#ranma 1/2 roleplay
findroleplay · 2 months
I am 30+ and always searching for fandom based roleplays, I prefer canonxcanon and doubling (Canon x OC is allowed as are crossovers! PLEASE CREATE CROSSOVERS WITH ME!!!), I enjoy roleplaying in personal servers and tend to write 1-3 paragraphs (I am NOT novella). I would greatly prefer my partners be AT LEAST twenty years old due to how old I am.
Please keep in mind my replies can be VERY sporadic as I am a full-time live-in caretaker for an elderly invalid. I love smut, smut is always, always allowed (and often PREFERRED, please smut me!)
I am forever brainrotting over the following fandoms with multiple ships in each one, just ask! -- Like this post & I'll be in contact with you shortly!
Dungeon Meshi Kuroshitsuji YuGiOh Pokémon The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Devil May Cry Disney x Other animations Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Death Note The Mario Franchise Sailor Moon YuYu Hakusho Ranma 1/2 Hazbin Hotel
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fractalflare · 1 month
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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weddingchicken · 29 days
reviewing the ranma 1/2 fanzine i made when i was 12 years old.
i just found ranma 1/2 fanzines which I made in 1999 when I was 12 years old. here's a review of the zines - and an attempt at analysing what was going through the head of my younger self.
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as professional looking as the 'ranma 1/2 herald' looks, i made these fanzines by curating a combination of pictures I found on the internet, my own art, and my own writing, organised into magazine format - all of which I cut up and pasted by hand onto master sheets and then photocopied to yield the finished product.
what's odd (or one of the many things odd here) is that I had only managed to obtain and read the first few volumes of the ranma 1/2 manga at this point in my life (perhaps only the first three volumes). i had never watched an episode of the anime, and as far as i know it wasn't available in the uk at that time - certainly not on public television (we didn't have cable). furthermore, i didn't have any friends who were interested in ranma 1/2 or even knew what it was or who shared any of my other interests. nevertheless, i wrote the zines in a style as if they would one day be read by other people.
my enthusiasm for ranma, and subsequently the contents of these zines, was driven by my imagination, and what i could find through my relatively new access to the internet, which in turn encouraged my imagination. youtube didn't exist back then, but i remember reading summaries of anime episodes and consuming related media in whatever way i could, e.g. listening to audio files with snippets of the anime dialogue uploaded to ranma fan sites.
the information in my fanzines - the ranma 1/2 herald #1 and #2 - are heavily supplemented with my own creative additions to the ranma 1/2 universe, including what i now realise to be fanfiction - or attempts at roleplay - my own creative original characters and stories, and something of an obscured view of our own world.
parts of the zines are written in what I considered to be the voice and from the perspective of ranma 1/2 characters.
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really not sure what was going on with the alignment of the page numbers on the contents page...
the zines contained fact files on characters and various other elements of the story. again, as much as i was fascinated by the franchise, i was working with very little information here. so i didn't let a little thing like not knowing many facts prevent me from writing these fact files.
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much of the zines were taken up with displays of images i'd found online which i thought were just rad.
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some good old school microsoft word clipart included
let's take a moment to appreciate this image of shampoo and mousse which i made on microsoft paint (i could create better art with physical media, but doing it digitally seemed exciting). i had not even read any manga where mousse was introduced by this stage, but i had read about him online.
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other content included a ranma 1/2 alphabet: i matched a to z with characters, themes, and concepts from the franchise. highlights include:
Q is for questionable conduct, as many characters in Ranma are known to prance around shamelessly naked - most noticeable of these people is Ranma. (tsk, tsk) V is for VIOLENCE! Z is for zeal, a common problem with those characters who would like to win the girl, but Ranma just can'tbe [sic] bothered
my exploration of what windows 95 had to offer was not restricted to microsoft word clipart - i found the esoteric fonts of "windings" and "animals" fascinating. i felt like i was translating my writing into Egyptian hieroglyphics and back.
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i also seemed to want to use the fanzine to promote my own original manga series. this is despite the fact that my original manga did not exist outside of my imagination. this didn't stop me including a summary article of the background story of my manga, which i called Kung Fu City. i also wrote about something called the Ultra Tokyo Files which, as far as i can surmise, was a planned sub-series of Kung Fu City. i do remember being very determined that i would create my own manga series called Kung Fu City when i was a child, and must have had fairly developed ideas about this, given what i wrote in the zines about my original universe, original characters, and original storylines. as you can see below, the principles of the Kung Fu City manga are 1) very little actual conversation; 2) non-stop sound effects and violence; 3) a debatable amount of humour (i don't know what I was getting at with point 3).
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as you can see, i imagined Kung Fu City into history. i described it as having started in 1989, when i was two years old. what's more, i claimed that it was an influential factor in nunchaku being banned in the united kingdom! what a feat! so, through my zines, i seemed to be creating an alternative reality - not just an alternative ranma 1/2 universe, as many makers of fanfiction and fan comics do, but an alternative version of the "real world".
furthermore, i included a promotional segment from Kung Fu City in the zines - presented as if it was a preview of material from the part-way through the manga run. except, i created these panels specifically for the zines. there was no Kung Fu City before this or after this. just this.
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i could really go on and on about the idiosyncrasies of my fanzines, but I will finish by bringing up the conversations i "had" with the characters. this includes the interview i "held" with ranma. as in, i wrote an article about me interviewing ranma saotome, the fictional character.
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unfortunately, 12-year old me made the unusual editorial decision to print out my article on dark blue paper before photocopying it as black and white. as such, the interview article is difficult to read. if this post gets any interest and people want to read my conversation with Ranma (it was um...something) then i will make a post with the contents of this interview.
i also had a letters page where I encouraged my hoped-for readers to write in. but not to me. i asked them to address their letters to the characters of the kuno siblings - kodachi and tatewaki kuno. i went on to write letters from imaginary fans to the kunos, and wrote responses to the letters in the voice of kodachi or tatewaki.
