task in life aww aww aww aww this is terrible aww everyones leaving CARMODY jeannie omg corsetssssss college omg this is so relatable i hate to leave green gables aww waww aww my heart emotions aw what is matthew doing aw the baby is so sweet aw mommys being good to seb now aw the baby SQUEALED aw gil is coming gil has come omg omg omg omg omg my heart aw the parallels omg aw the letters omg aw OMG MY HEART IS CRYING it always has been, and always will be you omg omg omg im crying aw he was smart and put it in her room please go see it rn please please please please please plase aw anne is trying to be a good son practical decision aww matthew aw anne so sad aw omg go see it up the satairs yes omg omg omg yes she sees it
omg omg omg omg im dying holy fuck she just ripped it aw aw aw aw aw aw im not crying or dying you are aw she could not be more wrong please please im crying take heart, dear one aw they went shopping i love that but please diana is in the depths of despair IT IS YOU the angst im crying aww marilla made her a dress love that for her awwwwwwwwwwww anne doesnt wanna go aw the angst bushel barrels aw elijah bash elijah nooooo aw no so much sadness so many loose ends tied up nope nope no aw marilla and eliza risk of losing her altogether im not crying u are ms stacy is gonna help them out quest for perpetual happiness so quotable those of us who can soar to the highest heighs deepest sorrows address of boarding house in charlotetown aw teacher student goals mail? what mail? aww ms thomas addled sitting there like a stone OUR CHILD sibling goals marilla and matthew aw matthew shoes of her own life utoronto ok im about to apply there now tell her how you really feel aw omg baby delphineeeeeeeeeee the NOD yes seb aw omg theyre leaving shes leaving this isnt real this cant be real she looks so grown up a little lady my heart is IN PIECES pleaseeee gil and annethe letter was a bit dramatic tho snow queen ahhhhhhhh matthew ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh charlottetown please aww ms blackmore so lovely they ALL LOOK SO GROWN UP never dream of disappointing or breaking the rules ahhaha maybe not lovelyugh rules? these ladies, what aw im sad now SUITORS aw girlfriends goals aw yay for gil u of T is queens an all girls school??? aww sebs mom and seb and now elijah aww aww elijah and delphine aww aw seb the best forgiving father we must take it to her straightaway no impositions no sire fiddlesticks ms barrry COLE AWWW A BABY GENTLEMAN AWWW COLE AND ANNE OMG OMG OMG awwwww anne's veloved mother aww in her dressss omg omg omg shes all grown up omg im crying auspicious moment at least she hasnt lost that WHATS HAPPENING aw she seems sad aww regrettable of course incredibly graceful aww he knows her well enough aww matthew doin his best aww didn't want to hold her back i love you so awwwwwwwwww im not crying u are theres the hug but gil please aw she looks so beautiful i love her the parasol the brave girl sore disappointed just a ferry ride away but what about kakwet these loose ends need to be tied up ugh s4?????????????? cuthbert NEIGHBORS thomas is crazy aw locked not anymore THE CASE the language of flowers awww anne's parents omg walter and bertha mom was a teacher omg aw winnie aw winnie doesn't know she doesn't know aww omg im not crying u are but theyre on the train to charlottetown ugh my fam messed it up ugh but ANNE in a rish omg this is the moment anne you've been smitten yes diana all of 30 seconds to decide her entire future diana what letter IM NOT CRYING U ARE OMG OMG OMG OMG its happening hes running even tho she told u she loves u aw omg omg omg omg omg omg he's here omg omg omg omgthey found out but by other people aw they kissed omg he kissed her and she kissed him again and the hands and his smile and pen pals very nice fountain pen aw diana awwwwww everything's working AW HE CAME BACK AND THEY KISSED AGAIN IM NOT CRYING U ARE aw there might not be a season 4 after all because this is so beautiful they went right to tkiss aww her mother was a teacher aww they came the cuthberts aw everything is perfect red hair aw this  is so perfect s3 finale 11/24/2019 birthday wish lifetime wish aw diana came and parents and gilbert and everythng i have a very good imagination, i just had to be sure that this is real i have to know, do you truly have feelings for me
0 notes
Evil Human
The guest room was lavish to the tree spirit. An array of cloths adorned the bed, the table and across the walls. They seem to be covering the openings in the room. He hadn’t seen these weird items before, there was also a strange big box in the center filled with some sort of white plant fiber, coupled with smaller colourful pouches? What was that? So weird…
The people that he’d known slept in beds weaved from bamboo or trees, there were hardly any bedding and they would rest their heads on porcelain or wooden blocks.