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a one sentence response from the imaginary character kodachi kuno (aka. the black rose) to a letter from a fan (also imaginary). i'm sure this was normal behaviour from a 12-year old.
i recognise this now as ranma 1/2 fanfiction. what's more, I think this was roleplay. i didn't have anyone else to roleplay ranma with, so i roleplayed with myself. no one else read my articles or any other aspects of my zines. i think i would have wanted to share my passion with someone else, i just didn't have anyone to do it with. so, if nothing else, i made these zines for my own enjoyment. z really was for zeal!
i was a lonely 12-year old wannabe weeaboo who supplemented my lack of money to spend on the ranma 1/2 franchise and lack of access to the fandom with my imagination and creativity. some of the world i conveyed in these zines was bizarre, but it was creative. and maybe now - 25 years later - someone else will finally read my zines.
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finderism · 28 days
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Day 10 — of trying to find fellow Ranma 1/2 roleplayers
— currently we have:
ranma (@/2isms)
akane (@/tendoujo)
— looking for:
ryoga (waiting for confirmation)
& any of the ranma 1/2 cast.
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thrythlind · 3 months
Tendou Kasumi - Late Start Version
Okay, so, before we begin let's go ahead set some basic information here first.
Who is Tendou Kasumi?
Kasumi is a supporting character from the 80s manga Ranma 1/2 by Rumiko Takahashi and the anime it is based on. She is a character who exhibits several traits of the yamato nadeshiko trope which represents an idealized Japanese housewife. In the manga, she can be witnessed to have tendency toward biting sarcasm when responding to other characters, but this was mostly lost in the anime where she is the perpetually kind and calm woman who acts as a surrogate mother for her sisters and father.
She is one of the only characters without any hint of martial arts prowess or observable supernatural trait save in just how kind and patient she is.
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What is the premise of Ranma 1/2?
Ranma 1/2 is about a teenaged martial artist named Ranma Saotome who has received a curse where they change gender when they get wet. Cold water turns them into a girl and hot water turns them into a boy. Through the machinations of his absolutely terrible father, Ranma has at least two fiancees: the daughter of his father's longtime friend and the friend he had as a child while they were starting their training trip.
Kasumi is the eldest of the friend's daughters and her youngest sister, Akane, is the usual fiancee of the agreement. The middle sister Nabiki has occasionally claimed the role as part of some scheme to her advantage. Ranma has another fiancee due to getting tangled up in the laws of another culture and has a fourth admirer in the form of a mentally ill rich girl. In addition Ranma's girl side is desired by the mentally ill brother of said rich girl. A long time rival of Ranma's has a crush on Akane, and a childhood acquaintance has a crush on the foreign girl pursuing Ranma.
The manga is a satire poking fun at the standard tropes of teenage romances as well as martial arts stories. It blows a lot of these things out of proportion. The anime loses a lot of the satire and mostly focuses on the immediate humor, romance subplots, and fight scenes directly. The success of Ranma is at least one reason for the emergence of the Harem genre where the convoluted romance subplots are done unironically.
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What is Late Start?
Late Start is a fanfic I wrote to get myself back into writing a bit after some burnout. It is currently unfinished, but the premise was that instead of coming to the Tendou dojo at age 16, that Ranma instead doesn't learn about the Tendous or the marriage agreements until he's 20. And indeed, Akane and Ranma first meet at a martial arts tournament and hit it off.
The idea was to do the characters without a lot of the teenage confusion. Where they're on more equal footing power-wise, more mature, and have had more time to settle their own issues.
Among other things, each of the Tendou sisters has their own curse. Akane is bound up with a lightning spirit, Nabiki is a vampire, and Kasumi is an oni. While two of those are just made up, Kasumi really did spend some time during the manga and anime possessed by an oni. It operated by trying to draw out and feed on the evil of the people it possessed, and in Kasumi's case that meant doing things that would be considered cruel "pranks" but not nearly to the level of evil one would expect from an oni.
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Spoiler for the fanfic necessary to understand the build:
In Late Start, when the oni tried to finally consume her she managed to fight back, but in the process she became an oni. She's convinced her family that she's human and the horns are just a remnant of the possession. However, she is in truth a being of darkness and chaos. Unlike the prior oni, however, compassion is at her core rather than cruelty. This kind of passes since her vampire sister Nabiki is largely just a civilian so not really anybody dangerous.
Kasumi has also joined the Templars (Secret World rather than Assassin's Creed) and secretly investigates and prevents occult disasters while telling her family she goes to a LARP society that copies the MMO "The Secret World" which includes the Templars, Illuminati, and Dragons (I think a made up secret society for the game). So, when Kasumi is not keeping the home, she's basically dressing like this and hunting bad guys. (pictures that follow are a screencap from City of Heroes: Homecoming, a commissioned piece of art by Silky Noire, and a screencap from Secret World Legends, the free-to-play version of the original MMO)
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So... I'm going to go ahead and build a version of Late Start Kasumi for Scion as an Origin but give her a quick simulated shift to her visitation and a Hero when she joins the Templars. She's not going to have a Pantheon, instead having a Covenant with the Templars.
The Build
Step One: Concept
Kasumi Tendou is a human woman who turned the tables on a possessing entity that had sought to claim a physical body all of its own. She was willing to share, but the entity only played along with that until it felt strong enough to consume her. Along the way it taught her some conceptual magic. She failed to convince it to share, and she realized she couldn't keep both herself alive and prevent the transformation of her body, so she conceded the change and sneakily focused on being the sole survivor. Leaving her a physically embodied oni with a soul that still possesses primarily human experiences.
She draws sustenance from the friendliness and good will surrounding her as she refuses to take in hate, anger, or fear to sustain herself and risk becoming another evil. Eventually, she comes to the attention of the Templars and joins them. Since then she's been able to receive holy water and blessed rice and draws sustenance from the blessings imparted to the food.