He laid on the softbox in a daze. After the burly human went away, he was suddenly dragged by some other humans into this room and they had started to rub his body in water and then dry it with more cloth before making him wear a special robe that could be worn without removing the shackles. Some even touched him in weird places!!! Not that he wasn’t immune to humans touching wherever they wished… but that one human had a weird sickening grin!!!!!
He just laid on the bed, almost limp. He couldn’t move. Or rather he didn’t know how to. He had used spiritual energy to move his limbs like a puppet.
He used to play with puppets at one point, to see how the humans would react to them. He had so much fun teasing them. Sometimes they would get close and starts conversations, but the funniest is when they realised that the puppets weren’t human. They usually ran startled. Some even jumped shockingly high, it even startled the tree spirit at times, which made him drop the puppet.
His hard work…
He did get bored eventually… so the rumours of ghosts haunting the mountain dwindled as well…
If only he could have use spiritual energy to speak... it was hard like playing an unfamiliar instrument... Maybe then these disgusting humans wouldn't have caught him?
Sighing, the tree spirit tried to make another effort.
He fell off the bed.
… This was hard…
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! He hates these humans!!! Who did they think they were!!! How dare they catch me! How dare they try to make me mate with them!!!! And what’s with these shackles!! It prevented him from exerting any spiritual energy at all!!!! It must be some weird treasure!!! He wants to break them!!! He wants to kill them!!!
Okay, okay calm down. The old man from the sect did say that humans tend to hate non-humans that killed those from their species…
But!! These are ‘bad’ humans right! Yea, they are definitely ‘bad’ humans. So, it should be okay to kill them. Yea, he’ll kill them!!
Hmmpf! The tree spirit rolled around in anger. At least now, he knew how to roll…
Just wait! The tree spirit thought. When he masters how to move and speak, he’ll cuss them off and teach them a lesson!! He’ll cut them into tiny pieces and stuff the remains into their friends! And repeat!! Maybe he’ll even remove the top layer of flesh and stuff it down their own throats!! Oh, oh and he’ll destroy all their little red roots!!!
As he was complaining inside, the burly human came in.
“Stop fooling around!”
He kicked the little tree spirit.
Poor little tree spirit felt the wind smacked out of him as he rolled and slammed against the wall.
Arggg…. Stupid human. That hurts!!
“Listen, brat, you better start speaking before I cripple a couple limbs. Don’t worry, if you’re good, I will snap them cleanly instead.”
The tree spirit glared at him.
“Speak. Who sent you? What’s your purpose here?” The burly man ground his foot on the boy’s skull. He found it weird. The boy wasn’t originally a captive. The other captives didn’t recognise him either.
The tree spirit just kept glaring at him and said nothing.
“Trying to act tough? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” The burly man nimbly lifted his foot and crushed one of the boy’s ankles.
“Argggg!!!!!!” He screamed involuntarily. The pain was intense and foreign. Sharp bolts of pain numbed his mind.
“Argg!! Ah..ha..” The boy was gasping in pain. It hurts. It really hurts. Why does it hurt so much…?
Tears hanged by the wells in his reddened eyes.
“Speak.” The burly man rocked the soles of his feet on the boy’s crushed bones, sending waves after waves of pain. This time, the man gave out an earth-crushing spiritual force. It overwhelmed the boy, he felt crushed. Every sinew on his frame felt as if they were going to burst under the pressure. It was terrifying. He… he was going to die.
“Argg!!! AH!!! AHHHHHH!!!” The boy panicked. His frame spasmed in fear, trying to get away from that burly human. He kept trying to let out his spiritual force, but the shackles seemed to cut the flow in his meridians.
“I’ll say this once more.” The burly man growled out in a low threatening voice, but his eyes gave out a hint of amusement. He gentle sat his foot against the surface of the boy’s other ankle. Almost teasingly rubbing it.
The tree spirit unconsciously shudders in fear when the man’s lips seemed to curl slowly and spat out the words.
“Speak. Who. Sent. You?”
“Argg!! Ha... Nrow..Nrow owne!! Nwrow ownee!!” The boy struggled to make out the words. Fear enveloped him tightly, a strange yet terrifying coldness attacked his lungs, crushing him from within. His hands shook, his head felt a crushing well of emotions running rampant. He was unfamiliar with this. He’d never felt this much uncertainty for ages and never at this intensity. He was afraid. What’s happening. He was scared.
“Who? Speak clearly.” The man crushed his other ankle, and snapped his leg. The white bone jittered out in an unsightly manner. Bright red liquid sputtered out.
“Nrow owneee… Nwro oone…nro one” The boy was practically sobbing. He felt unsightly, but the fear he felt was overwhelming. He kept forcing out the words. He didn’t like this. He didn’t want to die. He didn’t want to feel pain.
“Nro One?...” The burly man pondered.
“No one? Was that what you said?”
Hearing the man ask for confirmation, the tree spirit nodded his head hastily. Feeling that the man had removed his foot. He curled his body inwards into a bloody ball.
“Don’t lie to me.” The burly man stomped on his wrist this time, gradually putting some weight on it.
“Nwrot !!! Nwort Liee ying!!! “ The boy's voice was hoarse from screaming, his speech was hardly recognisable.
“Not lying? Then why did you come here? And make a mess? Where did you get your guts from?” The burly man spat. The security outside the parameters wasn’t just for show. To get in, there were multitudes of arrays outside of the ground. No one could easily get in, nor out.
“Why don’t I kill off the people that arrived today? And feed and bath you in their mangled flesh?”
Instead of intense fear or anger, the burly man noticed an expression of confused disgust instead laced with the fear the boy already had of him. He didn’t care for those captured people. Strange.
“ Respond. Why did you come here?” The burly man kicked his abdomen.
“Twoor..troww grett owwt..grwett houtt..” The boy shirks inwards in fear.
“Get out? From where?” The burly man was getting the hang of his speech.
“Grrrwed..grownnee..gronnnee.. Drownnn “ He kept repeating and changing the way he spoke in fear that the burly man couldn’t understand him.
“Ground? From the ground?” The burly man thought in confusion. Did the boy just imply that he dug his way in from the ground?
“Hah. Do you take me a fool?” The burly man half-laughed in contempt. The boy still has some guts!
“Nwort liieee gying!!!! Nwort Lye eying!!!! Norrtt Lyrrring!!!!” The boy screamed in fear, pulling his limbs closer to himself. Strangled sobs gushed out every so often.
From his actions, the boy did seem like he was being honest… He’ll get someone to investigate this further.
“And this?” He nudged the small jade pendant tied to the boy’s wrist.
“Frrr…Frrrowned eet… frroown eet” Despite the pain, he shakily tried to cover the pendant from the man’s view. It was important to him. It was the only thing left from that group of humans. Tears trickled down his reddened cheeks, why did he still care anyways. They left. They all left. And never came back.
Why was he so unlucky? He should’ve just left, the moment he got out from the ground. Why did he try to talk to these humans? Why did they treat him like this? Humans are terrible… even to their own kind.
“Huh. From the ground too?” The burly man joked out loud, his thunderous laughter was piercing. He casually confiscated the pendant. It must be precious if the boy is so guarded.
Surprisingly, the boy didn’t give a response. He had fainted from blood loss.
The burly human glanced coldly at the boy and pocketed the pendant.
“Get a doctor for the boy. I want his limbs repaired.” The burly man said as he left the room.
When the tree spirit had woken up from his muddled state, he was back on the bed.
Looking around, he realised he hadn’t died. He tried to move his limbs, but couldn’t.  They were wrapped tightly in white cloth. The smell of herbs penetrated his senses, they were nauseating.
He felt bad.  
In a while, a human dressed in dark blue came by and fed him round pills and occasionally smeared some ointment on his wounds. They quickly healed. They seemed miraculous. In less than a day, he could move his feet again.
The tree spirit should’ve been happy, but whenever he saw humans, humans with spiritual power he would shudder. He was weak, too weak. He could be killed easily by them. He hated this. He hated them. The humans he met now were ruthless, disgusting, and took a liking to torture. Nothing like the humans he had known, who were hardworking and gentle.
What he hated the most was his weak body. He’d admired the strong, and now that he was weak, he was disgusted with himself. Embarrassed that he’d screamed and cried like a child. He felt uncomfortable, he had a strange body, and couldn’t speak properly, couldn’t move freely. Without his spiritual force, he felt strangely handicapped. Even more so than when he was a tree.
He was happy when he had a physical mobile form. It meant that he could go out and go on those adventures that the old man spoke of. See the world. Ascend into an immortal. Maybe… even meet them again… and they may welcome him with open arms…
Now, he was trapped. Bounded. Useless.
What a joke.
He was a joke.  
“Boy.” The door slid open and the burly man went in.