Step Two: Paths
Primary Path: A Creature of Chaos and Compassion Skills: Occult, Subterfuge, Empathy
Secondary Path: Eldest Sister of the Tendou Family Skills: Culture, Integrity, Persuasion
Tertiary Path: Lost Two Battles to win the War Skills: Integrity, Occult, Subterfuge
Step Three: Skills
Based on the Paths and which we assigned as Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. Primary skills get 3 dots, Secondary 2, Tertiary 1. Any skill that has 3 or higher gets a specialty. This by RAW is only at character creation, but we've generally played that getting to 3 comes with a free specialty as well, rather than making people pay for it.
Culture 2
Empathy 3 (Toxic Beliefs)
Integrity 3 (Kindness)
Occult 4 (Conceptual Magic)
Persuasion 2
Subterfuge 4 (Overlooked)
Step Four: Attributes
Kasumi's Favored approach is going to be Resilience. Primary will be social (6 dots), secondary Mental (3 dots), and tertiary Physical (2 dots). These each get one free dot, and the three Resilience attributes (Resolve, Composure, Stamina) get two free dots as the Favored approach.
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Resolve 3
Might 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 3
Presence 3
Manipulation 4
Composure 4
Step Five: Calling and Knacks
At Origin she is going to have a single Calling typically if we were building her as a denizen she wouldn't get her Denizen trait and that's it. But we're building her as a scion with a Denizen origin. As for Pantheon... she's going to be a tutelary goddess. IE she's associated with a specific group of people rather than a pantheon. In this case the largely more benevolent version of the Templars that appears in the fanfic.
That said, I want to nod at her being both a denizen and a scion. So I'm giving her a Persistent Condition that causes her trouble. And I'm going to base this a bit on her hunger. She doesn't need food in the same way as humans do, but she still needs to feed.
Persistent Condition: Emotional Hunger: Kasumi must feed on the emotions and spirit of other beings. By preference she only feeds on kindness or other such emotions freely given to avoid taking more negative attitudes into herself. However, if isolated or among hostile beings for long, she may grow hungry and desperate. She can also feed on blessed food (such as holy water, blessed rice, or edible blessings) but it is possible to poison her with cursed food instead, possibly affecting her personality while digesting it. Add Momentum whenever her hunger causes her a problem.
I'm also giving her a second Persistent Condition. As these are a way to produce momentum at the "cost" of drama (oh no, something interesting happens), a second Persistent Condition is something you can only get with GM approval, but this is a theoretical, so let's go with it.
Persistent Condition: Oni Horns: Kasumi has oni horns. She can't hide them. They're always there. They're pointy. When they cause her trouble, add Momentum.
So, now, her Calling. Given the fact that she perceives the world as bundles of concepts and interacts solely on that level. Like she doesn't see with her eyes so much as she is aware of the concept of light and darkness or people walking through it. That feels very much like Sage. So that's what she's starting with. For her Knack, she's getting "Master of the World" to represent the already discussed perceptions.
Step Six: Finishing Touches
This is the end of the Origin character creation. So we do some figured characteristics.
Defense: relates to whichever Resilience attribute she is using to defend with and will thus be either 3 (Stamina or Resolve) or 4 (Composure)
Health: She has the basic Bruised, Injured, Maimed, and Taken Out health statuses. Due to having 3 Stamina, she has a second Bruised status.
And she gains the following:
Five Extra Skill dice: 1 to Empathy, 1 to Integrity, 1 to Culture, 1 to Persuasion, 1 to Athletics
One Extra Attribute die: to Presence
Either two more knacks or four points of Birthrights.
As she cannot use more than a single knack at the moment, but also I can't think of a particular birthright she has from the start. The prequel story I did of her implicated that she had to rebuild her place with her neighbors due to the horns, so the Cult feels like something that came later. Covenant feels like a Legend 1+ thing. Joining the Templars came later at her visitation. So, I'm giving her two more Sage knacks: Presence of Magic and Scent the Divine (available to all Scions) as further representations of how she perceives the world.
Tendou Kasumi - Possession Survivor
Primary Path: A Creature of Chaos and Compassion Skills: Occult, Subterfuge, Empathy
Secondary Path: Eldest Sister of the Tendou Family Skills: Culture, Integrity, Persuasion
Tertiary Path: Lost Two Battles to win the War Skills: Integrity, Occult, Subterfuge
Athletics 1
Culture 3 (Suburbs)
Empathy 4 (Toxic Concepts)
Integrity 4 (Kindness)
Occult 4 (Conceptual Magic)
Persuasion 3 (Gentle Nudge)
Subterfuge 4 (Overlooked)
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Resolve 3
Might 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 3
Presence 4
Manipulation 4
Composure 4
Calling: Sage 1
General Knacks: Scent of the Divine
Sage Knacks: Master of the World, Presence of Magic
Now, on to Hero
Her visitation comes when she visits a Shinto shrine that is a front for the Templars and receives the invitation to join them. Her route toward that event did involve her instinctively closing a rift that something terrible was trying to slip in through, but mostly it was a social adventure. She spent a while making sure everyone in her neighborhood trusted her despite the clear oni horns on her head and working to break down some of the harmful traditions and concepts that had calcified around people in the area.
I'm going to say this was five sessions worth of game play and say she achieved:
Three short term deeds
One long term deed
One story milestone
Spent half or more the momentum pool five times
But no group experience rewards since it implies she didn't share her true nature with anybody and so I'm saying she did this solo.
Still that's 16 xp before reaching her visitation.
For the sake of humor, I'm going to say the Band deed was helping Nerima to become a healthier community and the Long-term deed was "face another supernatural creature". So she achieved her Band-term before the Long-term... which is a bit funny since Band-terms usually take longer.
Spending that Experience I'm doing the following:
Cult Birthright - 2 dots (10 experience)
Specialty - Empathy: Desires (3 experience)
Specialty - Integrity: Temptation (3 experience)
For the Cult Birthright I'm building it as follows:
Nerima Ward: Community
Light 2, Shadow: 1
Path Skills: Athletics, Culture, Occult (Nerima's a weird place y'all)
Tag: Temple (letting her get access easier to places around the neighborhood)
Responsibilities: Converse with residents and help their mental health.
Light Access Connection: Community center
Light Contact Connection: Shopkeepers
Shadow Contact Connection: The women of Nerima
She gains the following from her visitation:
Two additional Callings and 4 Calling dots.
Additional Knacks up to 5 total. Plus any you gained from Finishing Touches. (So 7 total in this case)
Seven dots of birthrights
An Innate Purview
Assign Boons
Legend 1
Calling Keywords
Legendary Title
For her two additional Callings and Calling dots, I'm going with:
Liminal 1
Psychopomp 2
Sage 2
For the Knacks I'm going with (including Origin knacks):
General Knacks: Aura of Greatness (Empathy), Scent of the Divine
Liminal Knacks: Flatlander (to represent how she can bend the concepts of space time)
Psychopomp Knacks: Tending the Egg, This isn't Everything You Are (for how she recognizes where people have harmful preconceptions and tries to help them break past those.)
Sage Knacks: Presence of Magic, Master of the World
For the Seven Dots of Birthrights
Covenant 2 - Templars, Physical Representation: Hakuba Shrine, Enhancement two when dealing with Templars. Access to Covenant boons. Motif: Ancient Occult Knowledge
Relic 3 - Horns (Innate, Chaos and Darkness purviews) Motif: Whispers in to the Soul
Cult 2 - Templars (Conspiracy, Shadow 3, Mystery Society, Coven, Contact: Master Hakuba, Access: Hakuba Shrine)
Note these birthrights come with her first Motifs, these are the ways that Kasumi uses her purviews and magic. So, she can either apply the invocations and incantations taught to her by the Templars... or she can engage in intimate conversation where she encourages the other person to bare their soul.
For the Innate Purview
Passion (Compassion)
For Boons:
Chaos: Loosen Chains - Allows her to Imbue 1 Legend to clear a person's mind or soul from an unnatural corrupting influence. To make it permanent she must interrupt the source of the influence (by defeating the sorcerer, ghost, demon, talisman, etc) A possessing entity is forced out of the victim's body as long as this is sustained. (A variation of the Marvel to clear a Condition where she can imbue instead of spend Legend. Which means I had to make sustaining it necessary)
Passion Boon: Tugging at Heartstrings
Legend becomes one and now I am going to do Calling Keywords and her Legendary Title:
Liminal Keyward: Oni
Sage Keyword: Concept, Soul
Psychopomp: Guide, Kindness
And for her first Legendary Title: The Nerima Oni.
That gives us the following version of Kasumi as a newly recruited Templar agent of extreme potential. Now, the version of Kasumi that is in the fanfic is probably Legend 2 or 3, has learned to use a shotgun, has acquired a Mutation ability similar to a titanspawn, and is generally more powerful. But this would represent the start of her Templar career when she was more support than badass.
Tendou Kasumi - The Nerima Oni
Primary Path: A Creature of Chaos and Compassion Skills: Occult, Subterfuge, Empathy
Secondary Path: Eldest Sister of the Tendou Family Skills: Culture, Integrity, Persuasion
Tertiary Path: Lost Two Battles to win the War Skills: Integrity, Occult, Subterfuge
Legend 1
Title: The Nerima Oni
Liminal: Oni
Psychopomp: Guide, Kindness
Sage: Concept, Soul
Athletics 1
Culture 3 (Suburbs)
Empathy 4 (Toxic Concepts, Desires)
Integrity 4 (Kindness, Temptation)
Occult 4 (Conceptual Magic)
Persuasion 3 (Gentle Nudge)
Subterfuge 4 (Overlooked)
Intellect 2
Cunning 3
Resolve 3
Might 2
Dexterity 2
Stamina 3
Presence 4
Manipulation 4
Composure 4
Liminal 1
Psychopomp 2
Sage 2
General Knacks: Aura of Greatness, Scent of the Divine
Liminal Knacks: Flatlander
Psychopomp Knacks: Tending the Egg, This isn't everything you are
Sage Knacks: Master of the World, Presence of Magic
Covenant (Birthright)
Passion (Compasison) - Innate
Chaos (Horns Birthright)
Darkness (Horns Birthright)
Chaos Boons: Loosen Chains
Passion Boons: Tugging the Heart Strings
Nerima Ward - Cult 2
Foundation: Community
Tags: Temple
Light 2, Shadow 1
Light Contact Connection: Shopkeepers
Light Access Connection: Community Center
Shadow Contact Connection: The Women of Nerima
Templars - Covenant 2
Physical Representation of Oath: Hakuba Shrine
Enhancement +2 dealing with Templars
Access to Covenant Purview
Motif: Ancient Occult Knowledge
Templars - Cult 2
Foundation: Conspiracy
Tags: Mystery Society, Coven
Shadow 3
Shadow Access Connection: Hakuba Shrine
Shadow Contact Connection: Master Hakuba
Oni Horns - Relic 3
Part of her body
Motif: Whispers to the Soul
Chaos Purview
Darkness Purview
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thryth-gaming · 9 months
Ryoko Saotome for MotW
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Okay, to be clear, this is a theory-crafting. Ryoko is a character I have a long history with and it would be better for me to further develop her as a piece of fiction (and have already done so). I might end up doing a character based on her at some point, but I'd likely rename them and take a slightly different tack. Otherwise it would be difficult to work around the pre-existing story she has in my mind.
Okay, so, now on to the particulars, going to avoid going into too much detail but as follows:
Outwardly very friendly and polite with clear anxiety issues and low self-esteem.
Only really happy when witnessing that her loved ones are happy or else she is sparring. Outside those two, she fakes it.
An expert in a martial art based on channeling external energies. Is confident in her abilities but finds her energy control sluggish.
Unknowingly trained in a single technique based on channeling internal energies when she was a child. This is why her control is sluggish. Internal and external practices typically interfere with each other.
The one technique she was trained regarding internal energies is deeply, deeply flawed. You would even say cursed. It converts the negative emotions into energy, but it also causes that emotion to dominate the person's life. She is a "Rider" specifically a "Fear Rider". She doesn't really know much about this, just traumatic memories of the training.