The boy shrunk back into the corner.  
“We’re not done, yet are we?”
Over the last few days, he’d return to interrogate him. Whenever he found an unsatisfactory answer, he’d use crueler and crueler methods on him. He’d switched from physical to mental and internal tortures. Penetrating his consciousness, blocking his meridians, intensifying sensory pain… The tree spirit now had post-traumatic reflexes against the burly man.
“Look. Do you know what this is?” The burly man twirled a small box with his fingers, and opened the lid, within it was a disfigured lump of flesh. It wriggled around disgustingly and even made tiny gnawing sounds.
“This is nicknamed the devil’s friend. It spreads itself out in the host's body, and allows the user to control the host at will, pain, actions even the truth would be quickly spat out…” He trailed off watching the boy tremble. Each word was laced with malice.
The burly man walked closer to the child-like human, each step seemed to echo loudly in the tree spirit’s ears. He shrunk backward.
“Swallow.” He threw the box toward the child.
“Swallow it or we could continue...”  He watched the small child coldly.
What choice did he have? He didn’t want to be that human’s slave, but he didn’t want to go through that mind-numbing pain.
The tree spirit held the box with trembling hands. Neither opening it nor moving it away.
“Stubborn.” The burly man began abruptly. “But a coward through and through.”
When the tree spirit heard that he’d immediately glared at the human. He didn’t like to be a coward. As if in an epiphany, he threw the box at the human and sprinted.  He didn’t know what he was doing. Neither did he think things through. He just couldn’t bear that insult. The old man did say that the worst sort of cultivators were cowards. If he was one…
Of course, he was quickly recaptured.
And beaten.
But, this time no matter how harsh the torture was. He suppressed his screams. He wanted to be strong, he was not a coward.
He will not be humiliated again.
He was a proud tree spirit.
The mangled flesh was forced down his throat.  
It lived in his stomach for a few days, growing at an unprecedented rate. Spreading its tiny limbs throughout the tree spirit’s sinews. Penetrating and invading.
But, by the third day, something strange happened.
The child retched and vomited a strange marble-like crystal. It was unusually clear and gave out a soft pink glow.
The burly man was there when it happened. Calmly observing at the side. As if he had known that this would happen.
He gave a cruel smile.
“Heh. You really are a tree spirit.” He stated, amused.
He’d lucked out. A living panacea and distillery, the gains aren’t to be trifled with. The burly man had his doubts from what he’d seen in the boy’s memories with his special skill, and tested him repeatedly. The time needed for a full physical recovery even with poisonous herbs, his origins, the effects of the boy’s flesh and blood on cultivation… were extraordinary.
This was a strange tree spirit, it didn’t consume other cultivators, nor did it use vines to capture prey. This meant that it must’ve been a sort of docile healing tree spirit. Those were practically unheard of. The potential was endless. It could even remove the poison from the ‘Devil’s Friend’… and refined its core. That move was reckless, it might’ve killed the boy instead, but it had confirmed the burly man’s suspicion.
This was a priceless treasure indeed. However, this was the world of the strong. Unique treasures and skills in the open would garner unwanted attention.
Now, all he needed was to hide the boy’s true worth.
“Congratz, boy. You’ve passed. A gift.” The burly man took out a weird black collar made of some sort of spirit stones and strange engravings.
“You’re worthy to be kept as a pet.” He placed the collar onto the child’s neck and it snapped in place, and slowly seared itself into the tree spirit’s flesh.  
The child mouthed in a silent scream, he clawed at his neck to no avail.
When the sizzling ended, the marks on the collar flashed brightly across his skin once, before fading into nothingness.
The burly human unlocked the shackles that the boy had worn for the past month.
“Good boy. Stand.”
As if guided by some unknown force. The tree spirit stood at the man’s command.
The burly man smiled. It was difficult getting the grade 12 slave collar. He had his ways, but they paid off. Even the most treacherous of beasts wouldn’t be able to escape its bindings.
He wasn’t a top-tier demonic sect master for show. Human trafficking was just a small side business of his.
When the tree spirit noticed what was going on, he’d exerted the full extent of his spiritual force and attacked the burly man. But his attack was quickly dispelled when it got close to the burly human, and rebounded, causing a wave of internal injuries.
“PAH!” The boy spat from the rebound. He felt like some of his meridians had burst. He shivered and curled on the floor, holding his abdomen.
“Naughty child. Attacking your master has dreary consequences.” The burly human gave a sly smile.
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