From about 12 years onward she was out of the "care" of her parents. (her father abandoned her because he botched a theft from a secret martial training society).
She learns exceedingly fast.
She was originally a character in a 3-year PbP freeform Ranma 1/2 next gen game. She's built as Ranma's much younger sister, but similarly abused by her parents.
She was later a main character in a Ranma/Naruto crossover fanfic written primarily as an exercise to develop her character further.
Outward personality would peg Ryoko as The Mundane which is by design a bit. Most people would overlook her as a threat and to be honest, unless you threaten someone, she's more likely to fight you to surrender or defeat and non-lethally as long as she's not been triggered.
However, she's very much a dangerous foe. Monstrous is a possibility, but that feels more like a later step in her story. At start, it doesn't have as much of a hold on her.
The Initiate is a possibility but my idea is that she didn't really get assimilated into the society that took her and her sister in. Her sister would be a more likely candidate for the Initiate. The idea was that the society/ninjas left her to self train because they realized she was skilled enough to do so and also was steeped in the wrong style of martial art (external vs internal) so they couldn't teach her.
The Wronged comes to mind, but she hasn't even processed fully that her parents deserve justice or vengeance.
While the Chosen and the Divine are very melee and tough oriented. Their stories aren't nearly right for this.
Exile isn't bad, she isn't ACTUALLY from another time, but she has been sheltered from normal life. But the story isn't about a nemesis or the impact one had on the world.
So, what I'm going to come down to is Hard Case.
Hard Knocks is Secret Martial Art obviously.
For moves. Let's see
Furnace. This is basic to all Hard Cases.
Weapon Master. Because she's a skilled martial artist.
Stone Cold. Yes, fear dominates her life, but because of the Rider technique, she remains tactically competent.
For rating line. This is hard. She's friendly, but often overlooked and not taken seriously because of her anxiety issues. So, Charm can be low.
Weird can be low even though she is technically skilled due to the conflict between the two active styles of magic in her. The idea would be that after learning about the mix, she would learn to balance them, and the Weird would go up.
Cool, despite her anxiety, would be okay because again, it doesn't usually affect her in a tactical situation.
Tough is always going to be high.
Sharp should also be decent, because she is very smart and observant, even if she's hesitant to speak up about what she sees. With that, I think I'm going for the first rating line.
Charm -1
Cool +1
Sharp +1
Tough +2
Weird +0
Weird Move is No Limits because she is primarily about enhanced physical ability. Her baseline is above human do to the magic in her system.
Her ally could be her younger sister, but I think instead it might be better to be one of the mystics/ninjas/whatever that took them in and took care of them until she was 18.
Gear, Ancient Sword comes with Secret Martial Art. First divergence from the baseline. Ryoko was specifically not skilled with swords because she was never properly trained. MotW doesn't really allow for this too much... but it would probably be used as an explanation for poor rolls. She DID have a bokken (wooden training sword) that I could reflavor the Ancient Sword into, but the crowbar with Innocuous works better for that. I think I'll leave this as an actual magical sword she hasn't felt worthy of using yet.
Other choices:
Bokken (Crowbar)
Big Knife
Ignoring the vehicle section
Thinking "Old monster hunting journals" which I'm replacing with novels and manga. Because she enjoys them and is able to draw useful insights from such things.
Eventually I'd use "Borrow a move from another playbook" to grab Preternatural Speed - because Ranma and Naruto roof-hopping shenanigans. Probably early.
Possibly I'd borrow "Breed" as well, which Michael Sands confirms can be borrowed. To get both a Curse and a Natural Attack, about when I wanted her curse to go into high drive. Alternately, I'd just go into Monstrous, but this lets me ease into that. Claws of the Beast might be another way to do that. And Invincible might be a good way to represent how agile a Ranma-esque martial artist is.
So, the final starting character looks like this:
Charm -1
Cool +1
Sharp +1
Tough +2
Weird +0
Moves: No Limits, Furnace, Secret Martial Art, Weapon Master, Stone Cold
Gear: Ancient Sword (2-harm hand balanced valuable holy), Bokken (2-harm hand messy innocuous), Big Knife (1-harm hand), Action/Adventure Novels and Manga
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canonrpfinder · 6 months
Hey! 19f here looking for a Ranma 1/2 RP (I know, it’s a real shot in the dark) where I play Akane and my partner plays Ranma! My literacy is literate to advanced lit but I tend to go shorter the faster the rp is. 18+ only, please no minors. If you’re interested, like this post and I’ll hit you up!
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
I am 30+ and always searching for fandom based roleplays, I prefer canonxcanon and doubling (Canon x OC is allowed as are crossovers! PLEASE CREATE CROSSOVERS WITH ME!!!), I enjoy roleplaying in personal servers and tend to write 1-3 paragraphs (I am NOT novella). I would greatly prefer my partners be AT LEAST twenty years old due to how old I am.
Please keep in mind my replies can be VERY sporadic as I am a full-time live-in caretaker for an elderly invalid. I love smut, smut is always, always allowed (and often PREFERRED, please smut me!)
I am forever brainrotting over the following fandoms with multiple ships in each one, just ask! -- Like this post & I'll be in contact with you shortly!
Dungeon Meshi Kuroshitsuji YuGiOh Pokémon The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Devil May Cry Disney x Other animations Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Death Note The Mario Franchise Sailor Moon YuYu Hakusho Ranma 1/2 Hazbin Hotel
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Hey! I’m looking for a 19+ roleplay on one of the following fandoms:
Boy Meets World
Modern Family
Ranma 1/2 
Saw (I only watched the first two movies and the tenth one!)
Star Wars
Lore Olympus
The Hunger Games 
I only do MxM and FxF, so please keep that in mind! And I mostly do CC x CC pairings, but I think some OC inserts for a few of these fandoms would work (eg Saw, Lore Olympus, The Hunger Games).
I’m a literate to novella kind of writer, but I don’t mind shortening things up. Dead dove is welcome, I love adding in dark themes into my roleplays heh. 
So if you’re interested, like this post and I’ll hit you up! 
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tendoujo · 2 months
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# 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔𝐉𝐎.  independent mutuals - only roleplay blog for TENDO AKANE from ranma 1 / 2 ( manga based ). low activity. crossover friendly, read rules & about before interacting. established: august 8th, 2024. previously known as : akanima.
fighting back alongside berry ( they / she / he | 21+ | mx ).
a study in the discovery of one's true self, the acceptance of change, the complexity of one's emotions, the challenges of loving someone and the sudden need to kick ass !
━━━━    rules.    about.    verses.  
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talenlee · 8 months
Homestuck 1/2
Alright, look, I made the banner graphic let’s tear the bandaid off.
I make fun of Homestuck and have no intention to stop doing so, but I do so based on the series and interactions with its fans and the creator’s opinions and – look I’m not doing a good job of setting this up, this is a very meta and tortured introduction that doesn’t get to the point, and therefore, by Homestuck standards, it’s good. But what I am trying to get to is that Homestuck is a space that’s super important to people in a way that to me, an older internet denizen, rings true of the Ranma 1/2 fandom.
You know, it was a space full of romance roleplays and weird sexy exploration, and a bunch of queers used it to work themselves out and in the process learned from one another about what it meant to be queer.
I think the overlap between these spaces is a synthesis of three ideas: Isolation, Play, and Smoochiness.
There’s a reason why the Cops Reading Homestuck story was a desireable story to tell and also why it was obvious bullshit. Cops can’t read. But also because the nature of being a Homestuck was one of being isolated. Homestuck isn’t a media everyone at school reads and has as a shared experience, it’s not communal and it’s not actually shareable. Like, you and a friend can’t put the webcomic on at the same time as you, it’s not a thing you can watch together. You have to participate in the webcomic separately, and to share the fandom you have to spend time with people who are also doing so. That pushes you out of social spaces with people you hang around with personally and into spaces where you’re going to interact with them in online spaces, and almost any online space like that is going to inevitably give people a way to be creative.
Similarly, if five to ten years earlier, you were invested in Ranma 1/2, you weren’t going to be seeing that at your library. You might be lucky to be at an anime club or manga club at a university, but if you were an English language speaker, odds were good you were going to only be finding community around Ranma 1/2 was online, and at that time? Online was stuff like Geocities or Lycos or Angelfire. Online was AOL Instant Messenger roleplay rooms. Online was USENET. You weren’t logging onto those places for a bit of everything, you were going there for this fandom, for this thing that you were interested in.
This is a thing I think that induces these kinds of media into being play spaces. You wanted to immerse yourself in it, you wanted more of it, there was a limit for how much of it there was and the only real places you could find it were places that were, definitionally, only going to necessarily share this thing as a frame of reference. It’s a great set of pressures for making sure people completely pickle their brains about a subject material.
Another element that links these two is that it seems the fandoms latched pretty hard onto the importance of romance and relationships. I don’t know anyone who considers themselves Extremely About Homestuck who starts promoting it by saying that the story is really coherent and good and makes a good singular point. I don’t mean this in a way that’s disrespectful to you Homestuckies, aside from the general low-level disrespect that you all are comfortable with and know you deserve, but I don’t get the impression anyone who spent a long time in the Homestuck space, especially the roleplaying Homestuck space, then you were into the characters.
Similarly, nobody should turn to Ranma 1/2 for a great long form story full of character arc moments — it’s a sex comedy martial arts manga with silly magical powers. The conclusion of it is a ‘wedding’ that gets interrupted and returns the story to a status quo (kinda). But along the way there was practically an OC Kit of narrative of hey, here’s a bunch of obvious hooks we reuse for characters to arrive in the story space and here’s how a Ranma 1/2 character gets created and you almost had an RPG sourcebook on that matter.
No, the thing that drives both stories in their fan’s minds is the characters and the ability to play with them. Particularly, the ability to play with them as people with mouths that could be pushed up against one another and made to kissssss. Now, if you’ve read Ranma 1/2 you might want to go at this point ‘uh actually romance doesn’t come up that much’ because there mostly the romance is in reference to people trying to coerce a romantic situation onto someone and Ranma or Akane resisting it but c’mon.
It’s a 1980s sex comedy anime.
The story is building up to the kissssss.
Which means you have this media that focuses you on focusing on it more, a sort of hyperfocal brain pickler, sitting right next to a big pile of crayons and blank paper, and room to play. There’s non-judgmental approaches to trying things out, there’s a creative space where you aren’t necessarily going to encounter immediate resistance — believe it or not, there was actually a default fandom position of ‘oh, you’re going to make something? cool!’ on the internet back in the day — and in the process you wind up, without necessarily being told or induced to, play with romance in this media space with people who are definitionally not in a position to harm or judge you.
I want to make fun and I will and I like doing so, but to do so I must always do with open honesty that: there’s nothing wrong with this. The fact that Homestuck is very meaningful to people, so meaningful to people, makes complete sense.
I’m still not going to read it, don’t be silly.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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fractalflare · 1 month
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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grrimbark · 1 year
Hey. :33
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Hey. I'm Lucifer. I use he/they pronouns and dude/bro neopronouns. I am self dx autistic, and have been for a few years. I am gay with a boyfriend, and I don't use identifiers with my gender other than being non-cis.
I am an artist, furry, gamer, cosplayer and believe in equality and rights for all humankind and the animals we live alongside. I draw both NSFW and SFW art.
Warrior Cats
Legend of Zelda
Doctor Who
ARK: Survival Evolved
Ranma 1/2
Viva Piñata
Commissions are always open, and found on my Toyhouse:
Please send me a quick DM if you are interested :3
Find me on Instagram / Twitter @ Grrimbark
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finderism · 26 days
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i’ll do a better promo for it later but if anyone wants to join a Ranma 1/2 Discord Server, here’s the link. doesn’t necessarily need to be rp-related so if u just wanna come hang out, feel free to
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okonomiyakisexual · 4 years
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                Ukyo's the name, okonomiyaki's the game!
[home | ask | rules | bio]                          penned by ella, sidebog to withagentleheart
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thryth-gaming · 3 months
Late Start Tendou Kasumi - MotW
So a little bit ago, (the post before this one, in fact) I did a thing where I built the version of Tendou Kasumi from my fanfic Late Start using the rules of Scion 2e. That build is here and it describes who Tendou Kasumi is, what show she's from, and what the basics of my fanfic are. So I'm not going to retype that here.
I will, however, repost the pictures of her that were on that post.
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Here I am going to rebuild her for the game Monster of the Week. I'm going to advance her a little bit further than I did for the Scion version (and may revisit that as well) to get her to the point of being the experienced Templar agent she is when the fanfic starts, 2 years after joining the Templars.
Actually instead of creating her at a starting point and advancing her through to the start of the fanfic, I'm going to do three starting versions of her.
Tendou Kasumi as she was before the Oni, basically as she was in the manga rather than my fanfic. Her youngest sister gets up to some crazy shenanigans but she's normal. This will be the Mundane.
Tendou Kasumi as she was after first becoming an oni. I thought about doing a version while she was possessed, but my thought is that period was short. This will be the Monstrous.
Tendou Kasumi as she is at the start of the fanfic, secretly a Templar agent now even able to take on solo missions. This will be the Initiate.
Note: I eventually decided that in order to be truer to the version in the fanfic, to instead advance Monstrous Kasumi up to being The Initiate. So I'm instead doing two starter versions and one experienced post-playbook change version.
First Version - Anime/Manga
At this point, she is 18 years old, her mother died when she was very young. This also left her father emotionally ruined so she had to step up take care of the family and has replaced her mother for years now. She hides whatever frustrations she feels under a beatific smile. Though she has also been known to vent sarcastic comments.
So, Kasumi is not fighter. She is impressively charming and someone almost nobody would even think about harming. She seems to be one of the most normal people in her social group, always keeps a cool head, and is a lot more observant than she appears to be.
So for her rating line we're going with: Charm +2, Sharp +1, Cool +1, Tough +0, Weird -1
So, in the original anime, Kasumi was almost never in danger. All the antagonists were as friendly to her as anybody else. The only definite exception to this was oni that possessed her during the manga (this also happened in the anime). So "Always the Victim" doesn't fit. "Panic Button" doesn't really fit either, because she never had to run anywhere, which also leaves out "Let's Get Out Of Here". I feel like "What could go wrong" might represent her ease with walking into dangerous situations. "Trust Me" also makes sense for the way she tries to give people advice (sometimes not the best advice, admittedly, given she initially advises her sister to be a proper feminine girl). I feel like "Oops" has more basis than either "Don't Worry I'll Check it Out" or "The Power of Heart" as she did sometimes find old scrolls and other strange things while cleaning the family dojo. So her moves look like this:
Moves: Oops, Trust Me, What Could Go Wrong.
For her Basic weird move, I'm going with something simple and low key: Trust Your Gut.
Tendou Kasumi - The Mundane
Charm +2
Cool +1
Sharp +1
Tough +0
Weird -1
Basic Weird Move: Trust Your Gut
Mundane Moves: Oops, Trust Me, What Could Go Wrong
Harm: 0/7 (Unstable at 4, Dead at 8)
Second Version - Late Start: Covenant
So, this is Kasumi at 20.
I did write a short side-story featuring this version of Kasumi, titled as seen above. So, in the original anime/manga, the oni storyline is mostly a goofy comedic one with the oni appearing as a goofy beach-ball shaped creature that didn't seem to be a serious threat.
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It would possess people turning them into the worst versions of themselves. The oni would be kicked out of a victim by giving the victim a sharp hit. The possessed individual would present tiny oni horns.
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When it possessed Kasumi her worst version of herself was limited to cruel "pranks" mostly against her father (who had happily let Kasumi sacrifice her own life in order to replace his wife for years) such as thumbtacks in the shoes or painful massages. Nobody was willing to hit Kasumi even to exorcise the oni. At one point it was revealed if the oni was removed from Kasumi she'd probably die.
In the manga, eventually a sutra was used to exorcise her. In the anime, the arrival of Happosai proved a more tempting source of evil and it left Kasumi of its own will. At this point it was revealed as a much more dangerous creature that was drawing on the evil energies of people to return to it's full power.
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For the fanfic, I leaned into the anime-version that could become far more dangerous than the initial appearance but I changed things up. My thought here was it wanted to embody itself physically again, and planned to consume a human body in order to do so. It taught Kasumi enough tricks to play with conceptual reality in order to help ready her body for it to take over. Kasumi was willing to share her body with the oni and was enjoying the chance to stretch out of the role that had been forced on her. She didn't realize its betrayal until almost too late. At that point there were three Concepts that were in dispute.
(for this list "The Oni" refers to the specific unnamed oni that was the villain. "an oni" just means a creature of the same kind)
Both Kasumi and The Oni can live and share their body. Kasumi tried to reach this and failed to because it required cooperation from the oni.
The survivor would be either an embodied oni or a human. This is where the oni focused all of its attention on this concept. Kasumi presented a token resistance here and lost.
The survivor would be either Kasumi or The Oni. After failing the first concept, this is where all her effort went. The Oni either didn't think this was in contention, didn't expect Kasumi would think of it, or didn't even think it was possible. Kasumi won here.
So, in the end there was only one survivor, the survivor was an embodied oni, and the survivor was Kasumi. And it is this point that I would start on the version of Kasumi we got for the Monstrous. She now has to feed on emotions directed toward her but she refuses to do either of the following:
Feed on emotions of fear or hate because she doesn't want to risk becoming something evil.
Use supernatural means to force emotions out. Again for fear that that Concept would become integral to her nature.
So let's start with ratings.
So, she's still not a fighter. In fact, as she has to feed on emotions directed at her and has become picky in how she feeds, she is actually a bit sickly. She is still very charming, however, given she now functions entirely on concepts her charm might be more supernatural than natural. She is quite a bit less sure of herself and takes some time to gather up the courage to leave the house. However, her Conceptual nature means she has an easier time seeing the true nature of things.
As such I'm going with the following ratings: Charm +0, Cool -1, Sharp +2, Tough -1, Weird +3
For Breed she is an Oni. Her Curse is "Feed" and she has to Feed on emotions directed at her. She's managing to do so without harming people at a cost of being weaker than she was as a human. If she gets isolated from the emotions she prefers to consume, she may tempted to take one of the harmful or dangerous methods to feed.
Her natural attack are the fact that her fingers can extend into long unnaturally sharp claws. In addition, she is a creature of chaos and darkness now and can use magical force as well. So her two picks of natural attack are as follows:
Base: Claws - 2 harm, hand
Base: Magical Force - 1 harm, magic close
Now, she's going to pick two Monstrous moves. I've alluded to one of those above in the form that her charm is now supernatural, so I'm giving her "Unnatural Appeal" because she can form the Concept of exactly what she wants to convey and her nature and magic forms it into the words that best achieve that. Now for the second, I have two in mind. One of those is "Unquenchable Vitality", because at one point she is experimenting with how she can be hurt and forcefully heals herself. But rather than that, I think "Immortal" is far more fitting since she couldn't instantly heal herself and the experiment started initially when she realized her knife had passed through her finger without seriously damaging her. What she found was that she was more cut by her willingness to be hurt than by the concept of the knife in and of itself. Likewise, attacks from other people are dangerous because they have formed a concept intended to harm her even if they don't consciously know it.
For her Basic Weird Move, she has access to a variety of powers, so she is going to get "Use Magic" to represent her explorations of her nature.
Tendou Kasumi - The Monstrous
Charm +0
Cool -1
Sharp +2
Tough +0
Weird +3
Basic Weird Move: Use Magic
Curse: Feed (Emotions directed at her)
Natural Attacks: Claws (2 harm hand), Magical Force (1 harm, magical, close)
Monstrous Moves: Immortal, Unnatural Appeal
Harm: 0/7 (Unstable at 4, Dead at 8) (Incoming Harm reduced by 1)
Third Version - Late Start
Now we've come to the version of Kasumi as she is at the start of the fanfic proper at 22 years old.
Her family still think she's a human with oni horns and a few other side-effects of surviving possession. They think she's taken up with a LARPing group that replays characters from The Secret World MMO that she and her sisters used to play together. However, she's secretly actually been part of the Templars for two years now, investigating and fighting supernatural incidents alongside other hunters. She also now has access to holy water and sacred rice which she has incorporated into her cooking which fulfills her need to feed on emotions and keep her healthy. She doesn't have to subsist on the well-wishes of others around her any longer.
Okay, so, as I said before, I decided to advance her through simulated events instead of restarting her. This is because I was having trouble recreating my feel of what she was in the fanfic as probably the strongest and most dangerous of the cast, even if she was not the main character. Granted, the narrative nature of the game means that even a negative stat is more about narrative direction of things going wrong than it is about incompetence, but, hey, I'm doing a theoretical here, so I'm going to go with giving her experience.
So, first of all, let's advance her up to the point of becoming the Initiate. The implication is she mostly didn't do proper hunts but guided people to break free of toxic belief systems and the like. In fact, most of her opposition would have probably been villains and phenomena in the form of societal forces. Her first real supernatural impact would have been sealing a supernatural gate that drew the attention of the Templars. I figure she was still a Monstrous for most of the next two years so that's probably where she started with the above stats.
Over two years, I'm going to give her eight advances.
Charm +1 (+1)
Cool +1 (+0)
Tough +1 (+1)
Spooky Move: The Sight (she's demonstrated she can see ghosts)
Haven: Infirmary, Protective Spells (she's beefed up the dojo)
Advanced Use Magic and Protect Someone
+1 Any (Cool) (+1)
Change Playbook Initiate
When changing to Initiate she gains a Sect which in the fanfic is a more benevolent version of the Templars as they appear in The Secret World. So, for her Good Traditions and Bad Traditions I'm choosing the following:
Good Traditions: Rich, Ancient Lore
Bad Traditions: Paranoid and Secretive
Kasumi hasn't even told her family that the Templars are real and she's a member. She's open about it with people that the Templars have worked with, but that's about it.
She also gains four Initiate moves. The Sect Move (which describes what the Sect asks of her) and three others. She has a "Mentor" in the fanfic, Master Hakuba, a Shinto Priest at a shrine, so that's appropriate. I'm giving her "That Old Black Magic" to more directly represent how she can use her Conceptual nature to get at the truth of things. Using magic that way may allow for more bizarre angles of explaining how she gets information. And "Mystic" allows for explaining her innate supernatural nature.
As to what she loses. She's still charming in the fanfic, but doesn't have near the level of charm she did prior to the oni, and may be working more to recreate how humans natural interact and trying to create a more natural seeming feel to her speech. So I'm going to say she's lost her Unnatural Appeal. I'm also going to say that she's lost her Curse since Master Hakuba and the Templars have provided her with a regular supply of sacred rice and holy water to use when she cooks at home, so she's no longer forced to subsist of the emotions she can get from humans without harming anyone. This will also drop her Weird to +2 from +3.
Tendou Kasumi - The Monstrous The Initiate
Charm +1
Cool +1
Sharp +2
Tough +1
Weird +3
Basic Weird Move: Use Magic
Advanced Basic Moves: Use Magic, Protect Someone
Curse: Feed (Emotions directed at her)
Natural Attacks: Claws (2 harm hand), Magical Force (1 harm, magical, close)
Monstrous Moves: Immortal, Unnatural Appeal
Initiate Moves: Sect Move, Mentor (Master Hakuba), Mystic, That Old Black Magic
Borrowed Moves (Monstrous): The Sight (Spooky)
Haven: Protective Spells, Infirmary
Sect - The Templars
Good Traditions: Rich, Ancient Lore
Bad Traditions: Paranoid and Secretive
Harm: 0/7 (Unstable at 4, Dead at 8) (Incoming Harm reduced by 1)
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